Spatial Vision, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 439– 457 (2006) VSP 2006. Also available online - Perceptual distance and the constancy of size and stereoscopic depth LLOYD KAUFMAN 1,2,∗ , JAMES H. KAUFMAN 3 , RICHARD NOBLE 4 , STEFAN EDLUND 3 , SUNHEE BAI 1 and TERESA KING 1 1 Department of Psychology, C. W. Post Campus, Long Island University, Brookville, NY, USA 2 Department of Psychology, New York University, New York, NY, USA 3 IBM Research, Almaden Research Center, IBM, San Jose, CA, USA 4 Department of Computer Science, C. W. Post Campus, Long Island University, Brookville, NY, USA Received 31 August 2005; accepted 23 January 2006 Abstract—The relationship between distance and size perception is unclear because of conflicting results of tests investigating the size–distance invariance hypothesis (SDIH), according to which perceived size is proportional to perceived distance. We propose that response bias with regard to measures of perceived distance is at the root of the conflict. Rather than employ the usual method of magnitude estimation, the bias-free two-alternative forced choice (2AFC) method was used to determine the precision (1/σ ) of discriminating depth at different distances. The results led us to define perceptual distance as a bias free power function of physical distance, with an exponent of ∼0.5. Similar measures involving size differences among stimuli of equal angular size yield the same power function of distance. In addition, size discrimination is noisier than depth discrimination, suggesting that distance information is processed prior to angular size. Size constancy implies that the perceived size is proportional to perceptual distance. Moreover, given a constant relative disparity, depth constancy implies that perceived depth is proportional to the square of perceptual distance. However, the function relating the uncertainties of depth and of size discrimination to distance is the same. Hence, depth and size constancy may be accounted for by the same underlying law. Keywords: Perceived distance; perceptual distance; size constancy; depth constancy; 2AFC; magnitude estimation; depth discrimination; size discrimination. INTRODUCTION In Holway and Boring’s (1941) classic study of size constancy subjects adjusted the diameter of a nearby disc to match the diameter of a relatively distant disc. Their ∗ To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: 440 L. Kaufman et al. matches approximated the objective (linear) size of the more distant disc rather than its angular size. However, as cues to distance were reduced, subjects increasingly tended toward matching the angular sizes of the two discs. This result reinforced the widespread assumption that the perception of objective size is possible because the perceptual system takes distance into account. For example, the size–distance invariance hypothesis (SDIH) describes one way in which perceived objective size may depend upon perceived distance (cf. Epstein et al., 1961; Kilpatrick and Ittelson, 1953; Sedgwick, 1986). SDIH holds that some function of retinal size combines multiplicatively with perceived distance to allow the perception of objective size, and, therefore, size constancy. In its simplest approximation: S = D tan α, (1) where S is the perceived size (in one dimension) of a surface oriented normal to the line of sight; D is the perceived distance to that object; and α is the angular size of the object. SDIH is actually a restatement of how to compute the objective size of a distant object from its angular size and its physical distance. That is, according to Euclid’s law, the angular size of an object of constant linear size is inversely proportional to its distance. Given the angular size of an object and its distance, it is a matter of simple arithmetic to compute its distal size. The main difference between this and SDIH is that perceived size and perceived distance replace physical size and distance. Presumably, according to SDIH, the brain engages in a similar computation. The assumption that perceiving objective size requires taking perceived distance into account begs a number of questions. For one, how do we define perceived distance? In psychophysics such a definition describes a relationship between the perceived magnitude of a stimulus and its physical magnitude. As is well known, the method of magnitude estimation typically reveals that sensory magnitudes are power functions of the physical magnitudes of sensory stimuli (cf. Stevens, 1957). In many studies this method indicated that perceived distance is a power function of physical distance, with an exponent ranging from 0.7 to about 1.5. (cf. Baird and Biersdorf, 1967; Baum and Jonides, 1979; Da Silva and Fukusima, 1986; Higashiyama and Shimono, 1994; 2004; Teghtsoonian and Teghtsoonian, 1969; Wagner, 1985). The precise value of the exponent varies widely across subjects as well as experiments. Künnapas (1960) and Teghtsoonian and Teghtsoonian (1969), in indoor experiments, found that estimates of distance are represented by a power function of physical distance, with exponents ranging from 1.15 to 1.47. Teghtsoonian and Teghtsoonian (1970), working outdoors, obtained exponents that ranged from 0.85 to 0.99, depending upon the range of distances over which estimates were made. Similar indoor experiments yielded exponents of 1.15 and 1.26. Obviously, unless these wide differences can be explained, it is impossible to define perceived distance on the basis of these results. Even Size, depth and perceptual