DISCLAIMER While every effort has been taken to ensure the

New Zealand Tinnitus News
February 2009
Vol. 15 No 4
and Meniere's Support
The New Zealand Tinnitus Association Inc
Patron: Mrs Joan Frances Saunders QSM, MA (Hons)
Founder NZTA and International Tinnitus Support Assn
Board of Governors
Editorial, Aims, Counselling
Coping with Meniere’s Disease
Complementary & Alternative
Do you live with someone who has
Greg Gable
Jeffrey Spector (09)524 2131
Hon. Secretary
Netta Smith
Neville Brandon
Dalton Poppe
Robert Martin
(07)577 0232
Professional Associates
DISCLAIMER While every effort has been taken to ensure the
accuracy of information contained in this Journal, the New
Zealand Tinnitus Association Inc. the authors and the editors
expressly disclaim liability to any person for the consequences
of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person in
reliance upon any part of the contents of this Journal.
The views expressed in this journal are not necessarily the
views of the Editor, or the Executive of NZTA Inc. The New
Zealand Tinnitus Association lnc. does not claim Copyright of
this material. However, we caution against copying of this
journal without reference to the source.
(09)449 1019
Supported by New Zealand
Welcome to 2009 and hasn’t it been a
wonderful summer so far. The cicadas are
now singing here in my garden, and for a
week or two there was only one, but now the
garden is buzzing, just like my tinnitus!
The New Zealand Tinnitus Association offers
counselling to NZTA members and nonmembers who experience tinnitus, Meniere
disease and/or hyperacusis. Counselling is
available for the cost of a donation: cheques
to be made payable to the Association.
However, we must keep positive and enjoy
the blue seas and skies while they last, and
hope that this year will bring, if not a cure, at
least some ways of living with our tinnitus,
which make life easier for everyone –
ourselves, and our partners who live with the
problems our tinnitus causes us without, I
believe, really understanding what is going
on in our heads.
Mrs Joan Saunders, QSM, MA (Hons), a
qualified psychologist and tinnitus counsellor
is available as follows:
Please phone Mrs Saunders on (09)473 7297
for telephone counselling or for an
Netta Smith
Telephone Mrs Saunders at (09) 473 7297. If
you receive an answer phone message, please
leave your name, telephone number and the
district you are calling from and Joan will
return your call. If Joan answers your call
directly she will ask for your details, tell you
to replace your receiver and will then return
your call, thus saving you the expense of a
1. Assist tinnitus sufferers in coping with
2. Encourage health professionals to
provide support and treatment services
for sufferers
3. Promote community awareness of tinnitus
and the preventable dangers of excessive
noise causing some forms of tinnitus and
Just a thought!
For every action, there is an equal and
opposite government program.
4. Assist in any research and prevention
If you look like your passport picture, you
probably need the trip.
5. Promote exchange of information with
overseas tinnitus associations
Coping with Meniere’s Disease
Raymond Hines, the owner of Meniere’s.org. recently had an
article published in the Spring 2008 issue of the “Hearing
Health” magazine by the Deafness Research Foundation. They
asked him to write about how he coped with the vagaries of
Meniere’s disease and it is being reprinted here in the hope it can
also help you, or at least give your friends and family an idea of
what it’s like to battle with Meniere’s disease.
I'll never forget the day my world literally turned upside down,
sideways, and then some. It was my first vertigo attack and even
to this day - more than ten years ago - I can vividly remember
being thrown into an emotional and physical tornado. I remember
the violent spinning as if on a carnival ride gone awry in the worst
way possible, the seemingly endless vomiting, and my bewildered
mind crying for the spinning to please just stop.
Eight hours later the world finally came to a still and I was able
to get back on my wobbly feet. At the time, I shrugged this off to
a very bad case of food poisoning, not knowing back then that
this was just the beginning of a lifelong struggle with Meniere's
disease. Over the next few years I would be plagued with the
Pandora's Box of ailments that came with it - violent vertigo
attacks, further loss of hearing and balance, loud ringing in the
ears, heavy brain fog, and the ensuing emotional trauma resulting
from dealing with it.
alter your lifestyle where you can’t do the things you
used to love and have taken for granted, such as
riding roller coasters or evens flying on planes for
some. Plus your mind starts to question a lot of
things that come with any life changing event –
agony, sorrow, anger, despair, “why me?”, and
wondering how to deal with this the rest of your life.
