Projected GTA, GAA, and CA Positions for 2016

Projected GTA, GAA, and CA Positions for 2016-2017
Department of Psychology
Position Title:
Psychology 1100 Instructor
Course Name:
Introduction to Psychology
Program Director:
Dr. Melissa Beers (.3)
Positions Available:
Up to 30 regular instructor positions
2 coordinator/instructor positions
DUTIES AS INSTRUCTOR: Prepare, deliver, and evaluate lectures, demonstrations, and discussions for students
enrolled in Psychology 1100 (2 sections per academic year, 3 meetings per week- MWF or 2 meetings per week –
TR) following the standard general course syllabus. Participate in course and GE assessment practices. Participate
in developing and grading standardized mid-term and final examinations. Hold office hours weekly to assist
students. Attend meetings called by the course supervisor or the Psychology 1100 Coordinator (minimum of one
required professional development meeting per semester). Perform additional duties as assigned. Encourage
students to participate in experiments, with respect for ethical guidelines and departmental policies regarding the
use of human participants in research. Be prepared to work diligently on course preparation prior to and
throughout appointment.
NOTE: Due to potentially large enrollment differences between Autumn and Spring semesters, an 1100
instructor in Autumn may be reassigned, based on qualifications, to another GTA-I course in Spring
including 1200, 2367.01, 2367.02, 3325, 3331, or to a course assistant assignment.
DUTIES AS COORDINATOR: Two Psychology 1100 Coordinators will be selected from the pool of Psychology 1100
GTAs and will have additional duties including the following: Assist the course supervisor in organizing and
administering Psychology 1100 and in determining/implementing course policies. Provide oversight for midterm
and final exam committees. Assist in selecting texts and other course materials, enrolling and transferring students
among sections, scheduling examinations, and maintaining course records. Coordinate and plans teaching
orientations and other program events. Advises Psychology 1100 GTAs on teaching methods and resources. With
program director, coordinates course and GE assessment practices.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University. Continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree. Broad range of course work in
psychology. A positive recommendation for ability to prepare and deliver lectures. Preference will be given to
advanced students, within the constraints imposed by departmental obligations and departmental and Graduate
School stipend policies. Qualifications for the Coordinator position include one year’s experience as a Psychology
1100 GTA-I. Evidence of responsibility and organizational ability, as shown during participation in Psychology
1100 staff meetings.
First-time GTAs are required to enroll in Psych 6851 summer course on college teaching.
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies.
These individuals will be in the group having highest priority for summer teaching opportunities within the
department for the following Summer of 2014.
Position Title:
Psychology 2367.01, 3325 Instructor
Course Names:
2367.01 Social Psychology (2nd writing course)
3325 Introduction to Social Psychology
Program Coordinator: Dr. Melissa Beers (.3)
Faculty Coordinator:
Dr. Lisa Libby (.10)
Positions Available:
2367.01 – up to 10 instructor positions
3325 – up to 3 instructor positions
1 coordinator/instructor position
DUTIES AS INSTRUCTOR: Teach a section of the above course each semester [2 sections per academic year, 3
meetings per week- MWF (3325 only) or 2 meetings per week – TR or WF (2367.01 only)]. Psychology 3325 and
2367.01 are typically the first course undergraduate students take in social psychology. GTA-I’s teaching Social
Psychology are fully responsible for all course activities, which include development of course schedule, lectures,
writing activities and prompts, exams and full responsibility for providing feedback on papers and exams.
Required content for both courses includes social cognition, attitudes, decision making, group processes, prosocial
behavior, aggression, conformity/obedience, and stereotyping/prejudice; additional topics may be covered at
instructor’s discretion. Instructors teaching 2367.01 are required to develop and administer only essay exams;
instructors teaching 3325 may construct exams in other formats.
Because 2367.01 satisfies the General Education (GE) requirement for social science and for second-level writing.
GTA-I’s teaching 2367.01 are required to participate in GE assessment activities and regularly report on student
learning outcomes in these categories.
Student enrollment in Psych 2367.01 is limited to no more than 30. Student enrollment in Psych 3325 may be as
high as 80.
Depending on enrollment demands, a GTA may be reassigned to 2367.01 or 3325 each semester
Out of the pool of Psychology 2367.01/3325 instructors, several students may be selected as needed to be
a GTA or instructor for Psychology 2376, 3375, 4475, 4518, 4520, 4525, and 4630 for one semester (See
Advanced Social Psychology GTA position).
