MBS ITEM NUMBERS Residential Aged Care Please note - Aged Care Funding is dependent upon General Practitioners evidence. Access to Allied health services and the Dental Health Scheme needs GP support; this support is evidenced by the ITEM numbers used. GP Documentation must be comprehensive and specific. Health Assessments GROUP 14 Item Amount Paid Time Required 701 $59.35 Brief 30 min. 703 $137.90 Standard 30 min to 45 min. 705 $190.30 Long than 45 min to 60min. 707 $268.80 Prolonged more than 60 min. Number per year Benefit Description 1 per 12 Comprehensive month period, Medical or at a major Assessments change in health Terms and Conditions See A.14. Subgroup 1 A full systems review, must include: a Detailed & relevant medical history b Comprehensive medical assessment c List of diagnoses & problems d Summary of outcomes for provision of care e Referral for a RMMR; outcomes and medication summarised for the reviewing pharmacist. Regulatory requirements: A 30… Care Planning GROUP 15, Subgroup 1 Item 731 732 Amount Paid Time Required $70.40 NO set time required. $72.05 NO set time required. Number per year Benefit Description Claimable every 3 months. Contribution to a Multidisciplinary Care Plan Claimable every 3 months. Review Multidisciplinary Care Plan / Multidisciplinary Discharge Plan Terms and Conditions * Enables referral to Allied Health Services & Dental Services. Contribution to a Multidisciplinary Care Plan prepared by that Facility; or a review of such plan. The GP must: a Prepare part of plan or amendments b Add copy of plan to medical records c Give advice to the person who prepares or reviews the plan AND record that advice. CAN also be used for a resident of an RACF when being discharged from Hospital back to Facility or to a review of a discharge plan. Regulatory requirements: A 37… Case Conferencing GROUP 15, Subgroup 2 Item 735 Amount Paid Time Required $70.65 15 to 20 mins. 739 $120.95 20 to 40 mins. 743 $201.65 More than 40 mins. 747 $51.90 15 to 20 mins. 750 $89.00 20 to 40 mins. 758 $148.20 More than 40 mins. Number per year No more than 5 per year No more than 5 per year Benefit Description Organise Case Conference (Following a CMA and a process for ongoing review and management of a Resident) * Can be used to contribute to a 731. Terms and Conditions Medical conditions must have existed for at least 6 months or be terminal. GP to organise and coordinate Case conference process must include: a Discussion of patient history b Identify multi-disciplinary care needs c Identify outcomes from care and service by care team d Identify tasks to achieve outcomes and allocate to Care team members e Assessing whether previous outcomes have been achieved Participate Medical conditions must have existed for at least 6 months or be terminal. Case Conference (Following a CMA GP to participate and a process for ongoing review and management of a Resident) Items current as at June 2015 Consultation at a RACF GROUP A22 Item Fee After Hours Time and Conditions Descriptor Item Fee 5010 Item 5000 plus $46.70 divided by the number of patients 20 Item 3 plus $46.70 divided by the number of patients Level A 35 Item 23 plus $46.70 divided by number of patients Level B Less than 20 mins. 5028 Item 5020 plus $46.70 divided by number of patients 43 Item 36 plus $46.70 divided by number of patients Level C At least 20 mins. 5049 Item 5040 plus $46.70 divided by number of patients 51 Item 44 plus $46.70 divided by number of patients Level D At least 40 mins. 5067 Item 5060 plus $46.70 divided by number of patients Other non-referred Consultations at a RACF GROUP A23 Item Fee After Hours Time and Conditions Descriptor Item Fee 92 $8.50 plus $27.95 divided by number of patients Brief Consult Less than 5 mins. 5260 $18.50 plus $27.95 divided by number of patients 93 $16.00 plus $31.55 divided by number of patients Standard Consult More than 5 mins. less than 25 mins. 5263 $26.00 plus $31.55 divided by number of patients 95 $35.50 plus $27.95 divided by number of patients Long Consult More than 25 mins. 5265 less than 45 mins. $45.50 plus $27.95 divided by number of patients 96 $57.50 plus $27.95 divided by number of patients Prolonged Consult More than 45 mins. 5267 $67.50 plus $27.95 divided by number of patients Medication Management GROUP A17 Item 903 Fee Per year Descriptor $106.00 1 per 12 months or RMMR major change in health Residential Medication Management review Conditions Collaborates with reviewing Pharmacist Provides input from the CMA Discusses findings with Pharmacist Develops and or revises written medication plan Discusses medication management with resident and carers Supplementary Information ACAI- PIP Aged Care Access Initiative Practice Incentive Payment The PIP General Practitioner Aged Care Access Incentive (ACAI) aims to encourage GPs to provide increased and continuing services in RACFs. The PIP GP ACAI payments are based on a GP providing a required number of eligible Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) services in RACFs in a financial year. http://www.medicareaustralia.gov.au/provider/incentives/pip/files/gp-aged-care-access-incentiveguidelines.pdf ACFI Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) The ACFI is based primarily on the resident’s dependency (need for care) rather than on care planning or care provided by an aged care home. The ACFI consists of twelve care need questions. Diagnostic information about mental and behavioural disorders and other medical conditions is required. This information is used to categorise residents as having low, medium or high care needs in each of the following care domains: Activities of daily living (ADLs) ,Behaviour and Complex Health Care. NB: Use of the CMA – best presents the evidence required. http://www.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/ageing-acfi-using-conducting.htm Templates CSAPHN Website