June 2014 - Education Queensland

June 2014
All employees
All employees
State Library of Queensland Short Course: Intermediate Coding for Web
This four-hour intermediate workshop will delve a little deeper into methods for customising your
website. It will introduce the basics of JavaScript as well as the latest features of HTML and CSS. It
will cover HTML 5 tags, CSS 3 styles, CSS 3 animation, web fonts, browser compatibility, style
sheets and publishing work online. For more information contact the State Library of Queensland on
3842 9400 or visit their website.
Flying Arts: PD4Arts Educators: Live Workshops – Mixed Media Assemblage
In this workshop presented by Simone Eisler, participants will explore the theme of recycling and
sustainability by collecting materials and found objects to create an abstract mixed media
assemblage artwork. For more information and to register, contact Flying Arts on 3216 1322 or visit
their website.
OneChannel Web Conference: edStudio for beginners 4 of 4
edStudios provide a learning space for students and staff to create, author and publish content to
construct knowledge and understandings. In edStudio, teachers create lessons, projects or learning
activities by combining media from edTube, Learning Place resources and other teaching resources
and content. Part 4 of the series will demonstrate and provide participants with practical experience:
manage studio permissions and using the advanced features. For more information and to register
visit OneChannel.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA): Philosophy and Reason Senior Syllabus 2014
Implementation Workshop
This syllabus workshop will focus on the differences between the 2004 and 2014 syllabuses, syllabus
requirements including course organisation, assessment and standards, and requirements for work
programs. Participants have the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of the
requirements of the syllabus, including the content, course organisation, assessment techniques and
verification folios. For more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Drama assessment
This workshop will develop the understanding required to design effective assessment instruments
for the Drama (2013) senior syllabus. It will involve discussions about objectives, standards and
techniques and provide opportunities to evaluate, design, and refine effective assessment
instruments. For more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Australian Copyright Council - Copyright Training Sessions for General Audiences
 Copyright Essentials
 Clearing Copyright Material
 Using Online Technologies
 New Copyright Cases & Policy Issues
These individual training sessions will cover the essentials of copyright law. For more information on
The Edge, State Library of
Queensland, South Brisbane
Brisbane Institute of Art, Windsor
OneChannel web conference
QSA, South Brisbane
QSA Wide Bay District Office,
Christie Conference Centre,
Adelaide Street, Brisbane
School leaders, teachers,
public sector employees
Executive leaders
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
Executive leaders
School leaders
Teachers, school
leaders, teacher aides
Teacher aides
Teachers, school
leaders, ITA
the topics and venue, contact the Australian Copyright Council on (02) 8815 9777 or visit their
MindMatters: Briefing
This two-hour session will provide participants with a clear understanding of what MindMatters is and
why it is important to implement in your school. In this session we will cover how participation assists
in achieving school improvement plans and gaining the confidence to explain the initiative to the
wider school community. For more information or to register contact MindMatters Qld or visit their
Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG): International Behavioural
Insights Conference 2014
This conference will bring together leading behavioural science thinkers and practitioners from the
US, UK, Singapore and across Australia to highlight behavioural innovations that are shaping the
global policy landscape. The conference will encourage dialogue between policy makers,
government advisers, practitioners, academics and private sector professionals to discuss common
challenges and opportunities from behavioural interventions. For more information contact ANZSOG
or visit their website.
Rock and Water Program – Skills for physical-social teaching
This three-day workshop offers a new way to interact with students through physical/social teaching.
It offers a framework of exercises and ideas to assist students to become aware of purpose and
motivation in their lives. For more information contact the Family Action Centre, University of
Newcastle on (02) 4921 6403 or visit their website.
UQ Business School: Innovation Management
This course will equip participants with the skills necessary to lead innovation for sustainable
competitive advantage. The course is based on international best practice and presents an
integrated framework to help managers lead innovation within their organisations. For more
information contact Brad May, Development Manager, UQ Business School on 3346 7111 or visit
their website.
Quality Schools, Inclusive Leaders
This high-quality capability development program for principals and school leadership teams focuses
on whole-school inclusive practices. The program is currently being delivered to state schools
throughout Queensland through the More Support for Students with Disabilities initiative. This
initiative is also providing professional development for other school staff. For more information and
contact details visit OnePortal.
OneChannel Web Conference: iPad Digital Portfolio Series – Part 1 Create and Develop
This session will focus on using iPads to create Digital portfolios. Digital portfolios can be used to
provide authentic evidence of learning, collect assessment, set and monitor learning goals, reflect on
progress and celebrate successes. This session will focus on setting up a Digital Portfolio using Book
Creator free app. The next session will be 10 June. For more information and to register visit
OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Inclusivity on iPads
This web conference is designed to provide support to those engaged in the Digital Practice Guide.
For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel Web Conference: MSITA – MTA Certification and competition
This session explores certification for MTA exams, system requirements and opportunities available
for your students. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Working with Professional Standards to
Progress to Full Registration
This workshop is for provisionally registered teachers and their supervisors/mentors who would like
Capricorn Hotel and Conference
Centre, Parkhurst
Four Seasons Hotel, Sydney
PCYC Townsville, Aitkenvale
Central Queensland, North Coast,
Far North Queensland and
Metropolitan regions
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel web conference
Sheridan Hotel, Cairns
RTO managers, HODs,
trainers and assessors
All employees
All employees
School leaders, teachers,
public sector employees
Executive leaders, public
sector employees
Teachers, school
information on how to progress to full registration using the Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers. For more information contact the QCT on 3377 4777 or to register visit the QCT website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA): Business Management Assessment Workshop
This workshop will focus on using the syllabus dimensions and objectives to design effective
assessment instruments for the Business Management Senior Syllabus 2013. Participants will
develop an understanding of how to apply the standards of the new syllabus when designing and
implementing assessment. For more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Drama assessment
This workshop will develop the understanding required to design effective assessment instruments
for the Drama (2013) senior syllabus. It will involve discussions about objectives, standards and
techniques and provide opportunities to evaluate, design and refine effective assessment
instruments. For more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Supporting the delivery of quality VET in
This assessment workshop will focus on supporting school RTOs to improve the quality of VET
assessment and delivery. The objective of this workshop is to build on the foundation skills
developed in the 2012 QSA VET Branch workshop: Assessment for Learning – a guide for
developing VET assessment tools. Participants will review aspects of what makes a quality VET
assessment tool and then have the opportunity to create and develop specific tools. The principles,
skills and knowledge gained at the workshop will be applicable across vocational training areas. For
more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Australian Copyright Council - Copyright Training Sessions for Libraries
 Copyright Overview for Libraries
 Copyright Fundamentals for Libraries: Part 1 (Theory)
 Copyright Fundamentals for Libraries: Part 2 (Workshop)
These individual training sessions will cover the essentials of copyright law. For more information on
the topics and venue, contact the Australian Copyright Council on (02) 8815 9777 or visit their
State Library of Queensland Short Course: Intro to Photoshop
This two-hour evening workshop will give a good understanding of the capabilities of the Photoshop
software as well as some practical skills to allow further experimentation. For more information
contact the State Library of Queensland on 3842 9400 or visit their website.
