Translation and TranscriPtion and Replication,Oh MY! No,rn<- d-*-\.- - hor^r Background DNA is an exarnpieof a compiexbiological polymer called a nucleic acid, which is madeup of small subunitscalled nucleotides. The componentsof the DNA nucleotideare deoxyribose(a simple sugar),a phosphategroup, and a nihogen base.There are four possiblenitrogenbasesin DNA-adenine (A), guanine(G), cytosine(C), and thymine (T). In DNA, the nucleotidespair using hydrogenbonds to form a double strand.Becausethesetwo strandsare twisted, it is referredto as a double heiix. When basepairs areformed, adeninewill only pair with thymine and guaninewill only pair with cytosine. The mechanismby which DNA createsexact copies of all geneticinformation is called replication. The hydrogen bonds betweenthe basesare brokenby an enzymewhich "unzips" the two strandsof DNA. Free nucleotidesfill in and form basepairs that arebondedinto a chainby anotherenzyme.The result is two identicalcopiesof the DNA rnolecule. DNA is only found in the nucleus.So,how is information broughtto the ribosomesfor protein synthesis?The answeris simple-by a single strandof RNA calledmessengerRNA (mRNA). RNA is composedof a singlestrandratherthan a double strand as in DNA. RNA containsa sugarcalledribose,a phosphategroup, and four nitrogenbases.Ratherthan thymine (T), RNA conin DNA are madein the nucleus tains uracil (U). MessengerRNA moleculesthat are complementaryto specific genesequences by a processcalledtranscription.T\e geneticinformation from DNA is transcribedinto a singlestrandRNA "message"to be sent from the nucleusto the ribosomesforprotein synthesis. During protein synthesisat the ribosome,mRNA sequencesare read and translatedinto amino acids.The amino acids are linked together into chains by enzymesto form proteins. The 20 amino acids are brought to the ribosomesby transfer RNA (tRNA). Every threeniirogenbaseson a IRNA moleculeare called an anticodon.This anticodonmust matcha codon,thrpenirogen basesof the mRNA molecule,to translateinto an amino acid.An infinite variety of proteinscan be forlled from the 20 amino acids,which can occur in any numberand in any order. Maieriais x 11",plain cr l-cm graph Papeg8V.-" Pencil DNA is made-upof subunits DNA falls into a groupof polymersknownasthe is actuallva . A deoxvribose called Nameandgivethe symbolfor the fourpossiblenitrogenbasesin DNA: ( ( (_) (_), ), ), Name the type of bondsthat form betweenthe nucleotidepairs: Definereplication(of DNA): Name and give the abbreviation for the chemical messengerthat carries information from the nucleus to the ribosomesin cytoplasmof the cell: Tell how many strandsare found in RNA: _, in DNA: Name the DNA basethat is replacedwhen forming RNA: Name the RNA basethat replacesit: Define transcription(of RNA): that will be chained(in a given MessenserRNA codesfor which of the order) to make a more complex compoundcalled a Tell how many amino acidsthere are: Name and give the abbreviationfor the type or RNA that gathersthe amino acids and makesthem available to the ribosomes (_) lTt Preparation l. Fold one sheet of paper in half width-wise as shown in Fieure 1. i i l i i l 2 . Divide each side in half again by folding of the should folded, each side backto the crease original fold. The paper have an "M" shape when as shown in Figure 2. Figur e 2 . Figure 1. 3 . Lay the paper out in a landscape orientation. +. Number *re paneis1-4 from left to right as shown in Figure3. 2 3 4 ) , Fold the papertogetherso that only panels1 and 4 are visible. 6 . On the edgeof panel I that touchespanel 4, write the following DNA sequence(vertically). Figure 4. Figure 3. A C C C T T C G A C G T A A C C G C A T on theedgeof panel4 nextto the letteron panelI as shown on Figure 4. DNA sequence 7. Now writethecomplementary DNA sequence. Theresultis a double-stranded c c o T T c Procedure Replication 3 4 1. Pull apart panels1 and 4 to expo$eall panels,as if'hnzipping" the double-stranded DNA. strandof mRNA on panel3 as shownin Figure8. Each setof threemRNA basesis a codon. 4 T i :G ; G j! T c rG rC ,T 'G orC T'T rT ,G ,G C I6 l; Cl e c ;G c ; q T T C G , C 'T 'C G T ' T r T .L., c ! c :c :c i o ;9 r r , r 1 2. On panel 3 write the complementaryRNA strandfor the DNA on panel 1 as shownin Figure ?. Nola: RNA doesnot containthymine; the complementarybasefor adenineis uracil. t . Draw a line under every third baseon the single c Figure 6. l c 1. Fold panel 2 in half so that only panels1, 3, and 4 show (the creasebetweenpanels1 and 2 touchesthe creasebetweenpanels2 and 3) as shown in Figure 6. Tlanslation G i Tlanscription z ^ s T 2. On panel 2 write the complementaryDNA for panel 1 and on panel 3 write the complementaryDNA for panel4 in the Figure 5. samemanneras completedfor step7 in the preparationsecDNA has now beenreplicatedto form tion. SeeFigure 5. The original double-stranded two identical double-stranded DNA molecules. 3. Lay the paper out in a landscapeorientation. The single strand on the left edge of panel 3 is mRNA-label the strand"nRNA." i 14 c c c c C T 6 C ' T ' T i, cg ,o :T ,l r i 2 3 A ' C ! q ' ' r r G , G U T T c c :I l'igure 7. :i , a c 4 :' xE ; ! Figure 8. Write the complementary tRNA strand on the edgeof panel2 next to the mRNA strandon panel 3-label this strand"IRNA:' Figure 9. 3. Draw a line undereverythird baseon the single strandof IRNA on panel 2 as shownin Figure 9. Each set of threeIRNA basesis an anticodon. 1 Division/Centimeter 46 GRAPH PAPERFrom Your COPTER-HPBooks