Geometry - Chapter 11, Test D - Granite Bay High School / Granite

GEOMETRY- Pre Test Ch. 11
Name _________________________
For Questions 1 – 5, find the area of the quadrilateral
1. Rectangle
1. A = ___________
6 cm
16 cm
2. Parallelogram
2. A = ___________
20 m
14 m
12 m
14 m
20 m
3. Trapezoid
3. A = ___________
18 cm
14 cm
12 cm
4. Kite
4. A = ___________
13.6 ft
5 ft
8 ft
16 ft
5. Rhombus
5. A = ___________
6 ft
8 ft
6. Find the Circumference and Area of a circle with a radius of 8 cm.
7. Find the arc length of AB and the area of sector APB in
6. C = ____________
A = ____________
7. Arc length AB = ____________
12 ft
Area of sector APB = ____________
For questions 8 and 9, find the mAPB.
Area = 138.2 cm2
8. m APB = ____________
10 cm
7.68 in
9. m APB = ____________
6 in
10. The polygons are similar. Find the ratio (large to small) of their perimeters and of their areas.
10. ratio of perimeters = ____________
ratio of areas = ____________
11. The polygons are similar. Given the areas of the triangles, find the missing side length.
12 cm
11. x = ____________
Area = 18 cm2
Area = 32 cm2
For Questions 12 – 15, find the perimeter and area of each polygon.
12. Square
12. P = ____________
16 2 in
A = ____________
13. Regular Pentagon.
13. P = ____________
A = ____________
20 cm
14. Equilateral Triangle.
14. P = ____________
A = ____________
10 mm
15. Rectangle (hint: not regular)
15. P = ____________
17 ft
A = ____________
15 ft
16. What is the diameter of a circle that has an area of 81π cm2?
16. d = ___________
17. What is the radius of a circle that has a circumference of 50π cm?
17. r = ___________
18. The top of a sky scraper building has the shape of a regular hexagon
with a side length of 12 feet. What is the area of the hexagon?
18. A = ___________
19. A 30 inch diameter pizza is cut into 8 equal pieces.
a. Find the length of a piece of crust of one piece.
b. Find the sector area of a piece of pizza.
Crust Length= ____________
Sector Area = ____________
20. Find the value of x and the area of the quadrilateral.
This is not a kite (hint: break into separate triangles).
20. x = ____________
A = ____________
41 cm
40 cm
50 cm
20 cm
21. The point (-4, -2) lies on the circle whose equation is
( x  1)2  ( y  2)2  r 2 What is the radius of the circle?
22. Find the area of the shaded region.
21. _______________
23. Find the area of the shaded region.
23. _______________
24. Find angle 1 and 2.
24. ______, ______
25. Find x.
26. Find the value of x.
26. ________
27. Find the value of x and y.
25. ______
Answers: 1)96cm2 2)240 m2 3) 210 cm2 4) 64 ft2 5)96 ft2 6) 50.27 cm, 201.06 cm27) 16.76 ft, 100.53 ft2
8)158.37° 9) 73.39° 10) 11:4, 121:16 11) 9cm 12) 128 in2, 1024 in2 13) 145.3 cm, 1453.09 cm2
14) 60√3 mm, 300√3 mm2 15) 92 ft, 480 ft2 16) 18 cm 17) 25 cm 18) 374.04 ft2 19) 11.78 in. 88.36 in2
20) 9, 1770 cm2 21)5 22) 26.67 in2 23) 3041.06 m2 24) 55°, 37.5° 25)12 26) √2 27) 4, 2√3