MindMatters: Getting Started
This workshop will provide participants with the confidence to explain MindMatters to the wide school
community, empowering students, parents and community to be involved. Participants will
understand how implementing MindMatters can assist in achieving the outcomes of school
improvement plans. The workshop covers the effective use of data and planning to engage the
school and builds the confidence, knowledge and skills necessary to begin, or continue with a wholeschool community approach to mental health. For more information or to register contact Janelle
Holmes, MindMatters Qld on 3512 8551 or visit their website.
ANZSOG Women in Leadership: Achieving and flourishing
This Australia and New Zealand School of Government customised workshop features Christine
Nixon as course leader, and is designed to strengthen the leadership and management skills of
female leaders in the public sector. The workshop will offer fresh perspectives on traditional
leadership and management issues, including developing resilience, displaying courage, nurturing
support and making strategic use of support systems. For more information contact ANZSOG on
(03) 8344 1990, visit their website or to register, click here.
EduTECH National Congress and Expo
QSA Cairns District Office, Earlville
Maroochy Surf Club,
Magpies Sporting Club, Glenella
Christie Conference Centre,
Adelaide Street, Brisbane
The Edge, State Library
Queensland, South Brisbane
Clarion Hotel Mackay Marina,
Mackay Harbour
Christie Conference Centre,
Adelaide Street, Brisbane
Brisbane Convention and
leaders, VET leaders,
public sector employees
Teachers, school leaders
Teachers, school
leaders, teacher aides
Teachers, guidance
Teachers, school leaders
Teachers, school leaders
Executive leaders, public
There will be eight congresses taking place simultaneously at EduTECH. They include K-12 Ed
Leaders, K-12 IT Directors and Managers, Higher Ed Leaders, Tertiary Tech Leaders, K-12 Business
Managers and Administrators, K-12 Library Managers, VET Leaders and Workplace Learning. They
will offer global experts and Australian practitioners who will share their thoughts on how the everincreasing levels of technology in our everyday lives will impact teaching and learning as we look to
the future. There will also be Masterclasses held on 5 June. Guest speakers include Sir Ken
Robinson, Professor Sugata Mitra, and Marc Ramos from Google USA. For more information contact
the conference organisers on (02) 8908 8555 or visit the conference website.
Queensland University of Technology: Plant anatomy
The Plant Anatomy course will combine theory and practical so that participants can develop a sound
understanding of the structure and function of plants. The information presented will be more
advanced than that usually offered in most undergraduate degrees. Material will be presented in
short modules comprising a lecture using notes and PowerPoint slides followed by a practical for
observing specimens and slides. This is course is suggested for anyone teaching plant biology at
school or university and those who wish to acquire or strengthen practical and theoretical knowledge
of plant structure. For more information visit the QUT website.
OneChannel Web Conference: 1 to 1:Contemporary teacher Part 1 of 3
This live program will explore the attributes of a contemporary teacher. Discover how a contemporary
teacher engages and empowers students to transform the way they think and learn and to give them
great control over how, where and when they learn. The program will refer to the Contemporary
Practice Resource, contemporary schools and be underpinned by learning models such as the
SAMR model, 21st Century Learning Design and blended learning. The next program will be 11
June. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel Web Conference: Multimodal Apps Series – Part 3: Sharing content
This session will focus on multimodal apps. You will learn about ways files can be transferred from
iPads to other iPads and to computers. We will also explore how students can use edTube to share
their work with teachers and their peers. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel Web Conference: Traffic Lights guide – Sexual behaviours
The learning intentions of this session include exploring the Traffic Lights framework to understand
normal, healthy sexual development, using the Traffic Lights framework to identify concerns, risks, or
problem sexual behaviours and applying strategies in line with student health and well-being and
student protection procedure. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel Web Conference: MoneySmart Teaching
This program aims to build teachers' capacity to deliver consumer and financial literacy education
through the Australian Curriculum across a number of learning areas including Mathematics, English
and Science. Insights into the importance of teaching consumer and financial literacy in schools are
provided by well-known finance commentator Paul Clitheroe and Scott Pape, the Barefoot Investor.
Teachers will discover the benefits of becoming a MoneySmart School and be better equipped with
the tools and confidence to engage students on consumer and financial literacy issues. Following the
session, all attendees will be sent a free USB flash drive containing all the MoneySmart teaching
resources. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
Global Learning Centre (GLC) - Global Perspectives in the Australian Geography Curriculum
This half-day-seminar will focus on complimentary global education resources and strategies to
engage students and develop geographical skills and conceptual understanding. Workshops include
utilising picture books to build mapping skills and investigating an effective framework for teaching
about other countries. For more information and to register contact the Global Learning Centre on
3857 6666 or visit their website.
Public Service Commission (PSC) Thought Leaders Seminar: Rethinking service delivery
Exhibition Centre, Brisbane
QUT Gardens Point Campus,
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel web conference
The Willows State School,
111 George Street, Brisbane
sector employees
Public sector employees
School leaders, teachers,
public sector employees
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
All employees
School leaders, teachers,
public sector employees
Teachers, school leaders
School leaders
School leaders
This seminar presented by John Alford covers improving services and outcomes by new ways of
working e.g. contracting, partnering, and within the bounds of accountability and budgetary
processes. For more information contact the Public Service Commission or to register click here.
Business Innovation and Improvement in Government (BiiG): Introduction to Innovation
This workshop, facilitated by Dr Irena Yashin-Shaw, is designed to give public sector staff an
introduction to innovation, drawing on case studies and examples from both the private and public
sector. For more information contact Rebecca Hannan, Manager BiiG Network on 0407 817 690 or
visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Business Communication and Technologies
This assessment workshop will focus on evaluating, refining and designing effective assessment for
Business Communication and Technologies using the 2012 syllabus. For more information contact
the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
KidsMatter Primary: Helping students experiencing mental health difficulties
This event familiarises participants with the target areas of Component 4 focusing on understanding
mental health difficulties, and developing strategies to improve help-seeking and recognise students
who may be experiencing mental health difficulties. For more information contact KidsMatterQld on
3512 8500 or visit their website.
