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Herbert Edward Palmer:
An Inventory of His Collection at the Harry Ransom Center
Descriptive Summary
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Herbert Edward Palmer Collection
15 record center cartons (15 linear feet), 4 galley folders (gf), 2
oversize folder (osf)
Herbert Edward Palmer was an English poet and critic. His collection
consists mainly of typed and handwritten manuscripts and
Call Number:
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
English, French, German
Open for research. Part or all of this collection is housed off-site
and may require up to three business days' notice for access in
the Ransom Center's Reading and Viewing Room. Please contact
the Center before requesting this material:
Administrative Information
Purchases, 1961-1975 (R884, R999, R1000, R2039, R2279, R3944,
R4561, R6055, R6625)
Processed by:
Hagan Barber, Jack Boettcher, Betsy Nitsch, 2012
This finding aid replicates some information previously available
only in a card catalog. Please see the explanatory note at the end of
this finding aid for information regarding the arrangement of the
manuscripts as well as the abbreviations commonly used in
The University of Texas at Austin, Harry Ransom Center
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Unidentified article on Eva Martin], Ams/ draft/ fragment with A emendations (p 2 Container
only), nd.
[Unidentified article on his leaving Germany at beginning of WW I], Galley
proofs/ inc with A corrections and revisions [1p], nd, for Adelphi Magazie.
[Unidentified article on the poet and the reviewer], Ams/ drafts/ inc I with A
revisions [3pp], 1922 Summer.
[Unidentified article on Robert Bridges], Ams/ draft/ fragment with A emendations
[1p], nd.
[Unidentified article on Robert Bridges], Ams/ fragment with A emendations [1p],
[Unidentified article on various poets], TmsS/ fragment [final page, p 36, only],
[Unidentified article re Ezra Pound], Ams/ fragment with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Unidentified introduction to anthology], Ams/ draft/ fragment with A revisions
[1p], nd.
[Unidentified miscellaneous fragments], Ams/ fragments with A revisions [3pp],
[Unidentified moral essay], 2 Ams/ fragments with A emendations [2pp], nd.
[Unidentified play], Ams/ fragment with A revisions [3pp on 2ll], nd.
[Unidentified poem], Ams/ fragments [2pp], nd.
[Unidentified poem], Ams/ fragment with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Unidentified poem], Ams/ draft/ inc [2pp on 1l], nd.
[Unidentified poem], Ams workings/ fragment [1p], nd.
[Unidentified poetic fragments], Ams/ fragments, one signed, with A revisions and
workings [50ll, some with verso written on], nd.
[Unidentified poetic workings], Ams/ fragments [1p], nd.
[Unidentified poetic workings], Ams/ fragment with A revisions [2pp on 1l], nd.
Container 1.3
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Unidentified prose fragments], Ams/ fragments and 1 Tms fragment, some signed
[25pp], nd.
[Unidentified prose work], Ams/ fragment with A revisions [1p], nd.
[Unidentified prose work on Nietzchean attitude toward Christianity], Ams/ draft/
fragment with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Unidentified prose work on poetry], Ams/ draft/ fragment with A revisions [1p],
[Unidentified satirical article on proposed new magazines], Ams/ draft/ inc with A
revisions [2pp], nd.
[Unidentified short story], Ams/ inc S with A revisions [2pp], nd.
[Unidentified statement on contemporary poetry], Ams/ fragment with A
emendations [1p], nd.
[Unidentified work extolling his theory and attacking his opponents], Ams/ draft/
inc with A revisions [3pp on 2ll], nd.
[Unidentified work on Cecil Floersheim], Ams/ draft-notes with A emendations
[1p], nd.
[Unidentified work on T.S. Eliot], Ams/ draft/ inc with A revisions [25pp], nd.
[Unidentified work on Yeats], Ams/ draft/ fragment with A revisions [1p], nd.
[Unidentified work re V. H. Friedlaender], Ams/ draft/ fragment with A
emendations [1p], nd.
[Unidentified works], 4 Ams/ fragments with A emendations [1p each], nd.
[Untitled article on the beginnings of the Windsorian], Ams/ inc with A emendations Container
[2pp], nd.
[Untitled article on Dylan Thomas], Ams/ draft S with A emendations [3pp], nd.
[Untitled article on Francois Villon], Ams/ inc with A revisions [6pp], nd.
[Untitled article on John Masefield], Ams with A revisions [3pp], nd.
[Untitled article on Swedenborg], Ams with A emendations [4pp], nd.
[Untitled article on the trials of the fly-fisherman], Ams/ draft with A revisions
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Untitled article on the trials of the fly-fisherman], Ams/ draft with A revisions
[3pp], nd.
[Untitled article on uglification on the English countryside], Ams with A
emendations [4pp], nd.
[Untitled article on Yorkshire fly-fishing], Ams/ draft with A emendations [7pp],
[Untitled bridge poem] "How went the end?..," 1 Ams/ early draft with A
emendations [1p], 4 Tmss with A revisions [1p each], 1 Tccms with A note [1p], [c.
[Untitled bridge poem] "I spoke it at the time…," 2 Ams/ drafts, one initialed, with
A emendations [1p each], [c. 1958].
[Untitled bridge poem] "In such clenched tones …," 2 Ams/ drafts with A
emendations [1p each], [c. 1958].
[Untitled bridge poem] "The voice receded …," 2 Tmss with A emendations, one
with Ams addition [1p each], [c.1958].
[Untitled eulogy for F. D. Wiseman], AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "And ere Jane…," Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "And he! He had followed the tenets …," Ams/ draft with A
revisions [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem], "And I will bind it in crimson…," Ams/ draft [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem], "As might a blackbird…," Ams workings/ inc [2pp on 1l], nd.
[Untitled poem] "At dusk it shines…," Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "Friend! May I call you friend?…," Ams/ draft and workings [4pp
on 3ll], nd.
[Untitled poem] "God pity each in direst hell tonight…," Ams/ draft with heavy A
revisions [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "I’m Catullus of a caterpillar con…," Ams/ draft/ inc with A
revisions [1p], Ams/ fragment [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "I love the stars of heaven…," AmsS with A revisions [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "In Tobermory Bay…," Ams/ draft/ inc with heavy A revisions
[1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Untitled poem] "0 long lost Love …," Ams with A revisions [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "One gay May morning …," Ams/ draft/ fragment with A
revisions [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "One of my friends…," Ams [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "Pluck, prod, click, snip…," 2 Tccmss with A emendations [1p
each], nd.
[Untitled poem] "Serve now as you can…," 4 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1p
each], nd.
[Untitled poem] "A Shower of silver singing rain…" Ams/ draft [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "So hear me all ye ogres of night…," Ams with A revisions [1p],
[Untitled poem] "Sound all sweet cymbals of music…," Ams/ draft with A
emendations [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "The Angel Wyrd stole by me …," 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions
and workings [3pp on 2ll], nd.
[Untitled poem] "The stars thunder over the hills…," Ams workings/ fragment
[1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "The twining vine goes up the wall…," Ams/ draft with A
emendations [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "There’s no affinity…," Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "Thinkig, the enthroned…," Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "We ---[?] and wonder…," Ams/ workings/ inc. [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "We poets…," Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
[Untitled poem] "Who is this that comes…," Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
Abelard sings his love to Heloise, AmsS with A emendations [1p], Tccms with A
emendations and note [1p], nd.
About an epitaph, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A note
[1p], nd.
After Munich: A prayer, Ams/ draft S with A revisions [1p], Tms/ draft S with A
emendations [1p], Tccms/ draft S with A emendations [1p], TccmsS [1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Airmen of the Battle of Britain: 1940, Ams [1p], [c. 1940], 3 Ams/ early drafts S
with A revisions [1p each], 3 Ams/ early drafts with A revisions [one 2pp; two
1p], 4 Ams/ drafts S with A revisions [1p each], 1 Ams/ draft with A revisions
[1p], nd.
[An Allegorical] parable, TmsS with A revisions [1p], TccmsS with A revisions
[1p], nd.
An Allegory, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
An allegory of pilgrimage, TccmsS with few A emendations (4pp), nd.
The Angler, 2 Ams/ drafts S with A revisions [1p each], nd.
An Angling holiday in the Harz Mountains, AmsS with A emendations [12pp], 1910 Container
June 9.
[Annotations on Edith Sitwell], Ams/ annotations written in copy of Edith Sitwell,
The Augustun Books of Modern Poetry series, nd.
[Answers to questionnaire], Ams/ draft S with A revisions (5pp), nd.
Any poetry revival, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], nd.
Any practical idealist, 2 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p each], published in
the Unknown warrior (1924).
[Apocalypse], Ams/ workings/ fragment [1p], nd.
Apocalypse, 1 Ams/ inc [2pp], 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [2pp each], 2 Ams/
early drafts/ inc with A revisions [1p; 2pp], 1 Ams/ draft/ fragment with A
emendations [1p], 1 Ams workings [9pp].
Apocalypse (Card 2), 1 Tccms with A emendations [3pp], nd.
Apostrophe to Melancholy, 2 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p each], nd.
An appeal for the W.E.A., Composite Ams and printed paste-ins S with A revisions Container
(12pp), Ams/ inc S with A revisions [6pp], nd.
The armed muse, Composite A, T, and Tccmss and printed paste-up/ inc S with A
revisions [22pp], 1930 July.
The Armed muse, printed book with A revisions for new edition, probably Collected Container
poems (44pp), 1930 [revisions undated], bound.
Armistice Day, 4 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations [1p each], [1938], Drafts titled
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Armistice Day, 4 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations [1p each], [1938], Drafts titled
Armistice Day: 1938.
The "Army" Chapel, 2 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p; 2pp], 1 Ams/ draft/
inc with A emendations [1p], 1 Tms with A emendations [1p], nd.
The Arrow, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Art and murder, AmsS with A revisions [5pp], nd.
Article in the form of a letter, Tms/ fragment with A revisions [2pp], nd.
[Article in the form of a letter], No. 2, Ams with few A emendations (10pp), 1923
August 4.
The Assassin, Ams/ inc with A emendations [6pp], TmsS with A emendations
(8pp), Tms/ inc with A revisions [3pp], Tccms (8pp), nd.
The Assassin and the elfin knight, 4 AmssS, two with slight A emendations [1p
each], 2 Amss with A emendations [1p each], nd.
The Assassin and the elfin knight, printed page from Collected poems with A
emendation and correction [1p], [1933].
At a city war-memorial, 2 AmssS with A emendations [3pp; 4pp], 2 Amss with A
revisions [3pp; 4pp], 1 Ams/ inc with A revisions [3pp], 4 Ams/ fragments with A
revisions [5pp], 7 nd, 1921 May, 1921 September.
At the time of the coronation of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, 4 Ams/ drafts and
workings, two signed, with heavy A revisions [one 2pp, three 1p each], 1 TmsS with Container
A emendations [1p], 1 Tms [1p], 1 Tccms [1p], 1 printed clipping with A
emendations, pasted on [1p].
At the time of the coronation of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II (Card 2),
[1953-c. 1958].
[Attack] Battle, 2 AmssS, one with A emendation [1p each], 1916.
Autobiography, TmsS with A revisions [2pp], Galley proof with A corrections
and A note S "John Gawsorth" [Terence Ian Fytton Armstrong] [1p], nd,
published in the Old Knight (1949).
Autobiography: [1949], AmsS [1p], AmsI [1p], Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p],
Ams/ draft/ inc with A emendations [1p], TmsS with A revisions (2pp), TccmsS
with A emendations [2pp], nd.
[An awful warning] A new dictator, Tms with A emendations [1p], nd, Published
in A Sword in the desert (1946).
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Back to the land: A little will and testament, Composite A and Tms with A revisions
[5pp], Tms with A revisions [3pp], TccmsS with A emendations (4pp), Published in
A sword in the desert (1946).
Back to nature, Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd, published in A Sword in the
desert (1946).
Backwards, AmsS with A note [1p], TmsS with A revisions [1p], nd.
The Ballad of the out-of-work, 2Amss with A revisions [3pp; 4pp], nd, published
in The Unknown warrior (1924).
The Ballad of Preacher Brown, 2 Ams/ drafts and workings S [3pp; 6pp], 5
AmssS with A emendations and notes [1p each], 1 Tccms with A emendations
(3pp), nd.
The Ballad of Preacher Brown, Tccms (3pp), nd.
The Ballad of Scally [Billikins McInny] Micklejohn Macily, AmsS with A
revisions [2pp], nd.
The ballad singer, AmsS with A revisions (3pp), nd.
The Ballad singer, AmsS with A emendations (4pp), nd.
Ballad singers, court and castle minstrels, John Lyly, and the Sitwells, AmsS with
A revisions (4pp), nd.
[Ballade:] The barrel-organ again, Ams with A revisions [1p], printed from Irish
Statesman with A emendations [1p], 1924.
Ballads of heroes, 3 Amss with A emendations [part I] [one 3pp; two 2pp], 1
AmsS with A emendations [Part III] [2pp], 1 AmsS with A emendations [Part IV]
[1p], 2 AmssS with A emendations [Part V] [1p each].
Ballads of heroes (card 2), [c. 1919], Published in Two foemen (1920).
The Bards, Tccms [2pp], nd, published in The Old Knight (1949).
The Beast: A short story in sonnet, 10 AmssS, seven with A emendations [1p
each], 1 Tms with A emendations [1p], nd.
Beauty: A mood, 4 AmssS, three with A emendations, one with A note [1p each],
1 AmsI [1p], 1 Ams [1p], 1 Ams workings [1p], [c. 1914].
Beauty: A mood (card 2): written on verso of AmsI: Love of mine. Ams poem.
Early drafts titled The Destroyer, published in the unknown warrior (1924).
Beset, 4 AmssS with A revisions [three 3pp; one 4pp], 1 Ams with A revisions
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Beset, 4 AmssS with A revisions [three 3pp; one 4pp], 1 Ams with A revisions
[4pp], 3 nd, 1921 January-March, 1921 September 1, variously titled, published in
the unknown warrior (1924).
Birds, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
Container 1.18
Black magic, AmsS with A emendations [5pp], nd.
Container 1.20
Black magic, AmsS with A note [2pp], nd, published in The Vampire (1936).
Black, red, and silver-white, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], nd,
published in Summit and chasm (1934).
Blight: 1914, 4 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p each], 4 Amss with A
emendations [1p each], nd, published in the Armed muse (1930).`
Blizzard, 1 AmsS [1p], 2 Amss with A emendations [1p; 2pp], nd, Published in
The Armed muse (1930).
Blue devils and white angels, 3 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Tms
with A emendations [1p], nd.
Bob’s dream, Ams/ draft with A emendations [1p], AmsS [1p], nd.
Bonfire, 2 Amss with A emendations [1p each], nd, published in Summit and
chasm (1934).
Books that have made me cry, Ams/ inc with A emendations [1p], nd.
The Border angel, TmsS with A emendations [3pp], Tccms with A emendations
[3pp], nd, published in The Armed muse (1930).
Boys, AmsS with A emendations [7pp], nd.
A Brief history of the poetry of despair, Ams/ inc with A emendations and T
insertion [13pp], Tms/ inc with A revisions (9pp), nd.
British airman, 4 Ams/ drafts S with A revisions [1p each], TmsS with A
emendation [1p], nd.
The Brocken & District, AmsS with A emendations [6pp], [c. 1910], unpublished.
Brook nostalgia, AmsS [1p], Tccms with A emendations [1p], nd.
Brook nostalgia, 1 TmsS [1p], 2 Galley proofs with A corrections, one with A
emendation, A notes S "John Gawsworth" [Terence Ian Fytton Armstrong] [1p
each], nd.
The Burglar, AmsS with A revisions [2pp], Ams/ draft/ inc with A revisions [1p],
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The Burglar, AmsS with A revisions [2pp], Ams/ draft/ inc with A revisions [1p],
A Burglar’s curse, AmsS [1p], Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
The Call of the fells, 4 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1923 April.
Cartoon: Alexander Pope, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Cartoon: Landru, Ams/ workings [2pp], Ams/ draft/ inc with A emendations [1p],
The Casual saint, AmsS with A emendation [1p], nd.
The Cat came back, Ams with A emendation [1p], nd.
[The Cat came back] Back to life, Printed with A revisions [1p], 1911 December,
from T. P.’s Magazine.
[The Cat came back] The Return, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
[The Cat-o’-nine-tails: 1938], 1 Ams/ inc S with A emendation [1p], 2 Tmss, one
signed, with A revisions (2pp each), 1 TccmsS with A emendations (2pp), 1938.
Cats of the sky, Ams with A revisions [11pp], TccmsS with A revisions (8pp), nd.
The Celestial country, TccmsS with A emendations (3pp), nd.
The cell: [1929], 3 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations [1p; 2pp; 4pp], 1 Ams/ inc
[2pp], 1 Composite A and TmsS with A emendations [2pp], 1 Composite A and
TccmsS with A emendations [3pp], 1 TccmsS with A revisions [2pp],
The cell: [1929], 1 Tms [2pp on 1l], 2 Tccmss [2pp each], [1929].
The Cemetery, AmsS with A emendation [1p], Ams with A emendations [1p], [c.
The Chaste wand, Composite A and Tccms workings [6pp], TmsS with A
emendations and additions (6pp), nd.
The chaste wand, Tms S with A revisions (3pp), [c. 1933].
[Christmas], Ams with A note [1p], nd.
Christmas, Ams/ notes with A emendations [4pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Christmas bugle-song, Ams with A emendations [1p], pritned from the Daily
Chronicle with A revisions [1p], 1923.
Christmas Day, Ams/ copy in unidentified hand [2pp on 1l], Ams/ fragment [1p],
Christmas exhortation to merchants and rich shopkeepers, AmsS with A
emendation [1p], nd.
The Christmas festival in North Germany, 2 AmssS with A revisions [7pp each],
The Christmas gift, 3 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p each], 2 nd, 1908
Christmas gifts, 7 AmssS, six with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A
revisions [1p], nd.
Christmas in Germany, AmsS with A emendations [3pp], nd.
The Xmas hymn or a tale of two fishers, 1 AmsS with A emendations [12pp], 1
TmsS with A emendations (6pp), 1 TccmsS with A emendations (6pp), nd.
[Christmas] Mirage, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], nd.
Christmas and New Year bell-carol, AmsS [1p], printed from Country Life with
A emendations [1p], 1924.
Christmas over the sea, 3 AmssS with A revisions [two 6pp; one 7pp], nd.
Christmas signs: St. Albans, 1941, 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [3pp; 4pp], 2
Ams/ drafts/ inc with A revisions [2pp; 3pp], 1 TccmsS with A emendations (4pp), 2 Container
Tccms/ fragments, one with A emendations [p 3 only of different versions], 1941,
1942, some pages written on verso of discarded Ams pages.
Christmas snow, AmsS with A emendation [1p], 1916 November 14.
The Christmas song of the Christmas out-of-works, 2 AmssS, one with A
emendations [1p each], 1 printed with A revisions and note [1p], 2 nd, 1907 or
1908 [printed].
Cinder Thursday, Composite A and Tccms and printed paste-ins S with A
revisions [27pp], [c.1931].
Cinder Thursday, 2 Page proofs with A corrections and revisions [35pp each], 1931.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Cinder Thursday, Proof copy with few A emendations and markings for use in
Collected poems, and A notes on outside front cover [35pp], 1931.
Civilized man and Mother Earth, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams
with A emendations [1p], nd.
Clairvoyance and Messina, AmsS with A emendations [5pp], nd.
Clarissa, AmsS [1p], nd.
Cleveland (A Yorkshire story), Composite A and TmsS with A revisions [21pp], nd.
A coal miner’s disgust, Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
Coals of fire, AmsS [1p], nd.
Coals of fire, AmsS with A emendations [1p], Ams with A emendations [1p],
The Collapse of Homo Sapiens, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Collected poems], page proofs/ fragments with A emendations, 1932 (in bad
Collected poems, Final page proofs/ inc S with A emendations, corrections, and
notes, early page proofs/ inc with A corrections and revisions, 1932.
Collected poems: [Title page, contents, preface and list of revisions], AmsS with A
revisions [4pp], [c.1933].
The Cologne carnival, AmsS with A emendations [8pp], __ February 3.
The Coming of the flying man, printed with A revisions [1p], nd.
Compensation (at 4 o’clock), Ams/ draft S with A revisions [1p], AmsS [1p].
The Concert, AmsS with A emendations [3pp], nd.
Confession, 6 AmssS, five with A revisions [1p each], 2 Amss with A revisions
[1p each], 1 Ams workings [1p], 7 nd, 1921, [1923].
The Conquerors, TmsS [2pp], TccmsS [2pp], nd.
[Conquest and defeat] Strife, Ams/ inc S [Part I only] [1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Consolation, Tms with A revisions [1p], [c. 1958].
Contrasts, Ams [1p], nd.
Contrasts, AmsS [1p].
Counsel, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Counsels, AmsS with A emendation [1p], nd.
Counsels, AmsS [1p], printed with A emendation [1p], nd.
Counsels for public lavatories, Tms with few A corrections (5pp), nd.
Counsels of courage, 3 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations [1p each], nd.
Counsels of generosity, 6 AmssS, two with A emendations [1p each], 1 AmsS
[second stanza only as separate poem] [1p], nd.
Counsels to a young poet, 2 Ams/ drafts, one signed, with A revisions [3pp; 4pp], 3
Tms/ fragments, one signed, with A revisions and one with Tms untitled bridge
poem with A revisions at end [1p each]. 3 Tccmss, one signed, with emendations,
one with proposed note at end, two with Ams untitled bridge poem with A
emendations at end [4pp each], [c. 1958].
The Country doctor, 4 AmssS [three 2pp; one 1p], 1 Tccms [2pp], nd.
The Country doctor, printed with A revisions [1p], nd.
[The Cross-bearers by A. M. Frey, translated by Herbert E. Palmer and L.W.
Charley], Composite A and Tms with A revisions [479pp], nd.
Crows flying across a cornfield, Tms [1p], nd.
Container 1.27
The cupboard nightingale, AmsS with A emendations (2pp), Tccms with A
emendations [3pp], nd.
The Daisy, Ams with A emendations [1p], d.
Container 2.3
David and Goliath, Ams [1p], nd.
David and Goliath, TccmsS [1p], nd.
Dawn all night, 4 AmssS, three with slight A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with
slight A emendations [1p], 1 TccmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Dawn all night] Mistaken, TmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
A day’s fishing [England], AmsS with A revisions [14pp], nd.
A day’s fishing [Germany], AmsS with A emendations [3pp], nd.
A day’s fishing on a Swedish front stream, AmsS with A emendations [6pp], nd.
The Dead ballad singer, AmsS [1p], nd.
The Dead gleeman, 3 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A
emendations [1p], nd.
The Dead scout, Ams/ copy in unidentified hand [1p], nd.
Death and change, AmsS with A emendations [1p], Ams/ draft with A revisions
[1p], Tccms with A emendations [1p], nd.
Death and Hell, TmsS with A emendations (5pp), nd.
Debauch: Banjo song, 2 Ams/ drafts S with A revisions [1p each], 1 Ams with A
emendations [1p], nd.
Decision, AmsS [1p], Printed [1p], 1924, 1925.
Defeat and hope, Tccms/ copy [1p.], nd.
The Degradation of journalism and the House of Commons, AmsS with A
revisions (3pp), nd.
Deirdre’s Agony, 1 AmsS with A emendations [1p], 1 TmsS [1p], 2 Galley proofs
with A notes S "John Gawsworth" [Terence Ian Fytton Armstrong], nd.
Depression, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd, Ams workings for unidentified
poem on verso, published in The Vampire (1936).
Depression, AmsS, nd.
Depression, AmsS/ revised, nd.
Depression, AmsS/ final revision, nd.
Desire for God, 2 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations [1p; 2pp], 2 Ams/ drafts I
with A emendations [1p each], 2 Ams/ drafts and workings with A revisions [1p;
2pp], [c. 1958].
Despair, AmsS with A emendation and addition [1p], [c. 1920]; 1923.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The Diary of a thief, 2 AmssS with A emendations [3pp each], nd.
[Directions concerning an interment], Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
Directions concerning an interment, 3 AmssS, two with A emendations [1p each],
1 Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
Discord, 2 AmssS, one with A emendations and notes [1p each], nd.
Disillusion, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Dorothy’s message], Ams workings [2pp on 1l], nd.
Dorothy’s message, 2 Ams/ early drafts S [1p each], 1 Ams/ early draft with A
emendations [1p], 1 TccmsS with A emendations and note [2pp], nd.
The dragon of Tingalam, Galley proofs/ signed with A revisions and corrections, nd.
gf 1
The dragon of Tingalam; a fairy comedy for readers and the stage, for children and
adults. TmsS/ later draft with many A revisions, 1943.
A Drama of the Franco German war, Ams/ draft/ fragment with A revisions [6pp],
A Dream, Tms with A corrections and emendations (10pp), nd.
A Dream (A ballad song), AmsS with A emendations [1p], AmsS [1p], nd.
The Dream [privateer] bucannees [sic], Ams [1p], nd.
Dynamite and lavender, Ams with slight A emendations [1p], nd.
Early English ballads, AmsS with A revisions (19pp), Ams/ inc with A revisions
(19pp), Ams/ inc with A revisions [3pp], printed pages from the Adelphi/ inc with A
revisions and additions, some pasted on [7pp], nd.
The East End of London, Ams workings [3pp on 2ll], nd.
Easter hymn, Ams [1p], nd.
Easter in Germany, Ams/ inc with A emendations [2pp], nd.
[An echo from a German folk-song] An echo from Heine, AmsS with A
emendations [1p], nd.
Ecstasy, AmsS with A emendations and note [1p], Ams with A emendations [1p],
Container 2.7
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Edgar Poe and his contemporaries, AmsS with A revisions [1p], nd.
The Editor of the Humorist, AmsS with A revisions (5pp), 1923 July 4.
Education, militarism, and English literature, AmsS with A emendations (18pp),
1921 November 4 [stamped time of receipt].
Elegy, AmsS with A emendation [2pp], 1919.
Elegy, AmsS with A emendation [2pp], 1919.
Elegy, nd.
The Elfin lover, 5 AmssS, four with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A
emendations [1p], nd.
The Elfin squire or Klingsor von Ungerland, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
[The End] War and song, AmsS [1p], nd.
Container 2.9
The Ending of Hassan, AmsS with A emendations [3pp], nd.
England and Turkey, AmsS with A emendations and note [1p], nd.
