Speech Communication 1311=Study Guide Chapter 7

Study Guide for Exam #3 Speech 1311 Chapter 7 1. Interpersonal communication is 2. Interpersonal communication involves 3. A relationship that is sought out and intentionally developed is called 4. Interpersonal attraction is 5. Matching hypothesis is 6. The tendency to be attracted to persons with abilities, interests, and needs that differ from one's own, but that balance or round out one's own, is called 7. The need to involve others in one's activities or to be involved in the activities of others is 8. Passive strategy is 9. As a form of perception checking, you ask colleagues about their views of other coworkers. You compare their perceptions with your own observations. This is an example of a 10. A dominating communication style in which one focuses attention on oneself is 11. Voluntarily providing information to others that they would not learn if one did not tell them is called 12. Reciprocity is Chapter 8 1. We develop more give‐and‐take in friendships as we grow 2. Research has found that, on average, adults have _____ best friends. 3. The earliest lessons about verbal and nonverbal communication come from our 4. The initiation stage of relational escalation is 5. The first stage of relational de‐escalation is 6. The stage characterized by increased conflict, less mutual acceptance, a tense communication climate, and an unclear relationship definition is called the 7. The stage in which individuals make an intentional decision to minimize or eliminate further interpersonal interaction is called the 8. Constructive conflict is 9. Conflict characterized by a lack of cooperation in dealing with differences and a dismantling of relationships without restoring them is called 10. Argumentative episodes focused on a given issue that occur at least twice are known as 11. A relationship in which one partner willingly and continuously cedes power to the other is called 12. Aggressive communication is Chapter 9 1. A team is 2. Goals of groups 3. Rules of teams 4. A group that meets to seek a solution to a problem is called a 5. A social group is 6. The term _____ refers to standards that determine what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior in 7. A(n) _____ assesses the evidence and conclusions that the group is considering. 8. A _____ seeks to get the group to support a pet project or personal agenda. 9. Status is defined as 10. Power that stems from being liked is called 11. Cohesiveness is 12. A smaller, cohesive group within a group is called Essays/Short Answers Chapter 7. 1. Explain the matching hypothesis. 2. What is the difference of relationship of circumstance and a relationship of choice? Chapter 8 1. List the stages of relational escalation. 2. What techniques are involved in the cooperative style of managing conflict? Chapter 9 1. Name the five bases of power? 2. What makes a group a cohesive unit? Bonus: What is conversational narcissism? 