Appendix A: Complete Questionnaire for the Interorganizational Information Systems Capability Survey (English Version) The purpose of this survey is to assess Interorganizational Information Systems Capability within your trading partners and your organization. Please complete all sections by selecting the best response for each question based on your view of your organization. Thank you in advance for your participation. SECTION 1: The questions below relate to the Technology when you doing business with your trading partners through interorganizational systems (IOS). 1. What types of IOS is mostly used in your company? ϭWeb browser systems ϭEDI/EOI systems ϭRosettaNet systems ϭOther systems, please specify ________________ 2. For the system you select above, please estimate its usage level in your company. Percentages of transactions that are exchanged by IOS links, ________% 3. Please rate the degree of each of the following IT infrastructure for IOS in your company. (1: don’t integrate, 7: highly integrate) STRONGLY STRONGLY DISAGREE AGREE 1. In order to implement the IOS efficiently, your company put in large degree of technical investments in implementing the IOS…………………………… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2. Your company has a good telecommunications infrastructure. (e.g., E-mail, Internet, or Intranet)…………………………………………………………... 3. Your company has integrated IS applications (e.g., ERP) encompassing different business areas. ……………………………………………………… 42 SECTION 2: The questions below relate to the Organization Resources when you doing business with your trading partners by interorganizational systems. STRONGLY STRONGLY DISAGREE AGREE 1. Your company has related successful implementation experience (e.g., experience of implementing ERP)…………………………………………… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2. Your company believes the previous experience in developing interorganizational systems can help you to implement other interorganizational systems in the future…………………………………….. SECTION 3: The questions below relate to the Relational Resources between your trading partner and your organization. STRONGLY STRONGLY DISAGREE AGREE 1. You and your corporate customers are undergoing some supply chain collaboration projects (e.g., product design, quality control, as well as forecasting and inventory management)……………………………………… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2. There exists an equal sharing of risks, burden, benefits, and appropriate incentives between you and your corporate customers…………………………………………………………………….. 