[England, Germany, and Europe], 1 AmsS with A emendations [5pp], 4 Amss/ inc
S [Part I variously titled] with A emendations [2pp each], 1 Ams/ inc S [Part II
titled June 1919] [2pp], 1 Tccms/ inc S [Part I] with A emendations [2pp],
[England, Germany, and Europe, III] November, 1919, AmsS with A notes [1p],
printed clipping from Westminster Gazette with A emendations [1p], nd, 1921
January 12.
England to Ireland, 3 AmssS, two with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A
emendation [1p], nd.
England’s greatness, 3 AmssS [1p each], 1 Ams with A emendation [1p], [c.
The English ass, 2 AmssS with A emendations [2pp each], nd.
English ballads, 2 AmssS with A revisions (5pp; 9pp), nd.
English in Germany, AmsS with A emendations [5pp], nd.
The Englishh sonnet, Tccms with A emendations (17pp), Mimeo radio broadcast
script, cut and reassembled with A revisions and insertions for use as the article of
Tccms version (21pp), 1945 July 7 [date of broadcast] [c. 1955] date of article.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
English the easiest language, AmsS with A emendations (4pp), nd.
[Epilogue], Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
Epilogue, 1 Ams/ draft S with A emendations [1p], 6 Ams/ drafts with A revisions
[1p each], [c. 1958].
The Exceptional fraulein: 1913-14, Ams with A revisions and A note S "John
Gawsworth" [Terence Ian Fytton Armstrong] [1p], nd.
The Exceptional fraulein: 1913-14, 3 AmssS with few A emendations [1p each],
The Exile( "In the low long pause …" ), AmsS with A emendations, workings and
note [2pp], nd.
The Exile( "The pine wood…" ), AmsS with A notes [1p], nd.
Experiences in a French school, AmsS with A revisions (9pp), Ams/ drafts/ inc with Container
A revisions [9pp], nd.
Ex-service man, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
A Fable (for the times), 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], nd.
Container 2.9
Faces! Faces! 2 AmssS with A revisions [2pp; 4pp], nd.
The Failing make-believe, 2 AmssS with A revisions (2pp each), 1 TmsS with A
revisions (2pp), 1933.
Fairies’ song, 2 Amss, one with A emendation [1p each], nd.
Fallen pride: a dark parable, 3 AmssS, two with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams
with A emendations [1p], 2 Tmss with A emendations [1p each], nd.
The False Knight, AmsS [2pp], nd.
The False knight, Printed pafe from The Irish Statesman with A emendations
[1p], 1927 September 17.
Farewell, AmsS with A note [1p], nd.
Ferretings and faces, 4 Ams/ early drafts with A revisions [2pp each], 2 Ams/ drafts/ Container
fragments [1p each], 1 Composite A and Tms with A emendations (3pp), nd.
The Fiddler and the girl, Ams/ draft S with A emendations (5pp), [1925].
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The First war months of 1914-1915, Tccms with A emendations [8pp], 1940
First [winter] snow, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Five] Sonnets on death, AmsS with A revisions [5pp], TmsS with A revisions
[5pp], 1938 August.
Five yards of fishing line, TccmsS with A revisions and note on title page [12pp],
The Fliert beset, AmsS [2pp], printed from Queen with A emendations [1p],
Flowing water at night, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
Food and drink in Germany, AmsS with A emendations [4pp], Ams/ inc with A
emendations [3pp], nd.
A foot-tour in the Eifel Hills (Germany), AmsS with A revisions [2pp], nd.
The Forbidden song, AmsS with A revisions [1p], nd.
The Foreign legionary, [1911], AmsS [1p], Ams [1p], [1911].
The Foreign legionary, 1911, printed page from T. P. magazine with A
emendations [1p], nd.
Four seasons, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Francois Villon and his friends, Composite A and Tms with A emendations [4pp],
Composite A and Tccms with A emendations [5pp], Tms/ fragment with A
emendations [1p], nd.
[Francois Villon and his friends], Esprit Gaulois, 2 AmssS with A emendations
[2pp; 4pp], 1 Tccms with A emendations (2pp), nd.
Francois Villon and his friends, printed page from The Nation & Athenaeum with
A emendations [2pp on 1l], 1929 February 2.
The Franc-tireur’s escape, 1 Ams/ draft/ inc S with A revisions [9pp], 2 TccmssS
with A revisions [9pp; 8pp], 1 Tccms/ fragment with A revisions [1p], nd.
The Franc-tireur’s escape, printed pages S from Strange assembly, with A correction
and emendations, and with A note S by editor "John Gawsworth" [Terence Ian
Fytton Armstrong] [16pp], [1932].
The French and German armies. A comparison, AmsS with A emendations [4pp],
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The French and German armies. A comparison, AmsS with A emendations [4pp],
A French angler, Galley proof [1p], nd.
French drums, Ams with A emendations [1p], AmsS [1p], nd, 1918 June.
Freud, Ams S [1p], nd.
From a Schoolmaster’s notebook, AmsS [4pp], nd.
Frost and thaw, Ams/ draft/ inc with A revisions [4pp], nd.
Full vision, Ams with A emendations [1p], [c. 1958].
The Futility of modern literature, AmsS with A emendations [6pp], nd.
The Gallows cross, Composite A, T and TccmsS with A revisions [37pp], [1940].
The Gallows-cross, page proofs [vii, 24pp], Page proofs/ icn with A corrections and Container
notes [vii, pp 7-24], 1940.
A German boy, Ams/ inc [1p], nd.
A German Xmas, TmsS with A revisions (5pp), nd.
A German Xmas, Tccms with A revisions (5pp), 1936.
A German Xmas and some other matters, AmsS with A emendations [2pp], __
December 18.
A German fellow-student, 1 AmsS [1p], 3 Amss with A emendations [1p each],
A German fortress city, Ams with A revisions [5pp], nd.
A German Korps Student, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
A German landlady, 2 AmssS with A emendations (4pp each), nd.
A German major, AmsS with A emendations and notes to editor [3pp], nd.
German sundries, AmsS with A emendations [3pp], nd.
German supplies, AmsS with A revisions [5pp], nd.
The Ghost, 4 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Ghost garden, 2 AmssS [1p each], 1 Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
The Girl and the soldier [1914-18], printed clipping with A notes [1p], 1918;
God and Satan dance, 4 Ams/ drafts with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams/ draft
with A revisions [1p], 1 Tms with A emendations [1p], 1 Tccms with A
emendations [1p], 6 nd, 1921 July 1.
God’s books, AmsS [1p], nd.
God’s desired, 1 Ams/ draft S with A revisions [2pp], 1 Ams/ draft I with A
revisions [1p], 2 Ams/ drafts, one with A revisions [1p each], 1 TccmsS with A
emendations [2pp], 2 TccmsS with A emendations [2pp], 2 Tccmss, one with A
emendations [2pp each], [c.1958].
God’s donkey, 3 Amss, two with A revisions [two 1p; one 2pp], nd.
God’s hunter speaks, 5 Ams/ drafts S, four with A emendations [1p each], nd.
God’s response, AmsS with A emendations [1p], Ams with A emendations [1p],
Tccms [1p], nd.
God’s sorrow AmsS [1p], nd.
Going north, 4 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams/ draft with A
emendations [1p], 1 Ams early working [6pp], 1 TmsS with A emendations [1p],
1 Tccms with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Going North], A Woman speaks, AmsS [1p], nd.
The Goosebery tree, AmsS [1p], Ams [1p], nd.
The great war in poetry, page proofs with A corrections and emendations (13pp),
1937 October 38 [printer’s stamp].
The Greenwood anthology of new verses: Introduction, Ams/ draft/ fragments
[2pp on 1l], TccmsS with A emendations (5pp), Tccms/ fragment with A
emendations [1p], 1944 January.
The Greenwood war anthology of new verse…, TmsS/ original with A revisions and Container
inserts, 1944-1945.
The Guillotine in France, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Guilty William Henry Philpot, tram conductor, 2 AmssS, one with A emendations
[1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The Gustavus Adolphus festival in Germany, AmsS with A emendations [4pp],
___ September 21.
The Gypsies, AmsS with A emendations [2pp], nd.
A Half-imaginative riddle of superlative fancy, 2 AmssS with A revisions [1p each], Container
Hard counsels; but true, 2 Amss with A revisions [1p each], nd.
Hard up, AmsS with A note [1p], nd.
Harwich, 3 AmssS with A emendations and notes [1p each], nd.
[Hate], 3 AmssS [1p each], 1 Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
He tells of his ascent, 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1p each], 1 Tccms/ draft S
with A revisions [1p], nd.
Heaven, 2 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p each], nd.
Heaven, printed page from The Spectator with A emendation [1p], 1930
December 18.
Heaven for all [who deserve it], AmsS with A emendation [1p], AmsI with A
emendation [1p], nd, 1928 April 7.
Heine, Ams with A revisions [3pp], nd.
[Hell-gate Moor]: An ode, 2 Amss with A emendations [3pp each], 1 Ams/
fragment S with A emendations [1p], 1914.
Herbert Edward Palmer, proof copy with slight A corrections [32pp], nd.
[The hiker-angler], 1 AmsS [1p], 2 Printed clippings with A emendations [1p.
each], nd.
[The Hiker-angler] Return from trout fishing, Tms [1p], Tccms [1p], nd.
History repeats: [1932-1942], 6 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1p each], 1 Tccms
with A emendations [1p], nd.
Hitler and Beelzebub, 1 Ams/ untitled draft with A revisions and workings [4pp], 2
Ams/ drafts S with A revisions [4pp each], 1 Composite A and Tms/ draft S with A
revisions [4pp], 2 TmssS with A revisions (4pp each), 1 Tms/ inc with A revisions
(3pp), 1 Tccms (1pp).
Hitler and Beelzebub (card 2), 1 Tccms/ draft/ inc with A emendations (2pp),
Workings [2pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Hitler and St. John, Composite A and Tms/ earl draft A revisions (7pp), Composite
A and Tms/ revision S with A revisions (7pp), Composite A and Tccms/ revision S
with A revisions (7pp), 1941-42; revision 1945.
The Hoax and earnest of The Waste land, Ams/ fragment with A emendations [1p],
T and TccmsS with A revisions (12pp), Tms/ fragment S with A emendations [1p], Container
galley proofs for Dublin Magazine with A corrections, emendations, and note [3pp],
gf 1
A Holiday song for more than one, 4 AmssS, three with A emendations [1p each], 3 Container
Amss, two with A emendations [1p each], nd.
A Home rule ditty, 3 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A
emendations [2pp on 1l], nd.
Hope, Ams [1p], nd.
Hope, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
Hope, Ams with A revisions and scored through [1p], nd.
[Hope explained], TmsS with A revisions [1p], nd.
The Horse shoe: [1906], 2 Amss with A emendations [1p each], nd.
A Housemaid’s tragedy [sic], 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], nd.
The Hurdy-Gurdy: [An early poem], 2 Ams with A emendations [Part I] [3pp
each], 1 AmsS [Part II] with Part V scored through [2pp], 1 AmsS [Part IV] [1p],
5 Amss, three signed [Part V] [1p each], 1912.
[Hymn to propitiate Saturn] Offerings to Saturn: A chant, Ams/ draft S with A
revisions [2pp], nd.
In autumn, 1 AmsS (3pp), 1 Tms with A emendations and corrections [2pp], 3
Galley proofs with A corrections and A notes S "John Gawsworth" [Terence Ian
Fytton Armstrong] [4pp], 2 Page proofs for privately printed edition with A
corrections [6pp each], 1 Proof of cover, 1931.
In days of decadence, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], nd.
In the Harz Mts, 2 AmssS, one with A emendation [1p each], nd.
Incantation, 1 AmsS with A emendations [1p], 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions
[1p; 2pp], 3 Ams/ drafts/ inc with A emendations [1p each], 1 TmsS with A
emendations and notes (2pp), 1 TccmsS with A emendations and note [2pp], c.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Influenza song, 2 AmssS with A revisions [2pp each], nd.
The Inspiration, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams/ inc with A
emendation [1p], nd.
The Interloper, 3 AmssS with A emendations, [16pp, 19pp, 13pp], nd.
Introduction [to book of poems by Bruno Walker] TccmsS with A emendations
[2pp], nd.
Introduction [to book of poems by Douglas Gibson], AmsS with A emendations
(4pp), nd.
Introduction [to book of poetry by Eva Martin], TmsS with A revisions and with
A note 1 by Eva Martin (2pp), TccmsS with A emendations and with A notes by
Eva Martin (3pp), Tms/ inc S with A revisions [2pp], Tccms/ inc with A
emendations and with A notes by Eva Martin [2pp], 1944.
An introductory note [to The teaching of English in schools], Ams, nd. [*Missing
Introduction [to philosophical book by Dim. Mitrinovic], 2 Tccmss, one with A
corrections and additions (11pp each), nd.
Introductory remarks, Composite A and TmsI with A revisions (6pp), 1926 June.
Is finding keeping? AmsS with A emendations (2p), nd.
Isaak Walton, Ams with heavy A revisions (10pp), nd.
[Ishmael] A parable in free verse, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Ishmael] A parable in prose-verse, AmsS [1p], nd.
[Ishmael] Sonnet, 2 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p], 1919.
Ishmael II, 3 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A emendations
[1p], nd.
Ishmael’s homecoming, 3 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 TmsS with A
emendations [1p], 3 nd, 1926 June 2.
Ishmael’s song, 2 AmssS with A emendations [2pp each], 1 Ams/ inc [1p], 1
Tccms [1p], nd.
An Ishmaelite on modern civilization and modern poetry, Ams with A revisions and
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
An Ishmaelite on modern civilization and modern poetry, Ams with A revisions and
notes (16pp), Tms/ inc S with A emendations and note [7pp], Tccms/ inc with A
emendations and note [7pp], nd.
James Elroy Flecker: The poet of sacrifice and the sun, Galley proofs from the
Bookman (3pp), [1932].
gf 1
Jester Hope, AmsS with A revisions and APCS message to the Editor of Country
Life [1 postcard], 1913 April 26 [postmark].
Jew and Christian, 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1p each], TccmsS with A
revisions [1p], nd.
Jilted, 3 AmssS, one with A revisions, all with A notes [1p each], nd.
John Smith, 6 Ams/ drafts S with A revisions [1p each], 2 Ams/ drafts, one with
A emendations [1p each], 1 TmsS with A emendation [1p], 1 Tccms with A
emendations [1p], nd.
Jonah comes to Nineveh: A ballad, 1 AmsS with A revisions [15pp], 1 Tms/
fragment with A note [1p], 2 Tccmss, one signed, with A revisions [12pp each], nd.
Jonah comes to Nineveh: A ballad, TccmsS with A revisions (12pp), nd.
[Jonah comes to Nineveh: a ballad] The message of Jonah, AmsS with A revisions
[2pp], nd.
Joy, 1 AmsS with A revisions [1p], 4 Amss with A revisions [1p each], nd.
Joy and sorrow, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
Joy and sorrow, AmsS with A emendations [1p], ___ June 28.
[The judgment of Francois Villon], Ams/ drafts/ inc with A revisions [214pp], nd.
[The] judgment of Francois Villon, AmsS/ with many A revisions, nd.
[The judgment of Francois Villon], Tccms with A revisions, notes, and inserts
[196pp], nd.
[The judgment of Francois Villon], T and Tccms/ fragments, some signed or
initialed, with A revisions [48pp], 1961.
The Judgment of Francois Villon, 2 First page proofs, one with A corrections,
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The Judgment of Francois Villon, 2 First page proofs, one with A corrections,
revisions, and note; one with few A corrections and emendations (143pp. each), 2
Second page proofs with few A corrections and emendations (143pp. each), 2
Second page proofs with few A corrections (143pp. each), 1 page proof fragment
[12pp], 1927 August-September.
The Judgment of Francois Villon, proof copy with heavy A revisions for new edition Container
to be titled A rogue’s pilgrimage (143pp), 1927.
The Judgment of Francois Villon, 2 proof copies with A deletions for stage
production and A notes on cover of one (143pp. each), 1927.
The Judgment of Francois Villon, Printed book (No. 224 of 400 numbered copies)
with few A emendations and A notes on fore pages re new edition (143pp), 1927,
[The judgment of Francois Villon] Ballade of fair ladies, Tccms with A emendations Container
[2pp], nd.
[The judgment of Francois Villon: List of revisions], Ams with A emendations
[5pp], nd. [*Missing 4/2012]
The judgment of Francois Villon; A pageant-episode play in five acts, first page
proofs/ with A revisions and corrections, 1927.
The judgment of Francois Villon; A pageant-episode play in five acts, second page
proofs/ with A revisions and corrections, 1927.
The judgment of Francois Villon; A pageant-episode play in five acts, third page
proofs signed with few A corrections, 1927.
The judgment of Francois Villon; a pageant-episode play in five acts, TmsS/ with A Container
revisions, 1927, June 1.
[The judgment of Francois Villon]: preface, T/cc ms with A revisions, 1927.
The judgment of Francois Villon: [Prospectus], 3 Amss, two signed, with A
revisions [Two 2pp.; one 3pp.], [c. 1927].
[The judgment of Francois Villon], Scene III, 1 Ams/ draft with A revisions
[5pp], 1 TmsS with A emendations (5pp), 2 Tccmss with A emendations (5pp.
each), nd.
[The judgment of Francois Villon] A rogue’s pilgrimage, Ams/ fragments, some
signed, with A revisions [39pp], nd.
[The judgment of Francois Villon] A rogue’s pilgrimage, TccmsS with A
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[The judgment of Francois Villon] A rogue’s pilgrimage, TccmsS with A
emendations [197pp], [c. 1958].
The judgment of Francois Villon (A rogue’s pilgrimage), Proof copy S with
extensive A revisions for new edition (143pp), 1927 [revisions c.1958-60]
The judgment of Francois Villon (A rogue’s pilgrimage), Printed book S with
extensive A revisions for new edition, including A inserts clipped on (143pp), 1927;
[revisions c. 1958-60].
[The judgment of Francois Villon], A rogue’s pilgrimage: Acknowledgements;
Preface, TccmsS with A revisions [12pp], nd.
[The judgment of Francois Villon], A rogue’s pilgrimage: Acts III and V, Tms with Container
A notes [36pp], nd.
[The judgment of Francois Villon], A rogue’s pilgrimage: Preface, 2 Composite A
and Tms/ drafts, one signed, with A revisions [6pp.; 10pp], 2 Tccms/ drafts, one
signed, with A revisions [4pp each]., nd. [*Missing 4/2012]
Jumpy portraits, Tms with A emendations and note (2pp), nd.
[Juvenilia], 5 Ams items, 1 Printed clipping, [c.1890-1899].
[Kaleidoscope]: September 1939, 6 Ams/ drafts with A revisions, one signed [6pp
on 5ll], [1939].
King Constantine speaks, Ams with A emendations [1p], Ams/ extract S [1p], nd.
[King Constantine’s vision of the cross], The Sign of the Cross, 1 AmsS with A
revisions [19pp], 1 Ams with A revisions [22pp], 5 Ams/ extracts S with slight A
emendations [1p each], 1 TccmsS with A revisions [19pp], nd.
The Kitchen knight, Ams with A revisions, nd.
Container 4.7
The Kitchen knight, TmsS with many A revisions, nd. [*Missing 4/2012]
The Kitchen knight, A, T, and Tccms/ fragments [40pp], nd.
Container 4.8
The kitchen knight; a fairy play and serious face in five acts for children and adults, Container
for readers and the stage. TmsS with many A revisions, nd. [*Missing 4/2012]
Kornblumentag in Germany, AmsS with A emendations [4pp], [1911].
Labour bills by Remlap [pseud.], AmS with A emendations (3pp), nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[The Lady of laws by Sysanne Trautwein, translated by Herbert E. Palmer and
Leslie W. Charley], Composite A and Tms with A revisions, [c. 1929].
The Lady of laws by Sysanne Trautwein, translated by Herbert E. Palmer and Leslie Container
W. Charley, Tms/ inc with A emendations [251pp], [c. 1929].
The Lady of laws by Sysanne Trautwein, translated by Herbert E. Palmer and Leslie Container
W. Charley, Page proofs with A corrections and emendations (304pp), 1929.
Landor, Villon and Blake, Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
Last days in High Germany, Galley proofs from Full score with A corrections and
emendations and with A note S by editor [Terence Ian] Fytton Armstrong [4pp],
1932 December 6.
gf 1
The last meeting, 2 AmssS with A revisions [1p each], 1 Ams with A revisions [1p], Container
The Last war, AmsS [1p], nd.
Laurel[s], 4 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [4pp on 2ll], 1 TccmsS with A
emendation [1p], nd.
The Lays of ancient Rome, AmsS with A emendations [58pp], nd.
The League of Nations Exhibition, AmsS with A emendations (6pp), 1922
November 9.
[lecture: Untitled work on writing historical drama and his judgment of Francoi
Villon], Ams/ notes-draft with A emendations [10pp], nd.
[Lecture: Ancient Teutonic poetry], Ams/ notes [5pp], [1920].
[Lecture: The Art of reviewing], Ams/ draft-notes [7pp], [1940].
[Lecture]: Charles Dickens, Ams/ notes [11pp], [1923].
[Lecture]: Chaucer, Ams/ notes/ fragment [1p], nd.
[Lecture]: Drama, Ams/ notes [4pp], nd.
[Lecture: Elizabethan and Jacobean drama], Ams/ notes [5pp], nd.
[Lecture]: The English colonies, Ams/ notes [8pp], nd.
[Lecture]: English home life, Ams/ notes [4pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Lecture]: English liberty, Ams/ notes [5pp], nd.
[Lecture]: The English press, Ams/ notes [4pp], nd.
[Lecture]: Francois Villon, Ams/ inc with pages of disconnected notes [12pp], nd.
Lecture: Greek drama, Ams/ notes [4pp], nd.
[Lecture]: Herman Elroy Flecker, Ams/ notes [3pp], nd.
[Lecture]: The Increased facilities for pleasure, Ams/ draft-notes [5pp], [1939
[Lecture]: Irish literary renaissance, Ams/ notes and materials [18pp], nd.
[Lecture]: Is it worthwhile for the ordinary individual to take an interest in
politics? Ams/ draft-notes [4pp], [1925 November].
[Lecture]: A league of European nations preferable to a world league, Ams/ notes
[2pp], [1936 January].
[Lecture]: Mary Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart), Ams/ draft-notes with A
emendations [9pp], nd.
[Lecture]: Mary Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart), Ams/ draft-notes with A
emendations [9pp], nd.
[Lecture]: Masefield, Ams/ notes [2pp], nd.
[Lecture materials of miscellaneous nature], Ams/ fragments [6pp], nd. [*Missing
[Lecture materials on English literary periodicals], Ams [3pp], nd.
[Lecture materials on English poets], Ams outlines and notes, most fragmentary
[41pp], nd.
[Lecture materials on English writers of 18th century], Ams [2pp], nd.
[Lecture materials on George Bernard Shaw], Ams/ notes [3pp], nd.
[Lecture materials on German drama], Ams [1p], nd.
[Lecture materials on Irish literary movement], Ams exercise book S and two
loose leaves, nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Lecture materials on James Stephens], Ams/ fragments [4pp], nd.
[Lecture materials on miracle plays and Christmas carols], Ams exercise book
with newspaper clipping laid in, nd.
[Lecture materials on Shakespeare and other English dramatists], Ams notes and
fragments [20pp], nd.
[Lecture]: Mediaeval drama, Ams/ notes with newspaper clippings pasted on 2
sheets [5pp], nd.
[Lecture]: Old ballads, Ams/ draft/ inc and notes [18pp], nd.
[Lecture on Art and morality], Ams/ draft-notes with A revisions [13pp], nd.
[Lecture on Edgar Allan Poe], Ams/ notes [7pp], nd.
[Lecture on English and French secondary schools], Ams with A emendations
[4pp], nd.
Lecture on myself, Ams [2pp on 1l], nd.
[Lecture on satire], Ams/ notes with A emendations [5pp], nd.
[Lecture]: Poetry, Ams/ notes [4pp], nd.
[Lecture: Poetry and the present age], Ams/ draft-notes with A revisions [14pp],
[Lecture]: Poetry since Tennyson, Ams with A emendations (12pp), nd.
[Lecture]: The purpose and interpretation of poetry, Ams/ draft-notes [6pp], [c.
[Lecture: The recent Irish dramatic revival], Ams /notes [9pp], nd.
[Lecture: Rivers and fishing], Ams/ draft with A revisions (12pp), nd.
[Lecture]: Robert Bridges, Ams/ notes/ inc [2pp], nd.
[Lecture]: Satire, Ams/ notes [1p], nd.
Container 4.20
[Lecture]: Scenery of the stage, Ams/ notes with newspaper clippings pasted on 4
sheets [5pp], nd.
[Lecture]: Shakespeare, Ams/ notes [5pp], nd.
[Lecture]: Shaw, Ams/ notes [1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Lecture]: Spenser’s Fairy Queen, etc., Ams/ notes [3pp], nd.
[Lecture: The Squirearcy; The Daily Herald Trinity], Ams/ notes [2pp], [1924].
[Lecture]: Tennyson, Ams/ notes [5pp], nd.
[Lecture]: That a sense of humor is a bar to success, AmsS with A emendations
[3pp], nd.
[Lecture]: That the general influence of the film is obnoxious, Ams/ notes [3pp],
[1947 November].
[Lecture]: That Western civilization is a blessing, Ams/ draft-notes [5pp], [1946
[Lecture]: Translations of the Bible, Ams/ notes [4pp], nd.
[Lecture]: The Twentieth Century: Poetry, Ams/ draft-notes [19pp], nd.
[Lecture]: Uses of literature, Ams/ notes [1p], nd.
[Lecture]: W.H. Davies, Ams/ notes/ fragment [1p], [1925].
[Lecture]: What constitutes a poem, Ams/ draft with A emendations [20pp], nd.
[Lecture]: William Blake, Ams/ notes [7pp], nd.
[Lecture]: William Morris, Ams/ notes [5pp], nd.
The Legacy, 2 AmssS with A revisions [10pp; 12pp], nd.
Container 4.9
A letter from a school in the South of France, AmsS with A emendations [3pp],
[Letter to] The Editor of the Nation re school situation at St. Albans leading to his
dismissal, Ams/ draft S with A revisions (6pp), 1921 August 2.
The Liberal, AmsS [4pp], nd.
Container 4.21
The liberty march of the shires, Tccms/ copy (2pp.), nd.
The liberty march of the shires, proof sheet with A emendations, corrections, and
note [1p], nd.
Line concerning some foolish and malicious critics and reviewers, TccmsS with
A revisions, nd.
