Not safe from accidental Injury and death

ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
Section 2. What to do if you have a concern about a child
The following flow-charts clearly set out the steps to follow for all MPS employees
who come into contact with children and young people
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
Flow-chart no.1 Actions by Police or PCSO – See 2.4.1
Police Officer
Interaction with Child/YP.
Are they at risk of immediate Significant
Are they meeting all the
five key outcomes?
Seek advice
from supervisor
if not sure
PCSO to call for assistance
from a police officer
Consider Police protection
Sec 46 CYP Act 1989.
Remove to a place of safety and inform the
Duty Officer.
Complete a CRIS report and EAB
Can you deal with the
situation yourself?
Is the original incident
being recorded onto an
MPS form or ICT system?
Refer to Initial
Intervention process
See flow chart 3
Does it meet the MERLIN
PAC threshold?
Complete MERLIN PAC showing
key outcomes not being achieved
and recording circumstances.
Bring the MERLIN PAC
report to the attention of a
Complete MERLIN PAC showing key outcomes
not being achieved and action taken to resolve
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
Flow-chart no.2 Actions by Police staff – See 2.4.2
Interaction with Child/YP.
Are they at risk of immediate Significant
Are they meeting all the
five key outcomes?
Request assistance of a police
officer. (See flow chart 1)
Can you deal with the
situation yourself?
No further action
Bring information to the
attention of a police officer to
create a MERLIN PAC report
Request assistance of a police
(See flow chart 1)
Police officer to create
Bring the PAC report to the
attention of a supervisor
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
Flow-chart no.3 Initial intervention actions to be taken by police officers/PCSO see Section 2.5
Police officer interacts with
requires an
MPS record
Can initial officer
address key
Five key outcomes met?
Record on appropriate
MPS system/form the 5
Key outcomes have been
considered and are being
Record on appropriate
MPS system/form, how
outcomes is not met
and action taken.
Does concern
PAC threshold
Stop &
Provide list of local
safe activities
Contact Carer
Book 101
Refer to MPS
ASBO Yellow
card process
Other local or police
led intervention
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
Causes that impact on a child’s well-being or safety
There is a requirement that all MPS employees are aware of what they
should do if they have a concern about a child or young person and should
ensure these concerns are recorded appropriately so that early intervention
if necessary can be put into place, through a Common Assessment
Framework (CAF).
The causes that impact on a child’s well-being or safety can manifest itself
in many forms such as a child not meeting one of the five key outcomes
Be Healthy, Stay Safe, Enjoy and Achieve, Make a Positive Contribution
and Enjoy Economic well- being, to serious cases of child abuse.
The five key outcomes are universal ambitions for every child and young
person, whatever their background or circumstances. The outcomes are
mutually reinforcing. For example, children and young people learn and
thrive when they are healthy, safe and engaged; and the evidence shows
clearly that educational achievement is the most effective route out of
Child abuse can be caused by physical, sexual and emotional abuse;
abandonment; neglect, and children who, suffer impairment from seeing or
hearing the ill treatment of another (e.g Domestic Violence) to young
children being left home alone.
A child who is the subject of abuse will not be achieving one or more of
the five key outcomes.
MERLIN Pre Assessment Checklist
What is a Pre Assessment Checklist (PAC)
The PAC is the method for recording incidents where a child or young
person comes to the notice of police and there are concerns about their
well being or safety. This allows the raising of concern within the MPS or
with partner agencies about a child failing to achieve the five key
Within the MPS the PAC will be recorded directly on to MERLIN.
MERLIN Come To Notice (CTN) forms have been superseded by the PAC
to capture concerns where the five key outcomes are not being met. The
PAC is recognised nationally as the form used by professionals to raise
concerns about a child/young person.
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
Police staff and members of the extended police family who are not
authorised to use MERLIN, must raise concerns about the well being or
safety of a child to a police officer or PCSO so that the concerns can be
recorded onto MERLIN.
