mobile learning bibliography

Ahonen Mikko Project Manager, Hypermedia Laboratory, University of
Tampere, Finland Mobility, Accessibility and Learning
Mlearn 2003 conference on Learning with mobile devices
Anastopoulou, S., C. Barber, et al. (2002). Object Manipulation In Educational
Multimodal Systems for Contextual Learning. Proceedings of the European
Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning, The University of Birmingham,
England, The University of Birmingham, England.
Anteboth, M., M. Tangermann, et al. (2002). Organizing Mobile Teaching.
Proceedings of the European Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning,
The University of Birmingham, England, The University of Birmingham,
Attewell, J. (2002). Mobile Communications Technologies for Young Adult
Learning and Skills Development (m-learning) IST-2000-25270. Proceedings
of the Europeain Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning, The
University of Birmingham, England, The University of Birmingham, England.
Attewell Jill and Carol Savill-Smith, Learning and Skills Development Agency,
UK m-Learning and Social Inclusion - Focusing on the Learners and Learning
Mlearn 2003 conference on Learning with mobile devices
Avellis Gianna, Antonio Scaramuzzi and Anthony Finkelstein, Technopolis
Csata, Italy and University College London, UK Evaluating Non Functional
Requirements in Mobile Learning Contents and Multimedia Educational
Software Proceedings of 2003 conference on Mobile Learning:Reaching the
parts the others don’t reach. University of Wolverhampton, UK
Avellis Gianna, Antonio Scaramuzzi and Anthony Finkelstein, Technopolis
Csata, Italy and University College London, UK Evaluating Non Functional
Requirements in Mobile Learning Contents and Multimedia Educational
Software Mlearn 2003 conference on Learning with mobile devices
Baber, C., D. J. Haniff, et al. (1999). "Contrasting paradigms for the
development of wearable computers." IBM Systems Journal 38: 551-565.
Baber, C., T. Harris, et al. (1999). Demonstrating the concept of physical
hyperspace for an art gallery. , Interact'99, Swindon, British Computer
Bates, A. W. (1994). Educational Multimedia in a Networked Society.
Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA World
Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia.
BBC (2000). Mobile phones: Child's play?, British
Broadcasting Company Ltd.
Beale, R. (2002). Evaluating m-Learning. Proceedings of the European
Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning, The University of Birmingham,
England, The University of Birmingham, England.
Becta (2003). What the research says about portable ICT devices in learning
and teaching.
BECTA (2003) Expert Technology Seminar: Portable and mobile information
devices. 18 June 2003
BECTA (2001) Expert Technology Seminar: Handheld Technologies for Education.
26 June 2001
Bentley, T. (1998). Learning Beyond the Classroom: Education for a
Changing World. London, Routledge.
Beyer, H. and K. Holtzblatt (1998). Contextual Design: Defining CustomerCentred Systems. San Francisco, California, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
Bormida, G. Da., P. Lefrere, et al. (2002). The MOBILearn Project: Exploring
New Ways to Use Mobile Environments and Devices to Meet the Needs of
Learners, Working by Themselves and With Others. Proceedings of the
European Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning, The University of
Birmingham, England
Eva Brandt, Per-Anders Hillgren and Erling Bjarki Björgvinsson, Interactive
Institute, Sweden, and Malmö University, Sweden Self-Produced Video to
Augment Peer-to-Peer Learning Mlearn 2003 conference on Learning with
mobile devices
Brockbank, A. and I. McGill (1998). Facilitating Reflective Learning in Higher
Education. Buckingham, Society for Research into Higher Education and
Open University Press.
Brown, J. S., R. R. Burton, et al. (1975). "Sophie: A Step Towards a Reactive
Learning Environment." International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 7: 675696.
Brown, J. S., A. Collins, et al. (1989). "Situated cognition and the culture of
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Brown A, C. J. (1996). "Psychological theory and design of innovative learning
enviromenments: On procedures, Principles and Systems." Innovations in
Learning: New Environments for Education: 289-325.
