V112.400 - Vebra Alto

Exchange Integration | Email Message Synchronisation ..................................... 4
Overview ................................................................................................................. 4
Video ...................................................................................................................... 4
Technical Notes ...................................................................................................... 5
Supported Exchange Versions ............................................................................ 5
Exchange Prerequisites ...................................................................................... 5
Exchange Integration Setup ................................................................................ 5
Email Notifications .................................................................................................. 6
Timeline Entries ...................................................................................................... 8
Viewing Synced Emails .......................................................................................... 8
Attachments ............................................................................................................ 9
Contact Email Address History ............................................................................... 9
Matching Improvements ........................................................................................ 11
Match List Manger ................................................................................................ 11
Video .................................................................................................................... 11
Matching Contacts Tab ......................................................................................... 12
New ‘Rejected’ option for contact matching .......................................................... 12
Reject Tick box behaviour .................................................................................... 13
Changes to Contacts > Requirements tab ............................................................ 13
Creating and using Match Lists ............................................................................ 14
Menu ................................................................................................................. 16
Match List Notes ............................................................................................... 16
Icons ................................................................................................................. 17
Finalising a Contact........................................................................................... 17
Printing Match Lists ........................................................................................... 17
File Note Improvements........................................................................................ 19
Printing from a Contact Match Group or Property Match Group ....................... 20
Property Group Lists ............................................................................................. 20
Contact Group Lists .............................................................................................. 20
Lettings Improvements .......................................................................................... 22
Furnishing Status .................................................................................................. 22
Overview Status.................................................................................................... 22
Include Tenants in Email/SMS confirmations ....................................................... 23
Diary Improvements ............................................................................................... 24
SMS Reminders for Viewing and Market Appraisal appointments ........................ 24
Branch Setup .................................................................................................... 24
Templates ......................................................................................................... 25
Setting Reminders............................................................................................. 25
Property Screen Improvements ............................................................................ 27
Search and Group Display .................................................................................... 27
Property Map View ............................................................................................... 27
Uploads to Vebra.com .......................................................................................... 27
Contact Screen Improvements ............................................................................. 28
General Appointments .......................................................................................... 28
Solicitor Referral ................................................................................................... 28
Vendor Reports..................................................................................................... 28
Email Address History .......................................................................................... 28
Reporting Improvements ....................................................................................... 30
Market Appraisals Reports ................................................................................... 30
Viewing Report ..................................................................................................... 30
Applicants Registered & Applicants by Rating Reports ........................................ 31
Management Summary Report ............................................................................. 32
Current Stock New Report .................................................................................... 32
Lead Source Buyers Report ................................................................................. 33
Marketing Improvements ....................................................................................... 34
Price on Application .............................................................................................. 34
Brochure Corrections ............................................................................................ 34
Brief Your Market ................................................................................................... 35
Money Laundering ................................................................................................. 35
Other Corrections................................................................................................... 36
Opening Miscellaneous appointments from the Timeline ..................................... 36
Saved Reports ...................................................................................................... 36
Changes to Branch Settings ................................................................................. 36
Uploads to RightMove .......................................................................................... 36
Vendor Report Frequency field ............................................................................. 36
Solicitor Referral Field .......................................................................................... 36
Diary Warning message ....................................................................................... 36
Exchange Integration | Email Message Synchronisation Beta
A great new feature included in this release is Email Message Syncing which
integrates with Microsoft Exchange or Office 365.
With this feature enabled when you receive a reply to an email sent from Alto, as
well as it arriving in your email inbox the email will be picked up by Alto and
automatically recorded against the relevant contact and/or property in the timeline.
You no longer have to leave Alto in order to continue your email interactions and
you’re instantly alerted to any new emails directly on-screen within Alto.
Just like sent emails, all emails received are available in full on the timelines. You
can also read the full conversational history for each one.
There’s no complicated setup or no additional tools to install, this just works across
all your browsers and mobile devices.
Below you will find a video link which gives an overview of the Email Synchronisation
process. (This information is also described in the following sections if you would
rather read about the changes.)