A Literary hoax? AmsS with A revisions (5pp), Ams/ draft with A revisions
[5pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
A little will and testament, 4 AmssS with A revisions [three 3pp; one 2pp], 1 Ams
with A revisions [3pp], nd.
Live wind, Tms [1p], nd.
The Living poem, AmsS with A emendations [2pp], TmsS with A emendations
[2pp], nd.
Loneliness, 4 AmssS, three with A emendations [1p each], 2 Amss, one with A
revisions [1p each], [c. 1914]
Looking back from the next century, AmsS with A emendations [1p], Tms with A
emendations [1p], Tccms with A emendations [1p], nd.
The Lost savior, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A
emendations [1p], nd.
Love, AmsS [1p], nd.
Love, AmsS [1pp], nd.
Love and death, Ams with A emendation [1p], nd.
Love and God, 3 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A
emendations [1p], nd.
Love and lust, Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
Love in Lancashire, 2 AmssS, one with A emendation [1p each], 1 Ams with A
revisions [1p], nd.
Love’s a fighting hero, 2 AmssS [1p each], nd.
Love (Philosophic prose poem), AmsS [6pp], nd.
Love song, Ams [1p], nd.
Love-song of the nineties, 4 AmssS, one with slight A emendations [1p each], 1
Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], 1 Tccms with A emendations [1p], nd.
Lute song fo the Lady Heloise, Ams [1p], nd.
Lute song of Lady Heloise, AmsS with A emendations [1p], printed clipping from
New Statesman with A emendation [1p], 1929 August 17.
Major poets, and minor, TccmsS with A revisions (9pp), nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Man & God, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
The Maniac, AmsS with APCS message to the Editor of Tramp Magazine [1
postcard], 1910 October 29.
Marriage, Ams/ draft with A revisions [3pp], Ams/ draft/ inc S with A revisions
[2pp], Composite T and Tccms with A revisions [4pp], nd.
The Martyr, AmsS [1p], printed from Adelphi Magazine with A emendations
[1p], 1924.
The Martyrs, Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], Ams with A emendations [1p],
TmsS [1p], nd.
Me and my poems, AmsS with A emendations and note [1p], Ams with A
emendations [1p], nd.
Container gf
The Meddlesome Salmon, Galley proof [1p], __ February 20.
Melancholy, Ams [1p], nd.
Container 4.22
Mercury, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
A mess of pottage, 2 AmssS with A revisions [6pp each], nd.
A Midsummer night sky, 2 AmssS, one with A emendation [1p each], 1 Ams
with A emendations [1p], nd.
A Milkman and a milkmaid, Ams [1p], Ams [1p], nd.
A Mining district, AmsS [1p], Ams [1p], nd.
[The Mistletoe boy: Chap. XXV, Education at Kidsgrove] A Puritan education,
Galley proofs for the Dublin Magazine [3pp], nd.
gf 1
[The Mistletoe boy: Final chapter], Ams/ early draft‘ fragment with A emendations
[5pp], nd.
The Mistletoe child, Composite A, T and Tccms/ inc S with A revisions [332pp], nd.
The mistletoe child; [an] autobiography of childhood, AmsS/ first draft with
extensive A revisions, nd.
The mistletoe child: An autobiography of childhood, TmsS/ with A revisions, nd.
The mistletoe child; an autobiography of childhood, First page proofs/ with many A Container
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The mistletoe child; an autobiography of childhood, First page proofs/ with many A Container
revisions, 1935.
The mistletoe child; an autobiography of childhood, Second page proofs, "First
published 1935."
The mistletoe child; an autobiography of childhood, Final page proofs with author’s Container
A corrections on last page, "First published 1935."
The mistletoe child; an autobiography of childhood, Galley proofs/ with A revisions Container
and corrections, 1935.
osf 1
Misunderstood, 2 AmsS, one with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A
emendations [1p], 1 Printed clipping with A emendations [1p], nd.
Modern poetry and the craftsman, AmsS with A revisions [16pp], nd.
Monk’s love song, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
The Moon: Denunciatory ode, 2 AmssS with A revisions [1p; 2pp], 1 Ams with A
revisions [1pp], 1920 Autumn.
The moon. Denunciatory ode. (Nov. 1920), Tccms/ copy [2pp.], 1920.
Moon crater and lunatic asylum: [1936-1939], 1 TmsS with A revisions (2pp), 2
TccmssS with A emendations (2pp each), nd.
Moon-flea, Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
Moorland rivers, TmsS with A revisions (6pp), 1934 August 4 (New Statesman &
The mountain climb, Ams S [1p], nd.
The Mountain climb, 3 Amss with A emendations [1p each], nd.
The Mountain and the sea, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A
emendations [1p], nd.
A Mountain stream, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 AmsI [1p], 1 Ams
with A emendations [1p], nd.
Murder: Villon’s song, AmsS with A emendations and note [1p], nd.
Murdered words, AmsS with A revisions (3pp), nd.
My dream, 2 AmssS, one with A note [1p each], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
My first trout, TccmsS with A revisions (9pp), nd.
My French chum, AmsS with A emendations [2pp], nd.
[My lady], Ams workings/ inc [2pp on 1l], nd.
My lady, 3 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations [two 1p; one 2pp], 1 Ams [1p], 2
Tccms/ drafts with A revisions [1p each], nd.
My last days in Germany, TmsS with A revisions (13pp), nd.
[My Lord], Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
My love (From the French), AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
My name: Herbert Edward Palmer, 3 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p each],
The Negative proposal, AmsS with A emendations and notes [1p], Ams with A
revisions [1p], nd.
Neurasthenie, 3 AmssS, two with A emendations [1p each], 2 Amss with A
revisions [1p each], 4 nd, 1914 May.
New Christmas Carol, 3 AmssS, two with A emendations [1p each], nd.
New hope for some: In the body and out of it, Ams [1p], Tccms with A
emendations [1p], nd.
The New laureate, AmsS with A emendations [1p], Ams with A revisions [1p],
New patriotic song, 3 Amss, one signed, with A revisions [1p each], nd.
A New song about England, Ams with A emendation [1p], nd.
The new war, 2 Ams/ drafts S with A revisions (4pp each), Ams/ draft/ inc S with
A revisions [2pp], nd.
The new war, AmsS with A revisions (5pp), Galley proof with A revisions [1p], nd
[withdrawn: galley proofs].
gf 1
The New year goddess, printed clipping from Country Life with A emendation [1p], Container
1924 January 5.
Nietzsche: The Black Knight, AmsS with A revisions (8pp), Ams with A revisions
[7pp], Ams/ inc S with A emendations [6pp], Ams/ fragment S with A emendations
[3pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
1917, 2 AmssS with A emendations and notes [1p each], 1917.
The [1943] Shirly Carter Leigh Greenwood Prize competition: Report, AmsS
with A revisions (10pp), [1943].
The 1944 Shirly Carter Leigh Greenwood poem competition: Report and award,
AmsS with A revisions [17pp], 1944.
The 1944 Shirly Carter Leigh Greenwood poem competition: Report and award,
Galley proofs for Poetry Review with A corrections and revisions [3pp], page proofs
gf 1
[6pp], [c. 1944], withdrawn: galley proofs.
[The 1944 Shirly Carter Leigh Greenwood poem competition]: Supplementary
report, AmsS with A revisions (3pp), [1944].
The 1944 Shirly Carter Leigh Greenwood poem competition: Report and award,
AmsS with A revisions (12pp), 1945.
The 1945-46 Wasteland, Galley proofs [2pp], [1946].
Container gf 1
A North German Christmas, AmsS with slight A emendations [5pp], nd.
North Germany in November, AmsS with A emendations [6pp], nd.
The North wind, TmsS with A revisions [1p], nd.
A Northern factory town, Ams with A emendations [1p], printed clipping with A
emendations [1p], nd.
A Northern factory town, 3 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations [1p each], 1 AmsI
with A emendations [1p], 1 Printed with A emendations [1p], nd.
Not cancelled, Ams with A revisions [1p], nd.
[Notebook of drafts of reviews, letters, and articles], Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1 Container
notebook], nd.
[Notebook of Francois Villon and his friends and prose items], Ams workings and
drafts [1 exercise book], nd.
[Notebook of German years], Ams/ drafts and workings with A revisions [1
notebook], nd.
[Notebook of legends], Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1 notebook], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Notebook of legends 2], Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1 notebook], nd.
[Notebook of poetic workings], Ams workings [1 notebook], nd.
[Notebook of prose and poetry drafts and workings], Ams/ drafts and workings [1
notebook], nd.
[Notebook of reviews and poetic workings], Ams drafts and workings [1 notebook], Container
[Notebook of] A Rogue’s pilgrimage: Acknowledgments and Preface, Ams/ draft
with A revisions [21pp in notebook, nd.
[Notebook of The Wolf knight and other poems], Ams/ drafts and workings with A
revisions [1 notebook], nd.
[Notebook of workings for Two fishers and other poems], Ams workings [1
notebook], nd.
Notes [for unpublished new edition of Two fishers, Two foemen, and The Wolf
knight], Ams workings [12pp], Tms/ draft with A revisions [2pp], [c.1960].
[Notebook 1: Poetry Workbook], Ams notebook S with A revisions and workings,
nd. Loosely laid in: 4 sheets of poetry and ALS/ draft/ inc to Elkin Mathews.
Contents: The Soldiers. -Poems for the blind No. 1. -The unconscientious
conscientious objectors, -Poems for sufferers No. 1.-Poems for myself No. 1. The
Church-yard. -Poems for myself No. 2. Healing water. -The Bushrangers. -Poems for
prophets No. 1. -Poems for fools No. 1. Misunderstood. -Poems for Schoolmasters
No. 1. -If Christ had been born recently. -Snow.-Warrior Trees. -War and song.
-Hope. -[Two foeman] A ballad of two wounded foeman. -The New beginning. -Joy Container
in sorrow. -Killed in action. -Air raid. -Love’s candle. -[A Sinn Feiner] A Shinn
Faner. -The marching song of the British men (1918)-[A game chess]. The sign.
-Moods. -Beauty. -Into the shadows. -Battle. -Town & Country. -Questions.
-Greifs-wals (1910)-Trout fishing. -Two fishers: Spring, 1918 (To Lieutenant
L.C.)-[Three signs]-Courage.-Shinn Fane.-Aunt Zillah speaks. -Ladies. -England.
-Joy. -France. -My wife. -The pupil Rhineland. -Ecstasy. -A German fellow-student.
-[Joy] Gospel. -The Ball. -Education. -[Workings for various untitled poems]-[Prose
segment on Gray]-[Prose segment on Ben Greet players], bound.
[Notebook 2: Prose and poetry workbook], Ams notebook with workings and heavy
revisions, nd. Contents: [English test]-Modeling of beech. -[Notes on colour
drawing and water colour]-[Untitled article on English, French, and German
schoolboys]-[A little will and testament]-[The Bushrangers]-[Article on British
secondary education]-In A cemetery-A reform school-Sir Galahad’s
Sin-Misunderstood. -[The penalized school-master] Songs for schoolmasters No. 1
No admittance. -The conscientious objector. -[A game of chess]-[Two fishers:
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Spring 1918] -The World. -Sisters Mary prays. -A German fellow -student. -[Joy]
Gospel. -A suggestion. -[ALS/ draft to unidentified editor]-[Workings for several
untitled, unidentified poems].
The Nurture of individuality, 2 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p; 2pp], 1 Ams/
inc with A emendation [1p], 2 nd, 1919 March 12.
The Octave Lyre, printed from The Spectator with A emendation [1p], 1924
November 8.
Ode, AmsS (3pp), Tccms with A revisions (3pp), nd.
Ode: Addressed to His Majesty, King Edward VIII, Ams workings [1p], nd.
Ode royal, TccmsS with A emendations (3pp), Galley proof for Edwardian poetry
with A corrections and with A note S by editor "John Gawsworth" [Terence Ian
Fytton Armstrong] [1p], [1936].
gf 1
Ode: September and October 1939, Ams/ drafts and workings, some incomplete
[62pp], Tms with A emendations (4pp), 2 Tccms/ drafts S with A revisions (4pp
each), T and Tccmss/ inc (p 3 only) [5pp], [1939].
The Offspring of Heaven and Hell, 1 Ams/ fragment with A emendations [1p], 4
TccmssS with A revisions (9pp each), nd.
[The Offspring of Heaven and Hell] The birth of the Irish race, AmsS with A
revisions (9pp), nd.
Old China, 2 AmsS, one with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A
emendations [1p], nd. Not in card catalog?
An Old Hansa town, AmsS with A emendations [8pp], nd.
The Old Knight, Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], AmsS [1p], Tccms with A
emendation [1p], nd.
The Old knight: A poem-sequence for present times, composite A, T, and Tccms
and printed/ inc S with A revisions and notes [64pp], [c. 1949].
The Old knight: A poem-sequence for present times.
Container 6.8
[The Old Knight: a poem sequence for the present times], page proofs/ fragments,
[The Old Knight: a poem sequence for the present times], 5 page proofs (X, 51pp
each), 1949.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
An old rime expanded and resung, TccmsS with A emendations (3pp), nd.
Old style, 4 Ams/ drafts S with A revisions [1p each], 1 Printed from The
Spectator [1p], 1924.
An Old truth to a new rhyme, 3 AmssS, one with A emendation [1p each], nd.
The Old year and the new, 2 AmssS, each with A emendation, one with APCS
message to The Editress of Home Chat [1p; 1 postcard], nd.
On the death of Queen Alexandra, 2 AmssS with slight A emendations [1p each],
1 Ams [1p], 2 nd, 1926 March 16 [printer’s stamp].
On the high road in Germany, AmsS with A emendations [5pp], nd.
On Pendennis Headland at sundown, AmsS with A emendations [5pp], nd.
Opals and a brass-ware pot, Ams with A emendations and note [1p], nd.
The Open road, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], nd.
[An open-air introduction] The open-air poet expostulates, AmsS with A
emendation [1p], TmsS with A emendations [1p], nd, 1926 March 1.
An Orchard tragedy [sic], AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
An Orchestra [in Heaven], 5 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 AmsI [1p],
1 Ams with A emendations [1p], [c. 1918].
Other people’s houses, AmsS with A revisions [3pp], nd.
Other people’s houses, Amss with A revisions (4pp), nd.
Out in the street, 2 AmssS with A emendation, one with A notes [2pp each], nd.
Out of tune, AmsS [1p], nd.
The Painter, 3 AmssS with A notes, one with A emendations [1p each], TmsS with
A emendations and note [1p], nd.
Palm and pine, printed with A emendation [1p], nd.
A paraphrase from Nietzsche, 2 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p each], 1
Ams with A revisions [1p], nd.
Party politics as seen by my muse, 2 AmssS with A emendations, one with A note
[1p each], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The Passing of the Christmas carol, Ams/ draft S with A revisions [1p], Ams/
draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
The Passing of Lord Grey, AmsS with A emendations [2pp], nd.
Passion, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
Passion, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Patriots, AmsS [1p], Ams with A revisions [1p], nd.
Peering into darkness, AmsS with A revisions (5pp).
The Penalized schoolmaster, 4 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations [1p each], 1
Ams/ draft with A emendations [1p], nd.
Phase, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], nd.
Container 6.16
[Phil, the black Persian], 2 AmssS [1p each], 1 Ams/ early draft with heavy A
revisions and workings [4pp], 1 Tms/ inc with A emendations [1p], nd.
Photographing the ladies’ hockey team, 1 Amss with A emendations [2pp], 2
Amss with A revisions [2pp each], nd.
The pilgrim, Ams workings [10pp], nd.
The pilgrim, 1 Ams with A emendations [2pp], 2 Amss/ inc, one signed, with A
emendations [1p. each], 1 Tccms with A emendations [2pp], nd.
A Pilgrim song of London Town, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Pity and terror, 4 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams/ draft and
workings [1p], nd.
Plain studies of poets and poetry, composite A, T, and Tccms and printed articles/
inc. S with A revisions [18 articles and preliminary pages], 1954 Autumn.
The play of Francois Villon, TmsS/ unrevised copy of Ams, nd. [*Missing 4/2012]
The play of Francois Villon, T/cc ms of Tms with duplicate A revisions,
nd.[*Missing 4/2012]
The play of Francois Villon: Act I, scene i. Tms/ second draft with A revisions, nd.
[*Missing 4/2012]
The play of Francois Villon: Act I, scene i, TmsS/ with many A revisions and
inserts, nd. [*Missing 4/2012]
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The play of Francois Villon; a four act play: Act I, scene i., Tms/ with A revisions,
nd. [*Missing 4/2012]
Poems, serious and satirical, Ams notebook S with A revisions, nd. Contents: The
World’s song. -Song. -The Spiritualists. -Trout fishing. -The Christmas gift. -The
Spiritualist (sonnet). -Harwich. From a doctor’s notebook.-The Mission singer.-Mon
amour. -The Consoled free trader.-Jilted. -My love. -The Gypsies. -Disillusion. -La
vraie amour. -The Horseshie. -Prussian birch trees. -A Toast. -The North wind. -My
dream (song). -A Milkman and a milk-maid. -The revival of the guillotine in France
(1909). -Two seas (sonnet). -The greengage. -Grey dawn and twilight on the
sea.-The Last night. -Two riders.-A Bad shot. -In old Cathay (from French poem
Chinoiserie, here included). -Only sunlight keeps its glory (translation fo Ewig jung
is nur die Sonne, here included). -On the death of Queen Victoria.-Trajedy [sic]. -In
the Harz Mts. -A modern Sodom (sonnet). -Love and death (sonnet).-Spring
(sonnet) "Golden Spring…" -Spring (sonnet) "The Spring is here again…" -The
Magpies. -White heather. -The Moors in winter (sonnet). -The Song of the
Christmas waits. -Clarissa. -Ballad.-The wedding garment (Love’s sacrifice). -Peg.
-In the night. -The Sea’s song. -Spring’s advent. -The Dead scout. -The Last
evening. -The Wind in the trees. -Lines of Xmas Eve. -Ultimas dies (A dream). -The
Ballads of Dorothy Donne. -To a suffragette. -The Minnesinger and the suffragette.
-The Dreamer. -The Visionary. -Renunciation. -In November (sonnet). -The Old
fisher. -The dream of change. -Into the shadows. -The Old year and the new.
-Postman’s knock. -A Minor poet. -[Untitled poem] "Love is old…" The Black
Persian. -The primary-school teacher. -Life’s day. -Preacher Brown. -In Germany.
-The foreign legionary, bound.
Poems submitted to B.B.C. for Armistice Day or otherwise, printed with A
emendations and notes A list S on separate sheet [9pp], nd.
The Poet, AmsS [1p], nd.
The Poet of the new age, AmsS [1p], nd.
Poetry and the Christian Church, AmsS with A emendations [3pp], nd.
A Poet’s boyhood, AmsS with A emendations [9pp], nd.
Poet’s who survive, AmsS with A revisions (4pp), nd.
Poissons d’or, Tccms with A marginal note [2pp], nd.
Portals of eternity: Prefatory remarks, Ams/ inc with A emendations (2pp), nd.
The Postcard hawker, 1 AmsS [1p], 3 Amss with A revisions [two 1p each; one
2pp], nd.
Post-Victorian poetry, AmsS/ first draft with many A revisions, nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Post-Victorian poetry, TmsS with many A revisions and A inserts, 1938, April 1.
Post-Victorian poetry, T/cc msS with many A revisions, nd.
[Post-Victorian poetry], A and Tms/ fragments and notes, two signed [11pp], nd.
Post-Victorian poetry, Galley proofs/ inc [105pp], 1938 February 1 [printer’s
gf 3
Post-Victorian poetry, Galley proofs/ inc with few A emendations [22pp], [1938].
gf 1
Post-Victorian poetry, Galley proofs/ with many A revisions and A and T inserts,
gf 2
[Post-Victorian poetry], page proofs/ inc with A emendations and corrections and 2
Ams pp of revisions attached [Gatherings B and D only], 1938 January 6.
Post-Victorian poetry, page proofs with extensive A corrections, emendations, and
notes by Palmer and unidentified proof reader, and A notes I by Palmer pasted on
hard-cover. 1938.
Post-Victorian poetry, 2 Sets of page proofs for fore-pages with A corrections and
emendations, 1938 March 15, 18.
Post-Victorian poetry, Printed book with A revisions for new edition (xiii, 378pp),
1938; [revisions c. 1958].
[Post-Victorian poetry] Chapter VIII, Galley proofs with A notes and corrections
[25pp], [1938]. *Missing 4/2012]
Post-Victorian poetry: [Chaps. X, XV, XIX], A, T, and Tccms/ fragments [6pp], nd.
Post-Victorian poetry: Corrections, Amss [14pp], nd.
[Post-Victorian poetry: Eliot’s ‘Waste land’] The hoax and earnest of The Waste
land, AmsS with A revisions [17pp], TmsS with A revisions (11pp), [1930 or
[Post-Victorian poetry], English poetry, Ams/ early draft/ inc with A revisions
(11pp), nd.
[Post-Victorian poetry], English poetry: 1938-1950, AmsS with A revisions [35pp], Container
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Post-Victorian poetry], English poetry: 1938-1950, Tms/ fragment with A
emendations and note and Ams revision of fore note on separate sheet [1p], nd.
[Post-Victorian poetry], English poetry: 1938-50, Tms with A revisions and note
[46pp], nd.
[Post-Victorian poetry] English poetry: 1938-50, Composite A and TccmsS with A
revisions and note [45pp], [c. 1951].
Post-Victorian poetry: English poetry: 1938-50, TmsS with A revisions and notes
[44pp], nd.
[Post-Victorian poetry] English poetry: 1938-1950, TccmsS with A revisions and
additions [39pp], nd.
[Post-Victorian poetry: Notes], Ams/ notes with A emendations [6pp], [c. 1942].
Post-Victorian poetry: [Revisions], Ams [1p], [c.1938].
Prayer for a lady, 1 AmsS [1p], 2 Ams/ drafts I with A revisions [2pp each], 3 Ams/ Container
drafts with A revisions [1p each], 1 Tms/ draft S with A revisions [2pp on 1l], nd.
Prayer for the lost, 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1p each], 1 TccmsS with A
emendations [1p], [c. 1958].
Prayer for rain, Ams with A emendation [1p], nd.
Prayer for sunlight in early spring, printed clipping from the New Statesman with
A emendations [1p], 1937 May 29.
Prayer to an angel, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams [1p], 1 TmsS
with A emendations [1p], 1 TccmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Prayer to the Virgin, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Prayer to the Virgin] Medieval, AmsS [1p], Printed clipping from G. K.’s
Weekly with A note and correction [1p], nd, 1927 November 19.
Prayer for a lady, 1 AmsS [1p], 1 Ams/ drafts I with A revisions [2pp each], 3
Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1p each], 1 Tms/ draft S with A revisions [2pp on
1l], nd.
Prayer for the lost, 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1p each], 1 TccmsS with A
emendations [1p], [c.1958].
Prayer for rain, Ams with A emendation [1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Prayer for sunlight in early spring, printed clipping from the New Statesman with
A emendations [1p], 1937 May 29.
Prayer to an angel, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams [1p], 1 TmsS
with A emendations [1p], 1 TccmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Prayer to the Virgin, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Prayer to the Virgin] Mediaeval, AmsS [1p], printed clipping from G. K.’s
Weekly with A note and correction [1p], nd, 1927 November 19.
The Preacher, AmsS [2pp], Tms [1p], printed version with A revisions [1p], 2 nd,
[Preface for unidentified book], Tms/ fragment with A emendation and
identifying note [2pp], nd.
Preface [to Poems, by H.W. Harding], TccmsS [2pp], 1945.
[Preface to unidentified work], Tms/ fragment with A emendations [1p], nd.
Preface [to unpublished new edition of Two fishers, Two foemen, and The Wolf
knight], 1 Ams/ draft I with A revisions (6pp), Ams workings [11pp], 2 Tms/ drafts
with A revisions (6pp; 7pp), 1 Tccms/ drafts with A revisions (6pp; 7pp), 1 Tccms/
draft with A revisions (6pp), Tms/ drafts/ fragments, one signed, with A revisions
[8pp], Preface to unpublished new edition of Two fishers, Two …1959-1960.
Prelude to death, TmsS with A emendations [7pp], Printed with A revisions [2pp],
A Prince’s petition, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Princess Mary’s wedding jewels and the pied minstrel, AmsS with A emendations
[8pp], Ams/ fragment with A emendations [1p], Ams/ extract S with A note [1p],
Tccms with A emendations [5pp], 1922 April 1-12.
The Profiteer, 3 AmssS with A emendations [2pp each], 1 Ams with slight A
emendations [3pp], 1914.
Progress: [1939], 2 Ams/ drafts with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams/ workings/
fragment [1p], 2 Tccms/ drafts with A emendations, one signed (2pp each), [c.
Prologue, 2 AmssS [1p each], 1 Ams, with one draft deleted [1p], nd.
[Prologue]: Prayer to the wind, Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
Prologue to King Constantine’s vision, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1
Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Prophecy, 2 Ams/ early drafts S with A revisions and workings [2pp; 1p], nd, 1917
May 3.
Prophecy, 4 AmssS, three with A emendations [1p each], 2 nd, 2 1914 May.
[Prose Verse]: Thawts upon murder: [1913], AmsS with A revisions [4pp], TmsS
(5pp), [1931].
[Prose-verse]: Thawts upon murder: [1931], TccmsS with A note (5pp), [c. 1931].
Protest, 4 AmssS, three with A emendations, [1p each], 1 Ams with A
emendations [1p], nd.
A Protestant festival, 2 AmssS with A emendations [4pp.; 6pp.], 1910 September
Punning epitaph on a bogus tombstone erected to the memory of Einstein by his
enemies, 1 AmsS [1p], 4 Amss, three with A emendations [1p each], nd.
The pupil: Rhineland, AmsS [1p], nd.
Queen Lyla woke, 4 AmssS with A emendations [two 1p; two 2pp], 1 TmsS with A Container
revisions [1p], nd.
Quiet letter to a friend, Tms [2pp], nd.
Rambler’s even-song, AmsS [1p], nd.
Container 8.1
Reciters’ poetry, Ams/ final draft S with A revisions and notes to typist (21pp), Tms Container
with A revisions [18pp], Tccms with A revisions [18pp], [1950].
Recompense, 3 AmssS with A emendations [1p. each], nd.
Container 8.1
The Red grouse, AmsS [1p], nd.
The Reed, Ams workings [1p], nd.
The Rejection, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
The Religious sense, AmsS with A emendation [1p], Ams/ draft with A revisions
[1p], [c. 1958].
