List of Acronyms and Abbreviations ACIARAustralian Centre for International Agricultural Research CIFORCenter for International Forestry Research (Indonesia) ADB CIMMYTInternational Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (Mexico) Asian Development Bank AIPRDAustralia–Indonesia Partnership for Reconstruction and Development CIPInternational Potato Centre (Peru) ANAO Australian National Audit Office CPGsCommonwealth Procurement Guidelines AOP Annual Operational Plan (of ACIAR) CSF APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation APS Australian Public Service CSIROCommonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Australia) classical swine fever ASLPAustralia–Pakistan Agriculture Linkages Program DAFFDepartment of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (Australia) ATSEAcademy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (Australia) DFATDepartment of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia) ATSIAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples DNAdeoxyribonucleic acid (genetic material) AusAIDAustralian Agency for International Development EEO equal employment opportunity ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay AVRDCAsian Vegetable Research and Development Center (Taiwan) CABICentre for Agriculture and Biosciences International (UK) CARDCollaboration for Agriculture and Rural Development (Vietnam) CARDICambodian Agricultural Research and Development Institute CATPCommunity Agricultural Technologies Program (Philippines) EPBCEnvironment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (Act) ESDEcologically Sustainable Development FAOFood and Agriculture Organisation (of the United Nations) FMA (Act)Financial Management and Accountability (Act 1997) FMD foot-and-mouth disease CDS Commonwealth Disability Strategy FOI Freedom of Information CEO Chief Executive Officer FTE full time equivalent (staff ) CGIARConsultative Group on International Agricultural Research GDP Gross Domestic Product GMO Genetically Modified Organism GST Goods and Services Tax (Australia) CIATInternational Center for Tropical Agriculture (Colombia) 243 ha hectare HPAI Highly pathogenic avian influenza IARCsInternational Agricultural Research Centres IAS Impact Assessment Series (of ACIAR) IAUImpact Assessment Unit (ACIAR Program) ICARIndian Council of Agricultural Research ICARDAInternational Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (Syria) ICM Integrated Crop Management ICRAF World Agroforestry Centre ICRISATInternational Crops Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics (India) IDM Integrated Disease Management IFPRIInternational Food Policy Research Institute (USA) IHR 244 In-House Review (ACIAR) IWMIInternational Water Management Institute KPI key performance indicator MP micro-project NESB non-English speaking background NGO Non-government organisation NPV Net Present Value NRP National Research Priorities (Australia) OHS Occupational health and safety PGR Plant Genetic Resources PIC Pacific Island countries PM&CDepartment of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (Australia) PWDPeople with disabilities (EEO classification) PNG Papua New Guinea R&D Research and Development RPM Research Program Manager (ACIAR) RSA Republic of South Africa ILRIInternational Livestock Research Institute (Kenya) SADISmallholder Agribusiness Development Initiative (Indonesia) IPGRIInternational Plant Genetic Resources Institute (Italy) SES Senior Executive Service (of APS) IPM Integrated Pest Management SMARSupport for Market-Driven Adaptive Research (Indonesia) IRR Internal Rate of Return SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community IRRIInternational Rice Research Institute (Philippines) SPS Sanitary and Phytosanitary USP University of the South Pacific IUUIllegal, unreported and unregulated (fishing) WTO World Trade Organization ACIAR Research Program Acronyms FIS Fisheries FST Forestry ADP Agricultural Development Policy HORT Horticulture AGB Agribusiness LPS Livestock Production Systems LWR Land and Water Resources ASEMAgricultural Systems Economics and Management AH Animal Health CIM Crop Improvement and Management CP Crop Protection PLIAPolicy Linkages and Impact Assessment SMCNSoil Management and Crop Nutrition 245