Technical Notes
Supported Exchange Versions
Microsoft Office 365 (also referred to as Exchange Online)
Microsoft Exchange Server (also referred to as ‘On-Premise’).
Currently only Exchange 2013 is fully supported, however we will introduce
support for Exchange 2007, 2010 and 2016 in a future release soon).
Exchange Prerequisites
Installation of the Exchange Web Services Managed API 2.2
(this is usually installed as part of the default Exchange installation)
A valid SSL certification on the server for the domain name that is handling
email addresses (this is also well known, and is probably already in place)
Port 80 open/redirected to the server for web calls
Exchange Integration Setup
For enablement of this new feature to your Alto account please send us a request via
email to exchangeintegration@propertysoftwaregroup.com. Once the service has
been enabled for you, each user can set up their email credentials in Account
Settings as detailed below:
Click ‘Create’ to define the credentials.
Enter the following details:
Username: The user’s Microsoft Exchange username (usually an email
address, but if you are unsure please check with your system administrator).
Password: The user’s Microsoft Exchange password.
Use Autodiscover: When this feature is enabled, the service will attempt to
discover the Microsoft Exchange Server URL automatically – recommended.
Server address: The server URL or IP address of the user’s Microsoft
Exchange Server. This option is disabled if ‘Use Autodiscover’ is enabled.
When complete, click ‘Save’. Then ‘Check Settings’.
Clicking the ‘Check Settings’ attempts to connect to the Microsoft Exchange server.
If it has problems doing so, you will be presented with a failure message. Please
check all the details with your system administrator amend any mistakes and try
Email Notifications
As soon as the setup is complete, any emails sent via Alto from your login will enter
the message syncing process.
When a recipient replies to an email, a ‘Notification Icon’ will appear on your Alto
menu bar. The icon in the menu bar displays a number to indicate how many
notifications you currently have. Please Note: The notifications will only appear to
the user who sent the original email.
A solid envelope, like above means there are unread messages waiting. An outline
of an envelope, as below means there are messages in the notification window, but
they have all been read, but not yet dismissed. If there is no envelope in the menu
bar, this means there are no emails waiting to be actioned and all have been
Clicking the ‘Notification Icon’ will open the ‘Notifications’ window, where you can
take action on individual items:
Clicking on an email notification will open the email in a new window. Once the email
window is open you can reply to the contact if you wish, or just close the screen.
To remove a single email from the notification list click ‘Dismiss’ from the right hand
The ‘Dismiss All’ button will remove all notifications from the list and then close the
Notifications window.
Timeline Entries
Emails that have originated from Alto,
appear as normal in the timeline.
Replies to these emails are processed
by the system, and will appear in the
timeline as an ‘Email Reply’.
Synced emails are listed in the timeline by default. These can be filtered using a new
timeline filter. If you wish to see both the sent email and the replies you need to
select ‘Comms’ as well as ‘Synced Emails’. ‘Synced Emails’ only shows the incoming
Viewing Synced Emails
Email replies are handled in a similar manner to normal communications that have
originated from Alto. Clicking on a ‘New Email’ notification or an ‘Email Reply’ in the
timeline will open the ‘Synced Email’ window. From here, you are able to reply to the
email as normal and download any attachments.
All emails the go through the syncing process contain a tracking ID in the subject
If the email reply contains an attachment you can view/download these attachments
through your browser by clicking the attachments file name within the ‘Synced Email’
An indication as to whether an email
contains an attachment can be seen
on the timeline entries for each email
reply (see opposite).
Contact Email Address History
As part of this new function we have added an option to store previous email
addresses on a contact’s record:
This button is enabled as soon as a current email address is updated.
When you click on the button you will be able to see a history of the email addresses
linked to this contact. The ‘from’ & ‘to’ dates show when the email was active on the
You can remove an email address from the history using the – button. Likewise you
can add an email address back in using the + button.
