DISCHARGE AND SAND TRANSPORT IN THE BRAIDED ZONE OF THE ZAIRE ESTUARY J.J.PETERS Reprinted from NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF SEA RESEARCH 12 (3/4): 273-292 (1978) E. J. BRILL, LEIDEN Netherlands Journal of Sea Research /2 (3/4): 273-292 (1978) DISCHARGE AND SAND TRANSPORT IN THE BRAIDED ZONE OF THE ZAIRE ESTUARY by ].]. PETERS (Laboratoire de Recherche I{ydraulique, Section de Chiitelet, iWinistere des Travaux Publics de Belgique, Belgium) CONTENTS I. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Description of the area under investigation 1. Hydrography . . . 2. Tides. . . . 3. Discharges . . . . 4. Sediment transport. HI. Conclusion IV. Summary . V. Resume VI. References. n. 273 276 276 276 278 279 290 291 291 292 1. INTRODUCTION The Zaire (Congo) river, with a discharge ofabont 1.45 X 10 '2 m' per year, is the second largest river in the world on the basis of annual flow. With 4700 km between Lake Tanganyika and the river mouth on the Atlantic Ocean it is also the fifth largest river on the basis of length. Its basin covers 3.7 X 10' km' and comprises a dense hydrographic network, 16000 km ofit being navigable during almost the whole year (Fig. 1). Only a schematic representation of the longitudinal profile of the river and its tributaries eau yet be given (Fig. 2, after DEVROEY, 1951), showing very small slopes in the navigable reaches, generally less than la cm·km- l . The dominant characteristic of the river is the remarkable regularity of its regime due to the position of the basin (Fig. 1), one third of it north of the equator where the dry season occurs in January, hvo thirds ofit south ofthe equator having a more composite regime. At K-inshasa, where the river begins to drop rapidly down to Matadi throngh the reach of the cataracts (Fig. 3), the minimum and maximum observed discharges are respectively 23 000 m 3 ·s· l and 80000 m 3 's- 1 with an over-all average of about 42 000 m"' ,-1. At Inga,just upstream Matadi at a place where the river drops 100 m over a distance of approxi- 274 J. J. PETERS u' ig. 1. Hydrographic network of the Zaire river. \500 1000 500 Om Okml ! RW , ! IOQGkm Fig. 2. Longitudinal profile of the Zaire river and its principal tributaries. Navigable reaches are connected by railways (RW). DISCHARGE AND SAND TRANSPORT 275 mately 25 km, this large minimum discharge makes the installation of worlds largest hydroelectric power plant without storage basin possible. Fig. 3. The Zaire river downstream Kinshasa. The maritime reach of the river (Fig. 4), downstream of Matadi, can be divided into three parts. SALT WEDGE ESTUARY BRAIDED AREA Fig. 4. The maritime reach of the Zaire river. In the first part, extending from Matadi to Iloma over about 60 km, the river cuts through the Crystal Mountains with high flow velocities (up to 6.5 n1-8- 1 ) and large depths. The second part between Boma and Nlalcla, is a sedimentation area, 60 km long and 19 km wide, where shoals and islands divide numerous channels. Only a few of these channels arc navigable for sea ships, and the sometimes very quick evolutions require frequent dredging and displacements of navigation buoys. The third part, between Nlalela and the river mouth near Banana, is the estuarine area characterized by the presence of a deep canyon which begins near Malela, dropping abruptly to 100 m depth. 276 J. J. PETERS The aim of this paper is to present the hydraulic and sedimentologie characteristics of the meandering area immediately upstream the submarine canyoD. Since 1967, a research project of the Belgian State Hydraulic Laboratory is involved with a study of the improvement of the navigation in this area. Physical model studies and field investigations have provided information about discharges and sediment transport. A method for prediction of the evolution of the meanders was developed. In this way, dredging operations could be reduced, becoming 1110re efficient. Field measurements were performed in close cooperation between the Belgian State Hydraulic Laboratory and the Regie des Voies Maritimes of the Republic