
m i s s o u r i
B usinessW oman
BWM Member To Do List
•Commit to run for state office
• Register for December Board
• Set aside items for military women
to bring to December Board.
Details inside.
• Find that special item to bring to
the Foundation’s auction and write
a very clever clue!
Business Women of Missouri Quarterly Magazine
Volume 91
No 2
Fall 2013
Coming Soon! Fun & Festivities of December Board Meeting
Register today for the annual December Board Meeting! We are happy to let
you know that we have a great meeting planned with fellowship and friends.
Come early to begin your Christmas shopping at the Columbia mall and
• Recruit a new member
surrounding stores. The fun begins on Friday, December 6 with the Executive
Committee’s Open House featuring appetizers and desserts and the Foundation’s
• Make plans for your local to
participate in Business Women of Christmas Auction of mystery gifts; giving you another opportunity for
Missouri Week, October 20-26
Christmas shopping. Remember to bring your gift with a clue to what it is for the
• Plan a trip to Jefferson City to
auction (Read the insert from the Foundation for full details)
witness Missouri Governor Jay
Saturday morning the board meeting will start early. Please be prepared to
Nixon signing the proclamation
any bylaw changes that need to be proposed.
declaring BWM Week.
The meeting will be held at the Staybridge Suites in Columbia. It is conve• Have a Happy Thanksgiving
niently located next to several restaurants and there is a kitchenette in every
• Earn a Bead
room. There is a hot tub and pool as well as a small fitness room for those that
• Write a letter to your Legislator
might want to use it. The rooms are designed to sleep several women. Most have
expressing your opinion of
2 queen beds and a pull out couch that will also sleep 2. So with 3 or 4 to a room,
Missouri’s failure to ratify
you will all have a warm and cozy Christmas with your BWM sisters! Bring
the ERA
several members with you because the rooms are very spacious.
If you would like to room with others,
let us know so we can try to help
Foundation Auction Will Be Main Event At December Board Once
if you want. The registration form is on
again, the Foundation will hold an auction on Friday night of December Board.
Rumors are circulating that our auctioneer may have a mystery helper!
page six of this issue. If you have not been
The Foundation asks everyone to please bring a wrapped gift with a clue to the
to board before, plan now to make this an
contents. The gift should be new or gently used, and something you would like
annual “must do”. You will not be disapto receive. The clue may be funny, mysterious or to the point.
pointed. Looking forward to gaining many
Remember that the money raised contributes to the Foundation Scholarship
more wonderful memories with my BWM
Fund which aids students in furthering their education. We appreciate the EC
sisters!! See you there! President Nancy
and all the BWM sisters who help the Foundation award scholarships.
• Order a personal or Local Club
Holiday greeting for the Winter
issue of MBW.
A Group of Business Women of Missouri members toured
Whiteman Air Force Base and the B-2 Bomber prior to attending Leadership Conference in Sedalia in August.
Officers in the foreground were tour leaders and standing at
right is Captain Jennie Swiechowicz,one of the B-2 pilots.
The President’s Message
Thank goodness for fall! Cool
weather and beautiful colors as the
trees change into their “fall dress”.
It is my favorite time of year. It has
been a short, summer; I really don’t
know where it went. It just rushed by!
I sometimes feel like I am running in
circles, and I am sure many of you can
The monthly conference calls on
the last Wednesday of the month have
been very informative. Please spread
the word to all of your locals. How
about playing one of them back during
your local meeting so that others see
how easy it is to join in, give their
input, and improve communication
within our group.
The bead program is going very
well. Please track your good deeds
so that you can collect beads the next
time we are together. Remember we
are going to have a showcase of the
top five winners at State Conference.
We should be able to light up the stage
with all the glitz and glamour that
everyone will be wearing.
I know many of your BWM locals
have had a busy summer with fairs
and fund-raising events. I really enjoy
reading about all your activities.
The Leadership Conference
provided a perfect finale for the
summer. Dianne Simon really did a
bang-up job organizing the conference. Special thank you to Ellen Hill
Individual Growth Chairman and
her team for a refresher on the IG
modules. We always learn something
new every time they are presented.
The conference began with a tour
of Whiteman Air force Base and an
up close and personal look at the B2
the Official Publication of the Business
Women of Missouri. Published quarterly in June, September, December and
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:
PO Box 28243, Kansas City, MO 64188
816-333-6959 Phone/Fax
Bomber (Bat mobile, they call it). We
also learned that Whiteman is home
to one of the newest bombs in the US
arsenal. I can’t remember the name but
I know it is so powerful, so destructive
and so secret that it’s mere presence
on base caused a delay in our tour.