Renunciation, AmsS with A emendation [1p], Ams/ draft/ inc with A emendations
[1p], nd.
Rescue, 2 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations one with A note [1p each], 1 Ams/
draft with A emendations [1p], 2 Tms/ drafts with A emendations [1p each], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Resentment, TccmsSwith A emendations (3pp), nd.
A Retort to the kick of the cloven hoof of Culture, Ams with A emendations [1p],
Retro Sathanas! Ams with A revisions [2pp on 1l], nd.
Return from trout-fishing, 2 AmssS with A revisions [1p each], 1 Ams with A
emendation [1p], 1 Tms [1p], nd.
The Revelation of Saint John, Chapter XX. Years 1914 to 1941, 2 Ams/ drafts, one
signed, with A emendations (4pp each), nd.
[Review of unidentified anthology compiled by Allan Tate], Ams/ draft/ inc with A Container
revisions [2pp], nd.
[Review of unidentified anthology of poetry], Ams/ draft/ fragment with A
emendations [1p], nd.
[Review of unidentified anthology of poetry], 2 Ams/ drafts/ inc, one with heavy A
revisions, one signed [2pp each], nd.
[Review of unidentified book by Aubrey F. G. Bell on] Spanish Galicia, Ams/
draft /inc with A revisions [3pp on 2ll], nd.
[Review of unidentified book of poems by Robert Graves], Ams/ draft/ inc with A
revisions [4pp], nd.
[Review of unidentified book of Welsh tales by unidentified author], Ams/ drafts/
fragments with A revisions [2pp], nd.
[Review of unidentified books of poems by Hughes, Vivian de Sola Pinto, Robert
Haven Schauffler, and L. D’O Walters; and Well Shone Moone by Alan Sims],
Ams/ drafts/ fragments with A revisions [8pp], nd.
[Review of unidentified books of poems by John Drinkwater and Richard Hughes],
3 Ams/ drafts/ fragments with A revisions [1p each], nd.
[Review of unidentified work by George Meredith], 2 Ams/ drafts/ inc with A
revisions [8pp; 11pp], nd.
[Review of] The Acropolis of Athens by M. Schede, translated by H.T. Price,
Ams/ draft/ inc with A revisions [2pp], nd.
[Review of Aftermath by R. C. Trevelyan; Ruins and visions by Stephen Spender;
Poets of tomorrow; Tomorrow by Mary Winter Were; The distraught airman by
Francis Carey Slater], AmsS with A emendations (11pp), nd.
[Review of] Les amours de Francois Villon, by Charles Kunstler, Ams/ draft with
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Review of] Les amours de Francois Villon, by Charles Kunstler, Ams/ draft with
A revisions and some A emendations in unidentified hand (8pp), nd.
[Review of] Les Amours de Francois Villon by Charles Kunstler, Tccms (5pp), nd.
[Review of Anne Bronte, her life and work, by Ada Harrison and Derek Stanford
and Anne Bronte, by Winifred Gerin], Ams/ draft/ inc with A revisions [2pp], nd.
[Review of anthology of year’s best poems compiled by Thomas Moult], Ams/
draft/ inc S with A revisions [2pp], nd.
[Review of] The autobiography of a Liverpool Irish Slummy, by Pat O’Mara, T
and TccmsS with A emendations (3pp), nd.
[Review of] La belle au bois dormant by Edward James; The nettle and the flower
by Kenneth Muir; The war registers by I.M. Hubbard and Hilda Hubbard, Tccms
(6pp), [1934].
[Review of] Belmonte the matador by Henry Baerlein, Tccms (4pp), nd.
[Review of The best poems of 1928, selected by Thomas Moult] An annual
anthology, AmsS with A revisions (7pp), [1929].
[Review of The Collapse of Homo Sapiens by P. Anderson Graham], 2 Ams/
drafts S with A revisions (3pp; 6pp), [c. 1923].
[Review of] Collected essays, volume II, by Robert Bridges, Tccms (4pp), nd.
[Review of] Collected poems by Seumas O’Sullivan; Apollyon by George
Rostreror Hamilton, AmsS with A revisions (4pp), nd.
[Review of] The Conflict by E. E. Kellett, AmsS with A revisions (7pp), Ams/
draft with A revisions [5pp], Ams/ drafts/ fragments, one signed, with A revisions
[8pp], nd.
[Review of] A Critical history of English poetry, by Herbert J.C. Grierson and J.C.
Smith, Ams/ draft notes with A emendations [3pp], [c.1944].
[Review of Day of atonement by Louis Golding], Ams/ draft/ inc with A revisions
[4pp], [c. 1925].
[Review of] The dream world, by R. L. Megroz, Galley proofs with A emendations
and corrections [2pp], nd.
[Review of Eight for immortality, edited by Richard Church], Ams/ draft with A
revisions [6pp], nd.
[Review of Evensong by Katherine Tynan and unidentified book by Alan Sims],
Ams/ drafts/ inc with A revisions [6pp], [c.1928].
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Review of] For fishermen only by Atwood Clark; A holiday fisherman by
Maurice Headlam, TccmsS with A emendations (5pp), nd.
[Review of] Francois Villon: A documented survey by D. B. Wyndham Lewis,
AmsS with A revisions [12pp], Ams/ draft/ inc S with A revisions [4pp], [c. 1928].
[Review of Gathered grace, by George MacDonald; edited by Elizabeth Yates] A
left-wing parson, Composite T and TccmsS with A revisions (4pp), nd.
[Review of The Gothic rose by Wilfred Rowland Childe], Ams/ draft with A
revisions [2pp], [c. 1922].
[Review of The halt in the garden by Robert Hillyer], AmsS with A emendations
(4pp), Ams/ fragment with A emendations (1p), Tms with A emendations (4pp),
[Review of] In time like glass by W. J. Turner, 2 Ams/ drafts/ inc with A revisions
[1p each], nd.
[Review of] Introducing the Armisons by Edward Thompson and William Cowper
and the Eighteenth century by Gilbert Thomas, TmsS with A emendations (6pp),
Tccms (6pp), [1935]
[Review of] An introduction to the study of Blake, by Max Plowman, AmsS with
A revisions 913pp), TmsS with A revisions and note I with editorial changes by
Desmond MacCarthy (9pp), nd.
[Review of] Klondyke to kenya by Fred Raper, Ams/ draft S with A revisions
(5pp), nd.
[Review of] Life of James Elroy Flecker by Gerladine Hogson, Ams/ draft S with
A emendations (9pp), nd.
[Review of] Mainspring by V. H. Friedlaender; The old Eve by Basil Creighton, 1
AmsS with A revisions (4pp), 3 Amss/ inc with A emendations [2pp; 1p; 1p], 1
TmsS with A emendations (4pp), [c. 1922].
[Review of The Masterpiece and the amn by Monk Gibbon], Ams/ draft/ inc with
A revisions [3pp], [c. 1954].
[Review of Michael Angelo by Dmitri Merezhkovsky, translated by Natalie
Duddington], Ams/ drafts/ inc with A emendations [4pp], nd.
[Review of] A miscellany of poetry 1920-22, edited by Wiliam Kean Seymourm 2
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Review of] A miscellany of poetry 1920-22, edited by Wiliam Kean Seymourm 2
AmssS with initials C.W.F.V. for publication and A emendations (4pp each), 1
AmsS "Francis Montcorbier" with initials B.S. for publication and A emendations
(3pp), 1 Ams/ inc with A emendations [2pp], 3 Ams/ fragments with A
emendations [3pp], nd.
[Review of A month of years by Robert Gathorne-Hardy], Ams/ draft with A
revisions [4pp]. [1956].
[Review of] The nettle and the flower by Kenneth Muir, Tccms (2pp), nd.
[Review of] The new recessional, and other poems by Edward Thompson; They
muse hath wings by Flying Officer G. Eades; Poems of this war by Patricia
Ledward and Colin Strong; Three new poets; Invitation and warning by Henry
Treece; The new gods rising by H.N. Forbes; Arctic conditions by Edward Ellul;
Marriage in Heaven by Stella Clement Macnab, AmssS with A revisions (8pp),
Galley proofs with A corrections and emendations [3pp], 1942.
[Review of New Year letter by W. H. Auden], AmsS with A revisions (11pp), nd.
[Review of] Not for an hour and other new poems by Lord Gorell, Ams/ draft S
with A revisions [3pp], Ams/ notes/ inc with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Review of] One hundred poems by Edward Thompson; Azure by E. H. W.
Meyerstein, AmsS with A emendations (5pp), nd.
[Review of The Oxford book of light verse, compiled by W. H. Auden], Ams/
draft/ icn with A emendations [2pp], nd.
[Review of] Poems from the forcces edited by Keidrych Rhys; Listen Mangan by
Ewart Milne; Willow leaves by John Irvine; Tomorrow by Mary Winter Were;
Time is not old by J.F. Ross; Late harvest by Denis Turner; Patria by L.H. Allen;
Cut from Mulga by Ernest G. Moll, AmsS with A emendations and note (6pp), nd.
[Review of] Poetry: London (Number Ten), edited by Tambimuttu, AmsS with A
emendations [1p], nd.
[Review of] Preludes 1921-1922 by John Drinkwater, Ams/ draft/ inc with A
revisions [3pp], Ams/ drafts/ fragments [6pp], [c. 1922].
[Review of Punch: The immortal liar by Conrad Aiken], Ams/ draft/ inc with A
emendations [1p], [c.1921].
[Review of] Religion and the rebel by Colin Wilson, Ams/ draft with A revisions
[3pp on 2ll], [1957].
[Review of] Requiem by Humbert Wolfe, AmsS with A emendations (5pp), nd.
[Review of] Rhymed ruminations by Siegfried Sassoon; The trumpet, and other
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Review of] Rhymed ruminations by Siegfried Sassoon; The trumpet, and other
poems by Edward Thomas; Shangai by P.R. Kaikini; The Mendi by David J.
Darlow; In the midst of death by Clive Sansom, AmsS with A revisions (5pp),
Galley proofs with A corrections and emendations [3pp], 1941.
[Review of] Richard Jefferies: His life and works by --- Thomas, AmsS with A
emendations [4pp], nd.
[Review of] The right to live by Max Plowman; The literature of England (A.D.
500 to 1942) by William J. Entwistle and Eric Gillett; Selected poems by John
Hall, Keith Douglas, and Norman Nicholson; A Stranger here by Clare Cameron,
AmsS with A revisions (6pp), nd.
[Review of] Robert Bridges, by Edward Thompson, AmsS with A revisions (3pp),
[Review of] The Saga of the Faroe Islands translated by Muried A.C. Press, Tms
with A emendations (3pp), nd.
[Review of] Scottish poetry: from Barbour to James VI by M.M. Gray; The poems
of Francois Villon translated by Lewis Wharton, Tccms (6pp), nd.
[Review of] Selected poems by AE; English fantasies by J. Redwood Anderson;
The fourth of August by Humbert Wolfe; Orchestra by Teresa Hooley; First poems
by Rayner Heppenstall; Selected poems of Theodore Wratislaw selected by John
Gawsworth, 2 TccmsS with A emendations (5pp each), 1935.
[Review of] Selected poems by Fredoon Kabraji, Bundu by Noeline Barry, and
Songs of Orpheus by J. W. Most, Ams/ draft with A emendations [2pp], nd.
[Review of The Shepherd by Edmund Blunden], Ams/ fragment S with A
emendations [1p], nd.
[Review of The Shepherd other poems of peace and war by Edmund Blunden],
Ams/ inc S with A emendations (2pp), [1922].
[Review of The Shepherd and other poems of peace and war by Edmund Blunden],
Composite A and TmsS with A revisions (2pp), [1923].
[Review of Shorter lyrics of the twentieth century, compiled by William H. Davies],
2 AmssS with A revisions (6pp each), 1 Ams/ inc with A revisions (4pp), Ams/
drafts/ fragments with A revisions, 3 signed [8pp], nd.
[Review of] The Soldier and death: A Russian folk-tale, told in English by Arthur
Ransome, AmsS with A revisions [2pp], Ams/ inc with A revisions [1p], nd.
[Review of] Solomon in all his glory, by Robert Lynd, 2 AmssS with A revisions
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Review of] Solomon in all his glory, by Robert Lynd, 2 AmssS with A revisions
[2pp; 3pp], 1 AmsI with A revisions [3pp], 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [3pp
each], [c.1922].
[Review of] Spider by Marguerite Steen, AmsS with A revisions and printer’s
marks (6pp), [1933].
[Review of] The spirit watches by Ruth Pitter; Huntsman what quarry? by Edna St.
Vincent Millay; Sonnets in Exity Israel. Peace: an ode by E.H. W. Meyerstein; The
white cry by Douglas Stewart, 2 galley proofs, nd.
[Review of] Tiresias by R.N. Currey; The mind of man by John Gawsworth, AmsS
with A revisions (4pp), nd.
[Review of] The tower to heaven: A play by J. redwood Anderson, Ams/ draft/ inc
with A revisions (1p), nd.
[Review of] Transvaluations by J. Redwood Anderson, AmsS with A emendations
(5pp), nd.
[Review of] Transvaluations [by] J. Redwood Anderson, AmsS with A revisions
and printer’s marks (7pp), [1933].
[Review of] Trout heresy by P.B.M. Allan; Wensleydale by Ella Pontefract,
TccmsS with A emendations (4pp), nd.
[Review of the Truth about my father by Leon L. Tolstoi] The Truth about Tolstoi,
AmsS with A revisions (7pp), nd.
[Review of] The Vestal fire by Patrick MacDonogh, AmsS with A revisions (6pp),
[Review of] The voice of poetry 1930-1950, edited by Herman Peschmann, AmsS
with A revisions (3pp), Galley proofs from Poetry Review with few A corrections
and emendations and with A note S by editor "John Gawsworth" [Terence Ian
Fytton Armstrong] [2pp], nd.
[Review of] William Blake by J. Middleton Murry, 1 AmsS with A emendations
(6pp), 4 Ams/ drafts/ fragments, two signed, with A revisions [4pp], nd.
[Review of] X at Oberammergau by Humbert Wolfe, AmsS with A emendations
(3pp), nd.
[Reviews of unidentified books], 2 Ams/ fragments with A emendations [1p. each],
[Reviews of unidentified books of poetry by unidentified women authors], Ams/
fragments with A revisions [4pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The ride from Hell, 2 Ams/ early versions S with A emendations [2pp; 3pp], 5 Ams/
drafts/ fragments with A revisions [7pp], 1 Composite A and Tms with A revisions
[5pp], 3 Tmss with A revisions [4pp; 5pp; 7pp], 4 Tms/ fragments with A revisions
[9pp], 7 Tccmss, 5 signed, with A revisions [two 2pp; one 3pp; two 4pp; one 5pp;
one 7pp], 1 Printed from The Poetry Review with A emendation [3pp], nd.
The Ride from Hell, Composite A, T, Tccms and printed with A revisions and note
[46pp], [c. 1958].
The Ride from Hell, Proof copy with A corrections (48pp), 1958.
The Ride from Hell, Galley proofs with A corrections and emendations (8pp),
gf 1
The ride from Hell: [Dust jacket material and revisions], 3 Amss, two initialed, with Container
A emendations [1p. each], [c.1958].
The ride from Hell: Foreword, 4 Ams/ drafts I with A revisions [2pp each], 1954
[The Ride from Hell] Notes, Ams/ inc with A emendations [3pp], Tms/ inc with
A emendations [2pp], Tms/ fragment with A emendations [1p], [c. 1958].
The ride from hell [poem], TmsS with slight A emendations (4pp), Galley proof
for Poetry Review with A corrections and with A note S by editor "John
Gawsworth" [Terence Ian Fytton Armstrong] [1p], nd.
[The Ride from Hell]: Prologue, 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1p each], nd.
[The Ride from Hell]: Prologue, 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1p each], 1 Tms
with A revisions [1p], 1 Tccms with A revisions [1p], 2 Tccms [1p each], nd.
The Ride from Hell: Prologue and introduction, AmsS [1p], nd.
The riders, Ams with A emendations [1p], 1905.
A Rime for the times, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
The Rime of the rejected prophet, 2 Tccmss [3pp each], nd.
Robert Graves and World’s End, AmsS with A emendations (7pp), Ams/ draft/
inc S with A revisions and note [2pp], nd.
Rock pilgrim, TmsS [1p], Proof page from Neo-Georgian poetry with few A
corrections and with A note S by editor "John Gawsworth" [Terence Ian Fytton
Armstrong] [1p], nd.
Container 8.15
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The roots of revolution, AmsS with A emendations [4pp], nd.
The Roving Angler, Ams/ inc S with A revisions [223pp], [1933 publication date].
]The roving angler], AmsS/ first draft of additional chapters, "Moorland Rivers" and Container
"Appendix on Flies," with A revisions for the second edition, nd.
[The Roving Angler], Tms/ fragments, one signed, with A revisions [37pp], [c.
The Roving angler, Tms with A revisions and one Ams chapter (213pp), [c. 1933].
[The roving angler], TmsS and T/cc mssS of additional chapter, "Rainbow-Trout,"
with A revisions for the second edition. nd.
[The roving angler], Tms of additional chapters, "Rainbow-Trout" and "Moorland
Rivers," with A revisions for the second edition, nd.
[The Roving angler], Tccms/ inc with A revisions [84pp], [c. 1933].
[The roving angler], T/cc msS of additional chapters, "Appendix on Flies" and
"Izaak Walton," with A revisions for the second edition, nd.
The roving angler, First page proofs/ uncorrected, "First published 1933."
The Roving angler, Page proofs with A corrections (242pp), 1933 March.
The Roving angler, Page proofs, some on galleys/ inc, for second edition, with A
revisions and notes [33ll], 1947 August 7.
gf 1
The Roving angler: Chap. XXI, Galley proofs with A corrections, emendations,
and addition [2pp], 1933 January 25 [printer’s stamp].
[The Roving angler: A night and a day on Scottish waters], Ams/ inc S with A
revisions [4pp], nd.
The roving angler; with wood engravings by Robert Gibbings, Galley proofs/
incomplete and uncorrected of first edition, nd.
gf 1
Roy Campbell and ‘The Georgiad,’ AmsS with A emendations [3pp], nd.
Rudyard Kipling, Page proofs for Cornhill Magazine S with A notes (8pp), 1936
October 27 [printer’s stamp].
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The Sahara (New Year illuminations), AmsS with A revisions (5pp), nd.
The Sahara (with apologies to T.S. Eliot), 2 Ams/ drafts S with A revisions [5pp
each], 1 Ams/ draft/ inc with A emendations [2pp], 1 TccmsS with A
emendations (3pp), nd.
Sailormen in wartime, Ams [1p], nd.
Sailormen in wartime, 2 Ams/ drafts, one inc., with A revisions [both on 1l], 1
Tccms with A emendation [1p], nd.
Saint Joan: A meditation and a prayer, printed clipping with A emendations and
corrections [1p], nd.
[Saint Joan: A meditation and a prayer] Prelude to prayers and poems to be
addressed to Joan of Arc, 4 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations [Three 2pp; one
1p], 1 Composite A and TccmsS with A emendations [2pp], nd.
Sanctification, Ams [1p], nd.
[The satiric sob] Warfare, AmsS [1p], nd.
Saxon Patrick speaks, Ams with A revisions [2pp], Ams/ early version S with A
emendation [1p], Ams/ earlyy version with A emendations [1p], [c. 1913].
The Scop, [or skald], 3 Ams/ early drafts, two with A emendations [1p each], nd.
[The Scop, or skald] The Minstrel, Ams with A emendations [1p], Tms with A
emendations [1p], TccmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
The [Scop or] Skald, AmsI with A notes [1p], nd.
The scope of poetry, AmsS, nd.
The scope of poetry, Proof page from Edwardian poetry with A note S by editor
"J. Gawsworth" [Terence Ian Fytton Armstrong] [1p], printed clipping from John
O’London’s Weekly S [1p], nd.
[The Scourge of God] Theology, 3 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1p each], nd.
Sea-gull, 7 Ams/ drafts S, four with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams/ draft [1p],
1 Tms/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
The sea’s song, AmsS with A emendations [2pp], nd.
Season and festival, Page proofs/ inc with A corrections [64pp], 1942.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Secondary education and democracy, AmsS with A revisions (20pp), [c.1918].
Secondary education and salaries, AmsS with A emendations (11pp), nd.
See the arts, 1 Ams/ draft S with A revisions [1p], 1 Ams/ draft with A revisions
[1p], 1 Tms/ inc with A emendations and addition [1p], 3 Tccmss with A
emendations, two with A addition [two 2pp each, one 1p], 1 Tccms/ inc with A
emendations and addition [1p], [c. 1958].
Selected poems, [1910-1950]: Foreword and acknowledgments, AmsS with A
revisions [5pp], 1954 Spring.
Selected poems, 1910-1950: [Title page], Foreword, Contents, AmsS with A
revisions and note [7pp], 1958 Autumn.
[Selene], 3 Ams/ drafts, two signed, with A revisions [2pp each], nd.
Sentinel trees, 2 AmssS [1p each], nd.
Serenade, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
The shepherd; the wolf; and the Lake District, AmsS with A emendations (4pp),
Ams/ drafts/ fragments S with A revisions [4pp], nd.
A Short story, AmsS [1p], nd.
The Shrew, AmsS with A emendations [1p], Ams /inc with A emendations [1p],
The Shrew, Ams with A emendations and workings [1p], printed from Country
life [1p], 1924.
Sidelights on Lascelles Abercrombie, Ams with A revisions [4pp], Ams/ notes
with A emendations [2pp], [c. 1938].
Sin, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A emendations [1p],
A Sinn Feiner, 1 Ams/ draft S with A revisions (9pp), 2 TccmssS with A
emendations (5pp each), nd.
Sir Alfred Mond, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams with A
emendations [1p], nd.
[Sir Galahad’s sin], 3 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams [1p], nd.
Sir Henry Newbolt’s poetry, TccmsS with A revisions and note to editor (9pp),
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Sky-chosen, 1 AmsS with A emendations [1p], 2 Amss with A revisions [1p
each], nd.
Sky-chosen, TmsS [2pp], Proof page I for Poetry Review with A note S by editor
"John Gawsworth" [Terence Ian Fytton Armstrong] [1p], nd, 1949 May 1.
Society, 2 AmssS with A emendations [2pp; 3pp], nd.
Container 9.1
The Society of Psychical Research, AmsS with A emendation [1p], nd.
The soldier poets, 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1p. each], nd.
Soldier-Statesman, 4 Ams/ drafts S with A revisions [1p each], nd.
The Soldiers of freedom: 1939-[1945], 1 Ams/ draft with A revisions [3pp], 3 Ams/
early drafts with A revisions [1p each], 1 Ams/ early draft/ inc with A revisions [1p],
2 Ams/ drafts/ fragments, one signed, with A emendations [1p each], 1 Tms/ draft S
with A revisions [2pp], 1 Tms/ draft/ inc S with A revisions [2pp], 1 TccmsS [3pp],
2 Tccms/ drafts S with A revisions (3pp each), 1 Tccms/ draft with A revisions
[2pp], 1 Tccms/ inc S with A emendations [2pp], 3 Tccms/ fragments with A
revisions [1p each], nd.
Soliloquy on evil, and advice to Satan, 1 Ams/ draft S with A revisions [3pp], 1
Ams/ draft/ inc with A revisions [1p], 1 Tms with A revisions and Ams/ early draft
of untitled bridge poem with A revisions at end [3pp], 1 Tms/ fragment with A
revisions [1p], 2 Tccms with A revisions, one with Ams/ early draft of untitled
bridge poem with A revisions at end [3pp each], 1 Tccms/ fragment [1p], [c. 1958].
Some bombers, AmsS with A emendations [1p], Ams with A emendations [1p],
Some notes on verse-speaking and phonetics, Tms (4pp), nd.
[The Song], 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 2 Amss with A emendations
[1p each], nd.
Song and pedagogy: A gesture, AmsS [1p], nd.
Song and pedagogy: A gesture: June 1921, 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1p
each], 1921.
Song [for December], 3 AmssS with A emendations [1p. each], nd.
Song for harp, 1 AmsS with A emendations [1p], 2 Amss with A emendations [1p.
each], nd.
Song for Spaniards, Tms [1p], nd.
[A Song from the street] The clown signs to King Crumpets, 5 AmssS with A
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[A Song from the street] The clown signs to King Crumpets, 5 AmssS with A
emendations [1p each], 2 Amss with A emendations [1p each], nd.
Song: Horse flesh, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
Song: [ "If I were king!" ] King George, Ams with slight A emendations [2pp],
Song of imprisoned Lollards, 3 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 2 Amss
with A emendations [1p each], 2 TccmssS [1p each], 1 Tccms [1p], nd.
Song of Solomon and Job for recital (New song of Solomon-and of Job), Ams/
draft with A revisions [8pp], Printed from Adelphi Magazine with A emendations
[6pp], 1924 February.
Song of spirit and soul, 3 Ams/ drafts S with A revisions [two 2pp; one 3pp], 1
Tccms with A emendations [3pp], [c. 1958].
Song of spirit and soul, Tccms with A emendations [3pp], nd.
Song "Silver sheaf of moonbeams. . .," AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Songs of salvation, sin, and satire, Page proofs with A corrections and note on title
page (32pp), 1925.
Songs of salvation, sin, and satire, Printed book with A revisions for new edition,
probably Collected poems [32pp], 1925.
Songs of salvation, sin, and satire: [fore pages], A and Tmss with A printer’s notes
and contents’ sheets [3pp], [1925].
Songs of salvation, sin, and satire: Preface, AmsI with A revisions [3pp], 1925
Sonnet: Aftermath of storm and war, Ams with A emendation [1p], TmsS [1p],
Sonnet of first looking into Maurice Hewlett’s ‘Homer,’ 3 Ams/ drafts S with A
emendations [1p each], 2 Ams/ drafts with A emendations [1p each], nd.
The soul of man, Ams with A emendations [1p], TmsS [1p], nd.
The soul of man, 6 Ams/ drafts S, five with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams/
drafts with A workings [1p], 2 Ams/ drafts/ inc with A emendations [1p each], 1
TmsS with A emendations [1p], 1 Tccms with A emendations [1p], nd.
The Soul’s day, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
A Southerner, 2 AmssS with A revisions [4pp each], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Spain: 1936-39, Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], Tms with A emendations [1p],
Tccms [1p], nd.
Spasms, AmsS with A emendations [2pp], nd.
The Spider and the fly, 3 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams [1p], nd.
The Spirit’s gain, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], nd.
