~oologicalJournal of the Linnean Society (1986), 88: 277-290. With 5 figures Functional design of the feeding mechanism in lower vertebrates: unidirectional and bidirectional flow systems in the tiger salamander GEORGE V. LAUDER* AND H. BRADLEY SHAFFERt Department of Anatomy and Committee on Evolutionary Biology, University o f Chicago, 1025 E . 57th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60637, U.S.A. Received June 1985, accepted for publication September 1985 There are two basic designs of the aquatic feeding mechanism in lower vertebrates: unidirectional and bidirectional flow systems. Larval salamanders and most fishes posses a unidirectional flow design in which water drawn into the mouth with the prey passes over the gills and exits posteriorly. Metamorphosed salamanders and all other aquatic vertebrates possess a bidirectional system in which water flows into and out of the mouth during a single feeding cycle. We investigated the functional consequences of these two feeding designs in larval and metamorphosed tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinum) feeding in the water. Buccal cavity pressures were measured during feeding and 1 I variables measured from the pressure traces. Significant differences were found between the larval and metamorphosed salamanders in eight variables. Larval salamanders generate significantly greater negative pressures than do metamorphosed individuals and a principal components analysis of the 1 1 pressure variables completely separates larval from metamorphosed salamanders. Larval individuals are significantly better at capturing elusive prey than are metamorphosed salamanders, apparently because of changes in the structure of the feeding mechanism and the concomitant functional modifications. KEY WORDS:-Functional performance. morphology - feeding - salamander metamorphosis ~ - pressure CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . Material and methods . . . . . Experimental animals . . . . . Experimental techniques . . . . Data analysis . . . . . . . Results . . . . . . . . . Discussion . . . . . . . . . Functional morphology . . . . Feeding performance . . . . . Functional design of the vertebrate skull . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 279 279 280 28 1 282 287 287 288 288 *Present address: Department of Developmental and Cell Biology, University of California, Irvine, California 92717, U.S.A. ?Present address: Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of California, Irvine, California 927 17, U.S.A. 0024-4082/86/110277 + 14 $03.00/0 277 0 1986 The Linnean Society of London G. V. LAUDER AND H. B. SHAFFER 278 Acknowledgements References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 289 INTRODUCTION There are two fundamental designs of the feeding mechanism in aquatic vertebrates: unidirectional and bidirectional flow systems. Feeding in the water involves the creation of a negative pressure in the mouth cavity by movements of the head and throat, and the pressure differential between the mouth cavity and the water in front of the mouth results in a flow of water and prey into the mouth known as suction feeding (Lauder, 1985a). I n unidirectional flow systems, the water that is drawn into the mouth with the prey passes through the mouth cavity and exits posteriorly between the gill supports (Lauder, 1985b): flow is from anterior to posterior only. Larval salamanders and most fishes feed with unidirectional flow, and in such systems the precise timing of movements of the gill bars, gill rakers and associated soft tissues plays an important role in preventing water from entering the buccal cavity from behind the head (Lauder & Shaffer, 1985). Metamorphosed salamanders and other aquatic tetrapods feeding in the water utilize a fundamentally different mechanism with bidirectional flow. Water drawn into the mouth must also exit through the mouth as there are no posterior gill openings; flow is thus bidirectional. Despite the broad potential significance of these two hydrodynamic designs for our understanding of the function and evolution of the vertebrate skull, all experimental research to date has focused on the unidirectional flow systems of fishes (Alexander, 1969, 1970; Liem, 1978; Lauder, 1980; Lauder & Clark, 1984) and salamanders (Lauder & Shaffer, 1985), with the sole exception of the report of Bramble (1973) on the feeding mechanism of turtles. I n this paper we provide a quantitative experimental evaluation of the transformation (during ontogeny) between these two fundamental types of feeding systems in salamanders and discuss the significance of the difference for feeding biology and vertebrate skull