Just Thinking - The Complete Obama Timeline

Frederick William Dame
(Exercising freedom of speech … as long as it still exists.)
Just Thinking
Number 130
JT: Could this be a raped goat's revenge?
Source: http://cdn.themetapicture.com/pic/images/2015/05/20/funny-police-escorting-Putin-shape-motorcycle.jpg
JT: Not really! The title should be the motorcycled Secret Service escorting Barack
Hussein Obama.
With ISIS on the march and in control of half of Iraq and half of Syria, reporters ask
the White House press secretary Josh Earnest if ISIS is succeeding in establishing a
caliphate. His reply, “No I don’t believe that at all.”
JT: Of course they are not succeeding in establishing a caliphate.
established one already!
They have
Don Fredrick writes in the May 2015 report of The Complete Obama Timeline:
"According to a May 8-11 YouGov poll, 51 percent of surveyed Democrats support
making “hate speech” a crime. (That is, they oppose the First Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution.) Remarkably, 37 percent of Republicans feel the same way, and 35
percent of independent voters."
JT: Methinks the 512%, 37%, and 35% respectively are conducting hate speech
against the First Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America.
JT: The mythical character Bigfoot was really not mythical. His roommate is obvious
proof that Bigfoot existed. JT is privileged to possess the only graphic presentation
of Bigfoot
oot and his roommate.
Source: http://rationalwiki.org/w/images/thumb/d/dc/Bigfoot2.png/180px
See also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpwOmy078Eg.
JT: Dear reader! Were you once a wanted
wanted criminal? Here's how it all starts:
Source: http://cdn.themetapicture.com/pic/images/2015/05/21/funny-kid-criminalhttp://cdn.themetapicture.com/pic/images/2015/05/21/funny
JT: Barack Hussein Obama was stopped by the police for driving without a license
and indecently dressed … naked!!! Here's the proof!
Source: http://cdn.themetapicture.com/pic/images/2015/05/22/funny-kid-car-street-police-toy.jpg.
“ISIS is sending the ‘prettiest virgins’ they capture to slave markets in the Syrian city
of Raqqa, where they are sold as sexual objects to the highest bidder, the United
Nation’s Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict has said. After the
depraved militants attack their villages, they strip the girls naked, conduct virginity
tests, evaluate their bodies and send them to twisted auctions, Zainab Bangura
claims. She discovered the gruesome extent of Islamic State’s sexual crimes against
young women—particularly from Iraq’s Yazidi minority community—after collecting
information from Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan.” For this information and
supporting videos, go to http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3089430/Strippednaked-physically-evaluated-sold-highest-bidder-ISIS-sending-prettiest-Yazidi-virginsabducts-slave-markets-Syria.html.
JT: Of course this has nothing to do with peaceful and tolerant Islam!!!
Senator James Inhofe (R-OK): "North Korea has just announced they have a
miniaturized nuclear weapon. ISIS has already taken control of Ramadi. ISIS has 60
percent of Syria right now. They’re beheading Americans. We’re not responding.
[Obama’s] timing could not have been worse to make a statement like that to a group
like that, right after the declaration by everyone including James Clapper, the director
of national intelligence and others that this is the most threatening time in the history
of this country. …At a time when our enemies don’t fear us, our allies don’t respect
us, they know [Obama] has drawn the line in the sand many times as he’s done in
Syria and other places and then backed away from it. These people at the [Coast
Guard] academy know. They’re really tuned into the threat that is out there because
they are trained to meet that threat.” (http://www.wnd.com/2015/05/obama-is-gettingmore-and-more-desperate/)
JT: All Americans legal citizens, and illegal ones, of non-Muslim heritage and Muslim
heritage should be so proud of Obama that he is truly keeping the United States of
America safe from the evils in the world. A better illegal president could never be.
Let's elect him for a third illegal presidency. I remember a cheer from my younger
days. Let's sound it together for Obama: Him, him, f---k him! (Was that caustic?)
At http://hiddenplaybook.com/the-25-most-absurd-and-ridiculous-laws-in-the-u-s/ we
read the following absurdities:
A man cannot be seen in public while wearing a jacket and pants that do not
match in Carmel, N.Y.
Beer and Pretzels Cannot Be Served at the Same Time in Any Bar or Restaurant
In North Dakota.
It Is Illegal For A Man to Give His Sweetheart A Box of Candy Weighing More
Than 50 lbs In Idaho.
In Arizona, if you cut down a cactus, you could be sentenced to 25 years in
No child may build a snowman taller than him/herself on school property in
You May Not Take a Picture of a Rabbit during the Month of June In Wyoming.
Bingo Games Can’t Last More Than Five Hours In North Carolina.
In Lehigh, Nebraska it is illegal to sell donut holes.
