WIGGING CLUB - with Dana Burton - Jan 2015 Class Notes Class Notes. http://www.miniatureart.com/WC2015/index%20WC.html DANA GREETINGS! DANA How are all my girls this morning? DANA I am so pleased to see each of you you this morning. DANA RULES: DANA 1. I will explain each section ... and then open the floor for questions DANA 2. Lets keep all personal chit chat until the end DANA so they conversation stays on topic DANA 3. If I ask a question - please answer yes, no or whatever so that I know you are still logged in DANA here is what the outline for class is today LANNY DANA 1. NOTES DANA 2. CONTEST DANA 3. WIGGING CLASS DANA Great DANA NOTES: DANA 1. The winner of the contest this morning DANA and the winner of the contest tonight get put into a hat DANA and my conure will pick out the paper ball <G> winner. DANA This winner - receives the actual Lanny class sample. DANA 2. FEBRUARY's Wigging Club Tutorial will debut Wed DANA This wigging tutorial will be on the SAME PAGE LINK as Lanny. DANA So please do me a favor - and PRINT OUT THE LINK of the Wigging Club. All updates, new tutorials etc will be found on this SAME PAGE all year long DANA 3. I have had a lot of people ask about duplicate tutorials on the new Wigging Vol #2. DANA I put together all the wigging tutorials from dolls I did last year - including the Tainted Moonlight dolls from Julie. DANA There are some she never even published before she retired - and these are on the CD. DANA Then I threw in some dressing tutorials as well just for fun! DANA Last note .... DANA SEND ME your Lanny Photo ... DANA and have 2 already to put up today - way to go Joanne and Irene! DANA ANYWAY ... as soon as you send me the photo DANA and it is up on the Wigging student Gallery DANA you get DANA DOLLARS to use all 2015 year on any merchandise/shipping you wish. DANA FULL DETAILS will be on the student Gallery Page - up after last class tonight. DANA so lets play the game DANA Everyone ready? DANA WHEN I SAY GO DANA ONLY WHEN I SAY GO DANA PICK a number from 1-50 DANA READY DANA IN ORDER OF TYPING DANA so when I SAY GO DANA GOOOOOOO Terrie Ewa Karen S. Irene-NC Deb Z Dawn Nancy G. RhonaTlee ulla nancysdoll moonyeen Pat _UK_ 45 13 47 6 37 17 17 50 50 1 49 11 DANA 49 !! DANA Moonyeen you won DANA you can click to the home page of the MDL right now DANA and see the number DANA Moonyeen you are put into the hat for the drawing tonight DANA AND you get the Tutorial CD as the minor prize! DANA Lets do the class ... DANA HERE we go ... DANA In the quest for finding something I haven't done DANA and hearing voices in my head to do something decadent DANA I foudn this gorgeous woman in the wedding section on pinterest! DANA You could easily change things to make more historic DANA but I just liked the curl technique I came up with for her ponytail. DANA LETS START ... DANA 1. Wigging Cross DANA does anyone NOT know how to do this? DANA 2. After you do the initial wigging cross ... DANA its time to add that little flat bun to give her the height GET SET DANA HINTS>>>>> DANA Did you know ... DANA after you tie the knot several times ... DANA and pull TIGHT DANA You can actually SHAPE the viscose knot/bun? DANA I misted bun DANA FLATTENED bottom on table DANA pulled and puffed up the top, sides DANA as seen in photo. DANA THEN I glued this to her head DANA **NOTE** not the TOP of her head DANA BUT back of her head DANA If you did a horizontal line DANA from ear to ear DANA BEHIND this horizontal line. Deb Z Do you need to glue the ends of the knot before you shape it? RhonaTlee How do you mean knot the viscose? DANA Deb - I cut the ends off, glued under the flat part and then shapped it! DANA BUT you could actually use the long sides to add length to your wigging cross ends DANA Rhona ... DANA as you can see in the photo ... I took a damp piece of viscose DANA and literally tied a knot DANA pulled tight DANA tied a knot DANA pulled tight. DANA Easy peasy - but oh so tricky right? DANA Came up with that one years ago - but still a favorite look! DANA (Did I mention that at end of class - I will take a screen shot of all students and you each get $1 DANA DOLLARS?) That goes on your account! DANA So little happy if you didn't win! Just a way