This feature allows you to control changes to contact email addresses while
preserving which synced emails appear on their timeline, i.e. where a contact
changes their email address or a mistake was made when inputting their email
If you remove an email address from the history, any email replies that came
in via that email address will no longer show on the contact’s timeline that
contain a reply to that email address (for this contact).
If you add an email address into the history, any replies relating to that email
address will become visible.
If a contact record contains the same email address as another contact record
(so not a single contact with multiple names), when you reply to an email from
the timeline both contact’s timeline entries will be updated.
If an email is sent that contains more than one linked property, any email
replies will appear on the contact timelines only. On the property timelines
only the original ‘sent’ email will appear. This is because we cannot determine
to which property the email reply is pertaining.
Matching Improvements
Match List Manger
In this release we have added helpful, time-saving functionality to the match results
to allow you to create a Match List for you or your colleagues to work through that
can also be printed. A useful bookmark is included so if you get called away midway
through your ring rounds you can come back later to complete it knowing the exact
point at which you reached.
If you only have a small list of matching contacts, you can continue to use the
existing screen but if you have a longer list you can start creating Match Lists and
have all the benefits of this improved function.
Below you will find a video that demonstrates the improved match list functionality.
(This information is also described in the following sections if you would rather read
about the changes.)
Matching Contacts Tab
The existing matching contacts list behaves in the same way as previously, and so if
you only have a small list to work through and decide not to create a specific Match
List, you can still use this screen to tick selected records and use Docs > Send
Brochure to market the property to those people.
We have added a few new features to this screen, see below:
We have added a phone icon which allows you to add a phone call note
directly from this tab.
The remaining icons to add a note, book a viewing etc. still perform in the
same way as before i.e. there are no visual indications on this screen of
actions you’ve taken (the timeline is, of course, updated). The new Create
Match List function allows you to mark and track all actions and so is a much
friendlier option if you have a larger list or wish to print the list for an off-line
ring round.
In the ‘Essentials’ filter, we have changed the matched/unmatched tick boxes
to be a drop-down list. The options are Either, Matched or Unmatched (with
unmatched as the default as before)*.
New ‘Rejected’ option for contact matching
We have introduced a new option of ‘Rejected’. In the list of contacts, you will now
see a grey thumb icon. You can click this to mark a contact as ‘rejected’. When this
is used the contact will no longer appear as a match to this property and similarly,
this property will no longer appear in the requirements tab on the contact record.
* As a reminder the definition of ‘Matched’ is where at least one of the following
associated events have taken place:
Brochure sent
Notes entered
Phone call made
Text message sent
Viewing Booked
Offer Made
An un-matched property is one without any of the above events having
taken place.
If you tick the rejected option you will see any contacts that you have rejected or that
have been rejected during a previous match for that property. These records will
appear with a red thumbs down
To un-reject a record, select the rejected tick box and then click on the icon to return
a contact back to the matched contacts tab.
Please see the explanation below of the consequences of ticking both the rejected
box and one of the match types:
Reject Tick box behaviour
When you select the Reject button you are asking for any records that have been
marked as rejected to be displayed in the Matching Contacts tab. Ticking this box in
combination with ‘Either’ selected in the Match Type will return ALL rejected records.
If you combine this Reject tick with either Matched or Unmatched from the ‘Match
Type’ filter this will restrict how many records are returned because it’s looking for
records that meet both criterion.
Potential uses for listing all rejected contacts are for example if a property has a
price change and you want to resend marketing information to potential buyers who
previously rejected the property due to price.
Changes to Contacts > Requirements tab
In order to keep the Property and Contact screens consistent, there is a reject tick
box on the Contact > Requirements tab. This works in the same way as it does on
the property matching tab, as described above.
Creating and using Match Lists
As mentioned above, if you wish to create a list of the contacts that are matched you
can use the ‘Create Match List’ button and turn the contacts on the screen into a
‘Match List’ to work through.
