... r 1 BEFORE THE INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION PUEBLO OF SAN ILDEFONSO. Plaintiff. ) ) ) v, ) Docket No. 354 ) THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Defendant. ). ) PETITIONER'S REQUESTED FINDINGS OF FACT AND BRIEF DARwiN P. KINGSLEY. JR • •. "KARELSEN & KARELSEN 230 Park Avenue New York. New York 10017 Attorneys of Record for Petit,ioner in Docket No. 354 Of Counael: Richard Schifter S. Bobo Dean Strasser, Spiegelberg, Fri~d, Frank & Kampelman BEFORE TliF INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION PUEBLO OF SAN IL:JEFONSO. . Plaintiff ) ) ) ) ) Docket No. 354 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ) Defendant. ) PLAINTIFF'S REQUESTED FINDINGS OF FACT I. STIPULATED MATTERS Finding No.1 Standing to Sue The Pueblo of San Ildefonao, the Plaintiff herein. is and has been since time immemorial a tribe of American Indians residing within the present territor-ial limits of the United States. The Plaintiff has beEmrecognized by the Government of the United States as a tribe represented by its Governor and Council. This action was instituted within the time allowed by the Indian Claims Commission Act by and under the direction of the Plaintiff. acting '" through its Governor and Council. Finding No.2 Area of Aboriginal Occupancy At tbe time of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which was concluded on February 2, 1848, 9 Stat. 922, the Pueblo of San Ildefonso aboriginally and exclusively used and occupied an area including approximately 66, 227 acres, the exterior boundaries of . which are delineated on Defendant's Exhibit 1 and are described as follows: Commencing at a mountain peak located about 500 feet due south of .the southwest corner of the Santa Clara Reservation; Thence southwesterly and westerly along the moun­ tain north of Guaje Canyon to a point on said ridge lying northeast of the southwest corner of Section 26, T. 20 N., R. 5 E.; Thence due north to a ridge immediately north of Chupader-os Canyon;' Thence northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly along said ridge to the point where it intersects ". the north boundary of the San Ildefonso Pueblo Granh Thence due east along the north boundary of the San Ildefonso Pueblo Grant to the northeast corner of said Grant; . Thence southeasterly and southerly, along a line running halfway in between the east boundary of the San Ildefonso Pueblo Grant and the west boundary of the Pojoaque Pueblo Grant, and con­ tinuing due. south to the Calabaso Arroyo; - 2 ­ Thence westerly along the Calabaso Arroyo to Canada Ancha; Thence northwesterly along Canada Ancha to the Rio Grande; . 'Thence southwesterly along the Rio Grande to the' ridge lying immediately north of the Rito de Ios Frijoles; Thence northwe~terly and northerly along said ridge to the source of the Rito de los Frijoles; Thence northerly to the peak of Pajarito Mountain; Thence northerly to the point of beginning. Finding No.3 Liability The Defendant is liable for extinguishing the Plaintiff's Indian title to the lands described in Finding No.2. II. VALUATION DATES The Plaintiff incorporates by reference and restates as its requested findings of fact number 4 through 7 the requested findings of fact identified as Finding No. 19 through Finding No. 22 filed by the plaintiff, the Pueblo of Santo Domingo, in Docket No. 355, except that the following shall be substituted for the description of lands ineluded in the Jemez Forest Reserve in 1905 set forth in Finding No. 20 in Docket No. 355: - 3 ­ Commencing at a mountain peak located about 500 feet due south of the southwest corner of the Santa Clara Reservation; Thence southwesterly and westerly along the mountain ridge north of Guaje Canyon to the point at which said ridge intersectaethe section line between section 21 and section 22, T. 20 N. , R. 7 E.; Thence due south to the northern boundary of the San Ildefonso Indian Reservation; i' Thence due west to the northwest corner of the San Ildefonso, Indian Reservation; Thence due south along the western boundary of the San Ildefonso Indian Reservation to the northern boundary of the Ramon Vigil Grant; Thence due west along the northern boundary of the Ramon Vigil Grant to the northwest corner of the Ramon Vigil Grant; Thence southerly along the western boundary of the Ramon Vigil Grant to the township line between Township 19 North and