Gender: Past Exam Questions
Gender concepts
1. Outline what is meant by the term gender. (2 marks) (Jan 07)
2. Explain the difference between sex and gender. (3 marks) June 08
3. Distinguish between the terms sex and gender. (3 marks) June 04
4. Explain what is meant by androgyny. In your answer, give an example of how a person might show androgynous behaviour. (3 marks) Jan 04
& Jan 07 & Jan 06
Gender role / Stereotypes
9 (i) State what is meant by a sex-role stereotype. (1 mark) June 06
9 (ii) Briefly describe how the birthday card above (Figure 2) might influence a five-year-old girl’s understanding of gender roles. (2 marks)June
10. Outline what is meant by the term sex-role stereotype. (2 marks) Jan 04
11. Using an example, outline what is meant by a sex-role stereotype. (3 marks) June 07
12. In preparation for a careers interview, a class of students were asked to provide at least one trait that would characterise their personality.
Persons A, B and C described themselves as .forceful., .sympathetic. and .intelligent. respectively.
In your answer book, identify which trait is stereotypically
(i) masculine;
(ii) feminine. (2 marks) June 04
13. Give one example of a sex-role stereotype associated with
(i) men;
(ii) women. (2 marks) Jan 03
14. Using an example, state what is meant by the term sex role. (2 marks) (Jan 08)
15. Jason received a model train set for his fifth birthday.
His sister, Lisa, said, “When I grow up, I want to be a train driver.”
Jason replied, “No, you can’t. Girls don’t drive trains.”
Explain what is meant by a sex-role stereotype. Refer to Jason and Lisa’s conversation in your answer. (4 marks) (Jan 05)
What is meant by the term gender role? Give an example. (2 marks) Jan 09
Amelia was watching a medical drama on television. It showed a female nurse saving a patient’s life. Amelia said to her mummy, “I am a girl.
When I grow up, I want to be a nurse like the lady on the television.”
Outline what is meant by the term gender role. Refer to the example of Amelia. (2 marks) (Jan 06)
Cross cultural research
Using an example, outline what is meant by cross-cultural research in relation to gender. (3 marks) June 03
Identify and briefly describe one reason for conducting cross-cultural research. (3 marks) (Jan 06)
Explain how the study of cultural diversity helps psychologists understand gender roles/ stereotypes. (3 marks) June 05
Outline one strength and one limitation of using cross-cultural research to investigate gender differences. (4 marks) (Jan 05)
Briefly discuss one strength of using cross-cultural research to study gender. (3 marks) Jan 09
With reference to the study of gender, briefly explain one ethical issue that might arise when conducting cross-cultural research. (2 marks) Jan
Nature nurture
5. Explain the difference between nature and nurture in relation to gender. (3 marks) June 03
6. In relation to gender, describe what is meant by nature and nurture. (4 marks) (Jan 08)
7. Billy is having a conversation with his sister, Sadie. Billy says that he is much better than her at playing football because he is a boy. Sadie
disagrees. She says, .It.s nothing to do with you being a boy. It.s because you go to football training every Saturday morning..
State what is meant by nature and nurture in relation to gender. Refer to Billy and Sadie.s conversation in your answer. (4 marks) June 06
8. Hayley and Charlotte were discussing their friend Joe, who is very good at mending cars. Hayley commented, “I think boys are naturally good
at that sort of thing.” State what is meant by nature and nurture in relation to gender. Refer to the example of Joe in your answer. (4 marks) June
A primary school teacher asked her pupils to write a short story about themselves and what they wanted to do in the future.
One girl wrote, “My name is Tanya and I am a girl. I like to help my mummy with the cooking. When I grow up I am going to have two children
and stay at home and cook meals for them.”
Outline what is meant by the terms identity and role. With reference to the girl’s story, give an example of gender identity and a gender role. (4
marks) June 03
Hassan is four years old. His nursery teacher has noticed that he likes to play with building blocks and construction toys. When Hassan was
asked by his nursery teacher what he would like to be when he grows up, Hassan replies, “I want to be a builder ’cos
I’m a big, strong boy.”
