MUSC145-Syllabus Introduction to Music Education MUSIC 145 Spring, 2011 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instructor: Dr. Patricia Lust Office Telephone: 395-2049 Office: Wygal 219 Office Hours: T 8:30-10:00 a.m. W 10:00-11:30 a.m. or by appointment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COURSE DESCRIPTION COURSE REQUIREMENTS TEXT AND MATERIALS GRADES COURSE OBJECTIVES CLASS SCHEDULE ATTENDANCE POLICY BIBLIOGRAPHY Return to MUSC137 home page | Patricia Lust's Homepage last updated -December 8, 2010 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Survey of the role of music in the education of children, including historical, sociological and philosophical aspects. Consideration of the relationship between assessment and instruction. Return to MUSC145 home page TEXT AND MATERIALS: Campbell, Patricia Shehan. Musician & Teacher: An Orientation to Music Education. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2008. (Available in the Longwood Bookstore) COURSE OBJECTIVES: (1 of 5) [9/30/2011 4:19:06 PM] MUSC145-Syllabus Upon completion of the course each student will be able to 1. Define the role music education in American education. 2. Articulate the purpose and value of music in today's school curricula. 3. Identify ideals and techniques that demonstrate that music learning is taking place. 4. Understand the importance of research and assessment data in making decisions. 5. Acknowledge the realities and demands of music teaching. 6. Begin establishing a personal philosophy of music education. Return to Table of Contents Return to MUSC145 home page CLASS SCHEDULE: Wednesdays, 9:00-9:50 a.m.. - Wygal, room #106 Assignments are to be completed prior to the class meeting listed below. Color coding: reading assignment, performance assignment, written work is due, Jan. 19 Jan. 26 Feb. 2 Orientation Discussion of Praxis I and VCLA and other professional requirements Various ways of thinking and learning: Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligence Campbell - Chapter 11 - Diverse Learners and Learning Styles, pp. 214-234 Leadership Project Multiple Intelligence Quiz - See Links Page The Musician / Teacher Campbell - Chapter 1 - A Musician's Life in Teaching, pp. 1-15. Campbell - Chapter 16 - A Teacher's Life in Music, pp. 299-312. Multiple Intelligence Lesson Research Projects - discussion Feb. 9 Quiz I - on Chapters 11, 1 and 16 Historical Perspectives on Music Education Campbell - Chapter 2 - Great MInds on Music en Education, pp. 16-39 Research Projects - select group members Feb. 16 Pedagogical and Philosophical Perspectives on Music Education Campbell - Chapter 6 - Theories of Musical Thinking and Doing, pp. 104-124 Essay: Why I want to teach music. Research Projects - select topics Feb. 23 The Elementary Curriculum Campbell - Chapter 7 - Teaching Music to Children, pp. 125-144 Research Projects - Bibliography is due. (2 of 5) [9/30/2011 4:19:06 PM] MUSC145-Syllabus Mar. 2 Quiz II - on Chapters 2, 6 and 7 The Secondary Curriculum Campbell - Chapter 8 - The Choral Classroom, pp. 145-164 Campbell - Chapter 9 - School Bands, Orchestras and Jazz Ensembles, pp. 165-186 Mar. 9 Mar. 16 Mar. 23 Campbell - Chapter 10 - All the Rest of the Music, pp. 187-213 "MENC Code of Ethics" (MENC web site) Research Project - Revised bibliography is due -- SPRING BREAK -Quiz III - on Chapters 8, 9 and 10 Campbell - Chapter 4 - Systems and Standards of Music Education, pp. 60-85 Campbell - Chapter 5 - Music in "your Local," pp. 86-103 Research Projects - outline of division of responsibilities Mar. 30 Operational Concerns in Music Education Campbell - Chapter 12 - Classroom Management and Motivation, pp. 235-252 Campbell - Chapter 13 - Assessment, pp. 253-265 Discuss final-exam interview Research Project - Program abstract is due. Apr. 6 Quiz IV - on Chapters 4, 5 and 12 Campbell - Chapter 15 - Out in the Field: Look-Listen-Learn, pp. 276-298 Apr. 13 Research Projects - Group Presentations Apr. 20 Research Projects - Group Presentations Apr. 27 Campbell - Chapter 14 - Technology, pp. 266-275 Essay II : "My Philosophy of Music Education" Last minute questions about the final-exam interview Big Quiz ? -----------------------------FINAL EXAM: TBA Interview with the Music Education Faculty ------------------------------Return to Table of Contents Return to MUSC145 home page COURSE REQUIREMENTS: (3 of 5) [9/30/2011 4:19:06 PM] MUSC145-Syllabus Quizzes - 25 points Homework assignments - 10 points Essays: - 2 papers - 12 points "Why I Want to Teach Music" (6) "My Philosophy of Music Education" (6) Daily participation - 39 points Research Project & Group Presentation - 6 points Music Education Interview- 8 points Return to Table of Contents Return to MUSC145 home page GRADES: A 95-100, B 85-94, C 75-84, D 65-74, F below 65 Return to Table of Contents Return to MUSC145 home page ATTENDANCE POLICY: Progress in this class will depend on regular study of information learned in class as well as through outside preparation. Regular attendance is expected. Any student's absence from class or lack of appropriate effort may become a burden to other students. Attendance and appropriate cooperation are expected. Special Consideration: Since this class is a preparation for the teaching profession, we will adopt a policy similar to that of a public school. As a teacher you will have a fixed number of sick and/or personal days after which any absence will result in a loss of pay. In this class you may miss one class meeting without grade penalty. Each absence after that will result in a 5-point penalty in your grade. Absence from more than 25% of classes (4.5 in this class) will result automatically in a grade of F. See college catalog for complete policy. Work is due at specified times. Late work will not be accepted. Return to Table of Contents Return to MUSC145 home page BIBLIOGRAPHY: Campbell, Patricia Shehan and Carol Scott-Kassner. Music in Childhood. New York: Schirmer Books,1995. (4 of 5) [9/30/2011 4:19:06 PM] MUSC145-Syllabus Hoffer, C. Introduction to Music Education, Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1983. Music Educators Journal, professional journal of the Music Educators National Conference. MENC Web Page. Return to Table of Contents Return to MUSC145 home page | Patricia Lust's Homepage (5 of 5) [9/30/2011 4:19:06 PM]