SPELD Queensland Workshop – Assistive Technology
This Specific Learning Disabilities Association (SPELD) Qld two-hour workshop will be presented by
Julie Tasker. For more information contact SPELD Qld on 3394 2566 or visit their website.
Australian Copyright Council - Copyright Training Sessions for Libraries
 Copyright Overview for Libraries
 Copyright Fundamentals for Libraries: Part 1 (Theory)
 Copyright Fundamentals for Libraries: Part 2 (Workshop)
These individual training sessions will cover the essentials of copyright law. For more information on
the topics and venue, contact the Australian Copyright Council on (02) 8815 9777 or visit their
MindMatters: Briefing
This two-hour session will provide participants with a clear understanding of what MindMatters is and
why it is important to implement in your school. In this session we will cover how participation assists
in achieving school improvement plans and gaining the confidence to explain the initiative to the
wider school community. For more information or to register contact Janelle Holmes, MindMatters
Qld on 3512 8551or visit their website.
Queensland Education Leadership Institute (QELi) Women and Leadership Alliance Program
Guest speaker at this event will be Kate Carnell, recently appointed CEO of the Australian Chamber
of Commerce and Industry. QELi has partnered with Women and Leadership Australia to present this
program specifically for women in the education sector. For more information contact QELi on 3007
5222 or visit their website.
Queensland Secondary Principals’ Association (QSPA) Conference 2014 - Powerful Futures
This conference provides a platform for professional learning and collegially; one that will support our
leadership of 21st century schools. The conference this year will also provide an additional day of PD
for Deputy Principals and Heads of Department. It also features highly acclaimed speakers who will
support your engagement with the theme, Powerful Futures: Leadership, Teaching, Autonomy and
Accountability. For more information visit their website.
Queensland Association of Special Education Leaders (QASEL) Conference 2014: Ignite –
Exploring New Horizons in Special Education Leadership
80 George Street, Brisbane
QSA Townsville District Office,
Kevin Castles Centre,
Queen Alexandra Home,
Christie Conference Centre,
Adelaide Street, Brisbane
Clarion Hotel Mackay Marina,
Mackay Harbour
Hilton Hotel, Brisbane
Pullman King George Square,
Teachers, school staff
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
Public sector employees
Teachers, school leaders
RTO managers, HODs,
trainers and assessors
This conference is for teachers, administrators and therapists. Over thirty workshops and keynote
speakers will explore contemporary special education issues, research and best practice. Keynote
speakers include: Dr Alma Harris, Steve Francis, Dr Jim Watterson, Chris Rider and the Minister for
Education, Training and Employment John-Paul Langbroek. Email for registration details. For more
information visit the QASEL website.
OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Student Mental Health 6
This web conference is designed to provide professional development opportunities to those
engaged in the Digital Practice Guide but will be beneficial for any school staff who interact with
students on a daily basis. This will be a seven-week health series providing an overview of student
mental health, each session will cover: what is it, what to look for, asking the right questions and who
to refer to. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel Web Conference: Professional Standards for Teachers
The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers describe the day-to-day work of teachers and
recognise the importance of their influence on student learning. In this session, the facilitators will
discuss how the Standards are organised into three domains of professional knowledge, professional
practice and professional engagement; how they define high-quality, effective teaching practice
And how they support the daily work of teachers in their classrooms. For more information and to
register visit OneChannel.
Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Working with Professional Standards to
Progress to Full Registration
This workshop is for provisionally registered teachers and their supervisors/mentors who would like
information on how to progress to full registration using the Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers. For more information contact the QCT on 3377 4777 or to register visit the QCT website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA): Business Management Assessment Workshop
This workshop will focus on using the syllabus dimensions and objectives to design effective
assessment instruments for the Business Management Senior Syllabus 2013. Participants will
develop an understanding of how to apply the standards of the new syllabus when designing and
implementing assessment. For more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Business Innovation and Improvement in Government (BiiG): Leading for Innovation
This workshop, facilitated by Dr Irena Yashin-Shaw, will explore 21st century ‘meta-skills’ for building
a culture of innovation and ideas in their workplaces. For more information contact Rebecca Hannan,
Manager BiiG Network on 0407 817 690 or visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA): Transition Forum
This forum will discuss ways to support children’s transition from kindergarten to school. For more
information and to register, contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Business Communication and Technologies
This assessment workshop will focus on evaluating, refining and designing effective assessment for
Business Communication and Technologies using the 2012 syllabus. For more information contact
the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Drama assessment
This workshop will develop the understanding required to design effective assessment instruments
for the Drama (2013) senior syllabus. It will involve discussions about objectives, standards and
techniques and provide opportunities to evaluate, design, and refine effective assessment
instruments. For more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Supporting the delivery of quality VET in
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel web conference
Across the Waves, Bundaberg
Ipswich Special School, Ipswich
63 George Street, Brisbane
Ocean International, South
Brothers Leagues Club Cairns,
QSA, South Brisbane
Alexandra Hills Hotel, Alexandra
Public sector employees
All employees
5-6 June, 7
December &
5 December
Teachers, school
leaders, teacher aides
School leaders
This assessment workshop will focus on supporting school RTOs to improve the quality of VET
assessment and delivery. The objective of this workshop is to build on the foundation skills
developed in the 2012 QSA VET Branch workshop: Assessment for Learning – a guide for
developing VET assessment tools. Participants will review aspects of what makes a quality VET
assessment tool and then have the opportunity to create and develop specific tools. The principles,
skills and knowledge gained at the workshop will be applicable across vocational training areas. For
more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
The Queensland Public Sector Young Leaders Conference 2014
This conference is designed to equip participants with highly practical management tools and
techniques and thereby instil the confidence to lead effectively in any situation. High calibre public
sector leaders will share their insights on how achieve more, while preparing for both the challenges
and the opportunities across an ever-changing public sector landscape. For more information contact
the Australian School of Applied Management on 1300 138037 or visit their website.
State Library of Queensland Short Course: Intro to Coding for Web
This two-hour evening workshop will get participants started with the basic of HTML and CSS. It will
cover HTML and CSS editors, the structure of the web page, basic HTML tags, basic CSS styling
and CSS selectors. No prior knowledge is required for this workshop. For more information contact
the State Library of Queensland on 3842 9400 or visit their website.
Primary Arts Network Ipswich (PANI) Workshop: Textiles and Soft Sculpture
In this workshop will be presented by Susanne Kelly and Lee Fullarton. For more information email
PANI or visit their website.