DUTIES AS COORDINATOR: One Psychology 2367.01/3325 Coordinator will be selected from the pool of Social
Psychology GTAs and will have additional duties including the following: Assist the course supervisors in
organizing and administering Psychology 2367.01 and in determining/implementing course policies. Assist in
selecting texts and other course materials, enrolling and transferring students among sections, and maintaining
course records. Coordinates teaching orientations and professional development activities. Advises Psychology
2367.01 GTAs on teaching methods and resources. With program director, coordinates course and GE assessment
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Social Psychology area in the Department of
Psychology at The Ohio State University, or otherwise approved by the social area. Applicants must have
completed the Masters in social psychology and be evaluated as making continued reasonable progress in the
First-time GTA instructors are required to enroll in Psych 6851 summer course on college teaching.
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies.
Position Title:
Psychology 2367.02, 3331 Instructor
Course Names:
2367.02 Abnormal Psychology Analysis
3331 Abnormal Psychology
2367.02 Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Barbara Andersen (.1)
3331 Faculty Coordinator:
Amelia Aldao (.1)
(2nd writing course)
Positions Available:
2367.02 – up to 5 instructor positions
3331 – up to 5 instructor positions
DUTIES AS INSTRUCTOR: Teach a section of the above course each semester (2 sections per academic year, 3
meetings per week- MWF or 2 meetings per week – TR). Duties involve complete responsibility for planning and
running a section in consultation with the faculty coordinator of the course. Normally the position requires 20
hours per week of class time, course preparation, grading, plus appropriate office hours for consultations with
Because 2367.02 satisfies the second-level writing course requirement, a large component of the course activities
centers around students writing papers and taking exams that include a heavy dose of essay questions.
Student enrollment in Psych 2367.02 is limited to no more than 30. Student enrollment in Psych 3331 may be as
high as 80.
NOTE: Depending on enrollment demands, a GTA may be reassigned to 2367.02 or 3331 each semester.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University. Continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree. This position will normally be held by
advanced students in the clinical area. Thorough knowledge of materials necessary to perform above duties. This
would normally be developed through appropriate course work; clinical experience and practicum work in
psychotherapy, psychopathology, and human behavior problems broadly defined.
First-time GTA instructors are required to enroll in Psych 6851 summer course on college teaching.
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible if the associate’s professional development and progress through
the clinical program would clearly benefit thereby.
Position Title:
Psychology 3375 Instructor
Course Name:
Stereotyping and Prejudice
Area Coordinator:
Dr. Jennifer Crocker (.37) 614-292-0985
Positions Available:
1 instructor position
DUTIES AS INSTRUCTOR: Teach one section of the above course each semester, or in combination with another
course (such as 1100, 2367.01, 3325), depending on department need and course enrollment, for a total of two
courses per year. GTA-I instructors teaching Advanced Social Psychology courses are responsible for all course
activities, which include development of class schedule, lectures, assignments, and exams, and as individual
instructors are fully responsible for all grading and assessment of student learning in the course.
Course content for Psychology 3375 is determined by the social psychology area, and learning objectives approved
by the social area must appear on the syllabus.
Psychology 3375 is a General Education (GE) course fulfilling a social diversity requirement for the College of Arts
and Sciences. The appropriate GE learning objectives must appear verbatim on the course syllabus, along with a
brief description as to how the course will fulfill those learning objectives. Instructors teaching this course must
participate in GE assessment practices defined by the social psychology area and the department of psychology,
collect assessment data as requested by the department, and participate in reporting of student learning outcomes.
NOTE: Depending upon enrollment demands, GTA-Instructors teaching this course may be appointed to a
“split” appointment, meaning instructors would teach this course only once per year in combination with
another course or another GAA/RA appointment.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Social Psychology area in the Department of
Psychology at The Ohio State University and approved by the social area. Applicants must have completed the
Masters in social psychology and be evaluated as making continued reasonable progress in the program. Graduate
instructors must have completed Psychology 6851 (Seminar/Practicum in the Teaching of Psychology) and must
have had experience teaching Psychology 2367.01 or 3325.
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies.
