Italy in figures A SELECTION OF UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION ABOUT ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL LIFE IN ITALY. KEY POINTS AND SHORT METHODOLOGICAL NOTES MAKE THE STATISTICS SIMPLER AND EASIER TO UNDERSTAND. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT A SPECIFIC SUBJECT, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEB-SITE WWW.ISTAT.IT 2004 key points ITALY'S NUMBERS Main territorial and demographic data LATITUDE 47° 06' North, 35° 30' South LONGITUDE 5° 50' West, 6° 04' East MAXIMUM SPAN 1,200 km 301,336 km2 TERRITORIAL SURFACE 68,538 km2 TOTAL SURFACE OF WOODS RAILWAY NETWORK 16,092 km ROAD NETWORK 173,028 km REGIONS 20 PROVINCES 103 MUNICIPALITIES 8,100 TOTAL LENGTH OF SEA COASTS 7,375 km RESIDENT POPULATION 57.9 millions SURFACE AT HIGH SEISMIC RISK 27,952 km2 RESIDENT FOREIGNERS 1.3 millions PROTECTED AREAS 57,320 km 2 NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS HOUSEHOLDS' AVERAGE MEMBERS LONGEST RIVER POPULATION DENSITY 192 inhabitants/km2 South: Abruzzo, Molise, Campania, Basilicata, Puglia, Calabria, Sicilia, Sardegna Resident population: italian and foreign citizen registered in municipal Register Offices 2 Inhabitants per km , 1 January 2004 71 387 Umbria, Marche 2.6 RESIDENT POPULATION DENSITY 37 Centre: Toscana, Lazio, 22.8 millions HIGHEST MOUNTAIN Monte Bianco (4,810 m) Po (652 km) North: Piemonte, Valle d’Aosta, Liguria, Lombardia, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna 153 252 168 Up to 100 From 101 to 200 From 201 to 300 Over 300 184 291 155 100 302 155 119 72 209 424 60 68 133 195 ITALIAN AVERAGE: 192 POPULATION 1 key points Natural balance: difference between births and deaths of resident population occurred in the national territory over the year Migration balance: difference between new registrations in and removals from the Register Offices of resident population occurred in the national territory over the year Large municipalities: municipalities with over 250,000 resident population FOREIGN RESIDENT POPULATION WITH REFERENCE TO THE CENSUS DAY 1991-2001 1991 356,159 2001 1,334,889 Permits of stay: permits of stay refer to all lawfully present foreigners, i.e. holders of a valid document issued by the Italian police authorities, with the relevant exception of minors who in the majority of cases do not have their own permit and are recorded in their parents' papers RESIDENT POPULATION AND POPULATION CHANGE BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 1 January 2004 Resident population 26,100,554 11,124,059 20,663,632 57,888,245 North Centre South Italy Natural balance -43,579 -19,799 20,973 -42,405 Migration balance 361,337 162,946 85,297 609,580 RESIDENT POPULATION AND POPULATION CHANGE IN LARGE MUNICIPALITIES 1 January 2004 Resident population 2,542,003 1,271,898 1,000,449 867,857 679,730 601,338 373,539 367,259 314,166 307,774 271,663 258,115 8,855,791 Roma Milano Napoli Torino Palermo Genova Bologna Firenze Bari Catania Venezia Verona Total Natural balance -1,151 -2,302 1,238 -2,440 1,256 -4,300 -2,286 -1,943 360 60 -1,320 -551 -13,379 Migration balance 2,325 27,148 --9,208 8,653 -4,427 906 2,807 16,262 -1,262 -724 3,417 2,556 48,453 RESIDENT POPULATION WITH REFERENCE TO THE CENSUS DAY Thousands of people, Censuses 1911-2001 35,845 39,944 41,652 42,994 54,137 56,557 56,778 56,996 47,516 50,624 PERMITS OF STAY GRANTED ON 1 JANUARY 2003 North Centre South Italy 2 881,375 426,737 195,174 1,503,286 1911 1921 1931 1936 POPULATION 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 key points RESIDENT POPULATION PROJECTIONS AVERAGE NUMBER OF CHILDREN PER WOMAN Millions of people, 2010-2050 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2003* 2010** 2.4 2.4 1.6 1.3 1.2 1.3 1.4 * estimated data ** projection Ageing ratio: ratio 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 DEMOGRAPHIC INDICATORS Censuses 1961-2001 and 1 January 2002-2010 127.1 AGEING RATIO 131.4 133.8 134.5 146.5 38.9 1961 1971 Dependency ratio: ratio of non-working age population (0-14; 65 and over) to working age population (15-64), per 100 Life expectancy at birth: average number 92.5 46.1 of population aged 65 and over to population aged 0-14, per 100 61.7 of years a new-born is expected to live 1981 1991 2001 2002 2003 2004* 2010** DEPENDENCY RATIO 55.5 53.1 51.6 45.7 48.4 49.1 49.8 50.2 53.1 1961 1991 2001 2002 2003 2004* 2010** 1971 1981 * estimated data ** projections LIFE EXPECTANCY AT BIRTH BY SEX Censuses 1961-1991 and years 2002 and 2010 MOTHER'S MEAN AGE AT THE BIRTH OF THE FIRST CHILD 1961 1971 1981 1991 1996 2001* 2010** 25.7 25.1 25.2 27.1 28.2 28.1 30.8 * estimated data ** projection Males 67.2 72.3 1961 Females 69.0 74.9 1971 71.1 77.9 1981 73.8 80.3 1991 77.0 82.9 2002* 77.9 84.4 2010** * estimated data ** projections POPULATION 3 key points Marriages: data refers to marriages celebrated in Italy in reference year, independently from the residence place of the bridegrooms. Marriages between Italians celebrated abroad are not included Household: a group of people tied together by marriage, kinship, affinity, adoption, guardianship or affection, usually sharing one home. A household may also be composed of a single member. Hired staff (family workers, etc.) are members of their own separate household MARRIAGES 1961-2003 Number 1961 1971 1981 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003* Per 1,000 inhabitants 7.9 7.5 5.6 5.5 5.3 5.1 4.8 4.9 4.6 4.5 397,461 404,464 316,953 312,061 302,230 290,009 277,738 280,330 264,026 257,880 Civil marriages (%) 1.6 3.9 12.7 17.5 17.9 20.0 20.7 23.0 27.1 28.7 With at least one foreign partner (%) — — — — 3.3 4.3 5.0 5.9 8.1 — * provisional data SEPARATIONS AND DIVORCES 1993-2002 71,969 64,915 75,969 79,642 Separations granted 57,538 60,281 62,737 51,445 52,323 48,198 32,717 27,510 23,863 1993 MAIN HOUSEHOLD TYPES IN 2001/2002 62,737 20 8 Singles Others 3 Couples without children Single parents 41,835 40,051 Divorces 33,510 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 HOUSEHOLDS BY NUMBER OF MEMBERS % volumes, Censuses 1961-2001 1 2 3 4 5 6 and over Total (thousands) Average number of members % volume 4 37,573 27,038 Couples with children 44 25 34,341 33,342 POPULATION 1961 10.6 19.6 22.4 20.4 12.6 14.4 13,747 3.6 1971 12.9 22.0 22.4 21.2 11.8 9.7 15,981 3.3 1981 17.9 23.6 22.1 21.5 9.5 5.4 18,632 3.0 1991 20.6 24.7 22.2 21.2 7.9 3.4 19,909 2.8 2001 24.9 27.1 21.6 19.0 5.8 1.7 21,811 2.6 key points TERRITORIAL SURFACE DEFINED BY ALTITUDE AND GEOGRAPHICAL AREA Altitude: Hectares, 2002 Mountain 5,532,035 1,576,067 3,502,908 10,611,010 North Centre South Italy Hill 2,272,975 3,724,039 6,544,884 12,541,898 Plain 