402 FACELIFT (inlcudes Mayo stand setup) see also 408 Upper and/or Lower Blepharoplasty, 413 Browlift, 911 local solutions Usually under Local anesthesia; note differences if under General updated May 20, 2012- PAGE 1 OPERATIVE TIME: 4 hours facelift only, 6 hours with blepharoplasty or browlift CPT CODE: 15825 FACELIFT ICD9 CODES:V50.1ELECTIVE COSMETIC, 744.9 FACE NECK DEFORMITY ANESTHESIA NOTES Local anesthesia: patient receives preop Valium, Demerol, and Bendaryl (Clonidine prn). Moderate sedation protocol. Nasal O2 cannula with CO2 monitor General anesthesia: Plexipulses, Foley catheter, eye bed, sew in tube with 0-Vicryl CT1, needle holder, scissors PATIENT POSITION | SETUP ROOM SETUP EQUIPMENT PREP DRAPING CAUTERY note 4 multiple tips SUCTION SOLUTIONS | IRRIGATION NEEDLES | SYRINGES LOCAL ANESTHETIC & SOLUTIONS HOLDING AREA: On Stryker Eye Bed. Dr. C marks in holding. Start IV on right side. IN OR: Position patient bed flat, pillow under knees, terry cloth towel, gel pad, towels for headrest. [2[ blue Chux under head, blankets to tuck arms. Rotate clockwise 135E Nasal prongs with CO2 monitor. Aquaphor to lips normal temperature DO NOT pre-warm [2] ring stands (non-sterile) for dirty sponges [3] Mayo stands, [1] large back table Headlight w/light source, hydraulic stool For General Anesthesia add: Plexipulses, 12 fr Foley catheter U Dr. C’s ice cooler - get ice early PCMX, 4x4 sponge box - do not add water. Prep lightly to face, eyelids, forehead, neck, hair Head sheet, 1000 drape, split sheet, 4 towels, rigid bovie holster, [2] packs green towels ! ! ! ! ! ! Valleylab flat short silver tip (E1450-X) Valleylab silver extended needle tip (E1452-6) Megadyne needle tip (0118A) Megadyne pencil tip (0013A) Safe-t-Vac [2] holsters, Bovie 20/20 pure [2] suction tubing: Saf-T-Vac & Yankauer [3] liters NS irrigation, [2] Asepto syringes U crushed ice at end to mix with saline for final irrigation [10] 22g long Quincke spinal needles (405181) [10] 25g 1½" needle [10] 20cc syringes -> for solution C [10] 10cc syringes -> for 0.5% lidocaine w/epi [2] 5cc syringes -> for 0.25% marcaine w/epi Solution “C”: 200cc mixture of 2% lidocaine w/epi 50cc + 0.5%Marcaine w/epi 50cc + Normal Saline 100cc draw up separate (but do not mix): Lidocaine 0.5% w/epi (2 vials) - 100cc in 10cc syringes/25g Marcaine 0.25% w/epi (1 vial) - 30cc in 10cc syringes/25g MEDICATIONS (for local) ! [4] Versed ! [4] Fentanyl ! [1] Zofran ! [1] Kefzol ! Bacitracin ointment 2oz 402 FACELIFT PAGE 2 SETS TO OPEN Dr C Facelift set, plastic set, INSTRUMENTS USED ON 3 MAYO STANDS: 1st MAYO – Opening and dissection 2nd MAYO – Local infiltration: syringes and needles, then dressings 3rd MAYO – Neck and Facelift closure instruments O FORCEPS O SCISSORS O NEEDLE HOLDERS O RETRACTORS O KNIFE | BLADES O OTHER STERILE SUPPLIES SPONGES SUTURES M M M M M M M M M DRAINS DRESSINGS POSTOPERATIVE NOTES DATES MODIFIED 01- 03 - 05-08 Adsons, Smooth Adson, Long Adson Brown, Cushings, Short Debakey, and Long Debakey medium and long