Position Title:
Psychology 4511 Instructor
Course Name:
Psychological Testing
Faculty Coordinator:
Dr. Michael Edwards (.134)
Positions Available:
1 instructor position (spring semester only)
DUTIES AS INSTRUCTOR: Teach a section of the above course during spring semester (3 meetings per week‐ MWF
or 2 meetings per week – TR or WF). Duties involve complete responsibility for planning and running a section in
consultation with the faculty coordinator of the course. Normally the position requires 20 hours per week of class
time, course preparation, and grading, plus appropriate office hours for consultations with students.
NOTE: This position is only available Spring 2016. You will be assigned to another position for Fall 2015.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University. Continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree. This position will normally be held by
advanced students in the quantitative area. Thorough knowledge of materials necessary to perform above duties.
This would normally be developed through appropriate course work in the quantitative program. A solid
background in psychometrics, including receiving very good grades in relevant quantitative graduate courses.
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies
Position Title:
Psychology 4520 Instructor
Course Name:
Social Psychology Laboratory
Area Coordinator:
Dr. Jennifer Crocker (.37)
Positions Available:
Up to 2 instructor positions
DUTIES AS INSTRUCTOR: Teach one section of the above course each semester, or in combination with another
course (such as 1100, 2367.01, 3325), depending on department need and course enrollment, for a total of two
courses per year. GTA-I instructors teaching Advanced Social Psychology courses are responsible for all course
activities, which include development of class schedule, lectures, assignments, and exams, and as individual
instructors are fully responsible for all grading and assessment of student learning in the course.
Course content for Psychology 4520 is determined by the social psychology area, and learning objectives approved
by the social area must appear on the syllabus. Psychology 4520 requires students to participate fully in the
research process. Under the direction of the instructor, small student groups will conduct a literature review,
generate testable hypotheses, collect and analyze data, and present their findings in the form of a poster session.
NOTE: Depending upon enrollment demands, GTA-Instructors teaching this course may be appointed to a
“split” appointment, meaning instructors would teach this course only once per year in combination with
another course or another GAA/RA appointment.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Social Psychology area in the Department of
Psychology at The Ohio State University and approved by the social area. Applicants must have completed the
Masters in social psychology and be evaluated as making continued reasonable progress in the program. Graduate
instructors must have completed Psychology 6851 (Seminar/Practicum in the Teaching of Psychology) and must
have had experience teaching Psychology 2367.01 or 3325.
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies.
Position Title:
Psychology 1200 Course Assistant
Course Name:
Applied Psychology: Human Behavior in the Wild
Faculty Coordinators: Dr. Jennifer Cheavens (.1)
Dr. Ellen Peters (.498)
Dr. Laura Wagner (.602)
Positions Available:
Up to 3 course assistant positions
1 coordinator position
DUTIES AS TEACHING ASSISTANT: Work closely with the course instructor(s). Teach up to three regularly
scheduled recitation sessions (each one meeting once per week): these sessions involve conducting interactive
activities and providing explanations of course material including exam review. Assist in creating activities and
course examinations. Grade activities. Monitor course examinations. Attend course lectures (once per week) given
by the course instructor(s) to the extent possible. Hold weekly office hours. This is a 20-hour/week position.
DUTIES AS TEACHING COORDINATOR: Work closely with the course instructor(s). Assist in administrative
bookkeeping for attendance and grades. Attend course lectures (once per week) given by the course instructor(s)
and facilitate interactive class discussions there. Assist in creating recitation activities and course examinations.
Monitor course examinations. Coordinate activities and content across sections to ensure consistency. The
teaching coordinator may also serve as a teaching assistant for individual recitation sections if necessary. This is a
20-hour/week position.
NOTE: This position is only available Spring 2016. You will be assigned to another position for Fall 2015.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University; continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree. Preference will be given to students
with research and/or applied experience in applied psychology domains, including but not limited to medicine,
law, business, and medicine.
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies.
Position Title:
Psychology 2220/2300 Course Assistant
Course Names:
2220 Introduction to Data Analysis in Psychology
2300 Research Methods in Psychology
Course Coordinator:
Lisa Cravens Brown (.1)
Positions Available:
Up to 12 course assistant positions
2220 DUTIES AS TEACHING ASSISTANT: Work closely with the course instructor. Prepare and grade homework
problems. Monitor and grade examinations. Teach regularly scheduled laboratory sessions: these involve
instructions with data analysis software SPSS; explication of homework and laboratory problems; administrative
bookkeeping of class roster and grades and other duties assigned by supervisor; hold weekly office hours. This is a
20-hour/week position.