evolution. As an experimental system we have chosen a single species that changes from a unidirectional to a bidirectional feeding mechanism within its lifetime: the tiger salamander Ambystoma tigrinum. By using a single species which shifts feeding mechanisms during ontogeny, we avoid many of the problems inherent in comparing morphologically and phylogenetically distinct species to study the consequences of differences in flow patterns. During the natural ontogeny of many populations of Ambystoma tigrinum, a metamorphosis takes place (Shaffer, 1984) in which the head transforms from a structure with external gills and posterior gill openings to one in which the external gills are absent and the gill openings seal off laterally and ventrally (Fig. 1 ) . The resulting water flow patterns during suction feeding in larval and metamorphosed Ambystoma tigrinum are shown in Fig. 2. We use the pattern of pressure change within the mouth cavity to analyse the functional design of unidirectional and bidirectional feeding systems in salamanders. Pressure changes directly reflect the effect of muscle activity and skull bone movement on the water (Alexander, 1969; Lauder, 198513; Lauder & Shaffer, 1985), and provide an excellent overall indicator of changes in feeding function. VERTEBRATE FEEDING MECHANISMS 279 30 m m Figure 1. Metamorphosis in Amhystoma tigrinurn, illustrating three metamorphic stages in individuals from the same population used in the experiments described in this paper. Note especially the transformation of the external gill filaments, the reduction in head size, and the closing off of the posterior gill membrane. MATERIAL AND METHODS Experimental animals Four larval and four metamorphosed tiger salamanders (Ambystoma tigrinurn mavortium) were chosen from a series obtained near Boulder, Colorado, U .S.A. The animals were collected as large, premetamorphic larvae and were held for several months prior to our experiments. All individuals in this population normally metamorphose except for occasional “cannibal morphs” (Collins & Holomuzki, 1983) which may retain the larval morphology for life (T. Cocker, pers. comm.) . The metamorphosed individuals transformed naturally in our laboratory. The larvae ranged in size (snout-vent length) from 9.1 to 10.2 cm (mean =9.5; S . D . =0.5), while the metamorphosed individuals ranged from 8.4 to 9.5 cm (mean=8.9; S.D. =0.5). Animals were held in 40 litre glass aquaria, and metamorphosed individuals were provided with a slightly submerged platform from which they could breathe and rest. All animals were fed a diet of chopped earthworms (Lumbricus). For the experiments in which feeding performance on different prey was assessed, the salamanders were fed live guppies (Poecilia, 1 cm total length) and waxworms (Galleria, 1 cm total length). 280 G . V. LAUDER AND H.8. SHAFFER Figure 2. Schematic diagram illustrating the distinction between unidirectional and bidirectional feeding systems in Arnlystomo tigrinurn. T h e larval pattern (above) shows how water drawn into the mouth with the prey passes unidirectionally through the mouth cavity and exits between the gill supports posteriorly. I n transformed individuals (below),water that enters the mouth with the prey must reverse course and exit anteriorly through the mouth as the jaws close. This is a bidirectional feeding system. Experimental techniques Pressures within the buccal cavity were recorded using a slight modification of a previously published protocol (Lauder & Shaffer, 1985). The salamanders were anaesthetized with buffered tricaine methanesulphonate and a 5 cm length of flexible polyethylene tubing was passed through a hole in the skull just lateral to the midline and posterior to the vomer. T h e end of the tube was flanged, pulled flush with the roof of the mouth, and anchored with a 1 cm sleeve of larger tubing. A Millar PC-350 catheter-tipped pressure transducer was then passed through the tubing to within 1 cm of the buccal cavity. This transducer has a high frequency response (about 10,000 Hz) , and the pressure signals were amplified and filtered with a Grass P511J preamplifier at a bandwidth of 0.1-1000 Hz. A total of 125 feedings were used for the statistical analyses of pressure recordings, 76 from larval animals and 49 from transformed individuals. VERTEBRATE FEEDING MECHANISMS 28 1 Data analysis Eight variables were measured from each pressure trace, and three more variables were derived from these measurements (Fig. 3); the variable names in Figure 3 will be used throughout this paper. While we anticipated that some of these measurements would provide redundant information about the pattern of pressure change, we