Chapter 8 Network Security A note on the use of these ppt slides: We’re making these slides freely available to all (faculty, students, readers). They’re in PowerPoint form so you can add, modify, and delete slides (including this one) and slide content to suit your needs. They obviously represent a lot of work on our part. In return for use, we only ask the following: If you use these slides (e.g., in a class) in substantially unaltered form, that you mention their source (after all, we’d like people to use our book!) If you post any slides in substantially unaltered form on a www site, that you note that they are adapted from (or perhaps identical to) our slides, and note our copyright of this material. Thanks and enjoy! JFK/KWR All material copyright 1996-2004 J.F Kurose and K.W. Ross, All Rights Reserved Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 3rd edition. Jim Kurose, Keith Ross Addison-Wesley, July 2004. 8: Network Security 8-481 Chapter 8: Network Security Chapter goals: understand principles of network security: and its many uses beyond “confidentiality” authentication message integrity key distribution cryptography security in practice: firewalls security in application, transport, network, link layers 8: Network Security 8-482 1 Chapter 8 roadmap 8.1 What is network security? 8.2 Principles of cryptography 8.3 Authentication 8.4 Integrity 8.5 Key Distribution and certification 8.6 Access control: firewalls 8.7 Attacks and counter measures 8.8 Security in many layers 8: Network Security 8-483 What is network security? Confidentiality: only sender, intended receiver should “understand” message contents sender encrypts message receiver decrypts message Authentication: sender, receiver want to confirm identity of each other Message Integrity: sender, receiver want to ensure message not altered (in transit, or afterwards) without detection Access and Availability: services must be accessible and available to users 8: Network Security 8-484 2 Friends and enemies: Alice, Bob, Trudy well-known in network security world Bob, Alice (lovers!) want to communicate “securely” Trudy (intruder) may intercept, delete, add messages Alice data channel Bob data, control messages secure sender secure receiver data Trudy 8: Network Security 8-485 Who might Bob, Alice be? real-life Bobs and Alices! Web browser/server for electronic transactions (e.g., on-line purchases) on-line banking client/server DNS servers routers exchanging routing table updates other examples? … well, 8: Network Security 8-486 3 There are bad guys (and girls) out there! Q: What can a “bad guy” do? A: a lot! eavesdrop: intercept messages actively insert messages into connection impersonation: can fake (spoof) source address in packet (or any field in packet) hijacking: “take over” ongoing connection by removing sender or receiver, inserting himself in place denial of service: prevent service from being used by others (e.g., by overloading resources) more on this later …… 8: Network Security 8-487 Chapter 8 roadmap 8.1 What is network security? 8.2 Principles of cryptography 8.3 Authentication 8.4 Integrity 8.5 Key Distribution and certification 8.6 Access control: firewalls 8.7 Attacks and counter measures 8.8 Security in many layers 8: Network Security 8-488 4 The language of cryptography Alice’s Bob’s K encryption A K decryption B key key plaintext encryption algorithm ciphertext decryption plaintext algorithm symmetric key crypto: sender, receiver keys identical public-key crypto: encryption key public, decryption key secret (private) 8: Network Security 8-489 Symmetric key cryptography substitution cipher: substituting one thing for another monoalphabetic cipher: substitute one letter for another plaintext: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ciphertext: mnbvcxzasdfghjklpoiuytrewq E.g.: Plaintext: bob. i love you. alice ciphertext: nkn. s gktc wky. mgsbc Q: How hard to break this simple cipher?: brute force (how hard?) other? 8: Network Security 8-490 5 Symmetric key cryptography KA-B KA-B plaintext message, m encryption ciphertext algorithm K (m) A-B decryption plaintext algorithm m=K A-B ( KA-B(m) ) symmetric key crypto: Bob and Alice share know same (symmetric) key: K A-B e.g., key is knowing substitution pattern in mono alphabetic substitution cipher Q: how do Bob and Alice agree on key value? 8: Network Security 8-491 Symmetric key crypto: DES DES: Data Encryption Standard US encryption standard [NIST 1993] 56-bit symmetric key, 64-bit plaintext input How secure is DES? DES Challenge: 56-bit-key-encrypted phrase (“Strong cryptography makes the world a safer place”) decrypted (brute force) in 4 months no known “backdoor” decryption approach making DES more secure: use three keys sequentially (3-DES) on each datum use cipher-block chaining 8: Network Security 8-492 6 Symmetric key crypto: DES DES operation initial permutation 16 identical “rounds” of function application, each using different 48 bits of key final permutation 8: Network Security 8-493 AES: Advanced Encryption Standard new (Nov. 2001) symmetric-key NIST standard, replacing DES processes data in 128 bit blocks 128, 192, or 256 bit keys brute force decryption (try each key) taking 1 sec on DES, takes 149 trillion years for AES 8: Network Security 8-494 7 Public Key Cryptography symmetric key crypto requires sender, receiver know shared secret key Q: how to agree on key in first place (particularly if never “met”)? public key cryptography radically different approach [DiffieHellman76, RSA78] sender, receiver do not share secret key public encryption key known to all private decryption key known only to receiver 8: Network Security 8-495 Public key cryptography + Bob’s public B key K K plaintext message, m encryption ciphertext algorithm + K (m) B - Bob’s private B key decryption plaintext algorithm message + m = K B(K (m)) B 8: Network Security 8-496 8 Public key encryption algorithms Requirements: + . 1 need K B( ) and K - ( ) such that B - + K (K (m)) = m B . B + 2 given public key KB , it should be impossible to compute private key K B RSA: Rivest, Shamir, Adelson algorithm 8: Network Security 8-497 RSA: Choosing keys 1. Choose two large prime numbers p, q. (e.g., 1024 bits each) 2. Compute n = pq, z = (p-1)(q-1) 3. Choose e (with e<n) that has no common factors with z. (e, z are “relatively prime”). 4. Choose d such that ed-1 is exactly divisible by z. (in other words: ed mod z = 1 ). 