2.2.2 Circumstances when a MERLIN PAC should be completed
All instances of a child or young person who comes to the attention of a
police officer, or front line police staff member, where it is believed there
are concerns about the child’s well being or safety, must be recorded onto
a MERLIN PAC form, as soon as reasonably practicable and within that
tour of duty.
It is of paramount importance that when dealing with a child or young
person an assessment is made of the person’s vulnerability and whether
that person is at risk of immediate harm. If there are concerns about the
risk faced by that child/young person, removing them to a place of safety
using Sec 46 Children Act 1989 Police Protection must be considered.
(See Section 4. Police Protection for further advice)
Borough’s have a responsibility to ensure that all their officers and
PCSO’s are trained to input information onto MERLIN.
The following grid (2.3) details the circumstances under which a MERLIN
PAC is to be completed and action to be taken by the reporting officer.
For the purpose of these circumstances a child is any person under the
age of 18 years. It therefore follows that a MERLIN PAC is relevant for all
persons under 18 and includes unborn children.
The examples shown are those that may have an impact on the well-being
and safety of a child or young person. It is unrealistic to provide a
complete list of those circumstances; therefore officers must use their own
judgement if cases do not fit within the guidelines below. However if in
doubt always submit a MERLIN PAC.
Section 2.5, below, provides guidance to staff on the initial intervention
that can be considered and the action to be taken.
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
Examples that may have an impact on the well being or
safety of a child/young person that require a MERLIN PAC
Outcome Indicators
Specific Key outcome not
Intra-Family Abuse - A child has been found in circumstances of
potential harm giving cause for concern, for example where it is
identified that a child has been the victim of physical or sexual abuse
or lives at the home and the family members are dependent on, or
there is suspicion of substance abuse.
Not physically healthy
Be Healthy
Not safe from maltreatment,
neglect & sexual exploitation
Stay Safe
Not physically healthy
Be Healthy
Not safe from maltreatment,
neglect & sexual exploitation
Stay Safe
Not living in households free from
low income
Economic Well-being
Not physically healthy
Be Healthy
Not safe from maltreatment,
neglect & sexual exploitation
Stay Safe
Not physically healthy
Be Healthy
Not safe from maltreatment,
neglect & sexual exploitation
Stay Safe
Neglect/ Child Care / Welfare including Under nourished
Inadequate clothing e.g. no coat during winter.
Missing Person
Child Found Wandering
A child who is the subject of a care / wardship order has been found
in circumstances giving rise to concern.
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
When a pregnant woman (of any age) comes to police notice, the
MERLIN PAC must be completed in circumstances where the
welfare of the unborn child gives cause for concern. This includes
where any pregnant woman is reported missing and there are
concerns for the unborn child.
Not physically healthy
Be Healthy
Domestic Violence incidents where a child or children are present at
the time whether in the same room or elsewhere in the house
Not physically healthy
Be Healthy
Not safe from maltreatment,
neglect & sexual exploitation
Stay Safe
Not physically healthy
Be Healthy
Not safe from maltreatment,
neglect & sexual exploitation
Stay Safe
Child found to be suffering or experiencing mental health problems
Not mentally and emotionally
Be Healthy
Families where Mental Health issues are known or suspected,
whether in an adult (where children are in the household) or child,
PAC to be completed for the child (only one MERLIN PAC form is
required for the incident)
Not mentally and emotionally
Be Healthy
Not sexually healthy
Be Healthy
Not safe from maltreatment,
neglect & sexual exploitation
Stay Safe
Domestic Violence Incidents where children are part of the family but
not in the location at the time of the incident
Evidence of Prostitution - A child who comes to notice/arrested for
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
Not safe from maltreatment,
neglect & sexual exploitation
Stay Safe
Not sexually healthy
Be Healthy
Not safe from maltreatment,
neglect & sexual exploitation
Stay Safe
Not sexually healthy
Be Healthy
Not safe from maltreatment,
neglect & sexual exploitation
Stay Safe
Not safe from crime and antisocial behavior
Stay Safe
Victim of racial/sexual/religious discrimination or abuse
Not safe from bullying and
Stay Safe
Victim of Bullying or Harassment
Not safe from bullying and