of Zaire. IT. DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA UNDER INVESTIGATION 1. HYDROGRAPHY The first hydrographie chart of the meandering zone of the estuary was made by Commander Purey-Cust with HMS Rambler in 1899 (DEVROEY, 1951). Since 1927 the whole zone is mapped regularly-almost once a year-by the local hydrographic service. For navigation or dredging purposes, detailed maps of some areas were made up to twenty times a year, mostly on scales of I : IQ 000 and I : 50 000. This unique documentation is present at the Regie des Voies Maritimes in Boma. Topographic surveys on either Angolese or Zairian territory, performed since 1915 and completed between 1968 and 1975, provide accurate topographic data allowing comparison of the hydrographic data. A study of the general evolution over the last 75 years ofthe area under investigation is almost finished at the Belgian State Hydraulic Laboratory. The evolution between 1932 and 1974 is shown in Fig. 5. For some pools the evolutions were follmycd vvith yearly data over a period of 50 years. 2. TIDES The first tidal data were collected in 1923-1924 (DEVROEY, 1951). The reference tidal gauge 'Nas first installed at Banana, and stands since 1955 at Bulabemba, 4.8 km upstream of Banana. Even at Banana, on the coastline, the level is influenced by the river discharge. The maximum and minimum amplitudes were 1.82 m and 0.42 m in 1976. The propagation of the tidal 'Nave in the estuary is approximately kno\vn as a function of tidal range and river discharge. Further upstream the influence of meander evolution on the tidal propagation is evident, but not well known. At Boma the tidal range was for example ca. 0.00 m DISCHARGE AND SAND TRANSPORT 277 Fig. 5. The braided area between Boma and 1vlalc1a in 1932 and 1974 (isobaths of 0, 5, 8 and 10 m). 278 J. J. PETERS at neap tide with rnaxinlum discharge, and ca. 0.17 ill at spring tide with miniulum river discharge in 1976. Further information about the tides is given by DEVROEY (1951). Other documentation is available at the Regie des Voies Maritimes (Boma) and at the Belgian State Hydraulic Laboratory. 3. DISCHARGES Building up the relationship between water levels and discharges near the mouth of the river needed the gathering of all measurements ever made in the maritime reach or at Kinshasa. Between Kinshasa and the maritime reach, the discharge of the tributaries represents only a few pereent~mostly 2%-of the total river discharge (VAN GANSE, 1959). For the maritinlC reach, interrupted series of discharge mcasurelllcnts arc available [rmu 1927 up to now, and almost continuous time series of water level lllcasurements were recorded at :Nlatadi since 1909 and at Boma since 1914. Besides, similar data were collected at Kinshasa since 1955 for the discharges and since 1902 for the water levels. The number of measurements increased frolll 1967 when morc knowledge of the discharges and discharge distributions in the meandering zone was required for the study of the improvement of the navigability of the maritime reach. Actually all these data are analysed and an almost continuous timeseries of daily discharges of the Zaire will be computed for the last 75 years and published by the Belgian State Hydraulic Laboratory. An approximate relationship between water level and discharge is given in Fig. 6 for the gauging stations of Kinshasa and Boma. Because of the almost stationary flow conditions this relation is quite univocal, particularly for Kinshasa. For Boma an influence of varying head losses due to the bank and bed configuration can be noticed, chiefly when discharges exceed 40 000 111 3 • S -1. 1tleasurements of discharges by the velocity-area method with propeller current lueters provide uscfull information on the degree of obstruction by the sedimcnts in the navigation channeL The distribution of the discharge among the diflerent channels (Fig. 7) is measured regularly, and is an indicator for the changes in morphology of the meander system. These discharges, in about 15 cross-sections, have to be collected in a very short period to eliminate as mnch as possible errors due to tidal influence. In the past the surfaeefloat method was used. Since 1969, the moving-boat method allowed quick determinations of the discharges but although the method is simple, the possible errors are numerous, and the technique had to be improved for its application to this complex meandering river system. 