Responses of Diatom Communities to Heavy Metals in Streams: The Influence of Longitudinal Variation Author(s): C. Nicolas Medley and William H. Clements Source: Ecological Applications, Vol. 8, No. 3 (Aug., 1998), pp. 631-644 Published by: Ecological Society of America Stable URL: . Accessed: 29/03/2011 18:41 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at . . Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Ecological Society of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Ecological Applications. Ecological Applications, 8(3), 1998, pp. 631-644 ?) 1998 by the Ecological Society of America RESPONSES OF DIATOM COMMUNITIES TO HEAVY METALS IN STREAMS: THE INFLUENCE OF LONGITUDINAL VARIATION C. NICOLAS MEDLEY AND WILLIAM H. CLEMENTS1 Departmentof Fisheryand WildlifeBiology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 USA Abstract. We investigatedlongitudinalvariation(e.g., fromupstreamto downstream) in diatom communitycompositionin an unpollutedstream(the Cache la Poudre River, Colorado, USA) and demonstratedhow naturalvariationin communitystructureand morphological growthformsinfluenceresponsesofdiatomsin metal-pollutedstreams.Upstream communitiesin the Cache la Poudre River were physiognomicallysimple and dominated by small, adnate species (Achnanthes minutissima and Fragilaria vaucheriae), which de- creased in relativeabundance downstream.Responses of diatomcommunitiesto Zn in six metal-pollutedstreamswere influencedby elevationand othervariablescorrelatedwiththe stream's longitudinalgradient(pH, conductivity,alkalinity).Althoughclear community responses were observed at sites where Zn concentrationexceeded 200 VLg/L, effectsof metals at moderatelypolluted sites were not significant. These fieldresultswere compared to responses of periphytoncommunitiesin experimentalstreamsdosed withheavy metals.We hypothesizedthatcommunitiescollectedfrom high elevation sites,whichwere dominatedby early successional species (A. minutissima), would be more tolerantto metals than downstreamcommunities.To test this hypothesis, diatomcommunitiescollected froma highelevation site (2340 m) and a low elevation site (1536 m) on the Cache la Poudre River were exposed to a mixtureof Cd, Cu, and Zn in experimental streams. Small, adnate species (Achnanthes minutissima and Fragilaria vau- cheriae) were tolerantto metals and increasedin abundancein treatedstreams.In contrast, late successional species, whichwere foundonly at thelow elevationsite (Diatoma vulgare and Melosira varians), were highlysensitiveto metals and were eliminatedfromtreated streamsafter24 h. These resultsindicatethatnaturalvariationin diatomcommunitiesmay of routinebiomonitoringstudies.We suggestthatit maybe useful complicateinterpretation to studyperiphytoncommunityresponses to pollutantsin relationto ecological characteristics and morphologicalgrowthforms.Conductingresearchwithinthis frameworkmay improve the predictiveability of periphytonmodels and provide a theoreticalbasis for therelationshipsbetweencommunitypatternsand theevolutionaryprocesses understanding thatdetermineresponses to disturbance. Key words: diatom communities;heavy metals; longitudinalvariation; morphological growth forms; RockyMountainstreams. INTRODUCTION Understandingthe relativeinfluenceof naturalspatial and temporalvariationon theresponsesof aquatic organismsto pollutantsis one of the most persistent problems in streambiomonitoringstudies (Clements and Kiffney1995). Althoughapproaches such as the before-after-control-impact design (BACI) have been developed to address this problem (Stewart-Oatenet al. 1986, Underwood 1992), theyare not applicable in fieldinvestigationswherepre-impactdata are unavailable or where appropriatereferencesites cannot be found. Experimentalapproaches, such as the use of microcosms,mesocosms (Genteret al. 1987, Clements et al. 1992, Kiffneyand Clements 1996), or natural field experiments(Feldman and Connor 1992, Clementsand Kiffney1995), supportresultsof traditional Manuscriptreceived 4 November 1996; revised 3 October 1997; accepted 25 October 1997. 1 Address reprintrequests to this author. streamsurveys and allow researchersto test specific hypothesesgeneratedby field studies (Lamberti and Steinman 1993). Diatoms are routinelyused to assess water quality, and the literaturesuggests thatthey are excellent biological indicatorsformanytypesofpollutionin aquatic systems(Lowe 1974, Patrick and Palavage 1994, Kelly et al. 1995). However,diatom communitiesare extremelysensitiveto naturalvariationin abiotic factors, including current(McIntire 1966, Horner and Welch 1981, Korte and Blinn 1983, Lamb and Lowe 1987, Petersonand Stevenson 1990, Poffet al. 1990), light(Shortreedand Stockner1983, Steinmanand McIntire 1987, Stevenson et al. 1991, DeNicola et al. 1992), and nutrients(Marcus 1980, Bothwell 1988). It is well established that longitudinalvariation (e.g., fromupstreamto downstream)in theseand otherphysinfluencebenicochemical characteristicssignificantly thic communities(Vannote et al. 1980). However,unlike researchon longitudinalvariationin benthicmac- 631 632 C. NICOLAS MEDLEY AND WILLIAM H. CLEMENTS roinvertebrate communities(Vannoteet al. 1980, Minshall et al. 1983, Minshall et al. 1985, Bruns and Minshall 1985, Perry and Schaeffer 1987), little informationis available on the longitudinaldistribution of diatoms in streams.The few studies published into upstream dicate thatsome algal species are restricted or downstreamreaches,but it has been difficultto find clear longitudinalpatternsbased on algal species composition (Kawecka 1971, Ward 1986, Molloy 1992). Rocky Mountainstreamsof Colorado providean exto investigatelongitudinalvariation cellentopportunity in diatom communitiesbecause they exhibit marked altitudinalgradients,oftendroppingseveral thousand meters across distinctvegetation and climatological zones (Ward 1986). Communitiesin high elevation streamsare oftenexposed to extremelyharsh winter conditionsand intense scouring.Consequently,highelevation streamspossess simple two-dimensionalperiphytoncommunitiesdominatedby small, early successional species (e.g., Achnanthesminutissimaand Fragilaria vaucheriae), which are regulated by frequent disturbance(Oemke and Burton 1986). In contrast,low-elevationstreamshave warmertemperatures, highernutrients,and rarelyproduce frazil ice in the winter.These downstreamsites are less physicallydisturbed,have longer growingseasons, and are characterizedby mature,physiognomicallycomplexperiphyton communities. Many of the mountainstreamsin Colorado are also pollutedby heavymetalsfromabandonedmines(Smith 1987, Clements1994, Clementsand Kiffney1995), the effectsof whichmaypersistformanykilometersdownstream(Moore et al. 1991, Clements 1994). Dilution bindingof metals to sediments,and upby tributaries, take by organismscreate a gradientof metal concentrationsfromupstreamto downstream,which is superimposedon the naturallongitudinalgradientof the stream.Assessing effectsof heavymetalson thesehigh gradient streams is complicated by longitudinal changes in streamstructureand function,which may occur over relativelyshortdistances (Clements 1994, Clements and Kiffney1995). Species life historytraitsare influencedby natural disturbanceregimes(Odum 1969, Pianka 1970), which may also vary fromupstreamto downstream.Headwater streamsexhibitrelativelysmall fluctuationsin which are hypothewater chemistryand temperature, sized to be importantfactorsinfluencingbenthiccommunitystructure(Ward and Stanford1983). Species inhabitingheadwaterstreamsmay be moresusceptible to anthropogenicdisturbancethan species adapted to the fluctuatingconditionsin mid-orderstreams(Ward and Stanford1983, Clements and Kiffney1995). Alternatively, periphytoncommunitiesin high gradient, headwater streamsexperience greaterturbulenceand shear stress, especially during spring runoff.These conditionsmay have a dramaticinfluenceon morphological growthformsand life historycharacteristicsof Ecological Applications Vol. 8, No. 3 diatoms (Oemke and Burton 1986, Petersonand Stevenson 1990, Molloy 1992). We hypothesizethatspecies fromthesephysicallyharshenvironments possess traitsthatconfertoleranceto both naturaland anthropogenic disturbance. In this studywe used field biomonitoringand laboratoryexperimentsto examine the responses of diatom communitiesto heavy metals in Colorado Rocky Mountainstreams.The specificobjectives of the study were: (1) to describethe naturallongitudinalvariation in diatom communitiesin an unpollutedstream;(2) to investigate the confoundingeffects of longitudinal variation in communitystructureand morphological growthformson streambiomonitoringstudies;and (3) to compare responses of diatoms observed at metalpolluted sites to those measured experimentallyin streammicrocosms. METHODS Longitudinalvariationin the Cache la Poudre River Natural longitudinalvariation of epilithic diatom communitieswas investigatedin the Cache la Poudre River,a relativelypristinestreamthatoriginatesfrom Poudre Lake (elevation 3267 m) in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado (Fig. 1). The stream flows freelythroughthe Cache la Poudre Canyon for -100 km beforebecominga plains rivereast of FortCollins (elevation - 1500 m). The river has a similar topology to otherwesternstreams(Ward 1986) and showstypical changes in streamwidth(7-24 m), temperature(8.920.5?C), and waterchemistryfromupstreamto downstream(Table 1). Periphytonsamples were collected fromthe Cache la Poudre River in August 1992. To reduce sampling variability,all samples were collected fromlarge cobble substrate(128-256 mm) in shallow,unshadedriffle areas (-50 cm deep) withsimilarcurrentvelocity,substratecomposition,and canopycover.Individualstones were gentlyremoved fromthe streamand periphyton samples were collected using a neoprenecuffedsampler (7.1 cm2),whichwas pressedfirmlyon thesmooth uppersurfaceof thesubstrate.A small amountof water was placed in the sampler,periphytonwas loosened fromthe rock surface with a battery-operated dental plaque remover(model 4726, Braun NorthAmerica, Woburn,Massachusetts),and the resultingslurrywas removedwitha pipette.Periphytonremovedfromthree rocks was combined,diluted to a standardvolume of 100 mL, and preservedin 1% lugol's solution.Three samples were collected fromeach site. In the laboratory,periphytonsamples were homogenized for 60 s in a blender.Cell densities were enumeratedby countinglive diatom cells in 50 random fields,definedby a Whipple gridin the ocular lens, at 400X magnificationusing a Palmer-Maloneycounting chamber.Data are reportedas live cells per unit area of substratesampled. August 1998 DIATOM RESPONSES TO HEAVY METALS 633 Cache la Poudre River Forkofthe North Cache la PoudreRiver Seaman Reservoir PR PR5 v~~~~~~R c_ PR8 Flo ChambersLake > / Joe Wright Creek PR3 SouthForkof the Litt~~~~le .. FortCollins Cache la PoudreRiver N PoudreLake 10km FIG. 1. P R9 - PR4 FortCollins COLORADO Map of samplinglocations on the Cache la Poudre River (Colorado) in August 1992. Relative abundance of diatom species was determined by examinationof permanentslides of cleaned diatom frustulesusing phase contrastmicroscopy at IOOOX magnification.Diatom frustuleswere counted in lengthwisestrips across the mount,definedby a Whipple grid, until at least 250 cells were counted. Studies have shown that this numberis sufficientto characterize the dominant species in a community (Johnsonand Lowe 1995). Water temperature,dissolved oxygen (YSI, model 57), pH (Jenco, model no. 6009), and conductivity (YSI, model 33) were measuredat all sites in thefield. Watersamples foralkalinityand hardnesswere placed on ice, returnedto the laboratory,and analyzed by titrationfollowingstandardmethods(APHA 1989). Communityresponses to metals in thefield To assess longitudinalvariation in metal-polluted streams,diatom communitystructurewas measuredat reference,impacted,and recoverysites (n = 34) in six Rocky Mountainstreams(Arkansas River,Blue River, Chalk Creek, Eagle River,Snake River,and the South Platte River) in north-central Colorado (Fig. 2). Between four and seven stations were located on each stream,upstreamand downstreamfromknown metal inputs.All streamswere qualitativelysimilarand characteristicof streamsin the southernRocky