Bull, S., Cui, Y., McEvoy, A.T., Reid, E., Yang, W., & Sharples, M. A Selection of
Mobile Learner Models. WMTE 2003 Conference, Taiwan.
Susan Bull and Eileen Reid, University of Birmingham, UK Individualised
Revision Material for Use on a Handheld Computer Mlearn 2003 conference
on Learning with mobile devices
Butler, M. (2002). Wireless Networks Case Study: Djanogly City Technology
College Nottingham. Proceedings of the European Workshop on Mobile and
Contextual Learning, The University of Birmingham, England, The University
of Birmingham, England.
Buzan, T. (1989). Use Your Head. London, BBC Books.
Champion, E. (2002). Evoking Cultural Presence in Virtual Places:
Engagement in Virtual Heritage Invironments with Inbuilt Interactive
Evaluation Meachanisms.
Cheverst, K., N. Davies, et al. (2000). Developing a context-aware electronic
tourist guide: some issues and experiences. CHI'2000, New York, ACM.
Chih-Yung Chang, Jang-Ping Sheu: Design and Implementation of Ad Hoc
Classroom and eSchoolbag Systems for Ubiquitous Learning. 8-14 Proceedings IEEE
International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2002,
Växjö, Sweden
Yuh-Shyan Chen, Tai-Chien Kao, Jang-Ping Sheu, Chao-Yu Chiang: A Mobile
Scaffolding-Aid-Based Bird-Watching Learning System. 15-22 Proceedings IEEE
International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2002,
Växjö, Sweden
Cho, H., Stefanone, M., Gay, G. (January 2002)Social Information Sharing In a CSCL
Community. . Proceedings of the 2002 CSCL
Michael Curtis, Kathleen Luchini, William Bobrowsky, Chris Quintana, Elliot
Soloway: Handheld Use in K-12: A Descriptive Account. 23-30 Proceedings
IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in
Education, 2002, Växjö, Sweden
Collett, M. and G. Stead (2002). Meeting the Challenge: Producing MLearning Materials for Young Adults with Numeracy and Literacy Needs.
Proceedings of the European Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning,
The University of Birmingham, England, The University of Birmingham,
Jo Colley, Cambridge Training and Development, UK Take a bite: Producing
Accessible Learning Materials for Mobile Devices Proceedings of 2003
conference on Mobile Learning:Reaching the parts the others don’t reach.
University of Wolverhampton, UK
Martyn Colliver, Warwick School Teaching Programming – A Dog’s Life
Proceedings of 2003 conference on Mobile Learning:Reaching the parts the
others don’t reach. University of Wolverhampton, UK
Corlett, D. (2000). Innovating with OVID. Interactions. 7: 19-26.
Cox, R. (1999). "Representation construction, externalised cognition and
individual differences." Learning and Instruction 9: 343-363.
Karin Danielsson, Ulf Hedestig, Maria Juslin and Carl Johan Orre, Umeå
University, Sweden Using Participatory Design in Development of Mobile
Learning Environments
Mlearn 2003 conference on Learning with mobile devices
Darke, J. (1978). The primary generator and the design process. New
Directions in Environmental Design Research, Proceedings of EDRA, 9. W. E.
Rogers and W. H. Ittelson. Washington, EDRA.
Sarah M. Davis: Research to Industry: Four Years of Observations in Classrooms
Using a Network of Handheld Devices. 31-38 Proceedings IEEE International
Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2002, Växjö, Sweden
Chris DiGiano, Louise Yarnall, Charles Patton, Jeremy Roschelle, Deborah G.
Tatar, Matt Manley: Collaboration Design Patterns: Conceptual Tools for
Planning for The Wireless Classroom. 39-47 Proceedings IEEE International
Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2002, Växjö,
Peter Dawabi, Martin Wessner and Erich Neuhold, Fraunhofer
IntegratedPublication and Information Systems Institute, Germany Using
Mobile Devices for the Classroom of the Future Mlearn 2003 conference on
Learning with mobile devices
Desmoulins, C. and D. Mille (2002). Pattern-Based Annotations on E-books:
From Personal to Shared Didactic Content. IEEE International Workshop on
Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, Vaxjo, Sweden, The Printing
House of the IEEE Computer Society & IEEE.