Using the existing match group functionality, you can set up a group that just shows
contacts with a certain negotiator or just Hot buyers etc.. By using these match
groups, it will reduce the number of matching contacts before putting them into a
match list. The maximum number of contacts that can be created in a match list is
500. We recommend that you create Contact Match Groups and use these to
filter down the result if you are regularly exceeding the 500 limit.
Clicking the ‘Create Match List’ button will automatically convert all of the records
you have filtered into a new Match List. The ‘Assign’ screen will appear where you
can either assign the list to yourself, your colleagues, or yourself and your
Your name will appear first. If you want to assign the list to yourself, you simply
select your name by clicking on it. If you want to split the list with other colleagues
you can then multiple-select other names (up to 4 in total, including yourself) and
then click on ‘Create Lists’.
Assigning the list to yourself will create a new tab with your name and assign all the
contacts to you.
Assigning the list to multiple people will split the total number equally between the
selected parties (with any odd numbers assigned to the first person in the list).
Any match lists you create for the property will show in tabs at the top along with the
user name and a percentage of how many contacts in the list have been processed
(which at this point will always be 0%).
There are three bands; Active, Completed and Rejected. When you create a match
list all the contacts will appear in the ‘Active’ section. As you progress through the list
of contacts marking each one as appropriate they will move into the ‘Completed’ or
‘Rejected’ sections and the processed percentage will increase.
The completed & rejected sections can be opened by clicking them from the bottom
of the screen. They act in an ‘accordion’ style and can be opened and closed by
clicking one of the other list headings.
To view an individual record in more detail you can click to expand it using the
red arrow to the right of the name or click anywhere on the row.
Once expanded, the icon alters and when you click this or the row the record is
There are a number of menu items at the top of the Match List tab.
Expand All – Opens each contact into the expanded view, this menu option
changes to ‘collapse all’ when in the expanded view.
Print List – Prints the contact list. See Printing Match Lists for full details
Delete List – Deletes the selected list
Reassign List – Allows the match list to be assigned to a new user or split between
multiple users (as long as the maximum number of lists has not been reached)
Bookmark Icon – Clicking this will return you to the bookmarked record. It will only
be active if you have previously set a record with a bookmark
Match List Notes
When a contact record is expanded you can add Match List notes for use whilst in
the match list, ensuring you click ‘Save’ when you’ve finished.
On each contact there are a number of actions you can
perform directly from the match list using the icons on the
Completed/Rejected – Use this once you have finished
with the contact in relation to this property. See Finalising
a Contact below.
Logging a phone call, adding a file note, booking a
viewing and sending an email/SMS automatically
populates the details onto the contact/property timeline.
Bookmark – This is for noting the record you had
reached so far, to enable you to return to the list at a later
date and continue from there.
Unlike the basic Matching contacts tab, with this new Match List manager, as soon
as you complete tasks, the icons are marked with ticks to show what actions you
have taken:
Finalising a Contact
If you do not wish to market a property to a particular contact you can click on the
‘Reject’ icon and this contact will move to the rejected band.
For any contacts that you do wish to include in marketing you can use the various
icons to indicate what action you have taken and add notes etc.. Then you click on
the ‘Completed’ icon and this contact will move out of the active band to the
completed band. You carry on like this until you have worked your way through the
list. (At any time you can delete the list regardless of whether there are active
records still present.)
If you make a mistake and need to get the contact back into the ‘Active’ list, just
open the band where they are now listed and click the completed/rejected icon to
remove the tick. The contact record will return to the relevant band.
Printing Match Lists
Click the ‘Print List’ button from the top menu to open a screen showing the options.
Options can be switched on/off dependant on your requirements for the print.
As you switch options on/off the preview window at the bottom shows the information
that will be present in the output.
You can also change the text size using the slider to enable you to fit more results on
each page.
These options are described below:
Summary / Bands
Property Information - Choose to show the marketing image, first line of the property
address & the property price.
Active, Completed & Rejected bands allow you to choose which sections are
included on the printout.
Contact Information
Choose to display the contacts ‘Hot’ status, ‘Favourite’ status, Buying/Selling
position, phone numbers and email address.