279 DISCHARGE AND SAND TRANSPORT WATER LEVEL PERIOD 1971- 1975 {ml O'--_--"-_ _-'-.fL_--'_ _J -_ _'--_--"-_ _- ' - _ - - ' o 10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50.000 60.000 WATER DISCHARGE 70,000 (m'/s) AT NTUA NKULU Fig. 6. River discharge (Qin m3's~1) at the gauging section of Ntua~Nkulu as a function of water level (It in m) observed in Kinshasa and Boma, based on measurements in the period 1971-1975. The discharge at Ntua-Nkulu represents 86% of the total discharge of the Zaire river. 4. SEDHIENT TRANSPORT Sediments entering the braided area range from pebbles to clay. Selective sedimentation occurs along the channels dovITllstream and bed Fig. 7. Discharge distribution in the different branches of the braided area between Boma and Malela in 1969-1970. The discharges measured in the main channels are given in % of the total river discharge. 280 J. J. PETERS sediment grain sizes drop regularly fi'om I mm to 0,3 mm over a distance of 40 km (Fig. 8). Only the smaller particles reach the zone of the submarine canyon. rr:=:=:==c=,--------------------, d50(mm) 2.0 IIN CHANNEL SOUTHERN CHANNEL + ................. t NORTHERN CHANNEL 1.0 '"z ~ w ~ 0 w '" :>; 0 ~ ~ 0 ro i!-++ + ++ • 20 - 20 DISTANCE FROM NTUA.NKUll Fig. 8. :Nledian grain size (d.Jo in mm) of the sediment of channels and shoals along Southern and Northern Channels of the braided area. Large differences between the sediment grain sizes in and between cross-sections could be noticed. They have probably several reasons, but chiefly secondary currents iuduced by the bed morphology. For example, fixed parts of the bed-clay or rock-create at some places DISCHARGE AND SAND TRANSPORT 281 bends or bifurcations vvhere secondary currents such as helical currents transport bed and suspended load in different directions. BED AND CHANNEL MORPHOLOGY Bedforms are generally large scale dunes; their wavelength and amplitude average respectively lOO m and 2 m. They move at a velocity ranging from 2 to 10 m a day. At high river discharges and for sediment grain sizes slnaller than 0.5 mm, these dunes arc flattened and other bcdforms appear, similar to small scale dunes. Their wavelengths and amplitudes average then respectively 20 m and I m. The characteristics and the behaviour of these bedforms are poorly known. They exist on shoals as well as in deeper channels and the corresponding sediment transport is always high. During a high flood in 196B, small scale bedforms were developping in the Northern Channel, where the median grain size was smaller than 0.5 mm (Fig. 9), while in the Southern Channel \vhere the median grain size vvas larger than 0.5 mlTI the large scale bedforms remained. ])lotting the mean power of the How per unit area versus sediment grain size, it can be seen that the small scale bcdforms develop in the Northern Channel at conditions of upper flow regime, while in the Southern Channel conditions oflower flow regime still exist (Fig. 10). The Froude number of the How averages 0.1, and the accepted classification of bedforms would suggest a plane bed (SIMONS & RICHARDSON, 1966). 1Vleanders move sometimes quickly; concave banks in bends may erode at a rate of 100 m per year, or even more. Many rocks and rocky bars influence strongly the ll1candering of the different channels in the braided area, and therefore analysis of the ll1eandcr characteristics is not very meaningfull. Length, meander belt width, meander radius and channel width average respectively 12 km, 3 km, 3 km and 1.5 km. The interconnection between the different branches of the braided area, ,,,,here scdiments have different sizes and move at different speeds, complicate the analysis and the prediction of the evolution of the meanders. SEDIMENT TRANSPORT MEASUREMENTS As the goal of the investigations \vas the improvClnent of the navigation by dredging and, eventually, with the aid of hydraulic structures, measurements ,vere chiefly carried out in relation to the transformations of the bed morphology, i.e. near to the bed. Sediment moving close to the bed consists almost wholly offine sand, containing small percentages of clay, and sediment transport rates are 282 J. J. PETERS A , ___L _~~-:t:- ----.