It truly does seem life it’s the end of the world for
many of us that have to deal with Meniere’s and it is
perfectly understandable given all the horrors that
come with it.
Yet, the good news is there are thousands of us out
there that have learned to deal with it and even live
with it somehow. Although Meniere’s is considered
incurable, there’s lots of ways you can try to manage
it the best you can.
The key is to keep trying to find that right
combination of factors that can help you, be it
certain medications, or specific lifestyle changes
Do not let Meniere’s control your Life!
Above all, a positive attitude can go a long way!
or even just getting in better shape health wise by
exercising more. Due to the idiopathic nature of the
disease, many different things work for many different
folks, so it’s important to explore every option
available by doing your research and discussing with
your doctor.
Dealing with the physical part of Meniere’s is bad
enough, but dealing with it emotionally can be even
harder, imagine the impending fear and anxiety that
pours in when you feel an imminent vertigo attach
coming – for many, panic attacks kick in at the same
time, further worsening the situation. Imagine lying in
bed riding out a battle “royale” going on in your ears
and balance system. You’re totally helpless and just
trying to hand on for dear life, hoping against all odds
that it’d be a mercifully short ride.
It’s also very important to come to terms with your
disease emotionally and mentally. Do not let it control
your life! At times you can feel all alone in the world
with it, so it’s essential that you find a support group
that can include your friends and family to help you
cope with Meniere’s. There are also plenty of places
on the internet to find a group that suits you and
provides you with the support you need. There’s not
greater feeling than finding a like group of fellow
sufferers who understand exactly what you are going
through that embrace you, give you a virtual hug, and
Then there’s the damaging long term effects of having
to deal with Meniere’s disease that inexorably changes
your life. There’s the fear of going out into public
places, even grocery stores whose floor patterns and
row after row of aisles can make one feel woozy due to
being overloaded with visual stimulus. There’s the
need to Such as reducing the amount of sodium intake,
then share their ways of coping with a chronic illness.
Hearing Technology
Above all, a positive attitude can go a long way,
especially once you’re past the “why me?” stage.
Knowing that you’re not going to let this thing beat
you and that you’re still going to try to live your life to
the fullest can be an enormous mental boost in coping
with Meniere’s.
I’m a good example of a success story when it comes
to living and coping with Meniere’s. Early on, it was a
big struggle trying to learn how to deal with it mentally
and physically. I was mired in a period of mourning
and self-pity and I was letting the disease dictate my
life. I even almost lost my own business due to an
inability to run it. Fortunately I decided to plough
forward with my life and take it back. My doctor and I
researched and found the best ways to control my
symptoms. I changed my attitude to one of “I cannot”
to “Do the best I can”, and as with my profound
hearing loss since birth, treated Meniere’s as just
another obstacle to work around. As a result my life is
as normal as it can be, my business has flourished, and
more importantly, I live a happy and fulfilling life.
is now available a the special price of
including post and packing
To order write to:
Mrs J Saunders
PO Box 334-007
North Shore City
Auckland 0743
Reprinted from the USA web site:
Remember your’e not alone
enclosing a cheque made out to
Acknowledgements to MSGV Whirligig December 2008
“J Saunders”
Please make sure your name and
address is included with your order.
More Thoughts
> - Don't worry about what people think, they don't
do it very often.
Thomas Müller & Louise Dickinson
Hearing Tests & Hearing Aids
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural
Assistance to manage Tinnitus
ACC, EMS & War Pensions approved
If you must choose between two evils, pick the one
you've never tried before.
437 Remuera Road (next to library),
Remuera, Auckland
Ph 09 522 9240
Complementary and Alternative Therapies
This information is not a substitute for medical advice. You should always see your
GP/medical professional.
What are Complementary and Alternative Therapies?
