lReprintedfrom the Journalof the AmericanChemicalSociety,95,8118(1973).] Copyright 1973by the American Chemical Societyand reprinted by permissionof the copyright owner. Mechanism of Reaction of Carbon Monoxide with Phenyllithium' Larry S. Trzupek, Terry L. Newirth,2 Edward G. Kelly, Norma Ethyl Sbarbati,sand George M. Whitesides* Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139. ReceiuedJuly 14, 1973 Abstract: The product mixtures obtained by reaction between phenyllithium and carbon monoxide in diethyl ether, followed by hydrolysis, include benzophenone (1). a,a-diphenylacetophenone (2), benzil (3), a,a-diphenyla-hydroxyacetophenone (4), benzpinacot (5), a-hydroxyacetophenone (6), 1,3,3-triphenylpropane-1,2-dione(7), 1,3,3-triphenylpropan-1-one-2,3-diol(8). and benzhydrol (9). Compounds 1, 2, 6,7, and 8 are produced in significant yields i 3,4,5, and 9 are produced in trace quantities. Spectroscopicstudiesestablishdilithium benzophenone dianion (18) as the first long-lived intermediate formed in this reaction; qualitative correlations between the basicity of a number of organolithium reagentsand their reactivity toward carbon monoxide suggests,but does not prove, that benzoyllithium is a precursor of 18. Labeling experiments indicate that the products ultimately isolated following hydrolysis of the reaction mixture are derived from at least two pathways which compete for the initially formed 18. One involves combination of l8 with 1 equiv of phenyllithium and 1 equiv of carbon monoxide, followed by elimination of I equiv of lithium oxide. yielding 17, the lithium enolate of 2; a secondinvolves combination of 18 with 1 equiv of phenyllithium and 2 equiv of carbon monoxide. yielding 22,the trilithium trianion of 8. Hydrolysis of l7 yields 2 directly. Hydrolysis of 22 yields 8; reversealdol reactionsinvolving 8 or its precursors generate 1 and 6. The mechanism proposed to account for the major products of the reaction of phenyllithium and carbon monoxide is outlined in SchemeIII" On the basis of this scheme,plausible paths to the minor products of the reaction are proposed. he addition of nucleophilesto carbon monoxide, activated by coordination to metal ions, forms the basis for a thoroughly explored and useful class of reactions. Transformationsrelatedto the hydroformylation process,4additions of organolithium reagents to metal carbonyls,scarbonylation of mercury(ll) salts,6 organoboranes,Tand organocopper reagents,8metal(1) Supported by the National Institutes of Health, Grants GM 1 6 0 2 0a n d H L - l 5 0 2 9 , a n d b y t h e U . S . A r m y R e s e a r c hO f f i c e( D u r h a m ) , G r a n t A R O - D - 3 I - l 2 4 - G6 9 . (2) National ScienceFoundation Trainee, 1968-1969. (3) Fellow of the Consejo Nacional de InvestigacionesCientificas y T e c h r ri c a s .| 9 6 5- l 9 6 6 . ( 4 ) M . O r c h i n a n d W . R u p i l i u s , C u t a l . R e u . , 6 , 8 5( 1 9 7 2 ) ; J . F a l b e , " C a r b o n M o n o x i d e i n O r g a n i c S y n t h e s i s , "C . R . A d a m s , t r a n s l a t o r , Springer-Verlag,Berlin, 1970,and referencescited in each. ( 5 ) E . O . F i s c h e r ,a n d A . M a a s b i j l , C h e m . B e r . , 1 0 O , 2 4 4 5( 1 9 6 7 ) , M. Ryang, L Rhee, and S. Tsutsumi, Bull. Chem.Soc. Jap.,37,341 (1964); S. I(. Myeong, Y. Sawa, M. Ryang, and S. Tsutsumi, ibld., 38, 330 (1965); W. F. Edgell,M. T. Yang, B. J. Bulkirr,R. Bayer.and N . I { o i z u m i ,J . A m e r . C h e m .9 o c . , 8 7 , 3 0 8 0( 1 9 6 5 ) ; D . J . D a r e n s b o u r g , a n d M . Y . D a r e n s b o u r g ,I n o r g . C h e n t . ,9 , 1 6 9 l ( 1 9 7 0 ) ; N { . R y a n g , O r g a n o m e t a lC . h e m .R e u . ,S e c t . A , 5 , 6 7 ( 1 9 7 0 ) ,a n d r e f e r e n c e sc i t e d i n cach. ( 6 ) W . S c h o e l l e r ,W . S c h r a u t h ,a n d W , E s s e r s ,C h e n t . U e r . , 4 6 , 2 8 6 4 (1913); T. C. W. Mak and J. Trotter, J. Chem. 9oc.,3243 (1962): J. M. Davidson,,IC . h e m .S o c .A , 1 9 3 ( 1 9 6 9 ) . ( 7 ) M . E . D . H i l l m a n , J . A m e r . C h e m .S o c . , 8 4 , 4 7 1 5( 1 9 6 2 ) ; H . C . B r o w n ,A c c o u n t sC h e m .R e s . , 2 , 6 5( 1 9 6 9 ) . (8) J. Schwartz, TetrahedronLett.,2803 (1972). catalyzed oxidative coupling of amines with oarbon monoxide,e and metal-catalyzedoxidation of carbon monoxide in aqueoussolution,l0each involve the attack of formally anionic groups on metal-coordinated carbon monoxide. Acylmetallic compounds have either been inferred or identified as intermediatesin many of thesereactions,and this classof substanceprovides the foundation for discussionsof their mechanisms.l'5 The reactionsof nucleophileswith free or weakly coordinated carbon monoxide are less well understood. alcohols and Base-catalyzed carbonylation of and the reacti ons of organol it hium , r 3 ami nes,11,12 (9) W. Brackman, DiscussF . araday Soc.,No. 46, 122 (1968); K. I ( o n d o , N . S o n o d a ,a n d S . T s u t s u m i ,C h e m . L e t t . , 3 7 3 ( 1 9 7 2 ) . ( 1 0 ) A . C . H a r k n e s sa n d J . H a l p e r n ,J . A m e r . C h e m .S o c . , 8 3 , 1 2 5 8 (1961); S. Nakamura and J. Halpern, ibid.,83,4102(1961). ( 1 1 ) F o r e x a m p l e s ,s e eH . W i n t e l e r , A . B i e l e r , a n d A . G u y e r , H e l a . C h i m . A c t a , 3 7 , 2 3 7 O, 1 ' 9 5 4 ) ;J . G j a l d b a c k ,A c t a C h e m .S c a n d . , 2 . 6 8 3 ( 1 9 4 8 ) r R . N a s t a n d P . D i l l y , A n g e w . C h e m . ,I n t . E d . E n 9 1 . , 6 , 3 5 7 (1967). (12) Thc reverse reaction, decarbonylation of formate esters and formarnideswith base,has been examined by J. C. Powers, R. Seidner, , n d H . J . B e r w i n , J . O r g . C h e m . , 3 1 , 2 6 2 3( 1 9 6 6 ) . A f . G . P a r s o n sa formally related transformation, the McFadyen-Stcvens reaction, h a s b e e n r e v i e w c d b y M . S p r e c h e r ,M . F e l d k i m e l , a n d M . W i l c h e k , i b i d . , 2 6 , 3 6 6 4 ( 1 9 6 1 ) ;M . S . N e w m a n a n d E . G . C a f l i s c h ,J . A m e r . C h e m . S o c . ,8 0 , 8 6 2( l 9 5 8 ) . ( 1 3 ) M . R y a n g a n d S . T s u t s u m i ,B u l l . C h e m .S o c . J a p . , 3 4 , 1 3 4 1 Journal of the American Chemical Society I 95:24 I Nouember 28, 1973 8 1l 9 -sodium,18'leand -zinc2oreagentswith -magnesium,11-17 carbon monoxide require nucleophilic attack on carbon monoxide in the absenceof the obvious activation provided by coordinating transition metal ions. Stabie acyl derivatives of group Ia and IIa metal ions are not well-characterized entities, although they have been implicated in reactions betweencarbon monoxide and tertbutyllithiunl,2l trimethylsilyllithium,22 and various lithium amides.23'24 The work reported in this paper was initiated in the hope that a study of the reaction of carbon monoxide with phenyllithium would provide evidencebearing both on the stability of acyllithium compounds and on the mechanisms of the reactions between organometallic derivatives of group [a and Ila metal ions and that it might suggest new approaches to the generation of nucleophilic acyl groups.25 In fact, no evidence for longJived acyllithiun compounds as intermediates in this reaction has been obtained, although the existence of these substancesas transitory intermediates is suggestedby certain of the data that follow. Nonetheless, these data establish the basic sequencesfollowed in the reaction between phenyllithium and carbon monoxide, outline a number of interesting transformations involving benzophenone ketyl, benzophenone dianion, and related materials, and suggestnew ways in which carbon monoxide might be used in synthesis. benzene in pentane solution.28gave similar product distributions but were heterogeneousin the latter stages of reaction. The quantity of carbon monoxide absorbed when the reactions were allowed to proceed to completionvaried with reactionconditions,but typically ca.0" 8-1.0equi v of carbon monoxi dew as consum edper equivalent of phenyllithium. Hydrolysis and glpc analysisof the reaction mirtures led to identification of a number of products: benzophenone (1), a.a-diphenylacetophenone(2). benzil (3). a.a-diphenyl-a-hydroxyacetophenone(4), and traces of benzpinacol(5) and benzhydroi (9). Careful thinlayer chromatography of the nonvolatile products of the hydrolysis permitted isolation of a-hydrox\acetophenone(6) and two compounds assignedthe structures (7) and l .i .-1- t r iphe1.2,3-tri phenyl -1,2-propanedi one (8) on the basis t'ri erinyl-2,3-dihydroxy-1-propanone dence outlined below. Certain of these products. t)t oo 1. CO (1 atm),Et'.,O ll il phl-i ---------------PhcPh + PhccHPhz * 2'Hro z r o o lllllll phc-Cph (1961); 35, ll2l (1962)i Trsns.N. Y. Acad. 9ci.,27,724 (1965); Nippon Kagaku Zasshi, 82, 880 (1961); Chem. Abstr., 58' 12587b (l 963). (14) F. G. Fischer and O. Staffers,Justus Liebigs Ann. Chem., 500, 2s3 (1e33). (15) K. V. Puzitskii, Y. T. Eidus, and K. G. Ryabova, Izu. Akad. N a z k S S S R , S e r . K h i m . , 1 8 1 0( 1 9 6 6 ) ; C h e m .A b s t r . , 6 6 , 9 4 6 3 l u ( 1 9 6 7 ) . (16) M. S. Kharasch and O. Reinmuth, "Grignard Reactions of Nonmetallic Substances," Prentice-Hall, New York, N' Y., 1954, pp 910-9 13. (17) M. Ryang and S. Tsutsumi, Nippon Kagaku Zasshi,82' 878 ( 1 9 6 1 ) ; C h e m .A b s t r . , 5 8 ,1 1 3 8 7( 1 9 6 3 ) . ( 1 8 ) M . S c h l o s s e rA , n g e w . C h e m . ,I n t . E d . E n 9 1 . , 3 , 2 8 7 ( 1 9 6 4 ) ; M . Ryang, H. Miyamoto, and S. Tsutsumi, Nippon Kagaku Zasshi, 82, 1 2 7 6 ( 1 9 6 1 ) ; C h e m .A b s t r . , 5 8 , 1 1 3 8 7( 1 9 6 3 ) . (19) G. Wittig, L. Gonsior, and H. Vogel, JustusLiebigs Ann. Chem., 688,1(1965). ( 2 0 ) M . W . R a t h k e a n d H . Y u , . / . O r g . C h e m . , 3 7, 1 7 3 2 ( 1 9 7 2 ) . (21) P. Jutzi and F. W. Schrtjder, J. Organometal. Chem., 24, I (1970). ( 2 2 ) P . J u t z i a n d F . W . S c h r i j d e r , i b i d . , z 4 , C 4 3( 1 9 7 0 ) . ( 2 3 ) P . J u t z i a n d F . W . S c h r b d e r ,A n g e w . C h e m . ,I n t . E d . E n g l . , l O , 339 (1971): U. Schtjllkopf and F. Gerhart, ibid., 6,805 (1967). See a l s o U . W a n n a g a ta n d H . S e y f f e r t i, b i d . , 4 , 4 3 8 ( 1 9 6 5 ) . (24) The structurally related lithium aldimines are stable at low temperatures: H. M. Walborsky and G. E. Niznik, J' Amer. Chem. Soc., 91, 7778 (1969); H. M. Walborsky, W. H. Morrison, III, and G. E. Niznik, ibid., 92, 6675 (l 970). ( 2 5 ) D . S e e b a c hA , n g e w . C h e m . , I n t . E d . E n g 1 . , 8 , 6 3 9( 1 9 6 9 ) . (26) H. Gilman, E. A. Zoellner, and W. M. Selby, J. Amer. Chem. Soc.,55,1252(1933). (27) G, Wittig, F. J. Meyer, and G. Lange, JustusLiebigs Ann. Chem.. 5 7 1 , ,t 6 7 ( 1 9 5 1 ) . + PhCCPh2 + Ph2C-CPhr * 34s ooo ptr$cu,ou+ pn[ScnPhz* Results Products. At -78o, phenyllithium in diethyl ether solution reacts over ca.6 hr with carbon monoxide at I atm pressure; reaction at 0o is complete in 3-4 hr. The phenyllithium solutions used in most of the reactions in this study were obtained by reaction of bromobenzene with lithium metal and contained lithium bromide:26 the reactions of these solutions with carbon monoxidewere homogeneousthroughout. Carbonylation of analogous lithium halide free solutions of phenyllithium, prepared by transmetallation of diphenylmercury(I[) with lithium metal2T or by metalhalogen exchange between r-butyllithium and iodo- oHoH ooH 67 OH OOH OH llll PhCCH-CPh,+ PhCHPhrl t 89 their analogs,have been reported in previous investigations of the reactions of carbon monoxide with marn group organometallics.13-22 If reaction mixture S 3rc' quenched with acetic anhydride before hydrolysis, onlr two major products are isolated: l-acetoxy-1,2,1-triphenylethylene (10) and l-benzoyl-1-acetoxy-2'2-diphenylethylene (11). The combined yield of thesc' o phli r c'o (r atm).Et,o '' 2AcrO Ph... ):/ / AcO ,Ph \ Ph-4 + tr< / ,Ph \ Ph l0 AcO Ph 1l materials is approximately 50-60/": 10 dominates at room temperature,Ll at low temperature. An authentic sample of compound 7 was prepared using a scheme based on the directed aldol reaction2e and in low yield by oxidation of 1,3,3-triphenyl-1propene with potassium permanganate in acetic anhydride (Scheme I).30 This substancecould most conveniently be obtained by the hydrolysis of the LL, isolated on quenching the reaction of phenyllithium and carbon monoxide at room temperature with acetic anhydride. We were not successfulin preparing a sample of compound 8 by independent synthesisbecauseof the ease with which this compound undergoes a reverse (28) M. Schlosser and V. Ladenberger, J. Organometal. Chem,, 8, r 93 fl967). (29) H. Reiffin "Newer Methods of PreparativeOrganic Chemistry," V o l . V I , W . F o e r s t , E d . , A c a d e m i c P r e s s ,N e w Y o r k , N . Y . ' 1 9 7 1 ' p48tr. ( 3 0 ) K " B . S h a r p l e s sR , ' F. Lauer, O' Repic' A. Y' Teranishi, arrd D . R . W i l l i a m s . J .A m e r . C h e m .S o c . , 9 3 , 3 3 0 3( 1 9 7 1 ) . l4thitesides, et al. f Mechanism oJ' Reaction of Carbon Monoxide with Pheny'llithiwn 8120 meric iorm having the carbonyl group at C'2 and a hydroxyl at C-l. Table I lists representative product yields observed of Products I. Synthesis of AuthenticSamples Scheme ( 'Y4 o t'-1.- NI,i Ph OAr \/ \-/ /\ Ph 2. AcrO s2% Ph TableI. ProductYields( [) from the Reactionof Monoxidein DiethylEther" with Clarbon Phenyllitnium Ph Temp.'C I Ph \\ + //-\rt 1 \.J 21 0 -2('r -70 -7(t I cH3Li z. ph2CO nr r 3 H'so{ LX 460/; 12 Ph Ph Hroz \. /t U \\ \L- oi )---c / / v -Ph o Pf 56qr Px Ph 14, i :6509 43 16 4 3; -1r600 26d7A0 t O I 0 I'hLi i co -70- )< }-l.i -7\. )i, ,/--ir - Ph +-- ,! 6,1o,l t,r HCI \. 