One conference speaker was
Jennifer Yazell of Golden Egg
Communications. I truly enjoyed her
presentation. It made me take a look at
my life and showed me how I should
try to become a more positive person.
Judge Deborah Mitchell also gave a
heart-wrenching testimonial of women
in Afghanistan and the trials and
tribulations they face every day. Thank
goodness for the USA and those that
fight to defend our freedom.
We also had a presentation from
Jordan Bush, a cadet in training at
West Point. Members of Sedalia BWM
have watched her grow to become an
inspiration to all girls and women.
Another thank you to our own
Whitney Adams, student member of
Columbia BWM, who provided professional photography services for our
group. Check out the great picture in
this issue that she took of our group.
Leadership is proving to be one
of our best meetings of the year.
You really should include it on your
calendar year after year!
The fall Regional Meetings
are always well planned and huge
successes. Special thanks to the
Regional Directors and the Host
Clubs for orchestrating informative,
inspiring meetings. Other members of
the Executive Committee and myself
really enjoy traveling across the state
to the meetings.
As Nominations chair PSP Sandy
A message from Genevieve GibsonNewman, BWM member at large:
We thank you for your support and ask that
you continue to pray for us as we mourn
the passing of my son Thomas.
Genevieve Gibson Newman
Independent Mary Kay Consultant
923 Woods Mill Rd
Chesterfield MO 63011
Majchzrak stated,
get your nominations in to earn
your wings for
the December
board meeting.
It’s the time of
year we can all
Nancy Grey
use more angels
among us…
BWM State President
Thanks to
our Legislative
Chair, Lorraine Whittington for
providing information for email blasts
and articles for the website. Please
take the time to read some of the
information. I must add that the club
maintains a non-partisan position, as
stated in our Legislative Platform.
Our next BWM meeting,
December Board, coincides with
the beginning of the Holiday season
and what a wonderful way to kick it
off! Please join all your BWM sisters
in Columbia, MO. at the Staybridge
The party begins on Friday night
with the Executive Committee’s Open
House. We are planning a menu of
appetizers and desserts provided
by your very own State Executive
Committee. You will need to bring
cocktails of your choosing. Soft drinks,
tea, and water will be provided.
Don’t forget to bring your “mystery
gift” with a riddle for the Foundation’s
holiday auction. We always have a lot
of fun with the auctioneer, the friendly
banter that goes with bidding and the
anticipation and surprise of opening
the gifts. This year we may have a
special visit by the big guy/girl dressed
in red himself/herself.
Saturday will be the board
meeting followed by lunch. We will be
discussing bylaw changes and or additions so please be prepared.
You should be on your way home
early Saturday afternoon.
See you there!
Nancy Grey
2013-2014 BWM State President
2013 Leadership Conference Recap
The annual Leadership
Conference was held August 2, 3 in
Sedalia. Twenty five attended the
tour at Whiteman Air Force Base.
The tour began with a briefing on
the mission of the Air Force and
Whiteman’s capabilities. The Base
Commander was out of town, but
we were graced with a short visit
from the Vice Commander, Col.
Kristin Goodwin. We were then
bused out past the flight line to the
“garages” for the B-2s. We were able
to visit with a B-2 pilot, Capt. Jennie
Swiechowicz, and ask questions of
the maintainers who were probably there to make sure we didn’t do
anything we shouldn’t – such as climb
into the cockpit! Originally we had
been told that would be a possibility,
but that didn’t work out. You can read
more about Capt. Jennie’s story here:
Saturday morning, our opening
speaker was Jennifer Yazell, a
dynamic person, job coach and
motivator! She talked about how
much we have in common with the
Energizer Bunny, who keeps going,
and going and going. Being able to
keep ourselves going means that you
must avoid the “subtractors” and
“dividers” in your life, and surround
yourself with “adders” and “multipliers”. Adders are proactive, positive
people, full of love. They are focused
on how to improve things at work and
in their own lives. They give freely
and encourage others. Multipliers
care about others, not just themselves,
and work to help others succeed.
They are good leaders and give lift
to any situation. They tend to have a
ripple effect on others. They are what
Jennifer calls MASHers. They Make
Awesome Stuff Happen!
Ellen Hill and her committee
ran us through two modules of
the Individual Growth program
pertaining to leadership.
We then heard from Jordan Bush
who is starting her second year at
West Point Military Academy. Jordan
was sponsored by Sedalia Business
Women to attend Girl’s State and
we’ve kept in touch with her as she
graduated high school and was
accepted to West Point. She told
us her main job as a sophomore at
Dianne Simon, Leadership Conference Chair
West Point is to mentor a freshman
student. If that freshman student does
not make the grades that are expected
of them, then it is Jordan is to blame.