4,188,135 537,852 2,254,706 6,980,693 Total 11,993,145 5,837,958 12,302,498 30,133,601 PROTECTED AREAS Thousands of hectares, 2003 Total of which national park of which sea surface* 1,438 ■ mountain is characterised by the height of at least 600 metres in the Northern regions or 700 metres in the Central and Southern regions ■ hill doesn't exceed the height of 600 metres in the Northern regions or 700 metres in the Central and Southern regions ■ plain and low lands are characterised by the lack of elevated masses Protected areas: 2,170 2,124 1,644 932 623 554 265 146 North Centre territory under protection and management regime, including geographical, geological or biological formations of relevant naturalistic or environmental value Rainfall: the whole of rain, dew, frost, snow and hail particles converted into water South * including the “Santuario per i mammiferi marini” area TEMPERATURE AND RAINFALL IN SOME WEATHER STATIONS Temperatures in Celsius degrees, rainfall in millimetres, 2003* Piacenza - San Damiano Verona - Villafranca Rimini - Miramare Monte Argentario Termoli Roma - Ciampino Latina Capri Foggia - Amendola Lecce - Galatina Messina Trapani - Birgi Catania - Sigonella Cagliari - Elmas Peack temperatures mean extreme 19.1 40.4 19.8 39.0 18.3 37.6 18.3 37.6 20.3 38.4 21.8 37.6 22.5 38.0 24.1 38.0 22.6 42.4 22.3 39.6 22.8 39.2 22.7 38.0 24.1 40.2 23.5 41.2 Lowest temperature mean extreme 8.4 -9.2 9.6 -7.4 9.6 -6.1 10.7 -4.0 14.4 1.8 11.5 -3.2 12.0 -2.0 15.4 2.8 10.3 -3.8 11.3 -3.2 16.0 1.2 13.7 1.8 12.8 -0.4 13.6 -1.6 Rainfall quantity 612.4 480.6 442.3 424.8 418.7 649.8 852.2 356.9 576.8 781.2 726.7 639.5 795.2 426.2 * provisional data BATHING AND NON-BATHING WATERS IN 2003 Bathing 68.0 32.0 Non-bathing % volume TERRITORY 5 key points KILOMETRES OF CYCLE TRACKS IN 2001 Torino Milano Bolzano Trento Venezia Trieste Bologna Firenze Ancona Campobasso Bari 53.8 23.1 55.4 18.7 6.5 4.7 16.3 22.9 0.9 0.9 4.7 per 100 km2 of municipal area Municipal waste: ■ household waste, including bulky ones ■ non-hazardous waste similar to municipal waste in type and quantity ■ waste from street cleaning ■ greens waste from parks and gardens ■ waste from cemetery activities Separate waste collection: waste are sorted into homogeneous portions for their re-use, recycling or recovery of raw materials ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATORS IN DISTRICT CHIEF TOWN 2001 Torino Aosta Milano Bolzano-Bozen Trento Venezia Trieste Genova Bologna Firenze Perugia Ancona Roma L'Aquila Campobasso Napoli Bari Potenza Catanzaro Palermo Cagliari Parks and gardens % of m2 per municipal inhabitant area 11.1 15.5 1.4 8.9 8.3 11.7 3.6 18.3 1.6 23.4 1.0 13.5 3.0 10.6 10.7 42.1 8.2 30.2 5.4 15.1 1.2 34.4 2.6 28.0 2.6 12.4 0.1 6.8 0.5 5.3 2.7 3.2 0.9 3.4 0.4 10.2 4.5 52.1 7.3 16.8 4.8 24.4 per km2 682.7 1,629.1* 636.9 573.8 591.8 435.0 531.6 493.5 579.6 599.5 725.8 612.0 761.6 670.8 601.7 607.7 570.4 632.6 570.4 573.1 662.3 4,534.9 2,595.5* 4,384.6 1,040.1 393.6 285.7 1,326.8 1,234.7 1,525.4 2,080.2 240.9 498.3 1,508.5 98.6 549.6 5,206.1 1,552.6 250.8 487.4 2,474.7 1,267.0 Air air-monitoring stations per 100 km2 5.4 18.7 5.5 7.6 2.5 2.7 11.8 8.6 4.3 7.8 0.9 2.4 0.9 — — 7.7 5.2 2.3 — 4.4 8.2 * data are influenced by a lesser taxation for new cars registration MUNICIPAL WASTE COLLECTION BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA Thousands of tonnes, 2001 Non separate collection 9,154 5,636 9,041 23,831 North Centre South Italy SEPARATE WASTE COLLECTION Thousands of tonnes, 2001 6 Cars per 100 inhabitants Separate collection 3,833 835 446 5,115 Bulky waste 414 30 19 463 Total 13,402 6,501 9,506 29,409 1,602 1,568 875 230 Paper ENVIRONMENT Glass Plastic Organic waste key points AVERAGE MONTHLY CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY HOUSEHOLD TYPE % volumes by household type, 2003 Food Single person under 35 Single person 35 to 64 Single person 65 and over Couple without children with r.p. under 35 Couple without children with r.p. 35 to 64 Couple without children with r.p. 65 and over Couple with 1 child Couple with 2 children Couple with 3 or more children Single parent Other types Total households 14.8 15.8 23.0 14.7 17.1 22.4 18.6 19.7 22.1 19.7 21.4 19.5 Clo- Housing Tran- Leisure Others thing sport 7.6 29.7 17.6 6.8 23.5 6.2 34.2 15.9 5.2 22.7 3.6 44.9 6.3 3.3 18.9 7.9 26.8 21.2 6.1 23.3 6.7 29.9 16.8 5.0 24.5 4.1 36.8 12.1 3.8 20.8 7.3 27.4 17.5 6.2 23.0 7.8 25.0 17.8 7.5 22.1 8.0 23.3 17.9 7.8 20.9 6.5 29.3 16.2 6.4 22.0 6.5 29.0 16.7 5.6 20.8 6.7 29.6 16.1 6.0 22.1 AVERAGE MONTHLY CONSUMPTION 1,907 1,789 1,162 2,453 2,592 1,899 2,791 2,930 2,935 2,259 2,514 2,313 r.p.= reference person AVERAGE MONTHLY CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA euro 2,538 Average monthly consumption expenditure: 2,466 2,313 1,892 Average consumption expenditure for the purchase of goods and services: Euro, 2003 North Centre South Italy AVERAGE CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE FOR THE PURCHASE OF SOME DURABLES is calculated by dividing the total household consumption expenditure for a given item (good or service) by the number of households that have purchased the item Reference person: Euro, 2003 Dishwasher Air conditioner Television Video-recorder Personal computer Mobile phone Camera Car is calculated by dividing the total consumption expenditure by the number of households North 617 1,146 515 198 968 185 270 12,120 Centre 570 987 429 209 988 198 436 10,973 South 430 1,215 394 225 1,109 180 265 11,774 Italy 579 1,139 467 205 1,001 186 302 11,843 LIVING STANDARDS the head of household as recorded in the Register Office 7 key points DAILY CONSUMERS OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN 2002 Wine 45.3 CONSUMERS OF CERTAIN TYPES OF FOOD AT LEAST ONCE A DAY Per 100 people aged 3 and over, 1997 and 2002 19.0 Beer 9.1 1.8 89.9 87.9 63.3 60.7 Males Females 1997 2002 80.2 77.9 49.3 48.6 52.9 56.4 38.8 40.4 per 100 people aged 14 and over of the same sex Bread, pasta, rice Milk Greens Vegetables Fruit Fish* * at least once a week MODE OF TRANSPORT USED TO TRAVEL TO WORK Per 100 employed 15 and over, 1996-2002 1996 2.3 5.0 1.7 2.3 70.9 4.3 3.0 12.7 Train Tram, bus Underground Coach Car Motorcycle, motorbike Bicycle Walking PEOPLE AGED 3 AND OVER PRACTISING SPORT IN 2002 Males 1998 2.6 5.2 2.2 2.4 71.9 4.5 2.7 12.9 2000 2.5 5.2 2.3 2.2 73.5 4.8 3.2 11.2 2002 2.4 5.0 2.1 2.2 71.9 4.3 2.9 10.9 PC AND INTERNET USERS BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA Per 100 people of the same geographical area, 2002 SEX 6,526 Females 4,520 Pc (people aged 3 and over) Internet (people aged 6 and over) GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 