Trig Cheat Sheet Formulas and Identities Definition of the Trig Functions Right triangle definition Tangent and Cotangent Identities Half Angle Formulas sinB tan 8 =-cos8 sin? For this definition we assume that Unit circle defmition Reciprocal o < B <!!.- For this definition 8 is any angle. cscB=-- 1 sin8 1 secB=-cosB 1 cot8=-tanB or 0° < B < 90° . 2 .•.y ~I hypotenuse ~~ opposite L . B opposite sm =-"--'--hypotenuse adjacent cos8 hypotenuse opposite tan B =--adjacent adjacent sin8=~= y 1 cosB=~=x csc8=secB=- 1 tan8=~ The domain is all the values of B that can be plugged into the function. 8"" (n+±}r, csc8, 8""n7[, sec8, 8"" (n+±)7[, cotB, 8""n7[, ±2, ... n = 0,±1,±2, ... n=O,±I, ±2, ... Range The range is all possible values to get out of the function. -15 sin B :S1 csc 8 2 1 and csc 8 :S-1 -1:S cos8:S 1 sec8 21 andsec8:S-1 -00 :Stan 8 :S00 -00 :Scot B :S00 csc' B 1 sin( -8) = -sinB csc( -B) = - cscB x cos (-8) = cos B sec( -B) = sec8 tan ( -B) = -tanB cot (-B) = - cote y csc( B + 27[n) = cscB The period of a function is the number, T, such that f (B + T) = f (B). So, if W cos( B + 27[n) = cosB sec( 8+ 27[n) = secB tan( B +7[n) = tan 8 cot( B+ 7[n) = cote is a fixed number and B is any angle we have the following periods. Double Angle Formulas sin(w8) -7 T= 27[ W cos(wB) -7 tan(wB) -7 csc( w B) -7 sec(wB) -7 cot( w B) -7 T= 27[ w T=~ w T= 27[ w T= 27[ w T=~ © tan2B l-cos(28) l+cos(28) Sum and Difference Formulas sin (a ± fJ) = sin a cos fJ ± cosa sin fJ cos( a ± fJ) = cosa cos fJ =t=sinasin fJ tan ( a ± fJ) tana±tanfJ = -----'-- l=t=tanatanfJ cosa cas 13= ~[cos( a- fJ)+ cos( a + fJ)] 2 = ~[sin( a + f3)+sin (a - 13)] sina cosf3 2 cosa sin 13= ~[sin (a + 13) -sin( a - 13)] sin( B + 27[n) = sinB Period cos28 = ~(1+ cos(2B)) 2 sin a sin fJ = ~[cos (a - 13) - cas (a + 13)] 2 Periodic Formulas If n is an integer. n = 0,±1,±2, ... n=O,±I, = Even/Odd Formulas cotB=~ x 1 + cor' B e = ~(Icos (28)) 2 Product to Sum Formulas 1 y Facts and Properties tan 8 , Identities sin ' B + cos" 8 = 1 Domain 8 can be any angle 8 can be any angle . B =--1 Sin csc8 1 cosB=-secB 1 tan8=-cote tan! B + 1 = see! B hypotenuse csc B =-~-opposite hypotenuse sec B =-~-adjacent adjacent cot B = ---''--opposite sin8, cos8, sinB Identities Pythagorean .~~ e cosB cot =-- 2 Sum to Product Formulas . . fJ = 2·sin (a+ sma+sm -2- fJ) cas (a--2- fJ) f3 . . 13 = 2 cas (a+ sma-sm -2- ). fJ sin (a-2-) sin (28) = 2sin8cos8 cos(2B) = cos' B- sin" 8 cosa+ cas fJ = 2COS(a ~ f3)cos( a; fJ) = 2cos2 B-1 = 1- 2sin2 B tan (2B) = 2 tan 8 I-tan2B Degrees to Radians Formulas If x is an angle in degrees and t is an angle in radians then 7[ t 7[X 180t t=and X=-180 x 7[ 180 cosa -cosfJ = -2sin( a~ f3)sin( a; 13) Cofunction Formulas Sin( csc( ~-B) ~-B) = cosB COS(~-B )=sinB = secB sec( tan(~-B)=CotB ~-B) cot(~-B)= = cscB tanB w 2005 Paul Dawkins © 2005 Paul Dawkins