~~-- -- ._---~ 2080300616 111111111 Page' 1 of S 4'08 PM INGA $47.00 Whatcom County. WA Request of: WHATCOM COUNTY COUNCIL 3/05/2008 RETURN DOCUMENT TO: NADEAN HANSON WHATCOM COUNTY COUNCIL OFFICE DOCUMENT TITLE(S): Intergovernmental Agreement Activation of the Emergency Alert System REFERENCE NUMBER(S) OF DOCUMENTS ASSIGNED OR RELEASED: Contract Number: 20~ ~IJ{) 1'tJIO,3" Additional reference numbers found on page of document. GRAI'JTOR(S): Whatcom County Additional grantors found on page of document. GRANTEE(S) : Washington State Military Department Emergency Management Division Additional grantees found on page of document. ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION (Lot, block, plat, or section, township, range) None Additional legal description can be found on page ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: None of document. WHATCOM COUNTY CONTRACT INFORMATION SHEET Whatcom County Contract No. rROo8'oI03~ -diJ 97100 f 1 Originating: Whatcom County Sheriffs Office Division ofEmer/lency Mana/lement Contact Person: Don Boyd Contractor's Name: Washin/lton State Military Department EmerJleney Mana/lement Division Ifnot. is this an Amendment to an Existing Contract? No......x. Yes-If an Amendment, previous number(s): Is this a New Contract? YesK.....- No,. Is this a renewal? Yes_ Nox....­ Contract Amount:(sum of orig contract amt and any prior amendments) $000 This Amendment Amoun/:. $0.00 Total Amended Amount: $000 If a Professional Services Agreement is more than $/5,(}()() or a Bid is more than $35,000. please submit an Agenda BiUfor Council approval and a supporting memo. Any amendment that provides either a /0% increase in amount or more than $/0.000. whichever is greater. must also go to Council and will need an agenda bill and supporting memo. If less than these thresholds, just submit to Executive with supporting memo for approval. Scope ofServices Washington State agrees to provide emergency warning information to Whatcom County Broadcaster via the Emergency Alert System (£AS) Nature ofContract Amt: (Check one) Term ofContract: Fixed Amount Not to Exceed Expiration Date: December 30.2012 Last Renewal Expires: Renewal Option: Yes r Ha- Open Ended Special Dates or clauses that require calendaring: Contract Routing SleDS & Signore (sign or inilia11 (indkaU dDte t r a n s m i l U. . ' J. P",pa.-.dby, ~ D." 0;' 07 2. Atto'"'!ey review~d:~ Date' .0 3. AS-Fmance reVIewed: Date 0 4. Cor.rections made: Date 5. Attorney signoff.· Date 6. Contractor signed: Date 7. Submitted to Exec Office Date v 8 Reviewed by DCA Date I~XfJ~r7 j 9. Council approved Date 10. Executive signed: ........Date (O-/'-Q7 1/. Contractor Original I/$.blf {;.,. S0...4 rc.5 returned to dept: Date II> -17-Q 7 12. County Original to Council / Date .:1.- :J. 5 - 08 1# {electronicJ {electronicJ {electronic/ {electronic/hard copy printed {electronicJ {summary via elec:hardcopiesJ (if necessary) This form may need to expand to more than one page Contract foe Services Agreement [Insert more specific appellation! v 1.0 Page 0 October 4, 2007 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT Activation of the Emergency Alert System r-.J. G~}JE,Q8':0.6-.2 II ". V,\i ~{ ( . . . :' .. ·I . ,~;.-~ .~r '~' __ • ~ j t·-,~T\/I _~'.':< 0 0 g 010; ;.", ..~. I Washington State Military Department AND Contractor: Whatcom COunty... . Camp Murray, Building #20, M.S. TA-20 311 Grand Avenue Bellingham, Washington 98225 Tacoma, WA 98430-5000 (253) 512-7067 FAX: (253) 512-7207 (360) 676-6681 FAX: (360) 738-2518 Contact Person: George Crawford Contact Person: Don Boyd Maximum Amount: $0 Beginning Date: October 10, 2007 End Date: December 30,2012 I. INTRODUCTION The purpose for this agreement is to provide Whatcom County (hereinafter known as the Contractor) authorization to the Washington Military Department Emergency Management Division (hereinafter known as EMD) for the activation and broadcast of emergency warning messages over the Statewide Emergency Alert System (EAS) for Whatcom County. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to authorities for the County and the State contained in the Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 38.52, Mutual Aid Agreements and Chapter 39.34, Interlocal Agreements. II. OPERATION OF EAS IN WASHINGTON STATE The Washington State Emergency Alert System (EAS) Plan, dated March 3,1997, is administered by the Washington State Emergency Communications Committee (SECC), and approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Governor of the State of Washington. That plan is posted at http://www.wsab.org. In support of the plan, EMD maintains an Emergency Alert System (EAS) statewide radio network (SRN) that operates in accordance with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules, Part 11. The Washington State EAS is activated from the State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and is broadcasted over eleven (11) SRN transmitter sites in Washington State. This SRN allows EMD to transmit civil authority originated EAS warning messages to warn the public of emergency events. The SRN is tested statewide on a weekly basis. The SRN transmitters are monitored by broadcasters on frequencies assigned in the State EAS plan. SRN EAS warning messages are received for relay to the public by over 200 AM, FM and/or TV stations servicing the Washington state listening or watching public. Those EMD originated EAS warning messages are also received by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Weather Service (NWS) Sand Point office in Seattle, WaShington for relay to the public via seven (7) NOAA transmitter sites in Western Washington. The Seattle NWS office relays of EMD originated EAS warning messages can be programmed to activate both; NOAA Weather Receivers and Sirens, using county or special siren location codes. EMD maintains a separate agreement with NOAA Headquarters in Washington D.C. for the maintenance, operation and retransmission of civil alerts originated by either the SRN or Local govemments. The 53 local government activation points utilize anyone the 17 established Local Relay Networks (LRN). The NOAA agreement.also provides EMD with a back-up EAS activation point at either of the four NOAA Weather Offices servicing Washington state; Seattle, Portland, Spokane or Pendleton, Oregon. EMD also provides back-up activation for each of those NOAA offices as part of the agreement. III. WARNINGS AND EVACUATION RESPONSIBILITIES EAS warning activations are either the responsibility of local governments or one of the four (4) NOAA NWS Forecast Offices serving Washington State. Civil alerts are the responsibility of local governments and weather related events are the responsibility of the serving NWS office. EMD's role is to activate EAS for a local government, when requested to do so by that local government. EMD is the primary activation point for statewide EAS AMBER alerts, when requested to do so by the Washington State Patrol. Activation of EAS Page 1 of 4 ~ Whatcom County OEM E08-062 __.1 The four (4) NWS offices have responsibility for issuing weather related EAS warnings and local governments have the responsibility for issuing EAS wamings using EAS events codes and location codes in the Washington State Emergency Alert System Plan. The warning system shall follow the procedures shown in Appendix A to this agreement. IV. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE ACTIVATION AND BROADCAST OF EMERGENCY WARNING MESSAGES OVER THE EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM lEAS) STATEWIDE RADIO NETWORK lSRN) BY EMD FOR WHATCOM COUNTY. Given the operational EAS activation capabilities ofthe EMD in paragraph /I above, and the current local government responsibilities for activation of EAS in their jUrisdictions in paragraph III, Whatcom county hereby authorizes EMD to activate the SRN EAS utiliZing the Sandy Point siren, transmitting EAS warnings for Tsunami Warnings (TSW) and an Immediate Evacuation (EVI). EMD is authorized by Whatcom County to issue the below EAS messages after receiving, from the NOAA NWS, a Tsunami Warning for marine shorelines of Washington: A. CASCADIA EARTHQUAKE: If a tsunami is generated from a Cascadia Subduction Zone event and enters the Strait of Juan de Fuca the West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center (WC/ATWC) will issue a Tsunami Warning Message for Whatcom County, EMD is authorized to generate a Tsunami Warning EAS message using Whatcom County and all