Cyrille Desmoulins, Dominique Mille: Pattern-Based Annotations on E-Books: From
Personal to Shared Didactic Content. Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on
Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2002, Växjö, Sweden 82-85
Monica Divitini, Ove Kristian Haugalokken, Per-Arne Norevik: Improving
Communication through Mobile Technologies: Which Possibilities?
Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile
Technologies in Education, 2002, Växjö, Sweden 86-90
Divitini, M., O. K. Haugalokken, et al. (2002). Improving communication
through mobile technologies: Which possibilities? IEEE International
Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, Vaxjo,
Sweden, The Printing House of the IEEE Computer Society & IEEE.
Druin, A., J. Stewart, et al. (1997). KidPad: A Design Collaboration Between
Children, Technologists, and Educators. Proceedings of CHI 97. Atlanta,
Georgia, ACM/Addison-Wesley: 463-470.
M D Dunlop and S A Brewster (Editors),(2001) MOBILE HCI01 Proceedings
of Mobile HCI 2001: Third International Workshop on Human Computer
Interaction with Mobile Devices, IHM-HCI 2001 Lille, France, September
2001. Draft Proceedings:
Engeström, Y. (1987). Learning by expanding: An activity-theoretical
approach to developmental research. Helsinki, Orienta-Konsultit.
Eraut, M. (1994). Developing Professional Knowledge and Competence.
London, Falmer Press.
Farias, A. and T. N. Arvanitis (1997). "Building software agents for training
systems: a case study on radiotherapy treatment planning." KnowledgeBased Systems(10): 161-168.
M. Farmer and B. Taylor (2002). A Creative Learning Environment (CLE) for
Anywhere Anytime Learning. Proceedings of the Europeain Workshop on
Mobile and Contextual Learning, The University of Birmingham, England, The
University of Birmingham, England.
Umer Farooq, Wendy Schafer, Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll:
M-Education: Bridging the Gap of Mobile and Desktop Computing.
Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile
Technologies in Education, 2002, Växjö, Sweden 91-94
Farooq, U., W. Schafer, et al. (2002). M-Education: Bridging the Gap of
Mobile and Desktop Computing. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless
and Mobile Technologies in Education, Vaxjo, Sweden, The Printing House of
the IEEE Computer Society & IEEE.
Feiner, S., B. MacIntyre, et al. (1993). A touring machine: prototyping 3D
mobile augmented reality systems for exploring the urban environment. Digest
of Papers of the First International Symposium on Wearable Computers. Los
Alamitos, CA, IEEE Computer Society: 74-81.
Fischer, G. and E. Scharff (1998). "Learning Technologies in Support of SelfDirected Learning." Journal of Interactive Media in Education 98(4).
Gay, G., Spinazze, A. and Stefanone, M. (November 2002). Handscape: Exploring
potential use scenarios for mobile computing in museums. Cultivate Interactive, issue
8, 15.
Hans Enger Gallis & Jarle Petter Kasbo Walking away from the PDA
Garner, I., J. Francis, et al. (2002). An Evaluation fo the Implementation of a
Short Messaging System (SMS) to Support Undergraduate Students.
Proceedings of the European Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning,
The University of Birmingham, England
Giasemi N. Vavoula, M. S. (2002). KLeOS: A personal, mobile Knowledge
and Learning Organisation System. IEEE International Workshop on Wireless
and Mobile Technologies in Education, Vaxjo, Sweden, The Printing House of
the IEEE Computer Society & IEEE.
Giasemi N. Vavoula, M. S. (2002). Requirements for the Design of Lifelong
Learning Organisers. Proceedings of the European Workshop on Mobile and
Contextual Learning, The University of Birmingham, England
Philip Glew, Giasemi N Vavoula, Chris Baber and Mike Sharples,
University of Birmingham, UK A Learning Space Model to Examine the
Suitability for Learning of MobileTechnologies Mlearn 2003 conference on
Learning with mobile devices
Goman, H., Laru, J. (2003). Langattomat päätelaitteet hajautetun
asiantuntijuuden ja yhteisöllisen tiedonrakentelun tukena. University of Oulu.