15 \lH3oI! 60". \. \rr Pli KM rr0o i'HPh \>- Ph i' ptr \. ll Ol,i \./ Ac"O ((/ (r 2 Ac"o Ph OAc At:-C) i,'t, ir-r,() I ,i" I'h' \ 0 F-r / / /i (J ('lJI)i: : 16 . e s p e c tra lc h a r acterl s' a l d ol r eac t ion, 3t n o n e th e l e s sth tics of this substance,comblnec: with its ongin ani ch e m is t r y .leav e no d o u b t c o n c e rn i n gth e e s s e ntraiei eme n t s of it s s t r uc tu re . Its n mr s p e c tru m s h o w s tw (-, drstinctOH resonances,one broad at"6 5.6, onc sharp at in additrorr fi 3.8, and one aliphatic CF{ singlet at I -1,.I2, to aromatic absorptions; the presenceol the hydroxyi is confirmed by its infrared spectrum. The mass spectrum of 8 (70 eV) has no detectable parent"ion but displays prominent peaks at 183 (Ph2COH! ), l8Z (PhrCO. +), and 105(PhCO+). The one puzzlingfeature of the speatral data for this substanceis a carbonyl infrared absorption at 17l0 cm--i. The unexpectedlv high frequency of this absorption may be due to a pref'erenceof 8 for a conformation in which a carbonyl C-l is twisted out of conjugation with the geminal phenyl group or, less probably, to the existenceof I in the tauto(31) Compounds i and ii were prepared in attempts to synthesize ph ,,oH \/"/ AcO-+-CH -\- / / \__ PhPh*,i 0H Pir HO-)--CH Pii DL / V_" o'J I 7cl -0.5 and " Phenyllrthiurnsolutionshad concentrationstretween -1"0 lV and contained-l equiv of lithium brornideper equiv of phenyllithium Blank entries were those not measured" Yields were determined by glpc, except when noted otherwlse. b Determined as krenzpinacol.following acid-catalyzedpinacol rearrangement. . Anal-vsesfor 6. 7, and I were only carried out in the ex.periment listed rn the lasi row of this table. d Obtained using isotopicdilutrontechniques;seethe text for a discussion. in the reaction of phenyllithium Ph fid lt 9. Efforts to remove the protecting groups fron: thescsubstancesunder a variety of conditions led only to fragmentation to l, 6, and other products. Details of these proceduresand of other attempted routes to I may be found in the Ph.D. Thesis of T. L. Newirth, Massachusetts lnstitute of Technology, Cambridge,Mass., 1971. with carbon monoxide in ether. Yields of 1-5 in the first four entries in the tabie were obtained using unexceptional glpc techniques. The yielcis of 1 and 6 in the last entry were obtained by isotopic dilution. usrng a combination of tlc and mass spectroscopir techniques. Compounds 6, 1, and S 'De assavcddirectly by any glpc technique we could not Instead, phenyl-d5-lithiumwas aldevise. able to were lowed to react to compietion with carbon monoxideand th' i reactl on mi xture w as hydrol yzed. Knowr r quantities oi nondeuterated1,6, 1, and S vlerr' added to the reaction mixture, and the resulting rrrixtttre ol oeutcratec an<l noncieuteratedmaterials was separated ' Ihe yi el ds of products i n t he r ebv prenaral i vcti c. actron trf tFrc'pirenyi-d;-lithium with carbon monoxide wer(' cstrnrated on the basis of the results of mass spectrai anai vsrsoi the i sotopi c composi ti on o f t hese rrrixtures Tire ciiffcrencein the yields of 1 observedat ---?0uusing.gipc anti rsotopic dilution analysesis easily rationaiizec on trtc assumption that 8 decornposesln part to I in the glpc rnjection port (oide infra\. The necessrtylor using isotopic dilution techniques tci determtne yrelds of 6, 7. and I rendered product distribution stuciies too laborious. to be a practical rnethocioi approacnrng a study of the mechanism ol this reaction. Further, product distributions were dii' ficult to reproduce in detail, and product balances greater than 80:,; were achieved only under special circumstances. Nonetheless, two qualitative features of the observeciproduct distributrons are experimentally significant and pertinent to the mechanistic discussions that foliow" First. the yields of 1 and 2 vary in a reproducible way with temperature: Z dominates at room temperaturs; L dominates at low temperature. Second, the yields of 1-5 (and presumably 6-8) are relatively insensitive to changes in reaction conditions other than tentperature: addition of dimethoxyethane (DME) or .lV,lf,N',lf '-tetramethylethylenediamine(TMEDA) to these ethereal reaction solutions results in an increase in the yield of benzil (3) to ca. lof with decreasesof the same magnitude in the yields of 1 and 2, substituting solutions of lithium halide free phenyllithium for the lithium halide-containing solutions usually used or changing the concentration of phenyl- Journal of the American Chemical Society I 95:24 I Nouember 28, 1973 8121 lithium by a factor of 5, resulted only in small changes in yields. In no caseswere new products detected. In an effort to establish the fate of the phenyl groups that do not appear among the characterizedproducts of the reaction, several reaction mixtures were explicitly examined for the presenceof a number of compounds which might plausibly have been produced. Careful analyses of representative reaction mixtures demonstrated that benzene, benzoic acid, benzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, biphenyl, triphenylmethane, triphenylcarbinol, and 1,1,2-triphenylethane-i,2-diolwere not produced in detectablequantity. The observation that triphenylcarbinol is not a reaction product is of particular mechanistic significance. Since phenyllithium reacts readily with benzophenone, yielding triphenylcarbinol, under the conditions of these reactions, the absenceof triphenylcarbinol as a product indicates that benzophenonedoes not appeor in the reaction mixture until phenyllithium has been completely consumed. This conclusion was strengthened and extended by determining indirectly the quantity of benzophenone present in solution on completion of the reaction between phenyllithium and carbon monoxide before hydrolysis. An aliquot of a reaction solution that had been allowed to react to completion with carbon monoxide at room temperature was treated with lithium aluminum hydride, then hydrolyzed. The yield of benzophenoneobserved in the hydrolyzed solution was indistinguishablefrom that observedin a second aliquot of the original reaction mixture that had not been treated with lithium aluminum hydride. Since anv o r. LiArHi / ll PhCPh (490/0)* others " "i- o \ lLl" ' * P h C P h ( 4 8 0 / 0 )* others benzophenone present before hydrolysis would have been reduced to benzhydrol by LiAlH4, this experiment establishesthat the benzophenoneobservedas a product in these reactions is not present in the reaction mixture before hydrolysis. One additional useful datum can be derived from studiesof the products of the reaction; uiz, since 1,2,2triphenyl-1-acetoxyethylene (10) replaces 2 in room temperature reaction mixtures quenched with acetic anhydride, the immediate precursor of 2 before hydrolysis is probably the corresponding lithium enolate 11. Ph OAc Ph ,\c,O ,}:( Ph Ph t0 \ OLi / -\ ,/\ ,/ Ph Ph 77 g Phrl \"u-!" \ /\ pi, Ph 2 Similarly, the observation that 1, 6, and 7 are replaced by 11 on treatment of product mixtures obtained at low temperature suggeststhat these materials share a common precursor. Confirming this suggestionand identifying the structure of the precursor is one focus of the work that follows. Dilithium BenzophenoneDianion (18) and Lithium BenzophenoneKetyt (19). The first substantial evidence concerning the nature of the intermediates in the reaction of phenyllithium and carbon monoxide emerged from spectroscopicstudies of the striking color changes that characterize the reaction. Contact of carbon monoxide with phenyllithium in diethyl ether or etherDME solutions produces an immediate intense red coloration in the solution, which persists throughout the greater part of the reaction. The final stages of reaction are characterizedby a transition of the solution color from red to greenishbrown. Our initial attempts to identify the substance(s) responsible for the red color were guided by the hypothesisthat benzophenoneand other products containing diphenylmethyl moieties might be derived in some fashion from dilithium benzophenone dianion (18), (PhLi), ---g-----.. o ^, . . co -, Ji. PhL, -PhLi ---- PhCLi : l- o l'?- I ll | :r,t* --r* -r'i* [encnnJ l8 l- o l- o tl I l l I u * - : + PhCPh Lpn('pr'l I l9 which forms deep red-purple solutions in ether solution, or from lithium benzophenone ketyl (19). In principle, carbon monoxide insertion into a phenyllithium dimer would yield 18; alternatively, carbon monoxide insertion into phenyllithium monomer could yield a transitory benzoyllithium species which could be converted into 18 by reaction with a second molecule of phenyllithium.s2 One-etectronoxidation could convert 18 to 19 and ultimately to benzophenone. In order to test this hypothesis, it was clearly necessaryto have available authentic samples of 18 and 19. A1though both 18 and 1,9have been thoroughly studied in other circumstances,the techniquesused for preparation of these species, and for their characterization and identification under the reaction conditions encountered in these studies, were not entirely straightforward and are outlined here. Solutions of dilithium benzophenone dianion in DME were preparedby reduction of benzophenonewith an excessof lithium dispersion.33,34Solutions of 19 in DME were obtained by reduction of I equiv of benzophenonewith I equiv of lithium dispersion,35-38 or by reaction of benzpinacol with excessmethyl- or phenyllithium. Preparation of these materials in diethyl ether solution were carried out using similar (32) The state of aggregationof phenyllithium under the conditions of these experiments is unknown. Vapor-phase osmometry indicates that halide-freephenyllithium is dimeric in ether [P. West and R. Waack, J . A m e r . C h e m .S o c . , 8 9 , 4 3 9 5( 1 9 6 7 ) ; s e ea l s o G . E . H a r t w e l l a n d A . Allerhand, ibid.,93, 4415(1971)l; lithium nmr studies suggestthat it is monomeric [J. A. Ladd and J. Parker, J. Organometal. Chem., 28, I ( 1 9 7 1 ) 1 . R e g a r d l e s s ,t i t h i u m h a l i d e s a n d l i t h i u m e t h o x i d e s a r e i n c o r p o r a t e d i n t o a l k y l l i t h i u m c l u s t e r s : L . M . S e i t za n d T . L . B r o w n , J . A m e r . C h e m .S o c . , 8 8 , 2 1 7 4 ( 1 9 6 6 ) ; D . P . N o v a k a n d T . L . B r o w n , i b i d . , 9 4 , 3 7 9 3( 1 9 7 2 ) . ( 3 3 ) A . L e B e r r ea n d P . G o a s g u e n ,B u l l . S o c . C h i m .F r . , 1 8 3 8 ( 1 9 6 3 ) . ( 3 4 ) F o r a l t e r n a t i v ep r o c e d u r e s s, e e( a ) S . S e l m a na n d J . F . E a s t h a m , ( 1 9 6 5 ) ; ( b ) E . L . A n d e r s o na n d J . E . C a s e y ,J r ' , J. Org. Chem.,30,3804 i b i d . , 3 0 , 3 9 5 9 ( 1 9 6 5 ) ,a n d r c f e r e n c e sc i t e d i n e a c h . A l e s s c o n v e n i e n t p r o c e s s ,b a s e d o n e x p e r i m e n t sd e s c r i b e db y A . M a e r c k e r a r l d J . D . R o b e r t s l J . A m e r . C h e m . S o c , , 8 8 , 1 7 4 2 ( 1 9 6 6 ) 1 ,i n v o l v e s r e a c t i o n o f dipotassium benzophenonedianion with ar-rhydrouslithium bromide. ( 3 5 ) W . S c h t e r r ka n d A . T h a l , C h e m .B e r . , 4 6 , 2 8 4 0( 1 9 1 3 ) . ( 3 6 ) W . E . B a c h m a n nJ, : A m e r . C h e m .S o c . ,5 5 , 1 1 7 9( 1 9 3 3 ) . (37) N. Hirota in "Radical lons," E. T. I{aiser and L. I{evan, Ed., I n t e r s c i e n c eN , e w Y o r k , N . Y . , 1 9 6 8 ,p 5 3 f f . (38) B. J. McClelland,Chem. Reu.,64,301 (1964); seealso M. S z w a r c ,P r o g r . P h y s . O r g . C h e m . , 6 , 3 2 3( 1 9 6 8 ) . Whitesides, et al. I Mechanism of Reaction of Carbon Monoxide with Phenyllithium 8122 Analysesof Product Mixtures Obtainedon Oxidation or Hydrolysis TableII. Representative of Solutionsof (PhrCO)-M + and (PhzCO)z-ZM Compound Concn, M Solvent 0.067 DME Ph2coli2 PhrcoLi 0 .0 2 2 DME Ph2coLi' 0.006s Et20 PhrcoLi o.o12f EtrO PhzCONaz 0 .0 6 7 EtrO PhzCONa 0.20f EtzO Method of preparation Quenching agent --Yield," PhrCO aq KOH' Os aq KOH. Or HrO Oz CH3OH-KOH" Os aq KOH" Oz aq KOH" Or 90 47 100 0 74 53 100 1 95 47 9l I 7oPh,CHOH 90 0 49 0 70 (f 47 0 100 0 41 0 by reactionof PhsCOwith a to i,5'o. I Prepared or benzpinacol and areprecise " Yieldsare lrasedon eitherstartingbenzophenone with I equivof wascc. 13. d Prepared by reactionof 2 equivof methyllithium dispersion of alkalimetal. ' ThepH of thesesolutions underthereactionconditions;these KOH. / Somefractionof theseketylsmayhavebeeninsoluble methanolic benzpinacol." Saturated concentrations shouldbetakenasupperlimits(cf,footnote39). techniques,although the low solubilities of 18 and 19 in this solvent make their solutions particularly susceptibleto accidentalhydrolysisor oxidation.3e Solutions were analyzedfor 18 and 19 by taking advantageof the characteristicbehavior of thesematerials on oxidation and hydrolysis. Both dilithium benzophenone dianion and lithium benzophenoneketvl are o xi diz ed t o benz o p h e n o n eb y m o l e c u l a r o x y gen.33' 34 Hyd r oly s is of dilit h i u m b e n z o p h e n o n ed i a n i o n yi el ds benzhydrol: h-vdrolysis of benzophenone ketyl with a q ueousbas e( pH > 1 3 ) y i e l d s a I : 1 m i x tu re o f benzop h e none and ben z h y d ro l . T h u s , i n p ri n c i p l e . comp a ris on of t he y iel d s o f b e n z o p h e n o n ea n d b e nzhydrol obtained on oxidation and hvdrolysis of aliq-uotsof a so l u t ionc ont ainin g1 8 a n d 1 9 s h o u l d p ro v i d e a strai ght' I,hzco .o' O: PhrCO<- ,* tT- pnrcHoH lI:C) 19,u*-"r O.5PhrCO + 0.5PhrCHOH forward method of deterntining the concentrationsof th e ses pec ies : t he y i e l d o f b e n z o p h e n o n eo b tai ned on oxidation of the solution would rellect the combined quantities of 18 and 19 present; the yield of benzhydrol obtained on alkaline hydrolysis would correspond to one-half the quantitv of 19 present. This analytical technique suffers, however, from two an1biguities. First, the extent to which the ketyl 19 is dimerized in solution, particularl;,-at the relatively high concentrations used in this work. is unclear;40 thus. ( 3 9 ) S o l u b i l i t y o f b o t h 1 8 a n d 1 9 i n e t h e r e a is o l v e n t si s l i m i t e d : 1 8 a p p e a r st o p r e c i p i t a t ef r o m s o l u t i o n so f D M E a t a m b i c n t t e m p e r a t u r e s a t c o r l c e n t r a t i o n s; 0 . 0 6 7 M , a n d f r o m s o i u t i o n so f E t r O a t c o n c e r l t r a tions 10.0065 M; thelimiting soiubility of l9 in DME is ? 0.06 M,' i n E t r o i t i s t 0 . 