5. Public key is (n,e). Private key is (n,d). + KB - KB 8: Network Security 8-498 9 RSA: Encryption, decryption 0. Given (n,e) and (n,d) as computed above 1. To encrypt bit pattern, m, compute e c = m emod n (i.e., remainder when m is divided by n) 2. To decrypt received bit pattern, c, compute d m = c dmod n (i.e., remainder when c is divided by n) Magic d m = (m e mod n) mod n happens! c 8: Network Security 8-499 RSA example: Bob chooses p=5, q=7. Then n=35, z=24. e=5 (so e, z relatively prime). d=29 (so ed-1 exactly divisible by z. encrypt: decrypt: letter m me l 12 1524832 c 17 d c 481968572106750915091411825223071697 c = me mod n 17 m = cd mod n letter 12 l 8: Network Security 8-500 10 RSA: m = (m e mod n) Why is that d mod n Useful number theory result: If p,q prime and n = pq, then: y y mod (p-1)(q-1) x mod n = x mod n e (m mod n) d mod n = med mod n = m ed mod (p-1)(q-1) mod n (using number theory result above) 1 = m mod n (since we chose ed to be divisible by (p-1)(q-1) with remainder 1 ) = m 8: Network Security 8-501 RSA: another important property The following property will be very useful later: - + + B B K (K (m)) = m = K (K (m)) B B use public key first, followed by private key use private key first, followed by public key Result is the same! 8: Network Security 8-502 11 Chapter 8 roadmap 8.1 What is network security? 8.2 Principles of cryptography 8.3 Authentication 8.4 Integrity 8.5 Key Distribution and certification 8.6 Access control: firewalls 8.7 Attacks and counter measures 8.8 Security in many layers 8: Network Security 8-503 Authentication Goal: Bob wants Alice to “prove” her identity to him Protocol ap1.0: Alice says “I am Alice” “I am Alice” Failure scenario?? 8: Network Security 8-504 12 Authentication Goal: Bob wants Alice to “prove” her identity to him Protocol ap1.0: Alice says “I am Alice” “I am Alice” in a network, Bob can not “see” Alice, so Trudy simply declares herself to be Alice 8: Network Security 8-505 Authentication: another try Protocol ap2.0: Alice says “I am Alice” in an IP packet containing her source IP address Alice’s “I am Alice” IP address Failure scenario?? 8: Network Security 8-506 13 Authentication: another try Protocol ap2.0: Alice says “I am Alice” in an IP packet containing her source IP address Alice’s IP address Trudy can create a packet “spoofing” “I am Alice” Alice’s address 8: Network Security 8-507 Authentication: another try Protocol ap3.0: Alice says “I am Alice” and sends her secret password to “prove” it. Alice’s Alice’s “I’m Alice” IP addr password Alice’s IP addr OK Failure scenario?? 8: Network Security 8-508 14 Authentication: another try Protocol ap3.0: Alice says “I am Alice” and sends her secret password to “prove” it. Alice’s Alice’s “I’m Alice” IP addr password Alice’s IP addr OK playback attack: Trudy records Alice’s packet and later plays it back to Bob Alice’s Alice’s “I’m Alice” IP addr password 8: Network Security 8-509 Authentication: yet another try Protocol ap3.1: Alice says “I am Alice” and sends her encrypted secret password to “prove” it. Alice’s encrypted “I’m Alice” IP addr password Alice’s IP addr OK Failure scenario?? 8: Network Security 8-510 15 Authentication: another try Protocol ap3.1: Alice says “I am Alice” and sends her encrypted secret password to “prove” it. Alice’s encrypted “I’m Alice” IP addr password Alice’s IP addr record and playback still works! OK Alice’s encrypted “I’m Alice” IP addr password 8: Network Security 8-511 Authentication: yet another try Goal: avoid playback attack Nonce: number (R) used only once –in-a-lifetime ap4.0: to prove Alice “live”, Bob sends Alice nonce, R. Alice must return R, encrypted with shared secret key “I am Alice” R KA-B(R) Failures, drawbacks? Alice is live, and only Alice knows key to encrypt nonce, so it must be Alice! 8: Network Security 8-512 16 Authentication: ap5.0 ap4.0 requires shared symmetric key can we authenticate using public key techniques? ap5.0: use nonce, public key cryptography “I am Alice” R Bob computes + - KA(KA (R)) = R - K A (R) and knows only Alice could have the private key, that encrypted R such that + K (K (R)) = R A A “send me your public key” + KA 8: Network Security 8-513 ap5.0: security hole Man (woman) in the middle attack: Trudy poses as Alice (to Bob) and as Bob (to Alice) I am Alice R I am Alice R K (R) T K (R) A Send me your public key K Send me your public key K - + m = K (K (m)) A A + K (m) A + A Trudy gets - + m = K (K (m)) T sends m toTAlice + T + K (m) T encrypted with Alice’s public key 8: Network Security 8-514 17 ap5.0: security hole Man (woman) in the middle attack: Trudy poses as Alice (to Bob) and as Bob (to Alice) Difficult to detect: Bob receives everything that Alice sends, and vice versa. (e.g., so Bob, Alice can meet one week later and recall conversation) problem is that Trudy receives all messages as well! 8: Network Security 8-515 Chapter 8 roadmap 8.1 What is network security? 8.2 Principles of cryptography 8.3 Authentication 8.4 Message integrity 8.5 Key Distribution and certification 8.6 Access control: firewalls 8.7 Attacks and counter measures 8.8 Security in many layers 8: Network Security 8-516 18 Digital Signatures Cryptographic technique analogous to handwritten signatures. sender (Bob) digitally signs document, establishing he is document owner/creator. verifiable, nonforgeable: recipient (Alice) can prove to someone that Bob, and no one else (including Alice), must have signed document 8: Network Security 8-517 Digital Signatures Simple digital signature for message m: Bob signs m by encrypting with his private key - KB, creating “signed” message, KB(m) Bob’s message, m ! ! # K B Bob’s private key Public key encryption algorithm - K B(m) " ! ! 8: Network Security 8-518 19 Digital Signatures (more) Suppose Alice receives msg m, digital signature KB(m) Alice verifies m signed by Bob by applying Bob’s public key KB to KB(m) then checks KB(KB(m) ) = m. If KB(KB(m) ) = m, whoever signed m must have used Bob’s private key. Alice thus verifies that: Bob signed m. No one else signed m. Bob signed m and not m’. Non-repudiation: Alice can take m, and signature KB(m) to court and prove that Bob signed m. 8: Network Security 8-519 Message Digests Computationally expensive to public-key-encrypt long messages Goal: fixed-length, easyto-compute digital “fingerprint” apply hash function H to m, get fixed size message digest, H(m). large message m H: Hash Function H(m) Hash function properties: many-to-1 produces fixed-size msg digest (fingerprint) given message digest x, computationally infeasible to find m such that x = H(m) 8: Network Security 8-520 20 Internet checksum: poor crypto hash function Internet checksum has some properties of hash function: produces fixed length digest (16-bit sum) of message is many-to-one But given message with given hash value, it is easy to find another message with same hash value: message I O U 1 0 0 . 9 9 B O B ASCII format 49 4F 55 31 30 30 2E 39 39 42 D2 42 message I O U 9 0 0 . 1 9 B O B ASCII format 49 4F 55 39 30 30 2E 31 39 42 D2 42 B2 C1 D2 AC B2 C1 D2 AC different messages but identical checksums! 8: Network Security 8-521 Digital signature = signed message digest Alice verifies signature and integrity of digitally signed message: Bob sends digitally signed message: large message m H: Hash function Bob’s private key + - KB encrypted msg digest H(m) digital signature (encrypt) encrypted msg digest KB(H(m)) large message m H: Hash function KB(H(m)) Bob’s public key + KB digital signature (decrypt) H(m) H(m) equal ? 