Published in working paper serie: Työpapereita 1/2003. NATURPOLIS
Kuusamo, Koulutus- ja kehittämispalvelut, Kuusamo.
Martin Good, Chairman, Cambridge Training and Development Limited, UK
The M-edium the M-essage, the P-rocess and the B-lend. Mlearn 2003
conference on Learning with mobile devices
Paul Graham, North Tyneside College, UK A Wireless and Adaptive
Navigation Site to Educate ICT College Students Mlearn 2003 conference on
Learning with mobile devices
Hardless, C.; Lundin, J.; Nulden, U.(2001) Mobile competence development for
nomads; System Sciences, 2001. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Hawaii
International Conference on , 2001,Page(s): 373 -381
Hardless, Lundin, Lööf, Nilsson, Nuldén. (2000) Mobilearn. Education for
mobile peopleDoing IT together (IRIS)(2000).
Harris, Paul (2001) Going Mobile. Learning Circuits
Harrison, C. e. a. (1998). The Multimedia Portables for Teachers Evaluation.
Coventry, NCET/BECTA.
Harrison, R. (2002). Wireless Learning with eClass2go. Proceedings of the
European Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning, The University of
Birmingham, England
Bob Harrison, Toshiba Information Systems UK Ltd, and representatives from
Arnewood and Leigh Schools Using Portable Technology in UK Schools for
Teaching and Learning Mlearn 2003 conference on Learning with mobile
John Hayes, University of Derby, UK Knowledge Management within MLearning Environments Mlearn 2003 conference on Learning with mobile
Nick Hine, Marus Specht and Rosaleen Rentoul, University of Dundee, UK
Collaboration and Roles in Remote Field Trips Mlearn 2003 conference on
Learning with mobile devices
Holme, O. and M. Sharples (2002). Implementing a Student Learning
Organiser on the Pocket PC Platform. Proceedings of the European
Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning, The University of Birmingham,
Hoppe, H.U., Joiner, R., Milrad, M and Sharples, M. (2003) Guest editorial: Wireless
and Mobile Technology In Education, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 19, 3,
pp. 255-259.
Sherry Hsi: The Electronic Guidebook: A Study of User Experiences Using Mobile
Web Content in a Museum Setting. 48-54 Proceedings IEEE International Workshop
on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2002, Växjö, Sweden.
Sherry Hsi Supporting Integrated Science Learning with Pocket Computers. CILT /
Sherry Hsi Bridging Web-based Science with Outdoor Inquiry using Palm
Computers. d.pdf
IEEE (2003) The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning
Technologies (ICALT'03) July 09 - 11, 2003 Athens, Greece
IEEE (2002) The First IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile
Technologies in Education (WMTE 2002)
Inkpen, K. M. (2000). "Designing Handheld Technologies for Kids." Personal
Technologies 3(1&2): 81-89.
Inspiration Software Inc. (2001). Inspiration: visual thinking and learning
Jarvis, P., J. Holford, et al. (1998). The Theory and Practice of Learning.
London, Kogan Page.
Johnston, A. N., N. Rushby, et al. (2000). "An assistant for crew performance
assessment." International Journal of Aviation Psychology 10(1): 99-108.
Vaida Kadyte, Abo Akademi University, Finland Learning Can Happen
Anywhere: A Mobile System for Language Learning Proceedings of 2003
conference on Mobile Learning:Reaching the parts the others don’t reach.
University of Wolverhampton, UK
Maria Kambouri, Siobhan Thomas and Gareth Schott, Institute of Education,
University of London, UK Designing for Learning or Designing for Fun?
Setting Usability Guidelines for Mobile Educational Games Mlearn 2003
conference on Learning with mobile devices
Karmiloff-Smith, A. (1992). Beyond Modularity: A Developmental Perspective
on Cognitive Science. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press.