2300 DUTIES AS TEACHING ASSISTANT: Work closely with the course instructor. Prepare and grade homework
problems. Monitor and grade examinations. May teach regularly scheduled class as needed, instructions with data
analysis software SPSS; coordinate homework and laboratory problems; administrative bookkeeping of class
roster and grades and other duties assigned by supervisor; hold weekly office hours. This is a 20-hour/week
NOTE: Depending on enrollment demands in 2220 and 2300 a GTA may be split between sections and/or
reassigned to another department course assistant need.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University. Continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree. Thorough knowledge of course
material and of various statistical applications. It is desired that you will have taken Psychology 6810 and 6811
(old 826-827-828), or Statistics 520 and 521 or equivalent. Preference will be given to students in the Quantitative
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies.
Position Title:
Psychology 3313, 3513, 4305 Course Assistant
Course Names:
3313 Intro to Behavioral Neuroscience
3513-Intro to Cog Neuroscience
4305 Drugs & Behavior
Faculty Coordinator:
Dr. Ben Givens (.7)
Positions Available:
Up to 4 course assistant positions
DUTIES AS TEACHING ASSISTANT: Work closely with the course instructor. Prepare and grade homework
problems. Monitor and grade examinations. May teach regularly scheduled class as needed. Administrative
bookkeeping of class roster and grades and other duties assigned by supervisor. This is a 20-hour/week position.
Hold weekly office hours.
NOTE: Depending on enrollment demands a GTA may be split between sections and/or reassigned to
another department course assistant need.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University; continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree. This position will normally be held by
an advanced student in the Cognitive or BN area; thorough knowledge of materials necessary to perform above
duties. This would normally be developed through appropriate course work in cognitive and behavioral
neuroscience; must have a solid background in cognitive and behavioral neuroscience.
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible if the associate’s professional development and progress through
the BN program would clearly benefit thereby.
Position Title:
Psychology 3321 Course Assistant
Course Name:
Quantitative and Statistical Methods in Psychology
Area Coordinator:
Dr. Trish Van Zandt (.2)
Positions Available:
Up to 2 course assistant positions
DUTIES AS TEACHING ASSISTANT: Work closely with the course instructor. Prepare and grade homework
problems. Monitor and grade examinations. Teach regularly scheduled laboratory sessions: these involve
instructions with data analysis software SPSS; explication of homework and laboratory problems; administrative
bookkeeping of class roster and grades and other duties assigned by supervisor. This is a 20-hour/week position.
Hold weekly office hours.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University; continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree; thorough knowledge of course material
and of various statistical applications. It is desired that you will have taken Psychology 6810 and 6811 (old 826827-828), or Statistics 520 and 521 or equivalent. Preference will be given to students in the Quantitative area.
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies.
Position Title:
Psychology 4508 Course Assistant
Course Name:
4508 Judgment and Decision Making
Faculty Coordinator:
Dr. Ellen Peters (.498)
Positions Available:
Up to 2 course assistant positions
DUTIES AS TEACHING ASSISTANT: Work closely with the course instructor. Prepare and grade homework
problems. Monitor and grade examinations. Some teaching responsibilities are also required, which may include
preparing and presenting one or two Friday class sessions; administrative bookkeeping of class roster and grades
and other duties assigned by supervisor. This is a 20-hour/week position. Hold weekly office hours.
NOTE: Depending on enrollment demands a GTA may be split between sections and/or reassigned to
different courses each semester.
REQUIREMENTS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University; continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree. This position will normally be held by
an advanced student in the quantitative area with a concentration in J/DM. Applicants should have completed the
6810/6811 (old 826-827-828) sequence and have some familiarity with and/or interest in issues in judgment and
decision making research (e.g., risk and risk assessment, heuristics and biases, likelihood judgments and
calibration, utility theory, etc.).
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies.
Position Title:
Psychology 4510 Course Assistant
Course Name:
4510 Cognitive Psychology Laboratory
Faculty Coordinator:
Dr. Gail McKoon (.1)
Positions Available:
1 course assistant position (fall semester only)
DUTIES AS TEACHING ASSISTANT: Psychology 4510 is a research methods course with an emphasis on design
issues relevant to research in cognitive psychology. In lecture, students are taught experimental design and
exposed to some current topics in the field. In lab, they learn to use statistical packages and conduct experiments.