Queensland Education Leadership Institute (QELi): Future Leaders Program
This 6-12 month blended learning program is designed to support teachers who aspire to, or are
moving into, formal school leadership positions. It will introduce innovative leadership evidence and
research and provide practical learning about leading self, leading a team and leading a school. The
program will include face-to-face learning, a school-based leadership challenge and online collegial
group work. For more information contact QELI on 3007 5222 or visit their website.
OneChannel Web Conference: Contemporary Practice Resource – Augmented reality
exploration – part 2
In this second session, you will explore the Aurasma app and create an augmented reality.
Augmented reality is where real world elements are augmented through the unification of digital
software and live surroundings. It involves viewing a trigger image through a mobile device using a
specific application (app). The trigger image can be printed or real-life. Overlayed images, video or
data will then appear and can be viewed on the mobile device. This technology can be applied
across a range of subject areas for students to develop and apply understandings. This series has
been created using iOS devices. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA): Business Management Assessment Workshop
This workshop will focus on using the syllabus dimensions and objectives to design effective
assessment instruments for the Business Management Senior Syllabus 2013. Participants will
develop an understanding of how to apply the standards of the new syllabus when designing and
implementing assessment. For more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Drama assessment
This workshop will develop the understanding required to design effective assessment instruments
for the Drama (2013) senior syllabus. It will involve discussions about objectives, standards and
techniques and provide opportunities to evaluate, design, and refine effective assessment
instruments. For more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Association of State School Principals (QASSP) Workshop: Fierce Conversations
This workshop will provide school leaders with skills and strategies for having conversations that will
Rydges Hotel, South Brisbane
The Edge, State Library of
Queensland, South Brisbane
University of Southern
Queensland, Springfield
OneChannel web conference
Maroochy Surf Club,
Brothers Leagues Club Cairns,
All employees
All employees
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
Teachers, school
leaders, ITA
10 June &
26-27 August
School leaders
bring about productive results for you, your school and students. You will have the framework and
models that are used by successful leaders around the world. The conversation is the relationship.
What gets talked about in your school and how it gets talked about determines what will happen or
not. For more information and to register, contact QASSP on 3831 7011 or visit their website.
State Library of Queensland Short Course: Intermediate Photoshop
This four-hour afternoon workshop will focus on skills for different editing techniques. It will provide
the know-how to tackle more complicated effects like colour correction, lighting adjustment and
photograph combinations. For more information contact the State Library of Queensland on
3842 9400 or visit their website.
State Library of Queensland Workshop: Virtual Vulnerability
This evening workshop presented by The Edge, State Library of Queensland features online security
response experts, Trevor Jay and David Jorm, from Red Hat. Drawing on their experience as pentesters, their tales will range from those of corporate espionage to theft, taking participants through
the vulnerabilities commonly used to breach corporate and personal online security. More than just
stories, they will also show common tricks used by criminals and professionals alike to penetrate and
protect online spaces. For more information or to book contact The Edge, Queensland State Library
on 3842 9400 or visit their website.
Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) Workshop: Assisting struggling
readers in upper primary classes
This workshop looks at the reading process in detail and focuses on inspiring disengaged and
disinterested students in reading. It involves the use of strategies to support readers who have "fallen
through the gaps" and those who need support to improve their literacy learning and re-ignite their
passion for reading. Participants will understand the reading process and gain access to a range of
literacy strategies to improve engagement and comprehension. For more information contact PETAA
on (02) 8020 3900 or visit their website.
OneChannel Web Conference: iPad Digital Portfolio Series – Part 2 Adding images
This session will focus on using iPads to create Digital portfolios. Digital portfolios can be used to
provide authentic evidence of learning, collect assessment, set and monitor learning goals, reflect on
progress and celebrate successes. This session will focus on adding creativity to images by creating
collages, comics and special effects. These images can then be added to a Digital portfolio. The next
session will be 17 June. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel Web Conference: MSITA – A School’s experience with MTA
Join with us as we explore how others have used and implemented IT Academy in their schooling
context. This session will provide opportunity to discuss best practice and ideas to implement in your
schooling context. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Business Communication and Technologies
This assessment workshop will focus on evaluating, refining and designing effective assessment for
Business Communication and Technologies using the 2012 syllabus. For more information contact
the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Drama assessment
This workshop will develop the understanding required to design effective assessment instruments
for the Drama (2013) senior syllabus. It will involve discussions about objectives, standards and
techniques and provide opportunities to evaluate, design, and refine effective assessment
instruments. For more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Education Leadership Institute (QELi): Coaching Accreditation Program
This program is designed for leaders and managers who want to build their leadership skills to
manage themselves and others toward great performance. It develops a higher level of coaching
The Edge, State Library
Queensland, South Brisbane
The Edge, State Library of
Queensland, South Bank
Coolangatta State School, Kirra
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel web conference
QSA, South Brisbane
Logan Diggers, Logan Central
School leaders
Teachers, school leaders
School leaders
Teachers, school
leaders, teacher aides
Executive leaders, public
sector employees
All employees
11-13 June &
School leaders
Teachers, school
knowledge and skill, leading to an industry-recognised credential in coaching. The program includes
four workshop contact days and flexible external learning modules. For more information contact
QELI on 3007 5222 or visit their website.
Insights from the Year 7 Flying Start Pilot Program – Breakfast Series
To assist school leaders with planning for the move of Year 7 into their schools, the Flying Start team
would like to share the key learnings and insights from the schools involved in the pilot program. For
more information and to register visit Flying Start website on OnePortal.
OneChannel Web Conference: 1 to 1:Contemporary learner Part 2 of 3
This live program will explore the eight contemporary learner attributes. Contemporary learners live
and operate in a digital world and adapt easily to new technologies. This program will look at how
technology gives teachers and students the ability to teach and learn in more mobile, immediate,
connected and collaborative ways. The next program will be 18 June. For more information and to
register visit OneChannel.
ACE/ACEL Breakfast with the Minister
This Australian College of Educators (ACE) and Australian Council for Educational Leaders (ACEL)
event will provide attendees with the opportunity to hear from John-Paul Langbroek, Minister for
Education, Training and Employment and also engage in a Q&A session. For more information
contact ACEL on (02) 9213 3100 or visit their website.