-----~ 5 c ~~~~~~~~~:ff6~i~~-~~i~~~\. :: WOrn 5 I ,i.:rr'''''' ~.1~+~I.W. A 5 - .R!.. Fig. 9. Upper three recordings: bcdforms in the Northern Channel at r.rfateba during the flood of 1968: A. September 1968, 41 500 m 3 's- 1 ; B. November 1968, 51000 m 3 's- 1 ; C.January 1969, 58 000 m 3 ·s- 1 • Lower three recordings: bcdforms in the Southern Channel at Nisot (Kindu) during the flood of 1968: A. October 1968, 45000 m 3 's- 1 ; B. November 1968, 51 000 m 3 . 8- 1 ; C. January 1969, 58 000 m 3 • 5- 1 • Depths in m. DISCHARGE AND SAND TRANSPORT 283 low. For these reasons, continuous samplers were preferred to instantaneous ones. I .... , ,~, /'b~ I ,-' "ppees : ,c>"%tJj jj, ~ '" 1'iiiij~,~~~~I71r~r~'qL-"~'~:'~8' +IJ flTTn±t NO SEDIMENT MOTION+-+ IJ 0;;1 1qs 0,3 0,6 0,7 0.8 0.9 1,0 d50 Imm! Fig. 10. Relation between stream pmver (,·u in kg·m-Ls- 1 ) and median grain size of the sediment; indicated are the positions of the bedforms represented in (A, B, C) and at maximum discharge (D) even as in Fig. 9. Classifications of bedforms by SIMONS & RICHARDSON (1966) (solid lines) and by GUY, SIMONS & RICHARDSON (1966) and ALLEN (1968). Two types of instruments were used, the Delft Bottle (D.F.), and the Bedload Transport Meter Arnhem (B.T.M.A.), both developed in the Netherlands. The Delft Bottle was used in two versions. For measurements elose to the bed, it was mounted on a sleigh (D.F. 2). The inlet, having a diameter of 0.015 m or 0.022 m depending on the velocity of the water, could be positioned at 0.05 m, 0.15 m, 0.25 m, 0.35 m above the bottom. For the rest of the water column, i.e. from 0.40 m above the bottom to the water surface, an integrated sample was taken with a suspended Delft Bottle (D.F. 1). The B.T.M.A. sampler, sometimes callcd the Dutch sampler, samples a 0.05 m thick layer on the bottom, the sediment being retained by a sieve. Only the sand fraction of the sediment is sampled in the J. J. 284 PETERS instrument. Grain size of the samples \vas detcrn1ined with the visual accumulation tube (COLEY & CHRISTENSEN, 1956). Special attention was paid to the positioning of the D.F. 2 and B.T.M.A. samplers on the bedforms using eehosoundings. At each station the velocity profile was measured and the bottom shear velocity computed. To understand the sediment transport and its distribution the variation in bed load and suspended load discharge at constant mean velocity (Fig. ll) were investigated, as well as the 2,52 Ll) ~ 2.58 a a "c jTL Im!i ,00 ~ , " IWsO!c immTl lihlmlsij c; VIs b -.i-_ --'- - 0.' MS 0.06 __- 2sa '" '-::-------I-c=~~~. I dSO!mmi I1I 9 0,8 - 0,6 .101 0,04 I. " om id50!c L 'b, ..:2j.- L 3 255 " ------i§ , L.._--''-'''---'=_I- i:.2 1 1 jqs{m 3lm24hli I. 60 " b-I , /\ \ \/ I 0 \ ~c,.cc, ' b' r---..- -" '-~'- -110 I °,oF20'OF2b (MH! """",.10 L V----.......-----------., I i i r;:::c cl Ill:" . . .. . .. 0 RI ! 1 n LJ,,,!U, " "- ," 0 Uf IIJ", / -- ...... / ......--. u")u, /~ ---../ 1 - " ., / \~ I 3h 2h "'....LW . Ih I. (m/si I. - I - 1h 2h -," (m o/m2 I,hl! I lie liu::iJ1LtJtJJI1Jij;mu:Ltlhl - f : jm I qc; ro - u111j", A \--' \ . 1 ,---. c [kg/m") / j ! i " ~[[] c )'c 0 LL..u..LL.llilLlLLLllifillJ..liLJ.ill J 0 .. 