0 0 3M . ( 4 0 ) A l t h o u g h I 9 i s a p p a r e n t l y m o n o m e r i c i n d i o x e r r - rseo l u t i o n a t 1 0 - 3 - 1 0 - 4 M c o n c e n t r a t i o n s , a itt s v i s i b l e a b s o r p t i o n i n d i c t h y l c t h e r s h o w s s i g n i f i c a n tc i e v i a t i o n sf r o m B e e r ' sl a w . a : N o b e n z p i n a c o li s o b s e r v e do n h y d r o l y s i s o f l 9 u n d e r b a s i c c o n d i t i o n s , i n t r g r e c m c n tw i t h e a r l i e r w o r k ; 3 5 ' 3 { 'n o l l e t h e l e s sb, e c a u s eb e . z p i r l a c o l i s r a p i d l y c l e a v e c i t o b e n z o p h e l l o n ea n d b e n z h y d r o lb y b a s e ,t h i s o b s c r v a t i o r .i rs n o t u s e f u l i n d e t e r m i n i n ga n e q u i l i b r i u r nc o n s t a n tf o r d i m e r f o r m a t i o n .3 6 ,83 ( 4 1 ) H . V . C a r t e r , B . J . M c C l e l l a n d ,a n d E . W a r h u r s t , T r a n s .F a r a d a y S o c . , 5 6 , 4 5 5( 1 9 6 0 ) ; f o r r e l a t e ds t u d i e so f s o d i u m b e n z o p h e n o nkee t y l , s e eD . J . M o r a n t z a n d E . W a r h u r s t ,i b i d . , 5 l, l 3 7 5 ( 1 9 5 5 ) ; N . H i r o t a a n d S . I . W e i s s m a ,nJ . A m e r . C h e m .S o c . ,8 6 , 2 5 3 8( 1 9 6 4 ) , S e ea l s o D . H . E a r g l e ,J r . , a n d R . E m r i c h , J . O r g . C h e m . , 3 5 , 3 7 4 4( 1 9 7 0 ) ,f o r a n i r - r t e r p r e t a t i oonf t h e i r s p e c t r u mo f l 9 i n D M E . ( 4 2 ) H . E . B e n t a n d A . J . H a r r i s o n , J . A n t e r . C h e m .S o c . , 6 6 , 9 6 9 ( 1 9 4 4 ) . T h e v i s i b l e s p e c t r u m o f s o d i u m b e n z o p h e r r o n ek e t y l o b c y s B e e r ' s l a w a t - 1 0 - { M i n D M E b u t d e v i a t e si n d i e t h y l e t h e r ; t h e the yield of benzhydrol obtained on basic hydrolysis is probably best considereda measureof the total quantity of monomeri cand di meri c 19 rather than a di re ct m easure of monomeri c l 9 al one. S econd,si ncei t has not been possible to prepare samples of either 18 or 19 unambi guousl y.i t has not been possi bl eto pro ve t hat either hydrolysis or oxidation lead quantitatioely to the indicated products. Thus the concentrations for 18 and 19 inferred from these analyses should be taken as minimunr values. Nonetheless, several experimental observattonssuggestthat determination of the relative ,vieldsof benzophenoneand benzhydrol obtained following hydrolysis and oxidation of a solution contai ni ngl 8 and 19 does i n fact provi de a rea sonably accuratemethrtd for determining the concentrationsofl these compounds. Fi rst, the yi el ds of benzophenone and benzhl ' droiobservedon oxi dati on or hydr olysisof solutions oi' l8 and 19 prepared by reduction of benzophenone w i th appropri ate quanti ti es of l i thi um m et al for 85 100% of the starting material (Table accoLrnr. II). Further. the product bal ancesobtai nedon hydr olysi s anci oxi dati on of ai i quots of a common solut ion agree w el l . Ti rus. i t appearsthat both reactionst ake place in high vield. Second,the ratio of benzhydrol to benzophenonc obtained on hydrolysis of solutions ostensi bl ycontai ni ng benzophenonedi ani on i s ( 0. 01, w hi i e thi s rati o for sol uti ons ostensi bl y cont aining ketyl rangesfrom 0.87-0.95,i n reasonable benzophenone agreementwith the expectedvalue of 1.00. Third, the spectroscopicexarninations described below establish that reduction oi benzophenonewith I equiv of lithium yields a solution which contains benzophenone ketyl but little if any benzophenonedianion and that continued reduction using an excessof lithium yields solutions containing benzophenonedianion but little benzophenone ketyl. Taken together, these results indicate that reduction oi even high concentrations of benzophenonewith appropriate quantitiesof lithium metal in ethereal solvents yields solutions containing 18 and 19 in good yield, uncontaminatedby important quantities of other materials, and that comparison of the yields e q u i l i b r i u m c o r l s t i t n tf c r r d i m e r i z a t i o n i n t h e l a t t e r s o l v e n t i s - l 0 r l . mol-r: J. Garst, D. Walmslcy,-C. Hcwitt, W. Richards, and E. Zabolotny, ibid., 86, 412 (1964). Magnetic susceptibilitymeasurements i n c l i c a t et h a t s o d i u m b e n z o p h e n o n ek e t y l i s > 9 9 f a s s o c i a t e dt o a d i a m a g n e t i cf o r m i n b e n z c n e : R . N . D o e s c h e ra n d G . W . W h e l a n d , i b i d . .s 6 , 2 0 1I ( 1 9 3 4 ) . Journal of the American Chemical Society I 95:24 f Nouember 28, 1973 8123 Table III. Absorption Maxima and Extinction Coefficientsfor OrganometallicSpecies Method of preparation Compound Phcoc(oLiFCPh, o ,/\ (1s) Ph,C--.--CHCOPh PhrC:C(OLi)Ph (17) Phecoli, (18) PhrEC(Oec)Ph Phrco + Li Phrcol-i (19) (PhrCOH), + PhLi" Phc(oli):c(oli)c(cH3)3 Ph3CLi (20) + LiTMP + PhLi" PhCOCOC(CH')' f excesslithium Ph3cH + PhLi" Solvent" EtrO DME DME EtrO DME EtzO DME DME DME ,\ma*, flflt 417 437 288 494 535 600 634 300 435 440,000 25,000 , " Solutions were 0.1 N in phenyllithium. The literature valuesfor the extinction coefficientof trityllithium in letrahydrofuran is log G 3.97(425 nm)}t " The phenyllithium usedwas that presentin the solvent. of benzophenone and benzhydrol obtained on oxidation and hydrolysis of these solutions provides a practical method of analyzing for these substances. Spectroscopic Studies. The procedures described were used to prepare samplesof L8 and L9 whose uv and visible spectra could be compared with those from solutions obtained on reaction of phenyllithium with carbon monoxide. The spectra of 18 and 19 are strongly dependent on concentration, on the nature and concentration of associatedmetal ions, and on the polarity of In order to obtain spectra of 18 the solvent.sT'38'42'43 and 19 that could be compared directly with spectra taken in the initial stages of reactions between phenyllithium and carbon monoxide, we carried out spectroscopic studies of authentic solutions of 18 and 19 in ethereal solutions containing approximately 0.1 M phenyllithium. The use of phenyllithium solution as solvent has the , additional practical advantage of minimiiing the effectsof adventious traces of oxygen or water on the spectra of the benzophenoneketyls and dianions by acting as a scavenger for materials which would react with these organometallic reagents. The spectrum of phenyllithium itself does not interfere with those of the compounds of interest at wavelengths longer than approximately 300 nm. Visible spectra for dilithium benzophenone dianion and lithium benzophenone ketyl in 0.1 M solutions of phenyllithium in DME are given in Figure 1. The spectra of 18 were obtained with solutions prepared by dilution of concentrated stock solution to -10-3 M; the spectra of 19 were obtained from solutions prepared by a similar dilution procedure or directly by reaction of benzpinacol with phenyllithium solution in the cuvette. For comparison, this figure also gives spectra of several compounds that either are themselvesformed in significant co.ncentration during the reaction (the lithium enolates of a,a-diphenylacetophenone(17) and 1,1,3triphenylpropane-1,2-dione(15)) or that are spectroscopic models for compounds that are formed during the reaction (the dilithium dianion of l-phenyl-3,3-dimethylbutane-I,2-dione (20) which is used as a model for the trilithium salt of 8, Ph2c(oli)c(oli):c(oli)Ph (22) (uide inJra)).aa Absorption maxima and ex(43) For a study of the influence of lithium bromide on the spectrum o f l i t h i u m b e n z o p h e n o n ek e t y l , s e e D . G . P o w e l l a n d E . W a r h u r s t , T r q n s .F a r a d a y S o c . ,5 8 , 9 5 3 ( 1 9 6 2 ) . (44) Compound 17 was prepared by reaction of 1,2,2-triphenyl-lacetoxyethylene(10) with phenyllithium in the cuvette. Lithium 1,1diphenyl ethoxide formed as the other product of this reaction is transparent in the spectral region of interest. Compound 20 was prepared (21) with excess by reduction of 1-phenyl-3-3-dimethylbutane-2,3-dione o o 0 o o ! A'nm Figure1. Ultraviolet-visible spectraof organometallic species in DME solution: (a) the reactionmixture obtainedby adding phenyllithium to an excess of carbonmonoxide dissolved in DME; (b) thereactionmixtureobtainedby addingcarbonmonoxideto a large excessof phenyllithiumdissolvedin DME; (c) PhrCLi; (1s)PhCOC(OLi):6phz:Gi) Ph'C:C(OLi)Ph;(20)PhC(OLi): c(oli)c(cH,)a; (18) Phzcolir; (19) Ph,coLi. Sinceonly the absorption maximaandpeakshapes couldbe determined with any from thesespectra, accuracy theyarenot drawnto scale,and the arearbitrary. absorbances of thevariousspectra tinction coefficients (when estimated) obtained from thesespectraare summarizedin Table III. These spectra were compared with spectra of solutions obtained by reaction of phenyllithium and carbon monoxide under conditions approximating those obtaining during the product studies summarized in Table I. Addition of 0.16 pmol of carbon monoxide to 4 nl of 0.1 N etherealphenyllithium solution in a Pyrex cuvette at room temperature produced the red coloration characteristic of the initial stagesof the large scale reactions(Figure 2, curve b); a preciselyanalogousreaction carried out in DME yielded the spectrum shown in Figure 1, curve b. The similarity of the peak shapes and absorption maxima of the light absorbing material produced in these experiments and of authentic dilithium benzophenone dianion 18 strongly suggests that the compound formed initially in the reaction of l i t h i u m d i s p e r s i o ni n D M E ( s e €t h e E x p e r i m e n t a lS e c t i o n ) . C o m p o u n d l 5 w a s o b t a i n e d b y r e a c t i o n o f 1 , 1 - d i p h e n y l - 2 - b e n z o y l e t h y l eonxci d e eiTMP).nr The spectrum w i t h l i t h i u m 2 , 2 , 6 , 6 - t e t r a m e t h y l p i p e r i d i d( L of lithium tripher-rylmethide,prepareC according to the procedure of R . W a a c k a n d M . D o r a n , J . A m e r . C h e m .S o c . , 8 5 ,1 6 5 1( 1 9 6 3 ) ,i s a l s o i n c l u d e di n F i g u r e l . ( 4 5 ) R . A . O l o f s o n a n d C . M . D o u g h e r t y , J . A m e r . C h e m .S o c . , 9 5 , 5 8 3( 1 9 7 3 ) . iAhitesides, et al. I Mechanism of Reaction of Carbon Monoxide with Phenyllithium 8124 experiments is that dilithium benzophenonedianion 18 is formeci at the outset of the reaction of phenyllithium i with carbon monoxide. Lithiurn benzophenone ketyl may be present in the reaction mixture late in the rea.rL action. Reactions of Dilithium Benzophenone Dianion with Carbon Monoxide in the Presence of Phenyllithium. Although these spectroscopic studies implicate dilithium benzophenone dianion as the principal substance generatedin the initial stage of these reactions, it remained to establish the role of this compound in the formation of the products actually isolated as their conclusiorr. In particuiar, it was important to know whether th e lithium enolate of cc,a-diphenylac':tophenone (17) observed as the major reaction product at room temperature was derived from 18 or from pirenyllithium by sorne reaction path not involving 18 and to deterFigure2. L/ltravioiet-visible spectraof organometallic species in mine whether 18 could plausibly give rise to benzodiethylethersolution: (a)thereactionmixtureobtained by adding phenone, the major iow-temperature product, under the phen-vllithrum to an excess of carbonmonoxide dissoived in ether; (b) thereactionmixtureobta.ined reaction conditions used in this work. by addingcarborimonoxide to a largeexcess of phenS,llithium dissolved in ether;(15)IThCOC{OLi)-= It was possible to establish by simpie labeling experiCPiiz;(18) ['hrCOI-ir;(t9) PhzCOl-i.Tlie absorlrances of the ments that the benzophenone moiety of benzophenone spectra arearbitrar,"-. dianion was incorporated into both high- and iowtemperature products on reaction with phenyllithium and carbon monoxide, For this purpose.we usecl4,4'phenyllitirium and carbon monoxide is in tact diiithium di-terr-butyli:enzophenone(23) as the latreled benzoLrenzophenone dianion; none of the eithercomrrounds ohenone rather than 2F{- or 1aC-labeledmaterial, beexamined (1.5, 17, or 20) overlapped ttre absorption cause thc dilithium dianion, 24., of this substituted region for this clianionsufficientivto hamper its identifiL,enzophenonewas lnuch more soiuble in ethereal solcation. Comparison of the a bsorptivity observeciin"the vents, and henceeasierto prepareand manipuiate, than soiution resulring frorn reacrion or phenyliithium and was dilithiunr benzophenonedianion itself. Reaction carbon monoxide wit!: that estimated i'rom the extincof 7A with carLronrnonoxidein the preseneer'f a tenfoid tion coefficientof 18, determineciindepencjentil',and the excesscrf phenyllithiuni. foiiowed by queni:rr';lg of the quantity of carbon monoxicle used in the reaction ir-lreaction rnrxture with acetic anhydride, leci to subdicates that the amount of, lB fbrmecl acoounts for .'*,50% of the carbon monoxide adcleo. stantial incorporations (-60 %) of the iabeled benzophenone moiety into the products 25 and 26, the exln an effort to generate spectra characteristic ol" thc pectedanai ogsof 10 and 1L;anyi el dsof 10, 11, 25, and cornpoundspresentlate in tire reaction betweencari:on 26 obtained in severai reactions are summarized in monoxide and phenyllithiurn, a small ciuantirv of p h e ny liit hiun,was a d d e d to c u v e tre sc o n ra i n i n g ti Ml *Ph-tcH,,t,c{==-),or ether saturated with carbon monoxide (F'igure j., \_l curve a and Figure 2" curve a, respectively)" r' co Et2o> maxinra of two prominent long waveiengtir oands obi*ph.col'-2i,i- + 10phLi 2 . Ac"O served in the visible spectrum in ether corresponct 24 rougirly to those of 18 and 1g; under these condiiions 0 spectra characteristic of L7 and ZZ were otrscured bv *pi, "Ph Pi' overlap and possibly by other speciesin solution. The \_r,, .