The Spirit of love, 2 AmssS [1p each], 1 Ams [1p], nd.
Spoken a thousand years ago, 6 AmssS, three with A emendations [1p each], 1
AmsI with A emendations [1p], 6 Amss, five with A emendations [1p each], [c.
The Sportsman, AmsS [1p], nd.
Spring, Ams [2pp], Ams with A emendations [2pp], nd.
Spring’s advent, AmsS with A emendations [1p], Ams [1p], nd.
Spring at Whipsnade, AmsS (8pp), 1934.
Spring Christmas carol, Ams/ early draft S on Christmas card to [Terence Ian]
Fytton and Barbara [Armstrong], TmsS and inscribed "For John Gawsworth" [1p],
A Spring Christmas carol, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams [1p],
Spring poets, 3 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p each], nd.
Spring’s coming, printed clipping from The Observer with A notes and
emendation [1p], 1941 April 20.
[Spring’s coming] Full spring, Ams [1p], nd.
Spring poet’s pastoral, Ams with A revisions [2pp], nd.
[Spring song], Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
Spring/ Stralsund: 1911, 2 AmssS, one with A emendation [1p each], 1 Ams [1p],
Stair of despond: [1942], 1 Tms with A emendations [1p], 2 TccmssS with A
emendations [1p each], [c.1942].
[Stanzas] As it is, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The Stone man and the pied fiddler, 2 AmssS with A revisions [1p; 2pp], 1 Ams/
inc with A revisions [1p], nd.
Strange fishing, AmsS [2pp], nd.
The strange story of Mrs. Driggs and a critic, AmsS with A revisions [4pp], Tms
with A emendations [2pp], nd.
The Street sparrow, 2 AmssS [1p each], 4 Amss, three with A emendations [1p
each], 1 Tms with A emendations [1p], nd.
[Struggle and flutter], 3 AmssS, two with A emendations [1p each], [1910].
[Student essays on logic], 19 AmssS, nd.
Container 9.5
A student in Germany-August 1914, Galley proofs with A corrections and revisions Container
[3pp], nd.
gf 1
The Suffragette, 2 AmssS with A revisions [4pp each], nd.
Container 9.4
Summer holidays, AmsS with A revisions (3pp), Tms with A revisions (3pp), nd.
Summit and chasm, Composite A, T, Tcc and printed printer’s copy S with A
emendations [approx. 115pp], [1934].
Summit and chasm, 1 page proofs (first proofs) with A corrections, emendations,
notes to printer (xiv, 144pp), 2 Page proofs/ inc with some a corrections and
emendations, 1933 [printer’s stamp].
The Sun and the moon, AmsS with A emendation [1p], nd.
Container 9.4
A Supplementary Greenwood report, Page proof for Poetry Review [1p], [c.1944].
Surprise epitaph on a Victorian poet-reviewer, 2 Ams/ drafts S with A
emendations [1p each], 1 Printed from The Spectator with A emendations [1p],
The Swindler holds forth, 1 AmsS with A revisions (7pp), 2 Tccmss with A
emendations [5pp each], nd.
The Swindler holds forth, 2 sets of printed pages from C.K.’s Weekly with A
revisions from A inquiry to editor on separate sheet [6pp], 1926 October 23.
A sword in the desert, Composite A, T, and Tccms/ incS with A revisions and notes Container
[approx. 100pp], [c. 1946].
A Sword in the desert, page proofs/ inc with A corrections and emendations, 1946.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
A Sword in the desert: [Blurb], Ams/ drafts with A revisions [6pp], [1946].
[A Sword in the desert]: Notes, Composite A and Tms with A revisions (4pp), [c.
[A Sword in the desert: Preface], 1 Ams/ draft/ fragment with A emendations
[1p], 2 Tms/ drafts/ fragments with A revisions [1p each], [1942-1944].
[A Sword in the desert]: Preface, Tms with A revisions [1p], [1946 date of
published version].
[A Sword in the desert: Preface and the Present state of English poetry] Preface,
Tccms with A emendations and note (14pp), [c. 1939-1940].
[A Sword in the desert: The present state of English poetry], 2 Tms/ drafts/
fragments with A revisions [1p each], nd.
[A Sword in the desert: The present state of English poetry] Modern poetry and the
craftsman, TmsS with A revisions (11pp), Tccms with A revisions (11pp), nd.
[The Sword in the desert]: Rejected preface, A and Tms/ drafts/ inc, one signed, with Container
A revisions [14pp], 1940; 1943.
[The Table-caterwaul: 1936-39], The Last caterwaul, 1 Tms/ fragment with A
emendations [1p], 2 TccmssS with A revisions (3pp each), nd.
Talking to God, Ams with A notes [1p], nd.
Talking water, 4 AmssS, two with A emendations [1p each], 1 AmsI [1p], 1 Ams
[1p], nd.
The Teacher, 4 AmssS [1p each], 1 Tms [1p], nd.
The teaching of English, AmsS/ original with many A revisions, nd.
The teaching of English, TmsS with extensive A revisions /" for Robert Bridges,"
The teaching of English in schools, Tms with extensive A revisions, 1929.
The teaching of English in secondary schools; with an introductory note by Sir
Arthur Quiller-Couch, Page proof with few A corrections, "Frist edition …1929,"
page 35-36 missing, bound.
The teaching of English in secondary schools: with an introductory note by Sir
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The teaching of English in secondary schools: with an introductory note by Sir
Arthur Quiller-Couch, TmsS with many A revisions and inserts, nd.
That brazen bird the eagle, 1 AmsS [1p], 2 Ams/ drafts with A revisions [1p each], 1 Container
Printed from The Nation and The Atheneum with A note [1p], 1924.
Thought on a Surrey down, 7 AmssS, three with A emendations [1p each], 2
Amss with A emendations [1p each], nd.
Thoughts, 3 AmssS, two with A emendations [1p each], 1 Ams [1p], nd.
[Thoughts on] justice and degenerate love, 7 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations
[1p each], 1 Ams/ draft with A emendations [1p], 1 Tms/ draft with A revisions
[1p], nd.
[Thoughts on justice and degenerate love] Love and justice, AmsS with A
revisions [1p], nd.
Three signs, AmsI with A emendations and notes [1p], nd.
Three signs, 2 AmssS [1p each], 1 Ams [1p], nd.
Three tourists, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Thrift, Ams with A emendations [2pp], nd.
Through curtains of darkness, TmsS with A revisions, nd.
[Through curtains of darkness], Tccms/ inc S with A emendations [1p with final
two stanzas], nd.
Time writes, Ams/ draft with A workings [1p], nd.
Time writes and rights, AmsS with A emendation [1p], nd.
Timothy Heartsearch takes stock, 4 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p each], 1
Tms with A emendations [1p], 1 Tccms with A emendations [1p], nd.
TmsS [2pp], Proof page I for Poetry Review with A note S by editor "John
Gawsworth" [Terence Ian Fytton Armstrong] [1p], nd, 1949 May 11 [by Armstrong
on proof]. [*Missing 4/2012]
To H.E.P from H.E.P., 2 AmssS, one with A revisions [1p each], nd.
To H.E.P. (with apologies to Mrs. Tennyson), AmsS with A emendations [1
postcard], nd.
To Dr. H.T.P., Ams workings [1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[To a literary magnets] To a poet-critic, AmsS with A revisions [1p], nd.
To my muse, AmsS [2pp], Tms with A emendations [1p], Tccms [1p], nd.
To some blind leaders of the blind, AmsS [1p], Ams with A emendations [1p],
To some blind leaders of the blind, AmsS with A emendations [1p], Tms with A
revisions [1p], nd.
[To some reviewers who have willfully abused certain true poets: 1920] Critic
bards and scotched reviewers, AmsS [1p], 1920.
To Stella, 1 AmsS with A emendations [1p], 2 proof pages of fascicle of this, one
with A note S by editor "John Gawsworth" [Terence Ian Fytton Armstrong],
[2pp], nd.
To an unfortunate wild lady, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
[To X], Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
The tramp, AmsS with A emendations [1p], Ams I with A emendations [1p], Ams/
early draft with A revisions [1p], TmsS with A emendations [1p], 3 nd, 1926 March
Travelling companions, 2 AmssS, one with A revisions [14pp; 6pp], nd.
Treasures in Heaven, AmsS with A emendations [1p], nd.
Triumph song, Ams [1p], nd.
Triumph song, 2 Amss with A emendations [1p. each], 1 printed clipping from
The Nation and the Athenaeum with A emendation [1p], 2 nd, 1927 November
Troll Song, Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
Troll song, 4 Ams/ draft S, three with A emendations [three 1p; one 2pp], Tccms
[1p], nd.
Troll song, Tccms/ copy [2pp.], nd.
Twentieth century minstrel song, 5 AmssS with A emendations [1p. each], 1 Ams
with A emendations [1p], nd.
The Two dreadnaughts (A fragment), AmsS [1p], nd.
Two fishers, TmsS with A revisions and note [14pp], Tms/ fragment with A
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Two fishers, TmsS with A revisions and note [14pp], Tms/ fragment with A
emendations [MISSING] [1p], TccmsS with A revisions and note [15pp], Tccms
with A revisions and note [14pp], 1918; 1960 [revisions].
Two fishers, Printed excerpt with A emendations and note [1p], 1918.
Two fishers and other poems, AmsS with A emendations and notes [31pp], [c.
Two fishers and other poems, printed book with A emendations (31pp), 1918.
Two fishers and other poems, printed book with A revisions for new edition,
probably Collected poems (31pp), 1918 [revisions undated], bound.
Two foemen and other poems, printed book with A revisions [64pp], 1920, bound.
Two Foemen and other poems, printed book with extensive A revisions for new
edition, probably for Collected poems [64pp], 1920 [revisions undated].
Two foemen: [A ballad epic of the war], 1 Ams/ inc with A revisions [14pp], 1 Ams/
early draft [2pp], 1 Ams/ inc S with A note (3pp), 1 TmsS with A revisions and
notes (16pp), 1 Tms/ inc with A revisions [9pp], 4 TccmssS with A revisions and
notes [two 16pp; two 17pp], 1 Tccms with A revisions and notes [17pp], 1 Tccms
with A revisions and workings [16pp], 1919; 1960 (revisions).
Two minstrels, printed book with A revisions for new edition, probably Collected
poems (31pp), 1921 [revisions undated], bound.
[Two people pray], 2 AmssS [1p. each], 1 Ams with A emendations [1p], nd.
Two people pray, 2 AmssS [first part only], one with A emendations [1p each], 1
Ams [both parts] with A emendations and note [2pp], 1 Ams [second part] [1p],
Two riders, AmsS [1p], Ams with A revisions [1p], nd.
Two roses, AmsS [1p], nd.
The Two songs, 6 AmssS with A emendations [1p each], nd.
The two songs, printed clipping with A emendations [1p], nd.
Two surprises, AmsS with A revisions [1p], nd.
Two trees, 2 AmssS with A revisions [1p each], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The Ubiquitous angler, AmsS with A emendations [4pp], nd.
Ultimus dies (A dream), AmsS with A emendations [3pp], Ams/ inc with A
revisions [1p], nd.
The Unchanging sea, 2 Amss with A revisions [1p each], 1 AmsI [1p], nd.
Undesirable quarry, AmsS with A emendations [5pp], nd.
The university in Germany, AmsS with A revisions [4pp], nd.
Unknown, AmsS [1p], Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
The Unknown warrior, AmsS with A revisions [1p], printed from The Empire
Review [1p], 1924.
The unknown warrior and other poems, Composite A and Tccms and printed
clippings pasted in S with A revisions [c. 1924].
The unknown warrior and other poems, Page proofs (xii, 84pp), Page proofs/ inc
with A corrections, notes, revisions, and insertions [approx. 75pp], 1924.
The Unknown warrior and other poems, Printed book with A revisions for new
edition, probably Collected poems (84pp), 1924 [revisions undated], bound.
[The unknown warrior and other poems]: Author’s preface, AmsI with A revisions
[2pp], 1921.
[The unknown warrior and other poems]: Foreword, Ams/ early draft I with A
emendations [1p], Ams/ draft/ inc with A revisions [4pp], Ams/ draft I with A
revisions [4pp], nd, 1922 March, 1922 Summer.
[The Unknown warrior and other poems: Preface], AmsI/ inc with A emendations
[3pp], 1923 Autumn.
The Unknown warrior speaks at his tomb: Autumn 1920, 2 AmssS with A revisions
[5pp each], 1 Ams with A revisions [5pp], 1 Ams/ early version S [1p], 1 Ams/ inc Container
with A revisions [2pp], 1 Ams/ fragment [1p], 1 Ams workings [1p], 1 TccmsS with
A revisions [4pp], 1 Tccms with A emendations (5pp), 1921 January.
Unripe students, AmsS with A revisions [3pp], nd.
The Valley of shadow, AmsS with A emendations [1p], 1913 July 2.
The Vampire, 1 Ams workings [8pp], 1 TmsS with A revisions (4pp), 3 TccmsS
with A revisions (4pp; 6pp; 7pp), 1 Tccms with A revisions (6pp), 4 nd, 1935.
Container 10.1
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The vampire, printed page with A corrections and addition [1p], 1935.
The vampire and other poems and rimes of a pilgrim’s progress, Composite A, T,
and TccmsS with A emendations [52pp], 1936.
The Vampire and other poems and rimes of a pilgrim’s progress, 3 page proofs/ inc
with A emendations, corrections and additions, 1936.
Various reincarnations, AmsS with A emendation [1p], Tccms (2pp), printed from
Empire Review [1p], 1924.
The Victorian age, Composite Ams and printed paste-ins with A revisions (36pp),
A visit to Sweden, AmsS with A emendations [5pp], nd.
[The Voice in the wood], Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
The Voice in the wood, 5 Ams/ drafts S with A revisions [2pp each], 1 Ams/ draft
with A emendations [2pp], 1 Tms/ draft S with A revisions [2pp], nd.
Voice of the age, Galley proofs [2pp], nd.
W. H. Davies, Ams [1p], nd.
Container 10.11
Walter Savage Landor-and myself, 2 Ams/ drafts, one signed, with A revisions [2pp Container
on 1l], nd.
The Wanderer, 5 AmssS, four with A emendations [1p each], [c. 1904-05].
A Wandervogel, 2 AmssS, one with A emendations [4pp. each], nd.
War and the United States of Europe, Composite A and TccmsS with A revisions
(31pp), nd.
The War song of the rejected, AmsS [1p], Ams [1p], Ams/ inc with A emendations
[1p], nd.
[Waterfall], Ams/ early draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
The Wedding garment, 2 AmssS [1p each], nd.
Wet-fly-fishing for trout, AmsS with A revisions (3pp), nd.
What the public wants, Ams/ early draft S with A revisions (5pp), Ams/ draft/ inc
with A revisions [2pp], TmsS with A revisions (21pp), nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
What the public wants, AmsS with A revisions (31pp), TmsS with A emendations
(21pp), [c. 1932].
When, 2 AmssS with A emendations [1p. each], nd.
Whimsy. The egoist’s retort, 2 AmssS, one with A emendations [1p each], 1
Ams [1p], nd.
Whither and why?, 2 Ams/ drafts S with A emendations [1p each], 2 Ams/ drafts
with A emendations [1p each], nd.
Who are these strangers, Tms [1p], nd.
The Wild Australian’s little testament, 3 AmssS with A emendations (two 3pp; one
4pp), 2 nd, 1924 January 23 [Printer’s stamp for Empire Review].
The Wild Australian’s little testament, printed pages with A emendations [2pp],
Wild-dear, Ams-draft S with A revisions [2pp], nd.
The Wind in the trees, 4 AmssS, two with A emendations [two 1p each; two 2pp
each], nd.
Wings, AmsS [1p], nd.
The Witch, AmsS with APCS message to The Editor of Pall Mall Magazine [1
postcard], 1911 May 11.
Wives’ tale, Tms [1p], nd.
The Wolf: A Christmas story, AmsS with A revisions [6pp], nd.
The Wolf knight: his book, AmsS with A emendations [9pp], Ams with A revisions
(9pp), Ams/ fragment S (Parts II & III) [2pp], Ams/ fragment (Part VII) with
discussion on verso [1p], TmsS with A revisions (11pp), Tccms with A revisions
[11pp], 5 nd, 1920 August 1-12.
[The Wolf minstrel: Caedmon’s song], 2 AmssS with A emendations (11pp; 18pp),
Woman’s love song, Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], Ams workings [1p], Ams
workings/ inc [1p], nd.
Wonder horses, AmsS [1p], nd.
Wooing the muse, Ams/ untitled draft with A revisions [2pp], 3 Ams/ drafts S
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Wooing the muse, Ams/ untitled draft with A revisions [2pp], 3 Ams/ drafts S
with A revisions [1p; 2pp; 2pp], 2 Tccms/ drafts S with A revisions [1p; 2pp], nd.
The Workers’ Educational Association, Tms with A revisions (7pp), Tccms
(7pp), [1933].
World’s End, AmsS with A revisions (4pp), nd.
The World’s song, printed clipping from Great Thoughts with A emendation
[1p], [c. 1899].
Worldly petitions, Ams workings [2pp on 1l], nd.
[The Wounded hawk] The peregrine falcon, Ams/ draft with A revisions [1p], nd.
Zeeland (Seeland) and Copenhagen, AmsS with A emendations [4pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
AL/ draft/ fragments to [unidentified editor], nd.
Container 10.21
ALS/ draft/ inc to [unidentified editor], nd.
AL/ draft to [unidentified editor] re article The chair of poetry, nd.
AL/ draft to [unidentified editor] re Dylan Thomas and Edith Sitwell, nd.
AL/ draft to [unidentified editor] re Edith Sitwell, nd.
AL/ draft/ inc to [unidentified editor] re Ezra Pound, nd.
2 ALS/ drafts S to [unidentified editor] re Hugh MacDiarmid’s anthology The
golden treasury of Scottish poetry, nd.
ALS/ draft/ inc to [unidentified editor], re injustice of reviewer to AE (George
Russell), nd.
AL/ draft/ inc to [unidentified editor] re Lord Alfred Douglas, nd.
AL/ draft S to [unidentified editor] re comments of Nicholas Moore on poetry,
ALS/ draft, AL/ draft/ inc S to [unidentified editor] re Nietzsche, nd.
AL/ draft S to [unidentified editor] re reading poetry aloud, nd.
ALS/ draft S, AL/ draft/ inc to [unidentified editor] re reviews by Pratt Green, nd.
AL/ draft/ inc to [unidentified editor] re speech improvement, nd.
AL/ draft/ inc to [the Editor of an unidentified periodical] re English
pronunciation, nd.
ALS/ draft/ fragment to [unidentified poet] re discrimination against two of them,
ALS/ draft S to [unidentified professor], nd. in German
AL/ draft/ inc S to [unidentified recipient], nd.
AL/ draft/ fragment to [unidentified recipient] Ella, nd.
ALS to [unidentified recipient], nd (Monday).
ALS/ draft to [unidentified recipient], Mr. Roberts, 1947 August 26.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
An/ draft to [unidentified second-hand-book dealer] re his brother’s books, nd.
AL/ draft to [the Editor, The Adelphi] re review of his Season and festival, [1944].
AL/ draft S to [the Editor, The Author] re criticism of one of his reviews, nd.
TL/ draft to The Editor of The Author re the situation of the translator, nd.
ALS to [Benn (Ernest) Limited (?)], re review copies of his book, probably
Cinder Thursday, 1931 April 27.
ALS/ draft S to Bles [?], Geoffrey, nd.
16 ALS, 2 ALS/ inc, 6 APCS to Bowen, Arnold Vincent, 22 nd, 1941-1945.
7 ALS to Bowen, Grace (English), 4 nd, 1942-1948.
5 TccL/ copies to Bridges, [Mary Monica (Waterhouse)], 2 nd, 1923 May 7,
1929 January 19, 1929 June 27.
AL/ draft/ inc to Bridges, [Robert], nd (Sunday).
17 TccL/ copies to Bridges, Robert, 3 nd, 1 inc d, 1918-1926.
ALS to Bulbring, nd.
Container 10.22
AL/ draft S to Campbell, Roy, nd.
129 TccL/ copies to Charley, Leslie W., 1914-1931.
2 APCS, 1 APC to Coleman, Fanny, nd, 1904 September 19, 1914 May 24.
2 APCS to Coleman, Kate, nd, 1912 December 23.
[Correspondence and papers of The cross bearers controversy], contains letters from
Palmer to Leslie W. Charely, Putnam’s, and others; letters to Palmer and Charley
from Putnam’s, Everyman, and others; letters to Palmer from Charely; and items by
Palmer relating to specifics of the translation, 1921-1931.
ALS to The Editor of The Daily Mail re surrealism in poetry, nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
ALS/ draft/ inc to Dark, nd.
4 TccL/ copies to Dawson, Nathaniel, nd, 1954 November 25, 1955 December 2,
1960 December 14.
ALS/ copy to Donnelly, Knowles, 1941 August 15.
AL/ draft S to Elizabeth II, queen of Great Britain, 1953 July 17.
ALS to The Editor of English re terza rima, nd.
AL/ draft/ inc to Hart-Davis, Rupert, nd.
3 ALS to Heath-Stubbs, John [Francis Alexander], 1953 January 16, 1952
September 18, 1952 September 30.
TccL/ copy to The Editor, Herts. Advertiser and St. Albans Times, 1959 August
2 ALS/ drafts to The Editor of the Herts Advertiser re W.E.A. production of Lady
Windemere’s fan, nd.
3 TccL/ copies to Hesketh, Phoebe, nd.
TccL/ copy to Higgins, F.R., 1940 June 7.
2 ALS to Hughes, 1931 May 29, 1931 June 19.
53 TccL/ copies, 2 TccN/ copies to [Hughes], Mary [Elizabeth Josephine], 42 nd, 2
inc d, 1942-1950.
TLS to The Editor of The Irish Weekly, TccLS to the Editor of Daily Herald re
Chamberlain’s settlement of the Czech crisis, 1938 October.
AL/ draft S to Knapp-Fisher, J. S. J. [sic], nd.
ALS/ draft S to The Editor of The Listener re surrealist art exhibition, nd.
ALS/ draft S to Moult, Thomas Tom, nd.
Container 10.30
16 TccL/ copies to Moult, Thomas, 1932-1956.
5 ALS to Murry, [John] Middleton, 2 nd, 1930 September 5, 1945 January 24,
1946 March 28.
AL/ draft S to The Editor of New Leader, 1923 April 12.
AL/ draft S to The Editor of New Statesman re Robert Graves’ The real David
Copperfield, ___ May 28.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
2 TccL to Nightingale, Ernest, nd, 1951 January 7.
15 ALS, 7 APCS to O’Brien, Liam, 13 nd, 2 inc d, [1931-1961].
TccL/ copy to O’Casey, Sean, 1930 June 28.
Container 10.30
3 ALS, 1 ALS/ inc to [Palmer], Edgar, 2 nd, 1903, 1904 June 25.
ALS, APC to Palmer, Elsie, nd, 1910 August 22.
4 ALS to [Palmer] Ethel, 1904 January 4, 1904 January 29, 1904 February 28,
1905 February 14.
1 ALS, 1 AL/ inc, 2 APCS to Palmer, Eva, 2 nd, 1904 January 4, 1909 April 2.
38 ALS, 2 AL/ inc, 2 APCS to Palmer, Hattie (Preston), 21 nd, 5 inc d, 1904-1943.
3 ALS, 3 APCS to Palmer, Mrs., 4 nd, 1909-1924.
Container 10.32
AL/ draft S to [The Editor, The Poetry Review] re Harold Monro as critic and
poet, ___ November 12. Included with this; 2 galley proofs with A corrections,
one with A note by T.I.F. Armstrong "John Gawsworth."
AL/ draft S to [The Editor, The Poetry Review] re letter and review in recent
issue, nd.
ALS/ draft S to [the Editor, The Poetry Review] re Miss Skeat’s remarks on
rhyme, nd.
AL/ draft S to [the Editor, The Poetry Review] re statements by T. E. Casson and
Nicholas Moore, nd.
AL/ draft S to The Editor of The Poetry Review re "ye" and "the," and other
topics, nd.
18 ALS to Purdom, [Charles Benjamin], 18 nd, enclosed with 2 ALS: 2 versions
of the girl and the soldier 1914-1918, Included with these: ALS William Palmer
to Purdom no date; 9 TccL/ replies Purdom to Palmer 1933-1934.
28 ALS, 1 APCS to Roberts, Kilham, 1931-1939
Container 11.2
TccL/ copy to Sitwell, Constance, 1952 June 10.
Container 11.1
8 ALS, 1 APCS to Spark, Muriel, 6 nd, 1 inc. d, 1949 April 12, 1949 July 12.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
AL/ draft S to [The Editor, The Spectator], 1924 June 15.
AL/ draft to The Editor of The Spectator re review of The Judgment of Francois
Villon, [c. 1927].
37 ALS, 3 APCS to Stanford, Derek, 16 nd, 4 inc. d, 1950-1959.
7 ALS, 2 APCS to Stanford, Derek, and Muriel Spark, 2 nd, 1949-1951.
9 ALS to [Starkey, James Sullivan] "Seumas O’Sullivan," 3 nd, 1 inc d,
ALS to Stephens [James], 1919, Mar. 9.
3 TccL/ copies to Stephens, James, 1930 July 3, 1936 November, [1946] July 1.
TccLS to the Editor of Time & Tide re Chamberlain’s settlement of the Czech crisis, Container
AL/ draft S to The Editor of Times Literary Supplement re review of D.B.
Wyndham Lewis’s Francois Villon, [1928].
AL/ draft S to Wellman, Maurice, nd.
ALS/ draft S to Wilson re neighbor problems, 1933 February 16.
ALS to Wright, David, 1953 September 15.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Unidentified author], TLS, ___ March 16.
Container 11.5
[Unidentified author], AL, ALS/ inc, 1905 April 11, 1905 September 15, in
[Unidentified author], ALS, 1907 July 17, in French.
[Unidentified author], ALS, 1907 August 20, in French.
[Unidentified author], ALS, 1935 October 25.
[Unidentified author], AL/ inc, 1935 June 26.
[Unidentified author], 2 APCI E.R., 1925 March 18, 1926 March 15 [postmark].
[Unidentified author], ALS Gladys, nd (Thursday).
[Unidentified author], ALI O.W.S., [c. 1928].
[Unidentified author], ALS Robert [last name illegible], nd.
[Unidentified author], TL "Tyro," 1943 May 4.
[Unidentified recipient] TLS, 1920 March 26.