Kay, A. and A. Goldberg (1977). "Personal Dynamic Media." IEEE Computer
10(3): 31-41.
Terry Keefe, University for Industry, UK Mobile Learning as a Tool for
Inclusive Lifelong Learning Mlearn 2003 conference on Learning with mobile
Desmond Keegan (2002)The future of learning: From elearning to mLearning. ZiffPapiere 119. Nov.2002. Available in pdf-format:
Lilian Kennedy and David Sugden, Thomas Danby College and Dewsbury
College, UK Text Messaging in Practice Mlearn 2003 conference on Learning
with mobile devices
Harri Ketamo: xTask - Adaptable Working Environment. 55-62 Proceedings
IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in
Education, 2002, Växjö, Sweden
Klopfer, E., K. Squire, et al. (2002). Invironmental Detectives: PDAs as a
Window into a Virtual Simulated World. IEEE International Workshop on
Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, Vaxjo, Sweden, The Printing
House of the IEEE Computer Society & IEEE.
Eric Klopfer, Kurt Squire, Henry Jenkins: Environmental Detectives: PDAs as a
Window into a Virtual Simulated World. Proceedings IEEE International Workshop
on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2002, Växjö, Sweden 95-98
Klopfer Eric, W. E. (2002). "The Impact of Distributed and Ubiquitous
Computational Devices on the Collaborative Learning Environment."
Proceedings of CSL 2002, Boulder, Colarado, USA, January 7 - 11, 2002.
Roger Kneebone, Imperial College London PDAs as Part of Learning Portfolio
Proceedings of 2003 conference on Mobile Learning:Reaching the parts the
others don’t reach. University of Wolverhampton, UK
Fusako Kusunoki, Masanori Sugimoto, Hiromichi Hashizume: Toward an
Interactive Museum Guide System with Sensing and Wireless Network
Technologies. Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and
Mobile Technologies in Education, 2002, Växjö, Sweden 99-102
Kynaslahti, H.; Sariola, J.; Seppala, P.(2002) Mobile learning in personnel
training of university teachers Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education,
2002. Proceedings. IEEE International Workshop on , 2002 Page(s): 136 -139
Knut Lundby, O. S., Anniken Larsen, Annita Fjuk (2002). "Networked PDA's in
a Community of Learners." Proceedings of CSL 2002, Boulder, Colarado,
USA, January 7 - 11, 2002: 548, 550.
Kolb, D. (1984). Experiential Learning. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
Prentice Hall.
Koppi, T. (2002). Authentic Contextual Lifelong Learning Design. Proceedings
of the European Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning, The
University of Birmingham, England, The University of Birmingham, England.
Kossen, J. (2001) "When e-learning becomes m-learning" Palmpower Magazine.)
Kristoffersen, S. & Ljungberg, F Representing Modalities in Mobile Computing: A
Model of IT-use in Mobile Settings.
Kakihara, M., Sørensen , C., (2001), Mobility Reconsidered: Topological Aspects of
Interaction, in Proceedings of IRIS24, Ulvik, Norway, Aug 2001.
Kukulska-Hulme, A. (2002). Cognitive, Ergonomic and Affective Aspects for
PDA Use for Learning. Proceedings of the European Workshop on Mobile and
Contextual Learning, The University of Birmingham, England, The University
of Birmingham, England.
Kusunoki, F., M. Sugimoto, et al. (2002). Toward an Interactive Museum
Guide System with Sensing and Wireless Network Technologies. IEEE
International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education,
Vaxjo, Sweden, The Printing House of the IEEE Computer Society & IEEE.
Laru, J., Järvelä, S. (2003) Applying Wireless Technology For Coordinating
Collaboration In Distributed University Teachers' Team CSCL2003
Conference. Bergen, Norway. Published in Wasson, B., Baggetun, R., Hoppe,
U., & Ludvigsen, S. (2003) International Conference on Computer Supported
Collaborative Learning CSCL2003 COMMUNITY EVENTS Communication
and Interaction. Intermedia, University of Bergen.