Mountain ecoregion. Each stream originatesfrom small headwatersabove treeline,high on the ContinentalDivide, and is characterizedas cold, clear, high-gradient, and oligotrophic.Additionally,each streamis polluted by heavymetals,usuallyfroma discretesourcein itsupper reaches, and metal concentrationsdecrease downstream(Clements and Kiffney1995). Periphytonand watersamples were collected in August 1992 fromeach stationusing the same procedures describedpreviously.Watersamples fordetermination of totalrecoverablemetals(Cd, Cu, Zn) werepreserved by acidificationwithnitricacid to a pH of <2. Samples fordissolved metals were filteredin the fieldthrough a 0.45 ALmfilterbefore acidification.Metals were analyzed using flameor furnaceatomic adsorptionspecat the Colorado Division of Wildlife, trophotometry Fort Collins, Colorado. Analyticallimitsof detection refor Cd, Cu, and Zn were 0.1, 1.0, and 5.0 VLg/L, spectively. Community response to metals in experimental streams To testthe hypothesisthatdifferencesin periphyton communitycompositioninfluencedresponsesto heavy metals, we conducted experimentsin stream microcosms. Periphytoncommunitieswere collected from Cache la Poudre River stationsPR5 and PR9 (Fig. 1) using unglazed ceramic tiles (5 x 5 cm) secured to a 0.6-M2sectionof concrete.Substratecomposition,gradient,flow,and canopy cover were similarat the two sites;however,thelowerelevationsite(PR9) had greater temperature, hardness,alkalinity,and conductivity (see Table 1). Because of differencesin abundance of dominanttaxa between these sites, this approach allowed us to compare effectsof metals on two distinct periphytoncommunitiesfromthe same stream. Tiles (n = 108) were placed at each site in unshaded riffleareas, -50 cm deep on 7 September1993. Tiles were removedfromthe streamafter42 d colonization and transportedon shelves in large coolers to the Stream Research Laboratory at Colorado State University.Descriptionsoftheexperimentalstreamsin this facilityhave been published previously(Clements et al. 1989, Kiffneyand Clements 1994). The 18 oval, streams(76 x 46 x 14 cm) are located flow-through in a greenhouseand are supplied withuntreatedwater fromnearbyHorsetoothReservoir,a deep, cold-water 634 AND WILLIAM H. CLEMENTS C. NICOLAS MEDLEY Ecological Applications Vol. 8, No. 3 TABLE 1. Characteristicsat sites sampled on the Cache la Poudre River (Colorado), August 1992. Site Elevation (m) pH PRI PR3 PR4 PR5 PR6 PR7 PR8 PR9 3267 2938 2566 2340 2133 1780 1603 1536 8.44 7.66 7.52 7.91 8.18 8.07 8.52 8.67 Tempera- ConducDissolved ture tivity AlkalinityHardness oxygen (OC) (mg/L) ([iS/cm) (mg/L) (mg/L) 92 37 8.9 40 9.5 47 13 12 9.4 8.0 42 13 14 9.4 8.0 48 19 16 12.8 9.0 59 23 15.0 20 10.0 54 20 15.5 18 10.0 115 46 42 18.3 8.0 227 73 95 20.5 9.5 Density (cells/mm2) Richness Diversity 32 27 22 34 26 28 36 34 201 81 167 29 220 14 167 11 190 2.70 1.74 1.49 2.28 2.32 2.03 2.61 2.87 Note: Locations of sampling stationsare shown in Fig. 1. impoundment.Waterwas delivered to each streamat a rateof 1.0 L/min,resultingin a turnovertimeof -13 min. Currentin each streamwas maintainedby motordrivenpaddlewheels at 30 cm/s. Nine tiles were randomlyassigned to each of the 18 experimentalstreams.Aftera 24-h acclimationperiod, streamswere randomlyassigned to one of threemetal treatments: O.Ox,0.5x, and 5.Ox,wherex was a mixture of Cd, Cu, and Zn at 1.1 jIg/L, 12 jig/L and 110 pLg/ were L, respectively.Metal levels in the0.5x treatment comparable to the U.S. EPA chronic criterionvalues (at waterhardnessof 30 mg/L),whereas levels in the N 5.Ox treatmentare withinthe range of concentrations measuredat highlypolluted sites in Colorado streams (Clements and Kiffney1995). Metals were delivered to treatedstreamsby peristalticpumps at a rate of 10 mL/minfromstocksolutionspreparedin 25 L carboys. The final experimentaldesign was a completelyrandomized 2 x 3 factorialdesign, with location (two levels) and metal treatment(threelevels) as the main effects.Each treatmentcombinationhad threereplicates, with individual streammicrocosmsas the unit of replication. After10 d, periphytonwas removedfromthreeran- 2. Eagle River 4. SnakeRiver DillonRes. ~~~~~~ER4 4 SR ~~~Edwards esone COLORADO :V,ail 5 ~~ ~~~BR ER3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I. ArkansasRiver Minturn:ER2 DC1 BR3 ERI1 EF5 SR lSR2 ~~~Breckenridge R 10km C BRI ARIl AR2 A 3. South Platte River 5. Blue River 9 ; |A8tR5 MCI MC2 S 1SPR1 AC3SPR2 |M| 6. Chalk Creek 1 Fairplay Buena Vista L10km K 10km | CC3 SPR3 | `AR8 10 km ______ CC4 Nathrop,) CC5 CC2 ccl 10km FIG. 2. Map of samplingstationsin the metal-pollutedstreams(Colorado) in August 1992. Arrowsindicatethelocations of known metal inputsto each stream. August 1998 DIATOM RESPONSES TO HEAVY METALS 635 domly selected tiles witha sharpedged plastic scraper respectively.Canonical discriminantanalysis (CDA) and a hardbristledtoothbrush. Materialfromthreetiles was used to examine overlap and separationof stations was combinedand dilutedto a standardvolume of 100 withineach category,based on proportionsof the 10 mL. This procedurewas repeatedforthe six remaining dominantspecies (e.g., those species that comprised tiles and these subsamples were used forspecies enu- >1% total abundance). Loading coefficientswere exmeration,determination of ash-freedrymass (AFDM), amined to determinewhich species were responsible and metalbioaccumulation(notreportedhere) foreach fortheseparationofZn categoriesalong each canonical stream. axis. Stepwise multipleregressionanalysis was conWater samples were collected fromboth field sites ducted to examine the relationshipbetween diatom at the beginningand end of the colonization period, communitymeasures and abiotic variables (Zn conand on days 0, 2, 6, and 10 fromthe experimental centration,water hardness, conductivity,alkalinity, streams. Routine water quality parameters(tempera- dissolved oxygen,pH, and elevation). We used two-wayANOVA in the microcosmstudy ture, dissolved oxygen, conductivity,hardness,alkalinity,and pH) and heavy metal concentrationswere to test the effectsof site (PR5 and PR9), metal treatmeasured. Additional water