Work closely with the course instructor. The GTA is responsible for conducting the labs, two sessions of the same
lab per week. This involves teaching students how to analyze data and showing them how to carry out computercontrolled experiments. GTA is also responsible for grading weekly homework assignments.
NOTE: This position is only available Fall 2015. You will be assigned to another position for Spring 2016.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University with continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree. This position will normally be held
by advanced students in the cognitive area. Prior familiarity with statistical software is necessary, as is knowledge
of software use on microcomputers. GTA should know APA style and feel confident enough in her/his own writing
skills to correct students’ use of English. GTA should have some familiarity with the literature in cognitive
psychology, and have a thorough knowledge of experimental designs and analyses used in the field (e.g., repeatedmeasures within-subjects designs).
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible if the associate’s professional development and progress through
the cognitive program would clearly benefit thereby.
Position Title:
Advanced Social Psychology Course Assistant
2376 Interpersonal Relationships
3375 Stereotyping and Prejudice
4475 The Self
4518 Attitudes: Structure, Function, and Consequence
4520 Social Psychology Laboratory
4525 Psychology of Personal Security
4630 Attitudes and Persuasion
Area Coordinator:
Dr. Jenny Crocker (.37)
Positions Available:
Up to 4 course assistant positions
DUTIES AS TEACHING ASSISTANT: Work closely with the course instructor. The duties for this assignment include
the following: Prepare and maintain class rosters and exam and grade records. Write, monitor, and score exams.
Hold regularly scheduled office hours for discussing course related matters with students. Arrange for reading
materials in the libraries. Arrange for audio-visual equipment and presentations. In collaboration with the faculty
member, lead discussions and/or deliver lectures.
NOTE: Depending on enrollment demands a GTA may be split between sections and/or reassigned to
another department course assistant need.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University with continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree; solid background in social
psychology, including receiving very good grades in social psychology graduate courses; and familiarity with the
relevant social psychology literature. A masters in social psych preferred but not necessary.
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies.
Position Title:
Advanced Quantitative Psychology Course Assistant
Course Names:
6820 Intro to Bayesian Statistics
6822 Statistical Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis
7820 Fundamentals of Factory Analysis
7821 Covariance Structure Models
7822 Fundamentals of Item Response Theory
7823 Analysis of Repeated Measures and Longitudinal Data
7824 Non-Parametric Statistics
Area Coordinator:
Dr. Trish Van Zandt (.2)
Positions Available:
Up to 2 course assistant positions
DUTIES AS TEACHING ASSISTANT: The person filling this position will be assigned to a different course in
quantitative psychology each semester, with exact assignment depending on course offerings in any particular year.
Course assignments will often include one or more of the following: Bayesian Stats, mediation, moderation,
conditional, factor analysis, covariance structure modeling, IRT, multivariate methods, and nonparametric. Duties
will vary from course to course, but in general will involve assisting the instructor in preparing course materials,
grading exams and assignments, providing individual assistance to students, and conducting lab sessions (in some
NOTE: Depending on enrollment demands a GTA may be split between sections and/or reassigned to
different courses per department need.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University with continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree; thorough knowledge of course
material and knowledge of applications in various areas of psychology; must have taken and performed well in
6810/6811 (old 826-827-828) or equivalent; experience with statistical program package (e.g., SPSS, SAS).
Previous TA experience is desired. In most situations, applicants for this position should be graduate students in
quantitative psychology, and should have completed and performed well in courses like 6810/6811/7820 and
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies.
Position Title:
General Course Assistant
Faculty Coordinator:
Dr. Ben Givens (.7)
Positions Available:
Up to 8 course assistant positions
DUTIES AS TEACHING ASSISTANT: CAs may be asked to assist faculty members with undergraduate courses in all
areas of the Psychology Department. CAs will prepare and maintain class rosters and exam and grade records, and
write, monitor, and score exams. They may hold regularly scheduled office hours for discussing course related
matters with students, arrange for reading materials in the libraries, or arrange for audio-visual equipment and
presentations. They may not lead discussions and/or deliver lectures.
CAs in these courses may be asked to assist in as many as 5 courses per semester. Normally the position requires
20 hours per week of course preparation, grading, and appropriate office hours for consultations with students.