Alternative and complementary treatments are known as 'holistic' as they treat the whole body, not just one part. The aim
is to eradicate the cause of the problem, not just alleviate the symptoms.
It is only possible to give a very short description of some of the most common therapies/treatments here.
Acupuncture is part of ancient traditional Chinese medicine, using fine, one-time needles inserted at precise
points on the body to stimulate channels of energy running beneath the skin. The aim is to restore the body's natural
balance and improve the overall well-being of the whole person. it may be used alongside conventional medicine. As
individual response may vary, so may the number of treatments required.
The therapeutic quality of essential oils from flowers, herbs, trees and fruit, has been recognised for centuries
in many countries. Aromatherapy uses these concentrated oils to promote relaxation and well-being. Massage is the most
beneficial method of application, although the oils can be used in other ways, adding them to a bath or sprinkling some on
a handkerchief to promote relaxation. Many people with tinnitus find aromatherapy a great help.
The oils are widely available, but care should be exercised as they are extremely concentrated. If you use them at home,
always make sure you follow the instructions.
All our organs and cells need nerve information to function correctly. Much of this information is passed
through the spinal cord. Chiropractors aim broadly to correct the alignment of the spine and other joints of the body, to
restore nerve function, to alleviate pain and promote natural health. Chiropractic treatment uses gentle manipulative
Craniosacral Therapy
A deep relaxing therapy during which therapists use their hands as "listeners" to find and release resistance in
the tissues, bones and fluid of the body. The therapy works on what is known as the craniosacral rhythm which arises in
the core of the body, in the brain and spinal cord and the fluids that bathe them. The purpose is to encourage the nervous
system and its control mechanisms to achieve a greater balance and promote healing from within.
"Homeopathy" is Greek for "similar suffering". Its aim is to treat "like with like", in the way that a vaccination works.
The remedies are administered in such extremely diluted forms that they cannot cause any side effects, or become
addictive. If you visit a homeopath, be sure to give details of any medication or supplement you are taking, or if you have
had any recent dental treatment. Although homeopathic remedies are widely available, and are mostly harmless, it is wise
not to take them without supervision, some, if taken in large quantities, can be damaging.
Herbal Medicine (Herbalism)
Herbal medicine is one of the oldest forms of medicine known. Our ancestors found, by trial and error, the most effective
plants to heal their illnesses and a large proportion of the world's population still relies on herbs for health. Many of the
pharmaceutical drugs we use today originated from plant constituents which were subsequently synthesised in the
laboratory. Medical Herbalists are trained in the same diagnostic skills as orthodox doctors, but they look fqr the
underlying cause of the problem and treat that, rather than just the symptoms.
Essentially, there are two forms of hypnosis, both very different. The first is sometimes called "suggestion 'treat
ment" and consists of implanting behavioural suggestions in the patient's mind. The second is the use of hypnosis in
psychotherapy (hypnotherapy) to aid recall in order to find and understand the cause of the patient's problem, and
nowadays is probably the most widely practised form.
Massage enhances the sense of well-being; it increases self awareness and self esteem; it relieves stress and ten
sion; it improves circulation of blood and lymph. Generally it makes you feel better. There are a number of types of
massage, from very gentle to quite vigorous, some of which are described in these pages.
This treatment is concerned in diagnosing and correcting faults in body mechanics (the musculo-skeletal system)
ensuring that it is functioning efficiently, with minimum wear and tear. Osteopathy is now an accepted method of
treatment, either on its own or in conjunction with medical or other treatment. It is a system of manipulation intended to
re-align any structural deviations or abnormalities, but it can also involve stretching and massage. People who consult an
osteopath for back pain, joint or muscle problems often find improvement in other quite unrelated conditions after
Reflexology is a method of treatment using massage to reflex areas found in the feet and hands. In the feet, there
are reflex areas corresponding to all parts of the body and these areas are arranged in such a way as to form a map of the
body in the feet. Reflexology does not claim to be a "cure all" but numerous different disorders have been successfully
treated by this method including migraine, breathing disorders, digestive and circulatory problems, back problems, tension
and stress. The treatment is relaxing and vitalising.
