Information for Applicants – In Country Position Title: Consultant for Regional Finance System Architect Development Position Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Position Type: STC Estimated Start Date: 1 March 2016 Application Closing Date: 22 January 2016 MIS Overview Thank you for your interest in the position of Consultant for Regional Finance MIS System Architect Development with KOMPAK, as managed by Abt JTA on behalf the Australian Aid Program. This document includes information on the following: Program overview; Introduction to Abt JTA; Application process; Terms of Reference; and Key Selection Criteria. Please read this document carefully as applications that vary from the specified requirements may not be accepted. Program Overview KOMPAK (Governance for Growth) is a large and complex program that is uniquely placed to add value to the Government of Indonesia’s own efforts to improve the social and economic conditions of its citizens; it is aimed at economic expansion and poverty reduction in Indonesia. Abt JTA is supporting frontline services—including health and education—while identifying governance constraints. The work accompanies implementation of Village Law, new national rules that empower local communities and increase the direct flow of money to village governments and services. KOMPAK seeks to strengthen the capacity of all levels of government to improve services, respond to citizen needs and contribute to stable prosperity. Abt JTA – Who We Are Abt JTA is a global development consulting firm with over 10 years’ experience operating within the health and social sectors in the Australian and Asia-Pacific region. We are a company that has a personal commitment to its staff and as such we value the long-term relationships that we build with the people who work with us. For more information about our company and what we do visit our website at Our Values Mission-Driven. We are united by our mission to improve the lives of people worldwide. Global. We are a global community, bringing diverse knowledge, expertise, and perspectives to the many challenges faced by today's world. Committed to Excellence. We strive to meet and exceed the highest professional standards. Collaborative. We know that working collaboratively produces excellence. Accountable. We take responsibility for what we do and how we do it. Balanced. We sustain the energy and commitment we bring to our roles by promoting a healthy balance between our personal and professional lives. Preparing Your Application Please read the following information carefully as incomplete applications may not be accepted. To submit an application: 1. Complete an Application Cover Sheet (to be requested from Abt JTA); 2. Attach a copy of your resume or CV to the coversheet; 3. Attach a statement addressing the key selection criteria (maximum three (3) pages) to the coversheet. This document should clearly describe how your skills, experience and qualifications will enable you to meet the requirements of the position; and 4. Provide details of at least three (3) professional referees (preferably your current supervisor and two (2) previous supervisors). This information can be included in the Application Cover Sheet. Other Points to Consider: 1. You will need to submit a separate application (including Application Cover Sheet and responses to the Key Selection Criteria) for each position that you apply for. 2. If you are successful in being short-listed or are selected for this position you may be required to undertake a police check, psychometric test and/or a medical examination. Lodging Your Application: Applications can be submitted by post, courier, fax or email to: Contact Name: KOMPAK HR Team Post: KOMPAK HR Team Courier: Closing Date: 22 January 2016 Should you experience any difficulties with the submission process, or have any questions about this role then please contact KOMPAK HR Team on Terms of Reference Position Title: Consultant for Regional Finance MIS System Architect Development Nama Jabatan: Konsultan Perancangan Sistem Arsitektur Sistem Informasi Keuangan Daerah (SIKD) Location: Jakarta, Indonesia Lokasi: Jakarta, Indonesia Reporting To: 1. Head of Sub Directorate of Technical Support and Information of Directorate General of Fiscal Balance Ministry of Finance Melapor Kepada: 1. Kasubdit Informasi dan Dukungan Teknis Direktorat Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan 2. Responsive Government LEAD KOMPAK 2. Responsive Government Lead KOMPAK Direct Reports: N/A Laporan Langsung: N/A Duty Statement Keterangan Tugas Mendapatkan konsultan yang dapat membantu Kementerian Keuangan (cq Direktorat Jenderal Perimbangan Keuangan/DJPK) dalam mengembangkan Sistem Arsitektur Sistem Informasi Keuangan Daerah (SIKD). Konsultan akan melakukan kolaborasi perancangan arsitektur SIKD dengan pegawai DJPK sebagai tim (Joint Development). Kolaborasi diperlukan agar Konsultan mampu mengidentifikasi critical requirement dari SIKD secara detail sehingga dihasilkan