Search Profiles / List Status
Choose to include information about the contact regarding any search profiles on the
contact record, Profile summary which would be something like ‘Family Home, Up to
200k, 3+ Beds, Leicester’. You can also include any search areas or matching
features that are set up on the contact.
Match List Status displays the tick boxes to show which actions have already been
taken on each contact.
This section allows you to display any match list notes that have been added and
any notes from the contact notes field. It also adds tick boxes for ‘send brochure’ &
‘arrange viewing’, so that if a user is working from a printed copy they can tick the
options required. Finally, you can add a small notes section so handwritten notes
can be added to the printed copy.
File Note Improvements
We’ve changed the file notes that you add to applicant records from the property
match screen. These now automatically update the timeline of all involved parties.
You have the option of deselecting one or all of the involved parties. In the example
below the file note entry will only display on the applicant and the property as the
vendor has been deselected:
Printing from a Contact Match Group or Property Match
From the Property or Contact group screen, there is now an option to print a list of
the records. This list can be sorted by a number of options such as Price, Status,
Beds, Name and Address etc. Note: Both lists are limited to a printing output of
1,000 records.
Property Group Lists
Once the required group is on screen, select the properties you wish to include in the
print then choose Print > Print List from the top menu.
Choose the required sort order from the drop list and whether you would prefer it
ascending or descending.
Note: Sorting by Status - This option puts Let (Marketing) immediately after Under
Offer Marketing to ensure all the properties that may require more ‘attention’ show
Contact Group Lists
Once the required group is on screen, select the contacts you wish to include in the
print then choose Print List from the top menu.
Choose the required sort order from the drop list and whether you would prefer it
ascending or descending:
Click Next to open the list in a new browser tab. When you are ready to print the list,
please ensure that you select ‘Landscape’ as the print format so that the data fits the
page correctly
Lettings Improvements
Furnishing Status
Improvements have been made for lettings properties, so you can see at a glance
the furnished status of a property rather than having to click into the record.
The furnished status can now be seen by icons on the ‘Recent & Favourite
Properties’ list and from the overview tab of the property.
Please Note: For screens with a resolution of
less that 1024px, the icons on the `Recent &
Favourite Properties` list will appear as
bracketed letters instead, placed before the
property address - [PF], [U], [F], [F/U], [NS]
This information is also displayed on the property search screen, see below.
Overview Status
On the overview tab of the property we have added a hover-over that shows the
available date for lettings properties, as shown in the image above. The date
displayed is taken from the ‘Property > Marketing > Available’ field.
Include Tenants in Email/SMS confirmations
We have improved the viewing card for lettings properties to enable any incumbent
tenants to be notified if a viewing is to take place.
When the Viewing window appears, all the current tenants are included in the
selection form. You will see the tenants’ names underneath the existing fields for
Applicants and Vendors/Landlords:
As you will see from the next section, we have introduced the option of sending a
reminder of a Viewing or a Market Appraisal and now that the Tenant is included in
the notifications, they will also automatically be included in the reminder option.
Diary Improvements
SMS Reminders for Viewing and Market Appraisal appointments
We have added a really useful feature to viewings and market appraisals. You can
now send an SMS reminder for these appointments and control when it is sent.
Branch Setup
The reminder sent is set up per branch in Tools > System Administration >
Branch Setup
Set a default reminder method using the drop down list for Default Appointment
Reminder Delivery
No reminders will be sent
Only Email reminders will be sent
Only SMS Reminders will be sent
Both SMS and Email reminders will be sent
Same Day Appointment Reminder – Delivery time
When an appointment is booked for the same day, this option determines how far in
advance of the appointment time a reminder will be sent. If the appointment is
entered within this timescale (i.e. within 1 hour in the above example), the reminder
options on the email form will be greyed out.
Reminder Delivery Date
For appointments not created on the same day, select when you want the reminder
to be set. You can choose: On Event Day or Day Before Event.
Reminder Delivery Time
You can select any time of the day or night (from 15-minute time slots).