8: Network Security 8-522 21 Hash Function Algorithms MD5 hash function widely used (RFC 1321) computes 128-bit message digest in 4-step process. arbitrary 128-bit string x, appears difficult to construct msg m whose MD5 hash is equal to x. SHA-1 is also used. US standard [NIST, FIPS PUB 180-1] 160-bit message digest 8: Network Security 8-523 Chapter 8 roadmap 8.1 What is network security? 8.2 Principles of cryptography 8.3 Authentication 8.4 Integrity 8.5 Key distribution and certification 8.6 Access control: firewalls 8.7 Attacks and counter measures 8.8 Security in many layers 8: Network Security 8-524 22 Trusted Intermediaries Symmetric key problem: Public key problem: How do two entities When Alice obtains establish shared secret key over network? Solution: trusted key distribution center (KDC) acting as intermediary between entities Bob’s public key (from web site, e-mail, diskette), how does she know it is Bob’s public key, not Trudy’s? Solution: trusted certification authority (CA) 8: Network Security 8-525 Key Distribution Center (KDC) Alice, Bob need shared symmetric key. KDC: server shares different secret key with each registered user (many users) Alice, Bob know own symmetric keys, KA-KDC KB-KDC , for communicating with KDC. KDC KA-KDCKP-KDC KP-KDC KB-KDC KA-KDC KX-KDC KY-KDC KB-KDC KZ-KDC 8: Network Security 8-526 23 Key Distribution Center (KDC) Q: How does KDC allow Bob, Alice to determine shared symmetric secret key to communicate with each other? KDC generates R1 Alice knows R1 Bob knows to use R1 to communicate with Alice Alice and Bob communicate: using R1 as session key for shared symmetric encryption 8: Network Security 8-527 Certification Authorities Certification authority (CA): binds public key to particular entity, E. E (person, router) registers its public key with CA. E provides “proof of identity” to CA. CA creates certificate binding E to its public key. certificate containing E’s public key digitally signed by CA – CA says “this is E’s public key” Bob’s public key Bob’s identifying information + KB digital signature (encrypt) CA private key K CA + KB certificate for Bob’s public key, signed by CA 8: Network Security 8-528 24 Certification Authorities When Alice wants Bob’s public key: gets Bob’s certificate (Bob or elsewhere). apply CA’s public key to Bob’s certificate, get Bob’s public key + KB digital signature (decrypt) CA public key + KB Bob’s public key + K CA 8: Network Security 8-529 A certificate contains: Serial number (unique to issuer) info about certificate owner, including algorithm and key value itself (not shown) info about certificate issuer valid dates digital signature by issuer 8: Network Security 8-530 25 Chapter 8 roadmap 8.1 What is network security? 8.2 Principles of cryptography 8.3 Authentication 8.4 Integrity 8.5 Key Distribution and certification 8.6 Access control: firewalls 8.7 Attacks and counter measures 8.8 Security in many layers 8: Network Security 8-531 Firewalls firewall isolates organization’s internal net from larger Internet, allowing some packets to pass, blocking others. public Internet administered network firewall 8: Network Security 8-532 26 Firewalls: Why prevent denial of service attacks: SYN flooding: attacker establishes many bogus TCP connections, no resources left for “real” connections. prevent illegal modification/access of internal data. e.g., attacker replaces CIA’s homepage with something else allow only authorized access to inside network (set of authenticated users/hosts) two types of firewalls: application-level packet-filtering 8: Network Security 8-533 Packet Filtering Should arriving packet be allowed in? Departing packet let out? internal network connected to Internet via router firewall router filters packet-by-packet, decision to forward/drop packet based on: source IP address, destination IP address TCP/UDP source and destination port numbers ICMP message type TCP SYN and ACK bits 8: Network Security 8-534 27 Packet Filtering Example 1: block incoming and outgoing datagrams with IP protocol field = 17 and with either source or dest port = 23. All incoming and outgoing UDP flows and telnet connections are blocked. Example 2: Block inbound TCP segments with ACK=0. Prevents external clients from making TCP connections with internal clients, but allows internal clients to connect to outside. 8: Network Security 8-535 Application gateways Filters packets on application data as well as on IP/TCP/UDP fields. Example: allow select internal users to telnet outside. host-to-gateway telnet session application gateway gateway-to-remote host telnet session router and filter 1. Require all telnet users to telnet through gateway. 2. For authorized users, gateway sets up telnet connection to dest host. Gateway relays data between 2 connections 3. Router filter blocks all telnet connections not originating from gateway. 8: Network Security 8-536 28 Limitations of firewalls and gateways IP spoofing: router can’t know if data “really” comes from claimed source if multiple app’s. need special treatment, each has own app. gateway. client software must know how to contact gateway. filters often use all or nothing policy for UDP. tradeoff: degree of communication with outside world, level of security many highly protected sites still suffer from attacks. e.g., must set IP address of proxy in Web browser 8: Network Security 8-537 Chapter 8 roadmap 8.1 What is network security? 8.2 Principles of cryptography 8.3 Authentication 8.4 Integrity 8.5 Key Distribution and certification 8.6 Access control: firewalls 8.7 Attacks and counter measures 8.8 Security in many layers 8: Network Security 8-538 29 Internet security threats Mapping: before attacking: “case the joint” – find out what services are implemented on network Use ping to determine what hosts have addresses on network Port-scanning: try to establish TCP connection to each port in sequence (see what happens) nmap ( mapper: “network exploration and security auditing” Countermeasures? 8: Network Security 8-539 Internet security threats Mapping: countermeasures record traffic entering network look for suspicious activity (IP addresses, pots being scanned sequentially) 8: Network Security 8-540 30 Internet security threats Packet sniffing: broadcast media promiscuous NIC reads all packets passing by can read all unencrypted data (e.g. passwords) e.g.: C sniffs B’s packets C A src:B dest:A payload B Countermeasures? 8: Network Security 8-541 Internet security threats Packet sniffing: countermeasures all hosts in organization run software that checks periodically if host interface in promiscuous mode. one host per segment of broadcast media (switched Ethernet at hub) C A src:B dest:A payload B 8: Network Security 8-542 31 Internet security threats IP Spoofing: can generate “raw” IP packets directly from application, putting any value into IP source address field receiver can’t tell if source is spoofed e.g.: C pretends to be B C A src:B dest:A payload B Countermeasures? 