Policemen are allowed to bite a dog if they think it will calm the dog down in
Paulding, Ohio.
It is illegal to die in London’s Houses of Parliament
You may not sell toothpaste and a toothbrush to the same customer on a Sunday
in Rhode Island.
Flushing the Toilet after 10 PM Where the Person Lives In an Apartment Is Illegal
In Sweden.
You are not allowed to eat fried chicken any other way than using your hands in
Gainesville, Georgia.
All lollipops are banned in Washington.
Waking a Sleeping Bear for a Photo Opportunity Is Strictly Forbidden In Alaska.
No Vehicle without a Driver May Exceed 60 Miles per Hour In California.
You Can Be Stopped By the Police for Biking Over 65 Miles per Hour In
Fishing While Sitting on a Giraffe’s Neck is Forbidden in Illinois.
It’s illegal to attend a public event or use public transport within 4 hours of eating
an onions or garlic (Indiana).
It Is Illegal To Rob A Bank and Then Shoot at the Bank Teller with A Water Pistol
In Louisiana.
Flirting is against the law in San Antonio, Texas.
Whistling under water Is Illegal In Vermont.
No One May Cross Minnesota State Lines with a Duck On Top Of Their Head.
Donkeys Cannot Sleep In Bathtubs In Arizona.
It’s illegal to sell your eyeballs in Texas.
JT: Add to these the laws signed by putative President Obama and you have the
absurdities of the absurdities.
JT: She is an emerging target for the left!
Source: http://cdn.themetapicture.com/pic/images/2015/05/22/funny-storm-rainbow-rain-twister.jpg.
JT: LOL!!!
JT: Spontaneous thought: Barack Hussein Obama is America's joke number one
and at the same time the worst joke ever!
Source: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/may/20/1400-suspects-operation-hydrant-politician-and-celebrity-child-sexabuse-inquiry
JT: Methinks these two women have disturbed minds. … Perhaps as a result of what
they are supporting?
JT: This is a short how-to-do-a-decapitation film by Muhammad. He wrote the
screenplay. He did the acting and the special effects. He was the director. He was
the producer. He was the cartoon artist.
Source: http://iotwreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/unnamed-11.jpg.
JT: Undisputed truth about another Obama method of saving the world from evil!!!
JT: A partial ban? From the knees down?
View http://iotwreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/ReadyForHillary.jpg!
JT: If you're dead, it makes no difference. Ask Hillary. She'll confirm the truth! She
always tells the truth!
JT: Blacks and the left doing what they do best.
http://madworldnews.com/child-bride-revenge-muslim/ is the source of the following
report, which is presented in its entirety. While reading the article don't forget that
Islam is peaceful and tolerant.
Child Bride Gets Gruesome Revenge On 35Year-Old Muslim Rapist Husband
Posted on May 23, 2015 by Dom the Conservative
While most little girls are going to school, playing with friends, or dreaming of the day they
will meet their Prince Charming, fall in love, and plan a beautiful wedding, children under
Islamic law are forced to endure things that no grown women should ever have to suffer.
Wasila Tasi’u was a young girl who hoped for the basic human rights that any child deserves
— an education and right to choose the path of her own life. However, her parents had hoped
to marry her off at the earliest opportunity possible.
In Nigeria, the legal age to marry is 14, which is supposed to protect children from marrying
too young. Although, this hardly ever prevents Muslim families from forcing their daughters
into arranged marriages with already married men more than twice their age, as was the case
for little Wasila.
The Guardian reports that on her wedding night in 2014, 14-year-old Wasila was taken by
35-year-old Umar Sani to his bed where he tied the child to his bed and raped her until
Fourteen-year-old Wasila Tasi’u was raped by her 35-year-old husband, abuse that prompted
her to poison him.
This type of abuse went on for two weeks until young Wasila had finally had enough. When
it was Wasila’s turn out of all of Sani’s wives to share his bed, she took rat poisoning
and laced her husband’s food.
Before he could enact his perverse sexual desires, Sani died an agonizingly painful death, and
his child bride attempted to escape her Islamic prison.
The prosecution attempted to spin the case to express that Sani’s child bride had made her
own decision to marry the man, but ultimately regretted married life, deciding to later poison
his food prepared for a post-marriage celebration, which ultimately killed 4 people in total,
9News reports.
Wasila was charged with murder, but her unique case spurred human rights activists across
the globe to call for her release. Still, prosecutors had been seeking the death penalty for the
abused teen who was a victim more than her pedophile husband.
With constant pressure from activists worldwide, the case of Wasila the murderous child bride
was recently dropped by Nigerian court, freeing the young girl of all charges, according to the
Daily Mail.
This case is yet another testament to the inability for Sharia law to coexist with any other law.
Child marriage is not only condoned in Islam, it was made an example by the Islamic Prophet
Muhammad when he married 6-year-old Aisha.