tried to characterize the pressure curve in a relatively complete manner, and then used the statistical analyses to provide a quantitative measure of the extent of redundancy in the data. This approach was chosen in part because previous research (Shaffer & Lauder, 1985a, b) had revealed unexpectedly low patterns of intercorrelation among certain functional variables associated with prey capture in salamanders. Each pressure trace was converted to digital form using a DAS 12 bit analogto-digital converter (at a sample rate of 1274 Hz), stored on hard discs associated with an IBM XT microcomputer, and digitized directly on a Tektronix 4107 graphics terminal. Area measurements, subject to considerable error if calculated from points chosen along the curve by hand, were calculated directly from the digital data. ( 3 ) DURNEG - ( 4 ) DURPOS b - A t r - ( 5 ) TTOPOS v l : \ (7)AREANEG (9) M B ; M P w N MAXNEG * c (6)TTONEG Figure 3. Measurements taken from the buccal pressure trace in larval and metamorphosed Ambystoma tign'num. Eight variables were measured directly from the pressure trace using a graphics terminal, and three ratio variables (numbers %l 1) were derived from these measurements. The variables measured and their definitions are: ( 1 ) MAXNEG, maximum negative pressure from the baseline; (2) MAXPOS, maximum positive pressure from the baseline; (3) DURNEG, duration of the negative pressure component of the waveform; (4)DURPOS, duration of the positive pressure component of the waveform; (5) TTOPOS, time from the baseline crossing between negative and positive phases to the maximum positive value; (6) TTONEG, time from the start of pressure decrease to the maximum negative value; (7) AREANEG, area under the negative portion of the pressure trace (shown in hatching); (8) AREAPOS, area under the positive portion of the pressure trace (shown in hatching); (9) MPMN, ratio of the maximum positive value to maximum negative value; (10) DPDN, ratio of the duration of the negative to the duration of the positive components of the pressure trace; (1 I ) APAN, ratio of the area of the positive to the area of the negative component of the pressure trace. G . V. LAUDER AND H. B. SHAFFER 282 To test for significant differences between larval and transformed salamanders (groups) and for differences among individuals within groups, a nested analysis ofvariance (ANOVA) was performed (Sokal & Rohlf, 1981) using the statistical model and procedures previously discussed (Shaffer & Lauder, 1985a). None of the standard data transformations used to equalize within-group variances had any effect on the magnitudes of variance component estimates; we therefore present components based on the untransformed data in Table 2. We conducted a principal components analysis on the correlation matrix derived from a log-transformed data set to summarize the major axes of variation, to provide an indication of redundancy in the variables measured, and to assess the multivariate differences in feeding between larval and transformed salamanders. RESULTS Sample pressure patterns obtained from larval and transformed salamanders are shown in Fig. 4, and summary statistics for each individual are presented in Table 1. Larval and transformed individuals differ significantly in eight of the 11 variables measured from the pressure traces (Table 2). The three variables for which no differences are found between these groups are the time to maximum negative pressure (TTONEG), the time to maximum positive 25- 25-- A Larval B Lorvol - 0 5- 200 400 C Metamorphosed 0 200 5r- D Metamorphosed 400 - - 0 0 -5 -0 1- - - -5 - -0 200 400 Time (in 0.786 ms) 0 200 400 Time (in 0.786 ms) Figure 4. A, B, Sample pressure traces obtained from larval Ambystoma ligrinum feeding on worms. C, D, Sample pressure traces of metamorphosed Ambystoma tigrinurn feeding on worms. Note the difference in the magnitude of the pressure traces between larval and metamorphosed individuals. The two larval traces are from the same individual to show variation between feedings; the same is true of the traces from the metamorphosed individual. 