facebook ‘12-’13 Status Updates Mother’s name, Phone number, and Occupation. Father’s name, Phone number and Occupation. Guardian’s name, Phone number and Occupation. Last year I went to school at... Friends (76) See All I live in a house with... First Name My favorite thing to do in my free time is... Last Name When I grow up, I want to... Name I Go By The clubs/sports I want to participate in are... My Birthday 3 things that you should know about me are... Favorite Book My email address is... Favorite Subject Do you have a computer at home? Favorite Teacher Do you have access to the internet at home? Favorite Food Math is... Best Friends I learn best from teachers that... Favorite Sport I struggle to learn from teachers that... 6th Grade Math Teacher This year in math, I hope to... facebook ‘12-’13 Status Updates Mother’s name, Phone number, and Occupation. Father’s name, Phone number and Occupation. Guardian’s name, Phone number and Occupation. Last year I went to school at... Friends (76) See All I live in a house with... First Name My favorite thing to do in my free time is... Last Name When I grow up, I want to... Name I Go By The clubs/sports I want to participate in are... My Birthday 3 things that you should know about me are... Favorite Book My email address is... Favorite Subject Do you have a computer at home? Favorite Teacher Do you have access to the internet at home? Favorite Food This subject is... Best Friends I learn best from teachers that... Favorite Sport I struggle to learn from teachers that... Favorite Snack This year, I hope to... facebook Status Updates Mother’s name, Phone number, and Occupation. Father’s name, Phone number and Occupation. Guardian’s name, Phone number and Occupation. Last year I went to school at... Friends (76) See All I live in a house with... First Name My favorite thing to do in my free time is... Last Name When I grow up, I want to... Name I Go By The clubs/sports I want to participate in are... My Birthday 3 things that you should know about me are... Favorite Book My email address is... Favorite Subject Do you have a computer at home? Favorite Teacher Do you have access to the internet at home? Favorite Food This subject is... Best Friends I learn best from teachers that... Favorite Sport I struggle to learn from teachers that... Favorite Snack This year, I hope to... facebook Status Updates Friends (76) See All