CFS English II Semester 1 Assignment List: CFS English II Semester 1 Odyssey Assignment Sheet FOLDER: Plot and Setting Sub Folder Horseman in the Sky The Monkey’s Paw Nobel Prize in Lit. Press Release Niña The Californian’s Tale Nevado del Ruiz Volcano The Bet Communication: Communication Strategies Writing: Six Traits of Writing CHAPTER TEST Assignment Vocabulary: Using References and Activity Quiz (AQE2111) Odyssey Writer 1: Using References Tool Kit: Print Vocabulary-Dictionary Entry Template Horseman in the Sky: Part 1 Horseman in the Sky: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: Horseman in the Sky The Monkey’s Paw: Part 1 The Monkey’s Paw: Part 2 Odyssey Writer 5: Personal Connections Paste to Draft: Choose 1 Prompt for assignment. LESSON QUIZ: The Monkey’s Paw Nobel Prize in Literature LESSON QUIZ: Nobel Prize in Literature Press Release Niña: Part 1 Niña: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: Niña A Californian’s Tale: Part 1 A Californian’s Tale: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: The Californian’s Tale Vocabulary: Technical Vocabulary and Activity Quiz (AQE2161) Odyssey Writer 11: Technical Vocabulary Tool Kit: Print Word Familiarity Chart Nevado del Ruiz Volcano LESSON QUIZ: Nevado del Ruiz Volcano The Bet LESSON QUIZ: The Bet Communication Strategies LESSON QUIZ: Communication Strategies Six Traits of Writing: Ideas and Content and Activity Quiz (AQE2191) Six Traits of Writing: Organization and Activity Quiz (AQE2192) Six Traits of Writing: Voice and Activity Quiz (AQE2193) Six Traits of Writing: Sentence Fluency and Activity Quiz (AQE2194) Six Traits of Writing: Word Choice and Activity Quiz (AQE2195) Six Traits of Writing: Conventions and Activity Quiz (AQE2196) LESSON QUIZ: Six Traits of Writing Plot and Setting Functional Text: Cover Letter and Job App. Daedulus and Icarus The Ransom of Red Chief A Raid on the Oyster Pirates The Cabuliwallah Communication: Job Interview Writing: Short Story or Autobiography CHAPTER TEST Assignment Vocabulary: Context Clues and Activity Quiz (AQE2211) A Problem: Part 1 A Problem: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: A Problem Cover Letter and Job Application: Part 1 and Activity Quiz (AQE2221) Cover Letter and Job Application: Part 2 and Activity Quiz (AQE2223) Odyssey Writer 17: Completing a Job Application Tool Kit: Print Job Application template and complete Odyssey Writer 18: Cover Letter Tool Kit: Print Cover Letter template. LESSON QUIZ: Functional Text: Cover Letter and Job App. Daedulus and Icarus: Part 1 Daedulus and Icarus: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: Daedulus and Icarus Odyssey Writer 22: Compare and Contrast Character Traits Tool Kit: Print Venn Diagram. Use for next TWO lessons. The Ransom of Red Chief: Part 1 The Ransom of Red Chief: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: The Ransom of Red Chief Raid on Oyster Pirates: Part 1 Odyssey Writer 23: Evaluate Use of Descriptive Language Paste to Draft. Raid on Oyster Pirates: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: A Raid on Oyster Pirates The Cabuliwallah: Part 1 The Cabuliwallah: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: The Cabuliwallah Communication: Job Interview LESSON QUIZ: Communication: Job Interview Writing a Short Story and Activity Quiz (AQE2281) Writing an Autobiography and Activity Quiz (AQE2282) Grammar Focus: Possessives and Activity Quiz (AQE2283) Review Features of Short Story and Autobiography and Activity Quiz (AQE2284) Lesson Quiz: Writing: Short Story or Autobiography Character ES 922 FOLDER: Theme and Conflict Lesson # E2111 E2112 Sub Folder Universal Themes E2113 E2115 The Interlopers E2121 E2123 Leiningen vs. Ants E2124 E2131 E2141 E2143 E2151 E2153 Functional Text: Directions and Map By the Waters of Babylon E2161 E2162 Hurricane Threat to Florida E2163 Like the Sun E2171 E2181 E2191 Communication: Public Speaking Conventions Writing: Analytical Essay E2192 E2193 E2194 E2195 E2196 CHAPTER TEST Sub Folder Story of an Hour Lesson # E2211 A2213 E2215 Beware of the Dog Tell-Tale Heart E2221 E2223 E2222 Three Poems About America E2224 E2231 E2233 E2244 What War Looks Like Writing: Reflective Essay E2241 E2243 E2251 E2252 Assignment Universal Themes: Part 1 Universal Themes: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: A Problem The Interlopers: Part 1 The Interlopers: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: The Interlopers Vocabulary: Categorizing Words/Identify Salient Features and Activity Quiz (AQE2331 Leiningen vs. the Ants: Part 1 Odyssey Writer 32: Personal Narrative: Conflict Paste to Draft: Choose 1 Prompt for assignment. Leiningen vs. the Ants: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: Leiningen vs. the Ants Directions and Map: Part 1 Directions and Map: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: Functional Text: Directions and Map By the Waters of Babylon: Part 1 By the Waters of Babylon: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: By the Waters of Babylon Hurricane Threat to Florida: Part 1 Hurricane Threat to Florida: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: Hurricane Threat to Florida Like the Sun: Part 1 Like the Sun: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: Like the Sun Public Speaking Conventions LESSON QUIZ: Communication: Public Speaking Conventions Analytical Essay: Pre-write and Activity