Modeling the Distribution of Price Sensitivity and Implications for Optimal Retail Pricing Author(s): Byung-Do Kim, Robert C. Blattberg, Peter E. Rossi Source: Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Vol. 13, No. 3, (Jul., 1995), pp. 291-303 Published by: American Statistical Association Stable URL: Accessed: 15/07/2008 11:45 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. We work with the scholarly community to preserve their work and the materials they rely upon, and to build a common research platform that promotes the discovery and use of these resources. For more information about JSTOR, please contact @ 1995AmericanStatisticalAssociation Modeling the Sensitivity and Optimal Retail Statistics,July1995,Vol.13, No.3 Journalof Business&Economic Distribution of Price for Implications Pricing Byung-Do KIM PA 15213 GraduateSchoolof Industrial Administration, Pittsburgh, CarnegieMellonUniversity, Robert C. BLATTBERG Northwestern Evanston,IL 60201 University, KelloggGraduateSchoolof Management, Peter E. Rossi of Chicago,Chicago,IL 60637 GraduateSchoolof Business,University of pricesensitivity acrossconsumers.We employa Thisarticlefocuseson the distribution andprice-slope coefficients are random-coefficient intercepts logitmodelinwhichbrand-specific allowedto varyacrosshouseholds.Themodelis estimatedwithpaneldatafortwoproduct of the estimatedmodelare deducedthroughan optimalretail categories. The implications costfigures.Wetest parametric pricinganalysisthatcombinesthe paneldatawithchain-level distributional densityestimatesbasedon seriesexpansions. assumptions usingsemiparametric Random-coefficient KEYWORDS: Optimal pricing; logit. Heterogeneity; Marketingresearchershave long recognized that differences among consumersplay an importantrole in the development of pricing policy and the positioning of consumer products. Consumerpreferencesor perceivedqualityof different brandswithin a productcategory are criticalin determining the pricing of existing brandsas well as in planning the introductionof new brands.In additionto qualityperceptions, the distributionof reservationpricesfor a given level of perceivedquality,or theprice sensitivityof consumers,is also fundamentalto the pricing decision. Traditionalcategorymanagement models do not incorporateconsumer heterogeneity [see BlattbergandNeslin (1990) for a briefdiscussion of category-managementmodels]. The goal of this articleis to demonstratethe importanceof proper modeling of consumerheterogeneityin the context of the pricingproblem. The availabilityof detailedhouseholdpaneldatacombined with the application of econometric methods for handling unobservedheterogeneityhas fostereda rapidlygrowingliterature in marketing. Table 1 summarizesthe models for heterogeneity and estimation methods used in the choice literature.In the choice-model context, Guadagniand Little (G&L) (1983) were among the first to recognize that traditional demographicvariableswere not sufficientto explain the differentpatternsof productloyalty observed in household panel data. Their solution is to introduce a "loyalty" variable, which has the effect of making the interceptsof a logit model vary accordingto the pastpurchasehistoryof the household.The G&L approachhas been adoptedby manyin the choice field. Kamakuraand Russell (1989) used a finitemixture random-coefficientapproachto modeling heterogeneity thathas also attracteda large following in the choice literature.Chintagunta,Jain, and Vilcassim (1991) reviewed many parametricapproachesto interceptheterogeneityand comparedthese to a nonparametricapproach. Recently, researchersareexperimentingwith models in which the slopes of the price variable,as well as the intercepts,are household specific. Allenby and Lenk (1994), McCulloch and Rossi (1994), andGonulandSrinivasan(1993) implementedchoice models in which both the interceptsand the slopes vary according to some joint distributionover households. Table 1 summarizes some of the key works in the heterogeneity literature. Althoughthe recent literaturefocuses on methods for estimationof random-coefficientchoice models, there has not been a carefulassessmentof the importanceof heterogeneity and, in particular,slope heterogeneity,for actual marketing decisions. Allenby and Rossi (1991) were among the firstto use a retailerpricingproblemas a meansof comparisonof alternativechoice models, but they did not considerthe impact of incorporatingheterogeneity.Vilcassim and Chintagunta (1992) discussed the problem of optimal retail pricing in a model with interceptheterogeneitybut made no assessment of the importanceof heterogeneityin terms of profitsor optimal prices. Gupta(1993) extendedthe model of Vilcassim and Chintaguntato include slope heterogeneityand concentratedon derivingoptimaldynamicprice discountschedules. Again, he did not evaluatethe substantiveimportanceof incorporatingheterogeneityin the model in termsof its effects on the dynamic schedule of optimal prices. While he emphasized the dynamic problem of choosing a promotional or discountingschedule over time, our work focused on the problemof choosing the regularprice level against which a schedule of discounts of the sort derived by Gupta can be applied. 291 292 Journalof Business&Economic Statistics, July1995 Table1. Heterogeneity in ChoiceModeling: of theLiterature Summary brands. analysisto groupsof similaror highlysubstitutable Thereis animplicitassumption thatgroupsof similarproductsareweaklyseparablein the householdutilityfunction; Distributional Heterogeneity thisreducesthesize of thedemand-system model Study type parameterization. In addition,thepaneldatacommonlyavailableto marketing andLittle Intercept None.Weighted Guadagni average researchers areonlyavailablefora few productcategories. pastpurchases (1983) The demand for a categoryor groupof brandsof a given Kamakura andRussell Intercept/slopeDiscretemixture different sizes andbrandsof cannedtunafish) product(e.g., (1989) et Discrete mixture al. can be broken into two beIntercept Chintagunta components.Thesubstitutability (1991) tweenbrandsin thisgivencategoryandotherproductswill RossiandAllenby Intercept/slopeBayesianfixedeffect determinethe overallcategorydemand(sometimestermed (1993) "categoryexpansion"in the marketingliterature)and the andLenk Intercept/slopeBayesianrandom Allenby coefficient substitutability amongbrandsin the category.The substi(1994) logistic in the categoryis modeledby brandof brands regression tutability andRossi Intercept/slopeBayesianrandom McCulloch choiceormarket-share models.Inthisarticle,we will focus coefficient multinominal on (1994) modelingheterogeneityin the brand-choice portionof probit the In model. category-demand manycategories,suchas the GonulandSrinivasan Intercept/slopeRandom-coefficient logit considered decilater,the quantity-choice ketchupcategory (1993) sion is not criticalbecausemost consumersbuy only one andcategory-purchase decisions unit;it is the brand-choice thatare mostimportant.Evenfor the categoriesin which A pointof departure forouranalysisis theuseof themodel multipleunitsarepurchased, priceplaysmuchmoreof a role to solveanoptimal-retail-pricing problem.Weusecostdata in the brand-choice decisionthanin the category-purchase obtainedfroma largeChicagogrocerychainto solve for decision(seeChiang1991). regular(shelf)retailprices.In additionto profit-maximizing We follow the standardrandom-utility frameworkintroprovidinginsightsinto the optimalityof the existingretail ducedby McFadden(1973)to formulatea household-level analysisprovidesauseful pricingsystem,theoptimal-pricing choice model.To fix the notationand clarifythe sources tool. model-evaluation of randomness,we will brieflyreview this approach.If contributions.In We also makeseveralmethodological we assumethatthe householdsubutilityfunctionover the modelsin marketing, the applicationof random-coefficient brandsin the productcategoryis linearwithmarginalutilformfor the it is commonto assumea specificparametric of brandj exp(V0),then the choice model is derived ity distribution of coefficientsacrosshouseholds.We employ fromthe first-order conditions,and we choosebrandj iff a seminonparametric densityestimatordue to Gallantand exp(VPp)/pj >_ exp('m.)