However, because of the nature of serving multiple courses, CAs should expect to have variable and flexible time
commitments from week to week.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University. Priority is given to 2nd and 3rd year graduate students. Advanced grad students who are making
adequate progress in their programs are discouraged from applying for this position.
Each year, depending on the number of courses being offered, at least one student will be specifically assigned to cover
several faculty or lecture taught courses in the following areas:
BN courses
Clinical courses
Cognitive courses
Developmental courses
General courses
(4644, 5600, 5601)
(2303, 2333, 3331H, 3530, 4531, 4532, 4597.01)
(3302, 3310, 3312, 4309, 4597.02)
(3340, 3550, 3551, 4552, 4554, 4555)
(2301, 2420, 2462, 3624, 4485, 4521, 4522, 4543)
For these positions graduate students with a background in the respective areas are needed. Other expectations include
familiarity with the relevant psychology literature and good grades in psychology graduate courses.
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is allowed in rare circumstances as outlined in the departmental policies. It is
expected that individuals making satisfactory progress in their graduate programs will not serve in this capacity
beyond their third year.
Position Title:
Graduate Statistics Sequence Course Assistant
Course Name:
6810 Statistical Methods in Psychology I
6811 Statistical Methods in Psychology II
Area Coordinator:
Dr. Trish Van Zandt (.2)
(fall semester)
(spring semester)
Positions Available:
Up to 2 course assistant positions
DUTIES AS TEACHING ASSISTANT: Prepare and grade homework problems. Monitor and grade examinations.
Teach two 2-hour labs: involves discussion of homework, clarification of material presented in lectures, and
presentation of supplementary material. Other duties as assigned by course supervisor. Holds weekly office hours.
One of the Psychology 6810-6811 TAs may also be asked to serve as the Statistical Consultant on a half-time basis
during Spring Semester. Duties for this position will include the following: Consult with faculty and student in the
Psychology Department on such matters as: a) Design and analysis of experiments; b) Use of canned statistical
programs; c) Use of special-purpose programs for psychological data. Maintain statistical program library; update
documentation. Maintain statistical book and monograph library.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University; continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree; thorough knowledge of course material
and knowledge of applications in various areas of psychology. Must have taken 6810/6811 (old 826-827-828).
Experience with statistical program package (e.g., SPSS, SAS). Have taken Statistics 520 and 521. Previous teaching
experience. Student in quantitative program.
First-time GTA instructors are required to enroll in Psych 6851 summer course on college teaching.
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies.
Position Title:
Clinical Practicum Associate
Faculty Coordinator:
Dr. Joe DeCola (.6)
Positions Available:
GAA (non-GTA teaching)
Up to 2 graduate assistant position
DUTIES AS GRADUATE ASSOCIATE: Assist Clinical faculty in the planning, organization, execution, evaluation, and
interpretation of the Clinical Practicum. Observe students’ administration and scoring of intelligence and
personality tests, supervise practice in behavioral observations in schools and other group settings. Handle
inquiries for service and schedule intake appointments; assist students in completing forms; check scoring;
monitor case records; secure needed references and assist in formulating assessment and treatment plans; assist
in doing observations to provide a basis for observer reliability; handle routine communications with typist and
community agencies; order test materials and supplies; keep library, text, and resource materials up-to-date;
monitor billing and prepare statistical reports each semester and annually.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University; continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree; Clinical Psychology graduate student.
Successful completion of Psychology 856 and 844.01, preferably with Master’s Thesis completed. Interest and
experience in the use of developmental and behavioral approaches to assessment and treatment.
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies.
Position Title:
Research Experience Program Coordinator
Faculty Coordinator:
Dr. Ken Fujita (.5)
Positions Available:
GAA (non-teaching)
2 graduate assistant positions
DUTIES AS GRADUATE ASSOCIATE: Answer student questions about research projects; use REP database to enter
information regarding research requests, subject pool use, and Prescreening credits; grade papers for students
who opt out of doing experiments; communicate with Psychology 1100, 1100H, and 1200 instructors regarding
their students' REP credits); organize and maintain paper files: supervise work-study students. Attend monthly
REP meetings and communicate with Psych 1100, 1100H, and 1200 staff members.