41.6 North 5,757 39.2 31.5 37.4 29.7 South 2,990 27.4 21.0 Centre 2,299 North Centre millions of people 8 31.2 LIVING STANDARDS South Italy key points THEATRE, MUSIC, CINEMAS AND MUSEUMS Theatre and music: 1998-2002 theatre, opera, ballets, concerts, musical comedy, puppet shows are included 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 124,915 28,956 149,135 27,181 169,476 27,878 2,216 100,911 2,243 109,969 2,206 111,493 379 30,175 386 29,543 392 31,041 Museums: THEATRE AND MUSIC Performances Tickets sold* 125,371 30,832 Cinemas** Tickets sold* — 118,504 123,610 32,264 CINEMA 2,259 103,483 MUSEUM Museums Visitors* 364 27,729 366 27,296 public institutions open in the reference year. Antiques and art institutions, galleries, monuments and archaeological sites are included * thousands ** data refer to cinemas operating over 60 days a year ATTENDANCE AT SOME ENTERTAINMENT EVENTS Per 100 people aged 6 and over, 2002 50.0 28.1 25.2 27.3 Discotheque Sport event 18.7 Theatre Cinema Museum, art exhibition READERS AND LISTENERS IN 2002 AVERAGE EXPENDITURE FOR SOME ENTERTAINMENT EVENTS TV watchers* Euro, 1998-2002 94.3 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Radio listeners* 62.8 6.92 9.15 5.69 21.76 7.19 10.34 5.81 23.34 8.04 11.04 5.69 24.77 Newspaper readers** 59.6 13.83 5.25 15.07 5.36 16.44 5.65 EXPENDITURE PER INHABITANT Theatre and music Cinema Sport events Total 6.46 10.23 6.87 23.56 6.97 9.24 6.88 23.09 EXPENDITURE PER TICKET Theatre and music Cinema 12.06 4.97 12.47 5.15 CULTURE Book readers** 41.4 * per 100 people aged 3 and over ** per 100 people aged 6 and over 9 key points SCHOOLS, CLASSES, STUDENTS AND TEACHERS BY TYPE OF SCHOOL School system: is divided into six levels: ■ pre-school education ■ primary ■ lower secondary ■ upper secondary ■ post-secondary school (non-university) ■ university (long and short programmes) SCHOOLING RATE AT UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL 1991/92 70.8 2001/02 School-year 2002/2003* Schools Classes** Students % of female students % of public schools-enrolled Foreign students per 1,000 enrolled Students repeating course per 100 enrolled Teachers Students per teacher Pre-school education 25,097 70,543 1,630,784 47.7 58.9 20.8 Primary 18,577 151,115 2,759,937 48.4 91.1 Lower secondary 7,885 85,772 1,796,953 47.9 94.7 Upper secondary 6,544 125,357 2,616,618 49.0 93.3 41.0 24.0 14.3 — 0.4 3.1 7.0 137,177 11.9 289,993 9.5 211,001 8.5 315,792 8.3 * provisional data ** pre-school’s values refer to sections 89.8 Schooling rate at upper secondary school: ratio of upper secondary school enrolled students to populati on aged 14-18, per 100 RESULTS OF FINAL EXAMS IN STATE SECONDARY SCHOOLS % volumes, school-year 2003/2004 LOWER SECONDARY SCHOOLS Pass 37.6 17.9 Very good UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOLS 71-80 60-70 Good 37.5 23.9 18.9 21.2 16.7 Excellent 91-100 25.6 81-90 HOUSEHOLDS AVERAGE MONTHLY EXPENDITURE FOR SERVICES CONNECTED TO EDUCATION Euro, 2003 School taxes Fees and charges Private lessons School transport 10 EDUCATION North 326 235 118 70 Centre 281 234 173 60 South 260 245 136 37 Italy 297 237 135 55 key points UNIVERSITY ENTRANTS BY PROGRAMME NEW ENTRANTS AT UNIVERSITY Academic year 2002/2003 New 1st level Unique formula Old long programmes programmes programmes Scientific 12,415 — — Chemical and pharmaceutical 4,059 7,290 1 Geo-biological 17,913 — 1 Medical 17,301 6,835 254 Engineering 37,018 — 175 Architecture 12,727 3,178 19 Agrarian 6,693 1,207 1 Economics and statistical 45,796 — 4 Political and social 47,218 — 27 Legal 38,602 — 1,025 Literary 32,231 — 1 Language 20,570 — 2 Teaching 14,103 — 3,660 Psychological 11,218 — — Physical training 5,071 — — Defence and security 333 — — Total 323,268 18,510 5,170 44.2 47.2 GRADUATES BY UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL DIPLOMA Others Total Per 100 first year enrolled six years before, 2001 61.5 36.2 38.3 22.6 Vocational Technical Teachers' Classical, institute institute training scientific institute Liceo Old short programmes — — — 126 — — — 86 — — — — — — — — 212 1990/91 1992/93 1994/95 1996/97 1998/99 2000/01 72.6 71.8 68.6 67.9 64.5 70.0 per 100 upper di secondary school leavers in the preceding year The reform of the university system: as stated in Law n.127/97 and Law no 4/99, academic courses are structured in two successive cycles, according to the so called “3+2” formula. The first three-year cycle leads to a 1st level degree-new programme-short course; the second one, lasting two years, enables students to achieve a 1st level degree-new programmelong course. The “unique” formula programme course (5 or 6 years), equivalent to the old long-programme course, is still in force for architecture, civil engineering, pharmacy, dentistry, veterinary science and medicine UNIVERSITY GRADUATES BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 1993 and 2001 173,710 1993 2001 98,283 80,216 45,158 North 25,357 43,721 Centre 27,768 49,773 South Italy EDUCATION 11 key points PEOPLE HOSPITALISED AT LEAST ONCE* IN 2002 INDICATORS ON HOSPITALS OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA North 34.4 2001 Centre 33.5 South 39.2 Italy 36.0 per 1,000 people of the same geographical area * in the three months before the interview National Health Service (NHS): includes public hospitals (with the exception of psychiatric centres) and credited private clinics (with the exception of private rehabilitation centres as per Section 26 of Law no. 833/78) Beds per 1,000 inhabitants 119,873 4.7 52,876 4.8 81,711 4.0 254,460 4.5 number Days of stay Centre South Italy In-patients number hospitalisation rate 4,073,081 159.3 1,749,809 160.4 3,453,082 168.4 9,275,972 162.8 Days of stay number average stay 33,602,721 8.2 15,085,850 8.6 21,799,858 6.3 70,488,429 7.6 MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTS* BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA Per 100 people of the same geographical area, 2000 General check-ups Specialistic check-ups 24.7 25.7 24.4 24.5 24.7 22.0 22.6 Diagnostic tests 21.6 23.9 22.9 22.3 19.2 Hospitalisation rate: ratio of number of in-patients to resident population (yearly average), per 1,000 Average length of stay in hospital: ratio of number of days of stay to number of in-patients North Centre South Italy * in the four weeks before the interview EXPENDITURE ON HEALTHCARE BY SECTOR Millions of current euro, 2000-2003 Total 90.0 12 96.1 101.4 78.8 105.2 81.3 67.6 74.8 22.4 21.3 22.6 Private sector 23.9 2000 2001 2002 2003 HEALTH Public sector key points DEATHS BY SOME CAUSES Per 10,000 people, 1992-2001 12.7 13.2 12.6 1992 1995 2001 5.4 5.4 5.6 4.8 4.7 4.4 