[Unidentified Sister], ALS, "Bert," ___ January 14.
Abbott, H. H., ALS, 1939 June 28.
Container 11.6
Abel, Mary, ALS, 1947 August 27.
Abercrombie, Lascelles, TLS, 1931 July 18.
Abercrombie, Lascelles, 4 ALS, 1931 July 23, 1932 February 22, 1933 April 5,
1936 November 4.
Abercrombie, Lascelles, ALS, 1938 August 13.
Abshagen, Heinrich, TLS, 1920 January 6, In German.
Abshagen, Karl Heinz, TLS, 1920 January 1, In German.
Abshagen, Karl Heinz, 3 ALS to Palmer, [Herbert Edward], 1929 May 11, [1929]
May 28, 1938 August 12.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Adcock, Arthur St. John, 10 ALS, 4 TLS to Palmer, Herbert E[dward], 1922-1930.
Adcock, Audrey, 1 ALS, 6 TLS, one with 1 page A postscript, to Palmer, [Herbert
Edward], 1947-1949.
Addis, Harel, ALS, 1961 April 25.
Addis, Harel, TLS, 1961 May 5.
Alment, Alice, 3 ALS, 1955 January 30, 1957 June 17, 1957 July 26.
Anderson, J. Redwood, [Letters to Palmer, Herbert E(dward)], 21 ALS, 1 ALS/ inc, Container
11 TLS, 1 TLS/ inc, 1 APCS, 1 TPCS, 1 Telegram, 4 nd, 1931-1944.
Arlott, L. T. John, 4 ALS, 15 TLS, 1941-1944.
Container 11.9
Armstrong, T[erence] I[an], [Letters to Palmer, Herbert E(dward)], 103 ALS, 5
ALS/ photostats, 1 ALS/ inc, 3 ALI, 1 AL, 5 TLS, 18 APCS, 1 APCI, 50 nd, 1 inc d,
Aske, (Stephen), Literary agent, TLS, TPCS Erik Warman, 1938 March 23, 1938
April 4.
Association Amicale des Ancieu Eleves du College de Castres, ALS Edouard
Cormouls-Houles (President), 1906 July 5.
The Association of Yorkshire Bookmen, Rotherham Branch, TLS J.R. Bugler
(Secretary), 1948 February 4.
The Baconian Club of St. Albans, 2 ALS, 1928 March 25, 1937 March 11.
Bahlsen, Johanne, ALS, 1938 September 14, in German.
Bahlsen, Leopold, 4 ALS, 3 APCS, 2 APCI, 1 TLS, 1912-1914, in German.
Bahlsen, Leopold, ALS, 1936 May 15.
Baker, Peter [Arthur David], 4 ALS, 3 nd, 1943 December 15.
Baldwin, Stanley Baldwin, 1st earl, ALS C.P. Duff [Secretary], 1929 January 7.
Ball, Arthur W., 27 ALS, 1944-1948.
Container 11.12
Ball, Arthur [W.], 5 ALS, 1947 September 8, 1948 April 14, 1952 February 24,
1952 April 28, 1952 June 13.
B(ancroft), Ian, ALS, 1942 July 9.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Baring, Hon. Maurice, ALS, 1928 February 19.
Baring, Hon. Maurice, ALS, 1933 December 9.
Barker, George, ALS, 1953 November 22.
Barnaud, E., ALS, 1907 March 31, in French.
Bartlett, Wilfred H., TLS, 1947 February 21.
Bassett, Dorothy, TLS, 1946 December 20.
Batchelor, Frank, 3 ALS, 1 TLS, 1944 July 30, 1946 October 28, 1947 June 29,
1947 September 29.
Bauerschmitt, Theodor, APCS, 1908 March 27, in French.
Bayliss, John [Clifford], 2 ALS, ___ December 19, 1949 February 9.
Belloc, Hilaire, ALS, TLS, APCS, 1921 March 29, 1924 September 23, 1938
January 31.
Benn (Ernest) Limited, 8 TLS, 1931-1946.
Bennett, Arnold, 2 TLS, 1927 November 17, 1927 November 22.
Bennett, Arnold, TLS, 1930 October 21.
The Berlitz School of Languages, 1 ALS, 3 TLS, 1 TPCS, 1905 May 27, 1906
August 2, 1906 August 24, 1913 February 17, 1913 October 7, in French and
Bethnal Green Public Libraries, 3 TLS Stanley Snaith (Borough Librarian), 1950
October 5, 1950 November 7.
Betjeman, John, 1 TLS, 1 APCS, 1938 February 10, 1938 February 19.
Bic, E, 5 ALS, 1907 February 23, 1907 July 18, 1907 November 14, 1909 March
4, 1912 December 12, four in French, one in English.
Bielby, Morvenna R., ALS, 1936 January 4.
Binyon, Laurence, 6 ALS, 1919-1930.
Bipmann, M., ALS, 1913 July 13, in German.
Blackeney, Edward Henry, ALS, 1938 September 8.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Blakeley, Clarice A., 4 ALS, 2 nd, 1944 July 30, 1947 May 21.
Blakiston, Catherine, ALS, 1947 August 7.
Blunden, Edmund [Charles], 43 ALS, 5 APCS, 4 APCI, 1 Christmas poem S, 3 nd,
The Bookman, F Memo with A entries, ___ September 26.
Boulton, Rachel E., ALS, 1944 June 21.
Bowen, Arnold Vincent, 15 ALS, 17 TLS, 1 APCS, 1 TPC, 7 nd, 1941-1946.
Bowen, Arnold Vincent, ALS, APCS, APCI, 1942 April 2, 1942 June 7, 1945
January 19.
Bowen, Arnold Vincent, AN, APCS, APC, 2 nd, 1946 October 9.
Bowen, Grace (English), 8 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 TccL/ copy, 1941-1948.
Bowen, Grace Hawthorn, 2 ALS, 1948 October 12, 1948 October 15.
Bower-Shore, Clifford, 6 TLS, 1 TLS/ inc, 1 TL/ inc, 1 nd, 1934-1937.
Bradford, Florence M., 3 ALS, 1 ALS/ inc, 1 nd, 1945 February 7, 1945 June 9,
1947 January 16.
Bradley, Gladys, ALS, 1946 November 13.
Branford, Frederick Victor, 1 ALS, 2 TLS, __October 1, 1936 September 5, 1938
September 19.
Bridges, Edward, 6 ALS, 6 TLS, 1955-1957.
Bridges, Edward, TccL/ copy, 1955 April 8.
Bridges, Mary Monica (Waterhouse) Mrs. Robert], 16 ALS, 2 APCS, 1 APCI, 9 inc Container
d, 1920-1932.
Bridges, Robert [Seymour], 17 TccL/ copies, 1918-1924.
Bridges, Robert [Seymour], 16 TccL/ copies, 1918-1924.
Bridges, Robert [Seymour], 28 ALS, 4 ALI, 1 AL, 1 APCI, 2 nd, 29 inc d, [c.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Bridges, Robert [Seymour], 28 ALS, 4 ALI, 1 AL, 1 APCI, 2 nd, 29 inc d, [c.
1918-c. 1926].
British Broadcasting Company Limited, ALS, nd.
Container 11.14
The British Broadcasting Corporation, TLS, 1937 May 19.
The British Broadcasting Corporation, 5 TLS, 1946 March 28, 1951 August 2,
1954 October 11, 1959 November 27, 1959 December 11.
British Broadcasting Corporation, 2 TLS Reggie D. Smith, 1959 April 7, 1959
April 15.
The British Poetry Association, TLS M. Maloney (Secretary), 1950 December
British Sailor’s Society, FL, FN, Engraved invitation, 1937 October 1 [2 items],
1937 October 26.
Brounjori, Hugh, ALS, 1938 October 18.
Browne Maurice Ltd., TLS Geoffrey D. Carmer, 1930 August 18.
Bull, Arthur J, TLS, 1948 March 31.
Bullett, Gerald William, TLS, 1937 July 14.
Bullugh, E., TLS, 1938 January 10.
Buxton, John, ALS, 1939 November 12.
Callow, Percival L, ANS, 1936 January 20.
Container 11.21
Cambridge University Press, ALS Frank Kendon (Assistant Secretary), 1936
November 23.
Cambridge University Press, 2 FLS Frank Kendon, 1941 January 4, 1942 March.
Campbell, Roy, 8 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 APCS, nd.
Container 11.22
Cape (Jonathan) Limtied, TLS, TL/ inc, 1937 October 27, 1938 February 8.
Cape (Jonathan) Limited, TLS Lilian Herbert, 1940 December 4.
Carpenter, Maurice, ALS, 1957 April.
Carpenters’ Company, 8 TLS H.C. Osborne (Clerk), 1953-1954.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Casson, Edmund, 4 ALS, 1945 July 26, 1945 July 28, 1959 March 17, 1959
March 27.
Cecil, Lord Edward Christian David [Gascoyne], TLS, 1948 June 16.
Chadwick, Gilbert, ALS, 1947 July 6.
Chapman & Hall, Ltd., TLS, 1959 August 4.
Chappelow, Eric Barry Wilfred, ALS, TLS, 1938 December 11, 1939 February
Chappelow, Eric Barry Wilfred, ALS, 1944 November 26.
Charley, Leslie W., 2 TLS, 1959 November 11, 1959 November 18.
Chatterjee, Nalini Mohan, 2 ALS, 1937 October 20, 1939 January 16.
Chatto and Windus, TLI, 1937 November 5.
Cherry, Graham, 5 ALS, 2 TLS, 1938-1941.
Cherry, Graham, ALS, TLS, 1939 April 14, 1940 August 19.
Chilton, H. Herman, TLS, 1944 October 15.
Chilton, Margaret, ALS, 1945 October 24.
The Christian World, TLS Ernest Jeffs (Editor), 1946 March 6.
Church, Richard, 8 ALS, 7 TLS, 1926-1958.
City Literary Institute, TLS A. C. Ward (Deputy Principal), 1934 May 8.
Clark, Eric, TLS, 1947 June 26.
Clark, Leonard, ALS, 1939 March 15.
Clarke, Austin, 3 ALS, 17 TLS, 1 TLS/ fragment, 1 TLI, 10 nd, 1 inc d, 1935-1946.
Clarke-Nuttall, C., ALS, 1928 March 28.
Container 11.23
Clarkson, S. B., 2 ALS, 1945 May 1 [?}, 1945 May 17.
Clarkson, S. B., ALS, 1945 May 26.
Coblentz, Stanton A[rthur], TLS, 1949 September 15.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Comparative Literature Studies, 4 TLS Marcel Chicoteau (General Editor), 1945
January 30, 1945 February 5, 1945 February 9, 1945 March 3.
Contemporary Review, 3 TLS, 2 TPCS Grace Banyard (Assistant Literary
Editor), 1955 October 15, 1955 October 24, 1955 December 15, 1955 December
23, 1956 January 14.
Cookson, George, ALS, AL/ inc, 1941 January 5, 1941 January 10.
Cookson, H. E., 2 ALS, 1938 July 28, 1938 August 5.
Corby, Herbert, 2 ALS, 1947 June 23, 1948 April 14.
The Cornhill Magazine, ALS Peter Quennell (Editor), ___ April 7.
Crabbe Memorial Poetry Competition, [Correspondence with Palmer, Herbert
Edward], 1960.
Craig, Alec, 3 ALS, 1944 November 14, 1944 November 21, 1945 March 25,
included with these: Hand-drawn map.
Craig, Alec, ALS, 1945 February 23.
Cranbrook Tower Press, TLS Geoffrey Handley-Taylor, 1959 October 17.
Creighton, Basil, 76 ALS, 8 ALI, 2 ALS/ inc, 2 APCI, 72 nd, 1921-1931.
Creighton, Basil, ALS, 1928 July 15.
Container 11.23
The Cuala Press, 2 Printed announcements, one in envelope, one a postcard, 1940
March 12 [postmark], 1940 May 30 [postmark].
Cummins, P. D., TLS, 1946 December 31. [*Missing 4/2012]
Container *
Cunard, Nancy, 1 ALS, 14 TLS, 1 TNS with poem, 1 nd, 14 inc d, 1941 July 14.
Cunard, Nancy, 2 TLS, ___ November 2, ___ December 16.
Currey, Ralph Nixon, 2 ALS, 1 Printed card, nd, 1937 May 18, 1940 May 31.
Currey, Ralph Nixon, 3 ALS, 1 Christmas card S, nd, 1938 February 2, 1938
April 21, 1938 July 29.
Currey, Ralph Nixon, ALS, 1940 October 20.
Dakin, Rodney G., ALS, nd.
Container 11.27
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Daryush, Elizabeth [(Bridges)], 4 ALS, 1930 April 24, 1937 December 18, 1938
January 17, 1938 February 21.
Daryush, Elizabeth [(Bridges)], ALS, 1938 January 6.
Davies, Idris, 6 ALS, 1938-1946.
Davies, William Henry, [Letters to Palmer, Herbert Edward], 3 ALS, 7 ALI, 9 TLS, Container
1 TLI, 2 APCS, 1 TPCS, 1 TPCI, 1 Christmas card, 1918-1937.
Day-Lewis, C[ecil], ALS, ___ June 9.
Container 11.27
De Bary, Anna [(Bunston)], ALS, 1938 August 2.
Dehn, Paul, ALS, TLS, 1947 November 11, 1955 October 15.
De la Mare, Walter J[ohn], 3 ALS, 3 TLS, 1921-1943.
Dent, J.C., 3 ALS, 1927 November 5, 1940 August 26, 1940 November 17.
Dent (J. M.) & Sons Ltd., 11 TLS, 9 TLI, 1932-1953.
Dent (J. M.) & Sons Ltd., 11 TLS, 9 TLI, 1 TL, 1934-1952.
Dent (J. M.0 & Sons Ltd., TLS E. C. Brown, 1957 September 9.
Dixon, William Macneile, 2 ALS, 1927 January 1, 1929 January 3.
Dobree, Bonamy, ALS, 1939 February 6.
Dolphin, May I. E., 2 ALS, nd, 1947 April 8.
Douglas, Lord Alfred [Bruce], 2 ALS, 1938 May 2, 1938 May 7.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, ALS, ____ February 18, included with this: ALS
written and signed for Doyle by secretary 1922 January 28.
Drinkwater, John, TLS, 1921 September 29.
Dublin Gate Theatre, 4 TLS, 1931 January 7, 1931 January 15, 1931 May 6,
1932 April 12.
The Dublin Magazine, TLS, 1952 September 14.
Dunn, Miss W. R., 3 TLS, [1955] June 17, [1955] June 28, 1955 July 8.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Dunsany, Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th baron, 12 ALS, 1 nd, 5 inc d,
1918-1950, ALS 1918 October 8 by Beatrice Dunsany in his absence.
Easdale, Joan Adeney, ALS, 1938 November 10.
Container 12.2
Ecole Nationale Professionnelle de Vierzon, 2 ALS, 1 TLS, 1907 January 30,
1907 August 30, 1907 November 15, in French.
Edward, Prince of Wales, TLS A. Lascelles (Assistant Private Secretary), 1925
December 9.
Edwards, A. C., 2 ALS, nd, 1927 September 25.
Edwards, George Graveley, ALS, nd.
Edwards, George Gravely, ALS, 1953 Boxing Day.
Ellerton, Ann, 4 ALS, 2 TLS, 1946-47.
Ellerton, Ann, TLS, 1946 November 12, signed also "Andrew Keith" [pseud.].
Ellerton, Ann, TLS, 1959 March 23, signed also "Andrew Keith" [pseud.].
Ellman, Richard, TLS, 1955 June 26.
Elwes, Richard, ALS, 1944 April 8.
Elwes, Rchard, 2 ALS, nd, 1951 April 13.
English, TLS E. M. Fielding (Acting Secretary), 1939 April 5.
English, ALS George Cookson (Editor), 1942 March 23.
English, ALS George Woodson (Editor), 1942 May 3.
English, ALS George Cookson, 1944 August 12.
English, ALS George Woodson (Editor), 1945 July 30.
The English Association, FLI, 1952 February 28.
The English Digest, TL, 1939 October 21.
The English Review, TLS Austin Harrison (Editor), 1913 July 9.
Ensor, Robert Charles Kirkwood, 23 ALS, 2 APCS, 1 nd, 1922-1945.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Ervine, St. John [Greer], TLS, 1939 July 26.
Container 12.2
Escott, Harry, 1 ALS, 5 TLS, 1 TL/ inc, 1 nd, 1942-1951.
Eyre, Frank, TLS, nd (Wednesday).
Eyre, Frank, TLS, nd (Friday).
Faber & Faber Ltd., TLS C. W. Stewart [Director], 1938 February 11.
Fallon, Padric, ALS, 1935 February 23.
Fausset, High I ‘A[nson], 28 ALS, 7 ALI, 1 APCS, 8 APCi, 14 nd, 11 inc d,
Fausset, Hugh I’A[nson], ALS, 1940 December 10.
Container 12.4
Fawcett Edward R, 7 ALS, 1933-1937.
Container 12.6
Fawcett, Edward R, ALS, 1937 September 8.
Container 12.4
French, Yvonne, ALS, 1934 July 10.
Fisher, Philip John, 5 ALS, 1949 January 14, 1949 October 1, 1949 October 3,
1949 December 20, 1951 January 26.
The Fleet Street Freeman, TLS Joseph W. Sault (Editor), 1935 June 21.
Fleming, Edward Vandermere, ALS, 1944 January 22.
Fleuster, G---, APCS, 1913 June 27 [postmark], in German.
Forbes, Henry N., 6 ALS, 1942-1947.
Forbes, Miss M., ALS, 1944 February 17.
The Fortnightly, TLS John Armitage (Editor), 1951 June 4.
Fourie, ALS, TLS, 1906 September 14, 1908 January 8, in French.
Francis, Br. M., ALS, 1925 February 17.
Frazer, N. L., 12 ALS, 1916-1930.
French (Samuel), Limited, TLS Anthony C. Hogg, 1947 October 24.
Frey, G., ALS, 1912 September 20, in German.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Furlong, Norman, 6 ALS, 1946 March 5-September 23.
Furlong, Norman, APCS, 1946 March 24.
Galsworthy, John, ALS, 1927 November 18.
Container 12.7
Galsworthy, John, ALS, 1927 November 25.
Garkin, Mary, ALS, 1947 September 14.
Garnett, David, 5 ALS, 2 TLS, 4 nd, [1933] October 25, 1933 November 9, 1934
July 17.
Garvin, Viola [Gerard], ALS, ___ November 23.
Garvin, Viola Gerard, 2 ALS, ___ December 5, ___ February 23.
Gathorne-Hardy, Hon. Robert, 25 ALS, 3 nd, 1942-1959.
Gaved, Joan Arundell, 5 ALS, 1944 June 21, 1944 July 28, 1944 August 5, 1947
May 11, 1948 March 30.
Gibson, Douglas, 2 ALS, 1947 May 3, 1948 Easter Monday.
Gibson, Wilfred Wilson, 1 ALS, 8 TLS, 1918-1946.
Gilchrist, E. Anne, TLS, 1946 July 16.
Gilman, Dorothy Foster, 6 ALS, 1 APCS, 1 nd, 1947-1952.
Godfrey, Wilfred, TLS, 1953 October 14.
Godfrey, Wilfred, ALS, 1956 March 21.
Godwin, George, 1 ALS, 8 TLS, 1 inc d, 1950-1951.
Godwin, George [Stanley], ALS, nd.
Golding, Louis, APCS, 1925 June 16.
Goldring, Douglas, 4 ALS, [1911], 1911 April 12, 1935 July 8, 1938 July 9.
Goltz, Baronesse von der, 2 ALS, 1936 February 17, 1936 April 1.
Goodall, Nan, ALS, nd.
Gooden, Mona, ALS, __October 24.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Gooden, Mona, 5 ALS, __ April 2, ___ July 21, October 5, December 14, 1943
November 7.
[Goodfellow, Kathleen], 17 ALS, 3 AL/ inc, 1 ANI Michael Scot [pseud.], 15 nd, 5
inc/ d, 1941 January.
Gordon, George [Stuart], ALS, APCS, 1928 January 7, 1940 December 26.
Gorell, [of Brampton, Ronald Gorell Barnes], 3rd baron, 4 ALS, 12 TLS, 1 nd,
Gosse, Sir Edmund [William], ALS, 1925 October 19.
Container 12.7
Graves, Robert, 20 ALS, 16 ALI, 2 APCI, 26 nd, 6 inc d, 1920-1930.
Gt. Brit. Paymaster General’s Office, 3 TLS, 1940 March 29, 1943 April 6, 1950
June 13.
Gt. Brit. Prime Minister, 16 TLS re Civil List pension. 1930-1950.
Great Western Railway Staff Association, TLS Charles A. Humphries
(Secretary), 1947 April 3.
Greene, Graham, ALS, nd, included with this: A note of explanation by Palmer
on envelope and printed clipping of Greene poem the unconquered.
Greenwood, Mabel, B., ALS, 1947 July 31, 1947 August 6.
Grierson, Sir Herbert John, Clifford, ALS, 1947 March 5.
Grigson, Geoffrey, ALS, 1935 February 10.
The Guildhall School of Music and Drama, ALS, nd.
Hadfield, Alan, ALS, 1938 November 2.
Container 12.12
Hahl, E. L., ALS, 1912 November 2, in German.
Hall, Agnes, 3 ALS, 1 ALS, 1944 March 20, 1953 September 26, 1953
November 9, 1954 March 28.
Hamilton, Sir George Rostrever, 2 ALS, 1948 July 7, 1950 September 23.
Harding, H. W., 5 ALS, 1 ALS/ inc, 5 TLS, 3 nd, 1943-1946.
Harding, H. W., TLS, 1943 August 11.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Harding, H W, ALS, 1946 January 1.
Harding, H. W., 2 TLS, 1947 June 24, 1947 June 26.
Hare, Kenneth, 3 ALS, 3 TLS, 1 TL/ inc, 1939-1953.
Hare, Kenneth, TLS, 1946 May 30.
Container 12.12
Hari, P.M., ALS, TLS, 1934 October 29, 1935 September 4.
Hari, P. M., TLS, 1935 August 21.
Harrap (George G.) & Co., Ltd., TNS, 1945 August 22.
Harrap (George C.) & Company Limited, 2 TLS A. J. White, 1950 August 29,
1950 August 31.
Harrap (George G.) & Company Limited, TLS J.H.H. Gante, 1951 March 28.
Harrap (George G.) & Co. Ltd., 2 FC with T entries, 1958 June 10.
Harrison, June B., ALS, nd.
Harrods Limited, TLS Harold Young (Manager, Portrait Studio), 1928 December
Hart-Davis (Rupert) Limited, TLS Rupert Hart-Davis, 1958 January 21.
Hart-Davis (Rupert) Limited, TLS Rupert Hart-Davis, 1960 March 29.
Hartmann, Lisa, 16 ALS, 1 ALS/ inc, 1909-1912, in German.
Heather, Philip R., ALS, 1946 August 7.
Container 12.12
Heckling, E., ALS, nd.
Heinemann (William) Ltd., 4 TLS, 1931 January 13, 1952 November 4, 1952
November 10, 1956 May 4.
Heinemann (William), Ltd., 2 TLS Louisa Callender, 1938 March 9, 1938 March
Henderson, Philip, ALS, 1933 February 18.
Henderson, Philip [Prichard], 2 ALS, 1935 June 20, 1936 July 28.
Henke, J., ALS, 1913 January 13, in French.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Heppenstall, [John] Rayner, 5 ALS, 2 TLS, 1936-1937.
Hertfordshire Education Committee, TLS J.N. Holland (Secretary), 1951 May 1.
Hervey, G R, ALS, 1940 July 22.
Hesketh, Phoebe, 2 ANS, 1 APCS, 1947 February 12, 1950 December 31, 1957
February 10.
Heydorn, G., ALS, 1913 August 25, in German.
Higgins, Frank, ALS, 1947 June 22.
Container 12.15
Hodder & Stoughton Ltd., TLS John Attenborough (Director), 1951 September 6.
Hodgson, Ralph, ALS, nd.
Hoffman, John Kenneth Gibson, ANI, nd.
Hoffman, John [Kenneth Gibson], ALS, 1957 August 9.
The Hogarth Press, 3 TLS, 1929 October 26, 1934 May 4, 1951 August 13.
Hogg, Garry, TLS, 1960 February 12.
Holdsworth, Geoffrey, ALS, TLS, 1943 February 16, 1947 July 14.
[The Hollack Family], ALS/ inc, nd.
Holroyd, Ethel, ALS, 1944 January 22.
Hooley, Teresa, 4 ALS, 1 ALS/ inc, 1 TLS, 5 nd, 1936 January 9.
Hooley, Teresa, 4 ALS, 1 ALI, 1 TLI, 1 APCS, 4 nd, 1936 January 15, 1936
March 10, 1938 March 26.
Hooley, Teresa, ALS, 1938 May 12.
Hopkins, Kenneth, 2 TLS, 1944 January 27, 1944 February 24.
Housman, Alfred Edward, ALS, 1934 February 1.
Hughes, Mary [Elizabeth Josephine], 4 ALS, 8 TLS, 1942-1950, most signed with
pseudonym Mary Winter Were.
Hughes, Mary [Elizabeth Josephine], ALS, TLS, 1942 January 7, 1942 February 26, Container
signed with pseudonym Mary Winter Were.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Hughes, Mary [Elizabeth Josephine], ALS, 1942 March 6, signed with
pseudonym Mary Winter Were.
Hughes, Mary [Elizabeth Josephine], ALS, 1946 April 28.
Hughes, Mary [Elizabeth Josephine], 1 ALS, 2 ALS/ inc, 1 TLS, nd, 1951
January 9, 1951 October 12, 1952 October 30, most signed with pseudonym
Mary Winter Were.
Hughes, Mary [Elizabeth Josephine], Christmas card, 1953, signed with
pseudonym Mary Winter Were.
Hurst & Blackett Ltd., ALS J. Mitchell (Manager), 1938 February 7.
Hutcheson, Moira, ALS, 1948 January 2.
Hutcheson, William James Fraser, 1 ALS, 15 TLS, 1 TLI, 2 TL, 1 TL/ copy, 1943
Hutcheson, William James Fraser, 1 ALS, 2 TLS, 1943 January 1, 1944 April 26,
1944 May 4.
Hutcheson, William James Fraser, 3 TLS, 2 TL, nd, 1943 May 13, 1943
November 2, 1944 April 3, 1946 September 21.
Hutcheson, William James Fraser, TL, 1944 March 13.
Hutcheson, William James Fraser, TLS, 1944 June 22.