1 " /1 _-- 2 I OFi I. 285 DISCHARGE AND SAND TRANSPORT distribution of transport rates near the bottom and the distribution of sediment transport in a cross-section (Fig. 12) and the influence of the tides on flow and sand transport (Fig. 13). Besides the measurements an attempt was made to calculate bed load and suspended load using Bagnold's approach (BAGNOLD, 1966). The method was modified in order to provide results in an isolated station, using the power of the flow as the product of the mean velocity and bottom shear stress deduced from the vertical velocity distribution. Sediment sizes used in the calculations were hourly weighted averaged values. In Fig. 11 the results of the measurements and calculations are shown for a single station, sampled during a 7 hours period near Boma in November 1973 with high river discharges. The tidal amplitude at the sampling station was 0.03 m and the mean velocity (1.3 m's- 1 ) did not vary significantly. Bed load measurements with B.T.M.A. on the bottom and D.F. 2 at 0.05 m above the bottom show a very erratic variation for the instantaneous as well as for the hourly average values, but less so for the D.F. 2. Although the order of magnitude was the same, suspended load measured with sampler D.F. 1 varied regularly, higher values being observed before low water. The sediment transport rates measured with the samplcrs and the sediment transport capacities computed with the modified Bagnold's approach change during the 7 hours observation period in a quite similar way. Although these data do not have the same meaning, the ratio between them is jnst given as an indicator (Fig. 11). The observed Fig. 11. rVfeasured and calculated flow and sand transport characteristics at fixed sampling station near Boma from 4~ hours before to 2 hours after low water, 1973; mean current velocity almost constant. a. Tidal level, T.L. in m. b. Sediment characteristics used in calculations with BAGNOLD'S approach: median grain size of bed load (d50c in mm) and median fall velocity of suspended load (Ws in m' s-t). c, Sediment transport rates per unit width, q~ (m 3 . m-t. d- t ); thc curves allow comparison o[ sand transport data sampled at 0.05 m from the bottom with two identical Delft: Bottles D.F.2 (a and b), i(D.F.2a -1- D.F.2b), and in the whole water column with Delft bottles D.F.2 (a and b) and D.F.l, l(D.F.2a D.F.2b) + D.F.I, with total load, b, and bed load, b', calculated with modified BAGNOLD'S approach; measured data are hourly averaged (rvLH.). d. Ratios between sediment transport rates calculated with BAGNOLD'S approach and mcasured with D.F. samplers, R t = b(D.F.2 D.F.l)-t [or total load and Rc = b'(D.F.2)-t for bed load. e. Ratios between mean and surface current velocity, Ulll!US, and between bottom and mean current velocity, ur/urn. f. Variation of shear litress, -; (kg'm- Z), and mean current velocity, Urn (m· S-1). g. :0,.·Iedian grain size (d50 in mm) of samples taken by two identical D,F.2 samplers (a and b) and by D.r.1 and B.T.NLA. samplers. h. Variation of suspended load sampled by hourly integration (V.H.) from surface to 0.40 m from the bottom with D.F.l sampler, qs in m 3 ·m-l.s-1. i. j. and k. Instantaneous value and hourly average (rvLH.) of load sampled at 0.05 m from the bottom with D.F.2 samplers and betwecn 0 and 0.05 m from the bottom with B.T.:0,.'LA. sampler, qs in m S ' m-l. s-1, + + 286 J, J, PETERS W"r;==SS~----L:: J b [iJm lm24hi i M I:;::\ Jro .I : 1\ c ' I !rVi I. I If \J-CF1 "" V,i \ I "I ) I. / " .. DF2 /' ,,/ ,I£:.:.-. __ ..-.f v ,/' j'/"\\. \\ \ Fig. 12. Distribution of measured and calculated flow and sand transport characteristics in the gauging section of Ntua-Nkulu, November 1973. a. 1vlcdian grain size (diJO in mm) of samples taken by D.F.2 and D.F.l samplers. b. rvIeasured sand transport rates sampled with D.F.2 and D.F.l samplers, qs in m3>m~Ls~1, for D.F.2 integrated from bottom to OAO m off it, n.F.! integrated from surface to OAO ill from bottom, and D.F.1 D.F.2. c. FIm'\' characteristics: mean current velocity, Um (m's- 1 ), and discharge per unit 'Nidth~ q = um'h (m 3 'm- 1 ·s- 1 ). d. Cross-section \'vith depths, It (m), and isotaches 1 It (m·s~l). e. Sediment characteristics used in calculations ,vith R"'GNOLV'S approach: median grain size of bed load (d 5 0 C in mm) and median fall velocity of suspended load UV s in m' s-l). f. Comparison of measured transport rates with samplers D.F.2 at 0.05 m from bottom, D.F.2 from bottom to 0.40 m from bottom and