3.3 3.1 3.1 Lung cancer 0.6 0.9 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 Aids Blood diseases Diabetes 1.7 1.4 1.3 0.8 0.8 0.7 Ischaemias Digestive system diseases Suicides IN-PATIENTS VERY SATISFIED WITH HOSPITAL SERVICES IN 2001 DRUG CONSUMERS* BY AGE Medical assistance 34.5 Thousands of people, 1993-2002 1993 1,524 2,753 7,317 5,986 17,580 Up to 14 15-34 35-64 65 and over Total Road accidents 1996 1,449 2,887 7,739 6,724 18,799 2002 1,357 2,592 8,383 7,702 20,035 * in the two days before the interview Auxiliary staff assistance 34.1 Restrooms 26.8 Food 21.7 per 100 in-patients PATIENTS UNDERGOING UNCONVENTIONAL TREATMENT HOUSEHOLD EXPENDITURE FOR HEALTHCARE GOODS AND SERVICES IN 2003 %, 1991-2000 1991 1994 2000 8.2 4.8 4.7 2.1 2.9 2.9 Acupuncture 3.6 3.8 2.5 Homeopathy Phitotherapy Hospitalisations 447 Check-ups 101 Dentist 400 Auxiliary health services 139 Diagnostic tests 53 Radiographies/ echographies 68 Glasses/lenses 162 Drugs 76 Thermometers/syringes 29 euro * in the three years before the interview HEALTH 13 key points SMOKERS BY NUMBER OF DAILY CIGARETTES SMOKED IN 2002 6 a 10 30 15 SMOKERS AND NON-SMOKERS BY SEX Per 100* people aged 14 and over, 1983-2002 11 a 20 1983 46 1993 1996 1999 2002 34.9 26.9 37.0 32.4 27.2 37.4 30.9 28.0 39.0 17.9 12.2 69.1 17.1 12.5 67.7 17,1 13,8 67,3 26.1 19.3 53.7 24.5 19.6 53.1 23,7 20.7 53.7 MALES 9 Up to 5 More than 20 Smokers Former-smokers Never smoked 45.6 13.5 40.9 35.1 26.5 36.9 Smokers Former-smokers Never smoked 17.7 2.3 80.0 16.4 12.4 69.4 Smokers Former-smokers Never smoked 31.1 7.7 61.2 25.4 19.2 53.7 FEMALES % volume Legal induced abortions: there has been a sharp reduction since Law no. 194/78 made induced abortions legal in Italy. 1982 and 1983 were the peak years, with a number of interventions exceeding 230,000 per year and an abortion rate of 16.7 and 16.4 respectively per 1,000 resident women aged 15 to 49. From that moment, the number of induced abortions and the abortion rate progressively reduced Body Mass Index (BMI): is determined by dividing the body weight in kilograms by the squared height in meters. A BMI under 18.5 is considered underweight, one of 18.5-24.99 is considered a healthy weight, one of 25-29.99 is overweight and one of 30 or more is obese TOTAL * due to non-response some totals do not add up to 100 LEGAL INDUCED ABORTIONS Per 1,000 resident women aged 15-49, 1982-2002 18 16 14 12 10 8 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002* * provisional data PEOPLE BY BODY MASS INDEX Per 100 people aged 18 and over, 2002 60.8 Males Females Total 54.8 48.2 42.2 33.5 25.4 0.8 5.5 Underweight 14 8.7 3.6 HEALTH Healthy weight Overweight 8.3 Obese 8.5 key points CIVIL ACTIONS BY TRIAL LEVEL Civil action: proceeding 2002 First instance 1,320,195 1,543,584 2,828,409 749 Filed Closed Pending at the end of the year Average duration in days Second instance 111,888 103,611 253,709 845 aimed at settling a controversial juridical relationship. The suit is divided into three parts: introduction, start and resolution Average duration: LITIGATION RATE BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA ratio between pending civil action (initial+ending) and incoming and closed as per 365 2000-2002 Litigation rate: ratio of the number of first instance civil action to population, per 10,000 2000 2001 2002 34.2 35.9 35.6 Criminal action: 22.8 23.5 23.1 22.2 22.3 22.1 13.9 14.0 13.5 North Centre South Convicted to arrest: Italy person sentenced to detention for having committed an offence rated as contravention CRIMINAL ACTIONS BY TRIAL LEVEL Convicted to prison: 2002 Filed Closed Pending at the end of the year Average duration in days proceeding aimed at ascertaining and sanctioning the criminal responsibility for an offence First instance 6,277,343 6,114,097 5,706,099 335 Second instance 83,927 74,902 117,980 521 person sentenced to detention for having committed an offence rated as crime Interned: person sentenced to detention in special institutions (criminal psychiatric hospital, treatment and surveillance centre, etc.) POPULATION IN CUSTODY AT THE END OF THE YEAR BY SEX MINORS CONVICTED IN 2002 Minors not included, 2002 At disposal of authorities Convicted to arrest and to prison Convicted to life imprisonment Interned Total Males 20,689 30,496 955 1,061 53,201 Females 993 1,368 35 73 2,469 Total 21,682 31,864 990 1,134 55,670 JUSTICE Males 2,766 Females 740 15 key points Personal offences: ■ offences against individual property: purse-snatching, pick-pocketing, theft of personal assets ■ violent offences: robbery and assault OFFENCES REPORTED IN 2002 North 39.0 46.4 61.0 Centre 33.0 41.6 63.5 per 100 persone con le stesse caratteristiche South 38.4 32.2 55.2 REPORTED OFFENCES AND PERSONS 2003 Slaughter Murder Infanticide Manslaughter Attempted murder Involuntary manslaughter Wounds Sexual violence Theft Robbery Blackmail Kidnapping Criminal gang Mafia gang Arson Bomb attach Swindle Smuggling Drug traffic Prostitution exploitation Other offences Total Reported offences Reported persons total of known total of which author minors 7 7 8 — 712 394 557 12 7 6 9 1 46 39 48 2 1,470 1,164 1,474 32 1,606 1,454 1,707 16 30,644 24,315 28,741 670 2,744 2,286 3,092 166 1,328,350 54,765 72,827 7,384 41,747 8,800 13,091 996 3,751 2,943 4,752 140 1,168 854 1,387 38 1,007 1,007 11,349 27 206 206 3,177 8 11,086 1,087 1,646 96 1,448 82 125 2 187,858 24,431 33,667 65 1,653 1,457 1,770 9 37,288 35,642 50,674 1,219 2,461 2,206 3,767 31 801,630 453,533 540,118 7,430 2,456,877 616,678 773,986 18,344 Italy 37.6 41.7 59.9 Purse-snatching or attempted purse-snatching* Pick-pocketing or attempted * Burglary ** PERSONNEL OF THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM 2003 Magistrates * per 100 people offence victims ** per 100 households burglary victims North Centre South Central offices Total 16 JUSTICE 2,849 1,500 3,682 557 8,588 Technical and administrative personnel 12,906 8,112 19,979 2,491 43,488 Justices of the Peace 1,131 633 1,811 — 3,575 key points RESOURCES AND USES ACCOUNT Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at market prices: Millions of euro, 2000-2003 2000 2001 2002 2003 1,218,535 328,412 1,546,946 960,856 240,564 -416 345,943 1,546,946 1,260,428 327,930 1,588,358 996,311 249,263 2,626 340,158 1,588,358 1,300,926 323,318 1,624,244 1,039,618 248,770 5,654 330,202 1,624,244 1,036,701 287,163 1,323,864 806,700 215,622 3,810 297,733 1,323,864 1,039,367 285,302 1,324,668 818,725 211,126 8,673 286,144 1,324,668 2002 2.3 24.3 5.0 68.5 1,228,805 2003 2.2 23.9 5.0 68.9 1,272,242 CURRENT PRICES GDP at market prices Imports of goods and services (Fob) Total resources Final consumption Gross