Data Cleansing, Quality&Enrichment Cleanupyourdataactor face theconsequences Introduction Call Us: 1-281-407-7582 Poor data quality is the primary reason for 40% of all business initiatives failing to achieve their targetedbenefits (according to Gartner). It has been found that data quality problems cost 10% of the total revenue. The staff of an organization spends 25% of its time in handling customer complaints caused by erratic data, fixing incorrect data, finding missing data, and clarifying data that doesn’t make anysense. BADDATA–BADIMPACT! Respondentsinas urveysaidthatpoordataqualitycauses Call Us: 1-281-407-7582 With the evolution of information age, there is enormous amount of data which has been made readily available t hr ou g h t he vi rt u al m edi aa nd s o p his t ic at e d c ommunic ations net work. Thereis a wides pread conceptual application of internet in supply chains, data mining, knowledge management and many other related concepts. There has been a considerable inc reas e in independent distributed database servers that directly provide online info -retrieval servic es to end users Thishas facilitatedinformationmanipulationofmulti -sourc edat atoa great extent. The resulting integration of dat a frommultiple independent sources, results in certain incompatibilities. Most of the users neglect the importance of data in computers but data acts as the real fuel in the information technology engine. Incorrect and futile data s hould be removedasitresultsinfaultyanalysis. Inaccurate data leads users to make faulty decisions. The impact of data errors is felt by everyone at one time or another, no matter to whic h function of work the user belongs – management, internet applications, financial applications, marketing 87% or information servic es. Mostly, poordat aqualityresultsinlossoftime,moneyandtheeffort behindcriticalbusinessdecisions. 27% mappingfunctionsfordatacleansinginaccordancewit hthe Meta data should be specified and be reusable for not just otherdatasourcesbutalsoforqueryprocessing.Especially for WhatisDataCleansing? 71% 49% Data cleansing, also called data scrubbing, deals with detecting and removing errors and inconsistencies from data in order to improve the quality of data. Data quality data warehouses, a workflow infrastructure should be supported to execute all data transformation steps for multiplesourcesandlargedat asetsinanefficientmanner. problemsarepres entinsingledatacollections,suchas files and databases, e.g., due to misspellings during data entry, missinginformationorot herinvaliddata.Whenmultipledata sources71%-Financialreportingproblems need to be integrat ed, e. g., in data warehous es, federat49% ed -dat Operations abase systems problemsor from global bad data web based information systems, the need for data cleansingincreases 87%-Excesscostsforbusinessoperations substantially. This is because the sourc es often cont ain 27%-Strategicplanningproblems redundant dat a in different representations. In order to pro vide acc ess to acc urat e and cons ist ent dat a, Sourcecons olidation of different data repres entations and eliminationofduplicateinformationbecomenecessary. baddata-is-a-social-disease-part-1/ Report Enrich Profile Cleanse Merge Transform Match A data cleansing approach should satisfyseveral requirements: 1. Detect and remove all major errors and inconsistencies bothinindividualdatasourcesandwhenintegratingmultiple sources. Theapproachshouldbesupportedbytoolstolimit manual ins pection and programming effort and be extensibletoeasilycoveradditionalsources. 2. Data cleansing should not be performed in isolation but should be based on comprehensive metadata. Required Call Us: 1-281-407-7582 WhyareDataCleansing,Qualityan d Enrichmentimportant? According to a Market report, the greatest barriers t o B2B lead generation are predominantly the result of bad data quality. With such huge repercussions that the business needs to face due to poor data; Cleansing, Quality and Enric hment gain importance. Most functions in business are dat a cent ric from accounting to highly creative department marketing. With such emphasis on good dat a leadingtogreatbusinessperformanceitiscriticaltoensure thedat acomplies withtheindustrystandards. TRADITION AL APPROACH Data collected f or specifieduse User is the datasubject Individual provides legalconsent but is not trulyengaged. Economic v alue andinnov ation come from combining data sets and subsequentuses. User can be the data subject,the data controller, and/or data processor NEWPERSPECTIVE Data actively collected withuser awareness Most data f rom machine tomachine transactions& passive collection difficult to notifyindiv iduals Definition of personal datais predetermined andbinary Definition of personal datais contextual and dependent on socialnorms. Policy framework f ocuseson minimizing risks to