\/ + +lo+ll spectrum in DMF. is not simply interpreted. Estirnates /<\ *Ph *Ph of the conversions of phenyllithium lB and 19 under OAc oA. these conditions, if indeed these were the compounds 25 26 responsible in the region between 450 and 650 nrn, Table IV. An authentic sample of 26 was prepared by would not be significanr, since impurities present in the substitution of 4,4'-di-terr-butylbenzophenone for ether soiution before addition of phenyllithiurn debenzophenon€in the proceduressummarized in Scheme stroyed appreciable quantities of the initially formed I; authentic 25 was svnthesizedby the procedure outorganometallic materials. Control experiments establined in SchemeIl. lished that neither l8 nor 19 reacted with phenyrlithiurn in theseor more concentratedsoiutions" (461 To establish that these results were independent of the method To lend further supporr to the contention that 1g is of labeiing the reaction partners, similar:although less accurate studies present in reacting mixtures of phenyllithium ancl were carried out involving ethereal solutions containing 1 equiv of dilithium benzophenonedianion and 5 equiv of p-ethylphenyllithium. carbon monoxide, a I M solution of phenyllithiurn was Exposure ol' these solutions to carbon monoxidc, followed by hystirred under I atm of carbon monoxide for 20 min and drolysis, led to a,a-diphenyl-p-ethylacetophenone(iii) in 24f yield, then quenctredby addition of NaOD in DzO. Analysis t'nr tt'9 by glpc and mass spectral analysis after the usual work[PheC:O]r-21-i+ * SLiPh-p-E, up indicated the presence of 0.8 /" benzhydrotr,conPhTCHCOPh-p-Et * other products taining >0.8 deuterium atoms per molecule. iii The important conclusion from these spectroscopic b a s e do n 1 8 " l-i Journal of the American chemical society I 95:24 Nouember 2g, IgT3 I 8125 Table IV. ProductsObservedFollowing an Acetic Anhydride Quench of Product Mixtures from Reactionsof Dianion (24), Dilithium 4,4' -Di-terl-butylbenzophenone Phenvllithium. and Carbon Monoxide PhLi (concn, M) A (concn, M) 0.50 0.25 0.50 0.50 o.25 0.50 0 0.05 0.05 0 0.05 0.05 Temp, --yislfl,o oc 10 11 25 25 25 -78 -7 8 -7 8 riltill * P h " c l i+ c + C + 26 00 7 (36)b 6 (62\b Trace 00 4 (z0)b o 6 (59)b 0 Synthesisof 25 1. . *Ph,co - PhMeCl 1 ., - 2. SOCI2, Pyr ' CH?CO1[I 2. HN{PA, A 79o/o 36% o,, *Ph * P h : Cl l H Cl [P( chH^3 )^2^c -H-] 2- N- -L -i ' - 2.Ac"O 28o^ oAc \ / >< \ / *Ph -, : . Ph 25 A-plausible reaction sequencefor the transformation of 24 to 25 involves initial transformation to an intermediate 21, either by insertion of carbon monoxide into a mixed organolithium cluster containing units of both phenyllithium and dianion 24in a manner analogousto that suggestedfor formation of 18, by nucleophilic addition of 24 to an initially formed benzoyllithium, or by nucleophilic reaction of phenyllithium with an adduct of ?A and carbon monoxide.aT Elimination of the elements of lithium oxide from 27 would vield the lithium enolate of 25.4e o]-i I *Phcl,i + I "Ph 24 O lll \t I *Ph-l | | OO O l l -- ' , , llll -P h, CHCCPh i -cu-C P h 28 ,.nI L- a:B Aco oAc o-lcl f | \l I l) l*Ph.c-c:cPh AcO O l * P h,c:c-l lcPh |+ 26 l 29 inally present in24, would in turn yield 26. Since the acetoxy group required to leave in this last step is activated toward heterolysis by two adjacent phenyl groups and one oxygen-substituted B-styryl moiety, sufficiently rapid conversion of 29 to 26 to preclude isolation of 29 would not be surprising; however, alternative schemesfor conversion of 28 to 26 involving, €.8., monoacylation of the oxygen derived from 27 followed by rapid loss of acetateion, can of course also be written. We have no direct evidence for 29 or related speciesin these reactions,but the postulation of 28 as an intermediate is immediately compatible with the formation of compounds l, 6, 7, and 8 as hydrolysis products from the reaction of phenyllithium and carbon monoxide by protonation, dehydration, and reverse aldol reactions, starting from the analogous triamon 22. The differencein the observedvields of 1 and 6 from ot,i ot,i ol.i 2PhLi + :lco + lll I,h_(._(':cPh 22 lH'o H,O -"Li ,o" \i-Ph *Ph H ' o.* P h + AoLioli c * LiPh* OHOH tlt * P hrc -c:cP h " Yields were determinedby glpc and are basedon phenyllithium unlessnoted. b Yield basedon24. SchemeII. [,iPh - 24 ol i ol i ol -i /25 39 14 32 16 34 16 060 044 047 olioo rr Oi H Oii)PhC-{ry-CPh -- Li 8 tf 'tl 27 *tn..t": *on)a: ----------> ' ,zoA'' rJi :t "aott *ph.' .rn ph ,n ;The mechanism for conversion of the diarylmethylene moiety of ?A to 26 is clearly more complex than that for the transformation of 24 to 25. Combination of I equiv of dianion?A,2 equiv of carbon monoxide, and 1 equiv of phenyllithium in a process analogous to that required to form 27 would generatethe trianion 28, the labeled analog of 22. Acylation of this substancewith acetic anhydride, followed by loss of the oxygen orig( 4 7 ) T h e a b i l i t y o f d i s o d i u m b e n z o p h e n o n ed i a n i o n t o a c t a s a h8 s reactivityof 18 n u c l e o p h i l et o w a r d c a r b o n i s w e l l e s t a b l i s h e d ' 3 a at' 4 shouldbe similar. ( 4 8 ) H . E . Z a u g s a n d R . J . M i c h a e l s J, . O r g . C h e m . , 3 3 , 2 1 6(71 9 6 8 ) . ( 4 9 ) A t t c m p t s t o p r e p a r ea n a u t h e n t i cs a m p l c o f 2 7 w e r e n o t s u c c e s s ful. Nonetheless, reduction of a,cr-diphenyl-a-hyclroxyacetophenone ( 4 ) w i t h e x c e s sd i l i t h i u m b e n z o p h e n o n ed i a n i o n d i d y i e l c l 2 ( - 7 0 % ) a f t e r h y d r o l y s i s . T h u s i t a p p a r e n t l y i s p o s s i b l et o e l i m i n a t c l i t h i u m o x i d e f r o m a s p e c i e sr e s e m b l i n g 2 7 u n d e r r e d u c i n g c o n d i t i o n s . A s i m i l a r e l i m i n a t i o n o f l i t h i u m o x i d e i s p r o p o s c dt o o c c u r d u r i n g f o r m a t i o n o f 1 , 2 - d i - t e r t - b u t y l c t h y l e nfer o m t h e r e a c t i o n o f / e r l - b u t y l l i t h i u m w i t h t e r f - b u t y l e t h y l e n eo x i c l e ; c f . I . K . C r a n d a l l a n d L . H . C . L i n , J . A m e r . C h e m .S o c . .8 9 . 4 5 2 ' l ( 1 9 6 7 ) . O OH O;H ,.OH \-l I Ph:c1!:cPh | -u' n I OHOH llll Ph,C+ CH:CPh I oHo til PhrC:C -CPh It tl {l tl oo o tl HOCH:CPh 6 11 llll PhrcHCCPh ., t the reaction presumably reflectsthe sensitivity of 6 to the conditions encounteredduring the hydrolytic workup. Thus, examinationof productsderived from reactions of the labeled dilithium diaryl ketone dianion 24 with phenyllithium and carbon monoxide fully supports the hypothesi sthat di l i thi um benzophenone18 i s an int er mediate in the reaction of phenyllithium and carbon monoxi de and provi desa uni fyi ng mechani sti cr at ionalization for most ot' the products of this reaction based on conversion of 18 to intermediateshaving structures t7 and 22. Oxidation of Dilithium Benzophenoneand Lithium al. I Mechanisntof Reactionof'CarbonMonoxidewith Phenyllithium 8126 Benzophenone Ketyl by Carbon Monoxide. Benzpinacol (5) and benzil (3) are the sole isolated products of the reaction of phenyllithium and carbon monoxide not easily generated from l7 or 22. One possible rationalization for the formation of 5 rests on the demonstration that carbon monoxide is a sufhciently strong oxidizing agentto convert benzophenonedianion to benzophenone ketyl (and benzophenone ketyl ultimately to benzophenone). Carbon monoxide is an effective one-electron oxidant toward a variety of aromatic radical ions and dianions,s0toward metallic potassium,sr and toward solutions of potassium in ammonia,52yielding in each case substancesthat can be derived from a hypothetical "alkali metal carbonyl" M+CO.-. Chemical and spectroscopicdata demonstrate that carbon monoxide is also capable of oxidizing 18 and 19 the nature of the products derived from the carbon monoxide was not establishedin these experiments. Thus, Table V summarizesthe yields of benzophenone TableV. Yields of Benzophenone and BenzyhydrolObtained by Oxidationof Dilithium Benzophenone Dianion(18)and Lithium Benzophenone Ketyl (19)with Carbon Monoxide, Followedbv Hvdrolvsis" Compound (concn,M) Solvent 18 (0 06) 18 (0.004) le (0.05) 19 (0.003) DME EtzO DME EtzO Product(%vield) Ph2CO PhZCHOH 50 20 52 95 45 6 38 0 ' Yields are basedon the initial concentrationof 18 or 19. The fate of the organic moieties not detectedas benzophenoneor benzhydrolin theseexperimentswas not established. and benzhydrol observedfollowing hydrolysis of solutions of 18 and 19 that had been allowed to reacr ro l9 "5^'N,. l8 I \o t, co. e/ 0,,\ l9 l,,o completion with carbon monoxide under conditions approximating those utilized for the reactionsof carbon monoxide with phenyllithium. The observation of approximately equal yields of benzophenoneand benzhydrol, characteristicof 19, after reaction and hydrolysis of either 18 or 19 with carbon monoxide in DME contrastswith the detectionof benzophenonealone after reaction and hydrolysis of these substancesin diethyl ether. The inference from these experiments is that carbon monoxide will oxidize 18 to 19 in either DME or ether but will oxidize 19 to benzophenoneat a significant rate only in ether; this inferenceis in qualitative accord with the supposition that lg should be less stro n gly r educ ingin th e m o re s tro n g l y s o l v a ti n gD ME th a n in t he les sbasi ce th e r. ( 5 0 ) W . B l i c h n e r ,C h e m .9 e r . , 9 9 , 1 4 8 5( 1 9 6 6 ) . ( 5 1 ) W . B t i c h n e ra n d E . A . C . L L r c k c n H , elc. Chim.Actu,47,2l13 ( 1 9 6 4 ) ; W . F . S e r g e rA, . F a t i a d i , P . C . P a r k s , D . G . W h i t e . a n c l T . p . P e r r o sJ, . I n o r g . N u c l .C h e m . , 2 5 , l S 7( 1 9 6 3 ) . ( 5 2 ) W . B l i c h n e r , H e l a . C h i m . A c t o , 4 6 , 2 1 1 1 ( 1 9 6 3 ) ,a n d r e f c r c ' c c s . c i t e dt h c r e i r - r . Qualitatively similar conclusions were reached on examination of the changesinduced in the visible spectra of solutions of 18 in ether and DME following exposure to carbon monoxide. In DME, this exposure results in disappearanceof the band due to 18 and appearance of a band at 634 nm attributable to 19; in ether, addition of carbon monoxide results in complete bleaching, with the only new peak appearing at -350 nm (benzophenone). Reactions with Other Organometallic Reagents. We have examined briefly the reactivity of several other types of organometallic reagentstoward carbon monoxide. These experiments, together with results obtained by others, indicate qualitatively that only derivatives of strongly basic anions will react with carbon monoxide under conditions similar to those used in the work describedin this paper. Thus, /ertbutyllithiuffi, 2I phenyllithium, n-butyllithium,r,amethyllithium, trimethylsilyllithium,22 and cyclopropyllithiums3readily absorb carbon monoxide, as do dimsyl sodium and several lithium amides;23 the less basic lithium phenylacetylide, lithium n-butylacetylide, lithium diphenylamide, lithium cyclopentadienide,l3and lithium diphenyl phosphideappearnot to react. These data suggest that in classifying anions according to their reactivity toward carbon monoxide it may be heuristically valuable to consider these reactions as proceeding through acyl anions (30) whether or not o lll B-+('.- [ fl] Lu/ ) 30 substancesof this classare true intermediates. Values for pKr,'s of speciescontaining the acyl anion moiety are not well-established,although that of CHaOzC(30, B : OC H 3) has been esti matedto be ca. 35; sr this value seems consistent with what little is known about the chemistry of acyl anions. These organolithium reagents that have so far been found to react with carbon monoxide all are derivatives of anions having pKr's of this magnitude or greater, while those that have proved unreactiveare characterizedby pKu's that are Thus, it may prove possibleto predict the facility of addition of organic anions to carbon monoxide on the basis of their basicitv relative to that of the appropriate acyl anion 30. Discussion Three principal kinds of data bear on the mechanism of the reaction of phenyllithium with carbon monoxide. First, spectroscopic studies indicate that dilithium benzophenonedianion is formed in the early stagesof the reaction. Second,examination of the products of reactionsof carbon monoxide with a mixture of labeled ( 5 3 ) E . G . I ( e l l y , P h .D . T h e s i s ,M a s s a c h u s e t tl sn s t i t u t e o f T e c h n o l o g y , Cambridge,Mass,, 1968. The major products from the reaction of , l - b u t y l l i t h i u mw i t h c a r b o r -m r o n o x i c l ei n h e x a n er e s e m b l et h o s ep r o d u c e d from phenyllithium, riz. dibutyl ketone (3-071, 6-butyldecan-5-one ( 6 0 - 7 0\ ) , a n d 7 - b u t y l u n d c c a n c - 5 , 6 - dni oe ( l 0 % ) . ( 5 4 ) K . P . B u t i n , I . P . B e i e t s k a y aA , . N . I ( a s h i n , a r - r dO . A . R e u r o v , J . O r g a n o m e t a lC . h e m . ,1 0 , 19 7 ( 1 9 6 7 ) . ( 5 5 ) F o r d i s c u s s i o n so f t h e p K , , ' s o f w e a k o r g a n i c a c i d s , s e e H . F . E b e l i n " M e t h o d c n d c r O r g a n i s c h e nC h e m i e , " ( H o u b e n - W e y l ) ,V o l . l 3 / 1 , 4 t h c d , G c o r g T h i e m eV e r l ; r g S , tuttgarr1 , 9 7 0 ,p 2 7 t r : J . R . J o n e s , Q u a r t . R e c . , C h e m .S o c . , 2 5 , 3 6 5 ( 1 9 7 1 ) : D . J . C r a m , " F u r r d a m e n t a l s o f C a r b a n i o n C h e m i s t r y , " A c a d e m i cP r e s s ,N e w Y o r k . N . Y . . 1 9 6 5 . C h a p t e rI . Journal of the Anterican Chemical Societlt I 95:24 I Nouember 2g. 1973 8127 dilithium benzophenone dianion and phenyllithium establishes that the diarylmethylene moiety of the former is effectively incorporated into products characteristic of the reaction of carbon monoxide with phenyllithium. Third, examination of the influence of temperature and reaction composition on the distribution of products indicates that at. least two related processes compete in these reaction mixtures: one! taking place at room temperature, converts 3 equiv of phenyllithiurn and 2 equiv of carbon monoxide tcr the lithium enolate of a,o-diphenyiacetophenone t17); a second, dominating at -78o, involves 3 equiv of phenyllithium and 3 equiv of' carbon monoxide and generatesthe trilithium trianion 72. The products of the reaction isolated following quenching with water or acetic anhydride are derived in straigtrtforwarci ways from 11 and22. The mechanism implied by these data is summarized in SchemeIII, together with specuiations Reactrr:n Scheme II[. Summarizing Sequence fbr tl"re Conversron to Producis of Phenyllithium and CarbonN{r.rnoxide (PhLi), PhLi =* \co LiO--\^ Ph ."