arsitektur sistem yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Selama proses penyempurnaan SIKD, akan dilakukan evaluasi secara berkesinambungan agar arsitektur sistem yang dibuat dapat direalisasikan dengan baik serta, sesuai kebutuhan, serta mampu menghasilkan SIKD yang berkualitas. To support the Ministry of Finance - Directorate General of Fiscal Balance in developing Regional Finance MIS (SIKD) system architect. The consultant will work with DJPK staff in developing the system architect (joint development). This collaboration is necessary condition to provide relevant information for consultant to identify critical requirement of SIKD to support the development of system architect. During the SIKD improvement process, KOMPAK and DJPK will conduct evaluation on an ongoing basis to ensure that the quality of system architecture and can be realized as required. Specific Duties Tugas Spesifik Will be responsible for the following duties: Konsultan bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan tugas sebagai berikut: 1. Manage, coordinate, and consult on the development of new software system 1. Mengelola, mengkonsultasikan mengkoordinasikan, dan pengembangan aplikasi applications and provide technical expertise in software architecture. 2. Develop architectural guidelines for application developers, define target platforms, interface designs, development patterns and styles, and development languages and tools to be used. 3. Architect, enhance and maintain our flagship products, as well as supporting subsystems. 4. Provide technical expertise in architecture systems; participate in the formulation of software engineering best practices; assess feasibility of system plans; establish priorities; and develop and implement plans that adhere to established strategic business and system objectives. 5. Analyze and define the document requirements for data, workflow, logical processes, hardware and operating system environment, and network connectivity, other systems interfaces, internal and external checks and controls, and outputs. 6. Oversee the design, evaluation, selection, implementation and support of major applications development and production support tools and platforms. 7. Manage, train, code review and deliver feedback to DJPK staff and other members of the development team. 8. Provide transfer of technology and knowledge on system architect developed and any relevant information such as source code to KOMPAK and DJPK sistem perangkat lunak baru dan memberikan dukungan teknis terkait perangkat lunak arsitektur. 2. Mengembangkan pedoman arsitektur untuk pengembangan aplikasi , menentukan target platform, desain interface, pola pengembangan dan gaya, bahasa pengembangan serta alat yang akan digunakan 3. Mengembangkan arsitektur, meningkatkan dan mempertahankan kualitas SIKD , serta subsistem pendukung 4. Memberikan keahlian teknis dalam sistem arsitektur; berpartisipasi dalam perumusan rekayasa perangkat lunak praktik terbaik; menilai kelayakan rencana sistem; menetapkan prioritas; dan mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan rencana yang sesuai dengan strategi bisnis dan tujuan strategis ditetapkan 5. Menganalisis dan menentukan persyaratan dokumen untuk data, alur kerja, proses logis, perangkat keras dan sistem operasi, dan konektivitas jaringan , sistem interface lainnya, cek dan kontrol internal dan eksternal serta output 6. Mengawasi desain, evaluasi, seleksi, implementasi serta mendukung pengembangan aplikasi utama dan alat produksi pendukung dan platform. 7. Mengelola, melatih, mereview kode serta memberikan umpan balik kepada DJPK dan anggota tim pengembangan yang lain 8. Melakukan alih pengetahuan dan ketrampilan dari sistem arsitek yang dikembangkan dan informasi penting lainnya misalnya source code kepada KOMPAK dan DJPK Deliverables : Capaian : 1. The assessment results of the development on SIKD at the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance as well as improvement to the input process. (the first month of assignment). 1. Hasil assessment terhadap proses pengembangan SIKD di Ditjen Perimbangan Keuangan serta input penyempurnaan terhadap proses tersebut. (Bulan Ke I dari kontrak efektif) 2. The feasibility study report on SIKD Roadmap that has been made. Including the improvement of roadmap, the application of priority scale, as well as draft on its implementation strategy. (draft completed by the second month of assignment). 