We all know that mentors cannot be
blamed for the acts of the mentee, but
this does not hold true at West Point!
Debra Saffer followed Jordan with
BWM mentoring information.
Our final speaker for the day was
Deborah Mitchell. She is Municipal
Judge for the City of Sedalia and
had just recently returned from
Afghanistan where she had worked
with the State Department’s Rule
of Law program. She gave us some
insight on life in Afghanistan, and
in particular, for a woman. Did
you know that the constitution in
Afghanistan states that women must
be treated equally? But, because there
is no separation of church and state,
the Law of Islam reigns supreme
– over and above what the constitution says. The Law of Islam says that
women must be protected, and their
ideas of protection do not jive with
our ideas of protection! You can
learn more about Deborah’s travels
by reading her blog: http://deborahstalkingabout.
We had
45 attendees
at Conference
and feedback
indicated that
everyone had a
great time, and
also learned
something new. In the words of
Jennifer Yazell, I
challenge you all
to be a MASHer
and Make
Awesome Stuff
Happen in your
are pictured to
the left.
ByLaw Change Procedure
All Business Women of Missouri State Bylaws
revisions to be voted on at 2014 State Conference
must be to the Bylaws Chair by December 1, 2013
Bylaws Chair Carole Parson
5126 Briarwood LN, St. Joseph MO 64506
or email them to caparson44@att.net.
Amendments To The BWM Bylaws
Any amendments to the BWM bylaws can be proposed
by the board of directors, the executive committee, a
region, a local club or by a bylaws committee. If you
have a bylaw amendment to propose it should be sent in
writing to the state president with a copy to the bylaws
chair prior to the December 7th Board Meeting. Any
amendments will be presented to the board of directors
for their recommendation prior to the annual conference.
Any amendments will require a two-thirds vote at the
annual conference.
Bylaw Changes Affecting Local Bylaws
When an amendment to the state bylaws which affects
local club bylaws is adopted, each local club shall automatically amend its bylaws to conform. The following
bylaw change was adopted at the 2013 State Conference:
Article II: MISSION was changed to include the mission,
the vision and the objectives. All locals should reflect
these changes in their local bylaws. The exact wording is
available in the bylaws as printed on page 42 in the State
Manual. After you have made these changes please send
a copy of the local revised bylaws to the bylaw chair,
Carole Parson, 5126 Briarwood LN, St. Joseph MO 64506
or email them to caparson44@att.net. Any questions
should also be addressed to Carole Parson, 816-390-5214.
Linda Fisher, Publisher
PO Box 1746
Sedalia, MO 65302
(660) 281-4371
A Shaker of Margaritas Series
Anthologies for Women
Are you a member with fire to share with Business
Women of Missouri? Do you wish to become more confident in yourself? Do you have talents and time you want
to share with others?
All of these are good reasons to volunteer to be
appointed to a committee chair or run for an elective
office. Business Women of Missouri (BWM) is looking
for great women to share their talents and time with
the membership and women who have not yet become
members. BWM is an organization promoting women,
helping women become more self-confident, achieve
equity in the workplace and extending opportunities
through education, information and fellowship.
Each of the committee chairs responsibilities and
qualifications are printed in our Missouri Business
Women Manual. If you do not have a copy, ask your club
President. The information you need to submit as well as
the forms are included in the manual on pages 63 and 64.
Every Club President should have received this information as well. If not, feel free to contact Sandy Majchrzak.
Please consider sharing your time and talent with
our organization! Send in nomination information to
Sandy Majchrzak, Nominations Chair, 2010 Maxwell St
Apt B, Rolla, MO 65401 or email, sandym@mst.edu by
November 15, 2013.
Sandi Stegeman
Advertising Promotional
Items and Wearables
(636) 583-8992 • (636) 583-5338 - Fax
email: psent@fidnet.com
7398 KoKo Beach Road • Union, MO 63084
WBE: Woman owned Business
Certified by the State of Missouri
August Conference Call Follow Up
Editor’s Note:
Due to a technical error in phone service, the recording device
could not be activated. Therefore the conference call play back
for August is unavailable. Because of the error, Sandy Majchrzak
provided this article for those of you who missed the call.
There were approximately 12 members on
line for the call. We began with sharing information about upcoming conferences.
Linda Fisher, NW Regional Director said they
will be having the NW conference on September
28 at the Airport Hilton. Plans are to have a
speaker from CASA, a silent auction and great
fellowship. Cost is $30.
Sharon Sutton, StateTreasurer shared that the
SW Region plans to meet at the Library on South
Campbell on September 21.