fixed capital formation Changes of inventories and valuables Exports of goods and services (Fob) Total uses 1,166,548 318,551 1,485,099 919.482 230,931 4,711 329,974 1,485,099 GDP at market prices Imports of goods and services (Fob) Total resources Final consumption Gross fixed capital formation Changes of inventories and valuables Exports of goods and services (Fob) Total uses 1,015,077 286,418 1,301,495 788,797 209,217 171 303,310 1,301,495 1995 PRICES 1,032,985 287,798 1,320,783 800,438 213,121 -906 308,131 1,320,783 the sum of the gross values added of all resident producers at basic prices, plus taxes less subsides on products and imports, plus all non-deductible VAT Value added: value of output less the value of intermediate consumption; it is a measure of the contribution to GDP made by an individual producer, industry or sector Full-time equivalent unit (FEU): are calculated by converting into a full-time equivalent the jobs performed during the reference period VALUE ADDED AT MARKET PRICES BY BRANCH % volume, 2000-2003 2000 2.4 25.5 4.8 67.3 1,130,796 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Strictly industrial activities Construction Services Value added* 2001 2.4 25.0 4.8 67.8 1,187,183 * millions of euro at current prices CONTRIBUTION FROM TERRITORIAL DIVISIONS TO ECONOMY % volume, 2000-2003 North Centre 54.2 South 51.3 55.9 49.7 21.0 24.8 20.7 GDP FEU 28.0 20.8 29.5 Consumption 19.2 24.9 Investment ECONOMY 17 key points General Government: includes institutional bodies involved mainly in the production of non-market services to the community and in the distribution of public income and wealth. Compulsory payments made by bodies belonging to other sectors are the GG's main resources Primary balance: net borrowing minus debtor interests paid Net borrowing (or deficit): income statement balance showing the total expenditure and receipts of the General Government — the sum of current balance plus capital account balance Public debt: the amount of General Government liabilities (EU definition). The calculations shown are made to the methodological criteria provided by European Council Regulation no. 3605/93 NON FINANCIAL CONSOLIDATED ACCOUNT OF GENERAL GOVERNMENT Millions of euro, 2000-2003 2000 2001 2002 2003 229,518 202,291 29,611 79,570 540,990 30,196 17,655 47,851 588,841 238,921 214,035 31,139 72,547 556,642 23,768 19,597 43,365 600,007 253,438 224,210 34,561 69,291 581,500 34,428 18,667 53,095 634,595 359,182 153,905 40,090 553,177 1,065 2,337 3,402 556,579 12,187 -32,262 47,308 364,080 161,325 40,613 566,018 2,986 2,600 5,586 571,604 9,376 -28,403 44,144 365,892 171,028 41,345 578,265 20,204 4,294 24,498 602,763 -3,235 -31,832 37,459 EXPENDITURE Final consumption expenditure Social benefits in money Other current expenditure Interests Total current expenditure Gross fixed investments Other capital account expenditure Total capital account expenditure Total expenditure 213,300 195,460 28,160 75,333 512,253 27,807 1,884 29,691 541,944 Taxes Social security contributions Other current receipts Total current receipts Capital taxes Other capital receipts Total capital receipts Total receipts Current balance Net borrowing Primary balance 345,718 148,083 35,489 529,290 1,117 3,993 5,110 534,400 17,037 -7,544 67,789 RECEIPTS PUBLIC FINANCE BALANCES % of GDP, 2000-2003 PRIMARY BALANCE 5.8 3.9 -0.6 111.2 110.6 -2.3 -2.6 2000 108.0 3.5 2001 106.2 2002 2.9 -2.4 NET BORROWING 2003 GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEBT % of GDP, 2000-2003 2000 18 2001 ECONOMY 2002 2003 key points MAASTRICHT PARAMETERS Euro Countries: %, 2003 Deficit GDP Public debt GDP Inflation rate Interest rate 1.3 1.5 1.3 2.2 1.0 3.4 4.0 2.8 2.5 2.2 3.3 3.1 69.3 59.9 68.1 63.0 65.3 56.7 65.3 55.5 63.7 74.4 68.2 58.4 2.0 1.4 2.3 — 75.9 71.1 73.6 55.9 EURO COUNTRIES Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Luxembourg Netherlands Portugal Spain -1.1 0.2 2.3 -4.1 -3.9 -3.2 0.2 -2.4 -0.1 -3.2 -2.8 0.3 64.9 100.5 45.3 63.3 64.2 103.0 32.4 106.2 4.9 54.8 59.9 50.8 OTHER EU COUNTRIES Denmark United Kingdom Sweden New Member Countries 1.5 -3.2 0.7 -5.7 45.0 39.9 51.9 42.2 Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italiy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal and Spain European Union Countries: European Union is constituted by the Euro Countries and Denmark, United Kingdom, Sweden. Since 1st May 2004 Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Malta were admitted Fiscal drag: includes direct and indirect taxes, as well as social security contributions Source: Eurostat, European Commission FISCAL DRAG IN SOME EUROPEAN COUNTRIES % of GDP, 2000-2003 France 46 44 Germany 42 Euro 12 Italy 40 Greece 38 Great Britain 36 Spain 34 2000 2001 2002 2003 Source: European Commission ECONOMY 19 key points Output prices index: refers to prices applied by industrial enterprises, excluding construction companies. In 2000 the basket of surveyed goods was updated (to 1,102 items), the sample of surveyed industrial companies revised (now 3,667) and the weighting structure updated PRICE INDICES Trend % changes, 2003 OUTPUT PRICE 1.6 2.5 1.7 1.5 0.8 General index 2.7 Consumer goods Capital goods 2.5 2.8 CPI HICP Intermediate goods Energy CONSUMER PRICE Consumer prices index: measures the price changes of a basket of goods and services in time. Istat adopts three consumer price indices: ■ total Italian community consumer price index (NIC), which covers the consumption of the entire present population ■ index of households of wage and salary earners (CPI), which covers the consumption of households having as a reference person an employee in any non-agricultural sector ■ harmonised consumer prices index (HICP). This index refers to the general community of households present but the survey is restricted to the consumption of goods and services with comparable prices in the various EU countries NIC CONSUMER PRICE INDEX (CPI) BY ITEM OF EXPENDITURE Trend % changes, 2000-2003 2000 1.6 1.3 2.2 5.8 1.8 2.8 4.0 -3.6 0.6 2.5 3.3 2.4 2.5 2.5 Foodstuffs and soft beverages Alcoholic beverages and tobacco products Clothing and footwear Housing, water, electricity and fuel Furniture, household items and services Healthcare services and expenditure Transport Communications Leisure, culture and entertainment Education Hotels, restaurants and cafes Other goods and services General index General index less tobacco products 2001 4.1 2.5 2.9 3.0 2.1 2.3 1.6 -2.1 3.4 3.2 3.9 3.4 2.7 2.8 2002 3.7 2.1 2.9 0.3 1.9 1.6 2.0 -1.4 3.0 2.9 4.5 3.2 2.5 2.5 2003 3.1 6.9 3.0 3.3 2.1 0.3 2.5 -1.7 1.5 2.8 3.9 3.6 2.7 2.6 VALUE OF THE MONEY Base 2001 = 1.00, 1963-2003 18.17 11.80 1963 20 PRICES 1973 