distance 441 so, a definition of perceived distance is essential if one is to compare SDIH with alternative hypotheses. Interestingly, using the method of limits rather than magnitude estimation, Cook (1978) obtained data that were well fitted by a power function with an average exponent of approximately 1, albeit with large differences among subjects. Sedgwick (2001) appears to accept this estimate. It is noteworthy that in Cook’s study there was no attempt to control or monitor the criterion (response bias) of the subjects. In any event, to a first approximation, his results suggest that if the classic form of SDIH is correct, then physical distance may be used in place of perceived distance to predict perceived size, thus reducing SDIH to Euclid’s law. However, the perception of depth at long distances is less precise than it is over short distances, if only because of the limited resolution of the human eye. Hence, we propose that physical distance becomes an increasingly inaccurate measure of perceived distance as distance increases. The variability among magnitude estimation studies may well be due in part to response bias, a topic addressed by detection theory, but normally not taken into account in magnitude estimation experiments. In point of fact, introspective reports concerning relative distances of objects that differ in perceived size are often diametrically opposed to SDIH. Such reports are instances of the so-called size– distance paradox (Gruber, 1954), which may well be attributable to a bias to decide that the apparently larger of two objects is closer, even though other concurrently present cues indicate otherwise. The size–distance paradox led Sedgwick (1986) to express serious doubts about SDIH. These doubts are shared by Ross and Plug (2002), among many others, especially in connection with the moon illusion. For example, the apparent distance theory of the moon illusion is based on the notion that the cues to distance afforded by the terrain result in the horizon moon being perceived as more distant that the zenith moon, which is viewed across an empty space. This ostensible difference in perceived distance results in the horizon moon being perceived as larger than the zenith moon, which is of equal angular size. However, when asked, subjects generally report that the horizon moon is closer. Kaufman and Rock (1989) suggest that this too may be an instance of a bias to decide that the object that appears to be the larger is the closer object. Alternatively, the perceived size difference could be a cue to relative distance, which happens to predominate despite the presence of contrary cues. Several authors accept the latter possibility, and even deny that other distance cues play a major role in producing differences in the perceived size of the moon (e.g. Enright, 1989; McCready, 1986; Roscoe, 1989). It is worth noting that the size–distance paradox is not the only reason for questioning the applicability of SDIH to size perception. For example, Gibson (1966, 1979) explicitly rejected the idea that distance cues are used by the perceptual system in computing or inferring size. Assuming that the properties of objects are uniquely represented in the optic array, Gibson (1966) explicitly states 442 L. Kaufman et al. that there is no need to ascribe computation-like process to the brain in explaining why we perceive what we do. We begin with the proposition that the perceptual system takes distance into account in achieving the perception of objective size. However, as stressed previously, neither SDIH nor any alternative hypothesis can be evaluated without a clear definition of psychological distance. We introduce the term perceptual distance to stand for a criterion-free measure of psychological distance. The older term perceived distance is avoided because of its ambiguous use in the history of space perception. Our definition relates perceptual distance to physical distance within the tradition of Fechnerian psychophysics. To this end we conducted experiments based on classic psychophysical methods, but modified to minimize effects of different criteria. EXPERIMENT 1 This experiment was designed to measure the uncertainty of depth discrimination at different distances. To be clear, the term depth refers to the difference between the distances to two objects, and may be thought of as an increment of distance. If the average distance to two objects is kept constant, the depth between them may be altered by moving one closer and the other farther away. The uncertainty of detecting the depth between the objects depends upon the depth itself, and also upon the average distance to the objects. As we shall see in the discussion, the variation in this uncertainty with average distance may be used to compute how perceptual distance varies with physical distance. In subsequent experiments we assess the uncertainty of discriminating differences in objective size as a function of distance under essentially the same conditions. This allows us to determine how perceived size varies with perceptual distance. The stimuli were luminous discs viewed across a virtual terrain that offered information regarding the distance between the observer and the discs. The discs were viewed stereoscopically, so that relative binocular disparity provided depth information. It is important to emphasize that disparity alone reveals the order of objects in depth, but cannot indicate the extent of the perceived depth. For this disparity must be scaled by information (cues) regarding egocentric