3rd–5th Grade Objectives • Studentswillidentifygeometrytermsandcorrectly matchthemtocorrespondingfigures. • Studentswillbuildandidentifyangles,2-Dshapesand 3-Dshapes. Materials Needed • GeometryMatch-UpCards • GeometricFigureBuildingCards • Recordingsheetreproducibleandanswerkey • Toothpicks • Gumdrops • Paperplates • Scissors[FB316] • Tape • Pencils[SU28] Products with item numbers are available at LakeshoreLearning.com. Preparation PrintandcutaparttheGeometryMatch-UpCards.Putaloopoftapeonthebackofeachcard.Displaythe cardsontheclassroomboard(oruseadocumentcamera),groupingthewordcardsononesideandthe picturecardsontheotherside.Printacopyoftherecordingsheetreproducibleforeachstudent. Procedure 1. Explaintostudentsthatyouaregoingtoreviewgeometrytermsandtheirmeanings. 2.Oneatatime,havevolunteerscometotheboard.Promptthemtochooseawordandmatchittothe correspondingpicture.Invitetheotherstudentstoaffirmorcorrecteachvolunteer’schoice. 3.Asstudentsmatchthewordsandpictures,reinforcethemeaningofeachterm.Forexample,say,“Anacute angleisananglethatmeasureslessthan90degrees”or“Ahexagonisafigurewithsixequalsides.” Independent Practice 1. Dividestudentsintopairs.ProvideeachpairwiththeGeometricFigureBuildingCards,arecordingsheet,35 gumdrops,50toothpicksandapaperplate(touseasabuildingsurface). 2.Instructstudentstousethetoothpicksandgumdropstobuildtheshapesandanglesonthecards. 3.Afterstudentshavebuilteachshapeorangle,havethemdrawitontherecordingsheet.Promptstudentsto fill inthemissinginformation.Checkanswersusingtheanswerkey. 4.Encouragestudentstoremovethetoothpicksandenjoytheirgumdropsasasnack! ©Lakeshore www.lakeshorelearning.com right angle acute angle ©Lakeshore www.lakeshorelearning.com obtuse angle square ©Lakeshore www.lakeshorelearning.com equilateral triangle hexagon ©Lakeshore www.lakeshorelearning.com triangular prism square pyramid ©Lakeshore www.lakeshorelearning.com cube ©Lakeshore www.lakeshorelearning.com Make a Right Angle Use2toothpicksand1gumdroptomakearightangle. ©Lakeshore A sample based on our Build & Learn Geometry Kit (GG458) A right angle is a square corner. It measures 90º. www.lakeshorelearning.com Make an Acute Angle Use2toothpicksand1gumdroptomake anacuteangle. ©Lakeshore A sample based on our Build & Learn Geometry Kit (GG458) An acute angle measures less then 90º. www.lakeshorelearning.com Make an Obtuse Angle Use2toothpicksand1gumdroptomakean obtuseangle. ©Lakeshore A sample based on our Build & Learn Geometry Kit (GG458) Make an Equilateral Triangle Use3toothpicksand3gumdropstomake anequilateraltriangle. ©Lakeshore A sample based on our Build & Learn Geometry Kit (GG458) An obtuse angle measures more than 90º. www.lakeshorelearning.com An equilateral triangle has 3 sides that are all the same length. www.lakeshorelearning.com Make a Square Use4toothpicksand4gumdropstomakeasquare. ©Lakeshore A sample based on our Build & Learn Geometry Kit (GG458) A square has 4 sides that are the same length. www.lakeshorelearning.com Make a Hexagon Use6toothpicksand6gumdropstomake ahexagon. ©Lakeshore A sample based on our Build & Learn Geometry Kit (GG458) A hexagon has 6 equal sides and 6 vertices. www.lakeshorelearning.com Build a Cube Use12toothpicksand8gumdropstobuildacube. ©Lakeshore A sample based on our Build & Learn Geometry Kit (GG458) Build a Square Pyramid Use8toothpicksand5gumdropstobuild asquarepyramid. ©Lakeshore A sample based on our Build & Learn Geometry Kit (GG458) A cube is a special kind of rectangular prism. All of its faces are square. www.lakeshorelearning.com A square pyramid has 4 triangular faces that meet in a point. Its fifth face is a square. www.lakeshorelearning.com Build a Triangular Prism Use9toothpicksand6gumdropstobuild atriangularprism. ©Lakeshore A sample based on our Build & Learn Geometry Kit (GG458) A triangular prism has 2 opposite faces that are triangles. The other faces are rectangles. www.lakeshorelearning.com Right Angle Acute Angle Obtuse Angle vertices vertices vertices Equilateral Triangle sides Square sides Hexagon sides faces faces faces Cube edges Square Pyramid edges Triangular Prism edges vertices vertices vertices 1 2 3 Right Angle Acute Angle Obtuse Angle 4 5 6 3 4 6 Answer Key 4 3 vertices vertices vertices Equilateral Triangle sides Square sides 6 Hexagon sides 7 6 8 5 9 5 faces faces faces 12 Cube edges edges 8 5 Square Pyramid 8 edges 6 Triangular Prism 9 vertices vertices vertices