OneChannel Web Conference: Contemporary Practice Resource – Digital word wall
A digital word wall is a strategy for collating sets of identified words. The collection of words can be
displayed on an edStudio page. This is a great strategy to support literacy, or subject-specific
vocabulary building. This session will guide you through the process of creating your own digital word
wall. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Drama assessment
This workshop will develop the understanding required to design effective assessment instruments
for the Drama (2013) senior syllabus. It will involve discussions about objectives, standards and
techniques and provide opportunities to evaluate, design, and refine effective assessment
instruments. For more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
ANZSOG Women in Leadership: Achieving and flourishing
This Australia and New Zealand School of Government customised workshop features Christine
Nixon as course leader, and is designed to strengthen the leadership and management skills of
female leaders in the public sector. The workshop will offer fresh perspectives on traditional
leadership and management issues, including developing resilience, displaying courage, nurturing
support and making strategic use of support systems. For more information contact ANZSOG on
(03) 8344 1990, visit their website or to register, click here.
Department of Justice and Attorney-General Dispute Resolution Training: Mediator
Development including National Mediator Accreditation
This three-day program prepares participants for National Mediator Accreditation (NMA) assessment
which takes place on the third day. Participants will spend two days revisiting and practising skills
learning in the Mediation Skills course, prior to being assessed. For more information contact the
Department of Justice and Attorney-General on 3239 6277 or visit their website.
Queensland Education Leadership Institute (QELi): Emerging Principals Program™
This program is designed to support high-performing Deputy, Assistant and Associate Principals (and
equivalent) who aspire to the position of Principal. Practical and research-based, it will develop their
ability to lead effective teaching and learning, lead self and others, and lead improvement, innovation
and change. It will also help them engage and work with their school community. For more
information contact QELi on 3007 5230 or visit their website.
OneChannel Web conference: Contemporary Practice Resource – Online Mathematics
Highfields Cultural Centre,
OneChannel web conference
Clairvaux McKillop College, Mt
OneChannel web conference
Alexandra Hills Hotel, Alexandra
Christie Conference Centre,
Adelaide Street, Brisbane
OneChannel web conference
leaders, teacher aides
Teacher aides, school
Teachers, school staff
Teachers, school leaders
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
All employees
Toolkit: Part 1 - Explore
This session will explore one of the Contemporary Practice Resource teaching ideas: My
Mathematics Tool Kit for years 4, 5 and 6. It will look at what a digital toolkit is and discuss how it
could benefit students in class as they develop their mathematical skills and knowledge. The next
session on 19 June will cover how to create and customise a mathematics toolkit for your student
context. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Working with Professional Standards to
Progress to Full Registration
This workshop is for provisionally registered teachers and their supervisors/mentors who would like
information on how to progress to full registration using the Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers. For more information contact the QCT on 3377 4777 or to register visit the QCT website.
OneChannel Web Conference: SupportStaff_Student Mental Health 7
This web conference is designed to provide professional development opportunities to those
engaged in the Digital Practice Guide but will be beneficial for any school staff who interact with
students on a daily basis. This will be a 7 week health series providing an overview of student mental
health. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel Web Conference: Basic Adobe Photoshop
The areas to be covered in this presentation include a walkthrough of the interface; including
important tools, panels and menus; cropping, straightening; fixing common issues like too bright or
dark; combining elements from multiple photos and adding text and effects. For more information and
to register visit OneChannel.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Business Communication and Technologies
This assessment workshop will focus on evaluating, refining and designing effective assessment for
Business Communication and Technologies using the 2012 syllabus. For more information contact
the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA): Transition Forum
This forum will discuss ways to support children’s transition from kindergarten to school. For more
information and to register, contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Epilepsy Queensland: Understanding Epilepsy Workshop
The topics covered in this three-hour workshop include introduction to epilepsy, recognising the types
of seizures, seizure management, minimising triggers, first aid and emergency situations and
information about the resources available. For more information and to register, contact Epilepsy
Queensland on 3435 5000 or 1300 852 853 (outside Brisbane) or visit their website.
The University of Queensland Lecture: Listening to Shakespeare’s Foreigners
The free lecture and panel discussion on ‘Shakespeare and Cultural Differences’ has Professor
Jonathan Gil Harris, The George Washington University and Ashoka University, New Delhi and Dr
Jennifer Clement, UQ, Lecturer in English Literature and Shakespeare course coordinator as guest
speakers. Please register by 5 June to Penny Boys, UQ on 3365 4913.
Business Innovation and Improvement in Government (BiiG): Leading Public Sector Renewal
in Australian – Multi-Jurisdictional Panel
Governments are focused on improving outcomes for customers and finding better ways to deliver
better services. This1.5 hour event brings together public sector renewal leaders and practitioners
from across the country to share their challenges and the opportunities large scale public sector
renewal presents. Join Ross Musgrove, Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Director-General,
Department of the Premier and Cabinet in this special BiiG panel discussion. Key speakers include:
Andrew Chesterman, Erma Ranieri, Shane McWhinney and Rebecca Falkingham. For more
information and to register contact Rebecca Hannan or visit their website.
The Kevin Castles Centre,
Rockhampton and Shamrock
Hotel, Mackay
OneChannel Web Conference
OneChannel web conference
QSA Mackay District Office,
Arundel Hills Country Club,
Arundel Hills
Gold Coast
Michie Building (No. 9) Level 6,
Room 601, The University of
Queensland, St Lucia
80 George Street, Brisbane
Teachers, school
leaders, teacher aides
All employees
Executive leaders, public
sector employees
Teachers, public sector
Teachers, school support
OneChannel Web Conference: Contemporary Practice Resource – Augmented reality
exploration – part 3
In this final session, you will explore teaching ideas which use augmented reality and how to apply
them into your classroom context. Augmented reality is where real world elements are augmented
through the unification of digital software and live surroundings. It involves viewing a trigger image
through a mobile device using a specific application (app). The trigger image can be printed or reallife. Overlayed images, video or data will then appear and can be viewed on the mobile device. This
technology can be applied across a range of subject areas for students to develop and apply
understandings. This series has been created using iOS devices. For more information and to
register visit OneChannel.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA): Business Management Assessment Workshop
This workshop will focus on using the syllabus dimensions and objectives to design effective
assessment instruments for the Business Management Senior Syllabus 2013. Participants will
develop an understanding of how to apply the standards of the new syllabus when designing and
implementing assessment. For more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Business Communication and Technologies
This assessment workshop will focus on evaluating, refining and designing effective assessment for
Business Communication and Technologies using the 2012 syllabus. For more information contact
the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Drama assessment
This workshop will develop the understanding required to design effective assessment instruments
for the Drama (2013) senior syllabus. It will involve discussions about objectives, standards and
techniques and provide opportunities to evaluate, design, and refine effective assessment
instruments. For more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
State Library of Queensland Short Course: Intermediate Coding for Web
This four-hour intermediate workshop will delve a little deeper into methods for customising your
website. It will introduce the basics of JavaScript as well as the latest features of HTML and CSS. It
will cover HTML 5 tags, CSS 3 styles, CSS 3 animation, web fonts, browser compatibility, stylesheets
and publishing work online. For more information contact the State Library of Queensland on 3842
9400 or visit their website.