/pm for m = 1,2,... ,J (J brandsin of a lognormal Nychka(1987)to checkourassumption slope thecategory); pj is thepriceof brandj. distribution of thepricecoefficient.It is alsocommonto reTo developaneconometricspecification, anerrortermis strictanalysisto a smallsubsetof thetotalnumberof houseintroducedinto the marginalutilityof brandj. We write holdsin the panel.Frequently, the sampleof householdsis the marginalutilityof consumeri (i = 1,... , I) for brand tohouseholdswhohavemadeoveracertainnumber restricted j (j = 1,... ,J) on purchaseoccasionk (k = 1,..., Ki) as of purchasesin theproductcategory(particularly forstudies = exp(,ij)exp(eijk). The marginalutilityconstantVii uijk thatemploya G&Lloyaltymeasure).KimandRossi(1994) variesacrossconsumersas well as brands,reflectingdifferdemonstrated a strongbiasfromincludingonly households ent levelsof intrinsicbrandpreferencefor differenthousewithhighvolumeor frequencyof purchase.In ourcontinuholds. It is important to differentiate betweenrandomness itis notnecessarytorestrict ousrandom-coefficient approach, induced differences between households thatareunobby the sampleto householdswithlongpurchasehistories,and servableto thedataanalystandrandomness acrosspurchase we use the full sample of over 3,000 households. The organizationof the article is as follows: Section 1 introducesthe model and lays out the statistical specification, Section 2 discusses the data and parameterestimates, Section 3 discusses optimal retail pricing, Section 4 discusses methodological issues, and Section 5 provides some conclusions. 1. MODEL AND STATISTICALSPECIFICATION To formulatepricing and positioning strategies,we must firstdevelop and estimatea demandsystem for the items under consideration. At the lowest level of UniversalProduct Code (UPC) aggregation,the averagesupermarketcontains some 25,000 to 40,000 items. Itis common,therefore,to limit occasionsforthe samehousehold. The errorterm,eik, should be viewed as representingfactorsaffectingpurchasebehavior beyondthe includedprice variableconditionalon the values of household-specificparameters.Later we will introducea random-coefficientspecification that will capture variation across householdsin 4'and otherkey parameters. As is well known, the distributionof the errorterms will determinethe functionalformof these probabilities.Withthe errorsassumedto be iid as theTypeI extremevalue,we obtain a standardlogit specificationwith slopes and interceptsthat vary acrosshouseholds: P(J) = exp(?fr,- 1/ai In pijk) 2,,m exp(4,• - 1/ai In Pik) andRossi:PriceSensitivity andOptimal RetailPricing Kim,Blattberg, Note that the Y'are normalizedintercepts,V5'= VPij/ai;ai is the scale parameterfor the errorterm for household i; ai representsthe relativesize of the unobservablecomponentof the ith household's behaviorto thatdeterminedby the intercept parameters,V)',andprices. We can interpretthis termby writingthe price coefficients as 3 = - 1/ai. Householdsthat are influencedprimarilyby price and not by otherconsiderations will have a low value of ai and a very large(negative) pricecoefficient,which will makethemverysensitiveto price changes. To summarize,we have now specified and interpretedthe parametersof a logit model with,interceptsand a price coefficient that vary across households: exp(fo, + /, In pij) 293 evidence from these individuallogit coefficient estimatesto supportthefirstassumptionof independence.Frombothscatterplotsand correlationanalysis, we could detect no relationship at all between the slope and intercepts.(We constructed a sample of households with 10 or more purchasesand for which the individual-levelestimatesexist. This leaves a sample of 225 households.The correlationbetweenthe intercepts and slope for these estimatesis .00091.) For a sample of 100 households,Allenby and Lenk (1992) found only weak evidence of correlation.[Allenby and Lenk (1994) allowed for price, display,and featureeffects to be correlatedwith three interceptterms.Of a total of nine covarianceterms,only one has any appreciablemass away from0. Allenby andLenkdid not, however,compute the posteriordistributionof the correlationcoefficient so that it is difficultto gauge the strength (J)=exp(in + 3, Inp,,)k) of theirevidence againstthe assumptionof zero correlation.] istoallowfordifferent Theroleof0' parameters of patterns Allenby and Lenk (1994), McCulloch and Rossi (1994), brand across whereas thepricecoef- andGonulandSrinivasan(1993) assumedthatthe pricecoefconsumers, preference inpricesensitivity. ficients allowfordifferences ficient is normallydistributed.Given the overwhelmingdeintheparameters Tomodel theheterogeneity ofthehouse- mand theoretic argumentsand empirical evidence that the arandom-coefficientprice coefficient must be negative, we decided instead to holdlogitmodel givenby(1),weadopt framework (e.g., see Heckman 1982). In this approach, employ a reflected lognormal distributionthat is only deeach household is viewed as obtainingits parametervector fined over negativevalues. Our assumptionof lognormality = a draw from some as is strongly supportedby nonparametricdensity estimation 1,..., superpopulation J, (Oii,j J3/) distribution.The form of the heterogeneitydistributionis the methodsappliedto ourdata as shown in Section 4.1. Our third assumption concerning the nature of heterokey modelingdecision in random-coefficientmodels. Forany reasonablenumberof brands,this J-dimensionaldistribution geneity in the interceptor qualityperceptionterms deserves furtherdiscussion. We exploit certain observed patternsof (J - 1 interceptsand one slope coefficient)can be quitecomplex and highly parameterized.It is common, therefore,to loyalty that characterizethe data. For example, in the tuna restrictthe dimensionalityof the problemby eithereliminatcategory, there is strong loyalty to form [e.g., households are loyal to the form in which canned tuna is packed (in ing heterogeneity in some of the parametersor simplifying the structureof the multivariatedistribution. oil or water) not to brands].In the ketchup category, only Our approach is to build a parsimonious randomone nationalbrandearns any appreciabledegree of loyalty. coefficientmodel