distance. Hence, a virtual terrain was devised as a source of this information. Method Subjects. The same three subjects (LK, 77 year old male, RN, 59 year old male, and SB 25 year old female) were employed in all of the experiments described in this paper. All subjects had normal or corrected to normal vision and all had the same interpupillary distance of approximately 6.6 cm. The participants were screened to ensure that they were able to discriminate depth between stimuli based solely on relative binocular disparity. Size, depth and perceptual distance 443 Apparatus. To measure the uncertainty of depth discrimination as a function of distance, subjects were presented with pairs of stimuli separated by relatively small amounts of depth at each of four different distances. The probability of correctly identifying which of the stimuli was closer (or more distant) was determined for each value of depth. All experiments were performed in a 10 × 20 laboratory in the Department of Psychology on the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University. The laboratory walls were painted matte black. A fully silvered mirror, 8 × 4 , was mounted vertically on one wall. A 6 × 4 partially silvered mirror was attached to a 4 × 8 vertical plywood partition parallel to and 9 feet (2.7 m) away from the fully silvered mirror. The subject looked through a 2 × 2 window in the partition in front of the partially silvered mirror and into the fully silvered mirror that faced it. Subjects sat on an adjustable seat straight in front of a thin plate of glass, which was at a 45◦ angle with respect to their line of sight (Fig. 1). A computer monitor, to the left of the subject, displayed two moon-like discs measuring ∼0.5◦ in diameter. The distance between the centers of the discs on the monitor was 6.6 cm (approximating the interpupillary distances of the subjects). A pair of 2 diopter lenses, each 5 cm in diameter, and separated by 6.6 cm were placed parallel to and 50 cm away from the computer monitor. (The 50 cm focal lengths of the lenses were verified by autocollimation.) Since the luminous discs on the display were placed at the focus of each lens, their virtual images (seen as reflections in the thin plate of glass) were at optical infinity. When separated by 6.6 cm, the absolute parallax of the binocularly fused disc was zero deg, i.e. the lines of sight to the two discs were parallel. Subjects were seated so that their eyes were at the same height above the floor (∼117 cm) as were the centers of the two lenses. They fused the discs simply by looking through the combining glass into the distance beyond the partially silvered mirror. A virtual terrain was created by strewing three hundred small white lamps in a ‘random’ array on the floor, which was covered by black felt, between the two mirrors. To elevate the random pattern so that it was close to but still below the moon-like stimuli, two black milk crates, one atop the other (total height = 75 cm), were placed approximately half-way between the two large mirrors. The Christmas tree lamps were draped across the topmost milk crate to produce an elevated terrain lying just below the luminous disc stimulus. Figure 2 is a photograph of the scene viewed by the subject. The two parallel mirrors gave an impression similar to the repeated reflections one might see when seated between two mirrors on the walls of a barbershop. The mirror on the partition was partially silvered so the observer could sit outside the 9-foot space and view the multiple reflections of the terrain through the partially silvered mirror in the more distant mirror on the wall. The lights were reflected by the wall mirror back to the partially silvered mirror, and then back again, ad infinitum. The first listed author was able to count about 17 reflections of the lamps covering the crate located between the two mirrors. Hence, the visible extent of the 444 L. Kaufman et al. Figure 1. Schematic of laboratory setup for size–distance experiments. virtual terrain was about 46 meters in length. The density of the lamps increased with distance, and the angular width of the terrain narrowed with distance. The positions of the two discs on the monitor’s screen were under computer control. Narrowing the separation of the two moons very slightly introduced a small absolute binocular parallax [see Note 1]. In the experiments described here the distances ranged from about 2.5 m to about 20 m, which translate to absolute binocular parallaxes of ∼91 arc min to ∼11 arc min, respectively. Size, depth and perceptual distance 445 Figure 2. A stereogram of the virtual terrain as seen by subjects. The images of each half-field were taken with a hand-held digital camera (Canon Powershot G2, 35 mm FL equivalent). The camera was placed to photograph the left eye’s view through the beam splitter, and then moved to the right to photograph the stimulus array as seen by the right eye. The milk crate in the foreground was not as distinctive as it is in the photos. Brightness and contrast were digitally adjusted to approximate how the scene appeared to the subject. Fusing the two pictures with uncrossed eyes reveals a very distant disc, which, in the actual scene, lay several dozen meters beyond the most distant lamps of the virtual terrain. A pixel 0.20 mm in width placed at the focus (50 cm) of the lens would permit a relative disparity no smaller than 1.38 arc min [see Note 2]. To improve this resolution, we took advantage of sub-pixel motion techniques. The relative intensities of adjacent pixels were adjusted