theindividual. Policy focuses onbalancing protection with innovation and economicgrowth. Individuals engage andunderstand how data is used and how value is created With so many sources for the collation of dat a, the probability of making errors like duplication and missingof fieldsishigh.Alsowiththeemergenceofcloudbaseddata collection techniques the reasons and the approaches for data collection have also changed. Now, data collection is notdonejustwiththeintentionofimplementingapa rticular process but also helps in making strategic business decisions. These decisions det ermine whether or not a process is worth t he effort. From pre -planning t o the execution and further to the result; data drives the whole cycle. Call Us: 1-281-407-7582 Phases in DataCleansing Data Standardization: Ingeneral,datacleansinginvolvesseveralphases Data Analy sis Quality Check Data Cleansing Data Normalization Datastandardizationisthefirststeptoens uret hatyourdat a isreadytobesharedacrosstheent erprise. Thisestablishes trustwort hinessforthedatatobeusedbyotherapplications intheorganization.Ideally,suchstandardizationshouldbe Data De-duplication performed during data entry. If, for some reason this is not possible, a comprehensive back-end process isnecessary to eliminate any inconsistencies in the data. Data Data St a n d a rdi za ti o n standardization is usually done under name heads like Name,Address,Product,Business,Financialetc. Data Standardi zation Datanormalization: It is the process of organizing the fields and tables of any relationaldatabasetominimizeredundancy.Normalization usually involves splitting of larger tables into smaller (and less redundant ) tables and mapping relationshipsbetween Dataanalysis: In order to detect which kinds of errors andinc onsistencies are to be removed, a detailed data analysis is required. In additiontoamanualinspectionofthedataordat asamples, analysis programs should be used to gain metadata about thedat apropertiesanddetectdataqualityproblems. them. The objective is to isolate data so that additions, deletions, and modifications of a field can be made in just one table and then propagated through the rest of the databaseusingthemappingscreated. QualityCheck: Datade-duplication: It is a specialized data compression technique for eliminating duplicat e copies of repeating data. This techniqueisusedt oimprovestorageutilizationandcanalso beappliedtonetworkdatatransferstoreducet henumberof bytes that must be sent. In the de-duplication process, unique chunks of data, or byte patterns, are identified and stored during a process of analysis. As the analysis continues, other chunks are compared to the stored copy and whenever a match occurs, the redundant chunk is replaced wit h a small referenc e that points to the stored chunk.Giventhatthesamebytepatternmayoccurdozens, hundreds,oreventhousandsoftimes(thematchfrequency is dependent on the chunk size), the amount of data that This should be performed at every level of Data cleansing. But for obvious reasons, like the source and timing of the data receipt might vary largely, making it difficult to check and assure the quality at the very beginning. Hence an assigned stage of quality check becomes imperative. A typical outline of the timeline at which a quality check processisassignedisillustratedbelow– Data generation • Differentsources • Different times of datacollection Different fileformats • Excel files • Textfiles mustbestoredortransferred. Application program functionalities Call Us: 1-281-407-7582 • Importing data from differentfiles • Filling datagaps • QualityCheck • Derivedparameters BenefitsofDataCleansing The5keyissueswithdataquality There are plenty of financial benefits to cleansing your databases, not only will such activities stop you wasting ISSUE#1:InconsistentData money on storing old or obsolete dat a, but the improved accuracycanresultingreaterreturnoninvestmentforyour marketingactivities. Data storage at more than one place results in data inconsistency.Thusonsomeoccasions changesmaynot bemadeatallplaceswhic hresultsinlack ofdataint egrity. Assists in your target profiling, meaning t hat your marketingcampaigns willbemorefocused,relevantand s ubs eque nt ly more lik ely t o be s uc c es s ful. Understandably, using obsolete data for your targeting activities willonlyleadtomisdirectedcampaigns The average duplication ratio in vendor names is more frequentthanthat ofsoftwareproductnameswhichis10:1 than 20:1 in the latter. This is often observed bec ause the consistency across names is difficult to assign. Most software product names are trademark or registered entities. Storing old information can actually harm your brand imageandcustomerperception.Forinstance,ifyouare consist ently sending mark eting lit erat ure to old addresses,customersthatmayhavediedoroptedout of receiving promotional material, your