thatcapturestheessentialfeaturesof houseThus, there is only one majordimension in quality percephold behavior without the introductionof many potentially tions along which households differ. We model this by inWe will identified the exact choice poorly parameters. justify cluding a "type"-shiftervariableinto the logit model and by of our model specification by examinationof the purchase allowing this variableto be randomacross households. We believe thatthis approachcapturesthe salient featuresof inpatterns in our data and by comparison to less restricted models. Three key assumptions are made in the developtercept heterogeneitywithout the introductionof many pament of our random-coefficientmodel: (1) The slope and rameters.In addition,the form of interceptheterogeneitywe interceptsare assumedto be independent,(2) the negativeof adoptis easily interpretablefrom the marketingperspective. the price-sensitivityparameteris assumedto be lognormally Section 4.2 provides a comparisonto an unrestrictedmodel distributed[i.e., the price-sensitivityparameter,/, is parameof interceptheterogeneitythat supportsthese views. terizedas / = - exp(y), 7 - N(ji, c)], and (3) heterogeneity Under these assumptions,the likelihood for a sample of in the interceptis restrictedto a one-dimensionaldiscreteranhouseholdsgiven in the following equationinvolves averagdom variable. Each of the intercepts•0 is parameterizedin ing each householdlikelihoodover thejoint distributionof 7 terms of the loyalty-shiftervariable.We assume thatloyalty and7y.In the equation,•' is the vector of the J - 1 identified patternsare of two "types,"A andB; for example,A is oil and intercepts: B is water: Id= qi +7"Dj , (2) where Di is an indicatorvariablethatswitches on if brandjis of the certainkey loyalty type and 7i is the randomdrawfor household i from the loyalty heterogeneitydistribution- ,iidf. Before making these assumptions,we experimentedextensively with fixed-effects or individuallogit models fit to householdswith relativelylong purchasehistories.We found L( ', qA,qB,I, 0") i=1 i=1 oo x (r Iq, k=l j=l qB)q(7 I,u,a)dlrd-j. 294 Journalof Business &EconomicStatistics,July1995 Here Pik is defined in (1), Yjk= 1 if brandj is purchasedon occasion k, and 0( ) is the normaldensity function;ni is the numberof purchaseoccasions for householdi. In our application,f is a discretedistributionthatputs all of its mass on the points qAandq, withp as the probabilityof value qA.To identify the model, E(i) shouldbe 0, leaving 0j as the mean of Oij.In otherwords,becausethe meanvalueof the interceptfor each brand,0j, is separatelyestimated,we do not requirean additionalmeanparameterfor the distribution of ri. Since E(ri) = qAP + qB(1 - p) = 0, p = qB/(q - qA). Thus,theprobabilityof'ri = qA(orp) canbe implicitlydefined as a function of qAand qB. In addition,p is constrainedto be greaterthanor equalto 0 andless thanor equalto 1 in estimation becausep is a probability.This constrainton the probability (p) can be achievedby restrictingqA> 0 and q, < 0. RESULTS 2. DATAAND ESTIMATION 2.1 Data To estimate the price-sensitivitydistributionand the perceived quality level of each brand,scannerpanel data from A. C. Nielsen on cannedtunaandketchupwereused. Tofacilitatecomparisonsacrosscategoriesandto keep the dataanalysis manageable,we restrictattentionto one "everydaylow price"chainin Springfield,Missouri. Althoughthepurchasehistory files for each household are complete and accurate, there are problems in constructingcompetitive prices (see Kim 1992 for details). In both categories,we restrictattentionto householdswho remainin the sample for at least 100 weeks. This was determined from the shopping-occasionfile, which lists all shopping tripsfor the householdregardlessof whetheror not the householdmadepurchasesin the productcategory.Note that this is a very differentsample-selectionrule from specifying a minimumnumberof purchaseoccasions as is common in the scannerliterature.Oursample-inclusionrule is free from the choice-based sampling bias that would afflict samples chosen on the basis of the numberof purchaseoccasions [see Narasimhanand Renken (1991) for more discussion on this point]. It is possible, however,that our sample suffers from attritionbias, as discussed by Winer(1983). Comparisonof measureddemographicvariablesof the entirepopulationof householdswith our sample of householdswho remainedin the panel shows negligible differences. The tunafishmarketis complex in the sense thattunafishis availablein variousforms (e.g., water vs. oil, light meat vs. white,etc.) anddifferentsizes (e.g., 6.5 oz., 3.25 oz., 9.25 oz., etc.). Furthermore,for each form and size thereare national brands,privatelabels, and generics. We restrictattentionto "lightmeat 6.5 oz." brandsbecause this type dominateswith more than 90% of the market. We will analyze the top four nationalbrandsand one store-specificbrandfor each chain. One reason for including a store brandin our analysis is to obtaina wide dispersionof perceivedproductquality,which will reducethe variancesof estimatesof interceptparameters. Table2 shows summarystatisticsfor each UPC of canned tunaanalyzed. Three"water"brands,Starkistwater(SKW), Table2. SummaryStatisticsfor Tuna ADPa SKWd COSW PW SKO COSO .75 .80 .63 .75 .78 WAPb .69 .75 .63 .73 .70 MSc 44.2 16.3 7.7 17.8 14.0 NOTE: Thetotalnumberof purchasesis 13,705. The numberof householdsis 3,093. The distribution of numberof purchasesforthe householdhas a mean of 4.43 and a median of 3; 0Q1= 1, 03 = 5. aADP(averagedailyprice)representsthe dailyaverageshelf price. bWAP(weightedaverageprice)representsthe dailyaverageshelfpriceweightedbydaily sales. CMSrepresentsthe marketshare. dSKWis "Starkist COSWis "Chicken-of-the-Sea Labelwater," water," PWis "Private water," SKOis "Starkist oil" oil:'COSOis "Chicken-of-the-Sea Chicken-of-the-Seawater (COSW), a store-specificprivate label, and two "oil"brands,Starkistoil (SKO) and Chickenof-the-Seaoil (COSO),areincludedin the analysis. Theprice measures,averagedaily price (ADP) and weighted average price (WAP),arecomputedfor each UPC. The averagedaily price is simplythe daily averageshelf price, andthe weighted average price is the daily average price weighted by daily sales. The weighted averageprice is computedto determine the percentageof sales for a given UPC thatare made during a promotionalperiod. For example, compare the average and weighted averageprices of SKO and COSO. The ADP of SKO ($.75) is lower than that of COSO ($.78), but the WAP of SKO ($.73) is higher than that of COSO ($.70). This implies that much of the COSO sales are made during promotionalperiods. The total numberof panelists is over 3,000, and the total numberof purchaserecords is over 13,000 in all chains for canned tuna. The large numberof panelists makes it possible to more accuratelyestimate the price-sensitivitydistributionacross panelists. Many other studies of household heterogeneityuse samples with a much smaller numberof households[for example,Chintaguntaet al. (1992) used 135 panelists,GonulandSrinivasan(1993) used 152 households, and Allenby and Lenk (1994) used 100 households]. Only KamakuraandRussell (1989) with 585 householdsandRossi and Allenby (1993) with 777 