Narrow-band Frequency Modulation KEEE343 Communication Theory Lecture #16, May 3, 2011 Prof.Young-Chai Ko Summary ·•Narrowband Frequency Modulation ·•Wideband Frequency Modulation Narrow-Band Frequency Modulation • Narrow-Band FM means that the FM modulated wave has narrow bandwidth. • Consider the single-tone wave as a message signal: m(t) = Am cos(2 fm t) • FM signal • Instantaneous frequency fi (t) = fc + kf Am cos(2 fm t) = fc + • Phase i (t) = = Z t f cos(2 fm t) f = k f Am f 2⇥ fi (⇤ ) d⇤ = 2⇥ fc t + sin(2⇥fm t) 2⇥fm 0 f 2⇥fc t + sin(2⇥fm t) fm • • Definitions • Phase deviation of the FM wave • Modulation index of the FM wave: fm = f fm Then, FM wave is s(t) = Ac cos[2⇥fc t + sin(2⇥fm t)] s(t) = Ac cos(2⇥fc t) cos( sin(2⇥fm t)) • To be narrow-band FM, • For small Ac sin(2⇥fc t) sin( sin(2⇥fm t)) should be small. compared to 1 radian, we can rewrite cos[ sin(2⇥fm t)] ⇡ 1, s(t) ⇡ Ac cos(2⇥fc t) sin[ sin(2⇥fm t)] ⇡ sin(2⇥fm t) Ac sin(2⇥fc t) sin(2⇥fm t) [Ref: Haykin & Moher, Textbook] Polar Representation from Cartesian • Consider the modulated signal s(t) = a(t) cos(2 fc t + ⇥(t)) which can be rewritten as s(t) = sI (t) cos(2 fc t) sQ (t) sin(2 fc t) where sI (t) = a(t) cos( (t)), and, sQ (t) = a(t) sin( (t)) and a(t) = ⇥ s2I (t) + s2Q (t) ⇤ 12 , and (t) = tan 1 sQ (t) sI (t) • Approximated narrow-band FM signal can be written as s(t) ⇡ Ac cos(2⇥fc t) • Envelope ⇥ a(t) = Ac 1 + • 2 ⇤ sin2 (2⇥fm t) ⇡ Ac Maximum value of the envelope Amax = Ac • Ac sin(2⇥fc t) sin(2⇥fm t) ✓ 1 1+ 2 Minimum value of the envelope Amin = Ac 2 ◆ ✓ 1 1+ 2 2 sin2 (2⇥fm t) ◆ for small • The ratio of the maximum to minimum value Amax = Amin • 2 ◆ 1 cos(2⇥(fc + fm )t) 2 Average power Pav = • 1 1+ 2 Rewriting the approximated narrow-band FM wave is s(t) ⇡ Ac cos(2⇥fc t) + • ✓ 1 2 A + 2 c ✓ 1 Ac 2 ◆2 + ✓ Average power of the unmodulated wave Pc = 1 2 A 2 c 1 Ac 2 1 Ac cos(2⇥(fc 2 ◆2 = 1 2 A (1 + 2 c fm )t) 2 ) • • Ration of the average power to the power of the unmodulated wave Pav =1+ Pc 2 Comparison with the AM signal • Approximated Narrow-band FM signal 1 s(t) ⇡ Ac cos(2⇥fc t) + cos(2⇥(fc + fm )t) 2 • 1 Ac cos(2⇥(fc 2 fm )t) AM signal 1 sAM (t) = Ac cos(2 fc t) + µAc {cos[2 (fc + fm )t)] + cos[2 (fc 2 fm )t]} difference between the narrow-band FM and AM waves • Bandwidth of the narrow-band FM: 2fm • Phasor interpretation [Ref: Haykin & Moher, Textbook] • Angle ⇥(t) = 2⇤fc t + ⌅(t) = 2⇤fc t + tan • 1 ( sin(2⇤fm t)) Using the power series of the tangent function such as tan 1 (x) ⇥ x 1 3 x + ··· 3 • Angle can be approximated as ⇥(t) ⇡ 2⇤fc t + • sin(2⇤fm t) 1 3 3 sin3 (2⇤fm t) Ideally, we should have ⇥(t) ⇡ 2⇤fc t + sin(2⇤fm t) • The harmonic distortion value is 3 D(t) = • 3 sin3 (2⇥fm t) The maximum absolute value of D(t) is 3 Dmax = 