LuAnn Irby, Vice President, shared the NE
Region is meeting in Columbia on October 5
with more details to come.
Sandi Stegeman and Sandy Majchrzak
shared the SE area is meeting in Ste Genevieve
on September 7 with a dinner social on Friday,
September 6, for those who are able to attend.
LuAnn Irby shared plans are under way to start
a club in Fulton, MO. They are hosting an Open
House on September 23 from 5 to 7 pm at the
Holiday Inn Express in Fulton.
LuAnn also shared that there are several
members going to Jefferson City’s meeting on
September 16 to share information.
Sandy Majchrzak presented information on
Nominations. This year we will be awarding
ANGEL WINGS to those who nominate and
More than
Vanilla, Pepper & Cinnamon
Betty Beason PSP
Sales Representative
Watkins Products
1703 Richmond Drive
Pleasant Hill, MO 64080
H 816-540-2761 C 816-729-4686
email: bjbeason@aol.com
Provided by Sandy Majchrzak
agree to be nominated for an elective or appointive office. The
presentation will take place at the December Board Meeting.
This means the elective offices of President Elect, Vice President,
Secretary and Treasurer and the appointive offices of committee
chairs. A few job responsibilities were given and asked what officer
it described. Only one of the three was answered correctly by
Sharron Sutton. It just happened to be one of the Treasurer. The goal
this year is to have two run for each of the elective offices. The goal
for each region is one elected office nomination. The goal for each
local is one appointive office nomination. Looking at it as a team,
the task is not as daunting. Qualifications are printed under each of
the job titles in the Manual. We have a great number of members
qualified to be elected officers. Now is the time to get out there and
show your stuff.
Nomination information will be shared with Regional Directors
so that it can be addressed at each of the Regional Meetings.
Nomination information is located in the manual on pp 62-64.
Nominations are due to Sandy Majchrzak by November 15, 2013.
Business Women of Missouri
2013-2014 Conference Call Schedule
Last Wednesday of Every Month
Time 5:30 pm
Dial in 712-432-1500
Access code 523887#
Conference Play Back
Dial in 712-432-1202
Access code 523887#
Sept 25, 2013
Business Womens Week PR planned
Domestic Violence
PR planned
Panty party
October 30, 2013
Bylaws Review and change what needs to be corrected
November 27, 2013
military boxes
Could invite college class to our Dec meeting for Auction night
PJ party
Health Tips for New year December 2013 No Conference call Merry Christmas!
January 29, 2014
PR- signs & media
March at Capital on ERA PR- signs & media Take picture of each member behind sign of signatures sayings
February 26, 2014
Individual Growth
Program held
March 26, 2014
Conference Plans
Girl Scouts load & unload
Thur. Fri & Sat
Pre meeting
Workshop Speakers
Press Release (PR)
Bead Winner Programs
Equal Pay day
candy bars (PR)
December Board meeting
December 6-7, 2013
staybridge suites
Board meeting Package is $35
Package Includes: Registration Fee,
Meeting Materials, Friday evening Executive
Committee’s Open House and Saturday Lunch.
805 Keene St. @ Hwy 63 & I-70
Columbia, MO
Phone 800-496-7630
Room Rate: King Suite: $104.99
Double Queen Suite $124.99
Rooms include Sofa Sleepers and kitchens
BWM rate is guaranteed through November 6, 2013
Room Rate Includes Buffet Breakfast
Please list each person who will be attending and the amounts paid for each.
ALL attendees must pay the registration fee.
There are no refunds for cancellations after the registration deadline.
Registration Deadline –november 22, 2013
RegistRation FoRm
Use An X In The Appropriate Column
To Indicate Registration Status
(Please add a $5 late fee for registration after deadline)
Local Club ___________________________________________________________________
Contact Name ________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number___________________________ email Address ________________________________
If you choose to pay by credit card,you may use PayPal at www.businesswomenmo.org.
Please list December Board Registration in the description box
You may pay with a check made payable to: BWM
Mail to the state office along with your completed registration form to:
BWM State Office, PO Box 28243, Kansas City, MO 64188.
Local News
News From The Heart of the Ozarks
President Karen Hodson reported that this is the first
year that the Heart of the Ozarks Club is concentrating all
of their scholarship funds toward non- traditional recepients. She reported that in their region of Missouri there is
a greater need to help women returning to college.
Angels Wings: Looking for Owners!
Are you looking to have a set of wings for your own?
Well, we have some ready and waiting for those of you
who nominate someone for an elective or appointive
position in Business Women of Missouri!!!
The goal is to have two people run for each office!
