“ A JOURNAL AND CREATIVE WRITING KIT ” By: STEVAN KRAJNJAN 1000 writing Ideas Name: ____________________ Contains 1000 practical, relevant, and interesting writing prompts and writing ideas for journal and creative writing activities for anyone, but especially for those students who struggle with inventing their own. Provides other ready-to-use, practical and visually appealing, reproducible worksheets for your writing program. Gone are the days of hearing the familiar, “I can’t think of anything to write!” ISBN 0-9689702-1-4 © Stevan Krajnjan How to use this Book …………………………………………………………............. 1 1000 Ideas for Writing ...........................................................................………….. 2 - 12 The Writing Process ……………………………………………………………………. 13 When Writing ......................................................................................................... 14 Proofreading Checklist ........................................................................................... 15 Topic Web ..............................................................................................………... 16 My Misspelled Words List ..................................................................................... 17 My Misspelled Words ........................................................................................... 18 Frequently Misspelled Words .....................................................….......…...…….. 19 6 Spelling Rules ......................................................................................………... 20 Writing Numerals ................................................................................................... 21 My New Words ...........................................................................................……... 22 100, 200, 300 High Frequency Words .................................................................. 23 - 25 Contractions ...................................................................................................……. 26 Punctuation at a Glance ............................................................................... ……. 27 Often Used Prefixes and Activity.................................................................………. 28 Often Used Suffixes .................................................................................……….. 29 Parts of Speech ............................................................................................…….. 30 Individual Writing Assessment at a Glance ………………………………………….. 31 Writing Evaluation Forms ……………………………………………………………... 32 - 37 Homework Not Done! .................................................................................………. 38 Things to do …………………………………………………………………………….. 39 Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………….. 40 © 2006 Stevan Krajnjan www.TimesaversForTeachers.com 1000 Quick Writing Ideas FOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. If I could become invisible... This is my father’s/ mother’s job. Reasons why people lie. Reasons for going to church. These are the reasons why I don’t go to church. The meaning of “freedom.” I will tell you a story that is only half true. Why do nations wage wars? There will be peace on earth only when... I have something to tell you, teacher. Did you know that... The scariest thing that ever happened to me. I once had a scary dream. The strangest dream I ever had. I believe in God. I don’t believe in God because... The meaning of Christmas. Hockey is my life. I get scared when... I wish that I could... I am happy when... I am sad when... The things that get me upset. My favorite subject. My least favorite subject. I just can’t seem to get along with anyone The things that bug me. Why is it that...? This is my family. When I grow up. Our most interesting substitute teacher. My most embarrassing moment. I watch too much television The most interesting place that I have ever visited. What I would do if I were rich. My three wishes. What I think about gambling. My best friend. Friendship is... Why I think friendships are important. This is my home. I play a musical instrument. My experience at the hospital. Things that I like about our school. Things that I don’t like about our school. This is my favorite sport. I would like to tell you about my class. These are some things that I do very well. The proudest moment of my life. The saddest moment of my life. © 2006 Stevan Krajnjan 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. The happiest moment of my life. My accomplishments. Why I like animals. My favorite movie. My favorite television show. My fondest school memory. The person that I admire. The most interesting person that I have ever met. The biggest mess that I ever got myself into. My fondest childhood memory. This is my hobby. My biggest goal in life. Things are not going well for me right now. My parents. My religion. My first flight. I like..., and these are the reasons why. I very much dislike..., because... My life as a citizen of a new country. What I think about vandalism, drugs and smoking. Ways in which troubled kids can be helped. Reasons why people argue. The best book that I ever read. This book was really bad. I often get frustrated. Dear teacher, I would like to ask you some questions. Dear teacher, there is something that you need to know. When I turn 16. When I become an adult this is what I will be like. My future wife. My future husband. If I could change the world, I would do the following. My