
Torts – Fenton
Syllabus, Fall 2015
Wed., Aug. 19
cb. * 3-4; Vosburg v. Putney, cb. 4-11; Dougherty v. Stepp,
cb 11-12; McGuire v. Almy, cb. 28-32 (including note).
Hypothetical #1
Thr.,Aug. 20
I. de S. and Wife v. W. de S., cb. 55; Tuberville v. Savage,
cb. 56; W. Blackstone, Commentaries, cb. 56-59.
Hypothetical #2
Zaslow v. Kroenert; Russel-Vaughn Ford, Inc. v. Rouse;
Restatement (2d) Torts § 222A; Southern Counties v. RKO
(handouts, pp. 1-7).
Hypothetical #3
Mon., Aug. 24
FALSE IMPR Bird v. Jones, cb. 61-63; Coblyn v. Kennedy’s Inc., cb. 6367 (thru note 1).
Wed., Aug. 26
Wilkinson v. Downton, cb. 68-74 (thru note note 1);
Wallace v. Shoreham Hotel Corp. (handout, pp. 8-10).
Hypothetical #4
Thr., Aug 27
Mohr v. Williams, cb. 14-21; Hudson v. Craft, cb. 21-28.
Hypothetical #5
Mon., Aug. 31
SELF DFNS Courvoisier v. Raymond, cb. 32-37 (skip note 3).
DFNS/PRPT Bird v. Holbrook, cb. 37-44.
RCPT CHTL Kirby v. Foster, cb. 46- 48; notes 1-2, cb. 48-50.
Hypothetical #6
Wed., Sept 2
NECESSITY Ploof v. Putnam, cb. 44-47; Vincent v. Lake Erie
Transportation Co., cb. 47-53; Judith Jarvis Thompson, The
Trolley Problem, cb. 53-55.
Hypothetical #7
“cb.” refers to Cases and Materials on Torts (10th ed.) by Richard A. Epstein.
Thr., Sept. 3
RSBL PRSN cb. 145-147; Vaughan v. Menlove, cb. 147-152; Holmes,
The Common Law, cb. 152-154; Roberts v. Ring, cb. 154156; Daniels v. Evans, cb. 156 -160 (thru note2).
Hypothetical #8
Mon., Sept. 7
Wed., Sept. 9
Breunig v. American Family Insurance Co., cb. 161-166;
Fletcher v. City of Aberdeen, cb. 166-168; Denver & Rio
Grande R.R. v. Peterson, cb. 168-169.
Thr., Sept. 10
CALC. RISK Blyth v. Birmingham Water Works, cb. 169-171; Eckert v.
Long Island R.R., cb. 171-173; Terry, Negligence, cb. 173175; Seavey, Negligence --Subjective or Objective?, cb.
177-176; Osborne v. Montgomery, cb. 176-177; Cooley v
Public Service Co., 178-181;
Mon., Sept. 14
United States v. Carroll Towing Co., cb. 181-189; Andrews
v United Airlines, cb. 190-194.
Hypothetical #9
Wed., Sept. 16
Cb. 194; Titus v. Bradford, cb. 195-197; Mayhew v.
Sullivan Mining Co., cb. 197-198; The T.J. Hooper, cb.
198-206; Lama v. Borras, cb. 206-217 (thru note 6);
Cantebury v Spence, cb. 220-229 (thru note 2).
Hypotheticals #10, 11
Thr., Sept. 17
Cb. 234; Anon., cb. 235; Thayer, Public Wrong and Private
Action, cb. 235-238; Osborne v McMasters, cb. 238-244
(thru note 3).
Mon., Sept. 21
Martin v. Herzog, cb. 247-252; Uhr v. East Greenbush
Central, cb. 252-254.
Hypothetical #12
Wed., Sept. 23
Cb. 257-262.
cb. 271-272; .Byrne v. Boadle, cb. 272-279; Colmenares
Vivas v. Sun Alliance Insurance Co., cb. 280-289 (skip
note 2).
Benedict v. Eppley Hotel Co. (handout, pp. 11-14); Ybarra
v. Spangard, cb. 289-296 (thru note 2).
Hypothetical #13
Thr., Sept. 24
CS IN FACT Cb. 375-377; New York Central R.R. v. Grimstad, cb. 378382; Zuchowicz v. United States, cb. 382-388; Herskovitz
422-430; Kingston v. Chicago & N.W. Ry, cb. 402-404
(thru note 2).
[September 28-30, 2007 Practice Mid-term Examination]
Mon., Sept. 28
Wed., Sept. 30
Summers v. Tice, cb. 407-410; Sindell v Abbott Labs, cb.