There are a great number of you in our membership
with the qualifications to fill these positions. Get out
there and show your stuff!
Tune in to the conference
call , Wednesday August
28th to learn about positions, earn beads as well
as find out how to earn
a set of angel wings for
Greater Ozarks
you and the person you
Become members of the
“BWM Angel Gallery”.
Business Women
of Missouri
Coming Soon!
Business Women of Missouri Week
and the signing of the proclamation in
Governor Jay Nixon’s office.
Watch your email for full details from your
PR chair, Connie McGinness.
The club has sponsored a couple of fundraisers at the lake
this summer including: the Duck Drop held in cooperation with the Kiwanis Club and and the Magic Dragon
Street Meet for our local Chamber Of Commerce.
October 19, they will be sponsoring the Women to
Women Luncheon and Fashion Show at the Country
Club Hotel and Spa.In December, they are requesting
members bring an item from the CADV Christmas wish
list to the monthly meeting.
GTC Chair Urges All Clubs to Implement The Program
Into Their Local Club Agendas
Angie Moran PSP and chiar of Young Generations Taking
Charge has been working diligently to get the program
running smoothly and effectively. She has created a
GTC information sheet and a participant information
form. Both forms are available in the manual on pages
70 and 71. This is a great program to ensure the future
of Business Women of Missouri. If you need help implementing the program into your local club, contact Angie
at angela.moran@live.com, fax: 417-776-2947 or mail a
request to Angie Moran; 20665 Hottel Sp. Rd., Seneca,
MO 64865.
2013-14 Calendar of Events
September 28
October 5
October 20-26 November 15 December 6 December 6 December 7 Regional Conferences
NW Regional Conference Kansas City, MO
NE Regional Conference Macon, MO
Missouri Business Women’s Week
DEADLINE Nominations for State Offices to Nominating Chair
Executive Board Meeting
Staybridge Suites, Columbia, MO
Executive Committee Christmas Open House
Staybridge Suites, Columbia, MO
Board of Directors Meeting
Staybridge Suites, Columbia, MO
February 1 March 1 February 28-March 1 March/April (TBA) May 1 May 2 May 2-4 DEADLINE
Foundation Scholarship Applications
DEADLINE LC President’s Annual Report to State Office
DEADLINE Mentoring Report to State Chair
DEADLINE State Foundation Report to BWM Foundation Treasurer
Legislative Conference Capitol Plaza, Jefferson City
Lobby Day with Missouri Women’s Network State Capitol, Jefferson City
Executive Board Meeting Lodge of Four Seasons, Osage Beach
Pre-Conference State Board Meeting Lodge of Four Seasons, Osage Beach
2014 BWM State Conference Lodge of Four Seasons, Osage Beach
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Greater Ozarks
Jill Bishop, President
Greater Ozarks Business Women of Missouri
Springfield, MO, August 23, 2013 – Greater Ozarks Business Women of Missouri has created a new
theme for their monthly meetings. To build on the foundation of women being successful in business,
GOBWM wants to celebrate the success of local women business leaders. To do this, the group is asking
area women business leaders to speak at each monthly meeting with the theme:
GOBWM members are inspired by the speaker’s success stories and hope to take more initiative and
become more involved while making a greater impact in our professions and in our community.
The June meeting had former news anchor Christine Daues speak on following her dream of starting her
own business, Granolove - honey roasted granola, and the challenges of being a woman business owner.
In July, Sylvia Propps, plant manager for the Springfield Tape Division of 3M spoke on her challenges of
being a success in basically a man’s industry. Ann Elwell was the guest speaker at the August meeting.
Ann is president of the League of Women Voters of Southwest Missouri and is community relations
manager at the Ozarks Regional campus of Webster University. She discussed with GOBWM why and
how women can make a greater impact on our communities by becoming involved in committees and
commissions that are normally filled by men. Women wait to be asked while men ask to be involved.
GOBWM attendance and membership has been growing with the excitement in the new meeting theme
and schedule. The monthly meetings rotate between lunch and dinner meetings to accommodate more
working women’s schedules.
At recent meetings, the Greater Ozarks Business
Women of Missouri have invited successful area
women to be guest speakers. Pictured above left is
Sylvia Propps, plant manager for the Springfield Tape
Division of 3M and pictured right is Ann Elwell,
president of the League of Women Voters of Southwest Missouri and community relations manager at
the Ozarks Regional campus of Webster University.
Uniting With Military Women Update and How Your Local Can Help
By Betty Beason, PSP, Uniting With Military Women Chair
Objectives of this committee are to raise awareness
of the concerns of women in the military, especially the
problems these women face as they return to their families and communities after serving in the military.