samples were collected ment(0.0x, 0.5x, and 5.Ox),and theinteraction between fromthe two field sites and the experimentalstreams site and metal treatmentfor diatom communityvariat the end of the experimentforanalysis of dissolved ables. If the overall F testwas significant(P < 0.05), organic carbon. Ryan's Q multiplecomparisontestwas used to testfor Biomass was estimatedby measuringash-freedry differencesbetweenmetal treatments. This testis recmass (AFDM), using standardmethods(APHA 1989) ommendedbecause of its strictcontrolof the experiand therecommendationsof Aloi (1990). Species were mentwiseerrorrate (Day and Quinn 1989). enumeratedin a similarmannerto the fieldstudy,with RESULTS one important exception.Most fieldstudiesassume that all species withina communitywill have a similarratio Longitudinalvariationin the Cache la Poudre River of live: dead cells, and that an accurate estimateof Except for station PRI, hardness, alkalinity,contheirrelative abundance can be obtainedfromexamination of the cleared diatoms. However,in short-term ductivity,pH, and temperaturewere greater at the toxicitytestsdifferential sensitivityof individualspe- downstreamstationscomparedto theupstreamstations cies may resultin different ratios of live: dead cells. (Table 1). Water chemistryat stationsPR8 and PR9 Accordingly, counts obtained from the permanent was distinctfromother stations,as conductivity,almountswere correctedat the genericlevel using live: kalinity,and waterhardnessincreased4x betweenstadead ratios of dominantgenera obtained by counting tions PR7 and PR9. Due to the influenceof Poudre at least 250 cells in wet mountsat 1000X magnifica- Lake, waterchemistryat PRI was anomalous relative tion.We distinguishedlive diatomsfromdead diatoms to other upstream stations and was more similar to by visual inspection(live diatoms appeared more lus- lower elevation sites. Differencesin water chemistrybetween upstream trous and translucent,with the cytoplasmcompletely sites (PR3 to PR7) and downstreamsites(PR8 and PR9) occupyingthe cell). were reflectedin changes in diatom communitycomStatisticalanalyses position(Table 1; Fig. 3). Cell densitywas muchgreatAll statisticalanalyses were performedusing a PC er at the lowest elevation site (PR9) comparedto upversionof StatisticalAnalysis Systems(SAS 1988). In streamsites. Most upstreamsites were dominatedby the studyof the six metal-pollutedstreams,each of the Achnanthesminutissima,Fragilaria vaucheriae, Han34 stationswas assignedto one of fourmetalcategories naea arcus, and/orSynedra rumpens.Relative abunbased on the concentrationof Zn (total recoverable), dance of A. minutissimaand F. vaucheriae decreased thedominantmetalsampledat all sites.Concentrations downstream,and stationsPR8 and PR9 were characat background,low, medium,and highZn stationswere terized by higherspecies diversityand greaterabun<20, 21-50, 51-200, and >200 jig Zn/L,respectively. dance of Cymbella,Gomphonema,Navicula, and MeThese fourcategorieswere chosen because theybrack- losira varians.The diatomcommunityat PRI was more different fromotherupstream eted the U.S. EPA chroniccriterionvalue for Zn (50 diverse and structurally pig/L)and because theyresultedin an approximately sites, probablydue to the influenceof Poudre Lake. equal numberof stationswithineach category. Communityresponses to metals in thefield Fixed effects,one-wayANOVA was used to testfor measuredin the Routinewaterqualitycharacteristics differencesbetween Zn categories in the field study. To check the assumptionsof normalityand heteroge- six metal-pollutedstreamsare shownin Table 2. Other neityof variance, we examined scatterplots of resid- habitat characteristicsof these sites (e.g., elevation, uals and performedFmax tests. Where necessary,den- currentvelocity,depth,canopy cover) have been resities and relative abundance of dominanttaxa were ported previously (Clements and Kiffney1995). All transformed using the log and arcsine transformation, streamswere cold, oligotrophic,and characterizedby 636 C. NICOLAS MEDLEY AND WILLIAM H. CLEMENTS Ecological Applications Vol. 8, No. 3 m vMelosira 1 varians Navicula CZ 0.8 0.8 CZ E _ 6 0.6 0.6 0 . 0.4 0.4 o o 0~ II 0.2 0.2 ;..lX g 0 E [7 g I I* 1 * Id | g 110 * I lIl I I * _ E S t t g - | | S W =| E | g SPJ. Gomphonema Synedra spp. Cym.bella Hannaea FIG. 3. Proportionalabundance of dominant taxa at sites sampled on the Cache la Poudre ~~Fragilari River (Colorado) Iarcus vaucheriae Achnanthes Lj~~~~~~~~iE~ii in August 1992. minutissima 0 Co mt LQ0 N CO oC) Site low to moderate conductivity(range: 40-240 RS/ cm), hardness (range: 10-126 mg/L), and alkalinity (range: 10-119 mg/L). Temperature,conductivity,alkalinity, and hardness increased from upstream to downstreamin most streamsand were inverselycorrelated with elevation (temperature,r = -0.52, P = 0.0016; conductivity,r = -0.52, P = 0.0015; alkalinity, r = -0.36, P = 0.036 and hardness, r = -0.41, P = 0.015). The pH was neutralor slightlyalkaline at all sites, with the lowest values (6.7) measured in the Snake River. Zn was the dominantmetal measuredat all polluted sites and ranged frombelow detection (<5 Rwg/L) to 1735 Rg/L. Cu and Cd were presentat some polluted sites, althoughusually in much lower concentrations. Because we observedlittledifferencebetweentotaland dissolved Zn concentrationsduringthe low flow conditions when this studywas conducted,only total Zn concentrationwas used in these analyses. Over 200 species of diatomswere collected fromthe studyarea. Ten dominanttaxa (Achnanthesminutissima, Fragilaria vaucheriae, F. pinnata, F. constreuens, Hannaea arcus, Cymbella minuta, Nitzschia palea, Synedra rumpens,S. ulna, Cocconeis placentula) typically represented>80% of the diatom communityat all stations.Althougha few otherspecies were found in highrelativeabundance,these species were restricted to a few sites or foundonly withinone riverbasin. Differencesin Zn concentrations amongbackground, low, medium,and highZn sites were highlysignificant (Table 3). Species diversitywas significantly lower and relativeabundanceofAchnanthesminutissimawas significantlygreaterat the high Zn sites. Cell