We have added some new SMS & Email templates that can be used for reminders:
Email Reminder Appraisal Owner
Email Reminder Viewing Applicant
Email Reminder Viewing Owner
Email Reminder Viewing Tenant
SMS Reminder Appraisal Owner
SMS Reminder Viewing Applicant
SMS Reminder Viewing Owner
SMS Reminder Viewing Tenant
SMS Reminder Appraisal General Contact
SMS Reminder Viewing General Contact
Email Reminder Appraisal General Contact
Email Reminder Viewing General Contact
If you wish to change the text on the templates, go to Tools > System
Administration > Email Templates/SMS Templates.
Setting Reminders
When a confirmed viewing or market appraisal is booked, a confirmation email form
is presented:
When the form opens, all the recipients are scanned to see if they have an email
address and a mobile number. If they have both, confirmations are sent using both
methods by default, if they have just an email address, then email will be the default.
Reminders can be sent regardless of whether or not confirmations are being
The reminder field will not be available for selection if the appointment
date/time are already passed.
An appointment booked or updated on the day that the appointment will
actually occur will still allow reminders to be issued, but this will be controlled
by the Branch Admin setting ‘Same Day Appointment Reminder – Delivery
time (see above).
For appointments made for the same day that fall within the 'same-day
reminder' period set in the branch settings, the reminder options will be
SMS Reminders that are being sent to Contacts are sent out once a day on
the day of the appointment at the time that has been set in the Branch
If a viewing or market appraisal is cancelled, the scheduled SMS reminder will
be cancelled and a cancellation SMS will be sent in place of it.
Property Screen Improvements
Search and Group Display
To compliment the Furnished Status icons and Available Date added for lettings
properties the property search and groups screen now shows the available date and
furnished status as below (for Sales properties this column will display the ‘On the
Market Available Date’).
This new column can be ordered by either the Available Date or Furnished Status:
Click on the word ‘Avail’ to sort by the available date. By clicking ‘Avail’ again
the sort will be reversed (this toggle allows an ascending or descending date)
Click on the word ‘Furn’ to sort by the furnished status. All the furnished
statuses are grouped together in the order; Furnished, Unfurnished, Part
Furnished, Furnished & Unfurnished, Not Specified. By clicking ‘Furn’ again
this sort will be reversed.
Property Map View
We have corrected an issue whereby if the Street View position was adjusted and
the 'synchronise with map view' option selected, the change was not saved.
We updated the postcode file recently but have ensured that if a new postcode not
yet on the database is entered, the map does not use an erroneous location.
Uploads to Vebra.com
We have corrected an error that under certain circumstances prevented street-view
co-ordinates from being uploaded.
Contact Screen Improvements
General Appointments
We have added the ability to create a General
Appointment from a Contact record using the action
This has exactly the same functionality as when
performed from the Property action menu.
Solicitor Referral
We have changed the 'Referred (Ext)' field from what was a dropdown pick-list to an
auto-complete Search box just like the other 'Solicitor' field above the notes. When
you view the field you will see the grey italic text 'Search for Solicitor' and the 'Recent
and Favourites' solicitor lookup star button. The 'Add new' button that used to be
present has been removed.
Vendor Reports
When the Vendor report contains a zero for a particular portal stat, no header or row
will be displayed. Instead the text "There is no web portal activity within the time
period" will be displayed.
Email Address History
Regardless of whether you will be using the email synchronise functionality released
in this upgrade, you will be able to take advantage of a new feature on the contact
record to keep a history of email addresses:
This button is enabled as soon as a current email address is updated. When you
click on the button you will be able to see a history of the email addresses linked to
this contact:
You can remove an email from the history using the – button. Likewise you can add
an email address back in using the + button.
If you remove an email address from the history, any email replies that came
in via that email address will be hidden from all the timelines that contain a
reply to that email address (for this contact).
If you add an email address into the history, any hidden replies relating to that
email address will be visible again.
