Great Gatsby Summer Reading Packet: Vocabulary & Questions

Summer Reading Packet Ms. Othman’s 11th grade Honors English Text: The Great Gatsby Vocabulary and Definition List by Chapter You will be quizzed on the following vocabulary during the first week of school. Chapter 1 1.
Feign: (V) ­to imitate deceptively; to make believe; pretend. 2.
Supercilious: (Adj.) ­having or showing arrogant superiority to and disdain of those one views as unworthy. 3.
Conscientious: (Adj.) ­meticulous; careful; painstaking; particular. 4.
Incredulous: (Adj.) ­indicating or showing unbelief. 5.
Reciprocal: (Adj.) ­mutual; corresponding; matching; complementary; equivalent. 6.
Wan: (Adj.) ­of an unnatural or sickly pallor; pallid; lacking color. 7.
Complacent: (Adj.) ­often without awareness of some potential danger or defect; self­satisfied. 8.
Intimation: (V) ­make known subtly and indirectly; hint. 9.
Anon: (Adv.) ­in a short time; soon. Chapter 2 1.
Contiguous: (Adj.) ­connecting without a break; uninterrupted. 2.
Facet: (N) ­aspect; phase; side. 3.
Interpose: (V) ­to step in between parties at variance; mediate. 4.
Apathetic: (Adj.) ­not interested or concerned; indifferent or unresponsive. 5.
Languid: (Adj.) ­lacking in spirit or interest; listless; indifferent. 6.
Imply: (V) ­to indicate or suggest without being explicitly stated. 7.
Strident: (Adj.) ­having a shrill, irritating quality or character. 8.
Deft: (Adj.) ­nimble; skillful; clever. 9.
Clad: (Adj.) ­dressed; covered. Chapter 3 1.
Permeate: (V) ­to pass into or through every part of; to penetrate through the pores; to be diffused through; pervade; saturate. 2.
Innuendo: (N) ­an indirect comment about a person or thing, esp. of a disparaging or a derogatory nature. 3.
Erroneous: (Adj.) ­containing error; mistaken; incorrect; wrong. 4.
Vehement: (Adj.) ­strongly emotional; intense or passionate. 5.
Impetuous: (Adj.) ­characterized by sudden or rash action, emotion, etc.; impulsive. 6.
Vacuous: (Adj.) ­lacking in ideas or intelligence. 7.
Corpulent: (Adj.) ­large or bulky of body; portly; stout; fat. 8.
Provincial: (Adj.) ­having the manners, and viewpoints considered characteristic of unsophisticated inhabitants of a province; rustic; narrow or illiberal. 9.
Din: (N) ­a loud, confused noise; a continued loud or tumultuous sound; noisy clamor. Chapter 4 1.
Knickerbocker: (N) ­any New Yorker. 2.
Fluctuate: (V) ­to change continually; shift back and forth. 3.
Sporadic: (Adj.) ­appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; occasional. 4.
Rajah: (N) ­a king or prince in India; a minor chief or dignitary. 5.
Elicit: (V) ­to draw or bring out or forth; educe; evoke. 6.
Valor: (N) ­heroic courage; bravery. 7.
Somnambulatory: (Adj.) ­related to sleepwalking. 8.
Denizen: (N) ­an inhabitant; a resident; one that frequents a particular place. 9.
Jaunty: (Adj.) ­easy and sprightly in manner or bearing. Chapter 5 1.
Rout: (N) ­an overwhelming defeat. 2.
Innumerable: (Adj.) ­very numerous; incapable of being counted; countless. 3.
Ecstatic: (Adj.) ­subject to or in a state of ecstasy; rapturous. 4.
Reproach: (V) ­to find fault with (a person, group, etc.); blame. 5.
Serf: (N) ­a slave. 6.
Obstinate: (Adj.) ­inflexible; stubborn; not yielding. 7.
Exult: (V) ­to show or feel a lively or triumphant joy; rejoice; be highly elated or jubilant. 8.
Hulking: (Adj.) ­heavy and clumsy; bulky. 9.
