Lesson 18: Heavenly Father Helps us Obey His Commandments

Lesson 18: Heavenly Father Helps
us Obey His Commandments
“Lesson 18: Heavenly Father Helps Us Obey His Commandments,” Primary 3: Choose the Right B, (1994),84
• To help the children understand that Heavenly
Father and Jesus will help them obey the
1. The Lord commanded Nephi to go and get the plates
From the wicked Laban inside the city gates.
Laman and Lemuel were both afraid to try.
Nephi was courageous. This was his reply:
2. The Lord commanded Nephi to go and build a boat.
Nephi’s older brothers believed it would not float.
Laughing and mocking, they said he should not try.
Nephi was courageous. This was his reply:
3. The Lord gives us commandments and asks us to obey.
Sometimes I am tempted to choose another way.
When I’m discouraged, and think I cannot try,
I will be courageous, and I will reply:
“I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.
I know the Lord provides a way; he wants me to obey.
I will go; I will do the thing the Lord commands.
I know the Lord provides a way; he wants me to obey.”
Words and music: Bill N. Hansen Jr., b. 1952, and Lisa T. Hansen, b. 1958 © 1986 by Wilford N.
Hansen Jr., and Lisa Tensmeyer Hansen. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for
incidental, noncommercial church or home use.
Would you please do what I am doing.
Thank you for obeying
• What does it mean to obey?
• When we do as we are asked, we are
obeying or being obedient.
I am thinking about a man
who was obedient.
He willingly obeyed the
Lord’s commandment to
leave Jerusalem with his
• He also willingly obeyed the commandment
to return to Jerusalem to get the brass
• Who was this man?
I am thinking about a man
who was obedient.
He willingly obeyed the
Lord’s commandment to
leave Jerusalem with his
• He also willingly obeyed the commandment
to return to Jerusalem to get the brass
• Who was this man?
When Nephi was
commanded to return to
Jerusalem to obtain the
brass plates, he knew this
was a hard thing to do,
but he told his father that
he would obey.
• When Nephi was commanded to return to
Jerusalem to obtain the brass plates, he
knew this was a hard thing to do, but he
told his father that he would obey.
Remember last week, we
learned about Nephi and
his brother’s having to go
back to Jeruselem, to
retrieve the brass plates?
Laben didn’t want to let
the plates go, So Nephi
did what he had to do to
get the plates back.
• The words that Nephi told his father are
written in this book.
Let’s read 1 Nephi 3:7
7 And it came to pass that I, Nephi,
said unto my father: I will go and do
the things which the Lord hath
commanded, for I know that the Lord
giveth no commandments unto the
children of men, save he shall
prepare a way for them that they may
accomplish the thing which he
commandeth them.
• The last three lines of the
song we started with
says the same thing.
• The Lord will help you to
obey his
This is what our Lesson is about today.
Lesson 18: Heavenly Father Helps
us Obey His Commandments
“Lesson 18: Heavenly Father Helps Us Obey His Commandments,” Primary 3: Choose the Right B, (1994),84
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• After traveling in the wilderness for eight years,
Lehi’s family arrived at the seashore.
There they
found fruit
and honey.
They called
the place
• After Lehi’s
family had
camped by the
sea for many
days, the Lord
spoke to Nephi.
He told Nephi to build a ship to
carry his family to the promised
• Nephi did not know how to make a ship, but
the Lord said he would show him.
He told Nephi
where to find
metal to
make the
tools he
would need.
• Laman and
Lemuel made
fun of Nephi for
wanting to
build a ship.
They did not believe that the
Lord had shown Nephi how to
do it. They refused to help.
• Nephi told
Laman and
Lemuel to
repent and not
be rebellious.
He reminded them that they
had seen an angel.
He also told them that God
has the power to do all things.
• Laman and Lemuel
were angry with
Nephi and wanted
to throw him into
the sea.
As they came toward Nephi, he
commanded them not to touch
him because he was filled with
the power of God.
• Laman and Lemuel were afraid for many
Then the Lord
told Nephi to
touch Laman
and Lemuel.
When Nephi did, the Lord
shocked them.
Laman and Lemuel knew the
power of God was with Nephi.
• Nephi told
Laman and
Lemuel to obey
their parents
and obey God.
Nephi said if they would do this,
they would be blessed.
Laman and
Lemuel repented
and helped Nephi
build the ship.
• Nephi went to the
mountain many times
to pray for help.
• The Lord taught him
how to build the ship.
• When Nephi and his brothers had finished
building the ship, they knew it was a good
God for
• How do you think Laman and Lemuel felt?
• How did the Lord help Nephi?
He told him where
to get the ore to
make tools.
He taught him how
to build the ship.
He protected him
from his brothers.
Even though Nephi didn’t know how to build a
ship, he believed that the Lord would help him
if he obeyed his commandments.
• What makes this happy face happy?
• Understand that Heavenly Father and Jesus
Christ want us to be happy.
• This is why they have given us
commandments to obey.
• How does obeying the commandments
bring us happiness.
• Which of these faces shows how Nephi felt
when he obeyed the commandment to build
the boat
• How does coming to church help us feel
• How does loving and serving our family
members help us be happy?
• Just as the Lord helped
Nephi, he will help each of
us if we have faith in him
and are willing to obey his
• Listen to this story about how Heavenly Father
helped a young girl obey the commandment to
keep the Sabbath day holy.
Ma-ling had a little food stand
on the street near the river.
Every day she would sell her
rice and fish to the people who
stopped at her shop.
Each night as she returned to her home on
the houseboat and counted the money
she had earned, she would sigh and
shake her head, for it was barely enough
to buy rice for her family and fish to sell
the next day.
• One day Ma-ling met the missionaries, and they
taught her the gospel.
• They taught her about Heavenly Father’s
commandments and about keeping the Sabbath
day holy.
Ma-ling talked to Heavenly Father
in prayer and promised him that
she would not open her stand on
Sunday anymore.
She wanted to keep the Sabbath day holy
and not work on Sunday.
From that time on, each night as Ma-ling
counted her money, she found she had
more money than ever before.
• She wanted to keep the Sabbath day holy and not
work on Sunday.
• She was able to buy more food to share with her
family, and she was able to buy more fish to sell.
Heavenly Father blessed Ma-ling because
she kept the Sabbath day holy.
Ma-ling was happy because she obeyed
the commandments.
• What commandment
did Ma-ling obey?
• How did Heavenly
Father help her?
• Just as Heavenly Father
helped Nephi and Maling, he will help us obey
his commandments
I want to testify to
you that Heavenly
Father and Jesus
Christ love us and
will help us obey
• Images and clipart are from lds.org, ldsclipart.com, Microsoft
Office, and other websites indicating the images were in the
public domain or permitted for church and home use.
• The hymns, lesson and scripture story are from lds.org. This
power point was created from the power point by Ericka
Covalt titled “Obtaining the Brass Plates” (Primary 4 lesson
• Please do not use this presentation for commercial use. Feel
free to alter the presentation for use in church or home to
suit personal preference.
• This presentation is intended to supplement, not replace, the
lesson manual and scriptures. Teachers should refer to the
manual, scriptures and other resources when preparing and
conducting the lesson.