density, species richness,and abundanceof otherdominanttaxa did not vary significantlyamong Zn categories (P > 0.05). Canonical discriminantanalysis, based on relative abundance of the 10 dominantspecies, clearly separatedthe highZn sites frombackground,low, and mediumZn sites (Fig. 4). Wilk's lambda statisticindicated thatdifferencesbetweenZn categorieswerehighlysignificant(F3,30= 2.32; P = 0.0037). Canonical variables one and two explained 55 and 36% of the total variation, respectively.Inspection of loading coefficients indicatedthatseparationalong canonical variable one resultedprimarilyfromgreaterabundance of Achnanthesminutissimaat highZn sites. Separationalong canonical variable two resultedfromgreaterabundance of Fragilaria vaucheriae and Nitzschia palea at medium Zn sites. Stepwise multiple regression showed that Zn concentration,elevation, pH, and conductivityexplained most of the variationin diatom communitystructure in the metal-pollutedstreams(Table 4). Zn concentration was the mostimportantpredictorvariable forspecies richnessand diversity,and explained 23 and 33% of the total variationin these measures, respectively. Zn was also includedin thestepwiseregressionmodels forrelativeabundance of Achnanthesminutissimaand Fragilaria vaucheriae; however,unlike the effectson species richnessand diversity,Zn had a positive effect on relative abundance of these taxa. The positive relationshipbetweenZn concentrationand relativeabundance of A. minutissimaand F. vaucheriae resulted fromthe eliminationof metal-sensitivediatomsat polluted stations. Zn was not included in the stepwise multipleregressionmodel forany otherdominantspecies. Communityresponse to metals in experimental streams Periphytoncommunitieson tiles collected fromstationsPR5 and PR9 forthemicrocosmstudyweremark- August 1998 TABLE 1992. 2. DIATOM RESPONSES Physicochemical 637 characteristics and diatom community variables from the six metal-polluted streams in August pH Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) Conductivity ([LS/cm) Eagle River ERI ER2 ER3 ER4 8.5 8.0 8.0 8.8 8.4 8.0 8.0 7.8 180 145 150 240 11 14 15 18 119 52 54 77 Blue River FC1 FC2 BRI BR2 BR3 BR4 BR5 7.8 7.4 7.5 8.1 7.9 7.3 7.8 8.6 8.8 8.2 8.1 8.3 8.3 8.4 55 130 75 85 100 105 100 9 8 11 12 12 11 9 Snake River DC1 PCI SRI SR2 SR3 7.5 7.3 6.7 6.8 6.8 7.6 8.1 7.5 7.6 7.3 65 70 100 90 90 Arkansas River EFI 7.8 8.4 EF5 ARI 8.2 AR2 8.0 AR3 7.9 8.8 AR5 AR8 7.8 7.4 8.8 7.6 7.6 7.6 8.2 7.3 Chalk Creek CC1 CC2 CC3 CC4 CC5 8.2 7.3 7.3 7.4 7.9 South Platte River MCI 7.8 MC2 7.9 MC3 8.3 SPRI 8.5 SPR2 8.7 SPR3 8.2 Stream/ Station TO HEAVY METALS Tempera- Alkalinity Hardness ture (?C) (mg/L) (mg/L) [Zn] ([Lg/L) Species richness 122 84 86 126 2 407 336 104 35.3 21.7 20.7 16.7 2.27 1.25 1.15 1.62 0.37 0.48 0.35 0.02 30 41 43 52 42 52 51 42 84 50 60 66 64 64 7 1735 3 9 691 72 56 19.0 5.7 26.0 27.3 14.3 22.0 21.3 1.70 0.63 2.05 1.98 1.04 2.19 2.10 0.17 0.76 0.44 0.43 0.60 0.22 0.17 10 8 11 14 16 10 17 11 16 18 10 48 52 48 48 13 72 364 399 276 34.0 23.7 28.7 29.3 10.7 2.20 2.06 1.90 1.88 0.85 0.43 0.36 0.44 0.53 0.61 90 170 155 150 170 170 100 12 8 13 15 15 17 18 32 70 64 67 69 65 34 48 108 94 92 100 98 44 39 28 24 26 181 79 27 14.0 26.3 23.0 26.3 27.0 22.7 27.0 1.40 2.18 1.83 1.88 2.02 1.94 2.10 0.36 0.35 0.51 0.50 0.46 0.13 0.33 8.0 7.8 7.6 7.6 6.8 55 75 75 80 140 8 10 11 15 21 23 23 28 31 50 32 40 36 42 52 31 452 224 76 26 38.0 22.0 23.3 25.0 42.0 2.38 1.43 1.37 1.75 2.83 0.31 0.64 0.68 0.44 0.21 7.6 7.3 7.2 7.5 7.3 6.8 40 75 155 130 150 210 11 14 16 15 16 20 17 35 69 64 62 89 18 40 96 80 86 110 2 12 168 24 52 10 20.7 7.0 7.7 18.7 11.3 24.0 1.53 0.76 0.80 1.66 0.98 1.89 0.57 0.41 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.10 Diversity Proportion H' Achnanthes Note: Locations of sampling stations are shown in Fig. 2. 3. 1992). TABLE Zinc concentration and diatom community variables at a range of Zn sites in the six metal-polluted streams (August Zn class Variable Number of stations Zn concentration Cell density (cells/mm2) Species richness Species diversity Relative abundance of Achnanthes minutissima Background 8 7.3a (0.6) 2905 (1471) 24.1 (3.2) 1.80a (0.17) 0.37a (0.05) Low Medium 8 9 28.Ib 95.5c (0.8) 4095 (3597) 26.9 (3.3) 2.03a (0.16) 0.34a (0.05) (5.7) 6263 (4789) 19.7 (2.2) 1.72ab (0.17) 0.23a (0.05) High 9 542.6d (51.8) 1539 (1293) 19.6 (2.7) 1.28b (0.14) 0.56b (0.04) F valuet 94.90*** 0.73 ns 1.61 ns 3.94* 7.97** Notes: Results of one-way ANOVA are also shown. Means with the same letter were not significantly different. Standard errors are shown in parentheses. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001, ns = not significant. t df = 3,30. C. NICOLAS MEDLEY 638 AND WILLIAM H. CLEMENTS Ecological Applications Vol. 8, No. 3 3 2 LI .Packground -2 Low CD . CZ ~~~~High + E~~~~~~~~ CO CZ co o 21 -2-20 Canonical Variable1 FIG. 4. Canonical discriminantanalysis showingseparationand overlap of background,low, medium,and highZn stations in metal-pollutedstreams.The analysis was based on the relativeabundance of the 10 dominantspecies, e.g., those species thatcomprised >1% total abundance. The primarytaxa responsibleforseparationalong each canonical axis is also shown. edly different (Table 5). Cell density,species richness, and species diversitywere lower at the upstreamsite, Frawhichwas dominatedbyAchnanthesminutissima, gilaria vaucheriae,and Gomphonemaspp. In contrast, the downstream communitywas physiognomically more complex and characterizedby colonies of Diatoma vulgare, long filamentsof Melosira, and several species of Nitzschia, Navicula, Gomphonema, and Cymbella. Physicochemicalcharacteristicsin the experimental streamswere withinthe range of those observed at stationsPR5 and PR9 in the Cache la Poudre River, with the exception of temperaturethatwas higherin the experimentalstreams(Table 6). Hardness,alkalinity, conductivity,pH, temperature,and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were greaterat PR9 comparedto PR5. Mean concentrationsof Zn, Cu, and Cd at the two fieldsitesand in controlexperimentalstreamswere low or below detection.Mean Zn and Cd concentrations