SPECIAL NOTE: This is a four-semester appointment. The new REP GAA person begins his/her appointment in
summer semester of the first year of appointment and continues through autumn semester of the following year,
with 50% effort level (i.e., 20 hours per week) for the first three semesters and 25% for the fourth (autumn)
semester, during which the GAA may hold another regular GTA/GRA/GAA appointment with the Department.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University and continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree. Experience as a REP coordinator in
the previous year is desired as is Psychology 1100 instructor or researcher experience with REP participants.
Ability to interact with students, GTAs, and faculty, and to problem-solve is necessary. Organizational skills are
REAPPOINTMENT: Terms are for one year, with the expectation of renewal for an additional year. Reappointments
must be recommended by the REP coordinator and the student’s adviser.
Position Title:
Research Experience Program Paper Grader
Program Director:
Dr. Melissa Beers (.3)
Faculty Coordinator:
Dr. Ken Fujita (.5)
Positions Available:
GAA (non-teaching)
1 graduate assistant position
DUTIES AS GRADUATE ASSOCIATE: Review and provide feedback on student papers written as alternatives to
participating in the REP Subject Pool. Work with the Psychology 1100 Program Director to select papers and
arrange schedule for paper due dates coordinated with the course syllabus; communicate as necessary with Psych
1100H Coordinator. Manage Carmen site for student paper submissions; evaluate/assess and provide student
feedback on their submissions; collect evaluative/assessment data and submit to Program Director. Attend
monthly REP meetings and communicate with REP, Psych 1100, Psych 1100H, and Psych 1200 staff members.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University. Continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree. Experience evaluating student writing
is desired as is experience as a Psychology 1100 or 2367.01/.02 instructor. Ability to communicate/interact with
students, GTAs, and faculty, and to problem-solve is necessary. Organizational skills are essential.
REAPPOINTMENT: Terms are for one year, with the expectation of renewal for an additional year. Reappointments
must be recommended by the REP coordinator and the student’s adviser.
Position Title:
Statistical Consultant Associate
Area Coordinator:
Dr. Trish Van Zandt (.2)
Positions Available:
GAA (non-teaching)
1 graduate assistant position
DUTIES AS GRADUATE ASSOCIATE: The person filling this position will be used as a statistical consultant to faculty,
graduate students, and undergraduate senior thesis students on an as needed, appointment basis. The stat
consultant is expected to help with experimental design issues, data analyses, and appropriate interpretation of
statistical procedures. The consultant may from time to time be asked to provide department-wide workshops on
new or updated statistical software. During a semester of lighter demand (usually Autumn) the consultant may be
asked to assist as a GTA for one of the advanced graduate courses (e.g., 7824). In general, duties will involve
meeting with student and faculty about their research questions and assisting the quantitative area faculty as
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University. Continued reasonable progress toward the appropriate degree. Thorough knowledge of course
material and knowledge of applications in various areas of psychology. Must have taken and performed well in
6810/6811 (old 826-827-828) or equivalent. Experience with statistical program package (e.g., SPSS, SAS).
Previous GTA experience is desired. In most situations, applicants for this position should be graduate students in
quantitative psychology, and should have completed and performed well in courses like 6810/6811/7820 and
REAPPOINTMENT: Reappointment is possible under the circumstances outlined in the departmental policies.
Position Title:
Undergraduate Neuroscience Advising Associate
Faculty Director:
Faculty Coordinator:
Dr. John Bruno (.1)
Dr. Charlie Campbell (.601)
Positions Available:
GAA (non- teaching)
1 graduate assistant position
DUTIES AS GRADUATE ASSOCIATE: Assist the Program Assistant and the Director of Undergraduate Programs in
the Department of Psychology with scheduling appointments, responding to student inquiries, office projects,
programming, and providing informal advising to undergraduate psychology majors. Assist staff member with
teaching of Psychology 2389: Career Exploration in Psychology. Other duties as assigned by the Program Assistant
and the Director of Undergraduate Programs. Maintain a regular appointment calendar of 20 hours per week.
QUALIFICATIONS: Current status as a graduate student in the Department of Psychology at The Ohio State
University; strong interpersonal skills and a desire to work with students; continued reasonable progress toward
the appropriate degree.
SPECIAL NOTE: This is a three-semester appointment. The GAA begins his/her appointment in summer semester
of the first year of appointment and continues through spring semester of the following year.
REAPPOINTMENT: This one-year appointment has the possibility of renewal. Reappointments must be
recommended by the Director of Undergraduate Programs, and the student’s adviser.