Reporting Improvements
Market Appraisals Reports
(For all 4 versions of this report) we have made a change to the filter to improve
upon the reporting of cancelled Market Appraisals. Previously it was using the
valuation status (which could be set to ‘Confirmed’), rather than the market appraisal
status (for e.g. might be ‘cancelled’).
We have include both statuses in the report itself now to give you more information
and as stated above the correct status will be used when filtering is selected. This
change will ensure that when selecting ‘Exclude Cancelled’ the report will remove
any cancelled MAs, likewise selecting ‘Cancelled’ will show just the cancelled MAs,
regardless of the overall status of the record.
(For the 2 versions ‘MAs booked by negotiator’ and ‘Ma Dates by Negotiator’) we
have corrected an issue with the Branch filter which was not effective. This now
works correctly based on the Negotiator branch of the person who made the
Viewing Report
Viewing reports have been improved so you can now report on viewings based on
either the branch of the negotiator or the branch of the property and using the
booked date or the planned date (i.e. when it is taking place).
There are a number of new viewing reports to accommodate these options.
Viewing Dates booked by negotiator - Report showing viewings based on the
branch of the negotiator who booked the viewing. The date selection applies to the
date the booking was made (i.e. entered on Alto).
Example – Sam’s branch is Leicester, she makes bookings for negotiators
in Derby & Nottingham. Set the date filter to show the whole of October &
the branch filter to be Leicester. The report will show all the viewings that
Sam has made during October, irrespective of the negotiator due to carry
them out or the date that they will take place.
Viewing Dates planned by negotiator - Report showing viewings based on the
branch of the negotiator who booked the viewing. The date selection applies to the
date the booking will take place.
Example – Sam’s branch is Leicester, she makes bookings for negotiators
in Derby & Nottingham. Set the date filter to show the whole of October &
the branch to be Leicester. The report will show all the viewings going
ahead in October that Sam booked.
Viewing Dates booked by property branch – Report showing viewings made for a
particular property branch. The date selection applies to the date the booking was
Example – Viewings have been created for properties in Derby’s branch,
by negotiators that may or may not be in Derby. Set the date filter to show
the whole of October & the branch to be Derby. The report will show all
the viewings that were booked during October for any property in the
Derby branch, irrespective of the negotiator or branch that made the
booking, or the date that they will take place.
Viewing Dates planned by property branch - Report showing viewings planned for
a particular property branch. The date selection applies to the date the booking will
take place.
Example – Viewings have been created for properties in Derby’s branch,
by negotiators that may or may not be in Derby. Set the date filter to show
the whole of October & the branch to be Derby. The report will show all
the viewings that were undertaken during October for any property in the
Derby branch, irrespective of the negotiator or branch that made the
booking or the date the booking was entered on Alto.
As well as these additional reports, you can now group the results by property to
make it easier to see all the viewings on each specific property. When setting the
report criteria in the ‘Report Options’, select ‘Property’ from the ‘Group by’ filter.
An additional column has also been added to the viewing reports; they now include
any notes entered in the Internal Notes field on the viewing card.
The format of all columns has been amended to avoid overlapping data in the
Applicants Registered & Applicants by Rating Reports
Improvements have been made to both these reports.
Applicants Registered – This now contains the applicants’ email address, the
applicant review date & the negotiator who registered the applicant. These can be
filtered using the ‘Order by’ option.
The date range includes an ‘All Dates’ choice.
The report can also be filtered by the applicant’s intention, Buy, Rent etc.
Applicants by Rating – This now contains the applicants’ email address and the
negotiator who registered the applicant
Management Summary Report
We have made a number of improvements to this report.
For the existing report:
 You can now run this for just Sales properties or Lettings properties
 You can include/exclude Overseas properties
 You can include/exclude Commercial properties
 Two new columns have been added:
Instructions Average Fee %
Exchanges Average Fee %
We have also adjusted how the fall-through figure is calculated to ensure this figure
matches the withdrawn total in the Withdrawn Sales report.
A new report ‘Management Summary – Branch Breakdown’ is available:
 This is a replica of the above report (with the same columns and filter options)
 It includes a breakdown of the figures by branch (see example below).