2.45 1.32 1.00 1983 1993 2003 key points IMPORTS AND EXPORTS BY BRANCH Foreign trade: Millions of euro, 2003 Imports 8,359 25,698 1,798 18,129 13,696 6,164 3,292 6,142 4,711 35,144 5,444 2,797 23,469 19,356 32,922 38,577 4,115 1,766 4,783 257,091 Agriculture and fishing Energy-producing minerals Non energy-producing minerals Food, beverages and tobacco Textiles and clothing Leather and leather products Wood and wood products Paper and paper products, printing and publishing Refined oil products Chemicals andman-made fibres Rubber and plastics Non-metal mineral ore products Metals and metal products Machinery and mechanical equipment Electric and precision instruments Transportation means Other manufactured products Electricity, gas and water Other products Total (millions of euro) Exports 3,942 256 417 14,609 25,672 12,350 1,286 5,871 5,353 25,721 9,568 8,543 21,208 52,200 23,234 2,714 14,835 20 4,240 258,188 foreign trade statistics are obtained from two surveys that covered Italian trade with EU countries and with other countries respectively. The survey on trade with EU countries, defined according to the Intrastat system (introduced January 1993) is implemented on a monthly basis. Reports are submitted directly to the customs offices concerned by territory. The survey on trade with non-EU countries takes into account customs entries (single administrative document), on a monthly basis TRADE BALANCES Millions of current euro, 2000-2003 9,233 Total of which EU EXTERNAL TRADE IN 2003 7,838 Non-EU countries 119,971 1,906 1,096 -2,337 - 2,160 - 5,570 110,736 - 8,138 EU countries 138,217 146,355 2000 2001 2002 2003 Exports Imports millions of euro FOREIGN TRADE 21 key points Labour force survey: sample survey of the main labour market aggregates. 172,000 people are interviewed from about 1,200 municipalities in all Italian provinces. The reference population is composed of all household members present and resident in Italy and enrolled in municipal local Registry offices. People permanent living in communities, hospices, orphanages, religious institutes, barracks and similar are therefore not included in the survey POPULATION BY SEX AND WORKING STATUS % volumes, 2003 MALES 29.7 FEMALES 49.0 28.3 33.9 17.7 34.0 3.7 3.6 TOTALE 31.9 Labour force: 24.2 millions Employed Job-seekers 38.4 26.1 Non-labour force: 33.3 millions Of working age Not of working age 3.6 Labour force: employed and job-seekers Non-labour force: people of working age (15 to 64) who are not looking for a job and people not of working age (under 14 plus 65 and over) LABOUR FORCE BY WORKING STATUS AND SEX Thousands of people, 2001-2003 Employed Job-seekers unemployed first-time jobseekers others Total labour force Employed Job-seekers unemployed first-time jobseekers others Total labour force Employed Job-seekers unemployed first-time jobseekers others Total labour force 22 2001 MALES 13,455 1,066 487 481 97 14,521 FEMALES 8,060 1,201 338 451 412 9,261 TOTAL 21,514 2,267 826 932 509 23,781 LABOUR MARKET 2002 2003 13,593 1,016 472 444 100 14,609 13,690 995 450 444 101 14,685 8,236 1,147 342 428 376 9,383 8,365 1,100 332 398 370 9,465 21,829 2,163 814 873 477 23,993 22,054 2,096 782 843 471 24,150 key points EMPLOYED BY BRANCH % volumes, 1971-2003 40.4 32.0 20.1 31.8 13.3 8.4 Industry Agriculture Thousands of people, 2003 Total employed part total time Employees fixed-term contract total 84 41 160 284 19 10 139 168 103 51 298 452 3.179 851 1,030 5,060 198 77 130 405 3,377 928 1,160 5,465 4,364 2,036 2,719 9,119 14,463 448 220 341 1,010 1,583 4,813 2,256 3,061 10,129 16,046 open-term contract AGRICULTURE North Centre South Italy 363 133 451 946 41 15 73 129 North Centre South Italy 4,024 1,190 1,473 6,688 227 54 51 331 5,868 2,808 3,863 12,540 20,174 835 294 292 1,421 1,881 404 148 524 1,075 INDUSTRY 4,251 1,244 1,524 7,019 SERVICES North Centre South Italy GRAND TOTAL 6,703 3,102 4,155 13,960 22,054 4.9 Services EMPLOYED BY EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT, BRANCH AND GEOGRAPHICAL AREA full time 63.3 59.6 49.5 37.2 2003 1991 1981 1971 39.5 Employed: all individuals aged 15 and over are included if they declare that: ■ they are employed ■ they are not employed but have worked a number of hours in the reference week Job-seekers: all individuals aged 15 and over are included if they declare that: ■ they are not employed ■ they have not worked in the reference week ■ they are seeking employment ■ they have actively sought employment at some time during 30 days before the survey ■ they are immediately available for work EMPLOYED BY OCCUPATION % volume, 2003 32.5 EMPLOYED BY OCCUPATION IN 2003 33.2 19.4 Employees 7.9 Entrepreneurs Self-employed and free-lancers 16,046 6.2 Managers Wage earners and functionaries Salary earners 0.8 Others Self-employed 6,008 thousands of people LABOUR MARKET 23 key points ACTIVITY RATES BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA AND SEX Activity rate: ratio of people belonging to labour force to total population aged 15 and over Employment rate: ratio of employed to total population aged 15 and over %, 2003 Females Males 63.6 Total 61.3 62.0 60.2 52.7 42.6 49.7 49.1 44.0 39.1 37.1 28.8 Unemployment rate: ratio of job-seekers (who sought employment in the 30 days before the survey) to labour force North Centre South Italy LABOUR FORCE INDICATORS BY AGE AND SEX %, 2003 Activity rate Employment rate Unemployment rate 57.8 32.8 44.8 6.8 11.6 8.7 29.1 20.6 24.9 24.2 30.9 27.1 TOTAL Males Females Total 62.0 37.1 49.1 Males Females Total 38.4 29.9 34.2 AGED (15-24) UNEMPLOYMENT RATES IN 2003 ENTERPRISES WITH LESS THAN 100 EMPLOYEES WITH TEMPORARY AND ATYPICAL WORKERS Males 6.8 GEOGRAPHICAL AREA SEX Females Temporary workers North 1-9 10-19 20-49 50-99 Centre 6.5 South 0.2 5.6 12.9 25.0 2.8 15.1 25.0 35.6 GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 17.7 8.7 Atypical workers SIZE 3.8 TOTAL 24 %, 2001 11.6 North Centre South Italy 1.0 0.6 0.1 0.6 LABOUR MARKET 4.4 4.2 1.6 3.6 key points PENSIONS OADS pensions: old age, 2002 Number (thousands) Total amount (millions of euro) Average yearly amount (euro) Expenditure/GDP Retirement rate Relative benefit index OADS 18,081 171,266 9,472 13.61 31.54 43.15 Injury 1,155 4,262 3,689 0.34 2.02 16.8 Assistance 3,414 13,767 4,033 1.09 5.96 18.37 Total 22,650 189,295 8,357 15.04 39.51 38.07 seniority, disability pensions and survivor annuities paid when certain age limits are reached, or after payment of contributions for a given number of years, or in presence of impaired working abilities, or paid to survivors in case of death Injury pensions: indemnities paid by reason of an impairment or death (to survivors in this