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning" universal life energy". It has its origins in Buddhist teachings, but it is not a faith
system. The therapist channels this "universal life energy" through his or her hands which are placed in different positions
over the recipient's bodv. there is no pressure involved. The whole body is treated not just the parts where
Shiatsu, Japanese "finger pressure" therapy, is a natural healing discipline springing from the same ancient oriental
principles as acupuncture. Like acupuncture, Shiatsu works by stimulating the body's vital energy flow (known as "ki" in
Japanese). Physically this has the effect of stimulating the circulation and the flow of lymphatic fluid, helping to release
toxins and deep-seated tension from the muscles and stimulating the hormone system.
The following are just three exercise techniques that can be learnt and put into practice to help cope with the stresses and
strains of modern life.
Alexander Technique
This technique aims to improve mind and body functions and help to prevent and alleviate, amongst other things: pain and
stress, breathing problems, depression, anxiety and tension related problems, through changing the way we think about
our every day life movements and posture. It is taught on a one-to-one basis and usually requires approximately 20
Tai Chi
Tai Chi is an exercise art for people of all ages and is perfect for combating stress, increasing flexibility, improving
circulation and maintaining all round good health. These days the healthcare aspects are foremost and principally revolve
around the long, slow and graceful form of movement. Energy building, breathing and postural exercises are also taught.
The calming effect of Tai Chi has led it to being described as "moving meditation".
Yoga is reputed to be some 6,000 years old and to have originated in India. Yoga is the ancient Indian Sanskrit word for
"union" - its aim is to unite mind and body to work in perfect harmony. It is based on postures, breathing and meditation.
The postures work on the body and are adaptable to each person's ability. Breathing exercises and meditation result in a
calm mind and a relaxed body, giving a peaceful and contented feeling and an ability to face and overcome problems
without worry and stress. Once you have had initial instruction, it is easy to continue at home.
Will any of these therapies help tinnitus?
The answer is that there is anecdotal evidence that some people have found some relief from one or other of the therapies
described, however, there is no guarantee, it's a case of trial and error and depends on how much you are willing to spend.
If you decide to try any of them, keep an open mind and be positive. None of the treatments or regimes should carry any
risk, in fact they should help your tinnitus simply because your overall health improves. A good therapist will spend time
talking to you about yourself and your problems, time which your overworked GP can't spare, and this in itself can be
very beneficial.
Remember to tell the complementary/alternative practitioner if you are undergoing any orthodox treatment, or taking any
With acknowledgements and thanks to Quiet Ireland (ITA Newsletter No. 50)
The following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz,
the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip. You don't
have to actually answer the questions. Just read the
piece straight through, and you'll get the point.
Tauranga Hearing Association has produced a
new booklet
"Tinnitus and Meniere's Disease"
1. List a few teachers who aided your journey
through school.
This concise, comprehensive and informative
booklet is available for
2. Name three friends who have helped you through
a difficult time.
$5.00 per copy, plus $1.00 packaging and
If you would like a copy of this booklet, please
send a cheque to:
3. Name five people who have taught you
something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel
appreciated and special.
Chadwick House
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time
250 Chadwick Road
Greerton Tauranga
The lesson: The people who make a difference in
your life are not the ones with the most credentials,
the most money, or the most awards. They are the
ones that care.
Make sure you stipulate how many copies you
would like, and don't forget to add another dollar
for postage/packaging.
Do You Live With Someone
Try to give praise when the sufferer makes
progress, don't criticise when progress is slow.
People with tinnitus know when they aren't
coping very well.
Who Has Tinnitus?
Much is written to help people with tinnitus,
but not so much about those who live with, or
are close to them. In this article Eileen
Hewitson, from the Birmingham & District
Tinnitus Group, has some useful suggestions,
Try not to make them feel like an outsider
because they have tinnitus, keep seeing your
friends and family and going out, make it a
challenge, something to aim for. Try to
encourage new pursuits, hobbies and interests,
especially if old ones are no longer enjoyable.
You may find something new that interests you
It isn't very easy to be an onlooker - it can
sometimes be very hard for non-sufferers to
understand what is going on. If you feel
frustrated by your inability to help, just put a
little distance between yourself and the person
with tinnitus for the time being.