Nebulous: (Adj.) ­hazy, vague, indistinct, or confused. Chapter 6 1.
Laudable: (Adj.) ­deserving praise; praiseworthy; commendable. 2.
Insidious: (Adj.) ­intended to entrap or trick. 3.
Repose: (N) ­peace; tranquillity; calm. 4.
Debauch: (N) ­an uninhibited spree or party. 5.
Antecedent: (N) ­a preceding circumstance, event, object, style, phenomenon. 6.
Ingratiate: (V) ­to establish (oneself) in the favor or good graces of others by deliberate effort. 7.
Dilatory: (Adj.) ­tending to delay or procrastinate; slow; tardy. 8.
Desolate: (Adj.) ­barren or laid waste; devastated; deprived or destitute of inhabitants; deserted; uninhabited; solitary; lonely. 9.
Elusive: (Adj.) ­hard to express or define; cleverly or skillfully evasive. Chapter 7 1.
Lapse: (N) ­a slip or error, often of a trivial sort; failure. (V) ­to come to an end; stop. 2.
Insistent: (Adj.) ­earnest or emphatic in dwelling upon, maintaining, or demanding something; persistent. 3.
Tentative: (Adj.) ­unsure; uncertain; not definite or positive; hesitant. 4.
Tumult: (N) ­uproar; disorder; highly distressing agitation of mind or feeling. 5.
Portentous: (Adj.) ­ominous, predictive of future bad events. 6.
Irreverent: (Adj.) ­not respectful; critical of what is generally accepted or respected. 7.
Vicarious: (Adj.) ­taking the place of another person or thing; acting or serving as a substitute. 8.
Rancor: (N) ­resentment or ill will; hatred; malice. 9.
Formidable: (Adj.) ­of great strength; forceful; powerful. Chapter 8 1.
Humidor: (N) ­a container or storage room for cigars or other preparations of tobacco, fitted with means for keeping the tobacco suitably moist. 2.
Indiscernible: (Adj.) ­cannot be seen or perceived clearly; imperceptible. 3.
Settee: (N) ­a seat for two or more persons, having a back and usually arms, and often upholstered. 4.
Divot: (N) ­a piece of turf gouged out with a club in making a stroke. 5.
Garrulous: (Adj.) ­excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, esp. about trivial matters. 6.
Incoherent: (Adj.) ­without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling. 7.
Conceivable: (Adj.) ­imagineable; believeable. 8.
Forlorn: (Adj.) ­desolate or dreary; unhappy or miserable, as in feeling, condition, or appearance. 9.
Laden: (Adj.) ­burdened; loaded down. Chapter 9 1.
Pasquinade: (N) ­a satire or lampoon, esp. one posted in a public place. 2.
Derange: (V) ­to disturb the condition, action, or function of; to make insane. 3.
Surmise: (V) ­to think or infer without certain or strong evidence; conjecture; guess. 4.
Superfluous: (Adj.) ­being more than is sufficient or required; excessive; unnecessary or needless. 5.
Elocution: (N) ­a person's manner of speaking or reading aloud in public. 6.
Unutterable: (Adj.) ­unspeakable; beyond expression. 7.
Subtle: (Adj.) ­difficult to perceive or understand. 8.
Ceaselessly: (Adv.) ­without stopping or pausing; unendingly; incessantly. Close Reading Questions Consider the following questions as you read the novel. You will be quizzed on the novel, then we will discuss these questions the first few days of class in preparation for an in­class essay you will write on the novel. I am aware of the movie version of the book (obviously) and that is no replacement for reading the book. Title Page 1. The book opens with an inscription on the title page by Thomas Parke D’Invilliers. D’Invilliers is a character in another book by Fitzgerald called This Side of Paradise; he based the character on John Peale Bishop, a close friend and tutor of Fitzgerald’s at Princeton. Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her; Till she cry “Lover, gold­hatted, high­bouncing lover, I must have you!” If you can bounce high, bounce for her too, Summarize the inscription and describe the tone of the four lines. Chapter 1 1.