using 16 levels of grayscale, to obtain translations of 1/16th pixel size. In principle this enables us to render translations on the order of 6 arc sec, which would make it possible to present a stimulus at a distance as great as 1.5 km before moving it to infinity (zero disparity). Thus, it was possible to present small differences in binocular disparity within the range of 2 m to 1.5 km. As it turned out, in this first experiment the actual values of relative disparity detected by our subjects was on the order of 1–3 arc min. Within 2 meters of an observer all the usual cues of accommodation, convergence, texture perspective, and binocular disparity are effective. The effectiveness of accommodation and convergence rapidly decline as distance increases. Accommodation is presumably ineffective beyond about 2 m (cf. Arditi, 1986), and convergence (or, possibly, absolute binocular parallax per se) may be effective for distances as great as 8 m (Foley, 1980). Relative binocular disparity and perspective are available well beyond 30 m. The apparent brightness of the terrain lights was visibly graded with distance. Small lateral head movements allowed by this set up produced motion parallax in which the more distant lamps of the virtual terrain moved with the observer, while those closer than the distance of fixation shifted in the opposite direction. Procedure. The stimuli were moon-like luminous discs, 0.5 deg in diameter. In a typical trial a disc was presented at a particular distance. Subjects viewed this disc as long as necessary to obtain an impression of its distance. Then subjects 446 L. Kaufman et al. pressed a key and, 0.5 sec later (to minimize any apparent motion from one depth to another), the disc was replaced by another identical disc that was either at the same distance as the first, or at a slightly greater or lesser distance. The second disc was placed ∼0.25 deg to the left of the first stimulus, so that the subject would remember that he was to compare its distance to that of the preceding disc. Subjects then had to decide if the second disc was closer or farther than the first, and signify the decision by pressing key 1 or key 2 on the numeric keypad. Thus, the two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) procedure was employed. The effect of a bias to select the first or second of two sequentially presented stimuli may be minimized in a 2AFC experiment provided that the two alternatives are presented in random sequence and have equal probabilities of occurrence. In this situation the subject’s criterion may not vary over a large range. Hence, the proportion of correct responses could serve as a relatively bias free index of discrimination (Green and Swets, 1966; Macmillian and Creelman, 2005; Swets, 1996). This motivated our choice of the 2AFC method. In any event, in all trials, either the first or second stimulus was at one of four different ‘standard’ distances, i.e. 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 or 20.0 meters. The other stimulus was at one of five preset ‘variable’ distances relative to each standard distance. One of these was identical to the standard distance, two were more distant, and two less distant. Hence, each of the four different ‘standard’ stimuli was paired with each of five different ‘variable’ stimuli, making 20 possible pairs of stimuli. Since the order of presentation of the ‘standard’ and ‘variable’ distances was interchanged, there were 40 possible pairs of stimuli. These were presented in a random sequence throughout the experiment until all pairs were presented 60 times, except for the pairs when the standard and variable stimuli were identical, in which case the stimuli were presented only 30 times. Therefore, 260 trials were conducted for each of the four standard distances, making a grand total of 1040 trials for each subject in this experiment. The particular values of these ‘variable’ distances were established independently for each of the three subjects. At first the subject saw a disc at one of the standard distances, and the other disc was either greatly distant or much closer. The subjects adjusted the disparity of this disc until it appeared to be at the same distance as the disc at the standard distance. This procedure was repeated at least 20 times by each subject and points of subjective equality (PSE) and estimated standard deviations (σ ) of the responses were computed. The values of σ and 2 σ provided first estimates of distances between the variable stimuli and each standard stimulus. These estimates were further refined in pilot experiments employing the method of constant stimuli to finally establish disparities appropriate to determining the sensitivity of the subject to differences in disparity-determined depths at various distances. As intimated above, the 2AFC method was employed to minimize effects of bias. It was combined with the method of constant stimuli to determine the per cent correct responses for each depth surrounding each standard stimulus. These data were fit to cumulative normal function by probit analysis. The PSE and σ Size, depth and perceptual distance 447 Figure 3. Log σdepth versus log PSEdist for three subjects. The abscissa represents the logarithm of the PSEdist , i.e. the distances in cm at which the standard and variable discs are judged to be at the same distance. The ordinate represents the logarithm of depth (in cm) equal to ±1 standard deviation around the PSE. The linear functions indicate that σ is a power function of PSE. of each resulting psychometric