Laurillard, D. (1993). Rethinking university teaching: A framework for the
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Lehner, F., Nösekabel, H., Lehmann, H. Wireless E-Learning and
Communication Environment - WELCOME at the University of Regensburg.
Franz Lehner, Holger Nösekabel: The Role of Mobile Devices in E-Learning First Experiences with a Wireless E-Learning Environment. Proceedings IEEE
International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education,
2002, Växjö, Sweden 103-106
Lindroth, T., (2002), Action, place and nomadic behavior -A study towards enhanced
Situated Computing, in proceedings of IRIS25, Copenhagen, Denmark, Aug 2002.
Lindroth, T., Nilsson , S., Rasmussen, P., (2001), Mobile Usability - Rigour
meets relevance when usability goes mobile, in proceedings of IRIS24, Ulvik,
Norway, Aug 2001.
Luchini Kathleen, e. a. (2002). Using Handhelds to Support Collaborative
Learning. Proceedings of CSL 2002, Boulder, Colarado, USA, January 7 - 11,
Kathleen Luchini, William Bobrowsky, Michael Curtis, Chris Quintana, Elliot
Soloway: Supporting Learning in Context: Extending Learner-Centered
Design to the Development of Handheld Educational Software. Proceedings
IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in
Education, 2002, Växjö, Sweden 107-111
Luckin, R., D. Connoly, et al. (2002). The Young Ones: The Implications of
Media Convergence for Mobile Learning with Infants. Proceedings of the
European Workshop on Mobile and Contextual Learning, The University of
Birmingham, England
Peter Lonsdale, Chris Baber and Mike Sharples, University of Birmingham,
UK A Context Awareness Architecture for Facilitating Mobile Learning. Mlearn
2003 conference on Learning with mobile devices
Rose Luckin, Diane Brewster, Darren Pearce, Richard Siddons-Corby and
Benedict du Boulay, University of Sussex, UK SMILE: The Creation of Space
for Interaction Through Blended Digital Technology Proceedings of 2003
conference on Mobile Learning:Reaching the parts the others don’t reach.
University of Wolverhampton, UK
Tzu-Chien Liu, Hsue-Yie Wang, Jen-Kai Liang, Tak-Wai Chan, Jie-Chi Yang:
Applying Wireless Technologies to Build a Highly Interactive Learning Environment.
Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in
Education, 2002, Växjö, Sweden 63-70
Lundin J.& Nulden U.(2003) Mobile Scenarios: Supporting Collaborative Learning
Among Mobile Workers. (fortcoming 2003). Educating Managers with Tomorrow's
Technologies. Editors Wankel C. & DeFillippi R., Information Age Press, Greenwich,
Lundin, J.; Magnusson, M.(2002) Walking & talking - sharing best practice Wireless
and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2002. Proceedings. IEEE International
Workshop on , 2002Page(s): 71 -79
Wolf Luecker and Chris Ash, Ash Luecker Ltd, UK GCSE Revision with
Mobile Phones - Developing a Java-Based Quiz Game Mlearn 2003
conference on Learning with mobile devices
Malliou, E., S. Stavros, et al. (2002). The AD-HOC Project: eLearning
Anywhere, Anytime. Proceedings of the Europeain Workshop on Mobile and
Contextual Learning, The University of Birmingham, England, The University
of Birmingham, England.
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McCalla, G. I., J. E. Greer, et al. (1997). A peer help system for workplace
training. Artificial Intelligence in Education. B. du Boulay and R. Mizoguchi.
Amsterdam, IOS Press: 183 - 190.