case) caused by an event occurred on the job or at war TOTAL EXPENDITURE ON PENSIONS % of GDP, 1980-2002 16 Assistance pensions: 13 paid to the sight and hearing impaired, to disabled persons and to low-income citizens over 65 years of age 12 Retirement rate: per 15 14 11 0 198 5 198 0 5 199 199 0 200 2 200 cent ratio of number of pensions to resident population on 31 December of the year Relative benefit index: per cent ratio of average amount of pension to GDP per inhabitant PENSIONERS AND AVERAGE YEARLY GROSS PENSION EARNINGS BY TYPE OF PENSION 2001 and 2002 Old Age Disability Survivor Injury Assistance More than one OADS OADS + Injury OADS + Assistance Others Total number thousands 7,338 1,308 1,503 394 960 2,756 738 1,292 72 16,361 2001 average earning euro 11,989.42 6,360.33 6,970.99 2,451.11 3,573.92 22,551.49 14,720.45 14,084.00 16,705.37 11,057.42 2002 number average earning thousands euro 7,376 12,427.08 1,186 6,732.28 1,464 7,280.33 350 2,495.14 972 4,074.79 2,753 23,123.78 715 15,286.39 1,448 14,803.84 81 14,472.97 16,345 11,580.88 LABOUR MARKET 25 key points FARMS AND FARM AREA BY FORM OF MANAGEMENT FARM-CHIEF’S WORKDAYS IN 2000 Farmer 172,890 Spouse 2,984 Farmer's household members 1,999 Farmer's relatives 701 Others 1,461 thousands The Agriculture Census 2000 registered 2,593,090 agricultural, forestal and zootechnic holdings in Italy. The total surface of farms is 19.6 millions of hectares, of which 13.2 utilised Thousands of farms and thousands of hectares, Censuses 1990 and 2000 farms 2,893 2,335 379 179 118 9 3 3,023 Run directly by farmer only household labourers mainly household labourers mainly non-household labourers Run with employed labour and/or with partners Run in sharecropping Other form of management Total AREA USED BY MAIN CROPS GROWN 1990 surface 15,961 10,703 3,061 2,197 6,604 91 46 22,702 Citrus and fruit trees 2000 surface 13,869 10,420 2,056 1,393 5,707 17 14 19,607 631 717 Vine Thousands of hectares, Census 2000 farms 2,458 2,108 251 99 133 1 1 2,593 Sugar beet Rotation forage Durum wheat Wheat 224 1,528 1,699 534 Maize 1,069 Olive trees Vegetables 1,081 273 Industrial vegetable crops 510 AREA USED BY MAIN CROPS GROWN Thousands of hectares, Census 2000AziendeMezzi Farms Machinery Tractors Motor cultivators Thrashing machine Motor fertilisers Phitoiatric distribution equipment 26 owned 1,555 1,365 587 441 1,393 1,348 35 413 563 281 AGRICULTURE Pieces of machinery joint-ownership purchased by third party 55 768 50 262 6 559 20 188 17 186 key points HARVEST OF MAIN HERBACEOUS CROPS Harvest and use of grapes: 61.6 millions Thousands of quintals, 2003 North Centre South Italy HARVEST OF WINE GRAPES Thousands of quintals, 2003 Wheat Maize Tomato 19,200 14,909 28,184 62,293 78,901 5,431 2,890 87,222 23,270 5,381 37,986 66,637 Piemonte Sugar beet 49,941 11,020 10,404 71,365 Olive trees 388 2,217 28,604 31,209 3,281 Valle d'Aosta 27 Lombardia 1,400 Trentino-A.A. 1,475 Veneto 10,015 of quintal of wine grapes (+1% over 2002) and 13 millions of quintals of table grapes +2.2%) were harvested in 2003. 57.9 millions of quintals of the harvested grapes were used to produce wine, other 3.3 millions were used to produce must and the remaining quantity was used almost entirely for direct consumption. The production of wine and must was of 43.8 millions of hectolitres. 49.7% of the produced wine was white and 50.3% red and rosé 1,525 Friuli-V.G. Liguria 161 Emilia-R. 7,401 3,343 Toscana Umbria 1,187 Marche 1,294 Lazio 3,294 Abruzzo Molise 4,275 365 Campania 2,443 Puglia Basilicata Calabria 8,328 471 720 9,270 Sicilia Sardegna 1,299 LIVESTOCK 13,576 Cattle Thousands, 2003 6,719 4,216 Swine Sheep and goat HARVEST OF TABLE GRAPES IN 2003 North Centre South Italy 29 149 13,096 13,274 thousands of quintals AGRICULTURE 27 key points Enterprises: organisations carrying out economic activities at a professional level for the production of market goods or services Workers: employees (full time, part-time o under training and employment contracts) and self-employed working for enterprises Manufacturing activities: these include food industry, textile and clothing industry, leather industry, wood industry, print and publishing industry, rubber and plastics industry, manufacturing of electric machinery and electric and optical equipment, oil industry, chemical industry, non-metalliferous and metalliferous ore processing industry, mechanical industry and transportation industry INDUSTRY AND SERVICES ENTERPRISES BY SIZE AND BRANCH 2002 Strictly industrial activities Mining and quarrying Manufacturing activities Production and supply of electricity, water and gas Construction Services Wholesale and retail trade, repair of cars and motor-cycles, personal and household goods Hotels and restaurants Transport, storage and communications Real estate, information technologies, research, professional activities Education Health and other social services Other public, social and personal services Total 1-19 workers 517,411 3,485 512,015 20 and over workers 38,288 364 37,546 Total 555,699 3,849 549,561 1,911 378 2,289 531,559 3,062,001 6,341 29,968 537,900 3,091,969 1,292,893 9,964 1,302,857 252,093 156,085 2,966 4,736 255,059 160,821 903,828 7,597 911,425 14,750 203,587 238,765 4,110,971 382 2,303 2,020 74,597 15,132 205,890 240,785 4,185,568 MAIN ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF ENTERPRISES BY BRANCH AND SIZE Thousands of euro, 2002 COST OF LABOUR PER EMPLOYEE 34.5 21.0 20.6 31.6 1-19 employees VALUE ADDED PER WORKERS 28.1 20 and over employees 26.4 Total 56.3 46.0 1-19 workers 45.5 31.5 27.4 Strictly industrial activities 28 30.6 24.0 44.8 29.1 30.5 20.7 20 and over workers Construction INDUSTRY AND SERVICES 33.7 Total Services key points EMPLOYMENT OF THE ENTERPRISES BY SIZE AND BRANCH Computerisation: 2002 Strictly industrial activities Mining and quarrying Manufacturing activities Production and supply of electricity, water and gas Construction Services Wholesale and retail trade, repair of cars and motor-cycles, personal and household goods Hotels and restaurants Transport, storage and communications Real estate, information technologies, research, professional activities Education Health and other social services Other public, social and personal services Total 1-19 workers 1,961,726 17,866 1,937,797 20 and over workers 2,903,439 26,836 2,755,215 Total 4,954,938 44,702 4,782,785 6,063 121,388 127,451 1,283,301 5,897,038 291,719 2,989,125 1,575,020 8,886,163 2,525,749 717,630 3,243,379 719,824 368,256 224,756 812,591 944,580 1,180,847 1,494,316 856,342 2,350,658 38,547 308,631 441,715 9,142,065 15,208 199,279 163,319 6,274,056 53,755 507,910 605,034 15,416,121 due to the development of telematics networks, of the Internet and of e-trade, businesses have recently sped up their process of adjustment to the new technological scenarios. 