La Familia - Elle's e

Writing the English Alphabet
Unit: Writing
Date: June 17, 2009
Topic: Writing the English Alphabet
Teacher: Elle
Student Level: Adult ESL Basic Literacy Level
TESOL Standards: Standard 1 (Grade Level 9-12): “ English Language Learners communicate for
SOCIAL, INTERCULTURAL, and INSTRUCTIONAL purposes within the school setting.” (a)
Writing-Level 1 “List topics of common personal interest with a classmate.”
( Supplemental ESL Standard:
Illinois ESL Content Standards for Beginning ESL Literacy: BL.W1 “Print upper and lower case
letters * Students may need to develop visual discrimination skills and fine motor skills (i.e., trace
letters and numbers following guide arrows) at this level.” (Illinois Standards: Illinois Community
College Board
Technology Standards: NETS Standard 2: “Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences
and Assessments Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and
assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context
and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers: (1) design or
adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student
learning and creativity. NETS Standards:
Learning Setting/Special Accommodations:
The classroom needs to have computers with Internet access (preferably one computer per student). In
addition, there needs to be a computer projector with screen to display a PowerPoint presentation. The
classroom also needs to allow for desk writing space for each student. Required materials, software,
hardware, etc:
 The Jazzy Alphabet Rendition Video at URL:
 Poster of The English Alphabet
 “Learning to Write the English Alphabet” PowerPoint presentation
o Slide 1-Title Slide with teacher’s name
o Slide 2-Alphabet Basics
o Slide 3-Pencil or Pen Grip
o Slide 4-Pencip Grip Practice
o Slide 5-Uppercase Letters
o Slide 6-Lowercase Letters
o Slide 7-Basic Letter Writing
o Slide 8-Basic Letter Writing Cont’d
o Slide 9-Basic Letter Writing Cont’d
o Slide 10-The End with video link
 Teacher Computer with speakers and a projector with screen to show PowerPoint presentation
and videos
 Worksheet 1-Tracing Capital and Lowercase Printed English Letters
 Interactive Website: Literacy Center Education Network . This
Educational network is a registered 501 (c) (3) organization that offers free services to teacher,
but is funded by grants and donations. Also recommended is a companion site (created by the
board of directors for Literacy Center Education Network) called Read Today! This website is also a free educational website which provides the
public with effective literacy learning worksheets for beginning writers.
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 Worksheet 2-Writing Capital and Lowercase Printed English Letters
Required materials, software, hardware continued:
 Pencils
 Worksheet 3-Writing Lowercase Printed English Words
 Computers with internet access (at least 1 computer with internet access for every 3 students)
 Crossword Puzzle
I. Lesson Approach Section
Enabling Objectives: Students will write each letter of the English Alphabet, both in upper and
lowercase. Students will also use their computer literacy skills to access a handwriting website in
order to help them complete a worksheet that practices writing both uppercase and lowercase letters.
Students will use their writing ability to write a list personal interests based on a pre-developed list.
Students will complete a crossword puzzle to practice independent letter formation.
Introduction/Motivation: I will start the lesson by showing a video, which introduces the
letters of the alphabet set to catchy jazz music appropriate for adults. Then, I will show the
students the poster “The English Alphabet” and have students help name each of the pictures on
the poster corresponding to letters. Lastly, I will ask the students why they want to learn to write
the English Alphabet to try to elicit student motivation and goals.
Materials, technology hardware and software to be used for the Introduction: I will use:
 ‘The Jazzy Alphabet Rendition” video found on Learning Links website in the Alphabet
Basics section: Learning Links or
 “The Jazzy Alphabet Rendition” is hosted on YouTube at the following URL:
 “The English Alphabet” Poster
Rationale for using the materials/technology selected: I will use the Jazzy Alphabet
Rendition video as a way to engage students in the topic. This video shown as a link on an
educational website and is age appropriate for adult ESL literacy learners. The poster is
important for this lesson as it provides students with a constant display of the alphabet
throughout this lesson and beyond. The pictures on the poster are intended to engage the students
and help them recognize letters in the context of words.
II. Lesson Development Section
Learning Activity 1: (Knowledge Base) I will start Learning Activity 1 with the “Learning to
Write the English Alphabet” PowerPoint presentation, which introduces the English alphabet,
how to grip a pencil and the basics of writing print letters. Students will have a hardcopy of the
PowerPoint presentation in order to follow along with the teacher and make notes on three of the
slides (students draw circles for letter starting points and directional arrows). Immediately
following the PowerPoint presentation, students will complete Worksheet #1: Tracing Capital
and Lowercase Printed English Letters. The teacher will monitor the students while they work to
help them with the task. The teacher will collect the worksheets after they are complete in order
to provide students with more individualized feedback.