Stay Safe
Involved in a road traffic collision
Not safe from accidental Injury
and death
Stay Safe
Injury/illness in the street or on private premises
Not safe from accidental Injury
and death
Stay Safe
Where a child is exposed to prostitution through activities of parent/
carer or family member
Child victim of serious sexual assault
Child engaged in unlawful sexual activity
Victim of Crime
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
Not safe from accidental Injury
and death
Stay Safe
Suspected of an offence – A child or young person who has been
arrested and is either: • Informed that the police are not proceeding with the case
despite having sufficient evidence to prosecute
• Released on bail pending further investigation
• Issued with a penalty notice for disorder,
• Taking no further action because of insufficient evidence to
Offended, re-offending or
engaging in anti-social
Make a Positive Contribution
Breach Child Curfew - Breaches of child curfew schemes set up
under Section 14 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (CDA)
Offended, re-offending or
engaging in anti-social
Make a Positive Contribution
Taking illegal drugs
Be Healthy
Not having a healthy lifestyles
Be Healthy
Offended, re-offending or
engaging in anti-social
Make a Positive Contribution
Health and Safety incidents
Child stopped/searched and arrested under Misuse of Drugs
Solvent or Alcohol abuse
Any other kind of activity whatsoever, that might increase the
likelihood of a child becoming involved in offending or where the
child or family may, in the officers’ judgment, benefit from the
intervention of local social services.
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
Child U/10yrs Criminal Act - Any action on the part of a child under
10 that would justify an application for a child safety order under
Section 11 of the CDA (e.g. where the child has committed an act
which would amount to an offence if he/she were over 10)
Offended, re-offending or
engaging in anti-social
Make a Positive Contribution
Arrested – This includes when a child is present when parent/s or
carers are arrested
Not being mentally and
emotionally healthy
Be Healthy
Not supporting the community and
Make a Positive Contribution
Not being mentally and
emotionally healthy
Be Healthy
Involved in Anti Social Behaviour
Not supporting the community and
Make a Positive Contribution
Involved in Crime
Not supporting the community and
Make a Positive Contribution
Involved in Public Order offences
Not supporting the community and
Make a Positive Contribution
Subject of an ASBO or ABC
Not supporting the community and
Make a Positive Contribution
Involved in Bullying
Bullying or discriminate against
Make a Positive Contribution
Involved in Harassment
Bullying or discriminate against
Make a Positive Contribution
Not attending and enjoying school
Enjoy and Achieve
A child who is present when police are searching premises
Truanting - Cases of truancy detentions under Section 16 of the
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
Crime and Disorder Act
Child of school age not attending school
Child not having access to medical attention or general health care
Not attending and enjoying school
Enjoy and Achieve
Not being physically healthy
Be Healthy
Child carers ( a child caring for an adult family member or sibling)
where there are concerns that a child is unable to meet one or more
of the five key outcomes
A child who is on the child protection register (now referred to as a
child protection plan)
NB: (If there is more than one child in the family, then complete one MERLIN PAC and include the other children’s details
on that one MERLIN PAC form. Do not complete a MERLIN PAC for each child in that family. Where all children are
involved, the youngest child should be shown as the subject)
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
Action to be taken
2.4.1 Action to be taken by the initial reporting officer
(See flow chart No 1)
Assess the child’s safety
If the child is at risk of immediate significant harm take action that is
necessary to ensure well-being and safety of child – consider police
protection S46 Children Act 1989
Perform the following checks on those present: PNC, CrimInt, CRIS,
MERLIN and record the results on the PAC
Complete a MERLIN PAC
Bring the MERLIN report to the attention of a supervising officer, as
soon as possible and in any case before the end of the tour of duty, for
checking and certifying that the action taken is correct
When a CRIS report has been created for a domestic dispute /
violence incident the reporting officer MUST ensure that they have put
the MERLIN number onto the CRIS DETS page and the CRIS number
onto the MERLIN report in the appropriate box, to save duplication by
the Community Safety Unit.
