... TRANSFER AGREEMENT BETWEEN KINGS BOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE/CUNY AND THE COLLEGE OF STATEN ISLAND/CUNY Associate in Science in Engineering Science Kingsborough Community College Program Goals The principal purpose of this program is to provide instruction in the Physical Sciences and Mathematics preparatory to specialized coursework in engineering. Students are also enrolled in courses that expose them to important cultural and social concepts to enhance their performance as professionals. On completion of the course of study they are able to pursue upper division studies to earn their bachelor's degree. Bachelor of Science in Engineering Science The College of Staten Island The Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Science at the College of Staten Island (CSI) is an engineering program that emphasizes the fundamentals common to all fields of engineering, and enables the student to explore and apply scientific methods to analysis and design in traditional as well as newly emerging fields. It also prepares the student for graduate study in either a general or specific field of engineering. Early in their program, students should consult an advisor to discuss particular interests and the program's requirements. The College of Staten Island Bachelor of Science degree program in Engineering Science is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (EAC/ABET). The Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Science represents a relatively new approach in engineering education. The student receives a broad engineering background, which permits flexibility and adjustment to the rapidly changing technology of modern engineering. Student­ faculty ratios are kept small, allowing the student to receive personal attention, and problems can be dealt with on a one-to-one basis. The program is supported by modern electronics, physics, chemistry, microprocessor and mechanical systems laboratories. Computing facilities include an RJE station, IBM 4341, IBM PCs, a Micro Vax cluster, and access to the City University Computer Center. - A special part of the mission of The College of Staten Island is to provide educational programs for graduates of community colleges. The College of Staten Island is well equipped to deal with and understand the problems and needs of community college graduates. There are, however, some policies of particular interest to transfer students and community college graduates. A major concern is the amount of credit which a student will be allowed to transfer. Graduates of accredited community college programs will automatically be allowed to transfer up to 64 credits. Students who have completed more than 64 credits may routinely transfer up to 72 credits of coursework. TRANSFER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COLLEGE OF STATEN ISLAND/CUNY ~D KINGSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE/CUNY The College of Staten Island B.S. in Engineering Science Kingsborough Community College A.S. in Engineering Science CREDITS SD 11 Career Decision Making Group Requirements 1 1 ~ ~ 10 Elective Distribution requirements 10 Required College Courses 4 4 ENG 12 Freshman English 4 ENG 22 Varieties of Expression 4 HPE 12 Foundations of Health and Physical Education ~~ 11 10 ENG 111 Communications Workshop ENG 151 College Writing PED (Two 1 credit courses) Engineering Science Required Courses ART CHM CHM MAT MAT MAT MAT 76 11 12 15 16 21 55 Technical Drawing 2 2 4 4 General Chemistry I 4 4 General Chemistry II 4 4 Calculus I 4 3 Calculus II 4 3 Calculus III Differential Equations 3 and MAT 56 Linear Algebra 3 4 4 PHY 13 Adv. General Physics I S PHY 14 Adv. General Physics II -1 ~ 38 32 MET CHM CHM MTH MTH MTH 123 Engineering Drawing 141/121 Gen. Chemistry I and Lab 142/127 Gen. Chemistry II and Lab 123 Anal. Geometry & Calculus I 232 Anal. Geometry & Calculus II 233 Anal. Geometry & Calculus III MTH 330 Mathematical ANalysis I PHY 120/121 General Physics I & Lab PHY 160/161 General Physics II & Lab Electrical Engineering PHY MAT CP PHY 21 S7 S4 22 Modern Physics Boolean Algebra Pascal Intro. to Electrical Engineering 4 2 4 3 3 4 3 13 10 4 4 