1 15.3 (7.8) 4.7 (1.5) 53.7 (8.1) 262.5 (16.4) 25.8 (20.1) 20.4 (4.9) 485.9 (106.2) 684 (205) 0.32 (0.09) 5.0 (1.2) 1.4 (0.2) 2 27.2 (8.9) 7.1 (2.0) 58.9 (19.3) 256.8 (52.3) 35.0 (17.7) 27.4 (17.0) 797.7 (202.4) 1002 (255) 0.29 (0.08) 4.6 (1.4) 1.3 (0.07) 3 4 19.5 (6.1) 8.1 (1.8) 51.6 (5.3) 209.5 (38.5) 31.7 (19.0) 23.3 (9.0) 710.2 (203.1) 928 (242) 0.4 (0.08) 4.1 (0.9) 1.3 (0.2) *In mmHg; tin milliseconds (ms); :in mmHg x ms; §dimensionless. MAXNEG* 25.6 (3.3) MAXPOS* 8.7 (1.4) DURNEGt 47.8 (4.8) DURPOSt 243.0 (36.4) TTOPOSt 16.3 (13.4) TTONEGt 20.0 (3.2) AREANEG: 792.0 (97.0) AREAPOS: 1098 (140) MPMNg 0.34 (0.05) DPDNS 5.1 (1.0) APANg 1.4 (0.2) Variable Larval 21.7 (8.2) 7.1 (2.3) 52.6 (10.8) 244.3 (41.1) 26.2 (18.7) 22.3 (9.5) 686.6 (199.6) 926.7 (261.7) 0.34 (0.09) 4.8 (1.2) 1.4 (0.22) 3.2 (0.6) 3.4 (1.1) 32.0 (3.2) 47.9 (30.9) 11.8 (2.2) 20.1 (4.1) 60.4 (15.4) 84.1 (41.6) 1.1 (0.3) 1.5 (0.9) 1.4 (0.5) 4.2 (1.7) 3.4 (1.7) 32.1 (8.2) 87.7 (26.6) 21.3 (13.6) 17.1 (7.6) 68.3 (26.8) 161.2 (81.8) 0.9 (0.5) 2.9 (1.3) 2.8 (2.2) 5.9 (3.4) 3.4 (1.3) 37.0 (5.9) 63.9 (65.8) 15.8 (6.2) 22.7 (5.5) 110.6 (44.3) 113.5 (82.0) 0.7 (0.2) 1.8 (2.1) 1.1 (0.7) 7 8 4.6 (3.5) 3.1 (0.8) 44.8 (6.1) 87.7 (46.8) 23.2 (20.5) 28.5 (5.4) 100.4 (62.1) 161.4 (102.0) 0.9 (0.3) 2.0 (1.2) 1.8 (1.4) 4.6 (2.7) 3.4 (1.3) 36.3 (8.0) 74.0 (47.1) 18.6 (13.0) 21.7 (7.2) 85.9 (44.7) 134.3 (84.9) 0.85 (0.38) 2.2 (0.23) 1.8 (0.24) Mean 6 ("N=49) 5 Mean ( N = 76) Metamorphosed Table 1. Summary statistics (mean (standard deviation)) for the 11 variables measured from the buccal pressure recordings from four larval and four metamorphosed Ambystoma tigrinum feeding in the water 284 G . V. LAUDER AND H. B. SHAFFER Table 2. Variance components (in percentages) from a one-way nested analysis of variance on each of 11 variables measured from the buccal pressure recordings Percentage of total variance (do Among groups (135) Variable MAXNEG MAXPOS DURNEG DURPOS TTOPOS TTONEG AREANEG AREAPOS MPMN DPDN APAN *P<0.05, **P<O.Ol 75** 59* 56** 88*** 5 0 86** 84** 66** 65** 5 I Among individuals, within groups (6,108) 9*** 19*** 9*** 2** 11* 15** 7*** 7*** 5** 3* 17** Among trials, within individuals 16 22 35 10 84 85 7 9 29 32 78 * * * P < 0.001, pressure (TTOPOS), and the ratio of the area under the positive portion of the curve to the area under the negative portion (APAN). Thus, although larval salamanders generate significantly larger negative and positive pressures than transformed individuals (Tables 1 & 2), and the duration of these negative and positive components of the waveform is longer in larvae (Table 1: DURNEG, DURPOS), the time taken to reach the maximum positive and negative values does not change. Similarly, even though the negative and positive components of the pressure waveform are larger in larvae, the ratio of the positive to negative areas remains constant across metamorphosis (Tables 1 & 2). Every variable showed significant differences among individuals within groups (Table 2), indicating that individual salamanders differ considerably in their feeding behaviour. The area variables showed very low variance among feedings within individuals, indicating that each individual generated a consistent pressure from feeding to feeding. This holds even though the time taken to reach the maximum pressures varied considerably among feedings. The correlation matrix (Table 3) and the loadings on the first principal component (Table 4) show that several variables are highly intercorrelated and contribute redundant information about variation in the pressures generated during feeding. I n particular, the AREAPOS, AREANEG, MAXNEG and DURPOS variables all have high positive intercorrelations. Also, the ratio of maximum positive to maximum negative pressure, MPMN, shows relatively high negative correlations with these variables (Table 3 ) . This suite of five variables all loaded very strongly on the first principal component (Table 4), emphasizing that they share a common correlation pattern. A plot of each feeding trial on the first two principal components (Fig. 5 ) shows that the larval and metamorphosed salamanders form discrete, non-overlapping clusters in multivariate space. One feeding in each of two metamorphosed individuals (7 and 8 ) approaches the larval pressure pattern, but with these exceptions the two MAXNEG MAXPOS DURNEG DURPOS TTOPOS TTONEG AREANEG AREAPOS MPMN DPDN APAN 1.000 0.841 0.534 0.783 0.148 0.074 0.962 0.909 -0.853 0.702 -0.126 1.000 0.323 0.609 0.078 0.0 12 0.820 0.838 -0.436 0.591 0.062 1.000 0.589 0.123 0.587 0.681 0.537 -0.588 0.273 -0.361 1.000 0.225 0.034 0.825 0.918 -0.716 0.938 0.243 1.000 0.062 0.148 0.213 -0.173 0.215 0.156 1.000 0.155 0.014 -0.114 -0.211 -0.360 1.000 0.923 -0.823 0.690 -0.188 0.862 0.206 1.000 --0.705 MAXNEG MAXPOS DURNEG DURPOS TTOPOS TTONEG AREANEG AREAPOS 1.000 -0.607 0.277 MPMN 1.000 0.444 DPDN 1.000 APAN Table 3. Correlation matrix for the entire set of 11 variables measured from the buccal pressure traces of larval and metamorphosed Ambystoma tigrinum feeding in the water. Each correlation coefficient is based on at least 107 feedings u1 m N 4 286 G. V . LAUDER AND H. B. SHAFFER Table 4. Loadings of the first three principal components from a principal components