Sample Key Performance Areas To be completed at Performance Planning: 1. Indicate a Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Use PeopleSoft Chart of Accounts Reporting tool (COA Reports) to download department expenditures. Organize summary reports by project/grant and submit to the project leaders for review by the 15th of each month Collect feedback from project leaders and prepare a Summary Report for submission to the Department Chair by the last business day of the month. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Key Performance Area X Expertise Customer Focus Interaction with Others Continuous Improvement X Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. To be completed at Performance Planning: 2. Indicate a Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Serve as Chair of the Excellence at Work Action Planning Committee (APC) and ensure that the committee meets the November 30th deadline to submit recommendations. The recommendations should support the Committee Charge provided by the Sponsor. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Key Performance Area Expertise X Interaction with Others Continuous Improvement To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. Sample Key Performance Areas Customer Focus Resourcefulness and Results X Leadership To be completed at Performance Planning: 3. Indicate a Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Organize hard copies of department research reports (by topic and date) for easy reference by students and guests who don’t have access to department’. Prepare an index binder that contains brief description/date of the research project and the location (file drawer) of the full report BY X DATE. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Key Performance Area Expertise Customer Focus Interaction with Others Continuous Improvement X Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. To be completed at Performance Planning: 4. Indicate a Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. By November 30th conduct a security survey on the following dormitories: Hodgdon, Lewis and Wren and immediately address any safety hazards with the Director of Residence Life and the Director of Environmental Health and Safety. Outline a summary of the survey findings and actions taken to reduce hazards By December 10th. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Key Performance Area X Expertise Interaction with Others Continuous Improvement To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. Sample Key Performance Areas Customer Focus X Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To be completed at Performance Planning: 5. Indicate a Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. By January 31, 2013, attend “Advanced Excel skills” to learn how to create pivot tables. Utilize knowledge of pivot tables to analyze contributions to the Annual Fund and generate charts for inclusion in year-end reports. Example - Be able to track type of donor, amount given and history of gifts. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Key Performance Area Customer Focus X Expertise Interaction with Others X Continuous Improvement Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. To be completed at Performance Planning: 6. Indicate a Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. • Design, develop and implement Tufts Overview eLearning course by September 15, 2012. Provide a project plan that identifies milestones with dates by July 7th. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Key Performance Area Expertise Interaction with Others X Continuous Improvement To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. Sample Key Performance Areas X Customer Focus Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To be completed at Performance Planning: 7. Indicate a Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Provide timely support of desktop operating systems and software packages to staff and faculty in the school. Acknowledge and address each help ticket within 2 hours Keep the customer informed of progress with daily updates. If ticket cannot be resolved within -72 hours, inform the Manager of Scientific Computing. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Key Performance Area X Expertise X Customer Focus X Interaction with Others X Resourcefulness and Results Continuous Improvement Leadership To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. To be completed at Performance Planning: 8. Indicate a Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. To assist customers with the migration to Microsoft Exchange, prepare detailed tip sheets and documentation on the following topics: • • • Introduction to Outlook 2010 Email – import contact list; attach a signature file; set-up mail preferences. Remote Access to Outlook 2010 – How to access and use the Outlook Web client, OWA (Outlook Web App). Introduction to Outlook 2010 Calendar – How to create events, meetings and appointments, how to share calendars and delegate proxy access. Draft tip sheets should be submitted to Exchange Team for review by March 5. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Key Performance Area X Expertise X Interaction with Others Continuous Improvement To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. Sample Key Performance Areas X Customer Focus Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To be completed at Performance Planning: 9. Indicate a Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Lead implementation of software package XXX. Participate in project teams with colleagues in the division, University UIT and or/vendor. Work effectively to meet project goals by April 1 2013. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Key Performance Area X Expertise Customer Focus X Interaction with Others X Resourcefulness and Results X Continuous Improvement X Leadership To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. To be completed at Performance Planning: 10. Indicate specific Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Advise end users on purchasing of standalone software packages that they need. Learn the costs and benefits of different products and work with users on software selection. Work with University purchasing and Site-wide Licensing on obtaining the products in a timely and cost effective manner. