Career Cluster: Health Science Technical Pathway: Health and Medical Sciences Practical Nursing H170605 CTE Program: 1350 Hours Eligible Recipient: ATC Students on Target for Graduation ATLANTIC TECHNICAL HS OFFERS a 32 CREDIT HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA with 16 CORE CURRICULUM CREDIT REQUIREMENTS Technical Program OTHER AP Courses Offered: English SOCIAL of Study 8 credits Language/ English Literature/ 8 Credits HOPE; Fine Arts; Calculus/ Statistics/ American ENGLISH MATH SCIENCE STUDIES Foreign Lang; Critical Concentrated in 1 History/ Government/ Psychology/ of 22 Technical Thinking/ Career Biology/ Spanish/ Physics/ Decision Making; Programs of Study Reading for College Programming Success/Health II; Intro 4 Credits, 2 4 Credits 4 Credits 4 Credits to IT; Emerging with lab Technology in Business HIGH SCHOOL FAB 4 - No One Else Does It Better! Each student is provided the opportunity to obtain: a College Ready HS Diploma (Merit & Scholar Designation); Technical Program Certificate w/ Dual Enrollment Quality Points; Industry Credential and/or License; Articulated Post-Secondary or State College Credit 9 English I Algebra I or higher as recommended by Guidance Biology Spanish I HOPE Speech 10 English II Geometry or higher as recommended by Guidance Chemistry World History Spanish II Intro to IT Psychology Critical Thinking/SAT Prep/Advanced Reading 11 English III Algebra II or higher as recommended by Guidance Physics American History Practical Nursing I Practical Nursing II Practical Nursing III Practical Nursing IV 12 English IV Pre-Calc or higher as recommended by Guidance Marine Science American Government/ Economics Practical Nursing V (Summer), VI (Summer), and VII Practical Nursing VIII Practical Nursing IX HOE Directed Study Health; Reading for Emerging Technology College Success in Business CAREER POSTSECONDARY Prior to acceptance into the Practical Nursing program, students MUST meet or exceed the minimum unweighted and core GPA of 3.0, have no grade lower than a "C" on their transcript and have obtained appropriate scores on FCAT and EOC exams. No exceptions.*** Full Time Summer Schedule is Required to Complete the Program. Career and Technical Education programs are comprised of eight (8) courses and upon successful completion, may lead to industry recognized certificates, licenses, occupational opportunities and/or postsecondary education options. Please review some of the current available opportunities listed below. Career Dual Enrollment Requirements: Partners: Business and Industry Articulation Agreements Minimum 2.0 GPA and TABE Exit Scores: Broward Community Colleges N/S/C; John Knox Home Health R11- M11- L11 Agency; University Hospital & Medical Center; Manor Pines Convalescent Center; Memorial Regional Hospital; N Broward Hospital District; Total Health Care; Williamsburg Landing Upon completion of the program and meeting eligibility requirements, including the attainment of an aligned industry credential, students may be awarded credits Career Dual Enrollment Course Opportunities: Employment Opportunities toward an Associate Degree by Broward College or the Nine (9) Credits Practical Nurse; Articulated Nursing Asst; Patient Care Florida College System. Additional college credit may be Technician; Basic Healthcare Worker; Adv. Home Health Aide; awarded with the attainment of additional industry Health Care Support Worker; Adv. Allied Health Asst. Industry Credential Opportunities for ATC credentials. DUAL ENROLLMENT to BC upon passing the NCLEXStudents Completing All Program Post-Secondary Career Options PN: 13 credits transfer to AS Degree Nursing - LPN-RN Requirements: Registered Nurse; Surgeon; Physician; Paramedic; Transition Track Physical Therapist; Massage Therapist; Geneticist; Students will be prepared to take an approved state STATE OF FLORIDA: 10 credits, AS, Registered Nursing Anesthesiologist; Physician Assistant; Veterinarian; and/or nationally recognized industry certification or Gold Standard: NCLEX: Licensed Practical Nurse Cardiovascular Technologist; Forensic Medicine; Medical licensure exam in their field of study. (LPN),10 credits, AS, Registered Nurse (RN) Examiner; Sports Medicine PRACTICAL NURSING The Practical Nursing program prepares a person to participate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of nursing care in hospitals and extended care facilities. Students are introduced to the clinical area early in the program. Theory and clinical procedures are integrated to reinforce learning. A certificate is issued at the successful completion of the program in accordance with state guidelines. Graduates are entitled to take the NCLEX-PN licensure examination. The Florida State Board of Nursing will issue a license to those who pass the examination. This program is accredited by the (ACEN) Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. Areas of Study: Administering Medications Anatomy & Physiology Aseptic Technique & Infection Control Procedures Basic Math & Science Biological, Psychological, & Social Support Blood Borne Diseases – HIV/AIDS/HBV Care of the Geriatric Patient Care of the Medical/Surgical Patient Communication & Interpersonal Skills Computer Literacy CPR/Response to Emergency Situations Employability Skills Human Growth & Development Knowledge of the Health Care Delivery System Legal & Ethical Responsibilities Maternal/ Newborn Care / Pediatrics Nursing Procedures Organizational Skills Patient Care Procedures Personal Patient Care Physical Comfort Principles of Nutrition Safety & Security Procedures Wellness & Disease Concepts High School Admission Requirements: Junior in High School Take the TABE test Meet HS Entrance Requirements: GPA, FCAT/EOC, Grades, TABE and application packet and interview Additionally, students enrolled in this 12 month program must agree they will attend a full-time summer component, EVERY DAY, with the understanding that there is no transportation. Student schedules will not be changed due to a change of heart or vacation plans – the commitment is for 1 full year and if the student does not complete the summer, they will receive an F on their transcript, will not complete the program, and it may impact their academic standing and/or placement at the Technical HS. High School Program Requirements: Industry Certification & State Credential Exams Clearance on FDLE Level II Background Check* Negative Drug Test Results Students will be prepared to take an approved state and/or nationally recognized industry certification or licensure exam in their field of study. *Students enrolling in any Health Science Education program must undergo a Level II criminal background check and drug screening, per the Joint Commission of Healthcare Organizations Immunizations and Physical Valid Social Security number (state licensing agencies and registries requirement) Transportation to and from clinical sites in the senior year is the responsibility of the student College Credit Transfer Opportunity and / or Advanced Credit Upon completion of the program and meeting eligibility requirements, including the attainment of an aligned industry credential, students may be awarded credits toward an Associate Degree by Broward College or the Florida College System. Additional college credit may be awarded with the attainment of additional industry credentials. Students must begin classes at BROWARD COLLEGE within two (2) years of the date of graduation from the program unless the college program manager waives the time limitation. Revised 07/14 rcp rm