Hutcheson, William James Fraser, 7 TLS, 1 TL, 1 TN, 1 nd, 1944-1945.
Hutcheson, William [James Fraser], TLS, 1946 January 15.
Hutcheson, William James Fraser, TLS, 1946 April 10.
Inge, William Ralph, ALS, nd.
Container 12.18
Jackson, Ada, TLS, ___ July 27.
Jackson, Ada, 5 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 nd, 2 inc. d., 1943-1948.
Jackson, Ada, ALS, 1948 May 2.
Jackson, Sir Barry, TLS, 1927 December 20.
Jackson, P. Hoole, TLS, 1935 February.
Jalabert, Marguerite, 3 ALS, 1 ALI, 1906 April 26, 1906 July 27, 1906
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Jalabert, Marguerite, 3 ALS, 1 ALI, 1906 April 26, 1906 July 27, 1906
December 18, 1907 July 15, in French.
James, Edward, ALS, TLS, 1934 April 7, 1934 April 15.
John Lane The Bodley Head Limited, 2 TLS F, Baker, 1937 December 22, 1937
December 31.
John o’ London’s Weekly, TLS George Blake, 1927 December 16.
John O’ London’s Weekly, 2 ALS, 6 TLS, 1930-1949.
John o’ London’s Weekly, TLS Eileen Griffiths (Secretary), 1936 March 16.
John O’ London’s Weekly, TLS, 1938 December 29.
Johnson, Geoffrey, 14 ALS, 1 nd, 1937-1957.
Container 12.19
Johnson, Geoffrey, ALS, 1947 November 6.
Container 12.18
Johnson, Geoffrey, ALS, 1958 November 16.
Jones, Dudley William Carmalt, ALS, 1937 March 21.
Jones, Gwilym R., TLS, 1947 June 21.
Kabrajji, Fredoon, 4 ALS, 1 APCS, 1945 November 10, 1947 October 25, 1947
December 25, 1948 January 9, 1948 March 3.
Kabraji, Fredoon, ALS, 1946 July 17.
Kabraji, Fredoon, 2 ALS, 1957 April 1, 1957 May 3.
Kaye-Smith, Sheila, TLS, 1929 March 25.
Kendon, Frank, 10 ALS, 4 nd, 1 inc d, 1940-1957.
Kenmare, Dallas [pseud.], TLS, 1940 March 25.
Kenmare, Dallas, 3 TLS, 1 APCI, 1942 June 10, 1943 November 14, 1943
November 19, 1943 December 28.
Kenmare, Dallas, TLS, 1942 July 21.
Kenmare, Dallas, TLS, 1943 April 10.
Kenmare, Dallas, TLS, 1943 June 19.
Kenmare, Dallas, TLS, 1943 October 6.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Kenmare, Dallas, TLS, 1944 March 11.
Kenmare, Dallas, TLS, 1946 September 10.
Kenmare, Dallas, TLS, 1948 October 18.
Kennedy, Miss H. E., ALS, 1947 June 24.
King, Charles, ALS, ___ July 4.
Kingdon, Mona, ALS, 1927 November 15.
Krull, Rudolf, 4 ALS, 5 APCS, 1904-1912, in German.
Kruse, Thorold, 3 ALS, 1943 June 4, 1949 August 22, 1952 August 1.
Kruse, Thorold, 2 ALS, 1952 September 11, 1952 October 21.
Kyle, Galloway, 2 TLS, 1 TLI, 1 TPC, nd, 1944, February 8, 1946 October 10,
1946 December 11.
Lapage, Geoffrey, ALS, TLS, 1938 October 8, 1938 October 27.
Latham, Walter Reginald, ALS, TLS, 1947 May 14, 1948 April 15.
Led---, Mr. and Mrs. G. R., ALS Joan, George, and David to Palmer, Mr. and
Mrs. H[erbert] E[dward] Aunt Hattie and Uncle Bert, 1947 January 10.
Ledward, Patricia, TLS, 1945 July 23.
Ledward, Patricia [Helen], ALS, 1946 April 30.
Lees, Aubrey, 27 ALS, 7 nd, 5 inc d, 1938-1952.
Container 12.22
Left Review, FLS Randall Swingler (Editor), 1937 November 30.
Leggatt, Amory, ALS, 1947 June 24.
Lehmann, John, TLS, 1943 September 23.
Lewis, Clive Staples, 13 ALS, 1 APCS, 2 APCI, 2 inc d, 1945-1958.
The Listener, ALS, TLS Paul Bloomfield (Acting Literary Editor), 1938 June 30,
1938 July 28.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Litwinska, Miss Z., TccLS, 1944 October 11.
Locker-Lampson, Oliver [Stillingfleet], 9 TLS, 1 TLI, 1 TL/ inc, 1927-1937.
Lodge, Sir Oliver [Joseph], TLS, 1928 January 11.
Longden, David, 5 TLS, 1931 December 31, 1933 June 30, 1934 October 9,
1934 October 16, 1936 December 18.
Lucas, Edward Verall, ALS, 1938 May 26.
Lynnford-Smith, Arthur, ALS, 1936 August 29.
Macaulay, Dame Rose, 3 ALS, 1 APCS, nd, 1920 December 27, 1921 September
11, 1929 May 5.
MacCarthy, Sir Desmond, 14 ALS, 6 ALI, 13 TLS, 3 TLI, 13 nd, 2 inc d,
MacCarthy, Sir Desmond, TLS, 1926 December 14.
McCausland, Nora Kennedy, 2 ALS, 1949 May 25, 1949 August 21.
MacDonald, Everst H. E., 5 ALS, ___ September 9, 1938 June, 1938 July 12,
1938 November 9, 1938 November 15.
MacDonald & Co. (Publishers) ltd., TLS J. M. Thompson (Joint Managing
Director), 1956 December 7.
MacDonogh, Patrick, 14 ALS, 1 ALI, 1 APCS, 1941-1947.
Mack--th, James T., ALS, 1938 February 2.
Container 12.26
MacLoughlin, I. P., ALS, 1947 May 8.
MacMillan & Co., Ltd., TLI, 1935 November 23.
MacMillan & Co., Ltd., 2 TLS, 1935 November 13, 1935 November 26.
MacMillan & Co., Ltd., TLI, 1958 May 27.
Madaule, ALS, 1906 May 18, in French.
Mair, Mary, ALS, 1947 June 30.
Mais, Stuart Petra Brodie, ALS, 1918 August 9.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Malloch, George Reston, 2 TLS, 1939 January 28, 1939 February 11.
Mann, Francis Oscar, 2 ALS, __ November 24, ___ November 26.
Manning-Saunders, Ruth V., ALS, 1938 July 20.
Margaret Mary, Sister, ALS, nd.
Marsh, Sir Edward Howard, 2 ALS, 1934 July 23, 1939 April 18.
Martin, Eva, ALS, 1938 July 12.
Martin, Eva, 2 ALS, 6 TLS, 1943-1944.
Martyn, Marjorie J., 3 ALS, 1946 April 27, 1946 May 18, 1946 June 11.
Martyn, Marjorie J., ALS, 1946 June 20.
Mary, Princess of Great Britain, Fl, __ April 24.
Mary, Princess of Great Britain, ALS Dorothy Yorke (Lady in waiting), 1924
November 26.
The Mary Ward Settlement, TLS C. C. Walkinshaw (Hon. Warden), 1938 March
The Mary Ward Settlement, TLS Richard Tambling (Warden’s Assistant), 1938
June 10.
Masefield, John, 9 ALS, 2 TLS, 6 nd, 4 inc d, 1920 October 16.
Massey, Arthur E., ALS, 1932 July 23.
Massey, Arthur E., 2 ALS, 1932 September, 1932 September 12.
Mathews (Elkin) & Marrot Limited, 3 ALS, 2 TLS, 1 APCI, 1919-1930.
Maxtone Graham, Mrs. Joyce (Anstruther)], 1 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 APCS Jan Struther
[pseud.], 1937 October 22, 1937 November 2 [postmark], 1937 November 29.
Mays, John B., ALS, TLS, 1956 March 19, 1956 April 24.
Mays, John Barron, 2 ALS, 1 TLS, 1952 February 15, 1953 August 28, 1953
October 1.
Megron, Mrs. Phyllis Marks, 6 ALS, 1947 January-November.
Megroz, Rodolphe Louis, Letters, 37 ALS, 1 ALS/ inc, 39 ALI, 3 ALS/ inc, 4 TLS, Container
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Megroz, Rodolphe Louis, Letters, 37 ALS, 1 ALS/ inc, 39 ALI, 3 ALS/ inc, 4 TLS, Container
3 TLI, 30 nd, 31 inc d, 1928-1939.
Megroz, Rodolphe Louis, 2 TLS, 1934 February 3.
Container 13.1
Megroz, Rodolphe Louis, ALS, TLS, 1949 May 21, 1949 June 2.
Methuen & Co. Ltd., TLS L.A.G. Strong, 1956 August 29.
Meyerstein, Edward Harry William, ALS, 1935 April 8.
Meyerstein, Edward Harry William, ALS, TLS, 1942 March 6, 1947 June 28.
Meynell, Sir Francis, 3 ALS, 1950 November 10, 1958 November 19, 1959
January 13.
Miles, E C, ALS, 2 TLS, 1950 November 24, 1951 February 11, 1951 March 10.
Milum, John Parton, TLS, 1933 June 23.
Monro, Harold, 6 ALS, 4 TLS, 1912-1926.
Moore, George, TLS, 1927 October 14.
Moore, H. W., ALS, 1947 May 6.
Moore, Thomas Sturge, ALS, [c. 1918-1919].
Morgan, Louise, 19 ALS, 8 TLS, 8 nd, 8 inc d, 1931-1935.
Morley, Margaret (Horne), ALS, 1947 June 30.
Container 13.1
Moulsham Secondary G[irls] S[chool], ALS M. Howard (Headmistress), 1950
April 3.
Moult, Thomas, 27 ALS, 1 ALI, 3 TLS, 2 APCI, 1 nd, 1921-1959.
Muir, Edwin, TLS, 1927 November 11.
Container 13.1
Muir, Kenneth, 3 ALS, 2 nd, 1934 March 2.
Muller, Frederick Ltd., 3 TLS, 1948 March 23, 1948 March 25, 1950 December
Murray, Sir John, 6 ALS, 2 TLS, 1 inc d, 1929-1938.
Murry, John Middleton, Letters, 42 ALS, 4 ALI, 1 AL, 10 TLS, 3 APCS, 1 APCI, 7 Container
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Murry, John Middleton, Letters, 42 ALS, 4 ALI, 1 AL, 10 TLS, 3 APCS, 1 APCI, 7 Container
nd, 10 inc d, 1923-1948.
Musgrave, Victor, 2 TLS, nd, 1951 April 12.
Container 13.1
Neilson-Terry, Dennis, TLS, ___ July 31.
Container 13.6
Nelson (Thomas) and Sons Limited, 2 TLS Richard Wilson, 1930 February 3,
1930 February 12.
Nelson (Thomas) & Sons Ltd., Publishers, TLS G.S. Dickson (Editor), 1951
December 17.
Nesme, Christophe, Printed announcement of engagement to Palmer [Herbert
Edward], 1907 May 1.
Nesme, Christophe, 3 ALS, 2 APCS, nd, ___ September 10, 1905 November 23,
1905 December 2, 1907 June 19, one APCS in German, other items in French.
Netherlands, Embassy, Gt. Britain, 2 TLS, 1954 August 10, 1954 October 4.
Newbolt, Sir Henry John, 11 ALS, 1928-1934.
The New Statesman and Nation, TLS Ann Sidgwick, 1948 January 5.
Nicholas, John, ANS, ALS, nd, 1942 February 15.
Nichols, Robert Malise Bowyer, 3 ALS, 1942 December 23, 1943 June 1, 1943
November 5.
Nichols, Wallace A., TLS, 1938 July 9.
Nicholson & Watson, TLS, 1944 March 13.
Nicolson, Sir Harold George, TLS, 1931 November 21.
Noble, Bertram W., TLS, 1954 February 15.
Noble, Katherine E., 2 ALS, __ February 21, ___ July 11.
Norton, Eleanour, 2 ALS, 1947 May 7, 1948 April 17.
O’Brien, Liam, 24 ALS, 1 TccL/ copy, 1 APCS, 1919-1955.
O’Brien, Liam, 26 ALS, 1927-1960, ALS 1941 October 14 by Helen O’Brien.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The Observer, F Memo I with A entries, [1935] November 6.
O’Connor, T. M., 2 ALS, 1947 August 11, 1947 November 3.
O’Connor, Thomas Power, ANS, 1928.
Orage, Alfred Richard, 2 ALS, 1933 December 29, 1934 January 5.
The Oxford Book of Spoken Verse for Schools, FLS Geoffrey Johnson, 1953
November 20.
Oxford University Press, TLI, 1938 January 7.
Page, Ernest, ALS, ALS/ inc, nd, 1949 December 13.
Container 13.9
Paintandre, Monsoir, 4 ALS, 1905 October 24, 1906 May 3, 1907 April 30, 1907
June 28, in French.
Pallant, Norman C., 2 ALS, 5 TLS, 1944-1947.
Palmer, Charley P., ALS "father and mother," nd.
Palmer, Eva, ALS, __ April 10.
Parkinson, George W., ALS, 1936 October 3.
Paterson, T. G. F., TLS, 1954 October 22.
The People’s National Theatre, TLS Nancy Price (Director), 1939 February 8.
Pertwee, Ernest Guy, ALS, ___ August 11.
Pertwee, Ernest Guy, 11 ALS, 8 TLS, 1 APCI, 1 nd, 10 inc d, 1946-1948.
Peschmann, Hermann, 2 ALS, 1939 February 12, 1939 March 24.
Peschmann, Hermann, 5 ALS, 3 TLS, 1 APCS, 1948-1950.
Pete, Frances, ALS, 1947 September 18.
Peto, Sir Michael, 2nd bart., 11 ALS, 1 AL/ fragment, 1 nd, 1946-48.
Peto, Lieut.-Colonel Sir [James] Michael, 2nd bart., ALS, 1946 October 7.
Peto, Sir Michael, 2nd bart., 4 ALS, 1 TLS, 1947 October 22, 1947 November
25, 1947 December 7, 1948 March 26, 1948 September 23.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Pettet, E. C., ALS, 1933 October 30.
Pfeiffer, Bruno, 2 ALS, 1905 June 14, 1905 November 27, in German.
Pigget, Agnes C., ALS, 1947 July 27.
Piggot, Anne Galbraith, 2 ALS, 1 TLS, 1944 March 13, 1944 July 28, 1944
August 10.
Pitter, Ruth, 29 ALS, 2 ALI, 3 TLS, 1 TL, 1 nd, 1936-1948.
Platt, William, ALS, 1938 May 19.
Container 13.12
Plowman, Max, 16 ALS, 1 ALI, 1 APCI, 1 nd, 1930-1938.
Plumb, Charles, 2 ALS, __ February 27, 1957 January 15.
Pocock, Guy Noel, 11 ALS, 1 TLS, 9 nd, 1 inc d, 1928 March 28.
Poetry, 2 ALS, 1 A/ receipt M. J. Tambimutke (Editor), 1943 January 29, 1943
February 10, 1943 March 30.
Poetry, TL, 1946 October 17.
The Poetry Review, TLS Galloway Kyle (Editor), 1938 March 30.
The Poetry Society, 2 TLS Thomas Moult (Chairman Editorial), 1953 May 5,
1953 May 12.
The Poetry Society (Inc.) Liverpool Centre, ALS Lallie Roberts (Secretary),
1948 July 19.
Poole, William, ALS, TLS, 1947 June 22, 1947 July 25.
Potocki de Montalk, Geoffrey, [count], 3 ALS, 1930 October 3, 1930 November
3, 1931 January 19.
Price, Hereward Thimbleby, 1 ALS, 2 ALI, 1936 December 16, 1941 February
13, 1947 December 21.
Price, Hereward Thimbleby, 2 ALS, 1951 June 17, 1951 June 20.
Price, Nancy, 2 ALS, 8 TLS, nd, __ September 9, 1938-1952.
Price, W., ALS, 1920 October 7.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Priestley, John Boynton, TLS, 1940 December 16.
Prokosch, Frederic, ALS, nd.
Pudney, John, ALS, nd.
Punch, TLS E.V. Knox (Editor), 1940 January 10.
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur [Thomas], 12 ALS, 3 ALI, 1921-1940.
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur [Thomas], ALS, 1939 March 14.
Raleigh, Sir Walter [Alexander], ALS, 1922 February 18.
Ramsey, T. W., 7 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 nd, 1942-1949.
Ramsey (S.) & Co. Ltd., 4 TLS T. W. Ramsey (President), 1947 June 2, 1948
April 2, 1951 January 20, 1951 February 8.
Ratcliffe, Dorothy Una, 11 ALS, 18 TLS, 2 TLI, 1 TL, 1 ANS, 1 nd, 4 inc d,
1940-1959, ALS 1940 April 27 and TLS 1951 January 8 signed by secretary. Some
letters signed Dorothy Una Macgriger Phillips.
Ratcliffe, Dorothy Una, TLI, 1941 January 4.
Container 13.15
Ratcliffe, Dorothy Una, 2 ALS, 1 TLS, 1 TLI, __ April 6, ___ May 28, 1941
February 24, 1941 May 7.
Ratcliffe, Dorothy Una, ANI, 1942 October 26.
Ratcliffe, Dorothy Una, ANS, Valentine, nd, 1951 December.
Read, Sylvia, 2 ALS, 1944 January 5, 1944 March 20.
Reed, L. J., TLS, 1948 April 5.
Rees, George Edward, ALS, ___ April 2.
Rekmere, Travers, 2 ALS, 1953 June 2, 1953 July 10.
The Religious Drama Society, TLS Olive Stevenson (Secretary), 1933 October 3.
The Religious Drama Society, ALS Olive Stevenson (Secretary), 1933 October 5.
Rhys, Ernest, Letters, 30 ALS, 8 ALI, 1 TLS, 1 FLS, 3 APCS, 3 APCI, 6 nd,
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Rhys, Ernest, TLS, 1937 October 29.
Container 13.15
Richards, Grant, TLS, 1938 January 17.
The Richards Press Ltd., TLS G. H. Wiggins, 1937 December 16.
Richardson, Mamie Alexandrina, 2 ALS, __ January 17, ___ April 25.
Rickword, Edgar, ALS, 1938 September 20.
Riding, Laura, 5 ALS, 1 TLS, 2 nd, 3 inc d, 1938 November 30.
Riley, Hubert, 3 ALS, 1945 January 28, 1952 February 22, 1951 April 30.
Riley, Hubert, 1 ALS, 2 APCI, 1945 February 25, 1945 March 9, 1945 March
Roberts, Lynette, 2 ALS, 1951 February 24, 1951 March 14.
Roberts, Richard Ellis, 11 ALS, 2 TLS, 1930-1935.
Roberts, Mrs. Ursula, 79 ALS, 9 ALI, 1 AL/ inc, 1 APCI, 1 nd, 75 inc d, 1928-1959, Container
some signed "Susan Miles" [pseud.].
[Roberts, Mrs. Ursula (Wyllie)], ANS "Susan Miles" [pseud.], 1934 August.
Ross Williamson, Hugh, 3 ALS, 2 nd, 1931 August 5.
Routledge (George) & Sons Ltd., TLS, 1942 April 2.
The Royal College Press, TLS, 1949 September 6.
Royal Literary Fund, 3 ALS, 5 TLS, 1 FLS H. F.C. Marshall (Secretary),
Russell, Diarmuid, 1 ALS, 2 TLS, ___ June 14, 1928 January 10, 1928 June 8.
Russell, George William, 8 ALS, 32 TLS, 1 nd, 3 inc d, 1924-1934.
Sackville, Lady Margaret, 2 ALS, 1938 January 5, 1938 January 12.
Sackville-West, Hon. Victoria Mary, 5 ALS, 3 TLS, 1 APCS (by secretary), 4
inc d, 1930-1933.
St. Albans Debating Society, 1 APCS, 5 Printed FPC, 1 nd, 1922-1931.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
St. Albans Debating Society, FPCI, 1939 January 25.
St. Albans Senior Men’s Forum, ALS J. W. Hall (Secretary), 1948 December 21.
St. Albans Senior Men’s Forum, APCS J. W. Hall (Secretary), 1949 March 22.
St. Albans Women’s Adult School, ALS, printed FPC, 1930 October 14, 1937
November 16.
Sansom, Clive, TLS, 1959 December 12.
Sassoon, Siegfried [Lorraine], 5 ALS, 7 ALI, 2 APCS, 1 APCI, 1 PC, 1 nd, 3 inc
d, 1927-1948.
Sassoon, Siegried [Lorriane], ALS, 1936 March 7.
Saulter, Eric, 2 ALS, 1953 November 21, 1953 December 19.
Scott-James, Rolfe Arnold, TLS, 1936 November 23.
Scrutiny, ALS Lionel C. Knight, 1932 Juuly 24.
Senior, H. L., ALS, 1943 September 8.
Sergeant, Herbert Howard, 7 ALS, 18 TLS, 1 inc d, 1944-1954.
Seymour, William Kean, 7 ALS, 1 ALI, 1921-1926.
Seymour, Wiliam Kean, TLS, 1921 February 17.
Seymour, William Kean, ALS, TLS, 1935 February 9, 1935 March 8.
Seymour, William Kean, 2 TLS, 1949 may 22, 1949 June 15.
Shaw, George Bernard, TLS B. Patch (Secretary), 1930 April 14.
Shett, Gwendolo, ALS, nd.
Shrewsbury, F. H. C., 2 ALS, 1943 January 13, 1943 October 13.
Sidgwick & Jackson Ltd., 4 TLS Margaret Dowling (Director), 1948 February 6,
1948 March 4, 1948 November 9, 1948 November 12.
Simpson, Joan Murray, 2 ALS, 1947 July 1, 1947 September 12.
Sinkison, Walter Nugent, TLS, 1947 March 13.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Sinkinson, Walter Nugent, ALS, 1958 August 18.
Sitwell, Sacheverell, TL/ copy, 1938 January 15.
Slater, Francis Carey, 27 ALS, 2 ALS/ photostat, 1 TLS/ photostat, 1939-1954.
Slater, Francis Carey, Letters, attached to ALS 1943 December 21: Printed
advertisment for Drought; TL/ copies from Lascelles Abercrombie and Roy
Campbell and A excerpt from Jan Smuts letter to Slater. Attached to ALS 1948
March 23: TL/ copy Jan Smuts to Slater 1948 January 23. [*Missing 4/2012]
Slater, Francis Carey, ALS, 1952 January 31.
Container 13.20
Smith, T. W., ALS, 1933 December 3.
Container 13.23
Society of Authors, TLS Denys Kilham Roberts (Secretary-General), 1952
February 20.
The Society of Authors, 2 TLS Denys Killam Roberts (Secretary-General), 1954
May 12, 1956 February 15.
Soutar, William, 4 ALS, 1941 March 4, 1941 March 20, 1941 April 15, 1941
November 25.
Southampton, County Borough, Education Committee, TLS, 1949 February 28.
Spark, Muriel, 15 ALS, 4 TLS, 1 nd, 1947-1961.
The Spectator, 3 ALS, 1 ALS/ copy in Palmer’s hand, 9 TLS, 1 nd, 4 inc. d,
Squire, Sir John Collings, 5 ALS, 4 TLS, 2 ANS, 2 nd, 1 inc d, 1920-1938.
Stanford, Derek, 5 ALS, 1 AN, 1 nd, 5 inc d.
Stanford, Derek, ALS, nd (Monday).
Starkey, Estella F., ALS, 1937 January 6.
[Starkey, James Sullivan], Letters "Seumas O’Sullivan" (pseud.), 2 ALS, 2 ALI, 4
TLS, 13 TLI, 1 TL, 2 TPCI, 1 nd, 1924-1947.
Starrett, Vincent, ALS, 1929 June 4.
Container 13.23
Steed, Kathleen, ALS, 1947 May 14.
Steen, Marguerite, ALS, __ February 20.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Stephens, James, 7 ALS, 1919-1924.
Stephens, W. H., ALS, 1938 October 15.
Stephenson, Francis, ALS, 1948 January 21.
Stokes, Miss M. M. E., 3 ALS, 1949 June 18, 1950 March 25, 1950 April 9.
Stonier, George Walter, ALS, nd.
Strong, Leonard Alfred George, 6 ALS, 10 ALS, 1927-1957.
Stroud Poetry Society, 2 ALS, 1 TLS Marjorie J. Martyn, 1948 November 7,
1948 November 25, 1948 December 19.
Stuart, Alice V., ALS, 1955 October 12.
Stuart, Muriel, ALS, 1925 March 9.
Stuart, Muriel, ALS, 1938 July 18.
Stuart-Young, John Moray, ALS, 1933 October 7.
Suburban Lecture Society, 1 TLS, 3 FLS, 1925 May 8, 1925 September 23, 1927
February 14, 1928 June 15.
Swaine Ltd., FL, nd.
Swiggett, Glen Levin, ALS, 1949 May 29.
Swing, Raymond Gram, 6 ALS, 3 TLS, 5 inc d, 1932-1941.
Taltusell, M. H., 2 ALS, __ June 27, ___ October 25.
Tarbat, Alan C[ecil], 2 ALS, ___ May 3, ___ June 20.
Taylor, Leonard, TLS, 1939 August 4.
Theis, Louise Morgan, 19 ALS, 8 TLS, 8 nd, 8 inc d, 1931-1935.
Thomas, Gilbert [Oliver], 13 ALS, 5 TLS, 1936-1961.
Thompson, Edward John, TLI, 1935 September 26.
Thompson, Edward John, TLI, 1938 April 20.
Thornely, Thomas, ALS, 1939 January 23.
Container 14.1
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Thornely, Thomas, 2 ALS, 1939 April 14, 1943 January 3.
Thornley, Joseph M., TLS re Stone flies and Duns, 1932 October 22.
The Times Literary Supplement, TLI, 1927 December 15.
Toc H, TLS APCS, 1946 February 5, 1953 March 27.
Tomorrow, TLS N. V. Dagg (Editor), 1943 February 13.
Tomorrow, TLS N. V. Dagg (Editor), 1949 March 26.
Tong, Raymond, ALS, 1951 August 21.
Travers, Pamela, TLS re A.E.’s last days and death, 1935 August 7.
Turner, Irene P., 4 ALS, 1944 June 20, 1947 July 10, 1948 April 9, 1948 April
Turner, Tom, 5 ALS, 1939 January 24, 1940 September 18, 1940 September 26,
1942 January 17, 1942 January 26.
Turner, Tom, 5 ALS, 1941-1945.