Sharia law not only strips the rights of women, it treats them as valuable property. Fathers are
able to sell their daughters off to gain money, livestock, or even garner a greater reputation.
Husbands are to act as tyrants over their wives, disciplining them should they refuse sex or
appear arrogant.
Because of Muhammad’s example, women under an Islamic state are sold, raped, and
enslaved for the disgusting desires of their male owners, and yet it is ironically called the
religion of peace.
Not only do women have no basic human rights, there is no Constitution to outline and protect
the rights of any human being. Only Muslim men have opportunity under Sharia law. As
illustrated by the Quran, “Men are in charge of women by what Allah has given over the
other.” The only thing women can hope for is that their husbands are kind enough to allow
them the privilege of “guarding in their husband’s absence what Allah would have them
H/T [The Religion Of Peace]
Photo Credit [Daily Mail
JT: Are Barry and Michelle appalled? Of course not! This is part of core Islam. But
Islamic apologists claim such actions have nothing to do with Islam!!! Perhaps it has
something to do with rats.
At http://toprightnews.com/infographic-reveals-truth-about-black-violence-al-sharptondoesnt-want-you-to-see/ we view facts that not only Al Sharpton doesn't want you to
see, but also Barack Hussein Obama and all of the progtards don't want you to see.
JT: Methinks Barack Hussein Obama and his regime have done their part in
changing America!
JT: Americans died because Hillary lied. Ask her! She'll confirm it!! Hillary always
tells the truth!!!
Source: https://seeker401.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/cba0enkumae8hcz.jpg?w=497&h=293
JT: H. L. Mencken surely understood the Left and Obama!
Source: https://seeker401.files.wordpress.com/2015/05/cd87xzfveai8gia.jpg?w=497&h=497
JT: Sheriff David Clarke also understands the Left and Obama!
Source: http://cdn.themetapicture.com/media/funny-former-student-college-donation-letter.jpg
JT: Methinks the dumbing down of America by progressives has something to do
with this.
Giant hole forms at entrance of Missouri golf course
JT: The hole is 80 feet wide and approx 35 feet deep. Methinks Obama could place
his next golf game there and claim he shot a hole-in-one, or more than just one!
Source: http://iotwreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Obama-stoned-.jpg.
JT: Caption: "These speeches that I have to read from a teleprompter and that I,
with my natural delivery interlace with erm, huh, uh, amm, makes me tired. I'm really
tired! I'm going to take a nap. If there is any activity in the world that is a threat to
America, let me sleep. Contact Valerie. She makes all of the decisions anyway.
Wake me up when the helicopter is ready to fly me to the golf course."
In a commencement address at Oberlin College, Michelle Obama says: "Today, I
want to urge you to actively seek out the most contentious, polarized, gridlocked
places you can find." (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/25/michelle-obamaoberlin_n_7437100.html)
JT: Methinks she is describing the DemocRAT Party and the Progressives. (As an
aside, naturally, if the Huffington Post quotes her, then it has to be true!!!)
“…Saudi Arabia donated some 10 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation. A year
later the House of Saud was rewarded with an astonishingly large arms deal of nearly
$30 BILLION dollars. Boeing also played a role, donating almost a million dollars to
the Clinton Foundation before then becoming the primary supplier of jet fighters
included in the $30 billion Saudi arms deal. …In 2010, Algeria was condemned by a
Hillary Clinton State Department report for its human rights violations. Soon after,
Algeria then donated a half million dollars to the Clinton Foundation. In 2011, just a
year later, the Clinton State Department rewarded the Algerian government with an
arms deal package that included, ‘toxicological agents, including chemical agents,
biological agents and associated equipment.’ During her time as Secretary of State,
Hillary Clinton oversaw a 300% INCREASE in military aid to Algeria—though it was
an increase that did not begin until AFTER the Algerian government donated to the
Clinton Foundation. The IBT report indicated General Electric was among the most
“generous” of Clinton Foundation donors during Hillary’s tenure there. This was at the
same time that NBC (then owned by GE) gave Chelsea Clinton a quite lucrative
‘contributor’ contract with the network that reportedly paid her over $26,000 PER
MINUTE of actual air time.” (http://dcwhispers.com/breaking-clinton-foundationdonors-rewarded-with-billions-in-weapons/)
JT: I'm reminded of: "What difference does it make at this point?"
Source: http://cdn.themetapicture.com/pic/images/2015/05/25/funny-dollars-account-number-check.jpg
JT: This is a check written by Michelle during her December 2012 vacation in
Mexico, which cost the United States taxpayers 115,500.87 dollars. It was for a meal
of oysters, caviar, lobster, and champagne on a lunch in one her favorite countries,
as she refers to it: Mixyko.