3. Your company trusts that confidential/proprietary information shared with your corporate customers will be kept strictly confidential………………… 4. There exists an open and frequent communication between you and your corporate customers…………………………………………………………... 5. You and most of your corporate customers have very similar IT infrastructure in terms of the IT availability, maturity, compatibility, and reliability……………………………………………………………………… 6. You and your corporate customers have compatible company culture. (e.g., business mission or value)…………………………………………………… 7. You and your corporate customers have similar decision processes to handle transactions (e.g. having similar procedures to handle order change)……………………………………………………………………….. 8. You and your corporate customers' top management provide similar support with regard to the development of IOS……………………………………… 43 SECTION 4: The questions below relate to the Industry Resources within your industry. STRONGLY STRONGLY DISAGREE AGREE 1. In your company, a large proportion material is procured from several key trading partners. ……………………………………………………………… 2. Your trading partners strongly influence your decision to adopt IOS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SECTION 5: The questions below relate to the Performance with your company. 1. NONE HIGH BENEFIT BENEFIT After using IOS, your company learn about customers and markets for our 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 products 2. After using IOS, our company create of new products, product enhancements 3. After using IOS, your company development of new business opportunities…………........................... ....................... ....................... 4. After using IOS, your company get cost efficiencies from higher sales Volumes…………………………………………………………………….. 5. After using IOS, your company improvements to current processes or creation of new processes………………………………………………….. 6. After using IOS, your company increase profitability……………………… 44 SECTION 6: Demographics: (Please tell us a little about yourself and your background) 1. Your job title is Î ______________________ 2. Your years experience in this job (years) Î ϭʳless than 2 ϭ 2-5 ϭ 5-10 ϭ 10-15 ϭ over 15 3. Your organization has established (years) Î ϭʳless than 2 ϭ 2-5 ϭ 5-10 ϭ 