./ --ot-; l : i Ph't ro + f! lr li -.1 ici) iti ? ! t l Lr"-t' iph -r,'lr Y LUI Ii I I o\,..".-Fh i t jllli ! t\o nnit i F'hi'ft( ii i ''1' v /' Y -z'u 'rl' ,, -// Lio oli i-o 0Li li / Phr.i i i i +-PhzC-C:C 'zco I C I | \ Ph i l i l \ t ' l! / / I / -u.:ti / l r\I: o lr Pil tti tl I t : i {l C:g t\ ii LLi* i* !:{1. / i Ph Ph Ph ! Ph_l LPh 17 l9 I r \ l Ph | Ph I l/ ' ' \ \ o ll l*,u Y OFi OH bH,oH PhrcH Ph:c-cPh: \0/[rl i (, ]i Ph,{.;-_i--'. P h-, { . ; - _ i'-rl. Pir I H.O v- Ha t// Ph- ,c \ -c J oPh \/ C-C /\ I I l-r. ? 1,.,- ./l F! -1"- o 1l i" i[l ct) l i lf,i l. * ti -" | t)L,i tl Pir',C--Cf'h p ' "l -, "t -; .lI:1 IB / r,t: t' o Phj LPh 22 LiO ii - l i l , Ph o 7 HO \/ CH-C] /\ Ph,C and one another at rates that are comparable with or faster than the initial rate of formation of dilithium benzophenonedianion 18. In particular, our inability to generatemore than traces (ca. I f) of benzhydroi on hydrolysis of reactive mixtures that have absorbed only small quantities of carbon monoxide indicates that the concentration of 18 is never high and that its subsequent reactions with carbon monoxide and phenyllithiurn (or benzoyllithiurn, whichever is actually involved) are faster than its formation. Further, sincethe particular combinations of benzophenone dianion, carbon rnonoxide, and phenyllithium shown in SchemeIII are certainly not the only ones that can be written, the low product yields observed under many conditions may result i-rom condensations of these materials in diiferent combinations to yield higher molecuiar weight products" The factors influencing the partitioning of intermeciiatesbetween the reaction paths so far identtfieci have not been established. One attempt to test the hypothesis that the relative importance of the lowand high-temperature paths for the reaction reflected the concentration of carbon monoxide in solution by studying the reaction at high carbon monoxide pressure was f,rustratedby a drop in the prodtrct balance; further studieshave not been carried out" T'ire most important mechanistic question still unresolved concerning this reaction is the rmportance of benzoyllithiurn in these transformations" Quaiitative correiatron of' the reactivill, toward carbon rnonoxide cri a nrrm"ner of" cirganolithium reagents with theii basicitv is comoatible with, but does not demand, producti on oi transi t.ory acyl l i thi um compounds as t he first intermediatein these reactions; the ptrausibilityot thesemateriaisas intermediatesis increasedby previous work in which thelr have also been implicate6[.e1'2'i Nonetheless. tirere is no unambiguous methocl of' distinguishing between,e.9., conversion o'i monomenc phenyllithiurn to dilithium benzophenonedianion L8 b-v wav of benzovllithium and conversion of dimeric phenvllithium to 18 by a concertedinsertion of carbon monoxide into ari aggregate; similarly, there is presently no way of deciding whether or not t.ransformationsof 18 to 22 or l7 involve benzoyllithium. In a more generalvern"the reaction of organic anions with carbon rnonoxidewould seemto hold promlse as a method of generatrnga. number of unusual types of organic anions--especialiydilittrium dianions of symmetrical ketones and possibly acyllithium reagentsprovided that ways can be devised to inhibit the condensation reactions that lead to formation of the mechanistically significant but synthetically unappealing types of products encounteredin thesestudies. Ph Experimental Section reagents GeneralMethods. Reactionsinvolvingorganometallic of for manipulation werecarriedout usingstandardtechniques Melting points were oxygen and water-sensitive capillarymeltingpoint apusinga Ttromas-Hoover determined O OH 8 concerningthe derivation of certain of the minor products and the structures of undetected intermediates between establishedstructures. The complexity of this mechanism, and of the resulting product mixtures, suggeststhat many of the various intermediates formed during the course of the reaction take part in further reactions with carbon monoxide paratus and are uncorrected. Boiling points are uncorrected. Nmr spectra were run on Varian 4-60 or Varian T-60 spectrometers; chemical shifts are reported in pnm downfield from TMS and coupling constants in Hz. Infrared spectra were taken in sodium chloride cells using a Perkin-Elmer Model 2378 grating spectrophotometer" Llitraviolet spectra were determrned on a Cary 14 ( 5 6 ) D . F . S h r i v e r ," T h e M a n i p u l a t i o n o f A i r - s e n s i t i v eC o m p o u n d s , " M c G r a w - H i l l , N e w Y o r k , N . Y . , 1 9 6 9 ,C h a p t e r 7 . Whitesides, et al. f Mechanism of Reaction of Carbon Monoxide with Phenyllithium 8128 spectrophotometer. Mass spectrawere determinedon a HitachiPerkin-ElmerRMU-6f) or RMU-6E mass spectrometer. Glpc analyses were performed on F & M Model gl0 instruments ecluippedwith flameionizationdetectorsand Disc integrators. Analyticalthin-layerchromatography(tlc) wasperlbrmedusingBaker_ flex preparedanalyticalplatescoatedwith silicagel I B-F or 2B-F. Preparativetlc plates were either Analtech plates precoated with silicagel GF or home-madeplatescoatedwith Merci<silica gel pF254. Diethyl erherwas distilledfrom lithium aluminum hydrideor calcium hydride under a nitrogen atmosphereimmediateiybefore t-rse; 1,2-dimethoxyethane (DME), tetrahydrofuran (THF), and benzenewere purified by distillation under nitrogen from dark purple solutions or suspensionsof disodium benzophenonedianion. Hexanewastreatedwith concentratedsuifuricicid, washed with water, dried (caclz), and distilled from a suspensionof disodium benzophenone dianion under nitrogen. carbon monoxide (c. P., Matheson)wasroutinelypassedthrougha columnof calcium sulfate before use. However, no significantchangesin product yields were observedusing carbon monoxide pass.d over calcium sulfate,passedthrough a solution of disodium benzophenonedianion in DME, or taken directly from the cylinder without treatment. Glpc analysesfor compoundst and2 werecarriedout using an 8-ft column packedwith 5% DEGs on chromosorb w or a 2-f7 column packedwith 5 "fl Carbowax20M on gG-100meshchromosorb P using ,-alkanes as internal standards. Analysesof 3, 4, and 5 were carriedout using a 2-ft column packed wiin s7 sE-30 on 80-100meshchromosorb P usingeicosaneas an internal standard. Analysesfor 10, ll,2s, and26 werecarriedout with eithera 4-ft or 8-ft columnpackedwith 3 %ov-17 on g0-100meshchromosorb Q using dotriacontaneas an internal standard. Benzhydrol was analyzed on a 4-ft, 5/. carbowax 20M on chromosorb w column usingoctacosaneas internal standard. phenyllithiumwas preparedusingstandardprocedures;z-butyllithiumin hexanewas purchased from the Foote Mineral corp. concentrations of organolithium reagentswere determineduiing a double titration method.s? organolithium reagentsolutionswere discardedwhen the concentrationof residualbasein theseanalysesexceeded10% of that organolithium reagent; however,residual base titer had no obvious influence on product distributions. Microanalyses wereperformedby Midwest Microlabs,Inc. a,a-Diphenyl-a-hydroxyacetophenone (4), preparedin lg ii yield accordingto the procedureof Greeneand Zook, had mp g4-g5. [it.5amp 84.5-85']. a-Hydroxyacetophenone (6), preparedin 30il yield by the pro_ cedureof Tsuji,sehad mp 84-85.. 1,3,3-Triphenyl-1-propene(16). Benzyltriphenylphosphonium chloride (4.3 g, 15 mmol) in 50 ml of ether was added fo a dry, 200-ml, three-neckedflask equippedwith a condenser,dropping funnel, and nitrogen inlet tube. ,-Butyllithium (10 ml, t.S l,r, t5 mmol) was addedslowly to the vigorouslystirredsolution and the resultingorangemixture was allowed to stir at 25ofor 3 hr. To this solutionwasadded3.8g (20 mmol) of a,a-diphenylacetaldehyde in ether. The resultingmixture was allowed to reflux overnight, yieldingan almostcolorlesssolutionand a white precipitate. The mixture was hydrolyzedand the white precipitate*u, i.pu.uted by filtration and washedwith ether. The combinedether layer was concentratedand passedthrough a silicagel G column (2 X g cm) eluting with Z:1 hexane:methylene chlorideto yield 0.g e Gg%) of 1,3,3-triphenyl-1-propene as a white crystallini solid haiing mp 93.5_-95.5' [it.oo mp gg-gg.]: ir (cHCl,) :050, 2870,1600,1450, 970 (trans olefin) cm-'; nmr (CDC!) 6 7.2-7.4 (m, l5), 6.4_6.g ( m , 2 ) , a n d 4 . 9( d , 1 . J : 7 H z \ . e (7) was prepared in lorv , 1,3,3-Triphenyl-1,2-propanedion yield by the procedureof Sharpless,et ctl.;30O.OO g (2.44 mmol) of I,3,3-tripher-ryl-I-propene in 10ml of DME wasaddedslowlyto a stirringsolutionof 1.58g (9.76mmol) of potassiumpermanganare in l5 ml of 99.91[aceria c n h y d r i d ek, e p t a t 0 ' b y i m m e r s i o nr n a n ice bath. The solutionwasallowedto stir at 0'ior 1.5hr and was then hydrolyzed and titrated witrr a saturated sodium bisulfite solutionto destroyexcesspermanganate. Etherwasaddedancithe solutionwas washedwith crz.l0 volumesof water,and three20-ml portions of 10"1potassiumhydroxide. The ether was dried (MgSOo)and concentratedto yield a yellow oil. Isolationof the vellow ( 5 7 ) G . M . W h i t e s i d e s ,C . p . C a s e y , a n c l J . I ( . I ( r i e g e r , J. Amer. Chem.Soc.,93, l31.g(l9i.l), end referenlescited therein. ( 5 8 ) J . L . G r e e n ea n d H . D . Z o o k , i b i d . , g O , 3 6 2(91 9 5 g ) . ( 5 9 ) T . T s u j i , T e t r a h e d r o nL e t t . , 2 4 1 3 ( 1 9 6 6 ) . ( 6 0 ) J . H . B u r c k h a l t e r z r n dS . F L J o h n s o n ,J r . , . 1 .A m e r . Chent. Soc., 7 3 , 4 8 3 0( 1 9 5 1 ). componentusing preparativetlc coated with 2 mm of silica gel pF254,using 2 : I methylenechloride : benzeneas an eluent afforded the desiredproduct as an oil: ir (CHCIB)3030,2900,1715,1670, 1600, 1500.1450,1100cm-r; nmr (CDCla)6 7.1-8.0(m, l5), 6.0 (s, 1)j massspectrum(70 eV) (rel intensity)300 (6.4, M+). 167 (36), 105 (100),77 G7); calcdmol wt for CzrHroOz 300.1150, founcl300.1149. Hydrolysis of 17 afforded 7 in better yield. A 50-ml roundbottomed flask equippedwith a Teflon-coatedmagneticstirring bar and No-Air stopperwas chargedwith 0.77 g (5.5 mmol) of 2,i,6,6_ tetramethylpiperidine and l5 ml of THF. The flaskwassweptwith nitrogenand cooledto 0". Methyllithium (2.2 ml of a 2.4 N ether solution, 5.2 mmol) was added to the solution by syringe. The reaction mixture was stirredfor 10 min, and a solution of 1.5g of 14 (5 mmol) in 25 ml of THF was acidedby cannula. The reiulting deep red solution was stirred at 0o for 30 min and l0 ml of i saturatedaqueoussolution of ammonium chloride was added by syringe. After the reaction mixture had stirred for l0 min. an additional 20 ml of water was added and stirring was continuedfor an additional20 min. The layerswereseparated,the aqueouslayer was extractedwith 30 ml of ether, and the organic layerswere combined, dried (NasSon),and concentratedby rotary evaporation. The orangeoil remainingwas distilledthrough a short-paihstill to yield I .I e Q.l mmol, 737i.)of I as a yellow oil, bp I 55. a0.l5 Torr). The most convenientprocedurefor the preparation of 7 involved hydrolysisof 11, isolatedfrom an aceticanhydridequenchof the low temperaturereactionof phenyllithiumwith carbon monoxide. Typically,a solution of 1.5g(4.4 mmol) of ll in 50 ml of methanol was treated with 0.5 ml of concentratedhydrochloric acid. The solutionwas allowedto reflux for 4 hr and was then saturatedwith sodium chloride. The organicproductswere extractedwith three 30-ml portions of ether. The combinedether phasewas washed with aqueoussodium bicarbonatesolution, witer, and aqueous sodium chloride solurion,dried (MgSoq),and concentratedto give g of a crude yellow oil. Compound 7 was isolatedtn AO% 1:3_3 yield from this oil by preparativetlc. 1,1,2-Triphenylethane-1,2-diol. a,a-Diphenyl-a-hydroxyaceto_ phenone(0.28g,0.97mmol) in 3 ml of ethyletherwasaddedslowly with stirringto lithium aluminumhydride(0.138g, 3.65mmol) in l5 ml of ethyl ether under nitrogen at room temperature. After 15 min, the reactionwas quenchedby the slow addition of ethyl acetate. Severalmilliliters of ethyl ether was added, followed by severalmilliliters of water. The organic layer was separatedand dried (Na2SO,). The solventwas removed,leavinga solid which was recrystallizedfrom absoluteethanol giving 0.20 g (72%) of 1,1,2-triphenylethane-1,2-diol, having mp 165-166. [lit.or mp 16 8 ' 1 . 1,2,2-Triphenyl-1-acetoxyethylene (10) was prepared from 2 by the methodof Houseand Trost62 in 65ft yield or in 52f yield by a procedureanalogousto that describedfor 2s (except that LiTMp was used in place of lithium diisopropylamide): mp 104-105.: nmr (CClr) 6 7,2 (m, 15), and 1.85 (s, 3); ir (CCl.r)3030,2915, 1760, 7600,1500, I 440, 1360,1205,1I 70, 1050, 1020,7 30,6g0cm- r ; massspectrum(70 ey) mle (rel intensity) 314 (16, M+), 273 (22), 272 (r0O),l6s (34), 105(29). Anal. Calcd lbr CszHraOz:C, 84.05: H, 5.77. Found: C. 8 3 . 7 8 :H . 5 . 9 3 . 1,1,3-Triphenyl-2-acetoxy-prop-2-en-3-one (11) was isolated as the major product on quenchingthe mixture obtainedby reaction betweenphenyllithiumand carbon monoxide at -70o with acetic anhydride. An ether solution of 30 ml of phenyllithium(0.g05N, 25 mmol) was allowed to stir under an atmosphereof carbon monoxideat -70" until reactionwas complete. Freshlydistilled acetic anhydride(10.2 g, 100 mmol) was added by syringeto the vigoror,rslystirring solution. The solvent was removed in uacuo (1.0Torr) leavinga white solid which wasfilteredand recrystallized from ethanolto give 1.34g(4877 of a whitecrystallinesolid,1,3,3triphenyl-2-acetoxy-2-propen-l-one (fl): mp 140.5-142"; ir (CHCIB)3025,3010, 1755,1655m, 1600,1575,1500,1450,1375, 1 3 3 0 ,1 2 7 0 1 , 1 8 0 1, 1 5 0 1 , 0 2 0 , 9 8 0 , 9 5 0 , 8 8c 0m - r ; n m r ( C D C I 3 6) 7.0-7.95(m, 15),and2.l (s,3). Arrul. Calcd for CzrHrgOa: C. 80.68; H. 5.30. Found: C, 8 O . 