wish. The present that I would like to receive. Qualities that I look for in a friend. The greatest summer ever. The greatest vacation ever. I like cars. My favorite and least liked foods. I have a disability. When I take a long look in the mirror this is what I see. What I would like to do when I get older. How the problem of hunger can be solved. The problem of crime can be eliminated by... If I could live anywhere in the world it would be... Music is an important part of my life. Why are so many people selfish, greedy, and unfriendly? Things that I like doing. The things that really bother me. My favorite music group. www.TimesaversForTeachers.com 1000 Quick Writing Ideas Just a brief note to inform you that __________________________________ has not completed the following homework: Subject: Assigned on: Due on: Homework: Teacher: Date: Parent Signature: Homework Not Done ! Just a brief note to inform you that __________________________________ has not completed the following homework: Subject: Assigned on: Due on: Homework: Teacher: Parent Signature: © 2006 Stevan Krajnjan Date: www.TimesaversForTeachers.com 1000 Quick Writing Ideas OFTEN USED Prefix Meaning Example Prefix Meaning Example a not aseptic, asymmetrical mid half midway, middle ab away from abnormal, absent mini very small miniskirt anti against antibiotic, antifreeze mis wrong misspell, misunderstand auto self, alone automatic, automobile mono one, single monotheistic, monologue bene good beneficial, benefit multi many multinational bi two, double bicycle, bicentennial non not nonconformist, nonentity bio life biology, biosphere over too much overrun cent hundred century, centurion pan all pan-American centi hundredth centimeter para beside, guard parallel, parachute circum around circumference penta five pentagon co with, together cooperate per throughout perfect, pervade com with compassion, combine poly many polygon con with connect port carry portage contra against contradict post after postpone, postgraduate deci tenth decimeter pre before prepare, predict deca ten decagon pro forward, supporting progress, propel, profess dia through diagonal, diameter quad four quadrilateral dis apart dislocate, dismantle re again, back reconsider eco earth ecology, ecosystem semi half, partly semidetached semiprivate equi equal equilateral, equilibrium sub below, under submarine, submerge ex former ex-wife, ex-president super above superman, supernatural hemi half hemisphere tele far telephone, television hyper above, over hyperactive trans across, over transport, transplant il/im not incorrect, irresistible tri three triangle, tricycle in/ir not incorrect, irresistible ultra beyond ultrasound, ultra light inter between, among interstate, international un not, uncertain uneducated, unbearable magni great, large magnify, magnificent under below underused mega great mega city, megaphone uni one universal, unicycle micro small microscope © 2006 Stevan Krajnjan www.TimesaversForTeachers.com 1000 Quick Writing Ideas Dear Teacher, Below is a list of the rest of the practical, timesaving books that are available at www.TimesaversForTeachers.com. Some of them are not only printable, but also “interactive”. This means that you can literally TYPE information directly onto the pages and then SAVE as a new file. “Life is too short to waste time” Teacher’s Binder: Huge collection of high quality, printable, interactive, often-used classroom forms, sheets and handouts that help teachers with classroom management tasks and paperwork while saving time (256 pages). Printable and Interactive, Click HERE: www.timesaversforteachers.com/teachers-binder Report Card and IEP Comments: 180 page collection of 1,830 report card comments for teachers, organized according to subject, topic, length, positive/negative nature. Click HERE: www.timesaversforteachers.com/report-card-comments 1000 Quick Writing Ideas: Motivate students to begin writing by giving them 1000 writing ideas and prompts! Click HERE: www.timesaversforteachers.com/1000-quick-writing-ideas (language forms included) Substitute Teacher Instructions Kit: Organizes substitute teacher instructions effectively and thoroughly! Printable and Interactive, Click HERE: www.timesaversforteachers.com/substitute-teacher-kit The Essay Writing Kit: Helps organize common essay planning/writing tasks simpler and far less frustrating for students. Printable and Interactive, Click HERE: www.timesaversforteachers.com/essay-writing-kit Spelling Activities for Spelling Lists: Printable, visually attractive spelling activities, ready for use. Click HERE: www.timesaversforteachers.com/spelling-activities-for-spelling-lists Classroom Awards, Certificates and Passes: This book contains exactly what the title suggests. Printable and Interactive, Click HERE: www.timesaversforteachers.com/classroom-awards Math Timesavers: collection of difficult-to-find, often-used forms, masters and reproducible sheets for a 1-8 class. Click HERE: www.timesaversforteachers.com/math-timesavers Just Multiply It: Teaches students multiplication facts in a fun, quick, organized, and visually appealing way! Click HERE: www.timesaversforteachers.com/just-multiply-it Just Teach It: Fun end-of-the-year language unit - students research, prepare and teach classmates - very popular! Click HERE: www.timesaversforteachers.com/just-teach-it www.TimesaversForTeachers.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/timesaversforteachers PINTEREST: www.twitter.com/timesaversforte