Notice when the person with tinnitus seems
better, more their old self, and see if there's a
pattern (don't forget the onlooker sees most of
the game). Is the tinnitus less of a problem after
exercise - a walk, a game of bowls, after
watching a comedy programme, a film, a nature
programme, after a period of relaxation, a day
out, listening to music etc. Then suggest such an
activity when the tinnitus becomes distressing.
Try not to show your frustrations to the one you
are trying to help, as this may make them feel
guilty about spoiling your enjoyment. Try to
keep some sense of humour. Try to laugh with,
not at the sufferer. Laughter is a great healer.
Here are a few suggestions that may help you:
Try to be supportive and don't expect progress
to be rapid. Learning to cope with something
unwanted, that is there all the time, does take
time, but it will be achieved eventually.
Remind yourself and the sufferer of this.
If the person with tinnitus belongs to a selfhelp group, go to the meetings with them, read
the newsletter, talk to members of the group.
Try not to reproach the sufferer with spoiling
your life. This will only create extra anxiety and
make them feel guilty.
Finally, find someone you can talk to about
your side of the problem, remember 'a trouble
shared is a trouble halved'.
Discuss your feelings about the problem,
talk positively and try to find ways to
resolve your differences.
With acknowledgements to the British
Tinnitus Association. Winter 2008
Try not to allow your own life to become
seriously disrupted - it's one thing to miss a night
out at the pub - it's another to stop seeing family
and friends because the person with tinnitus finds
it difficult. If you do, this may cause you to
become resentful of the sufferer for spoiling your
life and this resentment could become a problem
in itself. Try instead to support and encourage
the person with tinnitus. People with tinnitus
need reassurance that they are still loved, this is
very important because it's easy to lose
confidence. A squeeze of the hand or a little hug
can work wonders!
The following recipes have been copied from
the Meniere’s Group of Victoria’s journal
“Whirligig”. Although I have not found that
reducing salt has helped my tinnitus (I don’t
use much salt anyway) some of our members
find that it does help to reduce salt and
caffeine – and certainly the recipes are tasty,
I have tried them. Happy eating!!!
Recipes from Iris
Lentils in Baked Potato
Pumpkin with Gingered Coconut Cream Sauce
1 kg unpeeled pumpkin
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
1 teaspoon grated orange rind
1/2 teaspoon unsalted curry powder.
1 tablespoon fresh chopped chives OR
1 small onion grated
2 teaspoons corn flour
2 teaspoons water
Cut pumpkin into even slices and put in single layer in
microwave dish
There is no need to add water when cooking pumpkin in
Cook about 8 minutes or till tender. Do not overcook
3 large potatoes
1 tablespoon oil
1 stick celery (chopped)
1 garlic clove (crushed)
1/2 carrot (chopped)
1 small onion (chopped)
2 teaspoons unsalted curry powder
II2 cup dried red lentils (washed)
200g diced unsalted tomatoes
1 tablespoon fresh chopped coriander OR
1 teaspoon dried
Heat oven to hot
Prick each potato several times with a fork
Rub whole potatoes with oil, wrap in foil,
place on baking tray and cook for 30 – 45
minutes or until potato is cooked
Meanwhile heat remaining oil in pan to medium heat.
Add vegetables, reduce heat to low, cook 10 minutes
or till vegetables are soft
Add curry powder and stir over heat for 1 minute
Add tomatoes, lentils and 1 cup water
Stir well, cover, cook covered for 15- 20 minutes over low heat
till thick
Unwrap potato and cut a cross in each one -not right through and
with hands press open
Spoon in sauce
Sprinkle with coriander
Combine milk; coconut milk, ginger, rind, curry powder,
onion, corn flour blended with the water in a microwave
jug and stir well
Cook 1 minute - stir - cook till it thickens
Pour over cooked pumpkin
A recipe from Pauline Hancock
Ginger Biscuits
Sweet Chilli Sauce
2 cups plain flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 teaspoons ground ginger
1 cup brown sugar-firmly packed
125 g unsalted butter - melted
1 tablespoon golden syrup
1 egg - lightly beaten
Grease a flat tray
Sift flour and spices in bowl
Stir in sugar
Put well in middle and add eggs - beating lightly
Add melted butter and syrup. Mix to firm dough
Refrigerate for 20 minutes
Roll dough to 3mm thickness
Cut into squares and place on tray
Cook about 15 minutes or till well browned Cool
on wire rack
250g fresh red chillies (I use mostly larger chillies
with a handful of small very hot chillies - my personal
3 cups sugar
750ml bottle of white vinegar
375 g sultanas
8 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon finely grated fresh ginger
Wearing rubber gloves (do not touch face when handling
chillies) chop off stems and remove seeds if desired
(I do not) and roughly chop and put into blender
with sufficient vinegar to facilitate grinding the chillies.