approximatedtarget concentrationsin treated streams.Mean Cu concentrations approximatedthetarget levels in O.5x streams,but were only about half of the targetvalue in the 5.Ox streams.Total recoverable and dissolved metal concentrationswere similaron all sampling occasions. Communitylevel responses of diatomsto metals in experimentalstreamsvaried between sites and among metal treatments(Fig. 5). Significantmetal and site effectswere observedforall variables except cell density.Metal X site interactiontermswere significant for all variables except species richness,indicatingthat effectsof heavymetalson periphyton communitiesdifferedbetween stations.For example, cell densitywas similar between sites in control streams,but the re- 4. Results of stepwisemultipleregressionanalyis showingtherelationshipsbetweenperiphyton communityvariables, Zn concentration,and otherabiotic variables in the six metal-pollutedstreams(August 1992). TABLE Dependent variable Species richness df Overall F value Overall r2 Overall P value 3,30 5.43 0.35 0.0042 Partial r2 P value (-)Zn (-)Elevation (-)pH 0.23 0.06 0.06 0.0036 0.1230 0.1100 Model variable Shannon-Weinerdiversity 1,32 15.49 0.33 0.0004 (-)Zn 0.33 0.0004 Relative abundance of Achnanthesminutissimna 3,30 11.56 0.53 0.0001 (-)pH (+)Zn (-)Conductivity 0.36 0.13 0.04 0.0002 0.0072 0.1200 Relative abundance of Fragilaria vaucheriae 3,30 3.4 0.25 0.0300 (+)Zn (+)pH (+)Elevation 0.13 0.07 0.05 0.0350 0.1230 0.1460 Note: The table shows the F values and effect(+, -) of the independentvariable. r2 for the complete model, r2 for each independentvariable, and the directional August 1998 DIATOM RESPONSES 5. Diatom communityvariables and relative abundance of dominanttaxa on tile substrateat stations PR5 and PR9 in October 1993. TO HEAVY METALS TABLE Variable PR5 PR9 Cell density(cells/mm2) Species richness Shannon diversity 13 380 23 2.01 62500 38 2.81 Achnanthesminutissima Achnanthesdefiexa Cocconeis placentula Cymbellaminuta sinuata Cymnbella Cymbella turgidula Diatomnavulgare Fragilaria vaucheriae Gomphonemaparvulumn Gomphonemasubelavatum Hannaea arcus Melosira sp. Navicula cryptocephela Nitzschia sp. Synedra sp. 45.4 1.4 1.1 10.8 12.8 8.0 2.8 2.0 1.1 2.5 25.6 4.3 3.9 8.3 4.3 3.1 8.7 + 3.5 5.6 5.6 8.1 3.3 5.8 3.1 Notes: Data were collected on the same day thattiles were collected forthe experimentalstreamstudy.Minus signs (-) denote absent; plus signs (+) denote <1.0%. duction in cell densitywas greaterfor communities fromthe downstreamsite (PR9) in the O.5x streams. Exposure to heavy metals significantly altereddensities of dominanttaxa at bothsites,and the5.Ox treatmentwas acutelytoxic to all diatom species (Fig. 6). Abundance of Achnanthesminutissimaincreased by -60% in the O.5x treatments comparedto controlsfor both sites; however,the responsesof othertaxa varied between sites. Fragilaria vaucheriae and Cymbella minuta were relativelytolerantto metals, and populations fromthe downstreamsite (PR9) increased in theO.5x streams.Nitzschiapalea and Synedrarumpens from both sites exhibited intermediatesensitivityto metals. The two most sensitivespecies, Diatoma vulgare and Melosira varians, were found only at the downstreamsite. Large colonies of these species detached fromthe substratesoon afterdosing was initiated, and both species were eliminated fromtreated streamswithin24 h. TABLE 639 DISCUSSION Longitudinalvariationin the Cache la Poudre River Changes in communitycompositionobservedin the Cache la Poudre River fromupstreamto downstream were similarto the successional sequence observed in westernstreamsfollowingphysicaldisturbance(Fisher et al. 1982). Achnanthesminutissima,whichwas most abundantat upstreamsites, is oftendominantimmediately after scour events (Peterson and Stevenson 1990, Stevenson 1990). Fragilaria vaucheriae and Hannaea arcus showed similartrendsand oftendominate in high altitudestreamsor in early successional communities (Horner and Welch 1981, Poff et al. 1990). Conversely,species with greatervertical orientationthat are more common in later successional communities(e.g., Navicula, Gomphonema,Cymbella, Melosira, and Nitzschia)increasedin abundancedownstream. Althoughsome researchershave proposed the general applicabilityof this periphytonsuccessional sequence on a temporalscale (Hoagland et al. 1982, Korte and Blinn 1983), few studies have foundclear spatial patternsand none have related succession to longitudinal patternsin physicochemicalcharacteristics (Jones and Barrington1985, Moss and Bryant1985). Molloy (1992) found a relationshipbetween morphological growthformsand streamsize in threeriversin Kentucky. Small adnate species (Achnanthesspp.) were more abundantin headwaterstreams,whereas centric and filamentousspecies occurredwithgreaterfrequency downstream.Ward (1986) found similar trendsin Saint Vrain Creek, Colorado, wherelater successional species were foundin higherabundanceat downstream sites. The complexrole of abiotic variablesin determining is clearlyillustratedat periphytoncommunitystructure PRl. We expected this high elevation site would have the greatestproportionof early colonizing species and be dominated by Achnanthesminutissima.However, species compositionat PR1 was similarto thatfound at PR9, the furthestdownstreamsite. The hydrologic 6. Physicochemicalcharacteristicsof field sites (PR5 and PR9) and in experimentalstreamsin October 1993. Field sites Variable PR5 PR9 Experimentalstreams 0.0x 0.5x 5.Ox 12 Temperature(?C) 2 7 12 12 Dissolved oxygen (mg/L) 12.4 10.1 8.1 7.8 7.3 81 Conductivity([LS/cm) 38 115 81 81 18 70 31 31 31 Hardness (mg/LCaCO3) 32 32 32 Alkalinity(mg/LCaCO3) 20 57 pH 7.6 8.8 7.6 7.5 7.3 2 Dissolved organic carbon (mg/L) 2 272 2 2 547.0 (218.0) Zinc ([Lg/L) 7.0 6.0 5.6 (1.4) 54.0 (12.5) bd 36.0 (17.0) Copper ([Lg/L) 1.0 (0.4) 6.7 (1.5) bdt bd 6.7 (2.9) Cadmium ([g/L) 0.18 bd 0.8 (0.2) Notes: Field data were collected on the same day that tiles were collected for the experimentalstreamstudy.Standard errorsare shown in parentheses. t bd = below detection. C. NICOLAS MEDLEY 640 FTT] 3 PR5 U PR9 AND WILLIAM H. CLEMENTS MetalIP=0.0038 ~5 cn 2 ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MetalP = 0.0001 Site P = 0.117 Metalx SiteP= 0.016 80 P = 0.0081 ~~~Site x SiteP =0.0004 ~~~Metal ~ . r) Ecological Applications Vol. 8, No. 3 60 ~~~~40 20 C)~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... 