How would you describe the relationship between the narrator and his father? 2.
What is your reaction to Nick’s comment, “I’m inclined to reserve all judgments”? 3.
What does Nick mean by “a sense of the fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth”? 4.
What yearning is apparent in Nick’s recollection, “When I came back from the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever”? 5.
Why is Gatsby “exempt from [Nick’s] reaction”? 6.
What is Nick’s attitude toward Gatsby at the beginning of the novel? 7.
Why does Nick describe Gatsby as having an “extraordinary gift for hope”? 8.
What is Nick’s attitude toward his new life on the East Coast? 9.
What is the meaning of Nick’s thought, “And so it happened on a warm windy evening I drove over to East Egg to see two old friends whom I scarcely knew at all”? 10. What is the effect of the following description from chapter one: 11. The windows were ajar and gleaming white against the fresh grass outside that seemed to grow a little way into the house. A breeze blew through the room, blew curtains in at one end and out the other like pale flags, twisting them up toward the frosted wedding­cake of the ceiling, and then rippled over the wine­colored rug, making a shadow on it as wind does on the sea. 12. How are Daisy and Jordan described when Nick enters the room, and what effect does this have on the reader? 13. How does Daisy regard her husband’s physical strength? Why does she choose to reveal the bruise? 14. What draws Tom to Goddard’s book, The Rise of the Colored Empires? 15. “There’s a bird out on the lawn that I think must be a nightingale…It’s romantic isn’t it, Tom?” John Keats, one of Fitzgerald’s favorite poets, wrote “Ode to a Nightingale.” What is the effect of including the allusion to Keats here? 16. What is the tone behind the statement, “Sophisticated—God, I’m so sophisticated”? 17. What is the tone of Nick’s reflection about his reasons for coming East and his attitude toward his former girlfriend? Chapter 2 ** As you go through this chapter, keep a list of everything you notice that is artificial, fake, unreal, or phony.** 1.
What is the tone of the description of the valley of ashes? 2.
Why does Fitzgerald include the billboard of the eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleberg? 3.
How does Myrtle treat her husband? 4.
What is the effect on the reader of describing Wilson as coated with “white ashen dust?” 5.
How does Myrtle’s behavior change when she changes clothes? 6.
What does it show about Nick when he says, “Doesn’t she like Wilson either”? 7.
What do we learn about Nick when he reflects, “I was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life”? 8.
What is the significance of her statement, “You can’t live forever; you can’t live forever”? 9.
Why does Tom hit Myrtle and break her nose? 10. Look at the list of artificial, distorted, decaying or phony things you noticed in this chapter. Why does Fitzgerald spotlight these kinds of behaviors and settings? Chapter 3 1.
Why are Gatsby’s gardens “blue”? 2.
What is the tone of the first paragraph of chapter 3? How do you know? 3.
What is the tone of the paragraph starting with “The lights grow brighter”? How do you know? 4.
What is the effect of describing the man in the library as having “enormous owl­eyed spectacles”? 5.
How does Gatsby’s smile affect Nick, why does it vanish, and how does Nick regard Gatsby when it does? 6.
Why is Gatsby not drinking at the party? 7.
Why does Fitzgerald portray Gatsby several times in this chapter, standing alone on the porch? 8.
What is your reaction to Nick’s comment, “Dishonesty in a woman is a thing you never blame deeply”? 9.
Why has Nick continued to write letters to his girlfriend back home and signing them, “Love, Nick”? 10. Is Nick “inclined to reserve all judgments,” as he says about himself? Chapter 4 1.
What is the meaning of the phrase, “the world and its mistress”? 2.
Why does Fitzgerald include a long list of partygoers in this chapter? What do you notice about their names and details? Why does Fitzgerald note the deaths of many of them? 3.
Why has Nick’s first impression of Gatsby—“that he was a person of some undefined consequence”—changed to seeing him as “simply the proprietor of an elaborate roadhouse next door”? 4.
Nick is now “submerged in fascination”; what has brought about the change in his attitude? 5.