function estimated by this analysis are the data contained in the Results section. The value of σ associated with each standard distance represents the uncertainty of depth discrimination. It should be noted that the reciprocal of σ may be defined as an index of the subject’s sensitivity to depth. Results The results are plotted as log σdepth versus log PSEdist in Fig. 3. The subscript ‘depth’ designates statistics based on performance of a depth discrimination task. PSE is assigned the subscript ‘dist’ to signify that it is the point at which the variable and standard discs are perceived as being at equal distances. Both depth and distance are in units of centimeters. In general, σdepth increases monotonically with distance for all participants. As shown in Fig. 3, log σdepth is a linear function of log PSEdist for each of our three subjects. Hence, a power function describes the relationship between σdepth and PSEdist . The slopes of these functions are 1.73 for LK, 1.79 for SB, and 2.01 for RN. The fits to the straight lines are excellent, with r 2 = 0.99 for LK, 0.98 for SB, and 0.99 for RN. Furthermore, the slopes of the three functions do not differ significantly from each other (F = 1.15851, DF n = 2, DF d = 6, p = 0.3754). Consequently, it is possible to calculate one slope for all the data. The pooled slope equals 1.84, while the pooled Y intercept equals −3.57. EXPERIMENT 2 We now turn to measuring the uncertainty of size discrimination. The angular size of an object may remain constant as its distance is increased only if the object’s size 448 L. Kaufman et al. is increased in proportion to its distance. If observers perceive objective size, then they would see such an object grow in size with its distance. A similar effect occurs with an after image, which may be likened to an object of constant angular size. When it is projected onto a distant surface, the after image appears to be larger than when it is projected onto a closer surface. Emmert’s law holds that the perceived size of the after image is proportional to its perceived distance, which is a restatement of SDIH. It will be recalled from Experiment 1 that our 0.5 deg diameter discs had a constant size while being presented at different distances. If distance information is used by the perceptual system in assessing objective size, then how well we discriminate differences in size of a disc of constant angular size as a function of its distance may clarify the nature of the connection between size and distance perception. As will be made clear in the discussion, if the uncertainty of depth discrimination parallels that associated with discriminating size differences (associated with those depth differences), the two processes are likely to be necessary to each other. Method Subjects. The three subjects of Experiment 1 were also employed in this experiment. Procedure. The 2AFC procedure was used in this experiment, but the subjects were given different instructions than those of the Experiment 1. As before, a moonlike disc was seen at one of the four standard ranges (2.5 m, 5 m, 10 m, and 20 m), and compared with another stimulus presented either at the same distance or at a somewhat smaller or greater distance. Rather than decide which of the discs was more distant, the subjects were instructed to determine which was the larger of the two discs. As in Experiment 1, the depth values assigned to each ‘variable’ distance in this experiment were established by means of pilot trials, initially involving the method of adjustment. The subjects simply moved a disc away from one of the four standard positions until it appeared to differ in size. It quickly became obvious that subjects were unable to detect differences in apparent size when the changes in depth were approximately the same as those used in Experiment 1. The amount of depth had to be greater. Further trials were conducted to establish depths that would make it possible to employ the method of constant stimuli. These depths were larger than those used in Experiment 1. Of course, this was an immediate indication that the estimates of σ based on apparent size differences would be greater than obtained when subjects were attempting to detect differences in depth. In all of the pilot trials the disc’s angular size was constant (0.5 deg). However, we recognized that if the angular sizes of the discs were always the same (as it was in Experiment 1), subjects could use the perceptible difference in distance as a cue to decide which was larger. In that case the results might be biased by a decision that either the nearer or the more distant of the two discs was to be designated Size, depth and perceptual distance 449 as the larger. To avoid this possibility, we added 180 trials at each of the four standard ranges in which the two discs were of different angular sizes, i.e. the 0.5 deg diameter discs of the previous two experiments, and a second disc with an angular diameter of 0.56 deg. As before, subjects were shown two discs on each trial and had to decide which of the two was the larger. Hence, the task was not more complicated than that of Experiment 1. Even so, on randomly selected trials the two discs had the same angular diameters, either 0.56 or 0.5 deg, or had different angular diameters. On half of those randomly interspersed trials the larger of the two discs (0.56 deg) was the more distant, and, on the other half of the trials, the angularly smaller of the discs was the more distant. It is important to bear in mind that on any given trial the subject’s task