efforts are actually helping t o create a wider negative image, rather than returnoninvestment IncompliancetotheDataP rotectionActwithregards to the storage of pers onal information, cleansing activities are necessary to eliminate any chances of violationoftheactandsubsequentpenalties Finally, improving the quality of your data results in improved customer insight and adds considerable valuetoyourmarketingeffortsbyimprovingROI ISSUE#2:DuplicateorConflictingData Most of the relational databases are a combination of data from multiple sources; they often contain duplicate data. If the database is to be the authoritative system of record supporting IT decisions and processes, it needs to resolve thoseconflictsandfilteroutduplicates. Theproblemandthe impact can be huge. Different inventory and asset management tools may insert duplicate data, for many reasons.Whentheproblemscalesup,searchingandfixing theduplicates/conflictscanbeahugetask. An unbiased research of the industry conducted by BDNA shows that 40 percent of dat a collected across different sourcesisrepeat ed. These are just some of the reasons to undert ake dat a cleansing, however, as a business, it should be rememberedthattheprocessisongoing. Databasesrequire ISSUE#3:IrrelevantData practically constant management and cleansing to ensure theycontain,uptodate,accurateandvaluableinformation. Inshort,improvethequalityofthedata. data can reduce t he data footprint significantly. For example, whenlookingatdataforanaudit,youdonotneed to look at files that are individual components of a larger bundle.Ignoringthosefileshelpstoeliminatethefrequency, Report sothatyoucanfoc usontheremainingperc entofdatathatis relevant. Pr ofile Enrich Another issue is data relevance. Removing the irrelevant Transform AresearchdonebyBDNAshowsthat95%ofdatagathered fromvariousdiscoverysourcesisirrelevant. Cleanse Merge Match Call Us: 1-281-407-7582 ISSUE#4:IncompleteData After you have addressed issues like inconsistency and duplication, the database needs to be looked in formissing datathatyouneedt omakedecisions. Thes ourceofthedata has to be authentic for the data to be of the highest quality. Along with the source, the collection systems also largely determinethequalityandcompletenessofthedat abas e.IT systemslackcriticalinformationy ouneedtoknowaboutall of your assets, such as end-of-life or end-of-support date, licensing/packaging options, current version, etc.These externaldatapoints–market data–areessentialformany dayto-dayprocesses. There are various c ategories of data fields that might be incomplet e. The probability of missing data should be assessed prior to the database design. For example, a respondentsurveyaboutincomeofanindividualhasavery highchanceofbeingleftincomplete. Intrinsic – The data should be accurate. Accuracy covers most of the aspects of duplication, relevanc e and authenticity. The sources of the data collated should be reliable and reputable. A clear objective needs to be specifiedforthedatatobeacceptableashighquality. Cont extual–Therightthingattherighttimeisthekeytothe context of a database. Timely and relevant value added to thedat abaseensuresthec omplet enessofthedata.Also,a largedatabas edoesnotmeanadatabasewhichhasfields thatareofnomonetary orstrategicrelevance. Representational – The database needs to be easy to understandandus erfriendly.Acomplicateddataonlyuses alotofmoretimefortheusertoaccessandmakegooduse ofthesame. Accessibility–Thesecurityandavailabilityofthedataover networks and at the required time of access is essential. Dataavailableattherighttimeenablesrightdecisions. ISSUE#5:IncompleteData It’smandatorythatsomeofthedat ainyourentiredatabas e is now outdated. There is a continuous inflow of some informationwiththeITsystemsinplacecurrently.Mostdata collected and then collated are more a mundane process thanarequirement.Withsuchcollectionsystems,weneed todetermineathresholdafterwhic hthedatawhichisnotof anyrelevantuses houldbedestroyed. This wouldeliminate theproblemofoutdateddataatlarge. Dimension Characteristics Intrinsic Believ able, Accurate Objectiv e,Reputable Contextual Value-Ad ded,Relev ant Timely , Complete Appropriateamo unt Representational Interpretable, Easy to understand Consistent ,Concise Accessibility Av ailable,Secure 25 percent of the Fortune 500 use software that is past its supportdate. Featuresthatdescribedataquality We had a look at the issues due to which the quality of the databasesgetshampered.Itisimportant forustoknowthe essential features that help us in t he assessment of the qualityofanylargedata. Thefourc ornerstonesofdataofthe highestqualityare Call Us: 1-281-407-7582 Data Enrichment– Howisitdifferentfromdataquality? The fourth step in an effective dataqualitymethodologyinvolves c reating as complete a picture as possible to support strategic decision-making. Data enrichment