8: Network Security 8-543 Internet security threats IP Spoofing: ingress filtering routers should not forward outgoing packets with invalid source addresses (e.g., datagram source address not in router’s network) great, but ingress filtering can not be mandated for all networks C A src:B dest:A payload B 8: Network Security 8-544 32 Internet security threats Denial of service (DOS): flood of maliciously generated packets “swamp” receiver Distributed DOS (DDOS): multiple coordinated sources swamp receiver e.g., C and remote host SYN-attack A C A SYN SYN SYN SYN SYN B Countermeasures? SYN SYN 8: Network Security 8-545 Internet security threats Denial of service (DOS): countermeasures filter out flooded packets (e.g., SYN) before reaching host: throw out good with bad traceback to source of floods (most likely an innocent, compromised machine) C A SYN SYN SYN SYN SYN B SYN SYN 8: Network Security 8-546 33 Chapter 8 roadmap 8.1 What is network security? 8.2 Principles of cryptography 8.3 Authentication 8.4 Integrity 8.5 Key Distribution and certification 8.6 Access control: firewalls 8.7 Attacks and counter measures 8.8 Security in many layers 8.8.1. Secure email 8.8.2. Secure sockets 8.8.3. IPsec 8.8.4. Security in 802.11 8: Network Security 8-547 Secure e-mail Alice wants to send confidential e-mail, m, to Bob. KS m . KS( ) + KS + . KB( ) K+ B KS(m ) KS(m ) + KB(KS ) Internet . KS( ) - KS + KB( ) KB(KS ) - m . KB Alice: generates random symmetric private key, KS. encrypts message with KS (for efficiency) also encrypts KS with Bob’s public key. sends both KS(m) and KB(KS) to Bob. 8: Network Security 8-548 34 Secure e-mail Alice wants to send confidential e-mail, m, to Bob. KS m + KS + KS(m ) KS(m ) . KS( ) . KB( ) Internet + K+ B - KS + KB( ) - KB(KS ) KB(KS ) . m KS( ) . KB Bob: uses his private key to decrypt and recover KS uses KS to decrypt KS(m) to recover m 8: Network Security 8-549 Secure e-mail (continued) • Alice wants to provide sender authentication message integrity. KA m . H( ) - + m KA(H(m)) KA(H(m)) . KA( ) + KA - - Internet - + . KA( ) H(m ) compare m . H( ) H(m ) Alice digitally signs message. • sends both message (in the clear) and digital signature. • 8: Network Security 8-550 35 Secure e-mail (continued) • Alice wants to provide secrecy, sender authentication, message integrity. KA m . H( ) - - KA(H(m)) . KA( ) + KS . KS( ) + m KS + . KB( ) K+ B Internet + KB(KS ) Alice uses three keys: her private key, Bob’s public key, newly created symmetric key 8: Network Security 8-551 Pretty good privacy (PGP) Internet e-mail encryption scheme, de-facto standard. uses symmetric key cryptography, public key cryptography, hash function, and digital signature as described. provides secrecy, sender authentication, integrity. inventor, Phil Zimmerman, was target of 3-year federal investigation. A PGP signed message: ---BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE--Hash: SHA1 Bob:My husband is out of town tonight.Passionately yours, Alice ---BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE--Version: PGP 5.0 Charset: noconv yhHJRHhGJGhgg/12EpJ +lo8gE4vB3mqJhFEvZP9t6n7G6m5Gw 2 ---END PGP SIGNATURE--- 8: Network Security 8-552 36 Secure sockets layer (SSL) transport layer security to any TCPbased app using SSL services. used between Web browsers, servers for e-commerce (shttp). security services: server authentication data encryption client authentication (optional) server authentication: SSL-enabled browser includes public keys for trusted CAs. Browser requests server certificate, issued by trusted CA. Browser uses CA’s public key to extract server’s public key from certificate. check your browser’s security menu to see its trusted CAs. 8: Network Security 8-553 SSL (continued) Encrypted SSL session: Browser generates symmetric session key, encrypts it with server’s public key, sends encrypted key to server. Using private key, server decrypts session key. Browser, server know session key SSL: basis of IETF Transport Layer Security (TLS). SSL can be used for non-Web applications, e.g., IMAP. Client authentication can be done with client certificates. All data sent into TCP socket (by client or server) encrypted with session key. 8: Network Security 8-554 37 IPsec: Network Layer Security Network-layer secrecy: sending host encrypts the data in IP datagram TCP and UDP segments; ICMP and SNMP messages. Network-layer authentication destination host can authenticate source IP address Two principle protocols: authentication header (AH) protocol encapsulation security payload (ESP) protocol For both AH and ESP, source, destination handshake: create network-layer logical channel called a security association (SA) Each SA unidirectional. Uniquely determined by: security protocol (AH or ESP) source IP address 32-bit connection ID 8: Network Security 8-555 Authentication Header (AH) Protocol provides source authentication, data integrity, no confidentiality AH header inserted between IP header, data field. protocol field: 51 intermediate routers process datagrams as usual IP header AH header AH header includes: connection identifier authentication data: source- signed message digest calculated over original IP datagram. next header field: specifies type of data (e.g., TCP, UDP, ICMP) data (e.g., TCP, UDP segment) 8: Network Security 8-556 38 ESP Protocol provides secrecy, host authentication, data integrity. data, ESP trailer encrypted. next header field is in ESP trailer. ESP authentication field is similar to AH authentication field. Protocol = 50. authenticated encrypted IP header ESP ESP ESP TCP/UDP segment header trailer authent. 8: Network Security 8-557 IEEE 802.11 security War-driving: drive around Bay area, see what 802.11 networks available? More than 9000 accessible from public roadways 85% use no encryption/authentication packet-sniffing and various attacks easy! Securing 802.11 encryption, authentication first attempt at 802.11 security: Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP): a failure current attempt: 802.11i 8: Network Security 8-558 39 Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP): ap4.0 host requests authentication from access point access point sends 128 bit nonce host encrypts nonce using shared symmetric key access point decrypts nonce, authenticates host no key distribution mechanism authentication: knowing the shared key is enough authentication as in protocol 8: Network Security 8-559 WEP data encryption Host/AP share 40 bit symmetric key (semi permanent) Host appends 24-bit initialization vector (IV) to create 64-bit key 64 bit key used to generate stream of keys, kiIV kiIV used to encrypt ith byte, di, in frame: ci = di XOR kiIV IV and encrypted bytes, ci sent in frame 8: Network Security 8-560 40 802.11 WEP encryption Sender-side WEP encryption 8: Network Security 8-561 Breaking 802.11 WEP encryption Security hole: 24-bit IV, one IV per frame, -> IV’s eventually reused IV transmitted in plaintext -> IV reuse detected Attack: Trudy causes Alice to encrypt known plaintext d1 d2 d 3 d4 … IV Trudy sees: ci = di XOR ki knows ci di, so can compute kiIV IV IV IV Trudy knows encrypting key sequence k1 k2 k3 … Next time IV is used, Trudy can decrypt! Trudy 8: Network Security 8-562 41 802.11i: improved security numerous (stronger) forms of encryption possible provides key distribution uses authentication server separate from access point 8: Network Security 8-563 802.11i: four phases of operation STA: client station 1 AP: access point AS: Authentication server wired network Discovery of security capabilities 2 STA and AS mutually authenticate, together generate Master Key (MK). AP servers as “pass through” 3 STA derives Pairwise Master Key (PMK) 4 STA, AP use PMK to derive Temporal Key (TK) used for message encryption, integrity 3 AS derives same PMK, sends to AP 8: Network Security 8-564 42 EAP: extensible authentication protocol EAP: end-end client (mobile) to authentication server protocol EAP sent over separate “links” mobile-to-AP (EAP over LAN) AP to authentication server (RADIUS over UDP) wired network EAP TLS EAP EAP over LAN (EAPoL) IEEE 802.11 RADIUS UDP/IP 8: Network Security 8-565 Network Security (summary) Basic techniques…... cryptography (symmetric and public) authentication message integrity key distribution …. used in many different security scenarios secure email secure transport (SSL) IP sec 802.11 8: Network Security 8-566 43 Chapter 6 Wireless and Mobile Networks A note on the use of these ppt slides: We’re making these slides freely available to all (faculty, students, readers). They’re in PowerPoint form so you can add, modify, and delete slides (including this one) and slide content to suit your needs. They obviously represent a lot of work on our part. In return for use, we only ask the following: If you use these slides (e.g., in a class) in substantially unaltered form, that you mention their source (after all, we’d like people to use our book!) If you post any slides in substantially unaltered form on a www site, that you note that they are adapted from (or perhaps identical to) our slides, and note our copyright of this material. Thanks and enjoy! JFK/KWR All material copyright 1996-2004 J.F Kurose and K.W. Ross, All Rights Reserved Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet, 3rd edition. Jim Kurose, Keith Ross Addison-Wesley, July 2004. 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-567 Chapter 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks Background: # wireless (mobile) phone subscribers now exceeds # wired phone subscribers! computer nets: laptops, palmtops, PDAs, Internet-enabled phone promise anytime untethered Internet access two important (but different) challenges communication over wireless link handling mobile user who changes point of attachment to network 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-568 44 Chapter 6 outline 6.1 Introduction Wireless 6.2 Wireless links, characteristics CDMA 6.3 IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs (“wi-fi”) 6.4 Cellular Internet Access architecture standards (e.g., GSM) Mobility 6.5 Principles: addressing and routing to mobile users 6.6 Mobile IP 6.7 Handling mobility in cellular networks 6.8 Mobility and higherlayer protocols 6.9 Summary 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-569 Elements of a wireless network wireless hosts laptop, PDA, IP phone run applications may be stationary (nonmobile) or mobile network infrastructure wireless does not always mean mobility 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-570 45 Elements of a wireless network network infrastructure base station typically connected to wired network relay - responsible for sending packets between wired network and wireless host(s) in its “area” e.g., cell towers 802.11 access points 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-571 Elements of a wireless network wireless link typically used to connect mobile(s) to base station also used as backbone link multiple access protocol network infrastructure coordinates link access various data rates, transmission distance 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-572 46 Characteristics of selected wireless link standards 54 Mbps 5-11 Mbps 802.11{a,g} 802.11b .11 p-to-p link 1 Mbps 802.15 3G UMTS/WCDMA, CDMA2000 384 Kbps 2G IS-95 CDMA, GSM 56 Kbps Indoor Outdoor Mid range outdoor Long range outdoor 10 – 30m 50 – 200m 200m – 4Km 5Km – 20Km 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-573 Elements of a wireless network infrastructure mode base station connects network infrastructure mobiles into wired network handoff: mobile changes base station providing connection into wired network 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-574 47 Elements of a wireless network Ad hoc mode no base stations nodes can only transmit to other nodes within link coverage nodes organize themselves into a network: route among themselves 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-575 Wireless Link Characteristics Differences from wired link …. decreased signal strength: radio signal attenuates as it propagates through matter (path loss) interference from other sources: standardized wireless network frequencies (e.g., 2.4 GHz) shared by other devices (e.g., phone); devices (motors) interfere as well multipath propagation: radio signal reflects off objects ground, arriving ad destination at slightly different times …. make communication across (even a point to point) wireless link much more “difficult” 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-576 48 Wireless network characteristics Multiple wireless senders and receivers create additional problems (beyond multiple access): B A C C A B Hidden terminal problem C’s signal strength A’s signal strength space B, A hear each other Signal fading: B, C hear each other B, A hear each other A, C can not hear each other B, C hear each other means A, C unaware of their interference at B A, C can not hear each other interferring at B 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-577 Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) used in several wireless broadcast channels (cellular, satellite, etc) standards unique “code” assigned to each user; i.e., code set partitioning all users share same frequency, but each user has own “chipping” sequence (i.e., code) to encode data encoded signal = (original data) X (chipping sequence) decoding: inner-product of encoded signal and chipping sequence allows multiple users to “coexist” and transmit simultaneously with minimal interference (if codes are “orthogonal”) 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-578 49 CDMA Encode/Decode channel output Zi,m d =1 data d = -1 bits 