Outline what is meant by the terms gender identity and gender role. Refer to the comments made by Hassan in your answer. (4 marks) June 07
Below are three definitions often used in the study of gender:
A the sense that someone has of either being male or being female;
B attachment to a male or female model who possesses qualities seen as rewarding;
C a part which a man or woman might expect to play in a given situation.
In your answer book, write down which definition (A, B or C) refers to
(i) gender role;
(ii) gender identity.
Label your answers clearly. (2 marks) June 08
Amelia was watching a medical drama on television. It showed a female nurse saving a patient’s life. Amelia said to her mummy, “I am a girl.
When I grow up, I want to be a nurse like the lady on the television.”
Outline what is meant by the terms gender role and gender identity. For each term, refer to the example of Amelia. (4 marks) Jan 06
Gender explanations
Chromosome patterns
Give the typical sex chromosome pattern for the following:
• a male;
• a female. (2 marks) June 05
Give one typical sex chromosome pattern. (1 mark) June 07
Give one atypical sex chromosome pattern. (1 mark) June 05
Identify one atypical sex chromosome pattern and describe the effect that it may have on an individual. (3 marks)Jan 04 & Jan 05
Give two symptoms of Turner’s syndrome. (2 marks) Jan 09
Victoria is five years old and she is different from other girls of her age. She is smaller in height and has a webbed neck. At school, her teachers
have commented that she has good verbal skills but her mathematical skills are poor. Medical tests have revealed that Victoria has a sex
chromosome pattern XO.
(i) Name the atypical sex chromosome syndrome described above. (1 mark)
(ii) Identify how Victoria.s sex chromosome pattern differs from that of most girls. (1 mark)
(iii) Explain how studying people like Victoria can contribute to our understanding of gender. (2 marks)
Jamie is a four-year-old boy. Unlike his older brother, he has always been very passive and his language development is very slow. His mother
was concerned about his poor speech and took him to the doctor. After a number of tests she has been told that Jamie has an atypical pattern
on the 23rd chromosome pair – XXY.
State how Jamie’s chromosome pattern differs from that of most boys, and explain why psychologists who study gender might be interested in
children like Jamie. (5 marks) June 03
(i) Give one effect that testosterone might have on a person’s behaviour. (1 mark) June 08 & Jan 07
(ii) Give one effect that oestrogen might have on a person’s behaviour. (1 mark)
Name one sex hormone and give an example of how this hormone might affect a person.s behaviour. (2 marks) June 06
Name one sex hormone and outline the effects that it might have on behaviour. (3 marks) June 04
A number of students have a disagreement about which of the three definitions
below can be applied to the terms modelling and reinforcement:
In your answer book, write down the definition which illustrates each of the following:
(i) modelling;
(ii) reinforcement. (2 marks) (Jan 06)
What do social learning theorists mean by the term identification? (2 marks) Jan 03
What do social learning theorists mean by the term modelling? (2 marks) June 03
Distinguish between the terms imitation and identification. (3 marks) June 05
Describe one study in which the social learning theory of gender was investigated.
Indicate in your answer why the study was conducted, the method used, results obtained and conclusion drawn. (5 marks) June 07
Jack, who is 5 years old, was watching his favourite cartoon on the television. The cartoon was about a boy who was rewarded for
helping his father with jobs, including washing the car. After the cartoon had ended, Jack immediately went to his father and said,
.Daddy, can we wash the car, please?.
With reference to the social learning approach, explain the effect of the cartoon on Jack.s behaviour. (4 marks) June 04
Holly is six years old. One Saturday she goes to play with her friend Sally, at Sally’s house. Holly notices how Sally helps her mother with the
cooking. When she does, Sally’s mother praises her. When Holly returns home, she helps her mother with the cooking.
Referring to features of social learning theory, explain why Holly helps her mother with the cooking. (4 marks) Jan 09
Katie and Ayisha are 6 years old. They are both playing with their toy kitchen. Peter, who is also 6 years old, asks the girls if he can join in. Katie
and Ayisha refuse, saying, “Only mummies do cooking.”
