SCOPE OF WORK STRATEGIC PLAN FOR JEFFERSON PARISH WESTBANK JEFFERSON PARISH, LOUISIANA RPC Project H.010170JP │ DOTD Project No. H.010170 Project Description The purpose of this study will be to evaluate and make recommendations for development scenarios in Fairfield on the Jefferson Parish Westbank. The project area will be bounded by the Highway 90 to the north, Lake Cataouatche levee to the south, Bayou Segnette State Park to the east, and St. Charles Parish to the west. With the $1.2 billion expansion of the Huey P. Long Bridge, this area is expected to experience substantial growth, and this strategic plan will help to manage this growth, using smart growth principles and best practices. The project will consist of a managed growth plan for Fairfield, including land use, transportation, and stormwater management components. The Consultant will provide the planning, outreach, and engineering services to develop three different development scenarios for the Fairfield area. This project requires 12% DBE participation. Tasks to be performed by the Consultant include: TASK 1: PROJECT TIMELINE & KICK-OFF MEETING The consultant will prepare a draft project schedule including major milestones (PMC meetings, site visits, draft reviews, final report submission, etc.). The timeline will be submitted at a project kick-off meeting that will include the consultant, all sub-consultants, RPC, and Jefferson Parish Departments of Planning and Public Works. Other attendees will be invited as necessary. The kick-off meeting will take place within two (2) weeks of the Notice to Proceed. TASK 2: PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE The Consultant will assist RPC in establishing and supporting a Project Management Committee to guide the technical work effort and to review the Consultant’s work products. The PMC will include the RPC, Jefferson Parish Planning Department, Jefferson Parish Public Works, DOTD District 02, and other organizations, as necessary. The Consultant will provide all necessary agendas, handouts and exhibits in advance of the PMC meetings for RPC review and approval and prepare summary minutes of the meetings. The PMC will meet approximately four times during the course of the study effort. In addition, the Consultant will as necessary conduct meetings with elected officials, land owners, and other local leaders and organizations in the area to discuss the project’s purpose and need and project-related opportunities and concerns. The Consultant will receive prior approval from RPC 1 prior to initiating these contacts and prepare summary meeting minutes for review and discussion with the PMC. TASK 3: SITE INVESTIGATION, DATA COLLECTION, & ANALYSIS 3a. Site Visits Site visits will be conducted and data collected in order to gather and record information regarding the physical, engineering, land-use, and environmental features of the site. Such data and information will include but may not be limited to adjacent land use designations, signal and signage inventories, traffic counts on adjacent roadways, utility types, environmental/wetland feature inventory, and photographs of current site conditions. Deliverable: Photographs and GIS layers of existing site conditions. 3b. Stakeholder Interviews Consultant will facilitate a meeting of the PMC and conduct a series of interviews with property owners, applicable service providers, and Parish decision-makers who are most knowledgeable about the area’s constraints and opportunities. The purpose of the interviews is to identify the range of plans, goals, objectives and concerns that should be addressed when evaluating growth alternatives. Deliverable: Refinements of the base maps. TASK 4: SCENARIO DEVELOPMENT 4a. Define Development Scenarios Based on input from the stakeholder interviews and the assessment of existing conditions, Consultant will develop three growth scenarios showing different intensities and mixes of land uses within the study area. The development scenarios are intended to provide a basis to assess the implications of varied development patterns for consistency with adopted plan goals, as well as demands for public infrastructure, facilities and services. Consultant will solicit comments from the PMC to ensure that the proposed scenarios adequately address the range of growth and development opportunities. Deliverable: Three growth scenarios that address land use, development intensity and character of future development and public improvements in the study area. The scenarios will consist of GIS-based parcel maps and text descriptions of the assumptions behind each scenario, incorporating smart growth principles and best practices. 4b. Review Implications of Scenarios Consultant will coordinate with RPC and Parish departments to compare the alternatives and identify the relative impacts of each alternative on the following: Traffic and mobility needs Infrastructure and utility needs Land compatibility and resulting regulatory needs Build-out potential and likely timing of build-out Opinion of probable costs multiple for each scenario 2 Consistency with adopted comprehensive plan goals Deliverable: Summary analysis of implications of each scenario. 4c. Select Preferred Alternative After distributing the summary analysis from, Consultant will conduct an additional round of interviews with stakeholders and facilitate a PMC meeting to discuss the implications of each scenario and forge consensus for a preferred option, which may be one of the three initial alternatives, but is more likely to be a hybrid. The preferred scenario will not be a zoning plan, but will address the mix and intensity of land uses, as well as strategies to ensure compatible transitions between different development patterns (e.g., building and site design standards, transitions in scale and intensity, use-based buffering standards, transportation access and connectivity standards). Deliverable: Map, including GIS layers, and description of preferred scenario. 4d. Refine Plan Development Based on the preferred scenario, Consultant will provide land-use goals for the area, measurable objectives, area specific policies for development and a work program to achieve the plan’s land-use goals and objectives. The work program will identify tasks that need to be completed, the entity responsible for completion of the tasks and projected timeframe for initiation of each task. These specific land-use goals, objectives, policies and implementation tasks will be incorporated into the Envision Jefferson 2020 Comprehensive Plan. Deliverable: Draft goals, objectives and policies and work program to fit within the Jefferson Parish Comprehensive Plan. TASK 5: DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GOALS, OBJECTIVES, AND POLICIES Based upon the recommended scenario identified in Task 4, the Consultant will estimate traffic volumes and will provide recommendations for roadway and circulation needs within the area. Recommendations should include locations for arterial roadways within the project area in addition to connections to Jefferson Transit bus routes. The Consultant will also evaluate the need for bicycle and pedestrian connections, as they relate to the overall connectivity throughout Jefferson Parish. This should be coordinated closely with the Jefferson Parish Bicycle Master Plan. These specific transportation recommendations will be incorporated into the RPC’s Long-Range Metropolitan Transportation Plan 2014 Update. Deliverable: Report of Transportation Goals, Objectives, and Policies for this area and GIS layers identifying location and type of transportation infrastructure recommended. TASK 6: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT This Consultant will explore additional enhancement options, such as landscaping and stormwater management, to alleviate pressure on the drainage infrastructure during storm events. The consultant should use this as an opportunity to implement innovative stormwater 3 management practices, consistent with FHWA MAP21 guidance, as a pilot project of regional significance. Deliverable: Recommendations of specific stormwater management strategies appropriate for this large scale development, including at least one pilot project location and type. TASK 7: INFRASTRUCTURE, UTILITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION The report will identify potential infrastructure, utilities, environmental constraints or other issues that could influence the concept’s feasibility, timing, and impact on the physical, natural and human environment. The Consultant will complete DOTD Stage 0 and environmental checklists for the preferred scenario. TASK 8: DRAFT REVIEW A draft of the report with all documentation described above will be submitted to the PMC for review by, at the latest, 75% of project completion. The report will include conceptual layouts and descriptions of the proposed improvements in a format suitable for transmittal by RPC/Jefferson Parish to LADOTD. TASK 6: FINAL DELIVERABLES Following review and approval of the draft submission, the Consultant will produce ten (10) bound copies of the Final Report and supporting plan packages. Five (5) will be distributed to the RPC, and five (5) will be distributed to Jefferson Parish. The Consultant will also produce six (6) compact discs, each containing a pdf version of the final report and plan packages, and GIS shapefiles, CAD files, and/or other accessory documentation created during the course of the study. Three (3) compact discs will be provided to the RPC, and three (3) will be provided to Jefferson Parish. TIMELINE Nine months Budget $125,000 4