householdsused a large number of households. The mean numberof purchasesfor each household is four during the observationperiod (e.g., 120 weeks from Februaryin 1985 to May in 1987). There are many households with only one or two purchase records. The total sample of panelists is used to estimate the model because we are interestedin the behaviorof all panelists. In the choice literatureand particularlyin those studies that employ the G&L loyalty measure, it is common to eliminate households with short purchase histories. Kim and Rossi (1994) demonstratedthat there is a strong bias from restrictingthe analysis to a sample of households with long purchasehistories and/or large volume/frequency. In a random-coefficientapproachto modeling heterogeneity,it is not necessaryto restrictanalysis to households with long purchasehistories because even households with only one choice observationadd informationaboutthe distributionof interceptsand slopes in the populationof households. Kim,Blattberg,and Rossi: PriceSensitivityand OptimalRetailPricing of WaterPurchasesinTuna Proportion 295 of Heinz Proportion r CD 0 c0 0.0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 proportion proportion of SKamongWaterTunaPurchases Proportion of HuntsamongNonHeinzPurchases Proportion a) 1.0 a 0 o 0.0 0.2 0.4 C0 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 proportion proportion Figure 1. Formand BrandLoyaltyforTuna. Figure2. BrandLoyaltyin Ketchup. The tuna panelists display an interestingpatternof form but not brandloyalty as shown in Figure 1. The top portion of the figureis a histogramof the proportionof water-packed tuna purchases by household. Most households purchase only water-packedtuna, with a small minoritybuying tuna in oil. The bottom portion of the figure is a histogramof the proportionof purchasesof Starkistamong water-packed tunapurchasesfor each household. Veryfew householdsare loyal to Starkist. The price of Starkistand Chicken-of-theSea are very similar with frequentpromotionsthat cause a great deal of brandswitching. Given this patternof loyalty, it seems most importantto capturethe differences in tastes for oil- versus water-packedtunaratherthanto try to model subpopulationswith specific brandloyalty. Thisjustifies our use of an oil/watershiftervariablein the specificationoutlined previously. Table 3 presents the summary statistics for the ketchup data. Some 2,000 panelists made nearly 5,000 purchases from among four majorbrandsof ketchup. Heinz is by far the market-shareleader,with the storebrandandHuntsgrappling for second place. The differences between WAP and ADP suggestthatHeinz is the most promotedbrand,whereas the store brandis the least promoted. Due to the low purchase frequencyof ketchup,thereare very few purchasesper householdin this category. Figure 2 is designed to illustrate the key characteristic of ketchuployalty. We see a significant fraction of households who purchaseonly Heinz brandketchup, but there is a good deal of switching among other national brandsand the private-labelbrand.Again, our strategyis to use a Heinz shiftervariableto captureheterogeneityin the perceivedquality of Heinz. It appearsthat some fraction of households perceivethatHeinz has a significantlyhigherqualitythanthe otherbrands. Table 3. SummaryStatisticsforKetchup 2.2 EstimationResults Brand ADP WAP MS Heinz Hunts Del Monte Store brand 1.32 1.36 1.43 .92 1.25 1.34 1.42 .92 51.0 20.6 5.2 23.3 NOTE: Allbrandsare 32 ounces. The totalnumberof purchasesis 4,956. The number of the numberof purchasesfora householdhas a of householdsis 1,956. The distribution mean of 2.53 and a medianof 2; 0Q1= 1, 03 = 3. In this section, we discuss the resultsof fittingourrandomcoefficient specification to each of the product categories. First, it is useful to documentthe evidence in the data that supports the assumptions of heterogeneity.As many have noted (see, in particular,Chintaguntaet al. 1991), incorporatinginterceptheterogeneityis very importantin improving model fitandexplanatorypower. It is interestingto ask: What 296 Journalof Business &EconomicStatistics,July1995 Table 4. ModelSelection Criteria Model Log-likelihoodParameters AIC Homogeneouslogit BIC -16,264 5 -16,267 -16,288 -15,201 7 -15,205 -15,234 -11,553 8 -11,557 -11,591 Intercept heterogeneityonly Slope and intercept heterogeneity Table 5. ParameterEstimatesforthe TunaCategory Parameterestimates* Intercept SK water 1.016 (.019) COSwater Storewater .000 -1.608 (.021) -.154 (.043) -1.125 (.049) SK oil is the marginalcontributionfrom accommodatingslope heterogeneityas well as interceptheterogeneity? To address this issue, we fit successive variantsof our model to the entire sample of 13,705 tuna purchases. We startwith a highly restrictedmodel in which all heterogeneity has been eliminated by restrictingall coefficients to be constant across households. We then free up the intercept coefficient by allowing form-loyaltyheterogeneity.Finally, we allow both interceptand slope heterogeneityby allowing the varianceterm in the slope-coefficientdistributionto be freely determinedby the data. The results are summarized in Table4. AIC is the Akaike informationcriterion,AIC = LL - q/2, whereLL is log-likelihoodandq is the numberof parameters.BIC is the Bayesian informationcriterionintroducedby Schwarz(1978), BIC = LL - 1/2q In(v),wherev is the degrees of freedom. Unlike the AIC, the BIC is a consistentmodel-selectioncriterion.Both the AIC andBIC figures dramaticallyemphasizethe importanceof slope heterogeneity. By adding only one parameterto the model, the loglikelihood increases by over 20%. Furthermore,it appears thatslope heterogeneityis relativelymore importantthaninterceptheterogeneityin this dataset becauseimprovementin fit fromintroducingthe slope heterogeneityis approximately four times the improvementfrom introducinginterceptheterogeneity(this findingis robustto the orderof introduction of intercept/slopeheterogeneity). Theparameterestimatesforthe tunacategoryarepresented in Table5. In the tunaspecification,the shiftervariableis an oil/waterindicatorvariablethattakes on two values, qoi'and qwaer. The interceptsare relatedto this variableas Vhj= hj+ rDj, whereDj = 1 if the brandis oil packed. The oil constant is estimatedat 2.218, and the waterconstantis set to -.854. Thus,the "oil-loyal"householdsact as if the interceptsfor the oil brandsare equal to the estimates+2.218, but the "waterloyal" households add -.854 to the interceptsof oil brands. As mentioned previously, identificationrestrictionsrequire thatthe mean of 7 be set to 0. This allows us to computethe proportionof oil-loyal households from the values qoil and qwater; P = qwater/(qwater - qoil). We can insert the estimates of the oil and water constantsinto this expressionto obtain the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the fractionof oil-loyal households of .28 with a standarderrorof .013. The mean and standarddeviation of the 7 distribution are not particularlyinterpretableparametersin and of themselves. Forthis reason,we will use these parameterestimates to compute the implied moments for the price-sensitivity coefficient distributions. The price-sensitivity coefficient f = -exp(7). The