Quiz (AQE2391) Analytical Essay: Draft and Activity Quiz (AQE2392) Analytical Essay: Revise; Gerunds, Infinitives, Participles and Activity Quiz (AQE2393) Analytical Essay: Edit/Final Draft and Activity Quiz (AQE2394) LESSON QUIZ: Writing: Analytical Essay Theme and Conflict Lesson # E2311 E2313 E2321 E2323 E2331 E2333 E2334 E2335 E2341 E2343 E2351 E2353 E2361 E2363 E2371 E2373 E2381 E2391 E2392 E2393 E2394 FOLDER: Narrator and Voice FOLDER: Character Sub Folder A Problem Updated Fall 2011 CHAPTER TEST Assignment Story of an Hour: Part 1 Story of an Hour: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: Story of an Hour Vocabulary: Prefix, Suffix, Roots and Activity Quiz (AQE2421) Beware of the Dog: Part 1 Beware of the Dog: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: Beware of the Dog Vocabulary: Relate New Vocabulary to Familiar Words and Activity Quiz (AQE2431) Tell-Tale Heart: Part 1 Tell-Tale Heart: Part 2 LESSON QUIZ: Tell-Tale Heart 3 Poems About America: Part 1 3 Poems About America: Part 2 Odyssey Writer 51: Personal Response to Literature LESSON QUIZ: 3 Poems About America What War Looks Like LESSON QUIZ: What War Looks Like Reflective Essay: Pre-write and Activity Quiz (AQE2461) Reflective Essay: Draft and Activity Quiz (AQE2462) Reflective Essay: Revise: Subj/Verb-Pronoun/Antecedent Agree and Activity Quiz (AQE2463) Reflective Essay: Edit/Final Draft and Activity Quiz (AQE2464) LESSON QUIZ: Writing: Reflective Essay Narrator and Voice Lesson # E2411 E2413 E2421 E2423 E2425 E2431 E2433 E2435 E2441 E2443 E2444 E2451 E2461 E2462 E2463 E2464 E2253 E2261 E2263 E2271 E2281 E2282 E2283 E2284 Course Requirements and Grading Guidelines are Listed on Reverse CFS English II Semester 1 Assignment List: CFS English II Semester 1 Course Requirements and Grading Guidelines Reading (Student Selected Books) Odyssey Updated Fall 2011 ES 922 (Computer Assignments) All students will be required to read one or more books during each grading quarter of the semester. The selected book must meet the following requirements: Not previously read for class credit in the Center for Success or for other classes. Not required reading for any other English class on campus. Not on the Restricted list (shown below). The book must be listed at the website The level of the book must be in the student’s individual level (ZPD). The Odyssey program consists of computer-based instruction and can be accessed in the classroom as well as at Reading time will be provided in class. Students must be reading during this time for credit on the Reading Log (see below). Lessons Instruction is delivered and requires action from students to complete the computer lessons. At the conclusion of a lesson, a quiz may be administered based on the information contained in the lesson. Only books read IN CLASS are eligible to earn points. No credit is given for books read outside of class. Only books read IN CLASS can be tested on; Reading Logs must list the book being tested on, and must reflect sufficient evidence of the book being read in class. If a student does not have a book at the beginning of the class period the student may not access a computer until the allotted reading time has passed. The student may use acceptable (see instructor) reading material during the reading time to earn credit for the Reading Log. READING GOALS Reading Points Each student will have an established reading point goal. The number of points required for each grade quarter is listed on the Student Reading Goals form (found in each student’s personal folder.) This form is generated by the instructor after the student has completed the STAR ® Reading Test. The number of points earned by reading a book and taking a quiz on the book varies by book. Students enrolled in more than one English class in the Center will be required earn points for each class, and reading point goals will increase accordingly. Book Level Individual goals are also set for Book Level (based on the STAR ® Reading Test results). This is known as Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and indicates the book level required to improve reading skills. Comprehension Each book quiz taken will have its points adjusted based on the Comprehension Score. All points will be earned for a score of 100%; a lower comprehension score will have the number of points earned reduced based on the test score. A separate score is generated for the grade for the reading portion. A student scoring 85% on comprehension will earn 100% of available points for the reading section of the grade. A score above 85% will earn bonus points. These bonus points may be used to “make up” for missing Reading Points. Book Quiz When a book has been completed, a quiz (10 – 20 questions) will be administered. The book must have been listed on the Reading Log (see below) and a minimum of one-half of the book must have been read in class. Verification that the book has been read in class and is listed on the Reading Log will be made prior to administration of the quiz. READING LOG Each student will keep a weekly READING LOG which is completed DAILY in class. The reading log is due on the last scheduled class day each week. Late reading logs will not be accepted unless the student is absent on the last scheduled class day of the previous week. Students not reading (sleeping, texting, doing other course work, etc.) during the allotted reading time will not