was essentially identical to that of Experiment 1. Confronted with a pair of discs, the subject simply decided which of the two was the larger (or smaller) instead of which was further away (or closer). Because of the inclusion of trials in which an angularly larger disc was presented at a closer distance, the subject had no expectation that a difference in size was associated with a particular difference in distance. The angular sizes were chosen so that the angularly larger disc would be very likely to be judged as larger when it was the closer, as well as when it was the more distant member of the pair. This allowed the subjects to attend strictly to size, and ignore differences in distance while making size judgments. Owing to the use of two different sizes, the overall number of trials was increased to 540 per subject at each of the five ranges. Thus, a total of 2700 trials were obtained from each subject. The data were sorted so that results obtained when the standard and variable discs were identical in size are presented separately from those in which the discs differed in angular size. Results Figure 4 is based solely on those trials in which the two discs were equal in angular size. It is similar to Fig. 3 in that the coordinates represent distance. The subscripts reflect the task of the subject, which was to detect a difference in apparent size. Thus, log PSEdist is the logarithm of the distance at which subjects were equally likely to decide that the size of the variable disc was greater or less than that of the standard disc. By the same token, the ordinate representing the logarithm of σsize reflects the uncertainty in the amount of depth required to produce a difference in perceived size. The data points in Fig. 4 are well fitted by power functions where the exponents were 1.71 for LK, 1.85 for SB, and 1.81 for RN. In all three cases the coefficient of determination is 0.99, indicating that the fits to straight lines are excellent. This is supported by a runs test, indicating that there is no significant departure from linearity. Furthermore, the slopes of these three functions do not differ significantly (F = 0.43268, DF n = 2, DF d = 6, p = 0.6675). The pooled slope equals 1.79. However, the Y intercepts differ very significantly (F = 69.9252, DF n = 2, 450 L. Kaufman et al. Figure 4. Size judgments made by each subject. The abscissa represents the logarithm of the PSEdist , i.e. the distances at which the standard and variable discs are judged to be of the same size. The ordinate is the logarithm of ±1 σ (also in cm) relative to the PSE. Figure 5. Log σ for size and for depth versus log PSEdist with discs of equal angular size. The upper line fits the pooled data of the three subjects of Experiment 2 (size uncertainty), while the lower line fits the corresponding data of Experiment 1 (depth uncertainty). The difference in intercepts of the two parallel functions is highly significant, with the elevation (Y intercept) of the function related to size discrimination ∼0.8 log units higher than the function related to depth discrimination. The slopes are essentially the same. DF d = 6, p < 0.0001). Since the slopes are not significantly different, it is possible to calculate one slope for all the data. The pooled slope equals 1.79. Figure 5 summarizes the data of Figs 3 and 4. The plots are of lines that best fit the pooled data across subjects in each of the two experiments. The slopes of the two linear functions depicted in Fig. 5 do not differ significantly (F = 0.197207, DF n = 1, DF d = 20, p = 0.6618). Since the slopes are not significantly different, it is possible to calculate one slope for all the data, Size, depth and perceptual distance 451 which equals 1.79. However, the elevations (Y intercepts) of the two functions are extremely different from each other (F = 96.5397, DF n = 1, DF d = 20, p < 0.0001), which signifies that uncertainty in size discrimination is much greater than in depth discrimination. As is obvious in Fig. 5, this effect is present in all three subjects, and is not due solely to the higher overall uncertainty of SB (see Fig. 4). Finally, none of the subjects had any difficulty in deciding that the disc of larger angular size was larger than the disc of smaller angular size. Thus, subject LK identified the angularly larger disc correctly on 96% of all trials, regardless of whether it was the nearer or more distant disc. Similarly, subject SB was correct on 99% and RN on 94% of all trials. This result, together with the fact that in both experiments subjects made a simple binary decision (i.e. one of the two discs of each trial was the larger), supports the contention that the difference in overall uncertainty in the size discrimination task is not attributable to the addition of the extra discs of different angular size. DISCUSSION On perceptual distance The reciprocal of σ is an index of sensitivity. Since σdepth is a power function of distance with an exponent of ∼1.8, sensitivity to differences in distance varies as 1/D 1.8 . As anticipated, this represents a decaying ability to discriminate depth with distance. In its original form, Fechner’s law is inapplicable to our data. However, it is possible to re-scale distance so that σ is proportional to the transformed distance (Falmagne, 1974, 1985; Kaufman, 1974; Luce and Galanter, 1963). For any power law, σ (D ) = D α , this transformation is accomplished by taking D → D 1/α , where D = perceptual distance. Hence, the slope of a psychometric function describing the probability of discriminating