4 2H : .5.44. This materialwas also synthesizedby a route analogousto that describedfor 26. N-(1-Phenylethylidene)cyclohexylamine (12) was preparedby the ( 6 1 ; g . A . G u t h r i e ,E . Y . S p e n c e r , a n d G . F . W r i g h t , C a n . J . C h e m . , 35,873(1957). (62) H. O. Houseand B. M. Trost, J. 0rg. Chem.,30, 1341 2502 , ( 1e 6 5 ) . Journal of rhe American Chernical Society I 95:24 Nouember 2g. Ig73 I 8129 method of Norton.63 Acetophenone(18 g, 0.15 mol). 17.4 ml of (15 g, 0.15mol), and l0 ml oi benzenewere placed cyclohexylamine in a 50-ml round-bottomed flask equippedwith a Dean-Starktrap, reflux condenser,Teflon-coatedmagneticstirring bar, and outlet to a bubbler. The apparatuswas swept with nitrogen and the reaction mixture refluxed for 16 hr with continuousremoval of water and then concentratedat 12 Torr to remove all material boiling below 98'. The pot residuewas distilledtrap-to-trapat I Torr to yield 18 g of a clearliquid (90 mmol, 67%): nmr (CCl,')6 1.57(b' l0), 1.87(s, 3), 3.47(b, l),7.30-7.67(m, 5). This materialwasnot purified further. (13) was preparedby a procedure 1,3,3-Triphenylprop-2-en-1-one analogousto that describedbelow for 1-phenyl-3'3-di(lerl-butvlp h e n y l ) p r o p - 2 - e n - 1 - o nm e :p 8 4 - 8 5 ' [ l i t . 0 a m p 8 G 8 7 " ] ; n m r ( C D C l a )6 7 . 1 3( s , l ) , 7 . 2 7 - 8 . 0(0m . 1 5 ) . oxide (14) was preparedusingthe 1,1-Diphenyl-2-benzoylethylene nmr procedureof House:6t mp I l5-119' [lit.esmp 123.5-124.5'], ( C D C h )6 4 . 7 0( s , 1 ) . 7 . 2 3 - 8 . 0(0m , l 5 ) . l-Bromo-4- tert-butylbenzene.In a 500-ml, three-necked.round bottomedflaskequippedwith a Teflon-coatedmagneticstirring bar, a refluxcondenser,addition funnel,and a gasoutlet tube connected (0.75mol). The to a bubblerwas placed100C of lert-butylbenzene addition funnel was chargedwith 38.5ml of bromine (120 g' 0'75 mol). and the brominewasaddedto the stirredreactionmixtureat a fairly rapid rate" Evolution of hydrogen bromide proceededfor ca.2hr. at which time the reactionmixturewas irradiatedwith a flood lamp and was stirred for an additional 48 hr. The red reaction mixture was washedwith 100 ml of 10f aqueoussodium bisulfitesolution, 100ml of water, 100ml of l0i4 aqueoussodiumbicarbonatesolution.and an additional100ml of water. The cloudy yellow organicliquid was dissolvedin 300 ml of ether, dried (MgSOr),and concentratedand the resultingiiquid distilledat aspirator vacuum to yield 90 g of product (0"42 mol, 56",;): bp 108" (14 (q.4i. Torr), lit.66bp 230o,nmr (CClr)6 1.42(s,9), 7.0-1 (23). The procedureusedfor the 4,4'-Di-tert-butylbenzophenone preparationof 23 was modeledon that describedb1' Jorgenson.6T ln a flame-dried. 500-ml. three-necked,round-bottomed flask magneticsttrring bar, a rellux conequippedwith a Teflon-coateci denser,an addition funnel,and No-Air stopperswas placedI '5 g of freshl.v iithium hydride (0.19 mol) and 50 ml of dimethoxyethane, distilled from sodium benzophenoneketyl. The reaction vessel wassweptwith nitrogen,and a solutionof 20 g of 4'tert-bstylbenzoic was acid (0.11 mol) in 80 ml of freshly distilled dimethoxyethane added through the addition funnel. After addition was complete, the reaction mixture was refluxedfor 6 hr, then cooled. To the cooled (0") slurry of lithium carboxylatewas added slowly by in cannula 110 ml of a 1.14N solutionof 4-tert-butylphenyllithium usingunether,in turn preparedfrom 1-bromo'4-tert-butylbenzene exceptionalprocedures. Most of the solid materiaipresentin the reactionmixture dissolvedin the courseof the addition. After all the lithium reagent had been added. the reaction mixture was stirred for I hr at room temperature,and was then quenchedby transferringthe solution lry cannulato a well-stirredsolution of ice water (500 ml) in a 1-1.erlenmeyerflask. The organic layer was separated,washed with two 100-ml portions of I A sodium and concentratedon a rotary hydroxide solution, dried (MgSO-a), evaporator to yield a white crystallinesolid. which on recrystallization from hexane gave 26.Ag of 23 (0.88 mol, 79o,,;)t mp 1321 3 3 ' ; n m r ( C C l o )6 1 . 3 7( s . l 8 ) , 7 . 4 3( q , 8 ) ; i r ( C C l 4 )1 6 7 5c m - t (C:O). Anal.. Calcd for 85.44; H, 8.92. Benzylmagnesiumchloride was prepared using a modified version of the procedure described by Adkins and Zartman.6s In a 250-ml, three-necked, round-bottomed flask equipped with a Teflon-coated , magnetic stirring bar, reflux condenser, and No-Air stoppers was placed 2.0 g of magnesium turnings and 100 ml of freshly distilled ether. Benzyl chloride (10 g,79 mmol) was added to the wellstirred mixture by syringe; the benzyl chloride was added in I ml portions at the beginning of the reaction; once the reaction had ( 6 3 ) D . G . N o r t o n , e t q l . ,J . O r g . C h e m .1 9 ' 1 0 5 4( 1 9 5 4 ) . ( 6 4 ) P . L . S o u t h w i c k , L . A . P u r s g l o v e ,a n d P . N u m e r o f , J . A n t e r . C h e m .S o c . ,7 2 , 1 6 0 0( 1 9 5 0 ) . ( 6 5 ) H . O . H o u s ea n d D . J . R e i f , i b i d . , 7 7 , 6 5 2 5( 1 9 5 5 ) . (66) C. S. Marvel, M. B. Mueller, C. M. Himel, and J. F. I(aplan, ibid.,6l,277t (1939). ( 6 7 ) M . J . J o r g e n s o nO , 8 ,I ( 1 9 7 0 ) . , r g .R e a c t . 1 (68) H. Adkins and W. Zartman, "Organic Syntheses,"Collcct. Vol, I I , W i l e y , N e w Y o r k , N . Y . , 1 9 4 3 , p6 A 6 . initiated, it was added at such a rate that refluxing was maintained at a steadylevel. The pale green solution was stirred 1 additional hr and then transferredby cannula to a flame-dried storageflask. as an indicaTitration against2-butanol,using 1.10-phenanthroline tor,6eyieldeda valueof 0.67 M for the 105ml of benzylmagnesium chloride solution (ca. 89%). (31) was synthesized l,l-Di($-t e rr-butylphenyl)-2-phenylethanol by a procedureanalogousto that describedby Adkins and Zartchloman.6E To a solutionof 105ml of C.67M benzylmagnesium round-bottomed ride in ether (70 mmol) in a 250-ml.three-necked. flask equippedwith a Teffon-coatedmagneticstirring bar, a reflux condenser,and No-Air stopperswas addedby cannulaa solutionof 20.6e of 23 (70 mmol) in 100 ml of ether. Each drop of ketone turned a deeppurple as it struck the solution of Grignard reagent, the color faded with stirring. After addition was complete.the reaction mixture was stirred for an additional 0.5 hr. The solution was transferredby cannula to 50 ml of stirred ice water. To the resulting slurry was added 35 ml of cold 2O'l sulfuric acid. The organiclayer was separated.the aqueouslayer extractedwith two 50-ml portions of ether, and the organic layers combined, dried (MgSOr), and concentratedto yield 25.5 e O4%) of crude 3l: mp 109-ll0' after recrystallizationfrom hexane; nmr (CCl4) 6 1. 2 3( s ,1 8 ) ,1 . 9 3( s .2 ) ,3 . 4 0( s , 1 ) ,6 . 7 2 - 7. O Z( m , 5 ) ,7 . 1 7( s ' 8 ) . Anal. Calcd for CzrHarO: C, 87.04; H, 8.80. Found: C, 8 6 . 9 8 ;H , 9 . 0 6 . (32) was prepared by l,l -Di(4-t e rr-butyI phenyl)-2-phenylethylene thionyl chloride-pyridinedehydration of 31 according to a proceduremodeled on that of Newman.?o In a 250-ml erlenmeyer flask equipped with a Teflon-coatedmagnetic stirring bar was placed25.5g (66 mmol) of crude31 and 150ml of pyridine.freshlv distilledfrom barium oxide. The reactionmixture was sweptwith rritrogen,and the ffaskcappedwith a No-Air stopperand cooledin an ice bath. Thionyl chloride(10 g, 80 mmol) was addedslowly to the stirreclmtxture lry syringe. The mixture was stirred for 1 hr, poured into 400 ml of water. and extractedwith three 50-ml portlonso! ether. The combirredetherextractswerewashedwith three50-ml portionsol' 10"; aqueoushydrochloricacid and three 50-mlportionsof water. The organicmaterialwasdried(MgSOr) 20.5g (849il of crude32 as a paleyellow to 1uig16 and concentrated from hexaneyieldedlargewhite crystals: solid. Recrystallizatton r n p7 8 - 8 1 ' ; n m r ( C C i i )6 1 . 2 1( s .9 ) . 6 . 7 2 - 7 . 2( r3n .l 4 ) . Anal. Calcd for CzsH:r:l C. 91.30; H, 8.69. Found: Cl. 91.14 H, 8.76. I -ol (3f i. 1- Phenyl-2,2- di(d-t ert -butylphenyl)-2-acetoxyethan(irude 32 (20.5 g. 56 mmol), 125 ml of chloroform,and 0.5 g of sodium acetatetrihydratewere placedin a 250-mlerlenmeyerflask with a Teflon-coatedmagnetic stirring bar. The mixture was cooledin an ice bath.stirred.and 7.4 ml of 10il peraceticacid (56 rnmol) was added" The rce bath was removed after t hr: the mixture was stirred for 60 hr, poured into 200 ml of ice water"and extractedwith two 50-ml portions of chloroform' The combined organic layers were washedwith 50 ml of 1073aqueoussodium carbonateand two 50-ml portions of water. The organicsolution to yielda gumm)'whitesolid. wasdried(MgSOr)and concentrated of 33: mp 203from hexaneyielded12.2g (4972,'S Recrystallization 2 0 - 5 ' ; n m r ( C C l r ) 3 1 . 2 3( s . 9 ) , i . 3 5 ( s , 9 ) . 2 . 4 8 ( s , l ) , 7 . 0 0( s ' 8 ) ' 7 . 3 3( s , 5 ) t i r ( C C l i ) 1 7 5 5c m - r ( C : O ) . T h i s s u b s t a n cwe a su s e d without further purificationin the followingstep. (34). A solutionof 10.2g a,orDi(4-tert-butylphenyl)acetophenone was placed in a of 33 in 50 ml of dry hexamethylphosphoramide 100-mlround-bottomedflask equippedwith a Teflon-coatedmagnettc stirring bar and reflux condenserwith an outlet to a nitrogen bubbier. The mixture was flushedwith nitrogen,then stirred and heatedat 210' for 3 hr. The deep red solution was cooled and poured into 400 ml of stirred ice water. The yellow solid whichr precipitatedwas isolatedby suctionfiltration' This solid was dissolvedin 200 ml of chloroform; the chloroformextractedoncewith 100ml of water, dried (MgSOr),and concentratedto yield a yellow solid, which on recrystallizationfrom hexaneyielded6.6 e Qa%) o f 3 4 a s w h i t e n e e d l e s : m p 1 5 3 - . 1 5 4 ' n; m r ( C C l 4 )6 1 . 2 3( s , 1 8 ) , (Q:Q). (m, I 3); ir (CClr)1700srn-1 5.77(s,l ), 6.90-8.01 Anal. Calcd for CrsHnO: C. 87.50; H, 8.33' Found: C, 8 7. 2 1 ; H " 8 . 4 6 . 1-Acetoxy- I -phenyl-2,2- di(4-t er t -butylphenyl)ethvlene (25). (1.2 ml,0.8 g, 8 mmol) and 20 Freshlydistilleddiisopropylamine ( 6 9 ) S . C . W a t s o n a n d J . F . E a s t h a m , J .O r g a n o m e t c tCl 'h e m . , 9 ,1 6 5 (1967). ( 7 0 ) M . S . N e w m a r r ,A . A r k e l l , a n d T . F u k u n a g a , J ' A n t e r ' C h e m . 9 o c . , 8 2 , 2 4 9 8( 1 9 6 0 ) . Whitesides,et al. I Mechanism o.l'Reaction of Carbon Monoxide with Phenyllithium 8130 ml of ether were placedin a flame-dried,125-ml,round-bottomed flask equipped with a Teflon-coatedmagnetic stirring bar and No-Air stopper. The flask was sweptwith nitrogenand cooledin an ice bath and 5.0 ml of a 1.6M solutionof methyllithiumin ether was added by syringe. The mixture was stirred for 10 min, and a suspension of 3.1 I (8 mmol) of 34 in 50 ml of ether was addedby cannula. The solutionturned a deepyellow,and stirring was continued for l0 min. The resultingenolate solution was added by cannulato a stirred solution of 5 ml of freshly distilledaceticanhydridein 100 ml of ether in 250-ml,round-bottomedflask. This solution was treatedwith 100 ml of saturatedaqueoussodium bicarbonate. The organiclayer was separated,dried (MgSOr), and concentratedto yield a yellow oil which solidifiedon standingovernight. This materialwastakenup in hot hexaneand recrystallized. Unreacted ketone precipitatedfirst; crystallizationof the concentratedmother liquor yielded L0 g (28%) of 25: mp 144-146"; n m r ( C C l r ) 6 1 . 2 3( s , 9 ) , 1 . 3 3( s , 9 ) , 1 . 8 0( s , 3 ) , 6 . 8 7 - 7 . 2 (3m , 1 3 ) ; ir (CClq) 1745cm-t (C:O). Anal. Calcd for CsoHsaOr:C, 84.50; H, 7.98. Found: C, 84.25; H, 8.28. N-(1-Phenyl-3,3-di(4-terr-butylphenyl)-3-hydroxy)propylidenecyclohexylamine(35) was synthesizedby a directedAldol condensation using a proceduresimilar to those describedby Wittig and f{s55s.2e'7tFreshly distilled diisopropylamine(5.05 g, 50 mmol) and 40 ml of freshlydistilledTHF wereplacedin a flame-dried,300ml, round-bottomedflask equippedwith a Teffon-coatedmagnetic stirring bar and No-Air stopper. The reaction vesselwas flushed with nitrogen and cooled to 0o, and 30 ml of a 1.6 M solution of methyllithium in ether was added by cannula. Evolution of methanewas evidentduring the addition. The mixture was stirred for 10 min, and a solutionof 10 g (50 mmol) of 12 in 80 ml of THF was added by cannula. This yellow solution was stirred at 0" for l0 min, cooledto -78o, and a solutionof 15.1g (50 mmol) of 23 in 80 ml of THF was added by cannula to the stirred solution. After addition wascomplete,the coolingbath wasremovedand the mixture was allowed to stand for 20 hr; it was then cooled to 0" and treated with 100 ml of water. Stirring was continued at 0o for 0.5 hr. The cold mixture was filtered to yield the ketimine 35 asa white solid. The filtratewasdilutedwith 50 ml of etherand the organiclayer was separated,dried (MgSOr), and concentratedby rotary evaporation to yield additional product. The combined crude product was usedwithout further purificationor analysisin conversionto 36. l,l-Di(4-terr-butylphenyl)-3-phenylprop-1-en-3-one(36). The hydrolysisof the crude ketimine 35 was carried out by a method analogou.s to that of Reiff.2e In a 500-ml, round-bottomedflask equipped with a reflux condenser and Teflon-coated magnetic stirring bar was placed the total quantity of crude ketimine described above and 250 ml of 2 N sulfuric acid. This mixture was heatedat reflux temperaturefor 2 hr. The cooled reaction mixture was extractedwith two 100-mlportions of ether. The ether extracts were combined,dried (MgSOe),and concentratedto yield a yellow oil. Analysis of this yellow oil by nmr and tlc indicated that it was a mixture of a,B-unsaturatedketone and p-hydroxy ketone. This crude oil was then dissolvedin 150ml of ethanoland treatedwith 15 ml of concentratedhydrochloricacid at reffux for 4 hr. The reactionmixturewascooledand extractedwith two 100ml portions of methylenechloride. The organic portions were combined,washedwith 100 ml of saturatedaqueoussodium bicarbonate,100 ml of water, dried (MgSOa),and concentratedto yield a yellow solid. Recrystallizationfrom ethanol afforded 5.4 g (28%) of product. Treatmentof the mother liquors with additional hydrochloric acid, followed by further recrystallization, yieldedan additional 3.6 g of product; the total yield of 36 was 9.0 e g 6 % ) : m p 1 0 4 - 1 0 6 on; m r ( C C l +d) 1 . 