D.F.2 D.F.l from bottom to surface with sediment transport rates calculated with R\GNOLD'S approach for suspended load, h', and total load, h; q5 in m 3 ·m~l·s~l. g. Ratios behvccn measured and calculated transport rates (indicated in L); R t = h(D.F.2 -;- D.F.1)-l for total load and Rc = b' (D.F.2)-1 (or bed load. h. Cross-section ,vith depths h in m. + + DISCHARGE AND SAND TRANSPORT 287 changes seem to be cl.osely Telatcd to the varying bottom shear stTCSS. Distributions of transport Tates measured near the bed generally indicate an intense sediment transport in a layer of a few ccntimcters to a fe",\, dccimeters above the bottom. It is cliHicult to make a distinction between bed load and suspended load, but probably most of the solid particles in this layer that contribute to the displacemcnt of tbe bedforms, are 1110ving by saltation r,lthcr than in suspension. The distribution of sediment transport was studied in several crosssections during diHtTcnt conditions of Ho..,,/" and tide. An exanlplc of field data and calculations is given (Fig. 12) for the control section of I'\tua-Nkulu \'\'hcre the river discharge represents 860/0 of the total fresh "vater flmv through the estuary (Fig. 4). 'The plume of suspended particles observed near to the left bank is due to the presence of a rock, iEducing intense secondary currents. Also the remarkable distribution of sediment sizes in the 1800 m \'1'ide cross-section is due to morphological factors and an analysis ofscdiIllent transport distribution should take this factor into account. The agreement betvveen sand transport rates measured \vith samplers D.F. 2 and D.l;". 1, and calculated sand transport capacities is satisfactory, except for stations 11, 7 and 6 because of the secondary CU1Tents just nlentioned. Using Bagnold's approach \\'ith the mean characteristics of flow and sediments, the calculated total transport capacity amounts to 24·5 000 IUS. d~l instead of 1it5 000 m 3 . cl-I \vhich is obtained when the data of each station are used separately while sand transport nlcasured \v1th the D.F. smuplers amounts to 82 000 nl:3.d- 1 . In this cross-section the influence of the tides 011 sedilTIcnt transport can be neglected. The tidal influence increases do\vnstrearn and an exanlp1c of this influence on fIa\v and sediluent transport is given in Fig. 13. "rhe measurements \vere performed 011 4- stations distributed in a cross-section located approximately 5 klu upstreanl the head of the subnlarine canyon. The influence of the tidcs on flow and sediment transport distribution is clear: rnaximurll sand transport occurs 3 11 to 2 h before lmv watcr or immediately after maximum flmv intensity. An attempt \vas nlade to quantif"y the sediment inflm..v into the main part ofthc lYlcandering arca through thc control section ofNtua-Nkulu. All available data oftbe period 1971-1975 are plotted in Fig. 14 versus the discharge through this section. Sand transport measurements sampled bet\veen bottom and surface with the Delft Bottles are compared \vith the sand transport capacities calculated either by the modilied Bagnold's approach using local 1I0w data or by Bagnold's approach using cross-sectional average flO'N and sedin1ent characteristics. The scattering of the sand transport measurcnlents for low discharges is chiefly dne to variations in suspended load. It corresponds 288 J. J. PETERS OL..-c-c--c-c--c-c--c-+------------'d" I I I I I I (j) I I I I I I I I 1:~~~~~ ciJ 01 50 ,0 .__~.~~~~~.~=. ': : ~=._=,..~/o.r=;::,-~. ::::..~~~ ·_~+ dJ) Iq! "<.loP [mYmsJ I/,,-- ~e ,.- ...... 30[-... - - _........ "I"I- o @ --- _.. . . . '- =----- 9 Fig. 13. Influence of tides on flow and sand transport rates in a cross-section located 5 km upstream of the head of the canyon; the 4 stations (encircled) were sampled on 5 successive days and all data gathered in one figure with time of low water (L.'i,J\l,) as reference. a. Envelope of tidalleve1s, T.L. in m. b. and c. Sand transport rates, qs in m 3 'm- L s-1, measured with D.F.l sampler between surface and 0.40 ill from bottom (D.F.l), and with D.F.2 sampler from bottom to 0.40 ill from bottom (D.F.2 total). d. and e. Variation of ratios between mean and surface current velocity, urn/us, and between bottom and mean current velocity, uf/um. f. Discharge per unit width, q = Urn' h in m 3 , m-l.s- 1 • g. Mean current velocity, Urn in m·s- 1 • 289 DISCHARGE AND SAND TRANSPORT probably to long term eflects in the adaption of the thalweg to new flow conditions. 