Adobe Customer Story
Philips creates innovations that matter.
Diversified global brand achieves more flexible, impactful
marketing by standardizing on Adobe Marketing Cloud
across digital properties worldwide.
“Using the integrated Adobe Marketing
Cloud solutions, we gain efficiencies
and can show what business and IT can
accomplish when working towards the
same goals.”
Lonneke Vink, product owner, consumer
website, Philips
Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe
Analytics, and Adobe Target solutions
within Adobe Marketing Cloud
Users on any device can
navigate digital campaign
sites, product catalogs, and
customer care areas without
going through multiple
Standardized and centralized
experience components
and content for reuse
across websites, simplifying
management and content
Empowers local marketers
worldwide with a single
platform to manage
customer touch points
Improved buy button
clickthroughs in one instance
by 20% using Adobe Target
and Adobe Analytics to test
and optimize web pages
Adobe Customer Story
Royal Philips N.V.
of the Netherlands
Established in 1891
Employees: 114,000
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
•Replacing existing web management
system with a robust and future-proof
•Streamlining global website management
and promoting consistency
•Improving time to market for changes
and for localized websites
Diversified global digital environments
For more than 100 years, Royal Philips of the Netherlands has improved peoples’ lives through meaningful
innovations. Over the years, Philips has expanded from Lighting solutions into a diversified technology
company also offering Healthcare and Consumer Lifestyle products. The company’s 114,000 employees
worldwide now serve millions of customers in more than 100 countries.
With a digital presence reaching 62 markets, Philips began looking for a new web content management
system that would better meet current and future needs. “At first, we thought that this would be a project
just for IT, but as we looked closer at web content management systems, we realized that a more complete
system would give us opportunities to also affect business operations,” says Lonneke Vink, product owner,
consumer website at Philips.
Philips had already achieved success using Adobe Marketing Cloud to create a community-based digital
experience for its male grooming product line. The company decided to make Adobe Marketing Cloud,
including Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Analytics, and Adobe Target solutions, the core of its online
digital presence for websites across all markets, corporate domains, and even eventually its global intranet.
Consistent experiences for managers and customers
The web content management capabilities in Adobe Experience Manager have transformed how Philips
manages its websites through reusable templates, assets, and components. “With Adobe Experience
Manager, we get the best of both worlds: easy-to-use content management features that enable us to
convey a consistent Philips brand across websites, and flexible components that enable website staff to
customize elements for a product line or market,” says Vink.
Adobe Customer Story
“Feedback about Adobe
Experience Manager
from local markets has
been tremendous. Local
web managers are taking
ownership of websites,
playing with components to
customize the template to
give sites a local flavor.”
By moving towards a centralized, consistent approach, Philips reduces time spent creating assets and
developing content for new websites. The company can also be assured that content used on websites
is approved, meeting both legal and brand standards. The result is a more unified brand experience for
consumers and faster rollout of new products and online information.
Lonneke Vink, product owner,
consumer website, Philips
To streamline content delivery and help ensure the use of current, accurate product details across all
digital communications, Philips integrated Adobe Experience Manager with its product information
management (PIM) system. The PIM system contains approximately one million product descriptions
that are imported into Experience Manager, which then automatically generates product detail pages.
Standardizing on a single web content management solution also enables Philips to unify information.
For instance, previously, marketing and photo catalogs were kept on separate systems. “We standardized
on Adobe Experience Manager, which makes it easier to manage a much larger library of information,”
says Joost van Dun, IT business partner, online at Philips. “Experience Manager gives us one location to
seamlessly serve customers before and after a purchase.”
Seamless integration with enterprise systems
“We’ve seen impressive efficiencies with Adobe Experience Manager,” explains van Dun. “We were able
to import our large product data set in less than two days and can still process an average of 30,000
product updates daily.” The large data import included a range of essential information, including more
than 250,000 localized marketing descriptions and 750,000 localized support descriptions.
Reaching global audiences
Localizing content for all markets can be costly for Philips, both in terms of time and labor. Adobe Experience
Manager helps the company streamline the localization process to better serve international audiences.
Already, the flexibility to break down content into standard, reusable components is helping local teams
reduce redundant translations.
“Feedback about Adobe Experience Manager from local markets has been tremendous,” says Vink.
“Local web managers are taking ownership of websites, playing with components to customize the
template to give sites a local flavor. We’re empowering local market managers to provide site visitors
with a high-quality online experience tailored to their needs.”
Using the multisite management capabilities in Adobe Experience Manager, Philips can easily replicate
a site in many languages for different markets. Philips is currently looking at how automated translation
integration can further reduce the time and costs associated with localization. “By integrating automatic
content translation workflows with Adobe Experience Manager, we have calculated that we can reduce
translation time by up to 75% and reduce translation management costs by up to 90%,” says van Dun.
Adobe Customer Story
Responsive design for mobile customers
• Adobe Marketing Cloud, including
the Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe
Analytics, and Adobe Target solutions.
Capabilities used include:
Through support for responsive design, Adobe Experience Manager enables Philips to support its growing
number of mobile visitors. Rather than maintaining multiple versions of its websites, Philips built for mobile
devices from the ground up using a responsive design implementation for everything on the site to enable
consistent display of content across screens of all sizes. The dynamic media capabilities of Experience Manager
even enable Philips to automatically scale images to any required size from a single source image, eliminating a
tremendous amount of time spent editing and managing many images.
•Web content management
•Dynamic media
•Marketing reports and analytics
•A/B testing
“Adobe Experience Manager enables us to support responsive templates that create a foundation for mobile
device display into the future and improve our productivity,” says van Dun. “We only need to create content
once, rather than dividing our time across websites.” Not only can Philips streamline website management in
every market, but dealing with a single website also makes it easier to measure accurate metrics and improve
search engine rankings by eliminating any splits between mobile and desktop audiences.
Effective testing and analysis
Leveraging the integrated Adobe Marketing Cloud solutions, Philips continues to optimize the website for
key performance indicators, which include customer experience and purchases. Data gained from tests run
in Adobe Target are automatically brought into Adobe Analytics, which provides real-time metrics and in-depth
analysis to help Philips gain insights from the tests quickly.
Through a series of tests, Philips optimized the performance of color and text variations of the “Buy” button
in the United States. One variation increased clicks on the button by 20%. Once a successful test has been
completed, Adobe Experience Manager enables the company to change the website faster than ever.
Previously, Philips would need to edit code on every page to make even the smallest change. This led to
more work and more testing. Even if developers rushed, a change could easily take eight to nine weeks.
For more information
Adobe Systems Incorporated
345 Park Avenue
San Jose, CA 95110-2704
“Taking advantage of components in Adobe Experience Manager, we can implement changes to the
website in only a couple of days or even hours with minimal work,” says van Dun. The developers can
concentrate on one element at a time and automatically propagate changes across the entire website.
“Although text changes still need to be localized, design and layout changes can be implemented globally
with little extra effort.”
Philips is currently working to rollout Adobe Experience Manager across the rest of its global markets and
its new global intranet, which will contain company news, human resources, and other basic services. “The
impact of Adobe Experience Manager goes beyond improving online customer experiences,” says Vink.
“Using the integrated Adobe Marketing Cloud solutions, we gain efficiencies and can show what business
and IT can accomplish when working towards the same goals.”
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