mean and standarddeviation of the COS oil Gammadistribution 1.523 (.026) a .794 (.027) Shifterconstants qoil 2.218 qwater -.854 (.054) (.043) NOTE: The log-likelihood is -11,326.03, the numberof purchases is 11,427, and the numberof householdsis 2,593. * Standarderrorsare in parentheses. distributionof 3 implied by the estimatesof p1and a are f, (pricesensitivity) Mean -6.29 (.12) Std. dev. 5.89 (.14). The estimatedstandarddeviationof 5.89 shows the dramatic variationfrom householdto householdin price sensitivity. Results for the ketchupcategory are given in Table 6. In the ketchup specification, we introduce a dummy variable that is a contrastbetweenHeinz and all otherbrands,DA= 1 if not Heinz, 0 if Heinz. Householdswho are loyal to Heinz Table 6. ParameterEstimatesforthe KetchupCategory Parameterestimates* Intercept Heinz .782 (.058) .000 Hunts Del Monte Private Gammadistribution / a Shifterconstants qothers qHeinz -1.139 (.066) -2.265 (.069) 1.715 (.039) .618 (.041) .946 (.075) -1.920 (.146) NOTE: Thelog-likelihood is -2.696.29, the numberof purchasesis 4,956, andthe number of householdsis 1,956. * Standarderrorsare in parentheses. Kim,Blattberg,and Rossi: PriceSensitivityand OptimalRetailPricing Tuna 0 0 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 pricecoefficient Ketchup -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 pricecoefficient Distributions. Figure3. PriceCoefficient subtractan estimated 1.92 from the interceptsof all other brands.The proportionof householdswho areloyal to Heinz can be inferredfrom the shifter constantsto be .33 with a standarderrorof .012. Again, we find very substantialpricesensitivity differences across households. The moments of the price-sensitivitydistributionsare p3(price sensitivity) -6.73 (.12) Mean 4.60 (.22). Std. dev. Figure 3 shows that the price-sensitivitydistributionsfor the tuna and ketchup categories are quite similar.The high varianceof the price-sensitivitydistributionsis striking,butit remainsto be seen if this high degreeof heterogeneityaffects the outcome of key marketingdecisions such as productcategorypricing.In the next section, we explorethe implications of the heterogeneitydistributionforthepricingproblem. 2.3 Price Elasticities One importantway of summarizingthe effect of price is to compute the price-elasticity matrix. This matrix shows all own- and cross-price elasticities between the set of brands. Note that we define elasticity as the derivativeto choice probability with respect to the logarithm of price with all other prices set to their sample averages. Matrices for the homogeneous andheterogeneouslogit models are 297 Homogeneouslogit skw cosw .57 skw -2.0 1.8 -3.2 cosw .57 1.8 pw 1.8 .57 sko 1.8 .57 coso pw .38 .38 -3.43 .38 .38 sko .74 .74 .74 -3.07 .74 Heterogeneouslogit skw cosw -3.6 kw .45 1.7 -4.2 cosw .46 2.8 pw sko 1.7 .38 1.5 coso .36 pw .87 .55 -6.6 .79 .58 sko coso .50 1.8 .45 1.54 .60 2.7 .60 -3.46 1.96 -4.44. coso .30 .30 .30 .30 -3.5 Of course, the homogeneous logit elasticities exhibit the well-known proportional-drawproperty,which implies that the elasticities are proportionalto marketshares. The heterogeneous logit model displays a richer patternof crosselasticities and generally larger own-price elasticities. The implicationsof these elasticities for the optimal pricing decision are not straightforward.For example, one cannot use a simple elasticity-basedmarkuprule. In Section 3, we pose a stylized version of the category-pricingproblemand show how heterogeneityaffects the optimal-pricingproblem. 3. OPTIMAL RETAIL PRICING 3.1 The Optimal-Pricing ProblemUnder Heterogeneity The growing literatureon household heterogeneity has focused mainlyon the importantmethodologicalissues of the form of the heterogeneitydistributionand estimationmethods. In this section, we demonstrateboth the importanceof heterogeneityand the usefulness of our random-coefficient model by applying the model to a version of the retailer's optimalpricingproblem. Recently, some researchershave started to examine the retailer problem using models fitted to panel data. In a modelwithoutslope heterogeneity,Allenby andRossi (1991) posed a highly stylized retailer problem as a method of evaluating a nonhomotheticchoice model. Vilcassim and Chintagunta(1992) consideredpricingproblemswith household heterogeneity in "intrinsicbrand preferences"(intercepts) and in the household consumption rates but not in price sensitivity. Furthermore,the main emphasis of their paperwas on promotionalissues such as durationand depth of deals ratherthan on regularshelf pricing, which is our focus. None of the preceding works used actual cost data but, instead, made assumptionsabout the size of nationalbrandand private-labelmargins. The general problem of determiningan optimal retailer strategymust involve many possible policy tools including choice of regularorlong-runaverageprices,choice of promotionaldepthandfrequency,optimalpass-throughof manufacturerpromotions,featureand display policy, and reactionto policies of competingchains. A full analysis of this problem 298 Journalof Business&Economic Statistics, July1995 wouldrequirea complex demandmodel of consumerbehavior that would take into account consumer expectationsof futurepromotions,couponing, and inventorydecisions coupled with a complex model of the supply side that would includeexit and entryof retailersandstrategicdetermination of pricingpolicies. A fully articulatedand reliablemodel of these complex featuresof the retailerproblemsdoes not exist and would have very formidabledata requirementsonce developed. To keep the problem of optimal pricing manageable,we have made some simplifying assumptions. We focus on the optimal choice of regular or shelf prices conditional on a given promotional strategy. We assume that promotional policies such as the depth and frequency of deals, as well as feature/displayuse, remainin place while the level of the variousprice series is variedto maximize retailerprofits. In discussion with majorgroceryretailers,the retailerconveys some degree of confidence in his promotionalstrategybut often has little idea of how to set shelf prices for each item within categories. One of the reasonsrelativepricingwithin a categoryhas been extremelyproblematicis thatretailersdo not know how willing consumersare to pay for brandswith higherperceivedquality and how to price theirprivatelabel relativeto nationalbrands. We did not include promotionalvariablessuch as display and feature-addummies because the principalaim of the article was to addressthe issue of the substantiveimportanceof heterogeneityfor regularor long-runpricingissues. Thatis, we think of the optimal-regular-pricing problemas holding the promotionaltiminganddiscountschedulefixed andvarying the long-runprice. As such, ourestimateof the marginal distributionof the pricecoefficientis perfectlyvalidfor use in the analysis. In our opinion,thereis a good deal of confusion regardingthe problemof omitted-variablebias in marketing applications. For example, consider the world with no heterogeneity. There are those who would say that the price coefficientin a model withoutdisplay/featureis inconsistent because of the omitted and