3 0( s , 9 ) ,1 . 3 7( s , 9 ) ,7 . 0 3 ) 6 7 0c m - 1( C - O ) . 7 . 8 7( m , 1 4 ) ; i r ( C C l 1 1 Anal. Calcd for CzsHezO:C, 87.87; H, 8.08. Found: C, 8 7 . 9 8 :H . 8 . 2 2 . l,l-Di(4-terr-butylphenyl)-2-benzoylethylene oxide (37) was prepared by epoxidationof 36 by a proceduremodeled on that describedby Houseand Reif.65 In a l-1.erlenmeyerffaskequipped with a Teflon-coatedmagneticstirring bar was placed 3.96 g (10 mmol) of a,B-unsaturated ketone36 in 300ml of absolutemethanol and 50 ml of methylenechloride. To the stirredsolutionwasadded 6 ml of 6 iV aqueoussodium hydroxideand 12 ml of 30f hydrogen peroxide. This mixture was stirred for 36 hr; additional 9-ml portionsof 30'/" hydrogenperoxidewereaddedat 6, 10,and 24 hr. After 36 hr, the reactionmixturewasfilteredto yield 3.5g of a white ( 7 1 ) G . W i t t i g a n d A . H e s s eO , r g . 5 y n . , 5 0 , 6 6( 1 9 7 0 ) . solid. The filtrate was treatedwith an additional 9 ml of hydrogen peroxide,stirred another 12 hr, treated once again with 9 ml of hydrogenperoxide,stirred a final 12hr, and then filtered to yield an additional0.8 g of white solid. The solid materialwas combined and treated with 100 ml of ether. The insoluble solid remaining was removed by suction filtration; the filtrate was concentratedby rotary evaporationto yield 2.32 g (5671 of 37: mp 149-151'; ) 1 . 2 7( s , 9 ) ,1 . 3 5( s ,9 ) , 4 . 3 5( s , 1 ) , 7 . 3 0( m , 1 3 ) ; i r ( C C l q ) n m r ( C C l . r6 1700cm_r (C:O). Anal. Calcd for CrsHezOz:C,81.46; H,7.76. Found: C, 8 4 . 3 9 :H . 7 . 9 0 . phenylprop-1-en-3-one l,l-Di(4- t erl-butylphenyl)-2-acetoxy-3(26). Freshly distilledTHF (20 ml) and 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine (0.,12g, 3 mmol) were placedin a flame-dried100-ml,roundbottomedflask equippedwith a Teflon-coatedmagneticstirring bar and No-Air stopper. This mixture was swept with nitrogen and cooledto 0". A solution of methyllithiumin ether (1.8 ml of a 1.6 M solution)was addedby syringeto the stirred mixture. Stirring was continuedfor 5 min, and'a solutionof 1.05g of the substitutedethyleneoxide preparedin the precedingstep in 20 ml of THF was added by cannula. The deepred reaction mixture was stirred for I hr at 0" and t hr at 25o and was then quenchedby addition to a stirred solution of l0 ml of aceticanhydridein 75 ml of ether. The resulting suspensionwas treated with 100 ml of saturatedaqueoussodium bicarbonatesolution and the organic layer was separated,dried (MgSOn),and concentratedto give an orangeoil. This oil was distilledtrap-to-trapat I Torr to remove the last tracesof aceticanhydrideand 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine. The orange solid remaining was recrystallizedfrom ethanol to yield 0.75 8((571 of 26: mp 168-169o;nmr (CCl4)6 1.13(s, 9), 1 . 3 8( s ,9 ) , 2 . 1 3( s ,3 ) ,6 . 8 7( m , 1 3 ) ; i r ( C C l r )1 7 6 0a n d 1 6 7 5c m - r . Anal. Calcdfor CnHarOa: C, 81.93; H,7.49. Found: C, 8 1 . 8 9 ;H , 7 . 6 2 . (9.7 g, 50 a,a-Diphenyl-p-ethylacetophenone. DiphenylketeneT2 mmol) in 30 ml of ethyl ether was added slowly to a solution of p-ethylphenyllithium(75.0 mmol) in 120 ml of ether at room temperaturewith vigorousstirring. After the addition was complete, the reaction mixture was held at reflux temperaturefor 30 min, cooledto 0 o,and hydrolyzedwith 20 ml of a saturatedaqueoussolution of ammonium chloride. Water (30 ml) was added and the ether layer was separated. The aqueouslayer was extractedwith two 100-ml portions of ether. The etherealportions were combined, washedwith water, and dried (CaClz). The ether was removed, leaving a solid which was dissolvedin absoluteethanol, treatedwith decolorizingcharcoal,and recrystallizedto give 1.57g (10.5%) of white crystals: mp 102-103"; ir (CClr) 1690cm-r (C:O); nmr (CCln)6 7.17(m,14, aryl-H),5.88(s, 1, CH), 2.50(q, 2 , J : 8 H z , C H z ) ,a n d l . 2 2 ( t , 3 , J : 8 H z , C H s ) . Anal. Calcd for CzzHroO:C, 87.96; H, 6.71. Found: C, 8 7 . 9 1 ;H , 6 . 7 4 . (38). To a solution 3,3-Dimethyl-1-phenyl-2-hydroxy-1-butanone of 3 g (15 mmol) of 2-phenyl-1,3-dithiacyclohexane in 100ml of dry tetrahydrofuran cooledto -60" wasslowlyaddedl0 ml (15 mmol, 1.5N) of n-butyllithiumby syringe.TaTbe solution was allowedto stir at -60" for I hr; then 1.6 g(17.5 mmol) of 2,2-dimethylpropanal was slowly added and the solution was allowed to warm to -28" over a 4-hr period. The solution was hydrolyzedand the organic layer was separatedand washed with aqueous sodium chloride solution,dried (NarSO,r),and concentratedto give 3.5g of a mixture of the startingthioketal and anothercompound. Without further purification,the 3.5g of white solid was addedto a 500flaskcontaining200 ml of 9:1 methanol:water ml, round-bottomed and 3.24g (15 mmcl) of mercuricoxide. The mixture was heated to reflux undernitrogen; then 8.13g (30 mmol) of mercuricchloride in 40 ml of the samesolventwas added. The mixture was allowed to reflux under nitrogen for 4 hr. The resultingwhite precipitate was separatedby filtration and washedwith three50-ml portionsof methylenechloride. The filtrate was diluted with an equal volume of water and extracted with three 50-ml portions of methylene chloride. The combinedmethylenechloridephasewaswashedwith water, aqueousammoniumacetate,and water,dried (MgSO.r),and concentratedto give an cil which was a mixture of benzaldehyde and anothercompound. The oil in ca. 100 ml of methylenechloride and a few drops of absoluteethanolwas allowed to stir overnight with 3.5 g of pulverizedcalcium chloride.TaThe calcium ( 7 2 ) U . S t a u d i n g e rC, h e m B . e r . , 4 4 , 1 6 1(91 9 1 1 ) . ( 7 3 ) D . S e c b a c h ,S y r t t h e s i s1, 7 ( 1 9 6 9 ) . ( 7 4 ) I s o l a t i o n o f 3 7 b y a d s o r p t i o no n c a l c i u m c h l o r i d c w a s s u g g e s t e d t o u s b y P r o f e s s o rB a r r y S h a r p l e s s . Journal oJ'the American Chemical Society I 95:24 I Nouentber 28, 1973 8 13 1 0.313on silicagel 2B-F analyticalplatesusing4:1 methylenechlochloride was separatedby filtration and washedwith small portions ride:etheras eluent. This compound(6), identifiedas a-hydroxyof methylenechloride and then was added to a mixture of 100 ml was isolated from a 2O X 20-cm preparative tlc acetophenone,se of water and 100ml of benzene. The benzenelayer was separated, plate coated with 2 mm of silica gel PF-254using 2: I methylene washedwith aqueoussodium chloride, dried (MgSOo),and concentratedto give0.9 g (lZ %) of 3,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-2-hydroxy-1- chloride:ethereluent, as a white crystalline solid: mp 84-85''; from the mmp 84-85". The ir spectrumof 6 is indistinguishable butanone: mp 33-33.5'; ir (CClr) 3500,1570,1600'cm-r; nmr publishedir spectrumof a-hydroxyacetophenone'76 ( C C l n )6 7 . 2 5 - 7 .(9m , 5 ) , 4 . 6 8( d , l , . I : 8 H z ) , 3 . 3( d , l , J : 8 H z ) " A secondcomponent appearedas a yellow spot having Rr 0.79 0.85(s, 9). on analytical tlc silica gel 2B-F plates using methylenechloride: Ana!" Calcd for CrzHreOz: benzenein the ratio of 4: i as an eluent. To isolatethis substance. 74.97:'H, 8.40. which was a minor product, an aliquot of the reaction mixture was To a solution of 0.558 1-Phenyl-3,3-dimethyl-1,2-butanedione. leavinga residsublimed(70', 0.05Torr) to removebenzophenone, g (3.14 mmol) of l/-bromosuccinimidein 60 ml of 90f aqueous acetonewas added 100 mg (0.522mmol) of 1-phenyl-3,3-dimethyl- ual yellow oil, enrichedwith this yellow substance,which was suhjected to preparative tlc From a 20 X 20-cm plate coated with 2-hydroxy-l-butanone in 20 ml of acetone. The solution was 2 mm of silica gel PF-254"elutingwith 2 :1 methylenechloride: benallowedto stir for 2 hr at 25' then diluted with 30 ml of I :1 methzene, was isolated a yellow oil (7), which gave only one spot by ylene chloride:pentaneand 30 ml of saturatedsodiumbicarbonate. analytical tlc using 4:l methylenechloride:benzeneas eluent. The organic layer was washedwith live 30-ml portions of saturated This substancehad ir spectrum. mass spectrum, and R; value sodium bicarbonate.with saturatedsodium chloride. dried (Mgfrom that of an SOr), and concentrated,yielding 0.79 g (80%) of 1-phenyl-3,3-di" (methylenechloride:benzene4: 1) indistinguishable authentiesampleof 1,3,3-triphenyl-1,Z-propanedione. methyl-l,2-butanedioneas a yellow oii. The oil can be purified by f'he Rr value for a third compound (8) was A"47on analytical preparativethin-layerchromatographyusing 6 : 1 cyclohexane:ethyl silica gel 2B-F tlc plates using 3:1:12 benzene:ether:methylene acetateas eluent. This substancehas nmr (CCln)6 7.3-8.0(m, 5, chloride as eluent" The samesolventsystemwas usedwith 20 x cffi-1,with n<t 1725,1695 aromatic),1.3(s,9, C(CH3)a),and ir (C.lCl4) 20-cmplatescoatedwith 2 mm of silicagel PF-254to isolatea colorOH absorption. less oil which solidifiedto a white crystallinesolid (8): mp 93.0Monoxide. with Carbon Phenyllithium Reactions of Small-Scale 94.A"; ir (CHCir) 3590,3500(br), 3050,28CI, i710, (C:C), 1600. A stock solution of phenyllithiumwas preparedby adding appro1 5 0 0 .1 4 5 0 ,1 3 8 0c m - ' ; n m r ( C D C I 3 )6 7 . 1 - 7 . 4( m , 1 5 ) .5 . 6( s , l ) " priate quantities of n-heptane.,l-tetradecane,and n-nonadecaneas 3.8 (broad s. l). and 3.12(s, 1); massspectrum(70 eV) nie (rel internalglpc standardsto a solutionof phenyllithiumin ether. The intensity)183Q4),182 (18),105(100),77 (65i. resultingsolution was assayedbv double titration, and aliquots were Anuf. Calcd ibr CnHrsOs: C, 79.22: H, 5.70. Found: C, used for reaction with carbon monoxide. Typically, i5 ml of art 79.46:'H, 5.68. ca. 0.5 l/ solution of phenyllithium was transferred either to a Product Balanceby Isotopic Dilution. An ethereal solution of Schlenk tube containing a Teffon-coveredstirring bar and con(31 ml, 0.52 N. l6 mmol), preparedfrom bromophenyllithium-d;77 nected to a gas adsorption apparatus or to a 40-ml heavy walled and lithium wire, was allowed to stir under carbon benzene-r/,?8 centrifugetube with stirring bar capped with a No-Air stopper, monoxideat -70" untii reactionwas complete. T'hesolutionwas The stirred solutions were exposedto carbon monoxtde (in the quenchedwith saturaledaqueousammoniumchloridesolutionand former casefrom the gasabsorptionapparatus,in the latter front a concentratedhydrochloric acid. To the resulting mixture was to the centrifugetutrethrough carbon monoxidecylinderconnecteci added authentic benzophenone(187 mg, 1.03 mmol), 6 (53 mg" a length of Tygon tubing and hypodermicneedle). When gas atr0"39mmol),7 (13 *g,0.0434 mmol), and 8 (20 m9,0.063mmol). sorption had ceased(4 hr at 0" and 1 atm pressure,2-3 hr at 0" and The organiciaver wasseparatedand washedwith water and aqueous quenched bvwas mixture reaction dark brown 2 atm)" the resulting socjiumchloride solution' clried(MgSOn),and concentratedto an the addition of 0.5 ml of'distilted water. Saturatedaqueousam6. 7, and 8 were isolatedfrom this oil. Samplesof benzophenone, monium chloridesolution(l ml) and ether(15 ml) wereadded,and analysesusing preparativetlc" Benzooil for massspectroscopic the ether layer was analyzedbl' gipc. phenoneand 14 were isolatedusing Analtech tlc platesprecoated Isolation and Characterizationof Products by Glpc. Benzophewith i.5 mnr of silicagel GF with 2:1 methylenechloride:cyclonone and benzil were identified by comparisonof glpc retention hexaneeluent" The Rr valuesfor benzophenoneand 7 under these times.massspectra.and rnfrareclspectraof coliectedsampleswitii conditionsare 0.43 and 0"545.respectively. Using the same type thoseof authenticsamples. Compouncis2 and 4 were isolatedb-v' :ethereluent,6 and of piate and I :2 : i methyienechioride: benzene combining severalhydrolyzedreactionmixtures. The solventwas 8 wereisolated. Tire Rr yaluesfor 6 and 8 uncierthesetlc conditions removedleaving a yellow oil which was dissolvedin a minimunl ar:e0.40 and 0.514,respectively. Isotopicanalysesof eachof these volurneof hot benzene^ The solutionwas allowedto cool to rootn rsolatedisotoprcmixtureswerecarrledout usinga nominal ionizing recrystaiand were collected resulting crystals temperature,and the (2): voltageof l5 eV. In eachcase,the ratios reportedare the average lized from absoluteethanol to give ct.a-diphenylacetophenone -'(C--:Cl); the ratio ol peak heightsoi oi'severalspectra For benzophenone mp 137.5-138"5 i l "i 1 . zm s p 1 3 7 - . 1 3 9 ' lilr ( C C l 4 )1 6 9 5c r r ' the l92ll83 ions was 1"94+, 0.03. For 6 the ratio of peak heights (m, 15;; massspectrum(70 ev) nmr (CCln)6 5'86(s, 1), 7.17--8.(n ions was 4.33 + 0.0-5. hor 7 the ratio of the peak of the 1101105 mle(relintensityi272(2.4.M*), 167(30).105(100),'!7(14). and the l10i 105ions was 8.2 + 0.1" For I herghtsr:f the 177!167 C, 8t1.20; H, 5.92. Found: C. Ana!. Calcd for C-zoH.roO: the ratio of the peak heightsof the I 10/105ions was 33 -t 0.6. 8 8 . 