10' 10' 20 sp 6p Q max 7,0 80 TOTAL DISCHARGE Fig. 14. Measured and calculated sand transport rates (in m 3 'd- 1 ) as a function of river discharge (m3 's- 1 ) in the Ntua-Nkulu gauging section. Total sediment transport rates calculated on the basis of data of GUY, SllIIONS & RICHARDSON (1966) for sediment sizes of 0.3 mm, using cross-sectional average flow data (..); sand transport capacities calculated with BAGNOLD'S approach (1966) using cross-sectional average flow data (D); sand transport capacities calculated with BAGNOLD'S approach (1966) using local flow data (11) j sand transport rates measured with De1ft Bottles samplers (*). Data were collected from 1971 to 1975 for almost the whole range of discharges between the observed minimum and maximum during the last 75 years (indicated by shaded bars). Sand transport capacities calcnlated with the modified Bagnold's approach correspond ronghly with the measured transport rates. In Jnly 1973 measnrements were performed at very low river discharges close to the minimum ever observed and the calculated sand transport rate had an order of magnitude of 10 4 m' sand per day. In December 1975 the river discharge amounting approximately 85% of the maximum ever observed, the calculated sand transport rate reached an order of magnitude of2 X 10 5 m 3 ·d- I • Transport capacities calculated with Bagnold's approach using eross- 290 J. J. PETERS sectional average {low characteristics, give larger values. This is probably due to the heterogeneity of flO\\' and sediment distribution in the cross-section (Fig. 12). Using data of GUY, SIMONS & RWI-IARDSON (1966) for sediment sizes of 0.3 mm, the calculated values range from 3 X 10 4 to 10' mS'd- I -Using the river discharge relationship (Fig. 6), the recorded daily ,·vater levels since 1902 and the sand transport rates (Fig. , an estimate can be made based on the hypothesis that these transport rates rClnained the saBle during the last 75 years. This vlOrk is not J'et completed, but the order of magnitude of the sand transport at the entrance of the Ineandering area "';,vil1 be 50 X 10 6 ID:}' a -1 \vhich corresponds to an average concentration of 40 g sand per m 8 ,"vater. The sediment input in the llleandcring area of the maritillle Teach is controlled the magnitude and the intensity of the successi,'c floods. An intense one may introduce in the Ineandering area a large al110unt of sand. This 'vi/ill have a strong influence on the change of the llleanders, but because of the slovy' movement of the sands on the bed a long lasting effect can be the result. So the influence of the varying hydrological cycles ",vill be less marked at the head of the canyon, and there, sand input \-vill be more conditioned by channel evolution. Ill. CONCLUSION The geomorphological configuration of the 150 kIn long maritime reach determines a sedimentation area in the coastal plain zone dmvnstrean1 the harbour of Boma. In this 60 km long sedimentation area ending at the head of the canyon, 30 km upstream the Tiver Illouth, an intricated channel systen1 evolves continuously when meanders lllove under influence of varying fresh water and sediment inflmv, deterD1ined hy the hydrological cycles, Although these arc stable, successive floods of different intellsities ,,yill annually introduce different an10unts of sand. The slow rate of transport of the sand is responsible for occasionnal and local obstructions of channels. The journey of the sand through the braided sedimentation area takes about 20 ")'cars, Channel obstructions \vill be determined by the difference behvcen the amount of sand brought to a certain location and the sediment transport rate