correlatedvariables. The coefficient consistentlyestimatesthe marginalimpactof a change in pricegiven thejoint distributionof priceandthe othervariables. Thus, when the promotionalpolicy is unchanged,this is the appropriatecoefficient to use to predict the response to price. If, on the otherhand, we were derivingan optimal promotionalpolicy, we would need to add these variables. The retailer's optimal-pricing problem is posed as a category-managementproblemin which we focus on determining the prices within only one category at a time. For a given productcategory,the retailer'sproblemof findingthe optimalset of prices for each brandcan be writtenas maximize ir = pi - cj) D (p,,s = 1,...,J), 0 ,... j} (3) wherepi is the unit price of brandj(j = 1,..., J), cj is the retailer'sunitbuyingcost of brandj,andDi (ps, s = 1,..., J) is the numberof units demandedfor brandj, which is a function of the price of all brandsin the category. The solution to the retailer's problem requires cost estimates. Unfortunately,ERIM scanner-paneldata does not provide information on the wholesale cost of each brand. Therefore, we have calculated the cost of each brandusing the margindata supplied by the University of Chicago/Dominick'sFiner Food project. We restrictour attentionto the tunacategorybecause cost dataare morereadily availablefor that category. All 85 stores of Dominick's carry all four national brands (e.g., Starkistoil and water, Chicken-of-the-Seaoil and water) we are interestedin and a private-labelbrand. The average (percentage)marginfor each brandis computedacross 85 stores and the 115 weeks of availabledata. These averagepercentagemarginsfor five brandsare used to computethe cost of each brandin Springfield (Chain1). Inotherwords,we assumethatthepercentage marginof each brandin Springfield(Chain 1) is the same as the averagepercentagemarginof each brandin Dominick's. To completely specify the retailer profit function, we couple the choice-model system with a simple log-linear category-volumemodel to specify the demand system facing the retailer. We assume that the unit demand of brand j is equal to the category demand, which is a function of prices of all brandstimes the marketshare of brandj. That is, Dj(p) = CD(p) MSj(p), whereCD is the categoryunitdemandandMSjrepresentsthe expectedmarketshareof brand j. Both theCD andMS arefunctionsof the price of all brands. As an alternative to the aggregate category demand function approachjust taken, we could have adopted the Chiang (1991) "outside"good model as a starting micromodel andthenaggregate.We choose to use an approachthat couples the sort of model thatcan be fit by the retailerusing store-levelscannerdatawith ourpanel-calibratedlogit. This is simple to implementand easily interpretable.Moreover,a simple implementationof the Chiangapproachassumes that the reasonhouseholdsdo not purchasein the categoryin one week versusthenextis thatthepricesforall brandsin thecategory exceed theirreservationpricefortheproduct.It seems to us thatthismisses importantaspectsof theproblem,including consumerstockpilingandspeculationaboutthe futurecourse of prices. For these reasons, we choose to keep the analysis simple anduse an aggregatecategory-demandmodel. To estimatethe categorydemandfunction,CD, we assume that the unit categorydemandat week t is a function of the pricesof all five brandsat week t. Then, we computethe total weekly unit sales of all five brandsand the weekly average price of each brandusing the purchasesby all panelists in Springfield(Chain 1). The expectedmarketshares,MSr(P), arecomputedby aggregatingour random-coefficientlogit model. We integrate the choice system over the heterogeneitydistributionconditional on our estimates of the heterogeneity-distribution parameters:MS(p) = fMSj(p I 9)f(9 I •) dO,where 9 is the vectorof both the interceptand slope parametersandijis the vectorof estimatedhyperparameters of the heterogeneity distribution. We can also solve the retailer'sproblem using a homogeneous or constant-coefficientlogit model to compute the andRossi:PriceSensitivity andOptimal RetailPricing Kim,Blattberg, householdsis given underthe threesets of pricesandprovides a measureof the importanceof heterogeneity. The optimal prices computed under the assumptionof a heterogeneousmodel differmarkedlyfromthe optimalprices from a homogeneous logit specification. The homogeneous optimalprices are much more extreme and have the retailer dramaticallyincreasingthe price of the waterbrandwith the highest intercept(SK) and lowering the COS oil brandprice to a level at which there is almost no margin. On the other hand,theheterogeneous-modeloptimalpricesaremuchmore reasonable. We see a lowering of the oil brandprices and a moremoderateincreasein the SK waterprice. The difference betweenthe homogeneousandheterogeneousoptimalprices is accountedfor by underestimationof the price-sensitivity coefficient in models that do not properly account for heterogeneity. The homogeneous logit model-pricecoefficient estimate is -3.8, which is much lower than the mean of the price-sensitivitydistributionin the heterogeneousand model (-6.3). Retailerswho fail to take into accountheterogeneity will underestimatethe extent of switching behaviorinduced by price changes. Based on the profitmetric, the currentprices are far from optimal, primarilybecause of the insistence on pricing the oil- andwater-packedversionsof the same brandequally.The optimal prices underthe heterogeneousmodel specification produce a 15% higher level of profits. The prices derived under the misspecified homogeneous model are associated with a 5% lower level of profits than is available from the heterogeneousspecification.In the intensely competitiveretail environment, a change in profitabilityof even a few per cent is very valuable.Ourresults suggest, however,that gross pricing errorsthat are based on incorrect inferences aboutthe "average"or representativeconsumercan be more importantthan a fine tuning based on proper modeling of heterogeneity. expected marketshares in the profitfunction. This provides an importantsubstantivemetric with which we can measure the importanceof heterogeneity. 