3 3 4 3 11 10 70-72 62 PHY MTH CSC ENS 240 Waves and Modern Physics Elective 270 Intro. to Computer Science 340 Circuits and Systems Mechanical Engineering PHY 21 Modern Physics CP Sl Fortran PHY 23 Intro. to Engineering Thermodynamics Total Credits PHY 240 Waves and Modern Physics CSC 270 Intro. to Scientific Computing ENS 310 Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics (Balance transferred as electives) - ... .. TRANSFER AGREEMENT BETWEEN KINGSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE/CUNY AND THE COLLEGE OF STATEN ISLAND/CUNY Associate in Applied Science in Nursing Kingsborough Community College Program Goals The purpose of the Associate Program in Nursing is to provide students with the knowledge and skills to prepare them to become certified by New York State and to practice the nursing profession. Coursework in the Biological and Physical Sciences, as well as requisite courses in general education, are required of all students. Upon completion of the Associate Degree Program, students are able to enroll in a program to pursue the baccalaureate degree. ~achelor of Science in Nursing The College of Staten Island The College of Staten Island offers an upper-division program leading to the Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing. The program is designed to provide the education necessary for the bachelor's degree to students who have become registered nurses after completion of an associate's degree. The purpose of the program is to prepare a generalist professional nurse for practice in a variety of environments in which health care is delivered. The curriculum focuses on knowledge theories and processes applicable to current clinical practice and to future needs of society. The program also provides a foundation for continuing personal and professional growth and specialized study in nursing graduate education. The program emphasizes clinical practice and the development of the nurse's professional, leadership, and research skills. It builds on the experience of registered nurses, deepens and broadens their knowledge of health principles, provides them with advanced clinical experience, and introduces them to research and the nature of nursing as a professional. Admission Requirements Applicant's to the Bachelor of Science program in Nursing must hold a current New York State Nursing license and will have received their previous nursing education from a degree-granting college. Applicants should have at least a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average and grades of at least 2.0 in all nursing courses taken prior to application. Deadlines for applications and supporting documentation are April I for the Fall term and November 1 for the spring semester. Applications for admission are available in the Office of Admissions. Request a CUNY Advance Standing (Transfer) Application at Kingsborough Community College or The College of Staten Island. Students who hold the Associate's degree in nursing may be admitted directly into the program. A special part of the mission of The College of Staten Island is to provide educational programs for graduates of community colleges. The College of Staten Island is well equipped to deal with and understand the problems and needs of community college graduates. There are, however. some policies of particular interest to transfer students and community college graduates. A major concern is the amount of credit which a student will be allowed to transfer. Graduates of accredited community college programs will automatically be allowed to transfer up to 64 credits. Students who have completed more than 64 credits may routinely transfer up to 72 credits of coursework. • TRANSFER AGREEMENT BETWEEN KINGS BOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE/CUNY AND THE COLLEGE OF STATEN ISLAND/CUNY Kingsborough Community College The College of Staten Island A.A.S. in Nursing B.S. in Nursing Credits NUR 17 Drug Calc. in Nursing NUR 18 Fundamentals of Nursing NUR 19 Family Centered Maternity Nursing NUR 20 Nursing the Emotionally III NUR 21 Nursing the III Adult I NUR 22 Nursing the III Adult II NUR 23 Nursing of Children 1 7 1 6 