3 • For example for Dmax = 0.3, 0.33 = = 0.009 ⇡ 1% 3 which is small enough for it to be ignored in practice. Amplitude Distortion of Narrow-band FM • Ideally, FM wave has a constant envelope • But, the modulated wave produced by the narrow-band FM differ from this ideal condition in two fundamental respects: • The envelope contains a residual amplitude modulation that varies with time • The angle i (t) contains harmonic distortion in the form of thirdand higher order harmonics of the modulation frequency fm Wide-Band Frequency Modulation • Spectral analysis of the wide-band FM wave s(t) = Ac cos[2⇥fc t + sin(2⇥fm t)] or s(t) = < [Ac exp[j2⇥fc t + j sin(2⇥fm t)]] = <[s̃(t) exp(j2⇥fc t)] where s̃(t) = Ac exp [j sin(2⇥fm t)] is called “complex envelope”. Note that the complex envelope is a periodic function of time with a fundamental frequency fm which means s̃(t) = s̃(t + kTm ) = s̃(t + where Tm = 1/fm k ) fm • Then we can rewrite s̃(t) = s̃(t + k/fm ) = Ac exp[j sin(2⇥fm (t + k/fm ))] = Ac exp[j sin(2⇥fm t + 2k⇥)] = Ac exp[j sin(2⇥fm t)] • Fourier series form s̃(t) = 1 X cn exp(j2 nfm t) n= 1 where cn = fm Z = f m Ac 1/(2fm ) s̃(t) exp( j2⇥nfm t) dt 1/(2fm ) Z 1/(2fm ) exp[j sin(2⇥fm t) 1/(2fm ) j2⇥nfm t] dt • Define the new variable: x = 2 fm t Then we can rewrite Ac cn = 2⇥ • Z nx)] dx nth order Bessel function of the first kind and argument 1 Jn ( ) = 2⇥ • exp[j( sin x Z exp[j( sin x nx)] dx Accordingly c n = Ac J n ( ) which gives s̃(t) = Ac 1 X n= 1 Jn ( ) exp(j2⇥nfm t) • Then the FM wave can be written as s(t) = = = <[s̃(t) exp(j2⇥fc t)] " # 1 X Jn ( ) exp[j2⇥n(fc + fm )t] < Ac Ac n= 1 1 X Jn ( ) cos[2⇥(fc + nfm )t] n= 1 • Fourier transform 1 Ac X S(f ) = Jn ( ) [⇥(f 2 n= 1 fc nfm ) + ⇥(f + fc + nfm )] which shows that the spectrum consists of an infinite number of delta functions spaced at f = fc ± nfm for n = 0, +1, +2, ... Properties of Single-Tone FM for Arbitrary Modulation Index 1. For different values of n Jn ( ) = J Jn ( ) = 2. 6. n( J ), n( for n even ), For small value of J0 ( ) ⇡ J1 ( ) ⇡ Jn ( ) ⇡ 1, 2 0, n>2 The equality holds exactly for arbitrary 1 X n= 1 Jn2 ( ) = 1 for n odd [Ref: Haykin & Moher, Textbook] 1. The spectrum of an FM wave contains a carrier component and and an infinite set of side frequencies located symmetrically on either side of the carrier at frequency separations of fm , 2fm , 3fm ... 2. The FM wave is effectively composed of a carrier and a single pair of sidefrequencies at fc ± fm . 3. The amplitude of the carrier component of an FM wave is dependent on the modulation index . The averate power of such as signal developed across a 1ohm resistor is also constant: Pav 1 2 = Ac 2 The average power of an FM wave may also be determined from Pav 1 1 2 X 2 = Ac J ( ) 2 n= 1 n