How would social learning theorists explain the girls’ refusal to let Peter join in? (4 marks) Jan 04
Outline one criticism of social learning theory explanations of gender development. (2 marks) June 08
Kohlberg proposed three stages of gender development.
Read the following statements.
A A child understands that someone stays the same biological sex even though he/she may change in appearance.
B A child understands that people stay the same sex throughout life.
C A child understands that people can change sex by changing their appearance.
D A child is able to label his/her own sex correctly.
In your answer book, write down which statement (A, B, C or D) is a correct definition of the following:
(i) gender identity;
(ii) gender stability;
(iii) gender constancy.
Label your answers clearly. (3 marks) June 07
Kohlberg proposed a stage theory of gender development.
State what Kohlberg meant by gender identity, gender stability, and gender constancy.
For each stage, give an example of how a child might show or explain his/her understanding of gender. Label your answers clearly. (6 marks)
June 08
Sarah, who is two years old, was playing dressing-up games with her older sister Mary. Mary put on a pair of trousers. Sarah said, “We’re both
girls, so you can’t wear those because it will make you into a boy.” Mary, who is six years old, replied, “No it won’t. You can’t change into a boy
just like that.”
With reference to Kohlberg’s stages of gender development, explain what the comments made by Sarah and Mary suggest about their
understanding of gender. (4 marks) June 05
Identify and describe one feature of Kohlberg’s theory of development of gender concept. (3 marks)
A group of seven children aged between four and five years are playing together. Four of the children are boys. Three of the boys begin to play
with a train set. Three girls are pretending to be nurses and ask the fourth boy to join them as their patient. He agrees to do this.
The group of three boys calls out to the boy who is with the girls, “You’re a boy and they’re girls. If you play with them, that makes you a girl!” The
boy who is the ‘patient’ replies, “I’m a boy and always will be. You don’t change into a girl just like that.”
With reference to each of Kohlberg’s three stages of gender development, explain what the comments made by these boys might suggest about
their understanding of their gender. (6 marks) Jan 03
Below are statements made by three children.
In your answer book, write down the statement which illustrates the concept of
(i) gender identity;
(ii) gender stability. (2 marks) (Jan 05)
Describe what psychologists mean by the term gender constancy. Use an example to illustrate your answer. (3 marks) Jan 04
Philip is seven years old and is going to a fancy dress party. He is wearing a dress. Philip’s little brother, Sydney, says, “Look, mummy! Philip’s a
girl now!” Philip replies, “I am still a boy, even if I am wearing a dress.”
(i) With reference to Kohlberg’s cognitive-developmental theory, identify the stage of gender development shown by Sydney. In your answer,
refer to comments made by Sydney. (2 marks) Jan 07
(ii) With reference to Kohlberg’s cognitive-developmental theory, identify the stage of gender development shown by Philip. In your answer,
refer to comments made by Philip. (2 marks) Jan 07
Describe one study in which the cognitive developmental theory of gender was investigated.
Indicate in your answer why the study was conducted, the method used, the results obtained and the conclusion drawn. (5 marks) Jan 06
Describe one study in which the development of gender identity was investigated. Indicate in your answer why the study was conducted, the
method used, the results obtained, and the conclusion drawn. (5 marks) Jan 05
Describe Freud’s theory of gender development. (4 marks) Jan 09
Briefly describe Freud’s theory of the Oedipus complex. (3 marks) Jan 06
Briefly describe Freud.s explanation of the Electra complex. (3 marks) June 04
Outline one limitation of Freud’s theory of the Oedipus complex. (2 marks) (Jan 07)
Outline one criticism of the psychoanalytic explanation of gender development. (2 marks) Jan 03
Outline two criticisms of the psychoanalytic explanation of gender development. (4 marks) June 06
(i) Give a social learning theory explanation of identification. (1 mark)
(ii) Give a psychoanalytic explanation of identification. (1 mark)
(iii) State one difference between these two explanations. (1 mark) (Jan 08)