Put all ingredients into a large saucepan and bring
to boil. Simmer gently until sultanas and chillies are
very soft. Cool and puree in blender (I use a stab
blender in the saucepan as it is not as messy)
Pour into sterilised bottles and seal.
With acknowledgements to MSVG Whirligig
September 2007
Night Entertainment
MARRY? (written by kids)
Most nights when I get into my bed
(1) You got to find somebody who likes the
same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she
should like it that you like sports, and she
should keep the chips and dip coming. - Alan,
age 10
Fabulous noises come into my head.
Sometimes a train roaring into a
And often a boat that's honking its
(2) No person really decides before they
grow up who they're going to marry. God
decides it all way before, and you get to find
out later who you're stuck with. - Kristen, age
10 (good one)
A man on the stair. Rain on the roof,
A herd of buffalo all on the hoof.
The cat at the window, a mouse in the
floor, A rat-a-tat postman at the door.
A waterfall falling. A hurricane
(1) Twenty-three is the best age because you
know the person FOREVER by then. Camille, age 10
Men in the fields, doing the mowing.
An orchestra playing. The clang of a
(2) No age is good to get married at. You got
to be a fool to get married. - Freddie, age 6
(very wise for his age)
bell, The noise of Goblins fighting
The telephone ringing, who can that
The kettle is boiling, it's now time for
(1) You might have to guess, based on
whether they seem to be yelling at the same
kids. - Derrick, age 8
tea. Then, in the morning, as I sit up
in bed,
My noises all tell me, "at least you're
not dead
'Cos if you were dead you wouldn't
(1) Both don't want any more kids. - Lori,
age 8
hear us So why on earth do you make
such a fuss?"
By Jane Williams aged 80 (in 1966)
written 42 years ago by an elderly lady
whose attitude towards tinnitus is still
encouraging today.
(1) Dates are for having fun, and people
should use them to get to know each other.
Even boys have something to say if you
listen long enough. - Lynnette, age 8 (isn't
she a treasure)
With acknowledgements to the British Tinnitus
Association Autumn 2008 .
This membership has been created to provide professional contacts for tinnitus sufferers. It is intended that individual
professionals (Audiologists, Otologists, GP's etc) or professional groups with an interest in tinnitus, will join as
professional associates at $50 for one-year’s subscription. In return, professional associates will be entitled to have
their name and location published in the NZTA News. Those interested in professional association with the NZTA
should send details (name, affiliation/profession, location) along with subscription fee to: The Secretary, NZTA, P O
Box 334-007, Sunnynook Post Shop, Auckland 0743.
Dr. William Baber
ENT Surgeon
(09) 489 4377
Roland Janke
European Hearing Ltd
PO Box 35-904
Browns Bay, Auckland
(09)478 5050
Jill Beech
Hearing Professionals
24 Nile Street
(03) 548 2323
Thomas Muller
Acoustic Hearing Ltd
PO Box 28-619
Remuera, Auckland
(09)522 9240
Margaret Couillault
Ear Nurse Specialist
PO Box 302-394
North Harbour
North Shore 0751
0843 (North Shore & Remuera)
Ph: (09)634 Mobile 027 2744313
Anthony Rowcroft
Dunedin Hearing Clinic
65 Moray Place
(03)477 0329
PO BOX 334 007
PH: (09)449 1019 & (09)473 7297