Recommendations of ways the locals may become involved with these ladies:
•Make contact with your local Veterans of Foreign
Wars (VFW) and VFW Auxiliary, if you have one;
and the American Legion (and Auxiliary, if available). These organizations have active lobbyists
working for the rights of the military. In recent
years, they have focused on correcting previously
overlooked rights of the female military personnel. They are an excellent source of information
and would also be willing to provide programs for
your local clubs.
•Appoint one of your members to be the Uniting
Military Women Chair. This person will make
local contacts, find the ladies who have completed
military service and those who continue to be
involved. Use these ladies for programs and for
resource information on ways our organization
can be a voice and an active advocate for these
•Of course, invite them to be members. If you
have scholarship programs, keep them in mind
if they are planning to continue their education.
Also make them aware of the State Foundation’s
scholarships. Direct them to the web site and how
to access the application for the scholarships.
More activities the local clubs can promote:
•Gift packages for the active military personnel
are always nice. If your community already has a
program to send holiday packages to these ladies,
participate. If they do not have such a program,
your club can be the leaders in organizing such a
program. Become aware of the prepaid boxes for
mailing. And do review the do and don’t items
which can be included (or excluded).
•Get to know the military ladies in your community. Talk with them to learn their needs and how
our organization can be helpful.
•Keep your members aware of any legislation
which is in progress and can benefit from our
telephone calls, emails or other contacts with our
•[Did I mention?] Always invite these ladies to
become members. If payment of dues seems to be
a problem, see if you can arrange a silent personal
sponsor who is willing to pay the dues. Perhaps
your club could waive the dues for an initiation
time period and work out an affordable scale of
payment with the individual.
•Use your own local resources to contact these
ladies and learn how we can be helping “sisters”
to them.
Remember to keep notes and prepare your report of
how you handled this committee. I’m looking forward to
reading these reports after March 1, 2014.
List of what can go in the Care Packages
Soldiers are often stationed away from access to readily
available personal supplies. Female soldiers experience
this even more so. The following items are appropriate
to be included in the care packages. Be sure to follow
any special instructions like color and unscented. This
could be required by the military and could also mean
• Unscented Baby Wipes
•Snack food such as crackers, cookies
• * Do not send homemade food. These are fine
when you are mailing to someone you know, but
for these Care Packages, those items would probably be thrown away, so just for safety. Save the
good stuff for when you know the recipient will
appreciate it.
•Microwaveable Food
•Shampoo and Conditioner for dry hair
•Sport Tampons
•Unscented panty liners
•Hair Scrunches/Hair Ties (brown and black)
•Body Wash
•DVD Movies
•Tuna packets
•Bobbi Pins
•Sunscreen SPF 30
•Women’s Magazines
Note: Please bring items for the Care Packages to the December
Board meeting. I have names of women serving overseas. I will
bring the mailing boxes, packing tape and the mailing paperwork.
We hope to be able to assemble the packages there. When we
did this a few years ago, we proved that we can work fast and efficiently with our BWM team spirti!
If any club wants a name and address so they can do their own
care package, I have enough names to share. If they are not coming to December Board, they can email me for a name.
(bjbeason@aol.com) I will also accept donations of cash to assist
with postage. Thanks for your help with this project. Betty
Press Release Information for Use by Local Clubs Provided by PR Chair, Connie McGinness
News Release for Local Clubs to announce the Legislative topics and guidelines to participate in the 2013-2014 state
During the 2013 Annual State Conference, President Nancy Grey announced her Legislative Issues topics.
1. Guiding your Legislator to the BWM Legislative Platform
2.Guiding Health Research to the fact that “Women’s Health” is MUCH more than birth control
and abortion
3. Guiding the betterment of your immediate area by getting your ideas and issues to YOUR Legislators.
Lorraine Whittington, Legislative Chair added some suggestions:
1. Lobby as an individual on a BWM legislative issue.
2. Make your voice heard:-Participate in a State Lobby Day.
3. Conduct, as a monthly program, a discussion on the Equal Rights Amendment.
4. Write, and have published, a letter to the editor about a legislative issue.
5. Host a candidates’ forum.
6. Plan and execute a Get-Out-the-Vote campaign.
7. Write a letter to the editor about the importance of exercising your vote.
The BWM manual is your guide to implementing
the Legislative Issues topics into your local
club’s agenda and to prepare an entry for the
state awards next April. For your reference, the
Legislative Platform is on page 57, the Legislative
Award Requirements are on page 76 and the
Instructions for Legislative Award Application
is on page 77. If you need help accessing the
current manual from the website, send an email to
the state office: jo.mofedbpw@gmail.com If you
have additional questions, contact Lorraine at jlorraine@cableone.net or 417-623-3290. She will
be happy to assist you and answer any questions
regarding the program.