determined at the mon1ent by the river P0\-VCL 'The fresh "'ivater flow of the Zaire river into the estuary is very stable and amounts to 1.45 X 10 12 m3'a~'1 The sand transport rate through the braided sedimentation area to the cany-ol1 has an average of 50 X 10 13 m 3 ·a- 1 • Ratios between observed extreme dayly river discharges and sand transport rates have an order of n1agnitucle of respectively 3 and 15. DISCHARGE AND SAND TRANSPORT 291 IV. SUMMARY The sedimentation zone of the nlaritime reach of the Zaire river located upstream the cauyon is described. The main characteristics of ""vater and sand lllovements are indicated: stable regime and large discharges ranging from 23 000 m 3 's- 1 to 80 000 m 3 ·C ; low tides at the mouth with an average amplitude of ' 0.80 m, quickly damped upstream; sand of the bed with grain sizes dropping dmvnstream from 1 mm to 0.2 mm, moving generally as dunes with a speed of 2 m to 10 m per day. The apparition during floods of different and smaller scale bedforms was observed. Measuring and calculation techniques arc briefly described. Some results show the influence of geomorphological factors on sand transport phenonlena, the erratic variations in time and space of sand transport rates and the influence of tidal movements on these. The role of secondary currents on the distribution of sand transport in and bet\veen channels is emphasized. Volumes of water and sand evacuated annually through the braided area arc respectively estimated at 1.45 X 10 '2 and 50 X 10 6 m S. V. RESUME 11 s'agit de la description de la zone sedimentaire de la partie maritime ciu fleuvc ZaIre situee a l'mllont du canon. Les caracteristiques principales des mouvements des eaux et des sables 5011t indiquees: stabilite du regime et debits Cleves variant entre 23000 m 3 's- 1 et 80000 m 3 ·s·· ; marees faibles it l'embouchure de ' 0,80 m d'amplitude moyenne, rapideIllent amorties vel'S l'amont; sur le fond sables d'une granulometrie decroissant de l'alnont vel'S l'aval de 1 mnl a 0,2 nlm, en mouveIllent generalenlent sous la forme de dunes avan<;ant a la vitesse de 2 nl a 10 In par jour. L'apparition de formes topographiquc5 tres particulieres en temps de crue est signalee. Les techniques de mesurc et de calcul des transports de sable sont sommairement decrites. Quelques resultats illustrcnt l'influence de fac~ tcurs gcomorphologiques sur lcs phenomenes de transport de sablc, les variations souvent erratiques de ces transports dans le temps et l'espace, de mcmc que l'influencc des mouvements de maree. Le role des courants secondaires sur la distribution des transports de sable entre et a l'intCrieur des differents chenaux est souligne. Les volumes d'eau et de sable evacues annucllement par la region divagante sont estimes rcspectivement a 1,45'10 12 m 3 et 50.10 6 m 3 • 292 J. J. PETERS VI. REFERENCES ALLEN,]. R. L., 1968. Current ripples. North Holland Pub!. Camp.: 1-433 BAGNOLD, R. A., 1966. An approach to the sediment transport problem from general physics.-ProL Pap. V,S. geol. Surv. 422-1: 1-37. COLBY, B. C. & R. P. CHRISTENSEN, 1956. Visual accumulation tube for size analysis ofsands.-J. Hydraul. Div. HY3 Am. Soc. dv. Engers, Paper 1004: 1-17. DEVROEY, E.]., 1951. Notice de la carte des caux superficiclles du Congo BeIge et du Ruanda-Urundi.-Publs Corn. hydrogr. Bassin congo!. Publ. 2. GANSE, R. VAN, 1959. Les debits du fleuve Congo a Lcopoldville et a Iuga. :~v1emoires de !'Institut de l' Academic Royale des Sciences Calouiales, Bruxellcs. Classe des Sciences et Techniques, N.S., T.V., Fasc. 3: 737-763. GUY, H. P., D. B. SIMONS & E. V. RICHARDSON, 1966. Summary of alluvial channel data from flume experiments, 1956-61.-Prof. Pap. D.S. geol. Surv. 462-1: 1-96. PETERS,J. J. & A. STERLING, 1968-1977. Rapports d'activite :NIateba 1 a lVIateba 14 dans le cadre de l'e-tude de l'amclioration de la navigabilite du bief maritime du flcuve ZaIre. Laboratoire de recherche hydraulique, Borgerhout, Anvers. SIMONS, D. B. & E. V. RICHARDSON, 1966. Resistance to flow in alluvial channels. -Prof. Pap. D.S. geo!. Surv. 422-J: 1-61.