Vabra, V., ALS, nd, in French.
Container 14.2
Vallette, Jacques, 2 ALS, 1 APCS, 1946 January 29, 1946 march 27, 1946 April
Vanity Fair, TLS "Editor," 1910 June 17.
Vickridge, Alberta, 6 ALS, 1 nd, 5 inc. dates.
Vivkridge, Alberta, ALS, ___ October 15.
Vines, Walter Sherard, 10 ALS, 1931-1938.
Vines, Walter Sherard, ALS, 1939 January 7.
Waddell Helen Jane, ALI, nd (Thursday).
Container 14.3
Walker, Bruno, 25 ALS, 1 ALS/ inc, 1 ALS/ inc, 2 nd, 1943-1956.
Walker, Bruno, ALS, 1947 October 21.
Container 14.3
Walker, Bruno, ALS, 1954 December 19.
Warren, Clarence Henry, 2 ALS, 1938 February 19, 1938 February 25.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Watt (A. P.), & Son, 4 ALS W. P. Watt, 1938 January 13, 1938 January 20, 1938
January 24, 1938 January 31.
Waugh, Alec, ALS, 1919 April 21.
Wearing, Joseph, 2 ALS, 1938 August 15, 1938 October 12.
Webb, Fred G., 3 ALS, 1942 November 8, 1942 November 27, 1943 December
Webb, Fred G., 2 ALS, 1 TLS, 1942 August 21, 1943 June 30, 1944 May 23.
Webster, Mary Morison, 4 TLS, 1938 may 25, 1938 November 22, 1938
December 15, 1939 April 10.
Wellington, Dorothy [Violet (Ashton)] Wellesley, duchess of, 3 ALS, 1 ALS/ inc,
5 TLS, 1 Christmas card, 1 nd, 1938-1948.
Wellman, Maurice, ALS/ inc, nd.
Wells, Herbert George, ALS, nd.
Whitaker, Frank, TLS, 1944 January 14.
White, Margery, ALS, nd.
Williams, Alan Moray, TLS, ___ September 25.
Williams and Norgate, TLS Noel B. Ranns (Director), 1951 February 26.
Windeler, B. Cyril, TLS, 1947 June 25.
Wolfe, Humbert, 2 ALS, 17 TLS, 1929-1939.
Container 14.5
Wolff, William D., 2 ALS, nd, 19__May 1.
Container 14.3
Wollman, Maurice, 27 ALS, 1 ALS/ inc, 1 ALS/ inc, 1 APCI, 1 nd, 5 inc d,
Woodcock, Dorothy, 3 ALS, __ April 5, __ July 9, ___ July 31.
Woolf, Leonard Sidney, TLS, 1925 July 14.
Worth, John M., ALS, 1944 February 27.
The Wyndham Theatres Ltd., TLS Sir Bronson Albery (Managing Director), 1951
June 18.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
The Wyndham Theatres Ltd., TLS Sir Bronson Albery (Managing Director), 1951
August 7.
Young, S. M., 2 ALS, ___ February 13, 1925 June 22.
Container 14.7
Zimmermann, Frieda L., 2 ALS, 1904 December 11, 1905 February 7, in German.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Unidentified anthologist], Poems of today: Index of authors, Galley proofs [4pp],
gf 4
[Unidentified author], [Unidentified article on Yorkshire cooking], Tccms/ inc
[4pp], nd.
[Unidentified author], [Unidentified French verses], Ams [1p], nd.
[Unidentified author], [Unidentified poem], Ams/ workings/ inc [1p], nd.
[Unidentified author], [Unidentified prosework], 2 Tms/ fragments [20.5 x 7.5
cm. each], nd.
[Unidentified author], [Unidentified verse, Ams/ copy with A note, all in
unidentified hand [1p], nd.
[Unidentified author], Another poetic principle, Tms with few A corrections
(20pp), nd.
[Unidentified author], Before we make an end, Ams with A emendations [1p],
1948 February 12.
[Unidentified author], [Financial accountings for 1906-1907], 2 Ams statements
[1p. each], [1907], in French.
[Unidentified author], French [examination for] Form II B, Lucton School, Ams
[2pp], 1907 Christmas.
[Unidentified author], Herbert Edward Palmer [bibliography], Ams [1p], Ams
[5pp], 2 nd.
[Unidentified author], Horrors: Macabre tales, Ams title page for proposed
anthology, nd.
[Unidentified author], In Memoriam (January 20, 1936), Mimeo [1p], nd.
[Unidentified author], Per ardua ad coelum, Mimeo segment of longer work with
A revisions [3pp], nd.
[Unidentified author], Post-Victorian poetry: Index to names cited, Ams in small
notebook [34pp], nd.
[Unidentified author], [Reader’s criticism of and recommendations for
Post-Victorian poetry], Tms (5pp), nd.
[Unidentified author], Refugees, Tms/ copy (6pp), nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Unidentified author], The Seasons change: [Contents], Ams [1p], nd.
[Unidentified author], Wonderchild: An analysis, Tms (3pp), nd.
[Unidentified author], ALS to Palmer, Herbert [Edward], 1935 October 25.
[*Missing 5/1986]
[Unidentified author], ALS to Walker, 1928 March 25.
Ball, Arthur W., [Poems], A, T, and Tccmss, S or I [6pp], 1 nd, 1934-1944.
Container 14.8
Benn (Ernest) Limited, TLI to Johnson, R. J. G. re Palmer’s blurb for book of
poems, 1931 July 24.
Bridges, Robert [Seymour], Triolet, Tms/ copy [1p], nd.
The British and Dominions School of Drawing, Scholarship certificate to K.
Elizabeth Wykes, [1926].
osf 2
Buck, Katherine Margaret, TL/ copy [unidentified journal] re review, nd.
Butterworth George William, Spiritualism and religion: [Excerpt], Ams in
Palmer’s hand [1p], nd.
[Campbell, Roy], Choosing a mast, Ams [1p], nd.
Campbell, Roy, The palm, AmsI with A note S at end [2pp], nd.
[Campbell, Roy], The pomegranates, Ams [2pp], nd.
Cassell & Company Ltd., TLS A. Hayward to Heinemann (William) & Co. Ltd.,
1944 November 28.
Charley, [Leslie W.], ALS to O’Brien, Liam, 1940 October 19.
Cherry, Graham, TLS to Roberto, Lynette, 1951 April 13.
Creighton, Baeil [?], [Two poems], Amss [1p; 2pp on 1l], nd.
Cunard, Nancy, Man-Ship-Tank-Gun-Plane, printed folder with A inscription to
Herbert Palmer, 1944.
Cunard, Nancy, Outlaws, first page proofs with few A corrections (63pp), 1920
October 12 [printer’s stamp].
Cunard, Nancy, [Poems], T and Tccmss, one signed, two inscribed to Herbert
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Cunard, Nancy, [Poems], T and Tccmss, one signed, two inscribed to Herbert
Palmer [9pp], [c. 1942-1944].
Cunard, Nancy, TLS to Kennare, [Dallas], __ November 16.
Davies, William Henry, Beauty’s revenge, Ams/ copy in Palmer’s hand with A note Container
S and A note I by Palmer [2pp. on 1l.], nd.
Dawson, Norman, Grannon, Tccms (2pp), nd.
Denson, Alan, The Herbert Edward Palmer Archive: Aural records, Tms (12pp).
1967 March 2.
Freytag, Gustav, 3 Amss from Soll Und Haben, from a book from Herbert
Palmer’s library, nd.
Gathorne-Hardy, Hon. Robert, [two untitled poems], Tms with A corrections
(3pp), Tccms with few A emendations and A inscription to Herbert E. Palmer
[6pp], nd.
Gerhardi, William [Alexander], Memoirs of a polyglot: [Extract from] Page 320,
Ams/ copy in hand of Herbert Palmer [1p], 1931 [date of publication].
[Goodfellow, Kathleen], [Poems by Michael Scot (pseud.)], A, T, and Tccmss
and printed clippings with A notes on separate sheets [18pp], nd.
Goodfellow, Kathleen, Review of The Vampire [by Herbert Palmer], Ams/ draft
with A emendations [8pp], [c. 1936].
[The Greenwood Poem Competition], [Entries for competition], A and Tmss by
various authors, nd.
Harding, H. W., Poems 1948, Mimeo book S with A inscription to Herbert E.
Palmer (62pp), 1942, bound.
Harding, H. W., Poems 1943, Mimeo book S with A inscription to Herbert Palmer
(64pp), 1943, bound.
Harding, H. W., Poems 1944, Mimeo book S with A inscription to Herbert Palmer
(48pp), 1944, bound.
Harding, H. W., Poems 1946, Mimeo book S with A inscription to Herbert Palmer
(21pp), 1946, bound.
Hari, P. M., Flowers of the heath, Tccms with A corrections and with A criticism
and suggestions by Herbert Palmer [71pp], nd.
Harland, T. S., [Poems], 3 TccmssS [1p. each], 1 AmsS [2 poems on 1p], Ams dated Container
1948; Tccmss undated.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Hesketh, Phoebe, ALS, APCS to Craik, Michael, ---- November 30, [1961]
December 14.
Hill, Hugh Creighton, Hill’s epitaphs, Duplicated booklet with A inscription to
Herbert Palmer (21pp), 1952.
Hughes, Mary Elizabeth Josephine, As it strikes a contemporary by Mary Winter
Were [pseud.], Tms with A inscription to Herbert Palmer [1p], 1944 September
Jackson, Holbrook, Toast: The immortal memory, Tms with A emendations (11pp), Container
John Lane The Bodley Head Limited, TLS F. Baker to Dent (J. M.) & Sons, 1937
December 22.
Knox, Ruth, TLS to the Editor of the Adelphi re Palmer article, 1926 January 20.
Lees, Aubrey [Poems], Ams/ copy S [1p], Ams/ copy [1p], Tccms/ copy with A
emendations and A note I [1p], nd, 1940, 1952 April.
Lewis, Dominic Bevan Wyndham, TLS to [Herbert Edward] Palmer, ____ February Container
24. [*Missing 4/2012]
MacDonogh, Patrick [Poems], 3 Tms/ copies [1p each], nd, 1946 December 5
[publication in Irish Press], 1946 December 7 [publication in Irish Times].
MacHereth, James A, Life and Heine, Ams/ copy in Palmer’s hand [1p], 1911
[original publication].
MacNeice, Louis, Modern Poetry: A personal essay [extract], Ams in hand of
Herbert Palmer [1p], nd.
Marsh, Stanley, In the hills, Ams/ copy in hand of Herbert Palmer [1p], nd.
Masefield, John, ALS to Trevelyan re pension for Herbert Palmer, nd.
Megroz, Rodolphe Louis, The dream world [extract], Ams/ copy in hand of and
signed by Herbert Palmer (3pp), nd.
Mew,, Charlotte [Mary], The Changeling, Ams/ copy in Palmer’s hand [3pp], nd.
Mitrinovic, Dimitrije, World affairs, Paste-up of newspaper articles with inscription Container
to Herbert Palmer [41pp], nd.
Morgan-Powell, Samuel, [Review of] Post-Victorian poetry by Herbert Palmer,
Newspaper clipping with A comments by Palmer [1p], [1938].
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Newbolt, Sir Henry John], Drake’s drum, Ams, nd.
[Newbolt, Sir Henry John], The toy band, Ams, nd.
Oxford University Press, TLS Gerard Hopkins to Murry J[ohn] Middleton, 1945
February 1.
[Palmer, Herbert Edward], Acknowledgements [and partial bibliography for
unidentified book], AmsI [2pp pasted on 1l], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Announcements and blurbs for various Palmer books],
printed items with A notes by Palmer, various dates.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, The armed muse: Memorandum of Agreement with The
Hogarth Press, Printed DS with T entries, 1930 June 12.
[Palmer, Herbert Edward], bibliography, 2 Amss with A emendations [2pp.; 1p.],
1 Tms with A emendations [1p.], 1 Page proof with A corrections [1p.], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Cinder Thursday: Memorandum of Agreement with
Ernest Benn Limited, Printed DS with T insertions, 1931 March 17.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Collected poems: Memorandum of Agreement with
Ernest Benn Limited, printed DS with T insertions, 1931 December 15.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Comments on the edition of 1927: The Judgment of
Francois Villon, 4 Ams/ copies of extracts in Palmer’s hand [Two 1p.; 3pp.;
19pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Dragon of Tingalam. Misprints and downright bad errors,
Ams list S [1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Extracts from comments on Palmer’s poetry by various
persons and journals], Ams/ copies of extracts in Palmer’s hand [33pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert [Edward], Extracts from reviews, Ams in Palmer’s hand [6pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Extracts from reviews of the judgment of Francois
Villon, Tms/ copies of extracts with A additions [3pp], Tccms/ copies of extracts
with A additions (5pp), nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Extracts from reviews of Post-Victorian poetry], Tms
with A addition and note (2pp), nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Extracts from reviews of previous volumes of poems,
Ams/ copies of extracts in Palmer’s hand [1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Extracts from reviews of] The ride from Hell, 1 Ams/
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Extracts from reviews of] The ride from Hell, 1 Ams/
copies of extracts in Palmer’s hand (3pp), 2 Tms/ copies of extracts [2pp. each], 9
Tccms/ copies of extracts [2pp. each], [c. 1958].
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Extracts from reviews of Some books of verse by Herbert
Palmer, still in print, 2 Ams/ copies of extracts in Palmer’s hand [2pp. each], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Financial papers, Royalty statements, bills, receipts, bank
statements, etc., [c. 1910-1951].
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Fishing license] Erlan onisschein, printed form with A
entries, 1914 October 9, In German.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, The gallows-cross: Memorandum of Agreement with J. M. Container
Dent & Sons Ltd., printed DS with T entries, 1940 October 9.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, German exercise and notebook, Ams notebook, nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, The Greenwood anthology: Memorandum of Agreement
with Frederick Muller Limited, Printed DS with T entries, 1946 August 29.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Handwriting samples, Facsimiles and one original
specimen, nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Herbert Edward Palmer: Contents, biography,
bibliography, etc., A and Tmss with A revisions [11pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, The judgment of Francois Villon: Memorandum of
Agreement by Palmer and David Longden with The Hogarth Press, TccDS with
A addition, 1927 September 9.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, The judgment of Francois Villon: 2 Memoranda of
Agreement with David Longden, TDS [3pp], TccD [3pp], 1926 July 31.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, The kitchen knight: 2 Memoranda of Agreement with
David Longden, TccDS with A insertion [3pp], TccD [3pp], 1927 September 1.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [List of contents and acknowledgments for proposed
book of selected poems arranged by Robert Gathorne-Hardy], Ams [11pp],
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Miscellaneous notes and fragments, Amss [25pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [The mistletoe child] The autobiography of Herbert
Palmer: Memorandum of Agreement with J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notebook of Latin exercises], Ams with markings for
errors [1 notebook], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notebook on early English drama], Ams notes and
quotations [1 exercise book], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notebook on English literature, Greek drama, and
French], Ams notebook, nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notebook on logic], Ams notebook, nd, bound.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notebook on metrics], Ams/ notes [1 notebook], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notebook on philology and drama], Ams/ notes [1
notebook], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notes for corrections], Ams [7pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notes for The Greenwood Poem Competition], Ams/
notes with A emendations [c. 1944-1954].
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notes for lectures on] Rivers & fishing, Ams [3pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notes for new edition of The wolf knight and Two
foemen], Ams [4pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notes of miscellaneous nature], Amss [3pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notes on Cynewulf and Wolfram and on Eschenbach],
Ams [2pp on 1l], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notes on early Christmas observance], Ams [2pp on
1l], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notes on socialism], Ams [1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Notes to secretary] Miss Holmdahl, Ams [1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, The old knight: Memorandum of Agreement with J. M.
Dent & Sons Ltd., printed DS with T entries and insertions, 1949 March 15.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Post-Victorian poetry: Index], Ams notebook, [c. 1938]
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Post-Victorian poetry] Poets of this century:
Memorandum of Agreement with J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., Printed DS with T
entries, 1936 August 19.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Quotations from writers], Ams/ copies of excerpts
[6pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Reading list of English literature course, Ams with A note Container
S (6pp), nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Rejection slips, 19 items for various journals, 9 nd,
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Review of Summit and chasm from, Western Morning
News, Ams/ copy in Palmer’s hand [1p], [1934] March 23.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, The ride from Hell: Acknowledgments, Ams/ draft/ inc
[1p], Tms with A revisions [1p], [c. 1958].
Palmer, Herbert Edward, The Ride from Hell: Contents, 2 Ams/ drafts with A
emendations [1p each], 1 Tms with A emendations [1p], [c. 1958].
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [The Ride from Hell] Dust-cover blurb, 2 Ams/ drafts/
inc with A emendations [1p each], [c. 1958].
Palmer, Herbert Edward, The ride from Hell: Memorandum of Agreement with
Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd., Print DS with Tcc entries and deletions, 1957 August 6.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [The roving angler] Trout-fishing and how to trout fish:
Memorandum of Agreement with J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., Printed DS with T
entries, 1932 August 5.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Scrapbook of reviews of The Judgment of Francois
Villon], Newspaper cuttings glued into a scrapbook [34pp], 1927-1954.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Season and festival] Selected poems: Memorandum of
Agreement with Faber and Faber limited, TDS [1p], 1942 July 19.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Selected poems [Printer’s sketch out of plan], Ams
[3pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, The Sign of the cross: [Title page], TmsS with A
revisions and additions [1p], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Some comments on books of verse by Herbert Palmer,
Composite A and Tccms/ copies of extracts (14pp), Tms/ copies of extracts with A
note (12pp), Tccms/ copies of extracts S with A additions and note (11pp), Tccms/
copies of extracts (12pp), nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Some comments on The Judgment of Francois Villon, the
edition of 1927, Ams/ copies of extracts in Palmer’s hand (3pp), nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Some comments on Post-Victorian poetry, Ams/ copies
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Some comments on Post-Victorian poetry, Ams/ copies
of extracts in Palmer’s hand (4pp), Tccms/ copies of extracts with A addition
[2pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Some extracts from letters and reviews concerning The
Judgment of Francois Villon, Ams/ copies of extracts in Palmer’s hand, signed on
back of last page [10pp], Composite A and Tms/ copies of extracts, signed on back
of last page [11pp], Composite A and Tccms/ copies of extracts [10pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Some extracts from reviews of books by the same author,
Tms /copies of extracts with A addition (2pp), Tccms/ copies of extracts (3pp), nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Some extracts from reviews of books of verse by the
same author, Composite Ams and printed/ copies of extracts S, in Palmer’s hand
(8pp), 3 Ams/ copies of extracts in Palmer’s hand [2pp,; 5pp.; 7pp.], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Some extracts from reviews [of first three books], 3
Ams/ copies of extracts [Two 2pp. each; one 4pp.], 3 Tccms/ copies of extracts
with A additions, nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Some extracts from reviews-Songs of salvation, sin, and
satire, 3 Ams/ copies of extracts in Palmer’s hand [1p.; 3pp.; 4pp.], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Some opinions of The wold knight in 1921-22, Ams/
copies of extracts in Palmer’s hand [1p], nd.
Songs of salvation, sin, and satire: [fore pages], A and Tmss with A printer’s
notes on contests sheets [3pp], [1925].
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Songs of salvation, sin, and satire: Memorandum of
Agreement with The Hogarth Press. Printed DS with A entries [1p], 1925 March
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Summit and chasm: Memorandum of Agreement with
J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd., printed Ds with T entries and insertion, 1933 July 26.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, A sword in the desert: Memorandum of Agreement with
George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., printed DS with T entries and additions, 1945 June
Palmer, Herbert Edward, A Sword in the desert: [Miscellaneous items], Ams
[2pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, T.S. Eliot (The Modern Writers Series): Memorandum of
Agreement with Brentano’s Ltd., TccDS (2pp), 1929 June 11.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, The teaching of English in schools: Memorandum of
Agreement with John Murray, printed DS with T entries, 1929 September 6.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Palmer, Herbert Edward, [Tentative contents for book of selected poems], Ams
with A emendations (4pp), nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Two fishers and other poems: Memorandum of
Agreement with Elkin Mathews, ADS [1p], 1918 May 3.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Two fishers: [Title page], TccmsS with A notes on recto
and verso [1l], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Two fishers: [Title page], TccmsS with A notes on recto
and verso [1l], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Two foemen: Memorandum of Agreement with Elkin
Mathews, ADS [1p], 1920 June 5.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Two minstrels: Memorandum of Agreement with Elkin
Mathews, ADS [1p], 1921 January 5.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, Two minstrels: [Title page], Ams/ mock-up [1p], 1921.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, The vampire: Memorandum of Agreement with J. M.
Dent & Sons Ltd., printed DS with T entries and insertion, 1935 December 3.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, What the public want: Memorandum of Agreement with
The Blue Moon Press, TDS [1p], 1931 November 10.
Palmer, Mrs. Herbert Edward, [Memoranda], Ams on printed form [1p], 1943 June.
Pfeiffer, Ernst, And he removed from thence unto the mountain: A sermon,
Tccms/ copy (10pp), 1940 March 3.
The Poetry Review, [The Greenwood Poem Competition award poems], Galley
proofs with A corrections [12pp], Page proofs [15pp], [c. 1944].
gf 4
The Poetry Review, Greenwood poems, Galley proofs [3pp], nd.
Putnam’s (G. P.) Sons, Ltd., [Reader’s report on] The kitchen knight by Herbert
Edward Palmer, Ams/ memorandum [3pp], 1929 June 4.
Raleigh [Sir Walter], The pilgrimage, Ams/ copy in hand of Herbert Palmer [1p],
Rasmussen, Julius Karl, Die Sprache John Audelay’s, Tms with some Ams pages
and A revisions [c. 155pp], [c. 1913], in German.
Rasmussen, Julius Karl, Die Sprache John Audelay’s, Tccms (142pp), [c. 1913], In
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Roberts, Mrs. Ursula (Wyllie)], [Poems], 1 Ams [1p], 2 Tccmss [1p each], 2 nd,
1936 March, uses pseudonym Susan Miles, contents: Epitaph on a late guest.- The
old have blessing.- Last night I had such a silly dream.
Row, Arthur, ALS to the Editor of The Poetry Review re Greenwood award poem
Lazarus by J. Redwood Anderson, [c. 1945].
Sitwell, Constance [(Talbot)], AE (George Russell): Poet and seer, Tms with A title, Container
title page, and author’s name and address in Herbert Palmer’s hand [27pp], nd.
Smith, Charles Ryder, ALS to Palmer, Mrs. [Herbert Edward], 1946 September 29.
Stanford, Derek, Bagehot and the monarchy, printed article from Modern Age
with A inscription and note to Herbert Palmer [7pp], 1958.
Stanford, Derek, Herbert Palmer: Portrait and appreciation, Tccms (8pp), nd.
Turner, Tom, The call, proof/ inscribed to Palmer, Herbert, Edward, 1905 August
23, also on this page: The call of the hills.
Walker, Bruno, Poems, TccmsS [16pp], nd.
The Workers’ Educational Association, ALS Norah E. Strongman to Grondahl, J.
C., 1925 November 19.
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], [Unidentified work], Tccms/ fragment [1p], nd.
W[ykes], K. E[lizabeth], [Unidentified work], Tccms/ inc I with A emendations
[7pp], [c. 1927].
Wykes, K. Elizabeth, An advantageous example, TmsS (2pp), nd.
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], The callousness of sin, TmsS Elizabeth Kew [pseud.]
(3pp), Tccms (3pp), nd.
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], A child’s love, Tccms [3pp], nd.
W[ykes], K. E[lizabeth], A contrite heroine, TccmsI (5pp), nd.
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], The Good Neighbours, Tms (12pp), Tccms (12pp), nd.
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], Happy dreams by Elizabeth Kew [pseud.], T and TccmsS
with A title page, nd.
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], Hostility and triumph by Cephas [pseud.], Tccms/ inc
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], Hostility and triumph by Cephas [pseud.], Tccms/ inc
[approx. 80pp], 1929 March 20 [Date of introduction].
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], The lottery pusher, Tccms (6pp), nd.
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], The lottery ticket, TmsS E. Kew [pseud.] (4pp), Tccms
(4pp), nd.
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], Much love, Much sorrow, TccmsS Elizabeth Kew
[pseud.] (7pp), nd.
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], Not lottery tickets, Tccms (4pp), nd.
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], Pilchards, Tccms (2pp), nd.
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], Quaint Cornish criticism, Tccms [1p], nd.
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], True love always forgives, TmsS Elizabeth Kew [pseud.]
(8pp), Tccms (8pp),nd.
[Wykes, K. Elizabeth], [Unowned] The autobiography of Elizabeth only, Tms with
A note [26pp], nd.
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Box 1: 059188000069636
Box 2: 059188000069647
Box 3: 059188000069658
Box 4: 059188000069669
Box 5: 059188000069670
Box 6: 059188000069680
Box 7: 059188000069691
Box 8: 059188000069705
Box 9: 059188000069716
Box 10: 059188000069727
Box 11: 059188000069738
Box 12: 059188000069749
Box 13: 059188000069750
Box 14: 059188000069760
Box 15: 059188000069771
Palmer, Herbert Edward, 1880-1961
Manuscript Collection MS-3153
Explanatory Note Concerning Manuscript Collections Cataloged in the Card Catalog
Prior to 1990 when archival cataloging procedures were adopted at the Ransom Center, all
manuscript collections were described in a card catalog.
Organization of Collections:
Manuscripts for each author collection were organized into four categories:
Works: manuscripts by the author, arranged alphabetically by title;
Letters: the author’s outgoing correspondence, arranged alphabetically by recipient name;
Recipient: the author’s incoming correspondence, arranged alphabetically by the author of
the letter; and
Miscellaneous: all other manuscripts and correspondence, arranged alphabetically by
Materials that did not fit into these categories, such as art, photographs, books, and near-print
materials such as newspaper clippings, were dispersed to other Ransom Center collections for
cataloging and storage.
Abbreviations Used in Descriptions:
The symbols below were used in combinations. For example ALS means autograph letter signed;
Tccms means typed carbon copy manuscript, etc.
A = autograph (i.e., handwritten)
T = typed
S = signed
I = initialed
Ms = manuscript
Mss = manuscripts
L = letter
FL = form letter
N = note
D = document
C = card
PC = post card
cc = carbon copy
p = page
pp = pages
l = leaf
ll = leaves
nd = no date
inc d = incomplete date