10-15 ϭ over 15 4. The industry that your organization belongs to Î ϭʳElectronics ϭʳElectrical machinery ϭ Information product manufacture ϭ Semiconductor ϭ Import-export business ϭ Communications ϭ Logistics ϭ Others_________________ 5. The capital of your organization (in millions) Î ϭʳunder $10 ϭ $10-30 ϭ $30-$80 ϭ $80-$500 ϭ $500-$1000 ϭ over $1000 6. Number of employees in your organization Î ϭʳless than 50 ϭ 50-200 ϭ 251-1000 ϭ 1001-5000 ϭ over 5000 7. The average net sales of one year (in millions) Î ϭʳunder $5 ϭ $5-20 ϭ $21-$100 ϭ $101-$500 ϭ $501-$5000 ϭ over $5000 THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION 45 Appendix B: Complete Questionnaire for the Interorganizational Information Systems Capability Survey (Chinese Version) ءം࠴ऱؾऱڇᘝၦ၆ֆፖড়֪հၴऱሀิ៣ᇷಛߓอ౨ԺΔڇՀ٨ٺᆏംᠲ խΰรԫຝٝ۟รքຝ։α Δᓮ൞༉၆ֆऱمΔࠐჄᐊ່ᔞᅝऱூΖ ءڇઔߒխΔ όሀิ៣ᇷಛߓอύਢਐΚ௫֗ࠟଡࢨิڍޓ៣ၴհᇷᄭ։ࠆߓอΖ ຍଡߓอץਔԱ࿏᧯Εຌ᧯ΕႚᙁໂΕঞፖ࿓ݧΕᇷறፖᇷறΔ֗אറᄐ वᢝΔࠌאᇷಛሒࠩሀิ៣ႚಬشܓ֗אऱؾऱΖԫࠐᎅΔֆհၴࢬࠌش ऱආ/ૡߓอΕढੌߓอΕ८ᘜٌ࣐ߓอΕ࠰ٵૠߓอΔຟ᥆࣍ሀิ៣ ᇷಛߓอᒤΖאՀΔᓮא၆ֆऱሽ ሽආߓอᠲհࠉᖕΖ รԫຝٝΕᓮ൞ಾኙ၆ֆፖড়֪հၴऱሽආߓอࠌشणउΔڇՀ٨ംᠲխ ჄᐊᔞᅝऱூΖ 1. ᓮം၆ֆ່ൄࠌشऱሽආߓอਢ߷ԫጟΛ ϭWeb browser ߓอ ϭEDI/EOI ߓอ ϭRosettaNet ߓอ ϭאՂઃॺΔࠡߓהอΰᓮᎅࣔ________________α 2. ࢭՂᠲΔ၆ֆΚ ٌ࣐ڇխຘመᇠߓอٌ࣐ګݙऱۍ։ֺΔՕપਢ________% 3. ൕᇷಛઝݾഗ៕৬ऱߡ৫ۖߢΔᓮ֍ᙇ൞ኙ࣍Հ٨ඖ૪ٵრऱ࿓৫Ζ(ࠡխ 1 ।ψᄕլٵრω Δ7 ।ψᄕٵრω) 1. ࠌᇠߓอڶயچኔਜΔᏁઌᅝڍऱറݾڶދᇷΖ 2. ݺଚֆڶ٤ऱጻሁໂ(ڕΚE-mail, Internet, Intranet)Ζ 3. ݺଚֆփຝڶ৬ᆜᇷಛߓอ(ڕΚERP)Δݺܗ࠰אଚऱֲൄ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 ܂ᄐΖ 46 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 รԲຝ։Εᓮ൞ေ۷၆ֆࢬᖑڶऱψิ៣ᇷᄭωኙ࣍ࠌشሽආߓอऱᐙΖ ᓮഎᙇ൞ኙ࣍Հ٨ඖ૪ٵრऱ࿓৫Ζ(ࠡխ 1 ।ψᄕլٵრωΔ7 ।ψᄕٵრω) 1. ڇᖄԵᇠߓอছΔݺଚֆբڶᖄԵࠡהՕীᇷಛߓอ(ڕΚ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 ERP)ऱפګᆖ᧭Ζ 2. ݺଚॾᇠߓอऱᖄԵᆖ᧭Δലױݺڇشܓଚֲ৵ᖄԵࠡה 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 ሀิ៣ᇷಛߓอհՂΖ รԿຝٝΕᓮ൞ေ۷ڇᖄԵᇠሽආߓอழΔ၆ֆፖ܂ٽኃ۴ၴऱψ܂ٽᣂ এω࿓৫Ζᓮഎᙇ൞ኙ࣍Հ٨ඖ૪ٵრऱ࿓৫Ζ(ࠡխ 1 ।ψᄕլٵრω Δ7 ।ψᄕ ٵრω) 1. ݺଚֆ܂ٽࡉኃ۴հၴΔڶᥛၞ۩ࠎᚨᢸՂઌᣂऱ܂ٽૠ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 ቤΔڕΚข࠰ٵૠΕ٤૿ᔆ༼ࣙΕژຄຄउጥΖ 2. ݺଚֆ܂ٽࡉኃ۴հၴࣔڶᒔऱຂٚ։ՠ֗ܓ墿։ࠆᖲࠫΖ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 3. ݺଚֆઌॾፖ܂ٽኃ۴։ࠆऱᖲയᇷறΔᄎᒔኔऱঅയΖ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 4. ݺଚֆ܂ٽࡉኃ۴հၴΔڶ৬مԫଡၲ࣋ࢤऱᄮຏጥሐΔࠀ ᆖൄၞ۩ᄮຏΖ 5. ݺଚֆࡉՕຝٝऱ܂ٽኃ۴Δڶᣊۿऱᇷಛઝݾഗ៕৬Δ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 ڕΚᇷಛݾګᑵ৫ઌᅝΕߓอࡳ৫ԫીࢨᇷಛઝݾ౨ԺઌᅝΖ 6. ݺଚֆፖਬࠄ܂ٽኃ۴հၴΔڶᣊۿऱٞᄐ֮֏ፖᏝଖᨠΖ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 7. ٌ࣐ڇՂΔݺଚֆፖ܂ٽኃ۴հၴΔࠠڶઌ२ऱެੌ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 ࿓ΔࠏڕΚᣊۿऱૡ࿓ݧΖ 8. ݺଚֆ܂ٽࡉኃ۴ऱၸጥΔຟৰ֭ሽආߓอऱᖄ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 Ե֗ං೯Ζ รຝٝΕᓮ൞ေ۷၆ֆ૿ࢬᜯऱψขᄐᛩቼωኙ࣍ࠌشሽආߓอऱᐙΖ ᓮഎᙇ൞ኙ࣍Հ٨ඖ૪ٵრऱ࿓৫Ζ(ࠡխ 1 ।