Note: if you select all branches this report could be very large. Whilst ‘All’ is
available in the filter, we recommend that you use it to check individual branch
figures, e.g. select one Branch ‘Burton’:
Current Stock New Report
We have made a number of improvements to this report.
 We have added in a custom filter to allow either the Instructed date or the
Available date to be used for the report (both dates are displayed regardless
of which filter is chosen)
 We have added in 2 new columns:
Fixed Fee Value (after the 'Fee' column)
New Build (after the 'Property Address' column).
Lead Source Buyers Report
This report has been renamed ‘Lead Source’ report and can now be filtered by
Applicant Lettings, Applicant Sales, Landlords, Vendors, Just MA's or All.
All: When set to ‘All’, this shows records with the following intention values: Not
Specified, Buy, Rent, Buy Or Rent, Looking out of Area, Buy to let, Mortgage Only. It
will only show the intention of 'Not Looking' if it is a Vendor or landlord.
Applicant Lettings: This shows applicants with the intention set to: Rent/Buy or
Applicant Sales: This shows applicants with the intention set to: Buy/Buy or Rent
Landlords: This will show contact records where they are a landlord on a Property
for Rent (Property can be at any stage)
Vendors: This will show contact records where they are the vendor on a Property for
Sale (Property can be at any stage)
Just MA's: This includes the detail already displayed in the ‘Lead Source –
Valuations’ report. We have included it here to enable one single report to be
created, if required.
Marketing Improvements
Price on Application
When properties have a price qualifier of ‘POA’ or ‘Price on Application’ it is now
possible to create marketing material that displays just the qualifier without the price.
The merge code to use for this feature is #P-QUALIFIED-PRICE#
Using this merge code in a brochure for a property that is not set as ‘POA’ or ‘Price
on Application’, will pull through the price and the price qualifier.
Brochure Corrections
Where a property does not have a map on the record, the resulting brochure
included a default map and this has been corrected in this upgrade.
Where the tenure field in Property > Property > Marketing is set to 'Not Specified',
when producing brochures, window cards etc. it was displaying this status on the
brochure. We have made a change to ensure that when it is set to Freehold,
Leasehold, Leasehold - share of freehold, Flying Freehold or Common-hold, it will
use this wording on the brochure/window card. If it is set as ‘Not Specified’, nothing
will be displayed on the brochure/window card.
Brief Your Market
We have increased the amount of information we send about offers, valuations and
sales, to ensure that the full Property Address is included to which these events
Money Laundering
Changes have been made to the Money Laundering setting to give you the choice to
‘opt out’ from including applicants.
To set the ‘opt out’ feature, open System Administration > Branches. Tick the box
‘Exclude Applicants from checks’ found toward the bottom of the page with the
Money Laundering defaults.
Once this is set, applicants will no longer appear in the ‘Money Laundering Check’
match group.
The Money Laundering section still appears on the applicant contact record, should
you wish to complete it, but you will not receive pop up reminder messages if it is not
Other Corrections
Opening Miscellaneous appointments from the Timeline
Whenever a miscellaneous appointment is added to a property or contact it is
recorded in the timeline. Clicking these links now opens the diary appointment.
Saved Reports
Under certain circumstances some saved reports could not be edited once created
and we have corrected this.
Changes to Branch Settings
We have made a correction to this screen following reports that changes made to the
branch settings were not always saved.
Uploads to RightMove
We have corrected a number of issues with the ‘Property types’ that are sent to the
RightMove feed. The changes affect property types of House, Commercial and
Vendor Report Frequency field
Following changes in the last upgrade a duplicate check box with the same
description had appeared on the Property Agency tab and this has now been
Solicitor Referral Field
We have corrected an error on contacts with a solicitor referral whereby under
certain circumstances if a subsequent change was made to the contact the user was
prompted to resend a referral email.
Diary Warning message
Under certain circumstances when an existing diary event was opened and saved an
erroneous ‘Appointment Diary Clash' message was displayed. This has been