If unsure, seek advice from the local Child Abuse Investigation Team
2.4.2 Action to be taken by member of police staff or extended police family
(See flow chart No 2)
Assess the child’s safety
If the child is at risk of immediate significant harm, request a police
officer attend to take immediate action that is necessary to ensure wellbeing and safety of child.
Bring the information about a child to the attention of a police officer for
checking and creation of a MERLIN PAC
2.4.3 Action by a police supervisor
Supervisors have a responsibility to ensure that staff have taken all
necessary steps to ensure that a child is not at risk of immediate
significant harm. The MERLIN PAC must be assessed for the
appropriateness of any actions taken at the time and ensure they are
recorded. The supervisor must ensure that any further action that is
required is carried out and fully recorded on the circumstances page.
The completed PAC will be automatically routed to the Borough Public
Protection desk where the child lives.
2.4.4 Action by the Integrated Borough Ops (IBO)
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
When completing a Computer Aided Despatch (CAD) incident in which
any of the above may apply, the Integrated Borough Operations (IBO)
supervisor will be responsible for ensuring that the result field shows that a
Merlin has been completed.
2.4.5 Action by the Borough Public Protection Desk
See Section 3 which is currently being developed
2.4.6 Action by the Child Abuse Investigation Team (CAIT)
All Child Abuse Investigations Teams are to refer to the SCD5 Child
Abuse Investigation Standard Operating Procedures.
2.4.7 Action by Youth Offending Teams (YOT)
All Youth Offending Teams are to refer to YOT SOPs.
2.5 Initial Intervention that can be delivered by officer having contact with
child/young person.
(See flow-chart 3)
Not all interactions between the police and a child will result in one of the five
Every Child matters key outcomes being identified. Where the police come
into contact with a child or young person and a concern is identified that one
or more of the key outcomes is not being met, there is an onus on the officer
to consider what action they can take to address the concerns.
The completion of a MERLIN PAC does not absolve the police from taking
action. Where the initial officer identifies a concern that reaches the MERLIN
PAC threshold and action has been taken to resolve or reduce that concern,
the action taken must be recorded within the Circumstances section of the
Where there are concerns that one or more of the key outcomes are not
being met but the concern does not reach the threshold for a MERLIN PAC,
(See Section 2.3) the officer having contact with the child, must record details
of the child, the concern identified and the action taken to address the
Although not an exhaustive list, action that can be taken by the initial officer
can include;
 Raising awareness with the child about how their action/behaviour
could impact on themselves or others;
ECM Safeguarding Children SOPs - Draft for Consultation
Contact with the child’s family/carer to raise awareness of
Advice to the child and/or family about safe activities that can be
accessed in the local area;
Information on local MPS diversion activities such as the Kickz and
MetTrack initiatives and information about the MPS Volunteer
Police Cadets or refer to Local Borough Partnership/Community
Engagement Projects
Where the interaction would normally result in a report such as a CRIS
report, EAB, Stop and Account, Collision Book etc. The officer completing,
must record that the five key outcomes have been considered and that no
concerns have been identified. Where one or more of the key outcomes is
identified and results in a MERLIN PAC, the MERLIN reference number
must be recorded. In circumstances where the MERLIN PAC threshold
has not been met, the reason for concern and the details of the action
taken are to be recorded into the report and brought to the attention of a
Where no other report is necessary, action taken must be recorded in the
officer’s pocket book.
There is no requirement for officers to create a report solely to record that
they have considered the five key outcomes and no concern had been
Supervisors are responsible for checking that the concern has been
correctly identified and that the action taken is appropriate. Where it is
identified that the concern had reached the threshold for a MERLIN PAC,
the reporting officer is to be instructed to complete a MERLIN PAC.