Spanish - Ventura Community School District

Ventura Community Schools
Spanish Standards and Benchmarks
1. COMMUNICATION--Students communicate in languages other than
1.1. (6-12) Students engage in conversations, provide and offer information, express feelings
and emotions, and exchange opinions
1.1.1. (7th and 8th, Spanish 1) Students express feelings, describe weather, tell day, date
and month on calendar. Uses vocabulary, to share about family members, their
house and likes and dislikes with food, animals, classes, and sports.
1.1.2. (Spanish 2) Students learn vocabulary for visiting a doctor. They can express
physical symptoms. Students can converse about movies, museums, cultural
events, and dating customs. They will provide information about their daily
routines and what they do for themselves. Students will converse about traveling
by plane or train--purchasing tickets. Engage in conversations about visiting and
ordering in restaurant
1.2. (6-12) Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of
1.2.1. (?) Students will learn numbers 1-31, colors, family, food, weather,
1.2.2. (8th grade) Students will learn numbers 1-100, review colors, family, food,
animals, transportation
1.2.3. (Spanish 1) Students will learn greetings, numbers 1-1000, school supplies,
clothing, transportation, food--cafeteria, family members, the home, and sports
1.2.4. (Spanish 2) Visiting the doctor, describing activities to do in the summer and
winter, cultural diversions, traveling on a plane, describing daily activities,
traveling on a train, in the restaurant
1.3. (6-8) Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or
readers on a variety of topics
1.3.1. (7th grade) Daily the students will describe the weather, describe their family, the
types of food they like or don't like
1.3.2. (8th grade) Students will research and present information on a Spanish speaking
1.4. (9-12) Exchanges information about general events.
1.4.1. (Sp. 1) Uses vocabulary to tell the date and time; telling time and dates.
1.4.2. (Sp. 1) Uses vocabulary for school activities; talking about school and classes.
1.5. (9-12) Uses appropriate vocabulary, gestures, and expressions for greetings,
introductions, leave takings, and other common or familiar interactions.
1.5.1. (Sp. 1) Uses formal/informal language in appropriate places; learns formal and
informal way to address different people.
1.5.2. (Sp. 3) Uses vocabulary to describe health and talk about going to the doctor
1.6. (9-12) Expresses likes and dislikes in everyday situations.
1.6.1. (Sp. 1) Uses family vocabulary; talking about family members.
1.6.2. (Sp. 2) Uses food vocabulary to share likes and dislikes.
2. CULTURES-Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures.
2.1. (K-12) Understands the basic ideas of oral messages based on simple or familiar topics
at their developmental level.
2.1.1. (All) Watches video segments, movies, and listens to songs at appropriate level.
2.2. (6-8) Understands the significant details in proficiency appropriate newspaper and a
magazine articles.
2.2.1. (All) Interprets and uses activities from magazines like uqe talk? and others.
2.3. (6-8)Understand the principal message in proficiency appropriate illustrated texts.
2.3.1. (All) Interprets cartoons form newspapers and magazines.
2.3.2. (Sp. 4) Interprets cartoon readers like Don Quijote.
2.4. (6-12) Understands short conversations between people on familiar topics.
2.4.1. (All) Understands taped or listening CD activities with the book units.
2.5. (6-12) Understands brief written messages and personal notes on familiar topics.
2.5.1. (All) Understands each lesson opener.
2.6. (6-12) Identifies people and objects in the environment based on oral and written
2.6.1. (All) Interprets descriptions of different objects and people.
3. CONNECTIONS-Connect with other disciplines and acquire information.
3.1. (9-12) Presents information in Spanish on topics of shared personal interest in daily life
at home or school.
3.1.1. (Sp. 2) Talks about movies, actors, parties.
3.1.2. (Sp. 3) Uses food vocabulary and commands (cooking show).
3.1.3. (Sp. 3) Uses reflexive verbs in correct form (reflexive verbs/daily routine video).
3.1.4. (Sp. 3 & Sp. 4) Uses current events to share in the class.