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 code -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 Zi,m= sender slot 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 slot 1 channel output slot 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 slot 0 channel output M Di =m=1 Zi, received -1 -1 -1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 input 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 code -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 receiver slot 1 slot 0 M d0 = 1 d1 = -1 slot 1 channel output slot 0 channel output 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-579 CDMA: two-sender interference 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-580 50 Chapter 6 outline 6.1 Introduction Wireless 6.2 Wireless links, characteristics CDMA 6.3 IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs (“wi-fi”) 6.4 Cellular Internet Access architecture standards (e.g., GSM) Mobility 6.5 Principles: addressing and routing to mobile users 6.6 Mobile IP 6.7 Handling mobility in cellular networks 6.8 Mobility and higherlayer protocols 6.9 Summary 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-581 IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN 802.11b 2.4-5 GHz unlicensed radio spectrum up to 11 Mbps direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) in physical layer • all hosts use same chipping code widely deployed, using base stations 802.11a 5-6 GHz range up to 54 Mbps 802.11g 2.4-5 GHz range up to 54 Mbps All use CSMA/CA for multiple access All have base-station and ad-hoc network versions 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-582 51 802.11 LAN architecture wireless host communicates Internet AP BSS 1 hub, switch or router AP BSS 2 with base station base station = access point (AP) Basic Service Set (BSS) (aka “cell”) in infrastructure mode contains: wireless hosts access point (AP): base station ad hoc mode: hosts only 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-583 802.11: Channels, association 802.11b: 2.4GHz-2.485GHz spectrum divided into 11 channels at different frequencies; 3 non-overlapping AP admin chooses frequency for AP interference possible: channel can be same as that chosen by neighboring AP! host: must associate with an AP scans channels, listening for beacon frames containing AP’s name (SSID) and MAC address selects AP to associate with; initiates association protocol may perform authentication will typically run DHCP to get IP address in AP’s subnet 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-584 52 IEEE 802.11: multiple access Like Ethernet, uses CSMA: random access carrier sense: don’t collide with ongoing transmission Unlike Ethernet: no collision detection – transmit all frames to completion acknowledgment – because without collision detection, you don’t know if your transmission collided or not Why no collision detection? difficult to receive (sense collisions) when transmitting due to weak received signals (fading) can’t sense all collisions in any case: hidden terminal, fading Goal: avoid collisions: CSMA/C(ollision)A(voidance) 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-585 IEEE 802.11 MAC Protocol: CSMA/CA 802.11 sender 1 if sense channel idle for DIFS then - transmit entire frame (no CD) 2 if sense channel busy then - start random backoff time - timer counts down while channel idle - transmit when timer expires - if no ACK, increase random backoff interval, repeat 2 sender receiver DIFS data SIFS 802.11 receiver ACK if frame received OK - return ACK after SIFS (ACK needed due to hidden terminal problem) 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-586 53 RTS/CTS idea: allow sender to “reserve” channel rather than random access of data frames: avoid collisions of long data frames optional; not typically used small request-to-send (RTS) packets to AP using CSMA RTSs may still collide with each other (but they’re short) AP broadcasts clear-to-send CTS in response to RTS CTS heard by all nodes sender transmits data frame other stations defer transmissions sender first transmits Avoid data frame collisions completely using small reservation packets! 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-587 Collision Avoidance: RTS-CTS exchange A B AP RTS(B) RTS(A) RTS(A) CTS(A) reservation collision CTS(A) DATA (A) time ACK(A) defer ACK(A) 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-588 54 802.11 frame: addressing 2 2 6 6 6 frame address address address duration control 1 2 3 2 6 4 0 - 2312 seq address 4 control payload CRC Address 3: used only in ad hoc Address 1: MAC address Address 3: MAC mode of wireless host or AP address to receive this frame of router interface to Address 2: MAC address of wireless host or AP which AP is attached transmitting this frame 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-589 802.11 frame: addressing Internet R1 router H1 AP R1 MAC addr AP MAC addr dest. address source address 802.3 frame AP MAC addr H1 MAC addr R1 MAC addr address 1 address 2 address 3 802.11 frame 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-590 55 802.11 frame: more frame seq # duration of reserved transmission time (RTS/CTS) (for reliable ARQ) 2 2 6 6 6 frame address address address duration control 1 2 3 2 Protocol version 2 Type 4 Subtype 1 To AP 6 2 1 1 1 From AP More frag Retry 4 0 - 2312 seq address 4 control payload 1 CRC 1 Power More mgt data 1 1 WEP Rsvd frame type (RTS, CTS, ACK, data) 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-591 802.11: mobility within same subnet H1 remains in same IP subnet: IP address can remain same switch: which AP is associated with H1? self-learning: switch will see frame from H1 and “remember” which switch port can be used to reach H1 router hub or switch BBS 1 AP 1 AP 2 H1 BBS 2 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-592 56 802.15: personal area network less than 10 m diameter replacement for cables (mouse, keyboard, headphones) ad hoc: no infrastructure master/slaves: P slaves request permission to send (to master) master grants requests S M Bluetooth specification radius of coverage M 802.15: evolved from P S S 2.4-2.5 GHz radio band up to 721 kbps P P S P Master device Slave device Parked device (inactive 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-593 Chapter 6 outline 6.1 Introduction Wireless 6.2 Wireless links, characteristics CDMA 6.3 IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs (“wi-fi”) 6.4 Cellular Internet Access architecture standards (e.g., GSM) Mobility 6.5 Principles: addressing and routing to mobile users 6.6 Mobile IP 6.7 Handling mobility in cellular networks 6.8 Mobility and higherlayer protocols 6.9 Summary 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-594 57 Components of cellular network architecture MSC connects cells to wide area net manages call setup (more later!) handles mobility (more later!) cell covers geographical region base station (BS) analogous to 802.11 