SOFTWARE: logger Pro

Software: logger Pro |
Real-Time Graphing and Powerful Analytical Tools
Logger Pro is the ideal companion for LabQuest or LabPro. Take data remotely, or collect it
live on your computer.
Logger Pro is the most popular data-collection program in science education. Why?
Teachers tell us that students find our software to be very easy and intuitive to use.
One program does it all—for only $179—for all of your computers AND
your students’ personal computers.
Think of Logger Pro as the digital data hub of your classroom and lab. It can gather
data from a variety of sources including LabQuest, LabPro, Go! devices, Ohaus balances,
TI graphing calculators, spectrometers, GPS units, manual entry, and more.
Easily export data and graphs from Logger Pro to Microsoft® Word documents or
Excel spreadsheets. Students can even use multiple-page features to write lab reports
in Logger Pro.
Logger Pro will be your students’ favorite graphing program. Our generous Logger Pro
site license allows your students to continue working with lab data on their home computers.
Logger Pro includes over 1000 experiment files for fast setup for data collection.
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Incorporate videos and synchronize them with data you
have collected! We have included more than 40 videos,
and you can easily make your own.
Includes site license for all computers
in your school or college department,
including students’ personal computers
Track the position of several objects in a video, frame by
frame, for graphing and further analysis.
V e r n i e r S o f t w ar e & T e c h n o l o g y
Easily export data in a format ready for GIS software
sites with
Maps. data such as
ESRI. Students
add location
latitude, longitude, and site number to each sample.
See page 105 for more information.
Software: logger Pro
Logger Pro Features:
Video capture
GPS data collection
Curve fits show
uncertainties in
fit parameters.
Choose from a
library of built-in
functions or enter
your own.
See data
in many
ways: tables,
graphs, curve
fits, and
Report data to show
new relationships.
Gel electrophoresis analysis
User-adjustable parameters for total
control over calculations
Double y-axis graphs for plotting unlike
units on the same graph
Collect data from multiple LabPros, LabQuest, Go! devices, or Ohaus balances
Synchronize videos to sensor data
Easy unit switching
Log graphs
Gel electrophoresis support. Document and analyze
digital gel images quickly and easily with our Blue Digital
Bioimaging System.
Date and time-of-day stamps
for long-term collection
Use the power of video analysis to analyze a photo.
Record the shape of an object, and set the scale of
the photo.
Vernier and Ocean Optics
Spectrometer support
Auto-save feature to protect data
during long collection
New Export to InspireData™
Automatically identifies supported spectrometers. Allows for
collection and analysis of absorbance, % transmittance, and
emissions data.
Go to for more information
Software: logger Pro |
Versatile, Powerful,
and Teacher Friendly:
One CD that works for both Mac and PC
Import data from web sites, Palm® handhelds, and TI graphing calculators
Can be used with any combination of LabQuest, LabPro, Go!Link, Go!Temp, and Go!Motion
Supports 52 Vernier sensors
Capture videos to add a visual record of
an experiment synchronized with your data
Analyze a video frame by frame or take
measurements from a still photo
Make predictions prior to data collection
And much more!
Try it! More information and free demo version available
Promethian Activboard Enabled
Works perfectly on an Activboard and is
designed for interactive whiteboard use.
Multiple-Page Lab Reports. Students can create multiple-page lab reports using Logger
Pro. They can incorporate data from other students, enter text for their report, and
even add digital photos of their lab setup. And it’s free for their home computers!
Video Capture
Easily download your data from
the LabQuest to a computer for further
analysis with Logger Pro Software.
Logitech QuickCam Pro 5000
Web Camera*
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Logger Pro
V e r n i e r S o f t w ar e & T e c h n o l o g y
System Requirements
• Windows® 2000, XP
• Pentium® P4 1.4 GHz or
AMD Athlon® processor 1 GHz
• 128 MB RAM
• 200 MB free hard drive space
• CD-ROM drive
• Available 1.1 or 2.0 USB port
More information on using this
camera with a Macintosh, see
• Using Logger Pro, you can capture a movie directly within the program.
• The Logitech QuickCam Pro 5000 web camera is an excellent way to inexpensively bring video capture to Logger Pro.
• The camera has an advanced VGA CCD sensor, and it supports 640 x 480 videos.
• The QuickCam Pro 5000 connects directly to the computer through a USB port.
For more information about video
capture and analysis, download our
guide at
* Web cameras are not recommended for free fall
experiments, instead use a DV camera.
Software: logger Pro
Logger Pro can gather data from:
Collect live data from LabQuest,
or retrieve existing data.
Connect a LabPro to collect data
with 52 sensors.
Go! Link
Go! Motion
Connect any of our Go! sensors
and get advanced analysis tools
in Logger Pro.
Wireless Dynamics
Sensor System
BlueView Digital
Bioimaging System/
ProScope HR
Ohaus balances
Collect data directly from Ocean Optics
Vernier Spectrometer and Vernier
Capture images and study DNA with
Logger Pro’s gel analysis feature.
Connect an Ohaus balance and collect
data directly on your computer.
Use a TI Connectivity Cable to import data
into Logger Pro from any TI graphing
calculator, including TI-Nspire in 84-mode.
Palm® OS
Synchronize data from a Palm
handheld or AlphaSmart Dana to a
graph and data table in Logger Pro.
Video / Images
Manual Entry
Draw a prediction
before taking data.
See real-time graphing of
acceleration, force, and altitude data
via wireless Bluetooth connection.
TI graphing
Add a model or do a curve fit.
Import longitude and latitude from
many models of Garmin GPS receivers.
Capture video clips and synchronize
with sensor data or perform
video analysis.
Enter data manually, do further
analysis, or write lab reports.
Define your own fit equation.
Optional second y-axis provides flexibility.
Logger Pro 3 Software
Intuitive and Easy to Use
Logger Pro Software,
order code: LP
Think of Logger Pro as the digital data hub of the classroom and lab. It can gather data from many
sources; see the far left table.
• Draw a prediction right on the
graph before taking data.
• Retrieve remote data
from multiple devices.
• Capture video and still images.
• Collect sensor data from
multiple sources such as
LabQuest or LabPro.
• Analyze data using statistics,
models, and curve fits.
• Do video analysis, photo
analysis, and gel analysis.
• Synchronize data and video
to help students really
understand their experiments.
• Define new calculated columns
based on sensor data.
• Graph data the way you
want to see it.
For extra Logger Pro CDs for your students to take home: Logger Pro Student 5-Pack, LP-ST5
Upgrade from earlier version of Logger Pro 2 to Logger Pro 3, order code: ULP
Computers Calculators
System Requirements: The latest version of Logger Pro requires Windows*, XP or Vista,
or Mac OS X 10.3, 10.4, or 10.5. We have other versions for earlier operating systems.
*LabQuest not supported on Windows 2000.
See for detailed information on system compatibility.
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