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Materials, technology hardware and software to be used for Learning Activity 1: I will use:
 “Learning to Write the English Alphabet” PowerPoint Presentation and hardcopy for
 Worksheet # 1: Tracing Capital and Lowercase Printed English Letters
 Teacher’s computer, projector and screen for PowerPoint
 Pencils
Rationale for using the materials/technology selected: The PowerPoint presentation is a
technologically engaging platform to present the material, which will give students an
introduction to the lesson. Specifically, PowerPoint is useful for this introduction in that it can
have audio sounds during activities (pencil grip practice) and also provide students will identical
copies in order for them to follow along and make helpful notes (circles and arrows). The
worksheet is essential for the students to practice the pencil grip and writing their letters after the
Summary/Transition to Learning Activity 2: Students will turn in their completed worksheets
and move to computers (preferably there will be 1 person per computer, but may have up to 3
students per computer).
Learning Activity 2: (Guided Applications) The teacher will introduce this task by explaining
the usefulness of the handwriting instructional pages. Either individually or in groups (depending
on computer availability) students will be given 2 website addresses which are handwriting
instructional pages for writing uppercase and lowercase English letters. The teacher will
demonstrate for students how to open the Internet browser and type in the website address.
Students will type each website address into the browser to look at and use each handwriting
instructional webpage. Students will practice navigating the page and using the demo feature on
the website. The teacher will monitor the students closely in order to ensure they have the fullest
support. Then, students will individually complete the handwriting practice worksheet with the
help of the websites. After the worksheet has been completed, students will share with the rest
of the class their experience in using the website to help them complete the handwriting practice
worksheet. They will explain what they liked and did not like about using the website and how it
helped them complete the worksheet.
Handwriting instructional pages include:
Materials, technology hardware and software to be used for Learning Activity 2: I will use
 Handwriting Instructional Webpages: Uppercase
<>, Lowercase
 Worksheet# 2 – Writing Capital and Lowercase Printed English Letters.
 Computers – preferably one for every student and for the teacher to demonstrate
 Projector and screen so that the teacher can show the students how to access and use the
 pencils
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Rationale for using the materials/technology selected: I have specifically decided to have
students use a handwriting website for assistance in this portion of the class because the site will
demonstrate to students how to write each letter through moving graphics. The benefit of an
instructional website is that students can access these websites for further help and practice
outside of the classroom as well as inside of the classroom. Additionally, this gives students
practice not only in the traditional sense of literacy, but also in computer literacy, which is very
important for student growth. The worksheet continues to allow students to practice their pencil
grip and writing the letters, with more independence.
Transition to Learning Activity 3: After the completion of the worksheet and the student
feedback, students will return to their normal seating, but will continue to be able to access the
handwriting websites, if desired during other activities.
Learning Activity 3: (Independent Application) The “English Writing Practice Crossword
Puzzle” and the Worksheet # 3: “Writing Lowercase Printed English Words” will be the main
focus of Learning Activity 3. The students will start by completing the crossword puzzle, which
will be the first time they write letters independent of the guiding lines on the page. Before the
students begin working on the crossword, the teacher will explain how a crossword puzzle
functions. Students are encouraged to help each other on the crossword puzzle. This particular
crossword has been adapted to low-level literacy learners by providing the words for the
students. Then students will work on Worksheet #3. Worksheet # 3 is closely tied to the TESOL
content standards in that students will choose words from a list of interests and write these words
in the indicated lines on the page. Before the activity commences, the teacher and students will
review the list to define each word. This worksheet helps students practice tracing and writing
words for the first time.
Materials, technology hardware and software to be used for Learning Activity 3: I will use:
 Worksheet # 3 “Writing Lowercase Printed English Words”
 “English Writing Practice Crossword Puzzle”
 pencils
Rationale for using the materials/technology selected: Students will have two types of
worksheets to complete, each working on different skills. The crossword puzzle will provide P
& P (pencil and paper) practice for students in writing letters independent of the gridlines.
Worksheet # 3 will begin to introduce students to writing letters in the context of words—a
perfect lead-in for a follow-up lesson and a perfect culmination to this lesson in that students will
have not only written a letter, but a word. This should provide students with the motivation to
know they are progressing and are able to write!
At this stage the objective of the lesson will be achieved.
Lesson Summary/Closure: At the close of the lesson, I will encourage the students to keep
practicing and reemphasize that they not only wrote letters, but they even finished by writing
words. I will encourage students to revisit the websites and continue to learn. I will also
encourage students to visit the source of the handwriting websites at The
Literacy Center Education Network, a registered 501 (c) (3) organization. Additionally, I will
provide students with an additional literacy interactive educational website:
which is a companion site to the Literacy Center Education Network. This website offers many
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free and printable practice worksheets. As a teacher, I will encourage my students to access the
websites and keep practicing!
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