Siren location codes with the same or similar audio message received from the NOAA NWS. The intent is to activate NOAA Weather receivers a second time and sirens for the first time. This authorization is for any NWS warning for marine shorelines of Whatcom County. This repeat message will be: ''THIS IS NOT A TEST. A TSUNAMI WARNING HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR THE COASTAL AREAS OF WASHINGTON. A TSUNAMI CAN CAUSE DANGEROUS FLOODING. IF YOU ARE IN A LOW COASTAL AREA YOU ARE AT RISK AND MUST MOVE TO HIGHER GROUND OR INLAND NOW. DO NOT RETURN UNTIL DIRECTED TO DO SO. CLOSELY MONITOR LOCAL RADIO STATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. THIS IS NOT A TEST. A TSUNAMI WARNING HAS BEEN ISSUED FOR THE COASTAL AREAS OF WASHINGTON. MOVE TO HIGHER GROUND OR INLAND NOW." See Appendix A If EMD is unable to activate the AHAB Radio, Whatcom County should use California Seismic Integrated Network (CISN) to verify the location of the earthquake and the tsunami warning message for decision to locally activate siren. Based on Cascadia Subduction Zone tsunami modeling for Whatcom County there should be up to two hours before a tsunami would strike; although earthquake induced submarine landslides could cause a tsunami to be generated nearer the shoreline. V. B. LOCAL EARTHQUAKE WITH TSUNAMI GENERATION: Activation of the AHAB would be required through the Sandy Point responders. A public education program is required to support the appropriate response. Tsunami generation from a local event may strike the shoreline in minutes without warning. C. DISTANT TSUNAMI: There is no action required of EMD or Whatcom County. There is no scientific evidence that a distant tsunami has caused damage to WlatcQm County. However, citizens should be wamed to stay off beaches. LEGAL RELATIONS To the fullest extent permitted by law, each party to this Agreement shall be responsible for injury to persons or damage to property resulting from negligent acts or omissions on the part of itself, its employees, agents or officers. Each party shall defend, protect, and hold harmless the other party from and against all claims, actions, costs, damages, or expenses of any nature arising out of or incident to that party's negligent performance or failure to perform this agreement. Neither party assumes any responsibility to the other party for the consequences of any act or omission of any third party. Activation of EAS Page 2 of 4 Whatcom County OEM E08-062 VI.. AMENDMENTS AND TERMINATION This Agreement may be amended or modified at any time by mutual consent of the parties hereto. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of the parties or terminated by either Party upon giving at least 120 days advance written notice. Failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement will serve as cause for termination of this Agreement. VII. EFFECTIVE DATE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Emergency Management Division, Washington State Military Department and Whatcom County, have, through duly authorized representatives, entered into this Agreement. The Parties having read and understand the terms of the Agreement do by their respective signatures dated below hereby agree to the terms thereof. The period of performance of this agreement shall commence on the last signature date below and full execution of this agreement and end on December 30, 2012. It is also provided that this agreement may be renewed for subsequent year(s) upon notification by either party of the intent to do so no later than [60] days before the conclusion of the performance period. It is incumbent upon the parties to monitor the contract and ensure that it is renewed before the end of the period. AGREED TO AND BY: Contractor Whatcom County Agency Washington State Military Department Emergency Management Division Sign re James M. Mullen, Director Emergency Management Division Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: Signatur Sara J. Finlay Assistant Attorney General Activation of EAS kL Q~\J)t~ Signature Randall Watts, Civil Page 3 of 4 HI.~o"i . Date tomey for Whatcom County Whatcom County DEM E08-062 APPENDIX A Tsunami Message Flow Chart Activation of EAS Page 4of4 Whatcom County OEM E08-062