3.2 OptimalPricingin the TunaCategory We first consider the solution to the optimalpricing exercise for the tuna category. The estimatedcategory-demand (CD) model is given by InCD, = 3.95 - 2.07 InpSK,t - 1.70 In Pcos,: (.31) (.30) (.30) - .35 In ppw,,, R2 = .43; (.55) T= 110, (standarderrorsin parentheses). Notice that in the estimation of the preceding CD function, the price of each of the five brandsis not used but instead the share-weightedaverage prices are used for SK and COS because the correlation between the price of SK oil and SK water(and COS oil and COSwater)is veryhigh. In the profit-maximizationproblem,optimalprices aredeterminedby the trade-offamongthe category-demandeffect, the own-demandeffect, and the cross-demandeffect. The price of brandj will influence the category unit demandby the CD function, while it influencesthe sales of otherbrands by the function MS(j), which is involved in the logit function. The profitfunctionof the retailer(3) is highly nonlinear and the maximizationproblemdoes not have a closed-form solution. Table 7 shows the results of the optimal-pricingexercise. The left panel of the table shows the averagepriceandthe assumedmargin(fromthe Dominick'sdata). The middlepanel shows the optimizationresultsfora homogeneouslogit model in which all parametersare constantacross households. The column marked"InitialMS" shows the marketshareof each brandcomputed by evaluatingthe choice system at the average prices in the ERIM data. The column labeled "Opt MS" presents the marketshare computedby evaluatingthe choice probabilitiesat the optimalset of prices. The last column gives the new margins assuming that the costs do not change as a result of the pricing exercise. The right panel of the table shows the results of an optimal-pricingsolution thatassumesthatthe market-demandsystem is an aggregated heterogeneous logit model. At the bottom of the table, the expected profitreportedin dollarsper week for our panel of 3.3 OptimalPricingin the KetchupCategory The estimated CD function for the ketchup category is given by In CD, = 4.60 - 2.77 In PHeinz,t - 1.15 In PHunts,t (.25) (.37) (.35) - .02 In pDelM,t- .79 In privat,,,, (.54) (.37) R2= .38; Table 7. OptimalRetailPricing:ERIMTunaData Homogeneouslogit Brands SKW COSW PW COSO SKO Profits Current Price Margin .75 .80 .63 .78 .75 .27 .27 .26 .27 .27 $31.71 299 Heterogeneouslogit Initial MS Opt. MS Opt. price Margin Initial MS Opt. MS Opt. price Margin 47.4 15.0 10.0 8.1 19.5 35.4 19.2 9.0 14.3 22.2 .81 .73 .65 .61 .70 .32 .21 .28 .06 .21 47.3 12.7 13.3 6.4 20.4 35.7 18.2 10.1 12.7 23.2 .79 .77 .64 .71 .70 .30 .26 .27 .23 .21 $34.50 $36.37 T = 110. 300 Journalof Business & EconomicStatistics,July1995 Table 8. OptimalRetailPricing:ERIMKetchupData Homogeneouslogit Current Brands Price Margin Heinz Hunts DelM Private 1.32 1.36 1.43 .92 .27 .27 .27 .27 Profits Initial Opt. MS MS Opt. price 47.0 20.0 5.0 28.0 1.20 1.24 1.56 .91 54.0 23.0 2.0 21.0 $11.34 Heterogeneouslogit Initial Opt. MS Margin MS .20 .20 .33 .26 45.0 20.0 5.0 30.0 47.0 26.0 3.0 24.0 $12.32 Table8 presentsthe resultsof the ketchupoptimal-pricing exercise in the same format as Table 7 for the cannedtuna category.Again, we see large differencesbetween the optimal prices computed under a homogeneous versus a heterogeneous logit specification. The heterogeneousoptimal price for Heinz is much closer to the actual retail price thanthe optimalprice derivedunderthe assumptionof homogeneity. 3.4 HeterogeneityParameter-Sensitivity Analysis As discussedpreviously,the role of the I anda parameters in determiningthe shape of the price-sensitivitydistribution is difficult to determine without careful analysis. Furthermore, the translationfrom changes in the price-sensitivity distributionto changes in the optimal-pricingexperimentis complicated. To develop an intuitionfor the role of shape parameters,we perturb/I and a away from the estimatesfor the tunadata,plot the resultingprice- and quality-sensitivity distributions,and resolve the optimal-pricingproblem for each of the new sets of parametervalues. Table 9 presents the results of experimentsin which the a parameteris held fixed at the estimated value and /t is changed. The column of the table labeled "A"has a value of kIthat is only 50% of the estimatedvalue, whereas the column labeled "C" has a value of kI that is 50% largerthan the estimatedvalue. As ILincreases from .766 to 2.288, the price-sensitivitydistribution shifts to the left with many more households showing a high price sensitivity as shown in the top panel of Figure 4. As the populationdistributionof price sensitivity shifts towardhouseholdswith high sensitivity,we should expect that the retailer will not be able to support large price differentials between low- and high-quality brands. Opt. price Margin 1.30 1.25 1.68 .92 .30 .24 .37 .27 $12.59 This intuition is supportedby the optimal prices shown in Table 9. With large numbersof price-sensitivehouseholds (col. C), the difference between national and private label water-packedprices is markedly smaller than the spread for a situation with many more households that are price insensitive. The bottompanel of Figure4 shows the results of experiments in which iz is held fixed while a is varied. Changes in o affect primarilythe dispersionof the price/qualitysensitivity distributionswith a small effect on the mean level of sensitivity. Increasesin the dispersion of price sensitivity that leave the mean relatively unchangedhave a much SigmaFixed 0 cJ 0 0A . C. S - -20 - - - --------- - ~ -10 -15 -5 0 pricecoefficient MuFixed Table 9. Sensitivityto Changes in the Shape of the Case I: Fixed= .782 Price-SensitivityDistribution: Optimal prices A = .51j .766 B 1.Op= 1.525 C 1.54 = 2.288 PSKW .87 .79 .75 Pcosw PPW .75 .58 .77 .64 .75 .66 PSKO .67 .70 .71 Pcoso .67 .71 .72 -"""---"-" --"-"-"---"'-""(•, "----"-=- -20 -15 --"- -- -"= -10 -5 0 pricecoefficient Figure4. Effectsof Shape Parameterson Price-SensitivityDistributions. Kim,Blattberg,and Rossi: PriceSensitivityand OptimalRetailPricing Table 10. Sensitivityto Changes in the Shape of the Case II:u Fixed= 1.525 Price-SensitivityDistribution: PSKW Pcosw PPw PSKO Pcoso 301 4. METHODOLOGICAL ISSUESAND DIAGNOSTIC CHECKS A .5a = .391 B 1.0a= .782 C 1.5a= 1.173 4.1 Nonparametric Checks on the Lognormality Assumption .79 .77 .79 .77 .78 .77 .63 .64 .65 .70 .70 .70 .71 .70 .72 In the analysis reportedup to this point, we have assumed that the negative of the price-sensitivityparameteris lognormallydistributedacross households. We use the lognormal distributionbecause of its simplicity and flexibility. In addition,the lognormaldistributionrestrictsthe price coefficient to be negative. It can be argued, however, that the assumptionof normalityof y = In(-/3) is arbitrary. It is importantto rememberthat misspecificationof the randommixturedistributionis a fundamentalproblem that can lead to inconsistentparameterestimates and incorrectdecisions. In this section, we check the lognormalityassumptionusing the seminonparametricapproachadvanced by Gallant and Nychka (1987). They used a series expansion-basedestimatorto approximatedensityof y. They provedthat,under very mild regularityconditions, a particularclass of series expansionestimatorscan consistentlyestimatethe unknown density and many functionsof the density such as moments, derivatives,and so forth. The difference between the seminonparametricapproach(SNP) followed here and the discrete approximationsused in the marketingliterature(see Chintaguntaet al. 1991; Kamakuraand Russell 1989) is that we explicitly assume that y is a continuousrandomvariable with unknowndensity. The basic idea of Gallantand Nychka (1987) is to approximate the unknowndensity by a normaldensity x a polynomial, p(7) oc 0(7yI A, o) Pk(y)2, where Pk(7) is a kth-order polynomial in y. The polynomial terms in Pk act to modify the shapeof the normaldistribution,providingthe option of skewness and excess kurtosis. In addition,the SNP density can easily be multimodel,allowing, for example, for the possibility of two groups-one price sensitive and the other price insensitive. The polynomialis squaredto enforce positivity of the density. The strategyadvocatedby Gallantand Nychka(1987) is to keep