MTH 108 Medical Dosage Calculus NRS 110 Medical-Surgical Nursing I 4 4 4 4 NRS 220 Maternity Nursing NRS 211 Psychiatric Nursing 9 5 5 9 5 5 NRS 120 Medical-Surgical Nursing II NRS 210 Medical-Surgical Nursing III NRS 221 Child Health Nursing BIO 11 Anatomy & Physiology I BIO 12 Anatomy & Physiology II BIO 51 Microbiology 4 4 4 4 4 4 BIO 150 Human Anatomy & Physiology I BIO 160 Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIO 350/351 Bacteriology ENG C2 or ENG 12 Freshman English ENG 22 English 4 4 3 4 ENG 111 Communications Workshop ENG 151 College Writing 3 3 CHEM 110/111 Principles of Chemistry I 3 3 3 3 3 3 PSY 100 Intro. to Psychology SOC 100 Intro. to Sociology Psychology elective 67 65 Science 24 Applied Physical Science Psych 11 Intro. to Psychology SOC 11 Intro. to Sociology Psych 32 Human Growth and Development (Balance transferred as electives) The City University of New York Recommended Articulation Agreement Format Agreement initiated by: Kingsborough Community College Sending College: Kingsborough Community College Department: Nursing Program: Nursing Degree: A.A.S Receiving College: The College of Staten Island Department: Nursing Program: Nursing Degree: Bachelor of Science Admission requirements for senior college program (e.g., minimum GP A, audition/portfolio): Students \vho have successfully completed the Associate in Applied Science Degree in Nursing at Kingsborough Community College may apply to The College of Staten Island. Applicants must be eligible for licensure to practice as an R.N. in New York State. Progression: license Total transfer credits granted toward the baccalaureate degree: 27 (Nursing credits) 24 (Gen Ed & Elective) 6 Elective 57 Total additional credits required at the senior college to complete baccalaureate degree: __6_3_ __ COURSE TO COURSE EQUIVALENCIES AND TRANSFER CREDIT AW ARDED* Sending College Course & Title Receiving College Equivalent (Or Other Evaluation) Cr. Transfer Cr. Granted Course & Title General Education ( Liberal Arts, Core, Distribution) Courses Eng 12 Freshman English I 4 Eng 24 Freshman English II 3 Psy 11 General Psychology 3 Psy 32 Human Growth & Development 3 3 Soc 31 Introduction to Sociology Bio 11 Human Anatomy & Physiology 4 Bio 12 Human Anatomy 4 & Physiology I & II Bio 51 Microbiology in 4 Health & Disease 3 Sci 25 Applied Physical Sciences for Allied Health Careers Nursing Electives Eng 111 Eng 151 Psy 100 Psy 242 Soc 100 Bio 150 } } Bio 160 } Bio 350 Bio 351 3 cr 3 cr 3 cr Core Check with department Elective Elective 4 cr 4 cr 3 cr 1 cr 3 cr Phy 114 N one at present o :SUBTOTAlJ 24 Specific Program Requirements ( Including Prerequisites) Nursing: Lower Division Nursing N 17 36 Lower division nursing Mth 108 25 cr 2 cr 51 .:. Course equivalency information will be entered in both the University Course Guide database and the Website. When the receiving college awards transfer credit for either a block of courses or for an entire program rather than for individual courses, it may not be necessary to list individual course equivalencies. NEW CURRICULUM IN EFFECT FALL 2000 SENIOR COLLGE UPPER DIVISION COURSES REMAINING FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREE Credits Course and Title General Education (Liberal arts, Core, Distribution) and other Required Courses Phi 130 Cor 100 West & World Textual Aesthetic & Linguistic Analysis Pluralism and Diversity Ped 190 3 4 4 3-4 0-4 1 SUBTOTAL 15-20 Prerequisite and Major Courses Chern 110 PrinciQles of Chemistry Chern 111 PrinciQles of Chemistry Chern 116 PrinciQles of Chemistry Chern 117 Princigles of Chemistry Mth 113 Probability & Statistics Bio 382 PharmotheraQeutics Nrs 303 Theory Nrs 310 Physical Assessment Nrs 321 Research Nrs 323 Elective Nrs 410 Community Health Nrs 411 LeadershiQ Nrs 421 Critical Care Nrs 423 Issues I I Laboratory II II Laboratory 3 1 "" .) - SUBTOTAL TOTAL 1 4 .) "" .) "" 3 .) "" 3 5 5 5 3 45 60-65 Procedures for reviewing, up-dating, modifying or terminating agreements: Substantive changes in the courses or pr9gram of either college will lead to discussion between the appropriate faculty or administrators at both colleges. This agreement will be reviewed