What is the effect of juxtaposing the valley of ashes with Mrs. Wilson “with panting vitality” at the garage pump? 6.
Why does Gatsby say to Nick, “I’m afraid I made you a little angry this morning in the car, “and how does this simile affect Nick this time? 7.
Nick has taken two trips to New York by the end of this chapter, one with Tom in Chapter II and another with Gatsby in this chapter. What are the similarities and differences between the two trips? 8.
Why does Daisy get drunk the night before she marries Tom Buchanan? 9.
Why does Fitzgerald include lyrics from “The Sheik of Araby”? 10. What is the significance of Nick’s thought, “There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy, and the tired”? 11. What attracts Nick to Jordan at the end of the chapter? Chapter 5 1.
Why does Fitzgerald begin this chapter with such a startling visual scene but without a sound? 2.
What is the effect of Gatsby’s clothing—a white flannel suit, silver shirt, and gold­colored tie? 3.
What is the effect of the setting of the tree and lawn? 4.
Why does Fitzgerald spotlight Daisy’s “well­loved eyes”? 5.
Why does Daisy begin to cry and say “They’re such beautiful shirts…It makes me sad because I’ve never seen such beautiful shirts before”? 6.
Why would the significance of the green light have vanished for Gatsby now? 7.
Fitzgerald writes, “…there was no light save what the gleaming floor bounced in from the hall.” (John Keats wrote in “Ode to a Nightingale,” “But here there is no light,/Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown/Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.” (ll.38­40) What is the significance of Keats’ line? Of Fitzgerald’s line? What does Fitzgerald gain by adapting Keats’ phrasing to his own language in this scene? 8.
The lyrics on pages 100­101 come from a 1921 song entitled “Ain’t We Got Fun?” by Gus Kahn and Raymond B. Egan. What is the significance of the lyrics? 9.
Why does Nick describe Daisy’s voice as “a deathless song”? Chapter 6 1.
Luke 2:49 states, “Wish ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” Nick describes Gatsby as “a son of God…he must be about His Father’s business.” If this is so, what “Father” does Gatsby follow, what business is he about, and what effect is gained by Fitzgerald’s using a Biblical allusion? 2.
“Platonic” means ideal, from Plato’s conception of reality. What “Platonic conception” does Gatsby have of himself? 3.
What is unique about the party the following Saturday night? 4.
Why is Nick looking at the party “through Daisy’s eyes,” and what conclusions does he come to by doing this? 5.
Why is Daisy “appalled by West Egg, this unprecedented ‘place’ that Broadway had begotten upon a Long Island fishing village”? What is the “awful” thing she sees? 6.
What does Nick think that Gatsby “wanted nothing less of Daisy than that she should go to Tom and say: ‘I never loved you’”? 7.
What is the significance of Nick’s comment, “You can’t repeat the past,” and Gatsby’s response, “Why of course 8.
you can!”? Why does Gatsby want to defeat the power of time? 9.
What does Gatsby mean by the thought, “He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder”? Chapter 7 1.
Trimalchio is the central character of The Satyricon by the Roman writer Petronius, a man who gives lavish dinner parties and behaves as a vulgar, self­centered, and wealthy host. Why does Nick refer to Gatsby as a Trimalchio? 2.
What is the tone of Daisy’s “Bles­sed pre­cious”? How do you know? 3.
What role does Pammy play in Daisy’s life? 4.
What is the mood of the luncheon? How do you know? 5.
How does Nick know that Daisy has told Gatsby she loves him? 6.
Why does Nick notice Dr. Eckleburg’s eyes? 7.
What does Nick mean by the thought, “…­­and it occurred to me that there was no difference between men, in intelligence or race, so profound as the difference between the sick and the well”? 8.
Why does Nick have “one of those renewals of complete faith in [Gatsby] that [he] had experienced before”? 9.