1 2H , , 5.95. The product yieldsderivedfrorn thesedata are outlined in Table i. a,a-Diphenyl-a-hydroxyacetophenone(4) was identified in the Partial Reactionof Phenyllithiumand Carbon Monoxide in Ether glpc two times on retention hexanesolution by comparisonof its and Quenchwith SodiumDeuteroxide. A solutionof phenyllithium columns(8-ft 5% DEGS on ChromosorbW at 200oand 8-ft 139; by synngeto a 25rn ether(5 ml, 1.0 M,5 mmol) was transferrecl SE-52"on silanizedChromosorhW at 225') and its tlc rti valueson ml. round-bottomedflask equipped with a No-Air stopper anC two adsorbents(silica Gel and Alumina eluting with chloroT'eflon-coatedmagnetic stirring bar. This reaction mrxture was form:methylenechloride 4:1) with those of an authenticsample. sweprout with a streamof carbonmonoxideand then stirred under Benzpincol(5) was assayedby treatingan aliquot of the original rean atmosphereof carbon monoxide for ca. 20 min. The reaction action mixture with saturatedaqueousammonium chloriciesolumixture was cooledin an ice bath and 5 ml of sodium deuteroxide tion, followed by hydrochloricacid and aceticacid, and analyzing in degasseddeuteriumoxide (preparedby the addition of 0.i g of the resultingsolution for benzpinacoloneby glpc. sodium to 20 ml of deuterium oxide) was added cautiously by Isolation and Characterizationof Products Using Preparative syringe. The quenchedreaction mixture was aliowed to stir for Thin-Layer Chromatography. Phenyllithium(50 ml, 0.6 li, 30.0 cla.30 min and was then diluted with 50 ml of water and 50 ml of monoxide atmosphere mmol) was allowed to stir under a carbon ether. The ether layer was separated,washedwith two 50-ml porat -70" for 6 hr. The resulting green reaction mixture was quenchedwith 2 ml of saturatedaqueousammoniumchloridesolution and 0.25 ml of concentratedhydrochlonc acid. The ether (76) "The Sadtler Standard Spectra," Sadtler RcsearchLaboratories, layer was separated.dried (MgSOa),and concentrated,yielding P h i l a d e l p h i a ,P a . , 1 9 7 0 ,i r p r i s m s p e c t r u m9 7 7 0 . a viscousyellow oil" This oil was subjectedto thin-layerchroma(7?) An aliquot of phenyl-dr-lithium was quenched with water; tography (tlc). The major unidentifiedspot had an Ri value of columu (75) A. C. Cope, P. A. Trumbull, and E. R. Trumbell. J. Amer. C h e m .S o c . ,8 0 , 2 8 4 4( 19 5 8 ) . the resulting benzene, collected from atr 9-ft 20% UC-W98 and analyzed by mass spectroscopy,was found to be 97.3 f( benzenedt 2.7 7, benzene-dr. ( 7 8 ) G . M . W h i t e s i d e sa n d W . J . E h m a n n , J . A m e r ' C h e m . 9 o c . , 9 2 , 5 6 2 5( 1 9 7 0 ) . Whitesides, et al. I Mechanism of Reaetion of Carbon Monoxide witlt Phenyllithium 8132 tions of water, dried (MgSor), and analyzedusing a coupled glpc through a serum cap into 0.1 N solutions of phenyllithiumconmassspectrometer. lained in 1-cm Pyrex spectrophotometercells. solutions of tritylReaction of Phenyllithium and carbon Monoxide in Ether and lithium and of 17 were prepared by analogousproceduresstarting Treatment of the ResultingReactionMixture with Lithium Aluminum with tripheni,lmethane and 10, respectively. Samplesof dilithium Hvdride. A solution of 14 ml of 0.6 N phenyllithium(g.4 mmol) benzophenonewere prepared by addition of small amounts of lg in ether and0.27g(0.975 mmol) of eicosanein a flame-dried40-ml to 0.1 N solutionsof phenyllithiumcontainedin l-cm pyrex cells. centrifugetube, equippedwith a No-Air stopper ancl a magnetic Samplescf 20 were preparedby reducingT4 mg of l-phenyl-3,3stirring bar, was allowed to stir at -7oo under an atmosphireof dimethyl-1,2-butanedione with excesslithium dispersionin 25 ml of carbon monoxide for 4 hr. As usual, during the course of the DME and diluting aliquots of this stock solution approximately reactionthe solution first becamered and then green. when the l:2.5 with DME. Solutionsof 15 wereobtainedby reactionof f .i reaction was 1-ml aliquot was quenchedwith I ml equiv of 37 with 1.0 equiv of LiTMp in ether, as describedin the of aqueouspotassiumhydroxidesolutionand another l-ml aliquot preparationof 26. was quenchedwith I ml of saturatedammonium chloride solution samplesused in studiesrequiring 18 or 19 in sorutionsfree of and 0.1 ml of concentratedhydrochloricacid. The remainingrephenyllithiumwere obtainedby diluting concentratedsolutionsof action mixture was added to a solution preparedby mixing 95 mg thesesubstances in closedsystemsusingstandardtechniques.a2 (2.5mmol) of lithi umaluminumhydride(LiAlH4) and20ml6f etherl Experimentsinvolving the reactionof carbon monoxidewith lg, refluxingfor 0.5 hr, and coolingto room temperature. The mixture 19, or phenyllithiumwerecarriedout by mixing the reactioncomwas allowedto stir at 25" under nitrogenfor 30 min and was then ponentsdirectlyin the spectrophotometer cell. cautiouslyhydrolyzedwith 3 ml of water. Each of the hydrolyzed Dilithium 4,4'-l)i(terl-butyl)benzophenoneDianion (24). In a solutions were analyzedfor benzophenone,benzhydrol,and benzil flame-dried,100-ml,round-bottomedflask equippedwith a Teflon_ by glpc. As controls, thesereactionswere repeatedusing 20 ml of coatedmagneticstirring bar and a No-Air stopperwas placed0.93 phenyllithium(0.5 N,9.9 mmol) in ether. when each of the reg of 23 (3.2 mmol) and 60 ml of freshlydistilledether. The reacactionswas complete,a solution of 0.15 g (0.g3 mmor) of benzotion mixturewassweptwith argon,and 0.40g of freshlycut lithium phenonein 5 ml of ether was added uia a cannulato each reaction wire (57 mg-atoms)was added to the reactionflask in a streamof mixture. The resultingmixtureswere hydrolyzedand treatedwith argon. The flask was sealedwith a No-Air stopper and stirred LiAIH{ as desciibedabbve. The hydroiyzed ether solutions were overnight. The solution turned a deep blue, then purple, and analyzedby glpc. Analysis of the glpc data indicated that the finally dark red as the reactionprogressed benzophenone which had beenaddedprio rto treatmentwith LiAlHa Using a syringe,20 ml of this red solution was withdrawn and had beenreducedto benzhydrol. added to a 50-ml erlenmeyerflask containing a Teflon-coatedmagDilithium BenzophenoneDianion (18) from Benzophenoneand netic stirring bar. The solution was stirred in air until the red Lithium. Benzophenone(r .82 g, l0 mmol) and rinonadecane color had faded to pale green-yellow. This solution was treated (0.824g,3.07 mmol) weredissolvedin 150ml of anhyrJrous DME. with 20 ml of water; the organiclayer was separated,the aqueous Lithium wire (1.0 g, 140 mg-atoms,cut into 0.25-in.pieces;or layer was extractedonce with l0 ml of ether,and the organicporlithium dispersionwas added and the mixture was allowed to stir tions were combined, dried (MgSO.r),and analyzed uy gtpc uiing for I day at room temperatureunder nitrogen to yield a dark red tetracosaneas an internal standard. Glpc analysis revealed the solution of 18. Dilithium benzophenone dianion Lan also be prepresenceof 23 in 50i( yield,with a small amount (ca. l0\) of the pared in ethyl ether using an analogousprocedure. A pale blue correspondingbenzhydrolas well as a small amount of i higher precipitate of lithium benzophenoneketyl forms initiaily; this boiling material. The authentic sample of the rerl-butylated precipitateis subsequently reducedto a red precipitate. vigorous benzhydrolwas preparedby the reduction of 23 with lithium alustirringis requiredto keepthe precipitatesfiom seitling. minum hydride. Lithium Benzophenone Ketyl (19) from Benzophenone and Lithium. using a syringe,another20 ml of the red solutionof 24 was withBenzophenone (0.4.8 g,2.64 mmol) wasdissolved in 50 ml of DME. drawn and was added to a well-stirredsolution of l0 ml of 2 N Lithium wire (0.0187g,2.64 mg-atoms)wasaddedand the mixture potassium hydroxide solution. After stirring for 10 min, the wasallowedto stir at room temperatureundernitrogen for 24hr. layerswereseparated,the aqueouslayer was extractedwith 20 ml of Lithium Benzophenone Ketyl (19) from Benzpinacotand Methylether, the organic portions were combined, dried (MgSOr), and lithium. Benzpinacol( 1.05g, 2.87mmol) and n-nonadecane (0.366 analyzedby glpc. Glpc analysisrevealed only 4,4,-di(tert-butyl)g, 1.36 mmol) were dissolvedin 20 ml of DME and were slowly benzhydrolasa product,in 88f yield. addedto methvllithiumin ethyl ether(3.90ml,1.62N, 6.31mmol) Reactionof Phenyllithiumwith carbon Monoxide in the presence uiacannula. An intenseblue color formed immediately. of 24. In a typical experiment,a flame-dried, 100-ml. roundThe oxidation of Dilithium BenzophenoneDianion with carbon botlomedflask equippedwith a Teflon-coatedmagneticstirring bar Monoxidein Ether. Ten millilitersof an ethersolutionof dilithium and No-Air stopperwaschargedwith 0.69 g of 4,4,-di(terr-butyl;benzophenonedianion (ca. 0.004 M), which containeda known (23) (2.5 mmol), 40 ml of freshlydistilledether, and benzophenone amount of nonadecane, was transferredto a flame-driedcentrifuge 0.1 g of lithium wire (14 mg-atoms)in an argon atmosphere. This tube equippedwith a No-Air stopper r:ia cannula. The solution mixture was stirred overnight, during which time the solution was exposedto carbon monoxideand stirred occasionally. After turned a deep red. Into another flame-dried 100-ml, round20 min the deepred solution of 18 had turned green. An aliquot bottomed flask equipped with a Teflon-coatedmagnetic stirring of the solution was quenchedwith degassedmeihanolicpotassium bar and No-Air stopperwas transferredby cannula20 ml of a 1.25 hydroxideand analyzedusingglpc (TableV). N solution of phenyllithiumin ether (25 mmol). To this solution The oxidation of Lithium BenzophenoneKetyl with carbon was added by cannula the solution of 24 describedabove. This Monoxide in Ether. Benzpinacol(79.2mg,0.217mmol), nonadecreactionmixture was stirred for 3 hr at 25" (or for 5 hr at -7g.) ane(58.5mg,0.218mmol), and ca. 25 ml of ether,freshlydistilled under an atmosphereof carbon monoxide. The reactionmixture from sodium benzophenone ketyl, were addedto a flame-dried40was then transferred by cannula to a stirred solution of 20 ml of ml centrifugetube equippedwith a No-Air stopper and a glassaceticanhydridein 75 ml of freshlydistilledether cooledin an ice coveredstirringbar. To thissolutionmethyllithium(ca.0.5mmol) bath. The resultingsuspensionwas washedwith 100 ml of a satwas slowly added by syringewith immediateformation of a light urated aqueoussolution of sodium bicarbonateand dried (Nazblue precipitate. After 2 hr, this precipitatewas compactedby so,). This solution was diluted to 300 ml with ether, dotriaconcentrifugationand the blue supernatantsolution was tiansferred tane was added as an internal standard,and the reaction mixture by'cannulato another40-ml centrifugetube, which had previously wasanalyzedby glpc. been flame-driedand washedwith a solution of methyliithium in The Reaction of Dilithium Benzophenone Dianion with p-Ethylether. A 5-ml aliquot of this supernatantsolution wai transferred phenyllithiumin the Presenceof carbon Monoxide. A mixture of to a similarlydried centrifugetube and was quenchedwith degassed dilithium benzophenone dianion (0.093 M, 1.3 mmol, 14.0 ml) methanolic potassium hydroxide. The remaining solution was in DME containinga known amountof n-nonadecane as an internal allowedto react with carbon monoxidefor 5 hr, duiing which time standardand p-ethylphenyllithium (0.08 N, 1.00 mmol, 1.25ml) the clear blue solution becamecolorless. The colorlesssolution in ethyl ether was stirredunder I atm pressureof carbonmonoxide was quenchedwith methanolicpotassiumhydroxide. Analysisof at room temperaturefor 2 hr. The reactionmixturewashydrolyzed both quenchedsolutionswascarriedout by glpc (TableV). with 0.2 ml of aqueousporassiumhydroxidesolution(pH 13).5 ml oxidations of 18 and 19 with carbon monoxidein DME were of ether wasadded,and the reactionmixturewas analyzedby glpc. carriedout usingproceduresanalogousto thoseusedin ether. a, a- Dip henyl- p-ethylacetophenone was i dentified by comparison of spectroscopic studies. solutions of lithium benzophenone ketyi its physicalpropertieswith thoseof an authenticsample. were obtained by injection of known quantities oi benzpinacol The Reduction of a,a-Diphenyl-a-hydroxyacetophenone with Journal of the American chemical societl, I 95:24 f Not,ember 2g, I9T3 8t33 Dilithium BenzophenoneDianion. Butyllithium in hexane (6.0 (0.957g, 5.1 mmol) mmol) was addedslowly to 1,2-dibromoethane in a 40-ml centrifuge tube capped with a No-Air stopper. The resulting precipitate of anhydrous lithium bromide was washed four times with 20-ml portions of pentane,dissolvedin 7 ml of hot DME, and added to 2 mmol of dipotassiumbenzophenonedianion as internal in 30 ml of DME containing0.1534g of n-nonadecane standard in a stoppered40-ml centrifuge tube. The solution was thoroughly mixed by shaking and the precipitate of potassium bromide separated by centrifugation. The resulting solution of was added to a solution of a,a-diphenyldilithium benzophenone?e (0.0967g, 0.336mmol) in 10 ml of DME. a-hydroxyacetophenone The red color of dilithium benzophenonepersistedafter the addition. After stirring at room temperature for 2 hr, the reaction mixture was hydrolyzed with aqueous potassium hydroxide solution; the aqueouslayer was separatedand extractedwith one 50-ml portion of ethyl ether, and the organic layers were combined and dried (NazSOr). Analysis by glpc indicated the presenceof a,adiphenylacetophenone (72%) and c,a-diphenyl-a-hydroxyacetophenone(9%). Preparation of Other Anions. Lithium phenyl acetylide and lithium butyl acetylidewere preparedby reaction of the corresponding acetylenewith methyllithium in ether solution. Lithium di(79) Solutions of 18 prepared using this procedure were analyzed for potassium by hydrolysis and treatment with lithium tetraphenylborate: c-f.D. N. Bhattacharyya, C. L. Lee, J. Smid, and M. Szwarc, J . P h y s . C h e m . , 6 9 , 6 0 8 ( 1 9 6 5 ) . L e s st h a n l % o f t h e p o t a s s i u mo r i g i nally present as dipotassium benzophenoneremained in solution after addition of the lithium bromide. phenylphosphidewaspreparedby the reactionofdiphenylphosphine with n-butyllithium in THF. Lithium diphenylamidewas prepared by the reaction of diphenylaminewith methyllithium in THF. Sodium dimsylatewas preparedas describedby Greenwald, Chaykovsky, and Corey.80 All of the above were reacted with carbon monoxide at 20Opsi; only sodium dimsylate took up an appreciable quantity of carbon monoxide (0.5 equiv of carbon monoxideper equivalentof dimsylateover a 24-hrperiod). Acknowledgment. F. R. Koeng carried out pre- Iiminary experimentsin this problem. This work was assisted substantially by a grant from the Research Corporation for the purchaseof glpc equipment. Dr. Charles Hignite, Mr. Brian Andresen, and Professor Klaus Biemann generously provided us with highresolution spectra and help with glc-mass spectra on several occasions; this assistancewas provided under National Institutes of Health Research Grant No. RR00317 from the Division of ResearchFacilities and Resources. Professor Barry Sharpless was helpful in suggestingtechniques for isolation and preparation of certain of the compounds of interest in this work. ProfessorRonald Breslow made severaluseful criticisms of our initial mechanistichypotheses. (80) R. Greenwald, H. Chaykovsky, and E. J. Corey, J. Org. Chem., 2 8 , 1 1 2 8( 1 9 6 3 ) .