PRX CAUSE Bacon, The Elements of the Common Lawes of England,
cb. 445; Street, Foundations of Legal Liability, cb. 445446; Ryan v. New York Central R. Co., cb. 446-450; Berry
v. The Borough of Sugar Notch, cb. 450-455.
Thr., Oct.1
Brower v. New York Central & H.R.R., cb. 455-460;
Wagner v. International Ry., cb. 460-452; Gorris v. Scott,
note 2, cb. 241-242.
October 5-9
Mon., Oct. 12
In re Polemis & Furness, Withy & Co., cb. 462-466;
Wagon Mound (No. 1), cb. 466-474.
Wed., Oct. 14
Palsgraf v. Long Island R.R., cb. 475-487; Marshall v.
Nugent, cb. 487-491.
Thr., Oct. 15
Cb. 495; Mitchell v. Rochester Railway, cb. 495- 498;
Dillon v. Legg, cb. 498-508.
Hypothetical #14
Mon., Oct. 19
Ira S. Bushey & Sons, Inc. v. United States, cb. 691-701;
Petrovich v. Share Health, cb. 701-710.
Wed., Oct. 21
CNTR NEGL cb. 301-302; Butterfield v. Forrester, cb. 302-303; Beems v
Chicago, cb.303-304; Schwartz, Tort Law and The
Economy, cb. 304-307; Gyerman v. United States Lines
Co., cb. 370-316.
Thr., Oct. 22
Leroy Fibre Co., cb. 316-320; Derheim v. Fiorito Co., cb.
Lamson v. American Axe & Tool Co., cb. 333-338;
Murphy v. Steeplechase Amusement Co., cb. 338-347.
Mon., Oct. 26
COMP NEGL Lombard Laws, cb. 355-356; Beach, Contributory
Negligence, cb. 356; Prosser, Comaprative Negligence, cb.
356-357; Li v. Yellow Cab Co. of California, cb. 357-374.
Wed., Oct. 28
DUTY/RESC Luke 10:30-37, cb. 511; Buch v. Amory Mfct. Co., cb. 511513; Hurley v. Eddingfield, cb. 514-515; Bohlen, cb. 515;
Ames, cb. 515-517; Epstein, cb. 517-519; Posner, cb. 519;
Bender, cb. 519--523.
Montgomery v. National Convoy & Trucking Co., cb. 523529.
Thr., Oct. 29
GRT UNDTK Coggs v. Bernard, cb. 551-554; Erie R.R. v. Stewart, cb.
554-557; Marsalis v. Lasalle, cb. 557-560; Moch v
Rensselaer, cb. 560-567.
Mon., Nov. 2
SPEC. REL. Restatement (2d) Torts § 315, cb. 567-568; Tarasoff v.
Regents of University of California, cb. 578-589.
Wed., Nov. 4
Robert Addie & Sons v. Dumbreck, cb. 529-538; Rowland
v. Christian, cb. 538-550; chart (handout); Kline v 1500
Mass Ave., cb. 568-578.
Thr., Nov. 5
Fletcher v. Rylands (1865), cb. 103-105; Fletcher v.
Rylands (1866), cb. 106-108; Rylands v. Fletcher (1868),
cb. 108-114; Prosser and Keeton on Torts (handout, pp. 1619).
ANIMALS Gehrts. v. Batteen, cb. 615-625.
ULTR-HZRD Spano v. Perrini Corp., cb. 626-632; Restatement (3d) Torts
§20, cb.632-637.
Mon., Nov. 9
Siegler v. Kuhlman (handout, pp. 20-25).
Indiana Harbor Belt R.R v. American Cyanamid Co., cb.
Hypothetical #15
Wed., Nov. 11
Cb. 711-716; Restatement (2d) Torts §402A, cb.737-741;
Restatement (3d) Products Liability, § 1, cb. 741-742.
MFCT DFCT Restatement(3d) Products Liability, § 3, cb. 756; Speller v.
Sears, cb. 757-761.
Thr., Nov. 12
DSGN DFCT Campo v Scofield, cb. 761; Harper and James, cb 761-762;
Wade, cb. 762-763Volkswagen v. Young, cb. 763-771;
Barker v. Lull Engineering, cb. 771-780; cb. 780-0784
Hypothetical #16
Mon., Nov. 16
WRN DFCT Cb. 784; MacDonald v. Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp., cb.
785-796; Vassallo v. Baxter Healthcare, cb. 796-803; Hood
v. Ryobi, cb. 803-811.
Wed., Nov. 18
PROPER C/A Casa Clara, cb. 743-756.
Thr., Nov. 19
PLTF CNDCT Daly v. General Motors Corp., cb. 811-821.
Hypothetical #17
Mon., Nov. 23
Review (last class)
[Tues. Nov. 24
Last Day of Classes]
Thursday, November 25 - Sunday, November 28 – Thanksgiving Recess