Business Communication 5 Course Description Course Number FHNW Schools Name(s) of Degree Course(s) Type of Degree Negotiation & Conflict Resolution IM-050405S1.SN/11 School of Business Business Administration (International Management) Bachelor of Science Name of Module / Major / Minor Module Level Module Typ ECTS Credits Total study time in hours (contact lessons, guided and individual self-study) Responsible Lecturer Business Communication 5 (total 6 ECTS credits for module) B I A S C R M 6 ECTS Credits Contact lessons: 54 h (72 lessons) Guided and individual self-study: 126 h Total: 180 h Telephone/E-Mail Objectives Contents Methods Language Version ab SJ 14/15 • To equip participants with a range of strategies and practices to improve the quality of their negotiating skills through an examination of the key research in the field and by offering the opportunity to practice, reflect and receive feedback on their performance in a range of activities, cases and simulations. • To enable participants to learn and apply techniques of conflict management and resolution and be able to transfer the skills learnt to their organization. Negotiation Conflict Resolution • Communication skills reprise • Distributive and Integrative Negotiations • 2-party negotiations • Negotiation Analysis - focus on issues, interests and positions • Negotiation strategy and tactics • Negotiation behaviours • Conflict Resolution 1 - Interpersonal Conflicts / Olten Model • Conflict Resolution 2 - Trust, trust development and trust repair / Intercultural aspects of trust, trust development and trust repair (Culture and Conflict) • Multi-party conflicts • Intercultural Negotiation / Intercultural impacts on negotiation styles • Negotiation Multi-party / multi-issue negotiations • Complex Negotiations Plenary lectures Workshops Simulations English Seite 1 von 3 Assessment(s) Negotiation Analysis (40% of final grade) • Group task – 3-5 participants per group • Based on a case study provided. • Students are given an incomplete two-party case to analyse considering the positions, interests and issues for each side, their negotiating power in the situation, and developing a negotiation analysis. • Pairs of groups then negotiate with each group representing one side. (Ideally and infrastructure permitting, all negotiations should be recorded on video) • After the negotiation, each group files a written analysis to include the original negotiation analysis, a brief description of key moments during the negotiation, the outcome negotiated and an assessment of the group’s success in reaching its goals. • Selected pairs of groups then present their findings to class for discussion. Paper (60% of final grade) Version ab SJ 14/15 • Working on groups of 3-5 participants • Students develop a case study describing a real negotiation or conflict resolution process. • Examining a real negotiation or conflict situation and analysing the positions, interests and issues for each side, their negotiating power in the situation, a negotiation analysis and the subsequent outcomes. • Negotiations cases will consider the degree to which integrative solutions were possible and will reflect on the degree to which the negotiation reflected a Harvard negotiations style approach. • Conflict Resolution cases will reflect an understanding of the Olten Model of Conflict resolution or an alternative defined by the students. Seite 2 von 3 References Key text – students should ensure that they have access to this book during the course: Negotiation, 6/e Roy J. Lewicki, The Ohio State University Bruce Barry, Vanderbilt University David M. Saunders, Queens University ISBN: 0073381209 Copyright year: 2010 Additional texts e.g. Harvard Persuasion materials Saner – Negotiating Deutsch & Coleman Eds Conflict Resolution General Requirements or Previous Module(s) / Course(s) Subsequent Module(s) / Course(s) Remarks Version ab SJ 14/15 Additional requirements: • Excellent English language skills – minimum C1 • Attendance of at least 80% • All those wishing to participate in the course must attend in week 1 of the semester • Regular readings to accompany course • Participation in online platform Seite 3 von 3