Business Women of Missouri
Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Equity
Jul 31, 13
Current Assets
Chillicothe State Bank
Petty Cash
90th Anniversary CD
Money Market
Certificate of Deposit
Total Chillicothe State Bank
Total Checking/Savings
Total Current Assets
Current Liabilities
Other Current Liabilities
Payroll Tax Liability
Total Other Current Liabilities
Total Current Liabilities
Genevieve Gibson Newman
Independent Mary Kay Consultant
923 Woods Mill Rd, Chesterfield MO 63011
email: ggibson-newman@marykay.com
phone 314-276-4299
Total Liabilities
Unrestricted Net Assets (Undistributed earnings of the corporation)
Retained Earnings
Net Income
Total Equity
»10 »
Attention Board Members:
Please check your information as listed
and notify the State Office of any
corrections or changes needed.
2013-2014 State Board Of Directors
Executive Committee
President : Nancy Grey, 836 LaGrand Av, Sedalia, MO 65301, h. 660-287-0848, nancy.grey@att.net
President Elect: Sherry Rolen, 6259 N Mercier St.,
Kansas City, MO 64118, h. 816-505-0874
c. 816-695-0561, lifelessons16@yahoo.com
Vice President: LuAnn Irby,
1963 Old Hwy 40 E., Columbia, MO 65201,
c.660-651-4306, irby.luann@gmail.com
Recording Secretary: Ann Eck, 26572 MacArthur Dr.,
Maryville, MO 64468, h. 660--582-4959,
c. 816-390-4929, manneck@cebridge.net
Treasurer: Sharron Sutton1501 Rex. Ave. Apt. 70, Joplin, MO, 64801, h. 417-529-9195,
State Office
Executive Administrator
& Editor, Missouri Business Woman (MBW):
Jo Coleman, PO Box 28243,Kansas City, MO
64188, b/fax 816-333-6959,
Standing Committees
Bylaws: Carole Parson, 5126 Briarwood Ln.,
St. Joseph, MO 64506, h./b. 816-232-1235,
Finance: LuAnn Irby ,Vice President
BWM Foundation President: Betty Beason,
1703 R
ichmond Dr, Pleasant Hill, MO 64080,
h. 816-540-2761, b. 816-540-3111,
bjbeason@aol. com
Individual Growth: Ellen Hill, 814 Enos Lane,
Godfry, IL 62035, h. 618-466-7262,
Issues Management: Pam Adams, 17275 Highway HH, Mexico, MO 65265 h. 573-581-6824
Legislative/Missouri Women's Network Liaison:
Lorraine Whittington, 2707 E. Wickersham Rd.,
Joplin, MO 64801, h 417-623-3290
ERA Updates/Legislattive March@Capitol Co Chairs
Kaci Moran-Pose, 32205 E. Major Rd., Grain Valley,
MO 64029, h. 816-809-8285
Tammy Rinehart , PO Box 548, Seneca, MO 64865, h. 417-291-5614, tkrinehart@hotmail.com
Genevieve Gibson-Newman,
923 Woods Mill Road, Ballwin, MO 63011
h. 314-276-4299, c. 636-386-5420
Lanea Furst, 20248 Cosby, MO 64436
c. 816-261-9980, laneaparson@gmail.com
Public Relations: Connie McGinness, 24110 315th St, Maryville, MO 64468, h. 660-582-4898,
b.660-562-2141 conniemac64468@yahoo.com
Business Plan Task Force:
Sherry Rolen, President Elect
Generations Taking Charge: Angie Moran,
20665 Hottel Springs Rd., Seneca, MO 64865, h.417-776-2394,b.417-776-8333, f.417-776-2947, angela.moran@live.com
Special Appointees
Domestic Violence Task Force: Lori Haney
3403 S. Stewart Ave., Sedalia, MO 64865
c. 660-221-8053, lori_haney@ymail.com
Leadership Conference Chair 2012Leadership
Conference Chair 2013: Dianne Simon
17449 Brockman Ave, Cole Camp, MO
65325-2672, h. 660-668-2049, w. 660-826-4800,
Meetings Coordinators:
Linda Fisher
69948 Sinkhole Rd., Sedalia, MO 65301-0077, h.
660-826-4371, lfisher@lsfisher.com
Della Schnakenberg
3402 S. Park Ave, Sedalia, MO 65301,
h. 660-826-0299, dschnakenberg@mhcpc.com
Mentoring: Debra Saffer 620 Blackbird Dr.,
Florissant, MO 65325, h. 314-838-5970
Nominations: Sandy Majchrzak, 2010 Maxwell St. Apt B,
Rolla, MO 65401, 573-426-2012, smaze@fidnet.com
State Conference Co-Chairs 2014:
Dianne Simon
17449 Brockman Ave, Cole Camp, MO
65325-2672, h. 660-668-2049, w. 660-826-4800,
Debora Biggs
2461 E. Wildwood Dr, Springfield, MO 65804 h. 417887-6386, b.417-869-2121,
Sue Parrish,
2300 Radio Hill Rd., Sedalia, MO
65301-1604, h. 660-826-6654, w. 660-827-2170,
State Conference Fund Raising 2014:
Bonnie Fay, 3504 Canyon Ridge Drive, Columbia MO 64601 h. 573-449-1845, c. 573-881-1553
Parliamentarian/Board of Directors Meetings:
Cleo Westbay, PO Box 338, Carthage, MO
64836-0338, c.417-358-9128
Uniting With Military Women:
Betty Beason, 1703 R
ichmond Dr, Pleasant Hill,
MO 64080, h. 816-540-2761, b. 816-540-3111,
bjbeason@aol. com
Women’s Health: Vicki Silkwood, 611 Peacher St.,
Chillicothe, MO 65601 h. 660-646-1162
Articles to be published in the MISSOURI
BUSINESS WOMAN should be mailed to
the State Office before the 10th of the month
preceeding publication date. All other BWM
correspondence should be directed to specified
officers listed above
to all BWM members upon payment of dues
and to those who subscribe. Subscription
price-$2.00 per year.
Health Emphasis Months REGIONAL DIRECTORS 2013-2014
Northwest Regional Director:
Linda Fisher, 69948 Sinkhole Rd., Sedalia, MO
65301-0077, h. 660-826-4371,
Northeast Regional Director:
Evelyn Brown, 1301 Englewood Dr., Macon, MO
h. 660-385-2859, b, 660-263-4123,
Southeast Regional Director:
Cathy Covington, 177T-box Dr.,
Saint Clair, MO 63077, 636-629-0993,
Southwest Regional Director:
Tammy Rinehart , PO Box 548, Seneca, MO 64865, h. 417-291-5614, tkrinehart@hotmail.com
Provided by Vicki Silkwood PSP, Women’s Health Chair
October – Breast Cancer Awareness
I will just reemphasize the importance of monthly self-breast exams.
Webmd.com/breast-cancer/guide/breast-self-exam will show you the proper
steps. Also don’t forget your annual mammogram!
November – Diabetes Education, Alzheimer Awareness
Since I am an insulin dependent diabetic or more commonly known as
Type 1, I have reams of info! Be aware of the symptoms of diabetes: thirst;
urinating often; unexpected weight loss; feeling very hungry or tires; sores
that heal slowly; dry, itchy skin, blurry eye sight, and loss of feeling or tingling
in your feet.
Below are signs of Alzheimer’s compared to typical age-related changes.
Signs of Alzheimer’s
Typical age-related changes
• Poor judgment and decision making
• Making a bad decision once
in a while
• Inability to manage a budget
• Missing a monthly payment
• Losing track of the date or the season • Forgetting which day it is & remembering later
• Difficulty having a conversation
• Sometimes forgetting which word to use
•Misplacing things & being unable •Losing things from time to time
to retrace steps to find them
What’s good for the body is good for the brain!
December – De-Stress
Tis the season to be jolly! Don’t try to squeeze a year’s worth of love, joy
and generosity into a few short days. Identify what has stressed you in the
past, and then set priorities. Coddle your comfort zone. What soothes you?
Whether laughter, cooking, painting, jogging, dancing, reading or something
else carve out time for that mental getaway! For quick stress relief, use relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, stretching or meditation.
Missouri Business Woman Magazine
PO Box 28243
Kansas City MO 64188
It’s time to order your Holiday Greetings
• The winter issue of MBW
is your opportunity to wish
Happy Holidays or Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year
to the members of your Local
Club, or for members to send a
greeting to your local president,
to the state board members, or
anyone! . . the possibilities are
• The greetings are a bargain
at $5 each. Priced low enough
for you to send several! Deadline for greetings is November
20, 2013, and ad size is 2-1/2”
wide by 1” high.
The more words in your ad, the
smaller the type to fit into the box, so
buy a double box, a triple or more!
• Send payment and greeting to
BWM, Inc. PO Box 28243, Kansas
City, MO 64188. Please write legibly.
• Or, you may email your message to
and pay via PayPal on the website,
Please put “Holiday Greeting” in the
subject line.
Don’t delay. Order today!