Township 18 North; Thence due west along said Township line to the eastern boundary of Baca Location No.1; Thence due north' along the eastern boundary of Baca Location No. 1 to the point of beginning. together with the following additional findings: Finding No.8 Enlargement of Taylor Grazing District No.1 On December 4, 1944, the Secretary of the Interior issued an order modifying the boundaries of Grazing District No. 1 in the State - 4 ­ of New Mexico, pursuant to the provisions of the Taylor Grazing Act. 11 By this order an area of the Plaintiff's Indian title lands located within T. 21 N., R. 7 E., and including all or parts of sections 20 through 25, 27 through 29, and 32 through 36, '{tere added to Grazing District No. I, with the effect that the Plaintiff was required to obtain grazing licenses and pay grazing fees for the use of these lands. The effective date of the order was December 15, 1944, the date of its publication in the Federal Register. The Indian title of the Plaintiff to these lands was extinguished on such date, which shall be the valuation date thereof. Finding No.9 Conclusion The Plaintiff is entitled to recover from the Defendant the fair market value of the 66,227 acres described in Finding No.2 as of the valuation dates determined herein, less such offsets, if any, to which the Defendant may be entitled under the Indian Claims Commission Act, 60 Stat. 1049. 11 9 Fed. Reg. 14650 (1944) - 5 ­ .. BEFORE THE INDIAN CLAIMS COMMISSION PUEBLO OF SAN ILDEFONSO, Plaintiff, v. ) ) ) ) Docket No. 354 ) THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ) Defendant. ) PLAINTIFF'S BRIEF ON VALUATION DATES The parties herein have stipulated that the Plaintiff has established Indian title as of February 2, 1848 to an ar-ea de­ lineated on a certain map prepared by the Bureau of Land Manage­ ment and filed with the Commission and that the Defendant is liable for extinguishing such Indian title. Excluding spanilland grants and certain reservations with respect to which the D'!endant1s liability has not been stipulated, the stipulated area of aboriginal occupancy comprises approximately 66,227 acres. See Finding No.2. There is no dispute between the Plaintiff and the Defendant as to the essential facts on which the time of extinguishment of Indian title in this claim depends. The Plaintiff and the Defendant both admit that the Plaintiff's Indian title lands can be divided into " , three categories: lands entered, settled and patented to settlers on various dates under the Homestead Act or similar laws, lands included within the Jemez For-estReaer-ve in 1905, and lands in­ cluded in Grazing District No. 1 under the Taylor Grazing Act, 48 Stat. 1269, in 194 1• and 1944. The only dispute between the Plaintiff and the Defendant on the issue of valuation dates is whether the foregoing events extinguished the Plaintiff's Indian title OF whether, as the Defendant contends, it had alr~ady been exttngutshed by a course of Congressional activity demonstrating that Congress considered these lands to be public lands free of Indian title. The Plaintiff herein adopts the argument advanced by the Pueblo of Santo Domingo in part 2 of its Brief on Indian Title and Valuation Dates in Docket No. 355. For the reasons stated in said Brief and on the facts ,set forth in the foregoing Findings 04' Fact, which facts are not in controver-sy, it is respectfully sub­ mitted that the Commission enter an order fixing the following valuation dates of the Plaintiff's Indian title lands: (a) October 12, 1905 as to lands included in the Jemez Fo.rest Reserve, ,..2 ­ '. (b) June 22,·1941 and December 15, 1944 as ,to lands included in Taylor Grazing District No. 1 on these respective dates; and (c) the dates of the issuance of patents as to all lands actually entered, settled and patented, 00­ less the parties can agree, with the approval of the Commission, on an average valuation date for these lands. Respectfully sUbmitted, DARWIN P. KINGSLEY,m.· KARELSEN & KARELSEN Attorneys of Record Of Counaek Richard Schifter S. BoboDean Strasser, Spiegelberg, Fried, Frank & Kampelman CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that ten copies of the foregoing Requested Findings of Fact and Brief were mailed,. postage prepaid, this 27th day of August 1970, to the Attorney General of the United States, attorney for the Defendant in Docket No. 354. - 3 ­ forP~titioner