AP mobile users attach to network through BS air-interface: physical and link layer protocol between mobile and Mobile Switching Center Public telephone network, and Internet Mobile Switching Center wired network 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-595 Cellular networks: the first hop Two techniques for sharing mobile-to-BS radio spectrum combined FDMA/TDMA: divide spectrum in frequency channels, divide each channel into time slots frequency bands CDMA: code division multiple access time slots 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-596 58 Cellular standards: brief survey 2G systems: voice channels IS-136 TDMA: combined FDMA/TDMA (north america) GSM (global system for mobile communications): combined FDMA/TDMA most widely deployed IS-95 CDMA: code division multiple access TDMA/FDMA CDMA-2000 GPRS EDGE UMT S IS-136 GSM IS-95 Don’t drown in a bowl of alphabet soup: use this oor reference only 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-597 Cellular standards: brief survey 2.5 G systems: voice and data channels for those who can’t wait for 3G service: 2G extensions general packet radio service (GPRS) evolved from GSM data sent on multiple channels (if available) enhanced data rates for global evolution (EDGE) also evolved from GSM, using enhanced modulation Date rates up to 384K CDMA-2000 (phase 1) data rates up to 144K evolved from IS-95 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-598 59 Cellular standards: brief survey 3G systems: voice/data Universal Mobile Telecommunications Service (UMTS) GSM next step, but using CDMA CDMA-2000 ….. more (and more interesting) cellular topics due to mobility (stay tuned for details) 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-599 Chapter 6 outline 6.1 Introduction Wireless 6.2 Wireless links, characteristics CDMA 6.3 IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs (“wi-fi”) 6.4 Cellular Internet Access architecture standards (e.g., GSM) Mobility 6.5 Principles: addressing and routing to mobile users 6.6 Mobile IP 6.7 Handling mobility in cellular networks 6.8 Mobility and higherlayer protocols 6.9 Summary 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-600 60 What is mobility? spectrum of mobility, from the network perspective: no mobility mobile wireless user, using same access point high mobility mobile user, connecting/ disconnecting from network using DHCP. mobile user, passing through multiple access point while maintaining ongoing connections (like cell phone) 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-601 Mobility: Vocabulary home network: permanent “home” of mobile (e.g., 128.119.40/24) home agent: entity that will perform mobility functions on behalf of mobile, when mobile is remote wide area network Permanent address: address in home network, can always be used to reach mobile e.g., correspondent 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-602 61 Mobility: more vocabulary Permanent address: remains constant (e.g., visited network: network in which mobile currently resides (e.g., 79.129.13/24) Care-of-address: address in visited network. (e.g., 79,129.13.2) wide area network correspondent: wants to communicate with mobile home agent: entity in visited network that performs mobility functions on behalf of mobile. 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-603 How do you contact a mobile friend: Consider friend frequently changing addresses, how do you find her? I wonder where Alice moved to? search all phone books? call her parents? expect her to let you know where he/she is? 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-604 62 Mobility: approaches Let routing handle it: routers advertise permanent address of mobile-nodes-in-residence via usual routing table exchange. routing tables indicate where each mobile located no changes to end-systems Let end-systems handle it: indirect routing: communication from correspondent to mobile goes through home agent, then forwarded to remote direct routing: correspondent gets foreign address of mobile, sends directly to mobile 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-605 Mobility: approaches Let routing handle it: routers advertise permanent not address of mobile-nodes-in-residence via usual scalable routing table exchange. to millions of routing tables indicate mobiles where each mobile located no changes to end-systems let end-systems handle it: indirect routing: communication from correspondent to mobile goes through home agent, then forwarded to remote direct routing: correspondent gets foreign address of mobile, sends directly to mobile 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-606 63 Mobility: registration visited network home network 1 wide2area network mobile contacts foreign agent on entering visited network foreign agent contacts home agent home: “this mobile is resident in my network” End result: Foreign agent knows about mobile Home agent knows location of mobile 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-607 Mobility via Indirect Routing home network foreign agent receives packets, forwards to mobile home agent intercepts packets, forwards to foreign agent visited network 3 wide area network 1 correspondent addresses packets using home address of mobile 2 4 mobile replies directly to correspondent 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-608 64 Indirect Routing: comments Mobile uses two addresses: permanent address: used by correspondent (hence mobile location is transparent to correspondent) care-of-address: used by home agent to forward datagrams to mobile foreign agent functions may be done by mobile itself triangle routing: correspondent-home-networkmobile inefficient when correspondent, mobile are in same network 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-609 Indirect Routing: moving between networks suppose mobile user moves to another network registers with new foreign agent new foreign agent registers with home agent home agent update care-of-address for mobile packets continue to be forwarded to mobile (but with new care-of-address) mobility, changing foreign networks transparent: on going connections can be maintained! 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-610 65 Mobility via Direct Routing home network correspondent forwards to foreign agent foreign agent receives packets, forwards to mobile visited network 4 wide area network 2 correspondent requests, receives foreign address of mobile 3 1 4 mobile replies directly to correspondent 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-611 Mobility via Direct Routing: comments overcome triangle routing problem non-transparent to correspondent: correspondent must get care-of-address from home agent what if mobile changes visited network? 