receive credit for reading for that day and are not allowed to “make-up” reading time for credit. Reading Logs will be collected, verified by the instructor, and points assigned every class period. Students enrolled in the Center for more than one English class must complete a reading log for each class. A Reading Log must indicate the book being read in class; no credit will be given for tests on books not read in class. ASSIGNMENTS The assignments consist of interactive lessons as well as writing assignments, quizzes and chapter tests. A final exam will consist of questions based on course material delivered during the instruction. Each student is responsible for taking notes on the lesson. (See NOTES section below.) Writing Some assignments, identified as Odyssey Writer, require the student to write a response to a given prompt or vocabulary lesson. Please note the writing requirements listed below. Most writing assignments will be submitted electronically for grading; some lessons require a hard copy of the lesson to be printed from the “Tool Kit” (provided by the Odyssey program), completed by the student, and handed in for grading. Writing Guidelines If the writing prompt indicates specific requirements (ex. 5 paragraph essay, compare and contrast essay), then the instructions must be followed to earn maximum credit. Refer to the “Prompt Response” section below. If the writing prompt does not specify specific writing requirements, refer to the “Prompt Response” section below. All writing must consist of well-constructed sentences. Spelling and grammar will be graded according to accepted high-school standards. Prompt Response The given prompt will indicate one of the following response types: “Analytical Essay”: See “Multi-paragraph Essay”. “Essay”: 1 to 3 paragraphs that sufficiently respond to the prompt. “Multi-paragraph Essay”: Must contain the following features: Introduction – communicate a thesis statement Body – one or more paragraphs that support the thesis statement with meaningful examples Conclusion – Summary paragraph “Response” or “Short Response”: Write a paragraph response; sentence structure, spelling, and grammar rules apply. Work submitted electronically will be graded and returned electronically. CLASSROOM AIDS Cell phones and other electronic devices that access the web will not be permitted during in-class administration of quizzes and tests. Students who use such devices will have their scores voided and a grade of “0%” will be assigned to the quiz or test with no opportunity for a “re-take”. Student notes (see below) taken during the lessons may be used during any in-class quiz and test. STUDENT NOTES Students are required to take notes on the lessons. Notes will be verified by the instructor in class. Notes taken on lessons that are taken outside of class time will also be accounted for. Students who are absent and do not work on lessons outside of class will not receive credit for notes. Requirements for Grade Credit Notes must be taken on the lesson being presented on the computer. A printed copy (from the computer) is not acceptable for credit. Notes must be legible and easily identifiable as being from the lesson; the notes must include the lesson title, examples and definitions (as presented) in the lesson. If in doubt, check with the instructor for proper format (the Cornell Notes format is preferred, but not required.) Notes may be verified for content and accuracy by the instructor at any time. “Copied” or notes “borrowed” from other students or other sources, or completed by persons other than the student, are not acceptable. Grading Policies Grade policies are aligned with school and district standards. To earn credit, a reading log must contain the following information: Student Name/Week Number. Reading summary: Page numbers read IN CLASS, 3 sentence (minimum) summary of daily reading with instructor initials for each day. Sentences must use proper grammar and sentence construction. Bar chart completed. Make-up Reading Log Students who are absent for one or more class periods may be allowed to “make-up” missing reading log entries. The student must obtain one “Make-up Reading Log” from the instructor for each absent day. To earn credit for the Make-Up Reading Log, the student must read a minimum of 30 minutes on his/her own time for each date absent and have the form signed by responsible (parent/guardian/teacher) adult. The Make-up Reading Log is attached to the current weeks’ Reading Log and submitted with the current reading log. Make-up Reading Logs must be completed within the equal number of days of the absence. GRADING SCALE A = 90.0 – 100% B = 80.0 – 89.9% C = 70.0 – 79.9% D = 60.0 – 69.9% F = 0.0 – 59.9% WEIGHTING Odyssey (45% of grade) Reading (25% of grade) Final Exam** Quiz* Test* Writing Notes/Participation Reading Goals Reading Log 5% 15% 12% 20% 20% 8% 20% *NOTE: All Odyssey Quizzes and Tests must be completed in the classroom. Any quiz or test not completed in the classroom will receive no credit. *NOTE: All book tests must be completed in the classroom. Any quiz not completed in the classroom will receive no credit. **NOTE: Students who have earned a minimum score of 90% on all course work will be released from the final exam requirement. Assignment “Due Dates” are posted in the classroom. Assignments turned in late may be subject to a late penalty or no credit. Verify with instructor.