a difference in the rescaled D would be the same for all D, i.e. the psychometric functions would all be parallel to each other, thus resolving ‘Fechner’s problem’ (Luce and Galanter, 1963). Over the range of our observations, a transformation relating perceptual distance to physical distance raised to a power near 0.55 would be consistent with a Fechnerian law, thereby providing an estimate of the relationship between perceptual and physical distance. Hence, the law relating perceptual distance to physical distance has the form of a power law, e.g. log D ≈ 0.5 log D. (2) Such a law should not be confused with Steven’s law, which is predicated on magnitude estimation rather than on the psychophysical (differential threshold) methods basic to Fechnerian laws. 452 L. Kaufman et al. Figure 6. Log σsize vs. log σdepth (all subjects). The slope of the function = 0.98 ± 0.13 and r 2 = 0.85. The Y-intercept of ∼0.8 log units reflects the greater level of ‘noise’ associated with size discrimination relative to depth discrimination. Perceptual distance and size constancy As is evident in Fig. 6, log σdepth (from Experiment 1) versus log σsize (from Experiment 2) yields a linear function with a slope of ∼1. Thus, the uncertainty associated with depth discrimination above the virtual terrain is proportional to the uncertainty associated with size discrimination under the same condition. This reinforces the connection between perceived size and perceptual distance. If any transform were applied equally to both axes of Fig. 6 the result would be a linear function having the same slope of ∼1.0. This proves that perceived size is proportional to perceptual distance, thus confirming SDIH and, therefore, supporting the proposition that size constancy may be achieved by taking perceptual distance into account. Perceptual distance and stereoscopic depth constancy According to the geometry of stereopsis, ρ = [α | D1 − D2 |]/[D1 × D2 ], (3) where ρ is the relative binocular disparity (in radians); α is the distance in meters between the eyes; D1 is the distance in meters to one object; and D2 is the distance in meters to a more distant object. If we let (D2 − D1 ) = depth (δ), then δ = [ρ(D1 × D2 )]/α. (4) Size, depth and perceptual distance 453 Basically, this equation states that the depth in meters between two objects is proportional to the product D1 (D1 + δ) of their distances, which is equivalent to ρ = αδ/D 2 , (5) where D is the average of D1 and D2. It follows that δ = (ρD 2 )/α. (6) Hence, if relative disparity is held constant, the magnitude of depth is approximately proportional to D 2 . Wallach and Zuckerman (1963) noted that this square law relationship predicts depth constancy, just as SDIH predicts size constancy. They accepted the idea that in size constancy the perceptual system compensates for perceived distance in accord with Emmert’s law, which is essentially the same as SDIH. Depth constancy would require that the system compensate for the square of the distance to the object. Furthermore, they also presented convincing evidence that, over a limited range of distances, in the presence of adequate cues to distance, the actual perceived depth between two objects of constant disparity does indeed vary approximately with the square of distance. As in size constancy, depth constancy is nearly perfect in a full cue situation, and is seriously degraded in a minimal cue situation (Glennerster et al., 1998). Despite this similarity, Wallach and Zuckerman attributed size constancy and stereoscopic depth constancy to different mechanisms. Although distance plays a crucial role in both types of constancy, size constancy entails compensating for distance per se, while depth constancy entails compensating for distance raised approximately to the second power. Consequently, in their view achieving constancy requires different processes for depth and for size. The results of our experiments lead to a different conclusion. We propose instead that wherever the cue of binocular disparity plays a role, precisely the same mechanisms underlie perceived depth and perceived size. The value of σdepth is a measure of uncertainty. But it may also be described as a depth interval δ between two stimuli presented 0.5 sec apart in time. Both uncertainty and depth vary approximately as the square of distance, so our uncertainty effect is essentially the same as stereoscopic depth constancy. As shown in Fig. 3 of Experiment 1, the slope of the pooled function relating σdepth to PSEdist was 1.8, indicating that uncertainty increases approximately with the square of distance. As stated in equation (6), given a constant relative binocular disparity, the geometry of stereopsis requires that the depth between two objects be proportional to the square of their average distance. When σ is pooled over subjects and expressed in terms of relative binocular disparity rather than cm, and plotted against PSEdist , the slope of the resulting empirical function is 0.01 arc min per cm. This slight departure from a slope of zero indicates the presence of a very small departure from ideal depth constancy in the direction of a slight underconstancy. Thus, depth constancy and size constancy can be accounted for by the same approximation to a square law re- 454 L. Kaufman et al. lationship between uncertainty and distance, providing the basis for a unified theory of size and depth constancy. The change in depth sufficient to increase perceived size varies with distance at a rate that is essentially the same as that producing a perceptible