addingtermsto the polynomialpart as the sample size increases. The importanceof the nonconstantterms in the polynomialpartprovides a naturalmethod for evaluatingthe extent of nonnormalityin the data. We implement the following SNP density estimate (We also considered higher-orderquarticpolynomials in the Pk term of the SNP density estimate and found no evidence of nonnormality.): p(Y I ,u, o, 60,61) = kf (y I,, o) smallereffect on the optimalprices thanchanges in the mean as shown in Table 10. Thus, it appearsthat the centraltendency or location of the price-sensitivitydistributionis the key parameterin determiningoptimalprices. This does not mean that household heterogeneityis not important.As we have shown, models that restrictheterogeneityto the intercepts alone will produce strongly biased estimates of price sensitivity. Because the parameterestimates used in computing the optimalprices are subjectto samplingerror,it is very important to assess the role of sampling errorin the analysis. If changes in the parametersat the magnitudeexpected from sampling variationaffect the optimalprices, then the results of the optimal-pricingexercise are of little practicaluse. It is not enough to simply observe that the standarderrorsare small relativeto the parameterestimates. Forthis reason,we approximatedthe samplingdistributionof the optimalprices by using an approximatesimulationmethod. The vector of optimal prices, p*, can be viewed as a vector-valuedfunction of the parametersof the choice model, conditionalon a given level of prices: p* = g(O; price). g( ) is a function that is only implicitly defined by the optimizationproblem that produces the optimal prices. Standardasymptoticdistributiontheory for the MLE allows us to approximatethe sampling distributionof the MLE as 0 r N(O,I"'), where 10 is Fisher's informationmatrix. We draw from this normal distributionand solve the optimizationproblemfor each drawof 0, therebybuildingup the samplingdistributionofp*. Table 11 summarizesthis samplingdistribution.We observe that the optimal prices have very small sampling variation and are very insensitive to parametervariationdue to sampling error.This insensitivityis undoubtedlydue to the high degree of precision of estimation of the random-coefficient distributionparametersthat our very large sample of households affords. of OptimalPrices Table 11. SamplingDistribution Price Mean Std. error SKW COSW PW .785 .767 .641 .0017 .0012 .0012 SKO COSO .698 .713 .0021 .0026 x [1 + 6o((y- i)/l) + 61((Y- ))22 where k is the integratingconstantthat is a function of o, 60, and 61. This specificationallows for skewness, excess kurtosis, and bimodality. We insert this new SNP density in the random-coefficientspecification outlined in Section 2. That is, we integratethe household likelihood over p(7y w,o, 60,61) instead of over the normal density 1(7 I , o). One of the advantagesof the SNP approximationmethod is that it lends itself readily to the use of Gauss-Hermite 302 Journalof Business &EconomicStatistics,July 1995 Table 12. Comparisonto InterceptFinite-Mixture Models Model: "type"-shifter Interceptmixture 2 mass pts. 3 4 5 6 Log-likelihood:Parameters: AIC: 8 -11,553 -11,557 -11,524 -11,510 -11,501 -11,472 -11,468 11 16 21 26 31 BIC: -11,591 -11,530 -11.576 -11,518 -11,586 -11,511 -11,601 -11,485 -11,596 -11,484 -11,615 quadraturemethods to perform the integrals necessary to evaluatethe likelihood [see Davidianand Gallant(1991) for more on this point]. Using a randomsubsampleof 200 households,we fit both our standardlognormalmodel and the SNP mixturemodel. The log-likelihood increasesby less than .1%. Conventional likelihood ratio tests for inclusion of the SNP nonnormal terms fail to reject the null hypothesis of normality. Thus, thereis no evidence in the data of nonnormality,and we can have a high degree of confidencethatthe normalassumption for -yis justified. 4.2 DiagnosticChecks on the Formof Intercept Heterogeneity As discussed in Section 2, we restrictthe form of intercept heterogeneityacross householdsto only one key dimension, loyalty to form in the case of tuna and loyalty to one key brandin the case of ketchup. This restrictionis based on the observed patternsof loyalty in the data, as depicted in Figures 1-2. As a more formal test of our restrictedmodel of interceptheterogeneity,we compare our model with an unrestrictedinterceptmodel in which the distributionover the interceptsis a finite mixture. This unrestrictedmodel is developedfrom threekey assumptions:(1) We retainthe assumptionthatthe slope is independentof the intercept,(2) the joint distributionof the J - 1 interceptsis approximatedby a discretedistributionwith a specified numberof mass points, and (3) we retain the assumption of lognormalityfor the quality-sensitivitycoefficient. Using the whole sample of 13,705 tunapurchases,our restricted"type"-shiftermodel is comparedto the unrestrictedmixture/lognormalmodel with between two and six mass points for the mixtureon the intercepts in Table 12. The less restrictedinterceptmixture models fit the data slightly better with an .8% higher likelihood value. The interceptmixturemodels, however,have substantiallymore parameters.As measuredby the BIC criterion,only the two- andthree-segmentmixturemodels have a slight edge over our model. It should be emphasizedthat our"type"-shiftermodel is not nestedin the interceptmixture specificationso that it is not possible to performa standard likelihood ratio test. Ourconclusion is thatwe miss little of importanceby using the more restrictedspecification. 5. CONCLUSIONS Modeling and measuringconsumerheterogeneityalone is not sufficientto help managersprice and position theirprod- ucts. We must take a furtherstep by making the estimated models an input into an optimal decision process. In this article, we documenta large degree of slope heterogeneity in the panel data and find that this degree of heterogeneity has a materialimpact on the categorypricing decision. We demonstratehow a random-coefficientlogit model can be used to derive optimal retailpricing for brandsin a product category. In bothproductcategoriesconsidered,thereis a greatdeal of heterogeneityin the price-sensitivityparameter. Previous studies that concentrateon interceptheterogeneityare subject to a large heterogeneitybias in the price-sensitivity parameter. Retailers who fail to take into account heterogeneity in the price-sensitivityparameterwill underestimate the extentof switchingbehaviorinducedby changes in price and, consequently,obtainsuboptimalpricingstrategiesfrom the category-profit-maximization problem. We find that the optimal-pricingstrategyis more sensitive to movements in the mean of the price-sensitivitydistributionthan changes in the dispersionof thatdistribution. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledgethe helpful comments of Greg Allenby, Pradeep Chintagunta,Kris Helsen, and Naufel Vilcassim. We thank Steve Hoch of the GraduateSchool of Business, Universityof Chicago, and Dan Nelson of Dominick's Finer Foods for supplyingcost data. [ReceivedApril1993. RevisedJanuary1995.] REFERENCES Allenby, G. M., and Lenk, P. J. 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