can range from something as simple as adding a missing postcode, to augmenting records with demographic or geographic data based on a name or address match. It's a simple process, with the value gained far outweighing the effortrequired. ListManagement Email Lists ListBuilding Data Management Data Cleansing Data Profiling EnhanceandEnrichexamples– DataVerification Geographic:suchaspostcode,countyname,longitudeandlati tude,andpoliticaldistrict DataAppending Email Appending Phone Appending Behavioral: including purchases, riskandpreferredcommunicationchannels credit Cont actAppending SocialMediaProfileA ppending Demographic: such as income, marital status, education, ageandnumberofchildre Conclusion Psychographic: ranging from hobbies and interests to politicalaffiliation The maint enance of data isn’t something that occurs only Cens us:householdandcommunitydata before you use it for marketing purposes. It encapsulates While most data quality tools focus on name and address data, the data enrichment processes should support any numberofnon-nameandnon-addressdatatypes,including dates, telephone numbers, account numbers and e-mail the processes before use of the dat a and after use of the data.Proc essesneedtobeinplacewhereallchangesand updatesarefedbackintothedatabaset oensureaccuracy and consistency. Networks are changing all the time, with information, to name just a few. The process should also enablefullcustomizationofthedataqualityrulesengine,so you can modify existing rules, tweak dat a typesandcreat eyour own data types. For example, If you want to parse, newdevicesandsoftware.Andthevendorsare constantly changing, with new software versions, patch standardizeandmatchproductnames,yousimplycreatea "product name" data type that is specific to the type ofdat a youhave. of updates each week. The industry keeps changing, updates, product names, mergers and acquisitions, and support changes. A large organization may havehundreds issuing new releases, while you’re gathering the data. Organizations often spend a lot of time and money in the initial setup of the collection of the data and setting up the AboutUs system to collate. But then they find that the updates are quiet frequent. Any failure in maintaining andupdating Dataxpander offers following Data Solutions to keep your data up-to-date to get optimum res ults and improveROI. Translatedataintoactionableinsightswithour solutions.Weprovidethefollowingservices: wouldleadtooutdateddatasystemsandfields.Duetothe various issues that impact data quality, only a very small percentage of the overall data is really clean. Most of the remainingdat ashouldbediscarded.Thecleandatashould then be enriched with market information to give you the datathatreallymatters. Call Us: 1-281-407-7582 References 1. Data mining and knowledge discovery handbook, Chapter 2, Data cleansing – A prelude to knowledge 15. Data Quality Strategy: A Step-by-Step Approach discovery;Jonathan.I.Maletic,Kentstateuniversity. 3131_A_DQ_Step_Approach.pdf 2. DataMiningandKnowledgeDiscovery,2,9–37(1998)© 1998KluwerAcademicPublishers,Boston 16. . Ma n ag e me nt 3. Data Cleaning: Problems and Current Approaches; E s s ent ia l D at a Q ual it y - i al_data_quality_management.pdf 4. Think you have clean data in your CMDB? Think again! 5. What does Data Cleansing & E nhancement mean and howc anIjustifyit? 6. DataQuality-AproblemandA nApproach–Whitepaper, Authors-JavedBegandShadabHussain 7. How Data Cleansing always saves money for Mailing Campaigns- 8. Enterprise Data Quality – Viewpoint by Sivaprak asam S.R. Dataxpander is a leading provider of digital marketing and data-driven services. The brand's forte lies in its data intelligence, which holds the largest intellectual mapping available in the industry. As an expert B2B marketing solutions provider, Dataxpander specializes in customized services using the latest business models in online marketing, search marketing, and innovative data strategies. It is the world's only social verified and email verified data provider today. With nearly a decade's expertise in digital mark eting, its business intelligence enables companies to utilize the intellectual online marketing strategies along with dat a insights, market reports, and IT support services. Cons ulting, Marketing, or Outsourcing solutions —Dat axpander is the most preferredchoice. 9. Data Quality Management –Maximize Your CRM 10. TrendsInDataQualityAndBusinessProcessAlignment –Aforresterresearchreport,November2011 11. The Cost of Dirty Data – An educational report .aspx 12. The Cost of Poor Data Quality - How to make better business decisions and positively affect your bottom line © TheD&BCompaniesofCanadaLtd 13. A cas efor 14. Dat aCleans ing – W hit epaper - Data Quality: A Critical Component of B usiness Assurancehttp://www.datacons a_quality.pdf Call Us: 1-281-407-7582