BEVILL STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE NURSING PROGRAM TEXTBOOK LIST - FALL 2015 REQUIRED: FRESHMAN – ADN CLASS OF SPRING 2017 & LPN CLASS OF FALL 2015 **Potter & Perry; Fundamentals of Nursing (Text/Study Guide Pkg); 8th Ed.; Elsevier Publishing Co., 2012. NUR 102-105-201-202-203 (ISBN 978-0-323-08690-5) **Perry & Potter; Clinical Nursing Skills & Techniques (BOOK & for PN students-Online (ISBN 978-0-323-100533Pkg.); 8th Ed.; Elsevier Publishing Co., 2014. NUR 102 & 200 (ISBN Book 978-0-323-08383-6) ** Wilson & Giddens; Health Assessment for Nursing Practice; (Text ONLY) 5th Ed.; Elsevier Publishing Co., 2013. NUR 102103-105-200-201-202-203 (ISBN 9780323091510) ** Ogden, S.J.; Calculation of Drug Dosages; (Text, Access Code & CD Pkg) 10th Ed.; Elsevier Publishing Co., 2012. NUR 104 (ISBN 978-0-323-310697); WITH ONLINE PIN CODE (9780323026369) **BRUNNER and Suddarths Textbook of Medical Surgical Nursing, (package with Docucare & Course point) 13th Ed. Wolters Kluwer/LWW publishing Co., 2014 ; NUR 105-107-200-201-202-203 (ISBN custom – 9781469863900) **Workman, M. L., LaCharity, L. Understanding Pharmacology: Essentials for Medication Safety; 2nd edition, Elsevier Publishing Co., 2015. NUR 102-104-105- NUR 107-NUR 108 (ISBN 978-1-4557-3976-9 Textbook only) PN ONLY **PREP U, NCLEX 5,000 –LPN- Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins ISBN 9781451158335 PN ONLY **McKinney, et. al.; Maternity & Child Nursing; (Text/Study Guide Pkg) 4th Ed., Elsevier Publishing Co., 2013. NUR 106-200-201-202-203 (ISBN 9781455748686 WITH REQUIRED STUDY GUIDE Varcarolis, E. M. & et al..; Foundations of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach; 7th Ed. by Halter @ Elsevier Publishing Co., 2014. (ISBN 978-1-4557-5358-1) NUR 200-201-202-203 Sole, M. L., & et a ; Introduction to Critical Care Nursing, 6th Ed.; Elsevier Publishing Co. 2013,. NUR 202 & 203 (ISBN 9780323088480) Leeuwen, A., Poelhuis-Leth, D. & Bladh, M. Davis’s Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests with Nursing Implications, 6th Ed., F.A. Davis Company, 2014. (ISBN 13: 978-0-3036-4405-2) (NUR 105-106-200-201-202-203) Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses; 13th Ed., @ 2013 F.A.Davis Company (ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-39768) (NUR 105-106-200-201-202-203) Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary; 22th Ed. F.A. Davis Pub. Co. (ISBN 978-0-8036-2977-6) Publication Date: April 11, 2013 (NUR 105-106-200-201-202-203) Fluid & Electrolyte Made Incredibly Easy’ 6th Ed., ISBN 9781451193961; Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins ************************************************************************************ REQUIRED: PN Third Semester - FALL CLASS OF 2015 Hill & Howlett; Success in Practical / Vocational Nursing; 7th Ed; Elsevier Publishing Co., 2013. NUR 109 (ISBN 978-1-4557-0335-7) The ATI Essentials Optimal Package components will be utilized beginning with the fall 2014 ADN class. This includes but is not limited to Dosage Calculations & Safe Medications, Nurse Logic, Nurse’s Touch, Pharmacology Made Easy, Real Life Clinical Resources Scenarios, and skills modules/videos. This resource will NOT be available in the College bookstores but purchased separately.