annually and renewed every three years. Procedures for evaluating agreement, e.g., tracking the number of students \vho transfer under the articulation agreement and their success: The follo\ving designated liaisons will maintain contact to track the students who transfer under this agreement and their success. Verification of data from sources such as: Admissions office, Institutional Research, Transfer Office and/or Enrollment Manager will be used. Liaison, Kingsborough Community College Professor Dolores Shrimpton, Chairperson 2001 Oriental Blvd. Brooklyn, NY 11235 718-368-5522 Liaison, The College of Staten Island Professor Linda Reese, Chairperson 2800 Victory Blvd. Staten Island, NY 10314 718-982-3810 Sending and receiving college procedures for publicizing agreement, e.g., college catalogs, transfer advisers, Websites, etc., Kingsborough Community College and The College of Staten Island agree to freely and widely inform qualified students of this agreement. This information will be included in the college's catalog and posted on the website. Transfer advisors will be informed of this agreement and opportunity for students. Effective Date: -------------------- Signabrre of Kingsborough Community College Chief Academic Officer Signature of Kingsborough Community College Department Chairperson Signature of The College of Staten Island Department of Chairperson .. The City University of New York Articldation Agreement Agreement Initiated by (College): College qf Staten Island Sending. College: Kingsborough Community Colleg~ Department: Behavioral Science and Hm:oan Services Program: Early Childhood Education Degree: A.S., Receiving College: The C-oUege"'OfStaten Island Department: Education Program: Early Childhood Education Degree: B.A. in Science, Letters and Society Admissions Re~ments to Senior College Program!e.g., minimwn GPA, audition/portfolio): Students must have a GPA of2.75 or above to enroll .in education courses, and must submit an application for admission to the Education Department at CSI. Total transfer credits granted toward the Baccalaureate degree: 60 Additional credits required at the Senior College to co1nplete Baccalauteate degree: 60 SENIOR COLLEGE UPPER DIVISION COURSES REMAINING FOR BACCALAUREATE DEGREE Course and Title: . Credits· .General Education (Liberal Am, Core, ~istrlllutioll) Il1Ul other required cOJl!Ses: Science and Technology Gen. Ed. 4 ... Fotei~~es 0-8 .. SUBTOTAL: 12 . Course aDd Title: Credits- Prerequisite and Major COUl'Ses: SLS 2'11 SLS ~18 " SLS261 SLS 262 SLS 301 4. 4 .. 4 4 4 4 SLS 30~ SLS 303 8 credits in soci~ sciences choBetl from SLS 230, 235,240,241,245,325 4 If 8 SUBTOTAL: EDC 215 (PrereqUisitefot 300-1eveI EDe courses) BOC310 3~ 3 3 4 EDC440 EDC50.2 SUBTOTAL: 2 12 TOTAL: ~ .. .. .. Procedures for reviewing, updating modifying or .termi~g agreement: Parties at both Colleges will discusS and agree upon any updates, modifications, or termination. Procedures for evaluating agreement, e.g., tracking the number otstudents who transfer under the articulation agreement and th~ir success: Each college will maintain data on agreement's outcomes. S~nding and Receiving College procedures for publicizing agreement, e..g., college catalogs, 1Iansfer advisors, Websites, etc.: . • ;,. Course to Course Equivalencies an·d Transfer Credit Awarded· Sending College COllrse and Title Receiving coll~e Equivalent (Or Other Evaluation) Cr. Course and Title Cr. 3 PSY 100 - Soc. Sci. Gen. Ed. 100'- Soc. Sci. Gen. Ed. 3 4 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 - 4 3 ENG 200 level or Aesthetic - Gen. Ed. 4 MfH 102 - Math Gen.. Ed. 3 Contemporary World 4 4 3 4 4 3· 2 Elective 2 2 4 HUM 02 Children's Literature Transfer Cr. 4 1 Elective 1 EDC20 3 EDC216 3 3 EI)C21 3 EDC360 3 3 EOC22fl3 EDC28 · 4 EDC332 3 2 El)C340 EDC218 3 EDC30 EDe 91/93 EDe 350. (2) + EDC 217 (3 -..~:: *Co~ equivalency infonnation will be entered in both $e University Course Guide database and http://tipps.cuny.~u When the receiving College, awards transfer credit fot either a block ofcomses. or for an entire program rather than for individual courses, it may not be necessary to list individual comse equivalencies.