Melbourne Business School – Mt Eliza Executive Education: Senior Managers Program
This program fills the gap for senior managers who are seeking practical strategies to improve
performance in their operational area. It will explore all facets of leadership success, including
decision-making, change, communication, organisational culture and systems thinking. For more
information contact the Mt Eliza National Enquiry Centre on 1800 006 680 or visit their website.
OneChannel Web Conference: Learning Pathways
This one-hour live program will explore Learning Pathways with a focus on creating one to organise
literacy resources related to the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s 2014 shortlisted titles. For
more information and to register visit OneChannel.
Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Reflective Practice and the Australian
Standards for Teachers
This workshop is for teachers who hold full registration. It includes information on the Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers, using the Standards to reflect on professional practice and
development, changes to the Continuing Professional Development Framework and Renewal of
Registration. For more information contact the QCT on 3377 4777 or to register visit the QCT
MultiLit – PreLit Workshop
OneChannel web conference
QSA Townsville District Office,
Rockhampton Leagues Club,
Ipswich Special School, Ipswich
The Edge, State Library of
Queensland, South Brisbane
Mt Eliza, Victoria
OneChannel web conference
Rydges Hotel, Gladstone
Teachers, school leaders
Executive leaders, public
sector employees
Executive leaders
All employees
Executive leaders, public
sector employees
Prep PreLit is evidence-based and best practice. Designed to complement a play-based learning
environment, it can be taught to a whole class, small groups, or individually. The program comprises
108 short, prescriptive lessons within which skills and concepts are taught explicitly and
systematically in a hierarchical sequence. There are two main components: phonological awareness
and oral language development through story book reading. MultiLit is a research initiative of
Macquarie University. For more information contact MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818 or visit their website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) Workshop: Business Communication and Technologies
This assessment workshop will focus on evaluating, refining and designing effective assessment for
Business Communication and Technologies using the 2012 syllabus. For more information contact
the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Royal National Association: Teachers Cheese Making Workshop (Camembert)
This free workshop will equip teachers with the skills and experience to teach their students to make
cheese. Each workshop runs for approximately six hours with an hour of cheese-making theory
which relates to the different styles of cheeses being made. This is followed by a practical, hands-on
cheese-making session on the maturation process. For more information contact Carlee Hay,
Educator Manager, RNA on 3253 3927 or visit the EKKA website.
Asia Education Foundation (AEF) National Conference 2014: New world. New thinking.
This conference aims to showcase innovative learner, teacher and school leadership practices in
cross-curricula studies of Asia, Asian languages education and the capability of intercultural
understanding. It will provide the latest developments in teacher education and capacity building to
ensure Asia literate teachers and school leaders. For more information contact the Asia Education
Foundation on (03) 8344 4800 or visit their website.
Melbourne Business School – Mt Eliza Executive Education: Strategic HR Leadership
Participants in this program will learn the strategic role human resource management plays in
providing their organisation with a sustained competitive advantage by unlocking their employees’
productive potential. They will also identify and develop the leadership behaviours needed to ensure
their organisation attracts and retains quality people for the long term. For more information contact
the Mt Eliza National Enquiry Centre on 1800 006 680 or visit their website.
UQ Business School: Women in Research Leadership
This course draws on international research into the factors that underpin success for women
researchers, as well as the practical experience of the presenters. It will help participants increase
their understanding of organisational cultures, explore strategies for success and learn tactics to
negotiate institutional barriers. This course is delivered via a unique mixture of action learning,
problem-based learning and exposure to a variety of presenters. For more information contact Brad
May, Development Manager, UQ Business School on 3346 7111 or visit their website.
Department of Justice and Attorney-General Dispute Resolution Training: Mediation Skills
This five-day program will give participants the necessary knowledge and skills to develop as a
mediator, building both competence and confidence. They will also gain communication skills that are
highly useful in other situations. The course is interactive and focused on skill development. For more
information contact the Department of Justice and Attorney-General on 3239 6277 or visit their
Melbourne Business School – Mt Eliza Executive Education: Leadership Development
This program develops leaders who are capable of bridging levels and functions in the organisation,
leading other managers and turning strategy into action. For more information contact the Mt Eliza
National Enquiry Centre on 1800 006 680 or visit their website.
Alexandra Hills Hotel, Alexandra
SMC Conference and Function
Centre, Sydney
Carlton, Victoria
Mt Eliza, Victoria
Teachers, school
leaders, teacher aides
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
Teachers, school leaders
Teachers, school
leaders, ITA
Teachers, school leaders
Teachers, school support
17-19 June,
20 June – 8
and ongoing
School leaders
OneChannel Web Conference: LibPOST – Find and request resources
In this half-hour program current and eligible clients will learn about LibPost, the library’s
subscription-based postal lending service for the provision of print resources to Band 5-7 and remote
schools. Learn how to search for and borrow print resources for classroom use and professional
development and find out how library staff can assist in the selection of suitable resources. For more
information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel Web Conference: iPad Digital Portfolio Series – Part 3 Adding videos and
This session will focus on using iPads to create Digital portfolios. Digital portfolios can be used to
provide authentic evidence of learning, collect assessment, set and monitor learning goals, reflect on
progress and celebrate successes. This session will focus on adding creativity to videos by creating
talking avatars or video tutorials. These videos can then be added to a Digital portfolio. For more
information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel Web Conference: Discover Queensland Places – State Library Queensland
This program will be presented by Samantha Harrington, State Library of Queensland. Teachers will
discover a range of primary sources to explore the past and present of Queensland's unique places,
and find thousands of free digitised photos, maps, and tourism brochures to show change and
continuity in their local and regional areas. For more information and to register visit OneChannel
OneChannel Web Conference: MSITA – Technical courses at your school
Join with us as we explore how others have used and implemented IT Academy in their schooling
context. This session will provide opportunity to discuss best practice and ideas to implement in your
schooling context. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
Queensland College of Teachers (QCT) Workshop: Working with Professional Standards to
Progress to Full Registration
This workshop is for provisionally registered teachers and their supervisors/mentors who would like
information on how to progress to full registration using the Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers. For more information contact the QCT on 3377 4777 or to register visit the QCT website.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA): Business Management Assessment Workshop
This workshop will focus on using the syllabus dimensions and objectives to design effective
assessment instruments for the Business Management Senior Syllabus 2013. Participants will
develop an understanding of how to apply the standards of the new syllabus when designing and
implementing assessment. For more information contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Family Planning Queensland: Traffic Lights - Developing responses to sexual behaviours of
children and young people
This course will provide participants with a positive framework which will build their skills and
confidence to identify, understand and respond to the sexuality and relationship needs of children
and young people with problem sexual behaviours. For more information contact Family Planning
Queensland on 3250 0240 or visit their website.