Kaye, Freemans, short and long Rees, gold curved defatting, str Metz, str Mayo, 6" Reynolds [4] 6" smooth Crile Wood, [1] 6" Debakey, [1] 9" Debakey [2] Mayo Hagar, [2] Olsen Hagar, [2] smooth Webster Breast retractor, Maxwell, Freeman facelift, Chin hook, 3/8" peds Deaver, L-shaped retractor [6] No. 10 blades Spoon, [2] Skin staplers (medium), mini kidney basin ! [2] Skin staplers, medium HOLD ! steri-drape 1000 ! [2] needle counters ! cotton balls for ears ! [3] med glasses ! ! ! ! ! ! [4] surgical marker pens Mastisol vial labels for local magnetic pad ½" steri-strips [4] blue plastic bowels [6] Raytec, [1] Lap No Type SN [8] [3] [5] [2] [6] [6] [2] [3] [1] 3-0 nylon PS-1 1662H 3-0 Vicryl SH J416H 2-0 Vicryl SH J417H 5-0 Monocryl P-3 Y493 4-0 Chromic PS-2 1637G 5-0 Chromic P3 687G 5-0 Prolene PC-3 8635 5-0 Plain P3 686 0 Ethibond CT1 - General only status open open open open open open open open hold [2] 7mm flat Blake drains, fully fluted w/ trocar (Reorder No. 2212) - with connectors and bulbs ! ! ! ! Bacitracin ointment tongue blade [6] 2-packs Versalon 4x4's [1] Abd ! ! ! ! [1] 4" Ace [2] 3x18 Vaseline gauze [2] Kerlix [2] Safety pins Remove head cushion, put pillow under head, lift head of bed see also 408 Upper and/or Lower Blepharoplasty see also 413 Browlift see also 911 local solutions see also 402 a Facelift Mayo stand setup Nov 2006, Aug 2007, Oct 2007, Nov 2007, March 2008, August 2008, May 2009, July 2009, Sept 2009, Oct 2009, Mar 2010, Nov 2010, March 2012 May 2012 FACELIFT MAYO STAND SETUP PAGE 3 1st MAYO – Opening and dissection Knife handles [3] No. 10 Bovie tips Valleylab flat short silver tip (E1450-X) Valleylab silver extended needle tip (E1452-6) Megadyne needle tip (0118A) Megadyne pencil tip (0013A) Scissors Freemans Gorney's Long Freemans Reese’s Defatters Str Mayos gold Str Metz gold Retractors Baby deaver Chin hook Maxwell facelift Freeman facelift L-retractor breast retractor Tissue forceps 01 Adsons 03 Adsons 08 long Adsons Foxy browns Titanium Spoon Raytec folded 2 x 8 2nd MAYO – Local infiltration: syringes and needles, then dressings Solution C: [10] 20cc syringe w/ 22g spinal Quinke needle Lidocaine 0.5% with epi: [10] 10cc syringe w/ 25g 1½” needle Marcaine 0.25%with epi for end of case: [2] 5cc syringe w/ 25 g 1½” needle Smooth Adson, cotton balls, steri strips, Mastisol Note: after local dissection, change Mayo stand to bleph setup or dressings 3rd MAYO – Neck and Facelift closure instruments Neck dissection: 9" Debakey needle holder (2-0 Vicryl) 6" Debakey needle holder (3-0 Vicryl) 9" Debakey tissue forceps 6" Debakey tissue forceps Suture Cutting Scissors: Str Mayo scissors gold Str Metz scissors gold 6" Reynolds scissors Facelift closure forceps: 01 Adson 03 Adson 08 Long Adsons Foxy Brown Cushings Str Mayos gold Str Metz gold Facelift closure needle holders and suture [2] Olson Hagar (3-0 Nylon) [2] Mayo Hagar (2-0 Vicryl) [2] Crile Wood serrated (3-0 Vicryl, 4-0 Chromic) [4] Crile wood smooth (5-0 Chromic, 5-0 Plain, 5-0 Prolene) Skin stapler [hold]