2. Laporan feasibility study terhadap Roadmap SIKD yang telah dibuat. Meliputi penyempurnaan roadmap, penerapan skala prioritas, serta penyusunan strategi implementasinya. (Draft selesai pada bulan ke 2 dari kontrak efektif) 3. Architectural Guidelines for consists of some components such as: 3. Dokumen Panduan Arsitektur SIKD yang terdiri dari beberapa komponen yaitu: SIKD a. Architecture Requirements; Principles, Vision, and a. Prinsip-prinsisp Arsitektur, Visi, and Requirement; b. Architecture Requirement; b. Persyaratan Arsitektur; c. Business Architecture; c. Arsitektur Bisnis; d. Information System Architecture; d. Arsitektur Sistem Informasi; e. Technology Architecture; e. Arsitektur Teknologi; f. Architecture Realization. f. Realisasi Arsitektur. The final document must be completed by the end of the consultant’s assignment. However, this guideline draft should be prepared gradually by the consultant at the third month of the assignment. Dokumen final ini harus selesai pada bulan akhir penugasan konsultan. Namun draft panduan ini secara bertahap harus disiapkan oleh konsultan mulai bulan ke ketiga penugasan. The architectural guideline should be aligned with the SIKD vision based on the SIKD Roadmap 2015 and 2019, as well as capable to provide guidance and a clear basis both from the organization aspects, business processes, and technical information systems so as to provide a clear direction for the development of the SIKD in future; Panduan arsitektur tersebut harus selaras dengan visi SIKD sesuai Roadmap SIKD 2015 s.d. 2019, serta mampu memberikan panduan dan dasar yang jelas baik dari aspek organisasi, proses bisnis, maupun teknis sistem informasi sehingga memberikan arah yang jelas bagi pengembangan SIKD kedepannya; 4. Assist to draft the regulation or policy to support the implementation of this guideline (starting the sixth month of assignment) 4. Membantu penyusunan draft peraturan atau kebijakan yang mendukung implementasi panduan tersebut (mulai bulan ke enam dari penugasan) 5. The staff of the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance gains knowledge about SIKD Architecture, and the Improved Information Systems Development Process that have been made. This knowledge transfer will be conducted continuously from the initial preparation of the document to the end of the consultant’s assignment. 5. Pegawai Ditjen Perimbangan Keuangan mendapatkan pengetahuan mengenai, Arsitektur SIKD, serta Penyempurnaan Proses Pengembangan Sistem Informasi yang telah dibuat. Alih pengetahuan ini dilakukan secara terus menerus dari awal penyusunan dokumen sampai dengan akhir penugasan konsultan. Other Tasks Tugas-tugas Lainnya Immediately report any suspected fraudulent or corrupt activities to your KOMPAK supervisor or relevant Director. Proactively identify and report risks, and manage risks within your level of accountability. Undertake other duties as required by your supervisor. Comply with Abt JTA and Program’s policies on gender, disability, fraud and anticorruption, HIV and AIDS, child protection and the environment. Segera melaporkan kepada atasan anda atau Direktur yang relevan setiap ada kecurigaan adanya kegiatan-kegiatan kecurangan. Secara proaktif mengenali dan melaporkan resiko, dan mengatasi resiko sebatas dalam tingkat akuntabilitas anda. Melakukan tugas-tugas lain diperlukan oleh atasan anda. Mematuhi semua kebijakan-kebijakan Abt JTA dan Program mengenai jender, keterbatasan gerak, kecurangan dan anti korupsi, HIV and AIDS. yang Core Competencies Kompetensi Utama Delivers Results Memberikan Hasil Builds Internal and External Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Membangun Loyalitas dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Internal dan Eksternal Develops People Mengembangkan Orang Communicates Melakukan komunikasi Sets Vision and Direction Menetapkan Visi dan Arah Demonstrates Sound Financial Business-Related Practices Menunjukkan Praktek Keuangan Praktek Terkait Bisnis yang Baik Builds Teams and Cooperation Membangun Tim dan Kerjasama Promotes Quality Mempromosikan Mutu dan Keunggulan Teknis Promotes Diversity Mempromosikan Keragaman Acts as a Role Model Bertindak sebagai Panutan Technical Excellence and and dan Key Selection Criteria For your application to be considered by the panel, interested applicants must submit a response to each of the following Key Selection Criteria: KSC 1. Educational background of informatics system or informatics technology with seven years relevant working experiences. KSC 2. Working experience on desain and development of high availability systems; KSC 3. Mastering one or more of programming languages (JAVA, Phyton, PHP, Ruby, etc.); KSC 4. Experience in using and managing the software version of control system (SVN, Git, etc.); KSC 5. Experience in using the open source technology; KSC 6. Expertise and capabilities in network management (Load Balancer, Firewall, Switch, etc.); KSC 7. Expert in configuring the LAMPP Stack Environment; KSC 8. Experience in configuring, monitoring, and performance tuning database system (MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB) in an environmental of high availability and high transactional; KSC 9. Expertise and experience in system management with an environment consists of multiple servers; KSC 10. Solid understanding in web technology such as Apache, Tomcat, Memcache, Varnish, CDN, Dynamic DNS; KSC 11. Experience in the development of private cloud and cloud-based hosting. If no response to the above Key Selection Criteria is made, applications will not be considered further.