MultiLit – Reading Assessment Workshop
This workshop demonstrates best practice in using assessment data to inform decision-making about
instructional practices. The workshop will provide teachers with a solid understanding of the
assessment cycle enabling them to best meet reporting requirements of government funded
programs. MultiLit is a research initiative of Macquarie University. For more information contact
MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818 or visit their website.
The QELi/ASAM Executive Leadership for School Principals Program
This Queensland Education Leadership Institute (QELi) in partnership with the Australian School of
Applied Management (ASAM) program will make a significant contribution to your ongoing
professional growth, at the same time refreshing your capacity to capitalise on the opportunities
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel web conference
Rydges Hotel, Gladstone
QSA Rockhampton District Office,
Executive leaders
School leaders
Teachers, school leaders
Teachers, school
leaders, teacher aides
Teachers, school leaders
School leaders, teachers,
public sector employees
18-19 June &
24 July
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
offered by current policy initiatives. You will be challenged to rethink traditional approaches to leading
self, school and community. You will be encouraged to enhance your leadership capabilities,
enabling you to respond in innovative ways to the increasingly diverse needs of students and school
communities. For more information contact QELi on 3007 5222 or visit their website.
Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) Executive Workshop:
Performance Leadership: Producing real results
This workshop will be valuable for public sector managers talked with the responsibility of producing
real results. Facilitated by Robert D Behn, lecturer at Harvard Kennedy School, who will focus on his
research and teaching on the leadership challenge of improving the performance of government
jurisdictions and public agencies. For more information contact ANZSOG or visit their website.
Insights from the Year 7 Flying Start Pilot Program – Breakfast Series
To assist school leaders with planning for the move of Year 7 into their schools, the Flying Start team
would like to share the key learnings and insights from the schools involved in the pilot program. For
more information and to register visit Flying Start website on OnePortal.
OneChannel Web Conference: 1 to 1:Contemporary learning spaces Part 3 of 3
This live program will explore contemporary learning spaces. Discover how schools globally are
rethinking the concept of learning spaces, moving away from industrial-era models of classrooms to
learning spaces that support new learning paradigms giving students an opportunity to become
contemporary learners. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel Web Conference: Contemporary Practice Resource – QR codes
A QR (Quick Response) code is a type of bar code which can be scanned using a mobile device and
a QR code reader application (app). QR codes provide an innovative way to communicate and
interact with print media. This session will explain how to create and read QR codes and explore
ways you can apply them to your context. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
Queensland Studies Authority (QSA): Transition Forum
This forum will discuss ways to support children’s transition from kindergarten to school. For more
information and to register, contact the QSA on 3864 0471 or visit their website.
Royal National Association: Teachers Cheese Making Workshop (Camembert)
This free workshop will equip teachers with the skills and experience to teach their students to make
cheese. Each workshop runs for approximately six hours with an hour of cheese-making theory
which relates to the different styles of cheeses being made. This is followed by a practical, hands-on
cheese-making session on the maturation process. For more information contact Carlee Hay,
Educator Manager, RNA on 3253 3927 or visit the EKKA website.
KidsMatter – Facilitating Component 1: A positive school community
This event familiarises participants with the target areas of Component 1 focusing on a school
community that promotes mental health and well-being, and developing respectful relationships,
belonging and inclusion. It also considers whole-school staff processes and prepares participants to
effectively deliver the professional learning to the staff group. For more information contact
KidsMatterQld on 3512 8500 or visit their website.
SPELD Queensland Workshop – Understanding/Assisting Children with Dyslexia
This Specific Learning Disabilities Association (SPELD) Qld workshop will be presented by Leslie
Keast-Patch. It will provide participants with an understanding of dyslexia, the dyslexic learner, their
profile and practical teaching strategies to assist with their learning. For more information contact
SPELD Qld on 3394 2566 or visit their website.
2014 Drumbeat National Tour – Building Resilience Through Rhythm
This early intervention program was developed to reach those people for whom talk-based therapies
were confronting. It provides a unique approach through rhythm and the drum circle to explore
relationship issues and teachers how hand drumming can engage participants in a cooperative group
Beenleigh Events Centre
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel web conference
Ibis Styles Cairns Colonial, Cairns
Brisbane Catholic Education
Centre, Springwood
Teachers, school
leaders, teacher aides
Teacher aides
All employees
Teachers, school
leaders, teacher aides
Teachers, public sector
Teachers, school leaders
All employees
process. For more information contact the Events Team, University of Newcastle on (02) 4921 6403
or visit their website.
Australian College of Educators: QUT Science and Engineering Centre - Introduction to The
ACE will explore the pedagogy incorporated into this unique design of the new Science and
Engineering Building for student engagement and learning. Academics from QUT will explain how
the development of the building (including The Cube, which provides a dynamic interactive learning
and research environment) drew together education, building, engineering and creative industries
professionals to develop a world class learning environment. For more information contact the ACE
QUT Gardens Point Campus,
National Office on 1800 208 586 or visit their website.
OneChannel Web conference: Contemporary Practice Resource – Online Mathematics
Toolkit: Part 2 - Develop
In this session we will develop a digital toolkit using an edStudio template. Your digital toolkit can
then easily be customised for your student context. The session supports the Contemporary Practice
Resource teaching idea: My Mathematics Tool Kit for years 4, 5 and 6 though could easily be
adapted for other year levels. For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
OneChannel Web Conference: Support Staff_MyPLR
This session will look at the MyPLR Certificate IV in Education Support and how it can be achieved.
For more information and to register visit OneChannel.
Epilepsy Queensland Workshop: Understanding Epilepsy
The topics covered in this half-day workshop include introduction to epilepsy, recognising the types
of seizures, seizure management, minimising triggers, first aid and emergency situations and
information about the resources available. For more information and to register, contact Epilepsy
Queensland on 3435 5000 or 1300 852 853 (outside Brisbane) or visit their website.