analysis of 11 variables measured from buccal pressure traces of larval and metamorphosed Ambystoma tigrinum feeding in the water Variable AREAPOS AREANEG MAXNEG DURPOS MPMN DPDN MAXPOS DURNEG APAN TTONEG TTOPOS Variance explained (yo) PC 1 PC2 PC3 0.971 0.970 0.953 0.924 --0.827 0.825 0.792 0.644 0.0 14 0.114 0.229 56 0. I78 -0.160 -0.064 0.187 0.225 0.479 0.117 -0.599 0.856 -0.752 0.126 - 0.008 -0.122 -0.177 0.125 0.060 0.057 -0.240 0.2 12 0.278 0.373 0.826 10 19 feeding designs are clearly distinguishable. All of this separation is along the first component, again emphasizing that larval and transformed salamanders differ primarily in their ability to generate large pressures and in variables correlated with that ability. The efficiency with which larval and metamorphosed salamanders capture live prey was tested by providing individuals with relatively immobile bottom prey (waxworms) and with elusive prey (guppies) in separate timed trials. T h e results for three larvae and two metamorphosed individuals (Table 5) indicate -2.5 t -3.01 -3.0 -2.0 I , -1.0 0 I 1.0 2.0 PC 2 I I 3.0 4.0 I 5.0 6 Figure 5. Plot of principal component 1 vs. component 2 to illustrate the separation of larval from metamorphosed feedings on the basis of 11 variables measured from the buccal pressure trace. The correlation matrix and factor loadings for this analysis are given in Tables 3 & 4, respectively. 287 VERTEBRATE FEEDING MECHANISMS Table 5. Comparative feeding performance on worms and fish by larval and metamorphosed Ambystoma tigrinum feeding in the water (30 min trials per individual for each prey type) Fish Larval ( N = 3 ) Metamorphosed ( N = 2 ) Worms No. of strikes No. of captures Success 30 10 33 20 0 0 (Yo) No. of strikes No. of captures Success 44 25 41 93 21 84 (%I that both feeding designs are very efficient at capturing worms on the bottom, although larvae (93% success rate) may be slightly more efficient than metamorphosed individuals (84% success rate). However, metamorphosed animals were unable to capture fish (a 0% success rate) while larvae were successful 33% of the time. DISCUSSION Functional morphology The major conclusion to emerge from this study is that the morphological transformation from a unidirectional to a bidirectional feeding design during the ontogeny of Ambystoma tigrinum (Figs 1 & 2) results in major changes in both the pattern of pressure generated and in feeding performance on elusive prey such as fish. Many aspects of the pressure pattern generated during feeding are different in larval and transformed individuals, with the most significant change being a decrease after metamorphosis in the area of the negative and positive components of the pressure waveform. Most aspects of the change in pressure patterns during ontogeny are understandable as a consequence of the morphological transformation at metamorphosis. At this time, the volume inside the buccal cavity decreases, the head becomes smaller, and there is a reduction in the mass of musculature associated with the mandibular and hyoid arches of the skull. I t is thus not too surprising that the pressures generated by transformed individuals are substantially less than those produced by larvae (Tables 1 & 2) and that the area under both the positive and negative portions of the waveform decreases. These changes in the pressure pattern are most likely not directly related to the change from a unidirectional to a bidirectional flow pattern. The area under the pressure trace measures the Impulse (integral of force over a given time interval; Rouse, 1978), and is equal to the change in momentum of the body to which the force is applied, i.e. the water and prey in aquatic feeding systems. I n this case, the areas under the positive and negative aspects of the buccal pressure trace provide a direct indication of the energy the salamander is putting into the water during feeding. The first principal component of the multivariate analysis of the pressure variables is primarily a measure of the energy content of the pressure signal, as the variables loading highest are the areas of the pressure trace. Because of the high correlation between positive and 288 G. V. LAUDER AND H. B. SHAFFER negative pressure areas ( r = 0.923) we cannot say which aspect independently contributes most to the differences between larval and transformed individuals, although the negative component is the most important in terms of prey capture mechanics. However, the data clearly indicate that the energy imparted to the water by the salamander during prey capture decreases dramatically following metamorphosis. A second aspect of the results that was anticipated on the basis of the