40 00 P 0.0002 ~~~~~Metal SiteP =0.0326 MetalxSiteP 0.13 cn ....Site 0.004 30 C~ MetalP 0 0001 P =0.0001 Metalx SiteP 0.046 0.003 0 .... 20 0.002 CL 10 0 .........~~~~~~~~~~~U. .............. 0.001 0.0 0.5 Treatment 5.0 0 -- ....... 0.0 0.5 Treatment 5.0 FIG. 5. Mean (-1-1SE) Shannon-Wienerdiversity,species richness, cell density,and ash-freedry mass (AFDM) of fromthe experimentalstreamstudy.Results of two-wayANOVA periphytoncommunitiesin O.Ox,O.5x, and 5.Ox treatments (site X metals treatment)are shown in each panel. regime and water quality at PR1 were influencedby Poudre Lake, 0.3 km upstreamfromthe samplingsite. We hypothesizethatthestablewaterqualityconditions and flow regime at PR1 created an environmentthat was favorable to developmentof a midsuccessional community. In summary,diatom communitiesare sensitiveto a host of environmentalvariables that change along a stream's longitudinalgradient. We hypothesize that these physicochemicalconditionsconstitutea general productivitygradientfromupstreamto downstream, which influencesecological succession and produces later successional communitiesat downstreamsites. We suggest that this natural variation in periphyton communitystructuremay complicate biomonitoring studies in Colorado mountainstreamswherephysicochemical changes occur overrelativelyshortdistances. Although"metal treatments"in the six metal-polluted streamsin our studywere not assigned randomly,we feelthatour studydesignis an improvement oversingle streamstudies and thatour resultshave more general applicability. Periphyton communities in Colorado mountain streams showed little response to metal levels at or below the U.S. EPA waterqualitycriterionforZn (50 Kg/L), a findingthat was also reportedfor macroinvertebratecommunities(Clements and Kiffney1995). One-way ANOVA and canonical discriminantanalysis (CDA) indicated thatdifferencesin communitycomposition were apparent at sites where Zn levels exceeded 200 Kg/L.Communitiesin these streamswere dominatedby Achnanthesminutissimaand Fragilaria vaucheriae, a patternfound in otherstreamspolluted by heavy metals (Leland and Carter 1984, Deniseger et al. 1986, Takamuraet al. 1990, Kelly et al. 1995). Communityresponses to metals in thefield We suggestthatourresultsrepresenta generalresponse Most field studies that investigatethe response of of periphyton communitiesto minedrainage,whichare aquatic communitiesto contaminantsare confinedto a applicable to otherColorado streamspollutedby heavy single stream,whereupstreamreferencesites are com- metals. Results of our studyof metal-pollutedstreamsare pared to downstreampollutedand recoverysites. Conclusions drawnfromthese studies are applicable only limitedbecause samplingwas restricted to late summer, to thespecificstreamunderstudy(Hurlbert1984, Feld- low-flowconditions.Diatom communitycomposition man and Connor 1992, Clements and Kiffney1995). in streamsoften shows high temporalvariation(Ste- August 1998 DIATOM RESPONSES TO HEAVY METALS PR5----------50 Achnanthes minutissima 40 - 641 PR9 TrtP < 0.0001 Site P < 0.039 Trtx Site P <0.0001 4 TrtP < 0.35 Site P < 0.84 TrtxSiteP<0.33 Frilana Falarea 302 20 10 8ontrol 10 - Low Cymbella minuta 8 | ) lx 10 TrtP<0.0001 SiteP < 0.011 Synedra High TrtP < 0.0001 SiteP < 0.0001 Trtx Site P < 0.0001 6 4T 1t 2 75 Low rumpens 8 Trt Site P < 0.12 6 E ntrol High 4 2 * 0 >1 0.0 0.5 - Nitszchiapa/ea 0 O 1, h- 0.0 15 25- 1 0.5 Diatoma 0.0 5.0 15,0 TrtP < 0.0032 < 0.24 x Site F < 0.33 SiteP ~~~~~~~~~~~~Trt 0 ? 0.5 MeIo.sira 5 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, o < 0.53 FP< 0.38 ieF<03 6 TrtF < 0.005 5.0 Gomphonena parvulum TrtF 1TrtxSite Tr12,5 5.0 20v0^ul7are 5 0.0 0.5 5.0 TrtF < 0.0001 0 0.5 5.0 0.0 0.5 5.0 Treatment FIG. 6. Mean (+1 SE) abundance of dominantspecies in 0 .0x, O.5x, and 5.Ox treatmentsfromthe experimentalstream study.Results of two-wayANOVA (site x metals treatment)are shown in each panel. 642 C. NICOLAS MEDLEY AND WILLIAM H. CLEMENTS venson 1990), which may complicate the use of diatoms as indicatorsof water quality (Pan et al. 1996). It is likely thatseasonal variationin periphytoncommunitycompositionand physicochemicalcharacteristics will influenceresponses to heavy metals in Colorado streams.For example, we would expect thatthe earlysuccessional communitiespresentin springwould be more tolerantof heavy metals thanthe late successional communitiesof summer.Seasonal variationin heavy metal concentrationscould also influenceperiphytoncommunitycomposition.Previous studies of Colorado's metal-pollutedstreamshave reportedthe highest metal levels during spring runoff(Clements 1994). The influenceof seasonal variationin diatom communitycompositionand physicochemicalcharacteristicscould be examined by conductingmicrocosm experimentswithspringand summercommunities. Results of our fieldstudymay have been influenced by the indirecteffectsof invertebrategrazers,particularly heptageniidmayflies.Our previous work has shown thatheptageniidsare highlysensitiveto heavy metalsand are usuallyabsentin metal-pollutedstreams (Clements 1994, Clementsand Kiffney1995). It is possible thateliminationof these metal-sensitivegrazers may have altered diatom communitycompositionin our study.In a reviewof grazer-periphyton interactions in streams,Feminellaand Hawkins(1995) reportedthat the most consistentresponse of algal assemblages to grazers was reduced abundance of numericallydominant species, includingA. minutissima.Therefore,the greaterabundanceofA. minutissimaobservedat metalpolluted sites in our studymay have been influenced by reduced abundanceof grazingmayflies.We suggest that additional experimentalstudies are necessary to understandthe complex interactionsbetween invertebrate grazersand heavy metal pollutionin streams. Communityresponses to metals in experimental streams Ecological Applications Vol. 8, No. 3 low-elevationstreamsare naturallydominatedby