94.6% of Italian enterprises use personal computers, 81.5% Internet, 76.7% e-mails, 49.6% have a web site, 28.4% Intranet and 10.3% Extranet VALUE ADDED OF THE ENTERPRISES BY SIZE AND BRANCH Millions of euro, 2002 Strictly industrial activities Mining and quarrying Manufacturing activities Production and supply of electricity, water and gas Construction Services Wholesale and retail trade, repair of cars and motor-cycles, personal and household goods Hotels and restaurants Transport, storage and communications Real estate, information technologies, research, professional activities Education Health and other social services Other public, social and personal services Total 1-19 workers 57,098 902 54,969 20 and over workers 164,571 5,515 144,219 225,495 6,417 203,014 1,226 14,838 16,064 36,526 161,812 13,060 137,482 49,586 299,294 64,352 30,313 94,665 13,811 12,634 6,331 53,211 Total 20,142 65,845 52,127 30,389 82,516 716 10,137 8,035 255,436 358 5,656 11,224 318,940 1,075 15,794 19,259 574,376 INDUSTRY AND SERVICES ENTERPRISES WHIT AT LEAST 10 WORKERS THAT USE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN 2003 E-mail 126,514 Internet 134,431 Intranet 46,780 Extranet 17,045 Web site 81,848 29 key points Accomodation establishments: include hotels, campings, resorts, rural tourism facilities, youth hostels, rooms and flats for rent, holiday homes, alpine huts, bed and breakfast and other establishments (rural residences and centres for study stays) Arrivals: number of guests spending at least one night in the accommodation establishments Presences: number of nights spent by guests in accommodation establishments ACCOMMODATION ESTABLISHMENTS BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 2002 North 21,374 994 56,110 3,506 133 1,161 764 202 1,809 86,053 Hotels Campings & resorts Rooms and flats for rent Rural tourism facilities Youth hostels Holiday homes Alpine huts Other establishment Bed and breakfast Total South 5,641 882 1,619 1,316 45 78 18 40 581 10,220 Italy 33,411 2,374 61,479 8,682 285 1,725 822 599 4,338 113,715 GUESTS OF ACCOMMODATION ESTABLISHMENTS BY GEOGRAPHICAL AREA Thousands, 2003* North Average length of stay: ratio of number of nights spent to number of guests arrived Centre 6,396 498 3,750 3,860 107 486 40 357 1,948 17,442 Centre South Italy 11,224 44,918 4.00 11,767 51,429 4.37 47,523 204,350 4.30 4,410 19,648 4.46 34,742 138,941 4.00 ITALIANS Arrivals Presences Average stay (days) 24,532 108,003 4.40 FOREIGNERS Arrivals Presences Average stay (days) 19,815 84,508 4.26 10,517 34,785 3.31 * provisional data PRESENCES BY TYPE OF LOCATION % volumes, 2003* ITALY All included Full Board Overnight stay ABROAD All included Full Board Overnight stay 998 876 492 euro 30 38.2 12.1 3.2 4.2 14.3 383 780 528 FOREIGNERS ITALIANS HOUSEHOLD AVERAGE CONSUMPTION EXPENDITURE FOR TRAVELS IN 2003 16.7 29.4 23.3 27.3 16.1 11.4 3.7 Art towns Seaside Hot springs Mountain Lakeside Others * provisional data TOURISM key points HOLIDAYS BY QUARTER AND LENGHT Holidays: travels made 2003 JanuaryMarch AprilJune JulySeptember OctoberDecember Total 8,389 27,352 35,742 6,539 3,178 9,717 36,113 44,006 80,118 18.1 7.2 12.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 THOUSANDS 1-3 nights 4 or more nights Total 9,069 5,660 14,728 12,116 7,815 19,931 PERCENTAGE VOLUME 1-3 or more nights 4 or more nights Total 25.1 12.9 18.4 33.6 17.8 24.9 23.2 62.1 44.6 1-3 nights 93.2 46.0 27.5 19.7 6.8 4.7 1.8 0.3 36,113 4 or more nights 78.3 33.2 14.8 30.3 21.7 12.8 3.6 5.3 44,006 HOLIDAYS BY MAIN DESTINATION % volumes, 2003 Italy North Centre South Abroad EU countries Other European countries Rest of the world Total (thousands) Total 85.0 39.0 20.5 25.5 15.0 9.2 2.8 3.0 80,118 % volumes, 2000 46.2 31.7 13.0 el Ren homted Priv e ate Oth ers 9.1 Hot 4.9 3.3 Car Oth ers 3.5 Shi p Coa ch Tra in MODE OF TRANSPORT ne 10.5 8.6 Pla RESERVATION Dir ect Thr age ough ncy Non e 15.0 ACCOMODATION 69.2 29.6 Holiday travels and destinations: Italians made 80.1 million holiday travels in 2003, of which 85% (68.1 millions) in Italy and the remaining abroad. The most visited Italian regions were Toscana (the destination of 11.6 out of every 100 travels to Italy), Emilia-Romagna (8.6), Veneto (8.3) and Lazio (7.9). Travels of Italians to foreign countries concentrated mainly on France (21.3 travels out of every 100 travels abroad), Spain (12.5), Greece (6.6) and Austria (6.5). Egypt (6 out of every 100 travels abroad) is the most visited non European Country TRAVELS BY TOURIST CHARACTERISTICS IN 2003 HOLIDAY TRAVELS BY CERTAIN CHARACTERISTICS 55.4 by Italians in the reference period for holiday, leisure, recreation, visiting relatives and friends, religious purpose and health treatment SEX Males Females AGE GROUP Up to 14 15 to 24 25 to 44 45 to 64 65 and over RESIDENCE AREA North Centre South 49.9 50.1 18.1 11.3 39.2 23.6 7.8 55.5 22.1 22.4 % volumes TOURISM 31 ITALIAN NATIONAL STATISTICAL INSTITUTE Via Cesare Balbo, 16 - 00184 Roma - Italy Tel. +39 06 46731 Internet: Communication office Tel. +39 06 4673.2243/2244 fax +39 06 4673.2626/2240 E-mail: STATISTICAL INFORMATION CENTRES IN ITALY Ancona corso Garibaldi, 78 - Tel. +39 071 203189 fax +39 071 52783 Bari piazza A. Moro, 61 - Tel. +39 080 5789317 fax +39 080 5789335 Bologna galleria Cavour, 9 - Tel. +39 051 266275 fax +39 051 221647 Bolzano viale Duca d’Aosta, 59 - Tel. +39 0471 414000 fax +39 0471 414008 Cagliari via Firenze, 17 - Tel. +39 070 34998700 fax +39 070 34998732 Campobasso via G. Mazzini, 129 - Tel. +39 0874 69143 fax +39 0874 60791 Catanzaro viale Pio X, 116 - Tel. +39 0961 507629 fax +39 0961 741240 Firenze via S. Spirito, 14 - Tel. +39 055 23933318 fax +39 055 288059 Genova via San Vincenzo, 4 - Tel. +39 010 58497201 fax +39 010 542351 Milano via Fieno, 3 - Tel. +39 02 806132460 fax +39 02 806132304 Napoli via G. Verdi, 18 - Tel. +39 081 5802046 fax +39 081 5513533 Palermo via E. Restivo, 102 - Tel. +39 091 72909115 fax +39 091 521426 Perugia via C. Balbo, 1 - Tel. +39 075 34091 fax +39 075 30849 Pescara via Caduta del Forte, 34 - Tel. +39 085 44120511 fax +39 085 4216516 Potenza via del Popolo, 4 - Tel. +39 0971 411350 fax +39 0971 36866 Roma via C. Balbo, 11/a - Tel. +39 06 46733102 fax +39 06 46733101 Torino via A. Volta, 3 - Tel. +39 011 5612414 fax +39 011 535800 Trento via Brennero, 316 - Tel. +39 0461 497801 fax +39 0461 497813 Trieste via C. Battisti, 18 - Tel. +39 040 6702511 fax +39 040 370878 Venezia-Mestre corso del Popolo, 23 - Tel. +39 041 5070811 fax +39 041 940055