OneChannel Web Conference: Contemporary Practice Resource – Augmented reality
exploration – part 3
This session focuses on Augmented reality (AR). You will explore teaching ideas which use
augmented reality and how to apply them into your classroom context. Augmented reality is where
real world elements are augmented through the unification of digital software and live surroundings.
It involves viewing a trigger image through a mobile device using a specific application (app). The
trigger image can be printed or real-life. Overlayed images, video or data will then appear and can be
viewed on the mobile device. This technology can be applied across a range of subject areas for
students to develop and apply understandings. This series has been created using iOS devices. For
more information and to register visit OneChannel.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation Training for Schools: Kitchen Garden
Program Professional Development
This full-day advanced workshop enables Kitchen and Garden Specialists and Educators to build on
their skills and develop new ones through specialised workshops and networking. The workshops
vary and may include break making, sausage making, cheese-making, advanced recycling or wicking
beds. For more information contact the Foundation on (03) 8415 1993 or visit their website.
Queensland Association of State School Principals (QASSP): AUS Identities™ Workshop –
Awakening people to their true potential
This interactive workshop was originally developed to assist students find direction and gain a
greater sense of their own identify, but it also helps teachers to understand and gain a greater
knowledge of different teaching and learning styles. For more information contact QASSP on 3831
7011 or visit their website.
State Library of Queensland Short Course: Advanced Photoshop
This five-hour afternoon workshop will show some sneaky tips and tricks and powerful tools for
OneChannel web conference
OneChannel web conference
Gabba Towers, Woolloongabba
OneChannel web conference
Burleigh Heads State School,
Burleigh Heads
The Edge, State Library of
Queensland, South Brisbane
All employees
Teachers, school support
Teachers, learning
support, school leaders
Executive leaders, public
sector employees
Teachers, school
leaders, ITA
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
Teachers, school
leaders, public sector
Teachers, school
administrators and
support staff
streamlining the editing process. It will cover automating processes like actions and droplets, and
advanced uses of tools and filters to achieve professional photo editing. For more information contact
the State Library of Queensland on 3842 9400 or visit their website.
State Library of Queensland Short Course: Intermediate Coding for Web
This five-hour advanced workshop will introduce jQuery and PHP. It will cover how to use jQuery
framework and jQuery selectors and animations. It will also cover basic PHP coding, MySQL
databases and creating database structure. It will also cover the differences between client side and
server side processing. For more information contact the State Library of Queensland on 3842 9400
or visit their website.
MultiLit - MiniLit Workshop
This two-day workshop trains teachers in the delivery of MultiLit’s MiniLit program which targets
struggling young readers in Year 1. MiniLit is an evidence-based Tier 2 early literacy program that
can be delivered to up to four students per group and comprises of 80 carefully structured lessons.
The workshop provides easy to implement practical advice; video of live demonstrations; extensive
practice through role-play; and help in developing your own road map for your school. MultiLit is a
research initiative of Macquarie University. For more information contact MultiLit on (02) 9888 3818
or visit their website.
Institute for Multisensory Language Education (IMSLE): Orton Gillingham MSL Training
Courses: Associate Accreditation
This post-graduate course provides instruction based on the successful MSL Orton Gillingham
Approach; a direct and explicit phonetic, rule-based, structured and multi-sensory approach for
teaching reading and spelling. A clinical MSL practicum and coursework is included. The course is
accredited by the Australian Dyslexia Association Inc. For more information contact IMSLE or visit
their website.
Melbourne Business School – Mt Eliza Executive Education: Leading for Organisational
Impact: The Looking Glass Experience Program
This program will enhance participants’ ability to lead, enabling them to leverage leadership
capabilities that are critical for their personal success and the success of their organisation. For more
information contact the Mt Eliza National Enquiry Centre on 1800 006 680 or visit their website.
OneChannel Web Conference: MSITA – MTA Wrap Up
Find out about the resources and content available to provide MTA e-learning opportunities and
experiences for both staff and students. For more information visit OneChannel.
SPELD Queensland Workshop – Writing
This Specific Learning Disabilities Association (SPELD) Qld two-hour workshop will be presented by
Tanya Dickson. For more information contact SPELD Qld on 3394 2566 or visit their website.
KidsMatter – Facilitating Component 1: A positive school community
This event familiarises participants with the target areas of Component 1 focusing on a school
community that promotes mental health and well-being, and developing respectful relationships,
belonging and inclusion. It also considers whole-school staff processes and prepares participants to
effectively deliver the professional learning to the staff group. For more information contact
KidsMatterQld on 3512 8500 or visit their website.
DETE Morayfield Cluster Teacher Education Centre of Excellence Workshop: The
Differentiated Classroom
Every day, every classroom teacher addresses a diverse spectrum of student abilities, attitudes and
interests. Effective teachers cater for these differences and implement differentiated learning
practices that improve student learning. This highly practical workshop presented by Tony Ryan will
provide valuable and worthwhile differentiation strategies that can be applied in every classroom. For
more information contact Suzanne Clifton or to register visit their website.
The Edge, State Library of
Queensland, South Brisbane
MSL Training Venue, Varsity
Lakes, Gold Coast
Mt Eliza, Victoria
OneChannel web conference
Queen Alexandra Home,
Country Comfort Ipswich,
Morayfield East State School Hall,
30 June – 1
Teachers, school leaders
30 June –
2 July
30 June –
3 July
Updated 17 June 2014
Melbourne Graduate School of Education: Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills
This fully online, free, five-week course is designed to equip professional educators with an
understanding of exactly what are the social, cognitive and attitudinal skills students need if they are
to ‘know how to learn’ in the digital era, and how to recognise these skills, assess and then teach
them. Session dates run by 30 June to 1 August 2014. For more information contact Sandra Milligan,
Convenor, Melbourne Graduate School of Education on (03) 8344 8285 or to register visit their
Griffith University Queensland Conservatorium 2014 Winter School: Pro Tools for Musicians
Using the industry standard Pro Tools software, this course will teach participants to work with nonlinear, hard-disk sound recording systems. Through practical, computer lab-based tutorials,
participants will receive detailed insight into digital audio recording, working with MIDI, editing and
mixing, pre and post-production concepts, project ideas and how to communicate these ideas,
techniques and their application. For more information contact the Professional Development Project
Officer on 3735 6306 or visit their website.
Griffith University Queensland Conservatorium 2014 Winter School: Instrumental Pedagogy 1
This course will address pedagogical issues in the wider school curriculum in relation to performance
and ensemble learning. For more information contact the Professional Development Project Officer
on 3735 6306 or visit their website.
Online course
Queensland Conservatorium
Griffith University, South Bank
Queensland Conservatorium
Griffith University, South Bank