late successional species, then effectsof metals on these communitieswill be greater.Consequently,it may be necessary to account fordifferencesin sensitivitybetweenlocationswhenestablishingwaterqualitycriteria to protectaquatic organisms (Kiffneyand Clements 1996). Some attemptshave been made to relate morphological growthformsand reproductivestrategiesof algae to theirability to dominatedisturbedhabitatsor duringearly stages of succession (Fisher et al. 1982, McCormick and Stevenson 1991, Stevenson et al. 1991, Molloy 1992, Petersonand Stevenson 1992). To our knowledge no attemptshave been made to relate life historycharacteristicsand morphologicalgrowth formsof algae to theirtoleranceof contaminants.We suggest that the same morphological and ecological characteristicsthatallow a species to dominateduring early stages of primarysuccession also influencetolerance to heavy metals. In our field studies, communitiesfrombothreferencesites and metal-pollutedsites weresimilarand dominatedbyAchnanthesminutissima or Fragilaria vaucheriae. The natural dominance of these metal-tolerant species at referencesites may also explain why we did not observe large shiftsin communitycompositionat moderatelypolluted sites (e.g., whereZn levels werebetween51 and 200 Kg/L)in our study of metal-pollutedstreams.Our hypothesisthat morphologicaland life historycharacteristicsof diatomsinfluencetoleranceto contaminantscould be tested by exposing communities collected at different stages of succession to heavy metals. We predictthat communitiescollected duringthe early stages of succession would be dominatedby small, adnate species, which would be more tolerantto metals than those collected duringlater stages. It may be possible to correctfor the influenceof naturallongitudinalchangesin communitystructure by developing predictiverelationshipsbetween communitycompositionand elevationfromregionalreference sites (sensu Fausch et al. 1984); however,because of the sensitivityof diatom communitiesto manyabiotic variables,locatingreferencesites withinadjacentriver drainagesmaybe difficult. Adjacent streamswithinthe same watershedmay have very differentdiatom assemblages because of differencesin geology, water chemistry,and land use (Kutka and Richards 1996). Because routinebiomonitoringstudiescannotestablish direct cause-and-effectrelationships between communitypatternsand anthropogenicstressors,it is importantto validatebiological indicatorsexperimentally. We suggestthatintegratingexperimentalstudies with routinefieldbiomonitoringwill supportthe establishment of causal relationshipsbetween anthropogenic disturbancesand communityresponses. Results of the microcosmstudysupportthe hypothesis thateffectsof heavy metals were greateron communitiescollected fromthe downstreamsite. We suggest thatdifferencesin metal effectswere a resultof naturaldifferencesin communitycompositionbetween sites. Communitiesfromthe upstreamsite were dominated by early successional species (Achnanthesminutissimaand Fragilaria vaucheriae), which were relativelytolerantto metals.In contrast,downstreamcommunitieswere dominatedby colonial and filamentous species (Melosira varians and Diatoma vulgare),which were highlysensitiveto metals.Althoughsome diatom species collected fromthe downstreamsite were relatively tolerantto metals,M. varians and D. vulgare were eliminatedin the 0.5x treatments. Differencesin sensitivityto contaminantsbetween locations, which Conclusions have also been reportedforbenthicmacroinvertebrate communities(Kiffneyand Clements 1996), have imDespite the commonuse of diatomsas indicatorsof portantpractical implications. If communitiesfrom waterquality,many of the relationshipsbetween spe- August 1998 DIATOM RESPONSES cies abundance and specificwaterqualityvariables remain weak and untested.Cattaneo et al. (1993) concluded thatthe predictivepower of diatomcommunity models was limited because environmentalvariables includedin analyses are inappropriateforthe sampling scale and taxonomiclevel chosen. The use of diatoms as indicatorsof water quality is also hamperedby a lack of informationon how diatom assemblages respond across largerspatial scales (Kutka and Richards 1996). In our study,multipleregressionanalysis indicated thatZn was an importantpredictorforperiphytoncommunitymeasures;however,elevationand other variables significantly correlatedwithelevation(pH, and alkalinity)were also important conductivity, in explaining communitycomposition.Differencesin life historycharacteristics and morphologicalgrowthforms of dominanttaxa between locations will influenceresponses to contaminants.We suggest that it may be usefulto studyperiphyton community responsesto pollutantsin relationto life historytraits,ecological strategies, and morphological growthforms.Conducting researchwithinthis frameworkmay improvethe predictiveabilityof periphytonmodels and providea theoretical basis for understandingthe relationshipsbetween observed communitypatternsand the evolutionaryprocesses thatdeterminea species responseto disturbance. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Ron Schuett,Mark Pearson, Diana Hammerdorfer, and numerousundergraduatestudentsprovidedfieldand laboratory assistance for this research. Special thanksto Dave Beeson and Paul Krugrensfor taxonomic assistance. Commentsby Rex Lowe, Jan Stevenson, and two anonymous reviewers improvedthis manuscriptand are greatlyappreciated.Metal analyses were conductedat theColorado Division of Wildlife withthe assistance of Steve Brinkmanand Pat Davies. Funding for this research was provided by the U.S. Geological Survey (award number14-08-0001-G2099) and the National Instituteof EnvironmentalHealth Sciences, SuperfundBasic Research Program(award numberP42 ES05949). LITERATURE CITED Aloi, J. E. 1990. A critical review of recentfreshwaterperiphytonfieldmethods.Canadian Journalof Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47:656-670. APHA. 1989. Standardmethodsfortheexaminationof water and wastewater.17thedition American Public Health Association, WashingtonD.C. Bothwell, M. L. 1988. 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