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Performance Area X Expertise X Interaction with Others Continuous Improvement To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. Sample Key Performance Areas Customer Focus X Resourcefulness and Results X Leadership To be completed at Performance Planning: 11. Indicate specific Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Conduct weekly routine experiments: follow appropriate protocols/procedures to achieve results & perform techniques such as tissue culture, electrophoresis, protein purification. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Performance Area X Expertise Customer Focus Interaction with Others X Continuous Improvement X Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. To be completed at Performance Planning: 12. Indicate specific Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Record results and assist with data analysis of lab procedures: keep accurate records of experiments and results and provide limited data interpretation/summarization by the end of each month. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Performance Area X Expertise Interaction with Others X Continuous Improvement To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. Sample Key Performance Areas Customer Focus X Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To be completed at Performance Planning: 13. Indicate specific Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Maintain laboratory equipment and supplies: Maintain laboratory equipment for optimal productivity; keep inventory and purchase supplies when necessary; prepare/stock solutions and other media Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Performance Area Customer Focus X Expertise X Interaction with Others X Continuous Improvement X Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. To be completed at Performance Planning: 14. Indicate specific Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Monitor animal colonies: perform husbandry; collect samples; note general appearance and condition of animals; maintain census records Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Performance Area X Expertise Interaction with Others X Continuous Improvement To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. Sample Key Performance Areas Customer Focus X Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To be completed at Performance Planning: 15. Indicate specific Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Check dish machine water temperature daily for proper temperatures for wash and specifically final rinse. Inform your manager of any problems with the dish-washer machine, food disposer, drains, etc. immediate or any piece of equipment that is not working properly. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Performance Area Customer Focus X Expertise Interaction with Others X Continuous Improvement Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. To be completed at Performance Planning: 16. Indicate specific Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Create a chart that indicates the correct stock level of fresh food in each reach-in and refrigerator and post these in the area. Check daily to ensure the correct amount of product is in the correct area. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Performance Area Expertise Interaction with Others X Continuous Improvement To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. Sample Key Performance Areas Customer Focus X Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To be completed at Performance Planning: 17. Indicate specific Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Become more knowledgeable about the ingredients in the prepared food, so that you can answer customers questions about the food. By the end of the semester, be able to list the key ingredients in the four most popular dishes (Mac & Cheese, Lasagna, Beef Stew and Chicken Curry). Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Performance Area X Expertise Customer Focus Interaction with Others X Continuous Improvement X Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. To be completed at Performance Planning: 18. Indicate specific Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Learn how to use the mail merge function to generate custom labels in Microsoft Word and be able to apply this skill when we send the department’s annual faculty search mailing by September 30th. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Performance Area X Expertise Interaction with Others X Continuous Improvement To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. Sample Key Performance Areas Customer Focus Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To be completed at Performance Planning: 19. Indicate specific Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. By August 1st Participate in the “Doing More with Excel: Automating Formulas and Filters” class sponsored by UIT. Be able to apply the knowledge by revising spreadsheets used to track department and grant expenses to use formulas, filters and flags to accurately track expenses and auto sum total expenditures by category and project. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Performance Area X Expertise Customer Focus Interaction with Others X Continuous Improvement X Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. To be completed at Performance Planning: 20. Indicate specific Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Use Excel to generate expenses reports by category and project within 3 business days of each month’s end to reconcile the actual expenses with projected expenditures. Submit copies of these reports to the project leader’s and director with a flag if expenditures exceed forecasted expenses. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Performance Area X Expertise Interaction with Others Continuous Improvement To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. Sample Key Performance Areas Customer Focus X Resourcefulness and Results Leadership To be completed at Performance Planning: 21. Indicate specific Key Performance Area, i.e. goal, project, committee work, day-to-day responsibility, etc. Provide timely customer service by responding to student questions within 24 hours. If unable to answer a student’s questions, refer the student to the appropriate member of the clinical team using our Customer Service Referral protocol and check back with the student within 24-48 hours to ensure the student received the requested information; include a link to the Student Satisfaction Survey in the follow-up email. Organizational Competencies: Check all that apply for success in this Performance Area Expertise X Interaction with Others Continuous Improvement To access Leadership Competencies, Click here. Sample Key Performance Areas X Customer Focus Resourcefulness and Results Leadership