3.2. (9-12) Makes presentations in Spanish that are developmentally appropriate.
3.2.1. (Sp. 1) Uses correct verbs with different types of weather (weather reports).
3.2.2. (Sp. 2) Uses comparisons and superlatives.
3.2.3. (Sp. 3) Effectively communicates injuries and personal information (going to the
3.3. (9-12) Writes notes or short letters to peers on topics of shared personal interest
including everyday events and activities in home and school.
3.3.1. (Sp. 1) Uses greetings and closings correctly-family album postcard.
3.3.2. (Sp. 2) Demonstrates the use of correct forms--preterit journal.
3.3.3. (Sp. 4) Communicates about books they have read--journal entries.
3.4. (9-12) Summarizes the plot and provides brief descriptions of characters in slected
poems, short stories, or folk tales.
3.4.1. (Sp. 4) Uses adjectives to describe characters--Don Quijote and others.
4. COMPARISONS-Develop insight into the nature of language and culture.
4.1. (6-8) Knows words that have been borrowed from one language to another and how
these word borrowings may have developed.
4.1.1. (8) Is aware of what a cognate is and can recognize many cognates.
4.2. (6-8) Knows the basic elements of the sound system of the target language.
4.2.1. (7) Is able to use correct pronunciation with letters (alphabet song).
4.3. (6-8) Knows basic cultural beliefs, traditions, and celebrations of people in the taget
4.3.1. (7) Is aware of the differences between celebrations in America and in the target
cultures--for example, Mexican Independence Day, Day of the Dead vs.
Halloween; Christmas; New Year's.
4.3.2. (8) Is aware of the differences between holidays or traditions in America and in
target cultures--for example, Cinco de Mayo, Dia de San Valentin, some aspects
of bullfighting.
4.4. (9-12) Knows simple patterns of behavior and interaction in various settings in the
target culture and how these patterens compare to those in one's native culture.
4.4.1. (Sp. 1) Demonstrates correct mannerism--greetings, restaurant orders.
4.4.2. (Sp. 1) Is aware of differences in school systems.
4.5. (9-12) Knows basic cultural beliefs and perspectives of people in both native and target
cultures realting to family, school, work, and play.
4.5.1. (All) Is aware of a variety of holidays in Spanish-speaking countries.
4.5.2. (All) Is aware of the importance of family.
4.6. (9-12) Knows and recognizes patterens of behavior or interaction typical of one's age
group in various settings in the target culture.
4.6.1. (Sp. 2) Is aware of differences in dating.
4.6.2. (Sp. 2) Is aware of clothing and fashion differences.
5. COMMUNITIES-Participates in multilingual communities at home and
around world.
5.1. (9-12) Knows various linguistic elements of Spanish and how these elements compare to
linguistic elements in English.
5.1.1. (Sp. 1) Can identify and use subject pronouns/nouns.
5.1.2. (Sp. 2) Uses comparisons and superlatives.
5.1.3. (Sp. 2) Identifies and uses direct and indirect object pronouns.
5.1.4. (All) Identifies and conjugates appropriate verb tenses.
5.2. (9-12) Understands that an idea may be expressed in multiple ways in Spanish.
5.2.1. (All) Uses circumlocution in journal writing and presentations.
5.3. (9-12) Know the basic elements of the sound and writing systmes of Spanish and how
these elements differ from the same elements of English.
5.3.1. (Sp. 1) Identifies the differences in the alphabet.
5.3.2. (All) Uses correct pronunciation.
5.4. (9-12) Uses various media from Spanish-speaking culture.
5.4.1. (All) Uses Internet to find information related to chapter activities.
5.4.2. (Sp. 3 and Sp. 4) Uses authentic magazine and newspaper articles at an
appropriate level.
5.5. (9-12) Uses a Spansih dictionary for thesaurus to select the appropriate words for
preparing written and oral reports
5.5.1. (All) Effectively uses a dictionary or thesaurus to find appropriate words/ for
uses in reports on level-appropriate topics.