ψᄕլٵრωΔ7 ।ψᄕٵრω) 1. ݺଚֆऱޗறආΔڶৰՕֺࠏ༳༽ڇ༓ଡᣂऱ܂ٽኃ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 ۴֫ՂΔݺڼڂଚૹီፖຍࠄ܂ٽኃ۴ऱᣂএΖ 2. ܂ٽኃ۴ऱኪ৫Δᄎൎ௺ᐙݺଚֆආشሽආߓอऱ რᣋΖ 47 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 รնຝٝΕᓮം၆ֆڇආشᇠߓอհ৵ΔࢬᛧऱՀ૪ய墿࿓৫۶Λ(ࠡխ 1 ।ψᄕ᎘პωΔ7 ।ψᄕ᧩ထω) 1. ࠌشᇠሽආߓอ৵Δݺ࣍ܗڶଚ്྇֟܂ᄐΖ 2. ࠌشᇠሽආߓอ৵Δݺ࣍ܗڶଚ྇֟ԳՠᙑᎄΖ 3. ࠌشᇠሽආߓอ৵Δݺ࣍ܗڶଚ྇֟ᇷறऱૹᙁԵΖ 4. ࠌشᇠሽආߓอ৵Δݺ࣍ܗڶଚ༼ࣙড়֪ࣚ೭Ζ 5. ࠌشᇠሽආߓอ৵Δݺ࣍ܗڶଚ૾ژ܅ຄءګΖ 6. ࠌشᇠሽආߓอ৵Δݺ࣍ܗڶଚૡऱݶຒګݙΖ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 7. ࠌشᇠሽආߓอ৵Δ֟྇࣍ܗڶፖ܂ٽኃ۴ऱᄮຏګ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 ءΖ 8. ࠌشᇠሽආߓอ৵Δޏ࣍ܗڶ࣍ፖ܂ٽኃ۴ऱᣂএΖ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 9. ࠌشᇠሽආߓอ৵Δݺࣙ༼࣍ܗڶଚֆऱᤁञᚌႨΖ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 10. ࠌشᇠሽආߓอ৵Δࣙ༼࣍ܗڶֆኙؑऱڃᚨ౨ 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 ԺΖ 11. ࠌشᇠሽආߓอ৵Δף࣍ܗڶൎՠऱسขԺΖ 48 1---2---3---4---5---6---7 รքຝٝΕᓮჄᐊ൞ֆፖ൞ऱԫࠄഗءᇷற 1. 2. 3. ݺऱՠ܂ጠΚ_______________ ݺऱՠ܂ຝ॰Κ_______________ ڇݺຍଡۯՠ܂բΚϭ 2 אڣՀ 10~15 )ܶ(ڣϭ 15 אڣՂ 4. 7. ݺଚֆբمګΚϭ 2 אڣՀ ϭ 2~5 )ܶ(ڣϭ 5~10 )ܶ(ڣϭ 10~15 ڣ (ܶ) ϭ 15 אڣՂ ݺଚֆऱขᄐܑΚϭሽሽᕴ ϭሽᖲ/ሽᨱᒵ ޗϭᇷಛข፹ທ ϭ תᖄ᧯ ϭၞנՑ၉࣐ ϭຏಛ ϭੌຏᄐ ϭࠡ_______________ה ݺଚֆऱᇷءᠰΚϭ1000 ᆄאՀ ϭ1000 ᆄ~3000 ᆄ(ܶ) ϭ3000 ᆄ ~8000 ᆄ(ܶ) ϭ8000 ᆄ~5 Ꮩ(ܶ) ϭ5 Ꮩ~10 Ꮩ(ܶ) ϭ10 ᏙאՂ ݺଚֆऱՠԳᑇΚϭ5 ԳאՀ ϭ6 Գ~20 Գ ϭ21 Գ~50 Գ ϭ51 Գ 8. ~200 Գ ϭ201 Գ~1000 Գ ϭ1001 ԳאՂ ݺଚֆऱؓ݁ڣᛜᄐᠰΚϭ500 ᆄאՀ ϭ500 ᆄ~2000 ᆄ(ܶ) ϭ2000 5. 6. 9. ϭ 2~5 )ܶ(ڣ ϭ 5~10 )ܶ(ڣϭ ᆄ~1 Ꮩ(ܶ) ϭ1 Ꮩ~5 Ꮩ(ܶ) ϭ5 Ꮩ~50 Ꮩ(ܶ) ϭ50 ᏙאՂ ᓮఎՀሽᇩࢨ E-mailΔאءףઔߒऱࢼᑻ೯ΖሽᇩΚ _______________ ΖE-mailΚ______________________________Ζ ່৵ΔԼ։൞ऱ၄֨ჄᐊΔࠀტ൞ኙءઔߒऱ֭ፖፖΖ 49 Appendix C: Correlation Matrix of IOS Variables ˖̂̅̅˸˿˴̇˼̂́ʳˠ˴̇̅˼̋ʳ ʳ ˧˥˄ʳ ˧˥˅ʳ ˧˥ˆʳ ʳ ˢ˜ˋ˲˄ʳ ˢ˜ˋ˲˅ʳ ˥˜ʳ ˖˥ʳ ˜˜ˆʳ ʳ ˜˜ˇ˲˅ʳ ʳ ˧˥˄ʳ ˄ˁ˃˃˃ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ˧˥˅ʳ ˁˇˆ˅ʳ ˄ˁ˃˃˃ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ˧˥ˆʳ ˁˆˈˌʳ ˁˉˋˆʳ ˄ˁ˃˃˃ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ˢ˜ˋ˲˄ʳ ˁˆ˅ˋʳ ˁˇˋˌʳ ˁˉˇˋʳ ˄ˁ˃˃˃ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ˢ˜ˋ˲˅ʳ ˁˆ˄ˋʳ ˁˉˇ˅ʳ ˁˇˈˈʳ ˁˈˇ˃ʳ ˄ˁ˃˃˃ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ˧̅̈̆̇ʳ ˁˆˇˈʳ ˁˉ˄ˆʳ ˁˈ˃ˆʳ ˁˇˇˌʳ ˁˈ˅˃ʳ ˄ˁ˃˃˃ʳ ʳ ʳ ʳ ˖˥ʳ ˁ˅ˋˇʳ ˁˈˇˆʳ ˁˆˉ˅ʳ ˁˇˇˌʳ ˁˈˈˊʳ ˁˉˉˋʳ ˄ˁ˃˃˃ʳ ʳ ʳ ˜˜ˆʳ ˁ˄ˈˌʳ ˁˆˊˊʳ ˁ˅ˉˋʳ ˁ˄ˌˇʳ ˁˆˆˇʳ ˁˇ˄ˊʳ ˁˆˋˇʳ ˄ˁ˃˃˃ʳ ʳ ˜˜ˇʳ ˁ˅˄ˈʳ ˁˆ˅ˆʳ ˁ˅ˊˊʳ ˁ˅˃˄ʳ ˁˆˉˈʳ ˁˆˋˊʳ ˁˆ˅ˋʳ ˁˈˉˇʳ ˄ˁ˃˃˃ʳ * All numbers presented in this table are the results of Pearson Correlation. * All numbers presented in this table are significantly correlated at the 0.01 levels. 50