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-612 66 Accommodating mobility with direct routing anchor foreign agent: FA in first visited network data always routed first to anchor FA when mobile moves: new FA arranges to have data forwarded from old FA (chaining) foreign net visited at session start anchor foreign agent wide area network 2 1 4 5 correspondent agent 3 new foreign agent correspondent new foreign network 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-613 Chapter 6 outline 6.1 Introduction Wireless 6.2 Wireless links, characteristics CDMA 6.3 IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs (“wi-fi”) 6.4 Cellular Internet Access architecture standards (e.g., GSM) Mobility 6.5 Principles: addressing and routing to mobile users 6.6 Mobile IP 6.7 Handling mobility in cellular networks 6.8 Mobility and higherlayer protocols 6.9 Summary 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-614 67 Mobile IP RFC 3220 has many features we’ve seen: home agents, foreign agents, foreign-agent registration, care-of-addresses, encapsulation (packet-within-a-packet) three components to standard: indirect routing of datagrams agent discovery registration with home agent 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-615 Mobile IP: indirect routing foreign-agent-to-mobile packet packet sent by home agent to foreign agent: a packet within a packet dest: dest: dest: Permanent address: dest: Care-of address: packet sent by correspondent 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-616 68 Mobile IP: agent discovery agent advertisement: foreign/home agents advertise service by broadcasting ICMP messages (typefield = 9) H,F bits: home and/or foreign agent R bit: registration required 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-617 Mobile IP: registration example 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-618 69 Components of cellular network architecture recall: correspondent wired public telephone network MSC MSC MSC MSC MSC different cellular networks, operated by different providers 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-619 Handling mobility in cellular networks home network: network of cellular provider you subscribe to (e.g., Sprint PCS, Verizon) home location register (HLR): database in home network containing permanent cell phone #, profile information (services, preferences, billing), information about current location (could be in another network) visited network: network in which mobile currently resides visitor location register (VLR): database with entry for each user currently in network could be home network 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-620 70 GSM: indirect routing to mobile home network HLR 2 home MSC consults HLR, gets roaming number of mobile in visited network correspondent home Mobile Switching Center 1 VLR 3 Mobile Switching Center 4 Public switched telephone network call routed to home network home MSC sets up 2nd leg of call to MSC in visited network mobile user visited network MSC in visited network completes call through base station to mobile 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-621 GSM: handoff with common MSC Handoff goal: route call via VLR Mobile Switching Center old routing old BSS new base station (without interruption) reasons for handoff: new routing new BSS stronger signal to/from new BSS (continuing connectivity, less battery drain) load balance: free up channel in current BSS GSM doesn’t mandate why to perform handoff (policy), only how (mechanism) handoff initiated by old BSS 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-622 71 GSM: handoff with common MSC VLR Mobile Switching Center 2 4 1 7 8 old BSS 3 5 6 new BSS 1. old BSS informs MSC of impending handoff, provides list of 1+ new BSSs 2. MSC sets up path (allocates resources) to new BSS 3. new BSS allocates radio channel for use by mobile 4. new BSS signals MSC, old BSS: ready 5. old BSS tells mobile: perform handoff to new BSS 6. mobile, new BSS signal to activate new channel 7. mobile signals via new BSS to MSC: handoff complete. MSC reroutes call 8 MSC-old-BSS resources released 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-623 GSM: handoff between MSCs home network correspondent Home MSC anchor MSC: first MSC visited during cal call remains routed through anchor MSC new MSCs add on to end anchor MSC PSTN MSC MSC MSC (a) before handoff of MSC chain as mobile moves to new MSC IS-41 allows optional path minimization step to shorten multi-MSC chain 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-624 72 GSM: handoff between MSCs anchor MSC: first MSC visited during cal home network correspondent Home MSC call remains routed through anchor MSC new MSCs add on to end of anchor MSC MSC chain as mobile moves to new MSC IS-41 allows optional path minimization step to shorten multi-MSC chain PSTN MSC MSC MSC (b) after handoff 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-625 Mobility: GSM versus Mobile IP GSM element Comment on GSM element Mobile IP element Home system Network to which the mobile user’s permanent phone number belongs Home network Gateway Mobile Switching Center, or “home MSC”. Home Location Register (HLR) Home MSC: point of contact to obtain routable address of mobile user. HLR: database in home system containing permanent phone number, profile information, current location of mobile user, subscription information Home agent Visited System Network other than home system where mobile user is currently residing Visited network Visited Mobile services Switching Center. Visitor Location Record (VLR) Visited MSC: responsible for setting up calls to/from mobile nodes in cells associated with MSC. VLR: temporary database entry in visited system, containing subscription information for each visiting mobile user Foreign agent Mobile Station Roaming Number (MSRN), or “roaming number” Routable address for telephone call segment between home MSC and visited MSC, visible to neither the mobile nor the correspondent. Care-ofaddress 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-626 73 Wireless, mobility: impact on higher layer protocols should be minimal … best effort service model remains unchanged TCP and UDP can (and do) run over wireless, mobile … but performance-wise: packet loss/delay due to bit-errors (discarded packets, delays for link-layer retransmissions), and handoff TCP interprets loss as congestion, will decrease congestion window un-necessarily delay impairments for real-time traffic limited bandwidth of wireless links logically, impact 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-627 Chapter 6 Summary Wireless wireless links: capacity, distance channel impairments CDMA IEEE 802.11 (“wi-fi”) CSMA/CA reflects wireless channel characteristics cellular access architecture standards (e.g., GSM, CDMA-2000, UMTS) Mobility principles: addressing, routing to mobile users home, visited networks direct, indirect routing care-of-addresses case studies mobile IP mobility in GSM impact on higher-layer protocols 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks 6-628 74