morphological transformation and models of aquatic feeding in fishes (Lauder, 1985) was the relative increase in the magnitude of the positive pressure pulse: the value of the MPMN variable is significantly greater in metamorphosed individuals (Tables 1 & 2). Because the flow of water must reverse direction within the mouth in metamorphosed salamanders and mouth cavity volume decreases more rapidly following peak gape (Table I), a larger positive pressure is predicted as the mouth closes and water is forced back out the mouth. I n larvae, as the mouth closes, the gill bars at the back of the head are abducting (increasing buccal volume), and branchial resistance is decreasing, thus allowing water to flow posteriorly and out of the buccal cavity. It is important to note that although the predominant flow of water during feeding of larval ambystomatids is unidirectional, there is probably a small reverse flow of water from the region posterior to the head just as the mouth starts to open. As documented elsewhere (Lauder & Shaffer, 1985), in ambystomatid larvae there is a brief (5-15 ms) delay between the onset of the pressure decrease within the buccal cavity and the start of gill bar adduction a t the back of the head to shut off flow into the mouth. This reverse flow is similar to the reverse flow found in ray-finned fish suction feeding (Lauder, 1980). Feeding Performance Although we have emphasized that there are many significant differences between the pressures generated in larval and metamorphosed ambystomatid salamanders feeding in the water, it is possible that the pattern of pressure change in the mouth cavity has little to d o with any measure of feeding ‘success’ or performance (Arnold, 1983, 1986) in predator-prey interactions. While the biomechanical significance of the functional transformations during ontogeny certainly leads one to expect that larval and metamorphosed individuals will differ in their ability to capture prey, such a conclusion is not guaranteed by demonstrating differences in pressure alone. Our feeding performance tests using both immobile prey and elusive prey confirm that the metamorphosed feeding morphology is less effective than the larval morphology in capturing elusive prey, Functional design of the vertebrate skull Given the fundamental nature of the dichotomy between unidirectional and bidirectional designs of the feeding mechanism in vertebrates, it is somewhat surprising that more attention has not been paid to the functional significance of differences between these two systems, and to the morphological bases of the differences. Given the conservatism of the unidirectional flow system in lower vertebrates (Lauder, 1985a), the possibility exists that alternative designs are VERTEBRATE FEEDING MECHANISMS 289 not possible for aquatic feeding mechanisms in vertebrates. Are the functional demands of capturing an elusive prey of about the same density as the surrounding medium so rigid that constraints on the feeding mechanism are large and there are no alternative solutions with equivalent performance to unidirectional flow designs? The evidence presented in this paper indicates that, for ambystomatid salamanders, bidirectional flow systems perform less well than unidirectional ones for.elusive prey, and this may be generally true of aquatic vertebrates. Turtles, however, may possess structural modifications that in part avoid several of the morphological limitations of the bidirectional flow system in metamorphosed salamanders. As Bramble (1973) and Shafland (1968) have shown, the oesophagus expands markedly during the strike and appears to act as a reservoir that stores water entering the mouth when the prey is captured. An expandable oesophagus may well be an alternative design solution to some of the hydrodynamic problems faced by aquatic vertebrates feeding in the water, and allow a morphologically bidirectional flow system to become functionally unidirectional by greatly delaying in time (and magnitude) the reverse flow of water out of the mouth until the prey has entered the buccal cavity and the jaws have closed. The extent to which other organisms may utilize this modification of the bidirectional flow system remains a key avenue of future research on the functional design of aquatic feeding mechanisms. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Tom Cocker for providing the Ambystoma tigrinurn used in this paper. Catherine Smither and Dojun Yoshikami wrote the computer programs. We especially thank Julian Humphries and Peter Wainwright for their insightful comments and discussions throughout the course of this study. 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