María Cruz Mayorga-Toledano and Antonio Fernández-Morales, University of
Málaga, Spain Learning Tools for Java Enabled Phones. An Application to
Actuarial Studies Mlearn 2003 conference on Learning with mobile devices
Metcalf, S. J., & Tinker, R. (2003) TEEMSS: Technology Enhanced Elementary and
Middle School Science, Annual Meeting of the National Association for Research in
Science Teaching, March 23-26, 2003, Philadelphia
Musex: A system for supporting children's learning in a museum with PDAs
Louise Mifsud, Agder University College, Norway
Learning "2go": Making Reality of the Scenarios? Mlearn 2003 conference on
Learning with mobile devices
Louise Mifsud: Alternative Learning Arenas - Pedagogical Challenges to Mobile
Learning Technology in Education. Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on
Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education, 2002, Växjö, Sweden 112-116
Marcelo Milrad, Juan Perez, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe: C-Notes: Designing a
Mobile and Wireless Application to Support Collaborative Knowledge Building.
Proceedings IEEE International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile
Technologies in Education, 2002, Växjö, Sweden 117-120
Marcelo Milrad, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Kinshuk (Eds.): Proceedings IEEE
International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education,
August 29-30, 2002, Växjö, Sweden. IEEE Computer Society 2002, ISBN 07695-1706-4
Mitchell, A. (2002). Developing a Prototype Microportal for M-Learning: a
Social-Constructivist Approach. Proceedings of the European Workshop on
Mobile and Contextual Learning, The University of Birmingham, England
Alice Mitchell and Kris Popat, Ultralab, Anglia Polytechnic University, UK
Exploring the Potential of a Game Implementation for m-Portal Mlearn 2003
conference on Learning with mobile devices
Alice Mitchell, Translating Mobile Technologies into Learning Technologies:
creating a microportal layer for the m-Learning project Alice Mitchell, Ultralab, for
Online Educa Berlin, 28 November 2002
Alice Mitchell, New learning ecologies Promoting learning in the digital age – a
holistic perspective ULTRALAB RIBA HEDQF Conference: New Learning
Environments, London, 24 October, 2002
Alice Mitchell/Kris Popat, Ultralab M-portal - Interface Issues
Proceedings of 2003 conference on Mobile Learning:Reaching the parts the
others don’t reach. University of Wolverhampton, UK
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MLEARN 2002: European workshop on mobile and contextual learning. June 20th
and 21st, University of Birmingham, UK
MLEARN 2003: The second European conference on learning with mobile devices MLEARN 2003. 19-20 May 2003. Abstacts are available in PDF-format:
MOBILE HCI02 Fourth International Symposium on Human Computer Interaction
with Mobile Devices 18-20 September 2002, Pisa (Italy)
MOBILE HCI03 Fifth International Symposium on Human Computer Interaction
with Mobile Devices and Services. September 8-11, 2003, Udine (Italy)
Mobile Learning - Reaching the Parts that Others Dont Reach University of
Wolverhampton, Telford Campus 23rd June 2003
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Hamish Norbrook and Paul Scott, BBC English, UK Motivation in Mobile
Modern Foreign Language Learning Proceedings of 2003 conference on
Mobile Learning:Reaching the parts the others don’t reach. University of
Wolverhampton, UK
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Chris Noessel, Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy Mobile Learning as a
Service Offering with Near-Term Technologies Mlearn 2003 conference on
Learning with mobile devices
Kristóf Nyíri: Towards a Philosophy of M-Learning. Proceedings IEEE
International Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education,
2002, Växjö, Sweden 121-124
Masaya Okada, Akimichi Yamada, Hiroyuki Tarumi, Mizuki Yoshida, and Kazuyuki
Moriya: "DigitalEE II: RV-Augmented Interface Design for Networked Collaborative
Environmental Learning", Designing for Change in Networked Learning
Environment, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Support for
Collaborative Learning 2003, B. Wasson, S. Ludvigsen, and U. Hoppe (eds.), pp. 265
- 274, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003. Available in pdf-format:
O'Malley, C. and D. Stanton (2002). Tangible Technologies for Collaborative
Storytelling. Proceedings of the European Workshop on Mobile and
Contextual Learning, The University of Birmingham, England
Oosterholt, R., M. Kusano, et al. (1996). Interaction design and human factors
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Pascoe, J., D. Morse, et al. (1998). "Developing personal technology for the
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