to earn money hahaha - to get great things! DANA Once you have the knot glued on Terrie thanks :D DANA lift up front section of hair and gently spread/lay hair to back to make that pony tail. DANA Now when I make the pony tail ... DANA I mist the hair DANA and run thru fingers! DANA One of the BIGGEST TRICKS to keeping NICE HAIR --- DANA is keeping EACH SECTION DANA flat DANA non-frizzy! DANA THEN go to the next! DANA If you have a smooth base DANA you will have a smooth hairstyle! DANA Recap: DANA 1. Wigging Cross DANA 2. Glue bump DANA 3. Make pony tail RhonaTlee Oh, how many knots did you use for your prototype? DANA GOOD question ... hahah - no clue - but looking back DANA on tutorial it looks like 3? DANA You could add more to make larger (height) DANA I think it depends also --- how much you want to SQUISH the bun DANA I like them compact - so more knots but squished flatter DANA does that make sense? DANA lets move on to chalking and braids DANA Hey Judy we see you! DANA Are you there? Judy Pradillo having problems--whats new DANA NO worries! We see you so life is good now! DANA We are just moving on to page 4 of the tutorial DANA the braids/chalking DANA THANK YOU MOONYEEN for the header and doing our notes today! DANA (Sent Sound) applause moonyeen MY pleasure -- DANA So many girls depend on those notes --- it really is kind of you to do it! DANA braiding ... DANA MOST the time DANA I take DMC floss and braid it for tiny braids DANA they match DANA and are easy. DANA BUT tried that with this hair and it looked weird DANA Sooooo DANA I took 3 small strands DANA tied a knot DANA misted hair DANA and tied a braid DANA I wanted to give a bit of color to the braid DANA to help define the grooves in braid DANA so I took my chalk DANA and q-tip or small pompom DANA and dabbed blond highlights on braid. DANA WHEN hair was totally dry DANA (I cheated and blow dried) DANA lightly mist braid with hairspray DANA and run thru plastic baggie to get rid of frizz DANA Lastly ... glue braid around head. Irene-NC what kind of chalk? DANA You can see in photo - just regular scrapbook chalk? Sorry had it for years Pat _UK_ i used 1 of the strands a slightly different colour to give contrast DANA I'd like to say Hobby lobby <G> DANA Pat - that is a GREAT idea! Never even thought of that RhonaTlee This is on your viscose braid, right? Not the DMC braid. DANA Rhona - correct! Pat _UK_ yes, using viscose DANA REMEMBER GIRLS ... DANA this class is for SHARING DANA IF you come up with something you did different DANA I LOVE to hear about it DANA Teaches me something too DANA Lets move on to page 5 DANA and the long sides DANA These long sides Shelly Hey Girlfriend! DANA are simply one long piece DANA (big hug right back! good to see you here!) DANA glued to front of head DANA and pulled back to ponytail. juffiemarianne The chalk yes. But i do like Pat. Mixing the viscose DANA ****Just a hint for my new girls - everyone that stays until end - I take a screen shot - and you get $1 DANA DOLLAR) on the clipboard for future purchases/postage! DANA $3 DANA DOLLARS for FINISHED SAMPLE ... if done within a week of class! DANA You MUST SEND ME PHOTO! DANA Alrighty ... DANA lets move on to the long bangs DANA I can't explain this one DANA visual is all DANA BUT basically DANA you take one long strand DANA roll up one half on knitting needle DANA roll up other half DANA and blow dry DANA like REALLY blow dry DANA and gently roll off rod DANA THEN each side of curl should look like 0_0 DANA I cut off part of curl - on each side so it looks like DANA C_ (not sure how to do backwards C) <G> DANA I glued the middle part on front of dolls head DANA and CAREFULLY DANA like drink WINE DANA be happy DANA non stressed DANA (yes this is the hard part) DANA and once glue is dry DANA CAREFULLY comb hair strands down each side DANA so it looks like feathered long bangs DANA WHEN you get one side the way you like it DANA mist it with hairspray DANA TOO MUCH its a hard damp mass ... DANA and you have to start over! DANA TOO LITTLE and hair won't stay and will flatten out. DANA Before we start on the dangerous comb out for pony tail DANA any questions on ANY part of Lanny's hair so far? DANA I tell everything <G> hahah - but as you can see these are pointy end needles 0- have NO CLUE DANA BUT I did include my thumb with photo so you can kind judge <G> DANA Alrighty ... DANA lets move on to that gorgeous hard ponytail DANA I want you to take a look at the two photos on right side of page 7 juffiemarianne For bigger bangs use size 4 or 5mm knitting needles. No idea DANA Ok - LOOK at those photos DANA see how thick hair is at top (can't see fingers) DANA see how THIN hair is at bottom (can see fingers?) DANA Take your corsage pin or hat pin DANA and COMB LIGHTLY from UNDERNEATH ponytail DANA to carefully thin out hair DANA IF YOU ARE NEW even INTERMEDIATE DANA SKIP this step! DANA You will end up pulling out your hair DANA and startintg over! DANA OR ... if you are like me DANA and someone says you can'T do it DANA so you DO .... DANA PRACTICE on another pony tail first! DANA The IDEA DANA is to get excess hair out from underneath DANA like using a slicker brush on a collie DANA (when you comb hair - loads come out - the undercoat) DANA ONCE you get hair to the thiness you like DANA lightly mist DANA curl up 3 (no clue what size) knitting needles DANA and lightly blow on hair to dry DANA or set in sun DANA **HINT** DANA I have a 3rd hand holding my doll torso DANA and three pointy needlees for curls DANA with ends dug into my macrame board DANA to hold juffiemarianne You can also use an old cleaned mascara brush. To comb from underneath DANA That sounds like an idea! DANA Whatever works for you! DANA Questions on any part of of dangerous comb out/curls? ulla I think I better not to do this step, but if you're experienced, does this step mean that you still actually pull out hair? ulla to get it lighter? DANA Ulla - yes - you can see the difference in hair thickness from top photo to bottom photo on page 7 DANA Alrighty - in the home stretch juffiemarianne No it is clear and it works ulla ok, so I would pull out all hair, you pull just a little? ;-) DANA Ulla ... you are combing out just a bit of hair DANA from underneath DANA like combing dog DANA you pull out some hair moonyeen OR CAT ?? DANA we now have DANA 1. Wigging cross doll with nice back bump DANA 2. Long sides/bangs DANA 3. Ponytail with 3 curls. DANA TIME to gently DANA PUFF UP the curls DANA and kinda twist them into each other. DANA Think of YOUR HAIR DANA if you put long curls into it DANA you'd want to *FLUFF* it out DANA (curl set - then gently backtease/comb it into place) DANA this is how you do the long curls Dawn C. only got short hair - NO FLUFF DANA I provided a lot of photos of my process - but literally that is all I did DANA My eye saw where to comb out curl DANA and where to let it alone. DANA Questions on massing your curls? Deb Z It almost looks like you brought the curls together ina very very very loose braid at the bottom? DANA Deb Z ... I twisted them together to get a mass yes Deb Z Left picture bottom of page 8 Deb Z Got it! DANA Marianne hahah - weird but at least they are smileys! DANA Ok - lets play another game quick - I'm in the mood! DANA First ... moonyeen jUST a thought -- add flowers or jewels to the braid DANA OOhhh - that would be pretty! LIke Sissi (Austria queen did with the tiny diamond star pins!) DANA Ok ... recap, game and back to life! DANA 1. Just took screen shot - everyone here gets $1 automatically on my clipboard Dawn C. - thank you Ontario Pat _UK_ thanks Dana DANA 2. EACH PERSON that emails me a photo of Lanny a week from today (Monday midnight) gets up on the student gallery AND $3 dana Dollars DANA 3. The NEW Wigging Tutorial arrives on WED. So go to your Wigging Club page ... to see it! DANA 4. WANT to THANK ME? Lets find some new people and get them interested in wigging! DANA (one question - would a good prize be the exact doll body I used for Wed's class with hair)? Nancy G. Absolutely Deb Z yes ShellyHY Sure! DANA GREAT! HERE we go .... DANA WHAT is the first word on Page 7 after Step #5 Terrie Ewa ulla Irene-NC Deb Z Karen S. Dawn C. - Ontario ulla Nancy G. Pat _UK_ ulla RhonaTlee only only only step5 Dangerous dangerous dangerous dangerous Dangerous dnagerous ;-) Only DANA DANGEROUS!!! That is it! Deb z you won <G> DANA You get the exact wigging torso of my Wed class!