What is the significance of Tom’s saying, “Self­control! ..I suppose the latest thing is to sit back and let Mr. Nobody from Nowhere make love to your wife. Well, if that’s the idea you can count me out…Nowadays people begin by sneering at family life and family institutions, and next they’ll throw everything overboard and have intermarriage between black and white”? 10. Why does Nick think Tom “[sees] himself standing alone on the last barrier of civilization”? 11. Why is Daisy’s voice “lost” as Gatsby tries to defend himself to her? 12. Nick, Jordan, and Tom took Gatsby’s yellow car into town; Daisy and Gatsby rode in Gatsby’s blue coupe. Why does Tom tell Daisy to return home with Gatsby in Gatsby’s yellow car, instead of having her return with him? 13. Why does Nick observe that “they were gone, without a word, snapped out, made accidental, isolated, like ghosts, even from our pity”? 14. Why has Nick forgotten that today is his thirtieth birthday? 15. Why do they “[drive] on toward death”? 16. Why does Tom take charge of the accident investigation and tell them to sit with Wilson? 17. Why does Nick say, “I disliked him so much by this time that I didn’t find it necessary to tell him he was wrong”? 18. What is the tone of the scene where Daisy and Tom are at the kitchen table? How do you know? 19. Why does Nick think, “…anybody would have said that they were conspiring together”? 20. Why does Nick leave Gatsby “watching over nothing”? Chapter 8 1.
Why does Nick want to warn Gatsby, and about what? 2.
Why does Fitzgerald choose this point in the book to recount Gatsby’s story about his meeting Daisy? 3.
Why does Gatsby feel that “Jay Gatsby had broken up like glass against Tom’s hard malice”? 4.
What “colossal accident” brings Gatsby to Daisy’s house? 5.
What is the “youth and mystery that wealth imprisons and preserves”? 6.
Why does Nick describe Gatsby’s dream as “incorruptible”? 7.
Why does Nick “want to go back a little and tell what happened at the garage” at this point in the story? 8.
Was Myrtle running from something or to something? 9.
What is the significance of Doctor Eckleberg’s eyes “which had just emerged, pale and enormous, from the dissolving night”? 10. Why does Nick return to Gatsby’s house? 11. Why does Fitzgerald have Gatsby die in the pool? Why is the description of his death so mild and clean compared with Myrtle’s? 12. Why is “the holocaust” now “complete”? Chapter 9 1.
Considering Nick’s ambivalent feelings toward Gatsby, why does he find himself “on Gatsby’s side”? Why is he “alone” in his decision to side with Gatsby? 2.
Why is Dan Cody “a token of forgotten violence”? 3.
Why does Nick “have a feeling of defiance, of scornful solidarity between Gatsby and [him] against them all” when he gets Wolfsheim’s message that he won’t be coming to the funeral? 4.
What does Nick mean by describing Henry Gatz as having “reached an age where death no longer has the quality of ghastly surprise”? 5.
What does it show about Klipspringer that he asks for his shoes? 6.
What kind of man is Wolfsheim? How do you know? 7.
Why is it significant that the man with owl­eyed glasses is the only other person to come to Gatsby’s funeral? 8.
What “quality of distortion” and “haunted” feel does the East have for Nick? 9.
What, according to Jordan, is Nick’s “secret pride”? 10. What is the reason for Fitzgerald’s focusing on Jordan’s and Nick’s “bad driving”? 11. What is the reader’s impression of Tom Buchanan here, compared to our first impression of him? 12. Why does Nick say that Tom and Daisy are “careless people”? 13. Why does Nick describe himself with the phrase, “provincial squeamishness”? 14. What comment is Nick making about human nature in his thoughts, from “Its vanished trees” to “his capacity for wonder”? 15. What is Gatsby’s dream? 16. Why did Gatsby “[believe] in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us”? 17. Why doesn’t Nick finish his thought, “…And one fine morning—“? 18. What is the significance of the last line of the novel: “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past”? After you finish reading the book: Look again at the inscription on the title page: Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her; If you can bounce high, bounce for her too, Till she cry lover “Lover, gold­hatted, high­bouncing lover, I must have you!” Now that you have finished the book, what is the significance of the inscription now? 