change in depth (Fig. 6). On the sequence of processing underlying size constancy As illustrated by Fig. 5, plotting σ versus PSE, pooled over subjects for both tasks, reveals a natural division of the data into two linear functions, one representing the data of the depth discrimination task, and the other the size discrimination data. The slopes of the two functions do not differ significantly, but their Y intercepts do. The elevation of the size function is about 0.8 log units above that of the depth function. This difference is potentially important in determining the sequence of processing underlying objective size perception. As mentioned in the Introduction, the assumption that distance is taken into account in size perception begs a number of questions. One question, which we have addressed, concerned defining the relationship between perceived and physical distance. McKee and Welch (1992) addressed another question, namely, is angular size processed prior to distance information, or are distance cues processed prior to angular size? To answer this question McKee and Welch used a method devised by Burbeck (1987). They began with a model in which the precision of judging objective size entails combining two independent processes, one being the neural measurement of angular (retinal) size, and the other that of distance. They also assumed that the discrimination of small differences in angular size is limited by noise. The smallest detectable change in objective size is also limited by noise. The noise involved in matching a particular angular size manifests itself in the variability of such matches. A measure of this variability is its standard deviation (σ ), which, as already stated, represents the uncertainty that limits the discrimination of a difference. Similarly, the discrimination of a difference in objective size is also limited by noise. If the noise associated with discriminating differences in objective size is significantly greater than that associated with discriminating differences in angular size, by implication, the encoding of angular size is prior to that of the encoding of objective size. This follows from their model’s assumption that the noise related to computing distance adds to the noise associated with computing angular size when the perceiver is estimating objective size. Alternatively, angular size may be inferred by discounting the effect of distance on the perceived objective size. In that case, according to McKee and Welch’s model, the noise associated with judging objective size would be less than that associated with judging angular size. McKee and Welch tested these alternatives by comparing the uncertainty σ associated with matches of objective size with corresponding values of σ obtained in matches of angular size. As it turned out, their observers were unable to ignore differences in depth when making angular size judgments, suggesting that their observers did not have direct access to information about retinal (angular) size. Size, depth and perceptual distance 455 Moreover, the results were inconclusive with regard to their alternative hypotheses. McKee and Welch suggested that angular size and distance are processed in parallel and neither depends directly on the other (see also McKee and Smallman, 1998). However, since their subjects were unable to ignore distance in making angular size judgments, this implies that comparing angular and objective size judgments many not have been the appropriate measures to test the McKee and Welch hypotheses. In fact, their results imply that angular size per se may not be available to conscious perception, a conclusion already reached by Wallach and McKenna (1960). It should be noted that others have disputed this conclusion (e.g. Rock and McDermott, 1964), Rather than comparing the noise associated with estimating angular size versus the noise associated with estimating objective size, this paper compares the noise associated with depth discrimination at different distances with that associated with discriminating objective size differences produced by altering distance. Our results lead us to conclude that the noise associated with objective size discrimination is uniformly greater than that associated with depth discrimination. In the context of the McKee and Welch model, this supports their hypothesis that distance is processed prior to angular size. Acknowledgements This work was supported by NSF Grant No. BCS0137567, L. Kaufman, PI. It was also supported in part by IBM Research. We are very grateful to JeanClaude Falmagne, Julian Hochberg, Zhong-Lin Lu, Ethel Matin, Arnold Trehub, Hal Sedgwick, and Helen Ross who provided invaluable comments on an early version of this paper. We are especially grateful to the editors and reviewers whose many suggestions substantially improved this paper. Finally, we thank Vassias Vassilliades for his assistance and creative ideas. NOTES 1. Absolute parallax is synonymous with the term absolute disparity. The absolute parallax of a point in space results from the fact that the two eyes view the same point from two different positions. It is identical with the convergence angle needed to get the images of the point centered in the two foveas (Kaufman, 1974). 2. The term relative disparity refers to the difference between the absolute parallax of one point and that of another point at the same or some other distance. Relative binocular disparity is the cue to binocular stereopsis. REFERENCES Arditi, A. (1986). 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