“A Kenyan lawyer has offered …Obama 50 cows and other assorted livestock in
exchange for his 16-year old daughter Malia’s hand in marriage… Felix Kiprono said
he was willing to pay 50 cows, 70 sheep and 30 goats in order to fulfil his dream of
marrying the first daughter. ‘I got interested in her in 2008,’ Kiprono said, in an
interview with The Nairobian newspaper. At that time …Obama was running for office
for the first time and Malia was a 10-year-old. ‘As a matter of fact, I haven’t dated
anyone since and promise to be faithful to her. I have shared this with my family and
they are willing to help me raise the bride price,’ he said. …Kiprono said that as a
couple he and the young Obama would lead ‘a simple life.’ ‘I will teach Malia how to
milk a cow, cook ugali (maize porridge) and prepare mursik like any other Kalenjin
woman,’ he said.” (http://africanspotlight.com/2015/05/23/kenyan-lawyer-offersobama-50-cows-70-sheep-30-goats-to-marry-his-daughter-malia/)
JT: What Felix Kiprono is offering Obama for Mali is wealth. Knowing Obama's lust
for money and wealth and the fact that he is a devout Muslim, Obama must accept
the deal.
JT: Spontaneous thought: Progressives want logical-thinking people to believe that
there is there is no difference between a boy and a girl, between a male and a
female. However there is a difference between 69 and 6.9. Look closely and you'll
realize the difference.
Source: http://iotwreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/29134E2000000578-0-image-m-2_1432626326493.jpg.
JT: This is one of Islam's rising, awe-inspiring, young scientists. He receives his
scientific inspiration from Allah and Muhammad. For example, he claims that "…
men who masturbate will make their hands pregnant, and they will have to raise the
offspring in the afterlife. (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3097092/Islamicpreacher-warns-men-masturbate-hands-PREGNANT-look-offspring-afterlife.html via
Bernie Sanders: When You ‘Hustle Money’ Like The Clintons, You Become Out of
Touch (Read more at http://iotwreport.com/?p=287381#0cZisQ2mEC4BOkp1.99)
JT: Mr. Sanders! Your statement is correct. However, it is also true that when you
represent your kind of socialist/communist politics you are already out of touch!
Source: http://iotwreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/michelle-obama-shtruggling-.jpg
JT: Caption: Am I not a genius?
JT: Answer: NO!
JT: Here are some peaceful and tolerant accomplishments of Islam during the
writing of Just Thinking 130. From http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/. They were all
accomplished with the silent approval of Barack Hussein Obama.
Killed Injured
2015.05.25 Nigeria
Children are among dozens killed after Boko
Haram briefly takes over a small village.
2015.05.25 Pakistan
Two Hazara religious minorities are
murdered in a Sunni drive-by.
2015.05.25 Afghanistan Zabul
Two women are among five killed in a
massive suicide truck bombing that leaves
over seventy others wounded.
2015.05.23 Afghanistan Gilan
A family of four, including two children, is
neatly disassembled by a well-placed
Taliban bomb.
Caliphate members slit the throats of sixteen
traders transporting food into a city.
An ISIS suicide bomber detonates at a Shia
mosque, slaying twenty-one worshippers.
2015.05.22 Pakistan
Two are killed when Sunni radicals fire on a
Shiite family.
2015.05.22 Somalia
Pro-Sharia activists block a transport
carrying government workers and machinegun three point-blank.
2015.05.22 Nigeria
Sharia proponents sneak into a village and
slaughter ten residents with knives.
2015.05.21 Uganda
Kireka Cell
A cleric is gunned down by Religion of
Peace rivals.
2015.05.21 Pakistan
A Sunni man and his two sons are murdered
in a targeted sectarian attack.
2015.05.23 Iraq
Devout Muslims of the Islamic State (ISIS) burn Christian woman to death for failing
to comply with Sharia - See more at: http://pamelageller.com/#sthash.SRKrilTw.dpuf
Muslim cleric: Satan and Jews are the enemies of Muslims, Jews will meet their end
by gathering in Israel - See more at:
29 Christians Hacked to Death in Muslim Attacks in Nigeria - See more at:
Kenya: Dozens of Police Killed in Jihad Attacks
Australia: Muslim Mom Abandons Children for Islamic State - See more at:
Muslim mob attacks church and Christian village after Christian accused of
blasphemy - See more at: http://pamelageller.com/page/2/#sthash.Bnn1j0yO.dpuf
Terror Group CAIR: Muslim Organization Questions if US Troops Should be Honored
on Memorial Day - See more at:
VIDEO: Muslim Brutally Beats Gay Couple in NY Restaurant - See more at:
slamic State Lines Street with 400 Dead Women and Children - See more at:
Frederick William Dame
Patriotic, Steadfast, and True
May 28, 2015